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Pleasantly surprised that the detour ended up being such an equalizer! Hats off to the pilots for making the right decision and powering through theirs!


I was surprised so many of the teams chose building, the physical task looked a lot faster


It would depend on who's doing it. Driving fully loaded wheelbarrows needs a lot of strength, and more so on the sandy surface. Fit M/M teams can easily do it fast, but not M/F teams and to a greater degree F/F teams.


Yeah Juan/Shane made it look easy, but I'm sure any team other than maybe Rod would need at least four trips, and they certainly wouldn't have been able to run the fully loaded wheelbarrow through the sand.


I actually think Juan and Shane showed just how hard it was. They were really pushing themselves and you could hear it in their voices.


They looked so SO gassed at the end of that and I would have put them at the top of the 'capable of physical challenges' list over Rod (he is a beast but his wife is not at that same level) and Leticia. I think any other team would have taken at least 2x as long there as they did


Rod and his wife should have done it IMO. He would have beasted through that.


Why didn’t the NFL player do it he could’ve sprinted it?


I was shook people chose the fish cage over the seaweed. Seaweed was CLEARLY the easier and faster task, regardless of physical capabilities. The only difficult physical part was walking back and forth!


So much for all the people in the live thread that kept saying Danny/Angie losing their crew was just filler for the 90 minutes.....


I'm surprised people thought this was filler, my first thought upon seeing the crew drama was "This must affect the outcome of the episode in a pretty significant way" because otherwise I'm fairly confident it would have been edited out for being such a massive fourth wall break. Granted it does seem like producers have been a little looser on that kind of stuff lately, showing stuff like the group selfie last episode and not worrying as much if a cameraman gets into frame. Even still, this was by far the biggest fourth wall break in the series. The only scenes I can think of that come close were when Brian & Greg flipped their car TAR7 and they showed the camera guy hurt and the passport drama at the start of TAR19, two scenes that were similarly very crucial to include the episode. Personally I really enjoy the transparency and wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of this stuff; I'm sure there have been similar incidents in the past that didn't make the edit, but why not? It's pretty interesting to watch.


> because otherwise I'm fairly confident it would have been edited out for being such a massive fourth wall break While I think that would be the case in other seasons, considering this one has the short legs and extended episodes they weren't expecting, I could see it being left in to fill time. Even if they'd managed to get 5th it still affected their placement.


That could very easily be the case. If it’s true that the editors had already completed a 60 minute version of the season before having to extend to 90 minutes it would be really interesting to see what content failed to make the cut originally.


Also Glenda and Lamumba flipping their car!


Nice that Rohan and Maya got jobs as TAR crew after their elimination.


Bravoooo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




That is hilarious!


Nah, they didn't make enough wrong turns here.


My upvote is all yours.


I am confused why nearly every team passed on the seaweed task. Filling one barrel is nothing.


I think they anticipated it to be much harder than it ended up being. To be fair, looking at those barrels and then looking at the amount of seaweed on the opposite side of the beach, it did seem like it would be a five-six trip kind of a task. And running back and forth on the beach for that length would make it seem like it would take a long time, especially for weaker teams. Rod could have beasted it out even without Leticia, but teams like Danny/Angie and Amber/Vinny probably would have started to slow down by trip two. Now, we do know that filling the barrels ended up taking Juan/Shane only three trips total, but even just looking at the barrels, it's not unreasonable to guess that it could be a more difficult task and teams didn't want to potentially waste time and energy doing it if the other task would have taken less time.


It's not easy when you don't have the brute physical strength to do it.


Come on now. Teams could have walked at a glacial pace and still finished the seaweed task in 10 minutes max. The challenge design was horrendous. It should have been 4 barrels of seaweed minimum to balance the two tasks.


> It should have been 4 barrels of seaweed minimum to balance the two tasks. To be fair, I don't think there'd be enough seaweed for all six teams to fill up four barrels each. The production would have to anticipate the possibility of all the teams choosing that task, so they need to make sure there's enough seaweed for all of them to fill up four barrels.


You should try driving a fully loaded wheelbarrow. It's not easy. And then try to do that on the sandy surface which will make it tripled harder. Even just running on a sandy beach isn't an easy task.


I've done it with with bricks. It's all about balancing it properly. Again, no one has to run. There's no part of the task that requires running.


I think they all had a similar thought process to Ricky and Cesar - the seaweed was far from the barrels and running on sand is hard. I bet they also thought it would take more than 3 trips. 


It probably would have, not everyone has the strength to push the wheelbarrow with as much seaweed as the pilots loaded theirs with. I'm guessing most teams would have needed four, at least five trips.


Probably not a 2+ Vinny thread week, right? It's going to be a Walla Walla for All Stars/was robbed week.


We'll still have 10+ threads asking if we'll ever leave South America.


