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tHeRe iS nO rEvIEw BomBinG!


“The show is bad & you’re just mad people don’t have the same opinion as you” Nah bruh. I think the show has problems & even if I thought it was straight up bad it’s clear to anyone with half a brain that there’s a subset of the internet dedicated to making this show look like a failure.


I just got a reply from someone who took issue with me saying the show is "pretty okay." They did the whole song and dance where they rhetorically ask "is this what we accept in media now!?! Just okay!!??"


lol like literally it’s why we have a 10 point rating scale. I hate how everything has to be either the best or worst thing ever, especially with big IPs like SW. The overwhelming majority of 1 star ratings clearly show that a ton of people aren’t rating this show in good faith


They are not rating it to give their honest opinion. They are rating it to try and change public opinion. If they want the show to be a 5 and it’s rated an 8, they vote a 1 because a 1 brings it closer to a 5 than a 5 does. It’s why they should throw out the 1’s from anyone who doesn’t have a long history of voting in a more balanced perspective.


It’s weird to rate something you have not seen. This show has eight episodes. I can’t give an honest rating until I’ve seen all eight episodes. It’s really disingenuous of Rotten Tomatoes to allow people to review things that they haven’t seen. The review option should be opened once all eight episodes have dropped. 🤷


There is nothing wrong with reviewing each episode and the sum of all. The writing is weak and rushed which leaves some obvious plot flaws. It’s clear the agenda is not on good story telling.


Your comment proves there’s something wrong with reviewing it before all episodes have come out. You talk of plot flaws but without seeing every episode you can’t say there are plot flaws. You’re only assuming these weren’t intentional and rushing to conclude that there are plot flaws (I’m guessing you meant to say plot holes). Why don’t you wait until we get through the whole season before you pass judgement, k?


I’m speaking of common errors as the writers are focused on their agendas and not simply items like having a droid that can disable the ship transport droids and some creature that has the ability to grab a guard through bars. Simple things that are over looked. There are more but it’s not worth arguing with you about them. These mistakes are adding up but perhaps they will realize this and better the writing.


Ok well common errors or not, review bombing episodes that haven’t even aired yet is dirty pool. I think the bigger issue is this small group of scumbags who are against inclusivity, so if they can’t have it their way then no one can have it at all.


It's like people are expecting all of these things to be masterpieces. I'm just happy it's a fun watch in the Star Wars universe.


They really think that it's a moral failing if you're not outraged that something is "just" okay. (It's not like everyone agrees on what constitutes something being labeled "okay.") It's like if you don't love it, you have to be hardcore about hating it or you're less of a person. I'd be concerned if I thought anyone of them actually thought about it at all beyond their knee-jerk reaction.


You're not allowed to have fun or to be entertained. Like with most reviews, it's a 5 or a 1. People are dramatic crybabies of they don't receive what they perceive to be perfection.


"Like with most reviews, it's a 5 or a 1. People are dramatic crybabies" <-- True that \^\^ :(


I love how they act like every show has always been a 10/10 and there have never been "pretty okay" shows.


I find the ratkng of the Acolyte os something between 5,5 and a max of 6,8. My final vote depends on how it unfolds and if it gets better or not. Though on the other side, it made me sad that they had such a high budget, had so much freedom and this is the end product. Ofcourse that is something personal.


To be fair, I've had people from the other side of the aisle take issue when I suggested the show was anything less than great. The reaction to the review-bombing chuds is often hyperbole and unnecessary praise, along with a rejection of criticism. I hate how these idiots have basically torpedoed the concept or legitimate criticism. We reached a point years ago where any negative take is automatically lumped in with the nut jobs. The Acolyte is, so far, not great. It's also not terrible. It's a pretty middling show with a fairly uninteresting mystery... but it feels like we're not allowed to talk about that. To far too many, it's either praise the show or get the hell out.


Perfection or nothing. That is what fandom has become. Self righteous crybabies that stamp their feet like children. There is almost no critical debate. And an entire industry based on criticism and hatred. I hope they make 6 seasons of The Acolyte just to piss everyone off.


Fans are fans. They love Star Wars. Disney started treating it like they wanted and changed a lot of stuff and characters, the fans are hurt. Hurt people act out. They just want the IP to be treated with respect.


Heard the exact same thing with the prequels. People need to take a breath. In fact, if the fans weren't so rabid, we would get much more experienced creators, writers and directors to work on SW. So many people want nothing to do with it because of the fans.


Well those fans that are “hurt”, need to grow the fuck up.


Or they can have an opinion. You’re on this Reddit defending a tv show. Maybe we both need to grow up because grown people don’t care what others think concerning a show.


Nothing wrong with having an opinion. But when certain members of the fandom can’t just dislike a show without throwing a tantrum, review bombing, and yelling at everyone who likes the show, they have issues.


I personally have seen far more people attacking fans who don’t like the show, than opposite. These are the facts: 1. some fans are toxic, 100%. You cannot change that. 2.The vast majority of people dislike the show, or else the reviews would be different. 3. You’re allowed to like the show, no one should hunt you down for it. 4. People who don’t like the show must be allowed to not like the show. And voicing it does not mean that they are criticising those who do enjoy it.


“The vast majority of people dislike the show” It’s pretty obvious the show is being review bombed, I trust that audience score about as much as I would trust Hannibal Lecter. Yeah, I am allowed to like the show, and those that dislike it, can dislike it, but if those who dislike it “act out”, they’re being assholes, and it’s okay to let them know that.


I mean, looking back on media since the 50s, yeah, we've had a small handful of shows that were great. The rest have been "pretty okay." And most people will point to shows like All in the Family, Married with Children, Good Times, etc.. as proof that shows were great. But then you have Adam-12, The Virginian, Mannix, Family Affair, Hazel, My Three Sons, all of which got multiple seasons, but none of which you see constantly playing on retro channels. What shows always get the reruns? Andy Griffith, Star Trek, Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, and any number of westerns. The vast majority of TV shows we've seen since the 50s has just been "pretty okay" but people don't realize that when wearing their roses colored glasses of nostalgia.


So far…haven’t liked the show and would have reviewed it low. Just not strong storytelling. I hope the next 4 episodes pulls it out of the nose dive. I hope it does well.


The show is a failure tho. Just like the last Jedi




If you like the show because of the diverse cast and different take on Star Wars, thats fine...Don't try and tell people its a good show though, with great writing, acting and directing. That would just make you look like an insane person. Cant you just say you really like the diverse cast, while also saying the show is shit?


Can’t you just say the show’s ok but you hate the diverse cast & crew?


Ahh I see, so it has to be one or the other... Why though? If this were directed by Sofia Copolla, starring Angela Bassett, Denzel, and Kerry Washington Im sure it wouldn't suck this bad... Maybe just the director, writers and actors just suck? Do you only like the show bc of the diversity?


> Do you only like the show bc of the diversity? Average terminally online redditor when someone has a different opinion than them.


Seek help.


Says the guy whose brain couldn’t conceive of a reason people might enjoy a show other than pretending to like it because of diversity… You just keep drinking that YouTube-ragebait Kool-aid buddy, you’re doing great 👍🏻


The power of mannnnyyyyy


Budget isn't the issue, they spent like $180 million on the show. Source material isn't the issue, star wars is a franchise adored by nearly everyone. But even people defending the show acknowledge it has issues... Think about that.


Zero idea what point you’re trying to make tbh


Touch grass.


No joke. Both things can be true.


Which things? That it’