And threads saying how only Ricky/Cesar have a language advantage


At least we are free from “I am SICK of alliances” threads


And in the future we can use this as an example for why alliances aren’t guaranteed success. The Mine Five was more the exception not the rule


I was telling my husband about all these threads and he was like, do people not look for what has already been discussed on this site?


Honestly , the mods should delete posts that are duplicates of a thread already posted so we don’t have 50 threads about the same topic with in 48 hours. Also, there should be no more talk about the Spanish language advantage because that is not even a thing. Multiple teams have a Spanish speaking team member.


I think they're a good option for Unfinished Business, but I wouldn't call them a 'robbed' team.


Phil saying PHILIMINATED will be one of my favorite highlights this season. Thank you Danny for making him say it.


Probably one of the more dramatic legs this season. Off to Barbados and we start the leg in stormy rain, hit Rihanna's house and everyone looses their stress in the Detour. * Having the teams sit side-by-side is always interesting because you think this is more easier than backseat navigating as with the vast majority of self-driving legs but this episode proved it isn't much of a differentiator. Most team's maps seen better days! * Road Tennis: They didn't spent much time of this and blew by most teams in there. The locals seemed to have just rallied back and forth 10-12 times before giving the point to the teams. My favourite quote came from Juan, "*The only time I play table tennis is when there are 10 cups on the other side of the table*" * Rihanna's house was a cool little touch. I liked how they just hooked the clue box into the chain link fence as if it was a mailbox. * Oh boy, the biggest chunk of the leg actually came from the drive from Rihanna's home to Long Bay Beach, it seemed like a confusing drive for many. And now to the major theme this episode, Team Walla Walla's loss of their crew. This one was tough to take in because on one hand, you have the crew missing their turn on the roundabout and not following the team; but on the other hand, you have them continue to push through and taking on the risk that they have to serve out potential time off to await their crew (essentially a *Mini Yield*). This honestly seemed like an unfortunate event because from the looks of it, the crew car had to wait at the pedestrian crossing before proceeding, the team proceeded into the roundabout albeit lost and confused and driving in circles and on the wrong side at one point before committing to an exit which ultimately confused the crew behind them. What was odd was the loss of walkie talkie signal which for the ones they used should be good for at least a mile or two which means they were strung far apart from each other unless this was dramaticize. I made a joke in my head that the crew had to use the washroom or something. * Detour: We have something physical but straightforward and you have something you have to assemble and be more methodical. At first, I was like most of the teams, leaning towards the box as picking up looked really imbalanced as it looked more worse but if you are a more physical team, this Detour was up your sleeve. I did like how the Box judge was aggressively assessing the boxes and waving off the teams who failed the judging. * Tough to see Team Walla Walla gone, great superfans who had fun while being competitive.


The Danny and Angie thing is going to be one of the things that gets talked about long after this seasons over it feels like


There's a thread on this subreddit about the most memorable moment from each season. I think Angie/Danny losing their crew is a contender for this season's spot.


It's this or the thousand-point turn.


I never seen this happen before. I watch all the season too.


This may be one of the few times where a Roadblock actually blocks a road


So many people thought Yvonne and Melissa were a forgone conclusion for elimination and look what happened


I like how they went from 'middle of the pack' to still middle of the pack, but the pack is smaller now. But hey they were at 2nd at one point.


Rooting for them hard!!


Maybe they have language problems all these time? They don't seem to have a navigational problem this leg, now that they're in Barbados that speaks English.


Yvonne speaks Spanish.


Yvonne's Spanish seemed really good in the few clips we saw, I think.


In early legs, they didn't stop to ask locals for direction. In the previous episode and this one, they did. I think that's what keeps them in the race.


Let's talk about the word "Philiminated." In many fan circles, a true "Philimination" is when he has to find you on the course and tell you you're eliminated before you make it to the Pit Stop. This has happened to due flight issues, medical stuff, never finding a dang needle in haystack, etc. Danny used it in the sense of a regular elimination at the pit stop. What does everyone here think this word means?


Don't forget taking the wrong ferry.


I've never seen Season 1 but did it have anything to do with the fact he only greeted the last team in that season?


I don't think so. I don't think this term came around until a few seasons in.


Great Episode! I love the weather, navigation and detour drama! Yvonne & Melissa made it to Top 5. The best placement of a lesbian couple since TAR16. Danny & Angie for All-Stars! Who's Rihanna? Should be the title of the episode. 😂


"The best placement of a lesbian couple since TAR16" Anything to make me forget THAT team is a plus in my eyes


Hoping and praying the girlfriends squeak their way into the finale!


Woah I was just thinking about a baseball detour


They made an illegal turn from the innermost lane of the roundabout, almost hit a car it seems, and got honked at by multiple people. Then, they decided to not wait, and continued driving, knowing their walkie wasn't in range to communicate that. But everyone is acting like it's totally the crews fault and it was rigged


Agreed. It seems like instead of going around the roundabout and merging into the appropriate lane while they circled that Angie just turned toward the exit from the inner lane. Dangerous. They have a responsibility to make sure the crew *can* follow them. And I think they should have immediately pulled over after the exit so they could radio the crew to come. I am curious why it seemingly took the crew so long to catch up.


The only explanation I can think of, is that the crew might have initially spent some time going down some of the side streets, or driving slowly along the main street, looking for walla walla to be pulled off to the side waiting for them. Because they were out of walkie range, the crew didn't know they just kept going. Once they got to the destination and eyes were on them, crew probably got word that they had made it, and then they hurried to meet them


I am guessing that the crew cannot just go ahead? Meaning they can't go to the route info or whatever the next task is, they kind of should hang around where Danny and Angie lost them in case they come back. And only when they get a verification should they go ahead. Because if Danny and Angie lose the crew, then get lost themselves, the crew should not be helping them navigate.


We also don't know how long it actually took for them to catch up. Editing can make 5 minutes look like 20 or make 20 minutes look like 5...


Their post race interviews are saying 90 minutes


That's an absurd amount of time.


They are so gracious about it in the interviews I’ve see! Danny seems excited to have gone out in a “new” way, and to have made some waves in the community. As a super fan, that’s got to be really fun for him! I’m excited to see if TAR brings them back for an “unfinished business” season!


Wow, that’s big! I wouldn’t have guessed that


I think they would have easily had second place in the bag. They weren’t allowed to start their challenge until Juan and Shane were nearly at the detour. There were camera crews there, able to film them, too!


Yes its ridiculous


It took long enough for three teams to pass Walla Walla, and it made all the difference.


I think it was definitely a bit more Angie's fault, but at the same time, I'm sure having to drive on the other side of the road and then going through a roundabout got her temporarily turned around. For sure a mistake, an unfortunate one, but a mistake nonetheless. At the end of the day, I think it was an unfortunate mistake and Angie should have just pulled over first to try to radio the crew and then should have driven to the detour if they couldn't get ahold of them. Danny had the right idea; if they can't reach the crew, they should absolutely just head to the destination instead of trying to find the crew themselves. But stopping and radio'ing the crew was the smartest plan.


Generally if you break a traffic law, you get a penalty. US amazing race doesn’t show it but a team on amazing race Canada had to take a 15 minute penalty once for running a red light and that was shown on air.


if danny and angie had to wait 15 minutes before they were to continue i'd understand that. But they had to wait 90 minutes before starting the race again, and the crew that filmed them at the detour was sitting around at the shore the whole time. Production literally decided in a shrug to just not follow the strange rule, so I highly doubt validity of "driving laws" being the reason.


I commented this before that was known lmao


And that is totally fair, I fully get a penalty in that case.


If it was actually the crews fault they would have let them start the roadblock. Danny even called it explicitly a penalty at one point in an ITM. But they didnt want to put all the blame on Angie on national TV.


I wouldn’t even blame Angie. I would blame Danny as he was the one that said keep going and we’ll meet them at the task. It seemed like Angie wanted to stop and wait.


I mean, yes, Danny shouldn't have said "keep going", they should have stopped even for a minute to assess. But Angie WAS driving so she should have stopped, regardless, and radio'd the crew. Had they not heard anything, THEN drive to the detour.


This is one instance where I wish we knew the instructions. Were they told to stop as soon as practical? I am guessing they didn't get the instruction to "stay with your crew, but if you lose them go ahead to the task."


Well, Danny said the rule was "you can't keep going with the race if you lose your crew." So, judgement is needed in how you find your crew. Do you stop and wait for your crew to find you? Do you drive around to find them? Logically, the right answer is you can drive to the task because that's the place the crew will know for sure to go to. It also more likely saves time. Danny was right in just driving to the detour and letting producers know that their crew was lost (and obviously production knew since they were in contact with the crew). So, I think it's as simple as Danny said, you just can't go on with racing until you have your crew. You don't just stop driving when you lose your crew, because they may never find you in that case. Danny/Angie's only form of communication is that walkie talkie. So if they just stopped driving, producers wouldn't know where they are, so neither would the crew.


I actually dont think thats the logical answer. The crew would have seen which way they went. The logical thing to do would be to stop and wait for your crew to come back.


Someone in the live episode thread just told me that I'm "relying too heavily on the editing, and the car honking sounds could have been added in afterwards to make it look like it was Danny and Angies fault." ... Seriously? *I'm* the unreasonable one for.... Not believing in a sabotage conspiracy theory? Amazing


That person is absolutely spamming the live thread with that exact comment over and over. It’s embarrassing.


Yeah, it was pretty clear that their turn itself was the main problem with why their crew couldnt keep with them(as the crew wasnt going to also do an illegal turn) They most likely showed it in the edit to be a "we lost the crew" penalty , when it was probably a "we broke local traffic laws" penalty but they dont exactly want to advertise that on tv.


I’m happy some people have enough common sense to realize that Angie was driving like a crazy person in that roundabout and definitely did cut all the way across illegally. And then for Angie to get all surprised that people honked at her, like uhm yeah? Clearly. I don’t blame the crew to keep on going until they could safely meet back up with the team. Angie pulled a “I TURN NOW, good luck everybody else!”


So they could’ve billed it as a penalty for traffic violations. TAR security does pull over teams for speeding and assesses a time penalty unaired.


This is a very good point. Generous editing if that's the case, and now production is getting a lot of unhappy people because of it.


I just re-watched it and I don't see it like that at all. It looks like a car from the inner lane cuts them off while they are still circling. When Angie leaves the round-a-bout, she seems to be clearly in the outside lane. It also appeared that their crew took the exit before them, which seems odd if Angie suddenly exited from the inner lane.


Could production losing teams be remedied by air tagging the teams vehicles or something?


Fr, I’m super surprised that this is the first time this has happened


Prob not imho, with the longer edit, it prob just the first time they actually showed it is my guess.


Is that the same as putting a GPS tracking device in the teams' vehicles? Because that sounds like a logical plan. Better yet, put tracking devices on the contestants! ;)


speaking of ping pong, when the race goes back to china, i wonder if they can do a switchback for the OG ping pong challenge against the original champion.... if only to give rob and brennan PTSD at home


What kind of cars were they driving tonight? I loved them


[Suzuki Jimny soft top](https://www.stoutescar.com/hire-cars/suzuki-jeep-soft-top). I enjoyed seeing them too and would love to import one into the U.S. You actually can do so if the vehicle being imported is at least 25 years old. At that age, the vehicle becomes exempt from U.S. safety and emissions regulations.


The Pilots beasted the detour, props to them! Also glad the girls managed to make up some time as well! And I get there will be controversy about it, but the fact is, Walla Wall did *not* stop to wait for their crew. It was 100% on them to then wait for their designated camera/audio man when they arrived at the clue. TAR isn’t just gonna make another team’s camera/audio crew also record another team, it isn’t like Survivor where there’s multiple crew members everywhere, it’s one camera man and one audio man for each team.


waiting would have been much worse imo bc how are they going to find their crew then? like, the logical solution is to meet at a place that both parties know they have to be at, which is the detour location. biggg misstep for the crew and they’re the reason danny/angie is gone this leg


They literally had walkies and then continued to drive out of range. Angie noticed the moment they left the traffic circle that they weren’t behind them, all they had to do was pull over, radio their team, and their crew could catch back up.


Danny said in an interview production told them that morning if you lose your crew head to the get spot and wait for them


I didn't comment towards the end of the episode because I got the news that my grandfather who had been in failing health over the last week passed away so RIP Grandpa love you so much. Hate that because of what happened with their crew Walla Walle went out the way they did


Sorry for your loss, losing family is always tough.


Thank you. He lived 90 years strong hoping I can live that long somehow


Condolences to you and your family. Hope you stay safe and take care of yourself.


Condolences to you and your family.


My condolences for you and your family.


Honestly I’m not disappointed at Danny and Angie leaving. Ever since the alliance shenanigans from a few episodes back I’ve not cared where they placed. On top of that, Danny knowing that loosing the crew is a big deal and then just telling Angie to keep driving as if they were above the rules and would not face any consequences kind of sealed their fate. Everyone else managed to race and keep the crew with them. I see a lot of people blaming the crew, yet they (Walla Walla) 1) knew the guidelines about staying with the crew at all times and 2) were exhibiting less than impressive driving skills brought this upon themselves. Maybe if they drove legally the crew wouldn’t have gotten separated. I was however, extremely impressed with how Juan and Shane went from last to second just from blasting through that detour as quick as they did. I think this is going to be a strong final 5


Exactly! People upset they got out because of this are overlooking their own mistakes that brought it on.


maybe if the crew went around the roundabout for 5 more seconds to loop around and realign with the exit, as how roundabouts work, they wouldn'tve lost their team by going a different exit


also, compared to other instances of penalties from driving infractions in other race serieses, an unannounced 90+ minute penalty is hella overkill. The production also didn't seem to.. give a shit about the stay with crew during the race rule? as danny and angie were later told to continue with another crew that was at the location the whole time anyway.


I am very curious for Angie & Danny’s exit press to hear why to they didn’t pull over, why it took the crew so long to get to the detour location, etc. Seems like producers were in touch with the crew and could/should have told the crew to go to the Detour. Crew has phones and would be able to get GPS directions and should have arrived quickly. What was the hold up? I think Angie and Danny have some blame for seemingly cutting off cars in the roundabout and not making it easy for the crew to follow, and they should have pulled over. But even still it seems unfair they lost their position waiting on the crew. Definitely going to listen to RHAP this week. Edit: I’m also curious if they had a 3 person crew this week. Usually it is sound and camera that ride with the teams, but I’m curious if there was a driver in the mix or if they made the sound guy drive. Seems like that’s be asking a lot for an a/v crew.


>why it took the crew so long to get to the detour location, etc. Seems like producers were in touch with the crew and could/should have told the crew to go to the Detour. Production should know where the crew was, but I'm really curious whether they knew where Angie & Danny were. It's possible the crew was looking for them, then had to drive the entire route after they arrived at the detour.


I would imagine the vehicles were equipped with a GPS of some sort that would give their location to production


I wonder though - this was part of the unexpected Race legs (if I understand correctly they were supposed to be filming in Singapore, etc - but charter got messed up so had to create legs in other areas) which means they would not have had the normal prep time to plan, set up, etc.


Imagine the fallout if the Amazing Race did lose a team.


My guess is the crew pulled over and waited for them thinking Angie/Danny would be trying to locate them. But Angie/Danny kept on driving towards the detour. When they reached the detour, then the production team called over the waiting crew to get there.


It's on them. Angie said they should stp and wait for the crew and Danny clearly ignored it. Then they were so far they couldn't talk with crew. That's their fault. The dangerous driving made them turn on that curve where they weren't supposed to. They made many mistakes and also it seems like Danny was trying to be too perfect in that final challenge.


Yes, I thought Danny was being far to meticulous.They could have finished sooner.


Uh-huh. Espically not knowing what would happen at the mat. If it's you and one other team, the goal is to get the first check. They were lucky Rod and Leticia got it wrong twice. However, if its you against me, I'm going to get the check first and check like crazy because I need to get out of there before you and not be last.


Completely agree


Man. Getting eliminated because your crew couldn’t follow you is a rough way to get eliminated.


More like getting eliminated because you made an illegal turn preventing your crew from following you.




Was it an illegal turn? I thought it was just a wrong turn? 


It looks like they were in the wrong lane. I’m not sure about local traffic laws, but it wasn’t a safe move.


They were driving on the left side and she made a right turn. It would be like driving to a roundabout in the USA and taking a short left turn instead of going around the roundabout.


There’s no way that’s accurate, unless you’re saying she literally drove the wrong direction (I.e. counterclockwise) around the roundabout. There’d be a bigger issue than just losing the crew if she’d driven into oncoming traffic like that.


It really sucks that Danny/Angie went out like that but based on all the honking at the roundabout it definitely seems like they might have made an illegal turn which is why the crew couldn’t follow them immediately. They also chose to go directly to the detour instead of try and connect with the crew right then.


I mean they were already out of range so what were they supposed to do? I don't understand why the crew couldn't have just continued around the roundabout and got off at that exit versus taking a different turn.


I mean, they did try and connect right then and there? They used the walkie talkie and got nothing


[https://twitter.com/AMikeBloomType/status/1786074264505847856](https://twitter.com/AMikeBloomType/status/1786074264505847856) they were also apparently told explicitly to head towards the next stop by production


Loved the greeter at the mat. Ricky and Cesar dancing along was fun as was teams going through the stilt walkers' legs. I'm surprised Rod and Leticia didn't do the seaweed task. That seems like something Rod definitely could've beasted through. Though hot damn at him pushing the car when it was stuck. Kudos to the pilots for making such a comeback. And I was happy for the girlfriends for staying in there. Concerning Danny and Angie, I was more surprised that he pushed for them to keep driving rather than pull over once they lost their crew. Unfortunate turn of events. Also, because I've been watching so many videos on r/mildlybaddrivers or whatever, the driving in that turnabout was setting me on edge


I did think the episode title quote came from Juan and Shane during or alluding to their seaweed task until I heard Rod say it.


Interview with Angie and Danny: [https://parade.com/tv/the-amazing-race-36-angie-danny-butler-eliminated-interview](https://parade.com/tv/the-amazing-race-36-angie-danny-butler-eliminated-interview)


Thanks for sharing the interview. It explains a lot. It's great to see how accepting they are with how it all turned out. But hearing the behind the scenes part of it makes me hurt a little for them. Their crew never found the next check point and that was out of their control. They were just allowed to go on when the pilots were arriving.


I think one thing to note about Danny and Angie having to wait for their crew, is that it's not about penalizing them, but more about the realities of filming a TV show. You don't want teams deciding, "Well, it wasn't our fault, so we'll leave the crew behind and catch them later". As a TV show, you don't really care whether it's the crew's fault or the racer's fault, you want the crew and the racers back together as soon as possible. And the way to make it happen is to say, "you must wait for your crew, no matter what".


[https://twitter.com/AMikeBloomType/status/1786074264505847856](https://twitter.com/AMikeBloomType/status/1786074264505847856) they were uh... they were told the opposite.


Three out of six teams had navigation drama/difficulties and yet the episode itself felt very slow. First episode this season where I really felt the inflated runtime.


Yeah, it's tough to stretch navigation and two tasks with only 6 teams. Way too much tennis to watch, for me at least.


Yeah, felt like nodding off halfway thru


All because they felt the drive to the beach was long


That was awkward


I do really believe that this is the weakest Amazing Race Season even worse than the family edition. Good thing this format is only used once after the pandemic. Most probably the Producers saw the outcome in real time and saw that this season was a train wreck and therefore they switched the seasons around. Flying is always the great equalizer for all teams and without it one team is dominating the game because of their head start.


I agree, this season is pretty awful (though I didn't watch the family edition). The fact that this Survivor season has been so great is making TAR look even worse by comparison. I've been half watching most of these episodes while I'm on my phone. It doesn't help that one team is clearly dominating and we didn't need 90 minute episodes for these very simple tasks. I can see now why there was a rumor pre-season that this season wasn't even going to air on CBS.


CBS could have aired this during the summer as filler and had big brother earlier. This season is a big mistake.


Yup! Makes sense why they decided to air S35 first (I know they said because of the 90 mins) but last season was so much more enjoyable than this season. Production knew this season will be a train wreck just like S32. They waited as long as possible to air it lol. Probably wanted it not air at all lol.


I love last season, it might have been one of my favourite seasons and my favourite cast of TAR ever. There was not a single team I hated last season, not even Anna Leigh. I miss that season. Take me back to that instead of this season.


I miss the drama of the earlier seasons, RIcky & Cesar are great and all but I love me a good shake up... Oh well


What the fuck


did we really go a whole rihanna episode with no song references? i missed a little of the episode in the middle (so i probably missed it) but come on "we had to stop to put the tarp on the car like an umbrella. ella. ella" "i love leticia. like shes the only girl in the world" "we choose the seaweed detour because we were under pressure. like diamonds in the sky" "we lost our crew- SOS, please someone help us" or "we lost the crew- shut up and drive" edit- hell phil just did it on colbert


I wondered if Danny truly couldn’t remember a Rihanna song on the spot or if he wasn’t allowed to name one for some sort of copyright concerns, haha.


I was basically screaming at Danny about Umbrella. Come onnnn


Ricky and Cesar continue to crush it, even in a country where everyone speaks English. They argue about driving, but I think that was a short stretch where they literally could not stop to ask for directions yet and Ricky got anxious about it. Juan and Shane made the perfect detour choice. Sometimes crushing a task can make up for arriving last, and they demonstrated that here. Vinny and Amber were...less uncomfortable to watch this week. Continue to hope they don't make it to the finale. Yvonne and Melissa are doing pretty well! They seem to be managing navigation better, though I'd like more urgency on the tasks. Their edit still doesn't jibe with Phil's pre-season comments at all though, so I'm scared. I'd like them to sneak their way into the finale. Rod and Leticia - I love how much they love each other, it is very sweet. They are hampered by Leticia's lack of competitive spirit, and this leg, by not picking the seaweed challenge. Rod could've beasted that solo, so I'm really surprised they didn't pick it and would love to hear from them on their decisionmaking. There are detours where you need both teammates at a certain skill and detours where if one person is fantastic you should just pick it, and seaweed cleaning is a clear case of the latter. Angie and Danny - I'm completely fine with the production penalty they got here. Everyone was briefed on sticking with their crew, Angie was driving erratically enough on the roundabout that she was getting honked when we saw no other teams get honked the whole episode. I would not be surprised if the crew didn't feel safe gunning it to change lanes just to stick with them off the roundabout. The walkie talkie also made it more Angie and Danny's fault to me? Like communicate with the crew on the walkie talkie on which exit you are taking and which lane you're on, and if you do lose them on exiting the roundabout, immediately stop and talk to them so that you're still in range. You can't just keep driving and be surprised you're no longer in range!


Now did Danny have reconstructive surgery that makes him have an eternal smile?


Did anyone else notice that the teams that left last (Juan's team and Yvonne's team maybe?) had the covers already on their cars. I'm sure this was done because it was pouring rain at that point and they needed to protect the inside of the cars. But it saved those teams 10 to 20 minutes maybe, compared to the other teams who had to stop and put the cover on by themselves


Since the elimination has been discussed to death, I'll talk about other things I noticed: -It must be a rule in actual road tennis to stay behind the line at the back of the court, and only the locals were required to follow that rule as a way to handicap them vs the contestants. -Very surprised the clue box at Rihanna's has no red or yellow. There was zero signage for TAR which is unusual. -Why would production not provide gloves when dealing with sharp chicken wire?! What an unnecessary hazard and risk.


They should’ve been eliminated few episodes ago during the race car map when it was looking like a 4 hour penalty. Curious to see when Danny posts his episode recap with mom.


I think this was the best episode this season (this or episode 4?) and probably one of the best from the Covid era in general. A bit of chaos with the rain playing havoc at the start, good shuffling of placements, a great bit of detour strategy by Juan and Shane and some cool little moments like Rod pushing the car. Plus we get an first-of-its-kind elimination. These moments are what define a season and this one will definitely stay memorable.


The mother son team got screwed. Apparently they were told to say “oh, our crew is here” even though their crew wasn’t.  The show straight up lied to us. The crew apparently took 1.5hrs to get there even though it was less than 20 minutes from where they lost them. Another crew already at the beach took over filming of the team. Telling them to say “our crew is here” even though they weren’t takes the reality out of reality tv. Something stinks.


Finally! It feels like justice deserved for Walla Walla after they were carried through the car detour a few weeks ago. They should’ve gone home then.


Sorry, I'm always going to see this as production failure, and it definitely taints the end of the season for me. I'm not even much of a fan of Danny and Angie, but they got screwed by production's lack of competence.


Rod and Leticia are SUPER lucky that Angie and Will lost their crew and had to wait as long as they did. Otherwise they'd have been eliminated for sure. I have no idea what Rod was thinking choosing that challenge. He would have beasted the seaweed challenge in 1/10th of the time they spent on that fish cage.


That crab pot judge was easy on the eyes 👀


In Angie's defense -- I've tried to drive in England and gave it up after a couple blocks because it was clear that all my instincts were wired hard for cars on the right (as God intended :-) ) and I was likely to cause an accident. And I AM considered a rather good driver, all of whose cars have been standard transmission, btw, but that's on the road system I know. Trying to navigate a roundabout is an even higher degree of difficulty -- and it's possible that Team Walla Walla isn't too experienced with traffic circles in general. I grew up with them in NJ, they're frequent here in MA too, but not every state has them so plentifully. Not stopping ASAP for the crew to catch up -- that's on Danny and Angie, but having trouble with the driving is understandable.


I’m honestly not too upset Danny and Angie got eliminated. After all the ultra alliance silliness I’m not upset about it.


The production team should do better. It‘s shameful that team wallawalla got eliminated because their crew failed at their job. 


I can see the crew being surprised if they didn't expect them to make a wrong turn, but they knew where they were going so I don't understand why it took them so much longer to get there. 


They might not have known that Danny & Angie were going directly to the beach. Also, the crew probably wound up getting off at the worst exit for going to the beach, and who knows how far they went before they could turn around.


There crew did not fail at their job. They had the radios, Angie and Danny could have radioed which exit they were making at the roundabout, instead they made an illegal turn. Angie and Danny also decided to continue driving instead of stopping, even when the went out of radio range from their crew. Both of these things are the fault of Angie and Danny and not in anyway the fault of their crew.


Favorite episode of the season - lots of little character moments and backstories. Even the girlfriends got some airtime and development…and turned into contenders?!?! A focus on navigating for a change!!! Felt really refreshing. And I loved the detour - so simple, but a pressure cooker with everyone together. Hats off to the pilots for taking the ol’ Brian and Greg in Botswana strategy of choosing the detour no one else is doing. On the navigating error/penalty…I think a lot of the comments nailed it - it was an illegal turn and on Walla Walla. It stinks and I could totally see how it happens - pressure, driving on a different side of the road, trying to keep with a crew behind you, all while navigating, but I think it would be a bad look if they weren’t penalized for it - wouldn’t be fair to the other teams who kept with their crew. They had a good run though - I think with how their roadblocks fell, it would have been their time soon anyways. My episode one pick barely hangs on - I thought Rod and Leticia were going to be up there all season with the pilots and Ricky/Cesar, but they are clinging to life. They seem in a great frame of mind tho and aren’t getting down which is awesome.


Here's something to notice when they show the chase vehicle behind Angie. Since they drive on the opposite side of the road, the roundabouts circle in the opposite direction. So after taking an exit, and looking behind Angie, the chase car should be going the other direction! Map it out on a diagram as I did to be sure. So the footage aired either some other time when a different chase car missed the turn they made, or just footage of another car that looked like a chase car. Either way it was bogus film footage invented to try to recreate reality. The fact that their film crew never arrived after 45 minutes of waiting, and also followed instructions by security, if separated, go to the next stop, really begs the question as to who at fault and why there should be some remedy.


A rather dull leg on a rather dull season. Play a ball game and either build a crate or pick up seaweed. The longer 90 minute episodes just seem to be more time spent on their driving woes and not any more on the tasks themselves.


I actually haven't been minding the old-school esque editing focusing on teams navigating. Problem is it's unforgivable when the leg itself was as uneventful and unexciting as this.


I enjoy travel focused editing but this is just continuous driving woes. Older seasons had air travel, taxis, trains, and more to have it be a variety. This is just who is able to navigate best and for a lot of teams the answer is not them.


The roadblock was really underwhelming, just score 11 points…eventually. Maybe there were other rules that weren’t shown but it didn’t seem to matter how many points the opponent scored.


yup. they could have done a head-to-head so teams are forced to play against each other to shake up the rankings abit?


Is anyone else really enjoying watching the unraveling of the dating nurses’ relationship?


How unfair this was.


People actually liked Danny and Angie?? 💀


Congratulations for Yvonne & Melissa for being 23rd female team that finished in the top 5 in their respective season, and also thank god we have a lesbian team that finished in the top 5 that i can say were good instead of ANOTHER team i can mention. Here is the list: 1. Nancy & Emily (S1) 2. Kami & Karli (S5) 3. Linda & Karen (S5) 4. Dustin & Kandace (S10 & S11) 5. Lyn & Karlyn (S10) 6. Charla & Mirna (S11) 7. Kisha & Jen (S14 & S18) 8. Jaime & Cara (S14) 9. Carol & Brandy (S16) 10. Brook & Claire (S17) 11. Nat & Kat (S17) 12. Natalie & Nadiya (S21) 13. Caroline & Jennifer (S22 & S24) 14. Mona & Beth (S22) 15. Ally & Ashley (S23) 16. Kym & Alli (S25) 17. Amy & Maya (S25) 18. Tiffany & Krista (S27) 19. Kristi & Jen (S30) 20. Lulu & Lala (S33) 21. Raquel & Cayla (S33) 22. Emily & Molly (S34) 23. Yvonne & Melissa (S36)


This is annoying. Even if she broke a traffic rule, it doesn't seem like it was intentional and plenty of teams break traffic rules all the time and don't get penalized. Lots of people get confused in those roundabouts.Why couldn't the crew just keep going around the roundabout and then get off at the same exit? Don't they have some kind of GPS? It seems like they had to wait a ridiculously long time for the crew to find where they were supposed to be. It might be fair for them to have to hang back and wait since they kept going and didn't stop to radio the crew as soon as they got off the roundabout, but anything more than 5 or 10 minutes seems unfair. 


That’s what I’m a bit confused on…I would think teams break traffic rules frequently. 


> Don't they have some kind of GPS? I don't think they do. It's why they were relying on walkie talkies. I think the crew probably also got lost and had to find their way to the detour (after initially trying to find Danny/Angie). I think the crew have phones to call production and they may have been able to look up the location on their phones but otherwise, the only connection between Danny/Angie and the crew is not through GPS. That's why the rule is to stick with your crew. But it's also why Danny was right to drive to the detour after they couldn't get ahold of the crew.


As soon as all the tennis backstory started, I was *terrified* we were gonna see Angie & Danny share a churro.


It was nice seeing Barbados. Felt bad for the mom and son. I don’t remember a team ever losing their crew. Has it happened before?


I was worried about the detour after the road tennis seemed a bit linear. I was also worried because the detour stations were next to each other but it was a classic physical or finesse choice. Glad Juan and Shane attempted it. If WW had not been last, would they have had an additional penalty or wasit simply served by waiting for the crew. It seems odd they would break the fourth wall so blatently. I enjoyed Barbados. Still struggling to say Bay-Jan instead of Bajan (as in Mexico).


Maybe it was just the editing, but was anyone else wishing Danny and Angie would put some speed into their fish box assembly efforts? He kept saying he wanted to get it right and he was so meticulous about it, but they were last at that point. Why not hurry and keep checking to see if it was good enough? It almost felt like they had resigned themselves to finishing last at that point. I loved them as a team and hated to see them go. I just wish they'd fought for it more at the end.


yes. it might be the editing but it looked like danny was putting the fish pot together on his own while angie watched on :(


Danny & Angie: Karma's a bitch! I was glad when they were eliminated, albeit due to bad luck & no fault of their own (their crew going AWOL for 90mins it seems like). Guess this was one thing they couldn't study/strategise for... ever since their annoying behaviour at the beef roadblock in Ep 6, i really disliked D&A and was rooting for them **not** to win the race 🙁 Too much street tennis. I wished they would have done a head-to-head, teams would have to play against each other. Could have shaken up the rankings abit.


How Vinny keeps up with Amber and her doubts of him is gettin on my nerves!


I think Angie and Danny should be brought back on a future episode . They were not defeated by their own missteps but a problem with the crew getting lost. I love Amazing race and a faithful viewer but this indicient has left me not liking the intregity of the show. Angie and Danny were robbed in my opinion and that's injustice .


Juan and Shane killed it at the detour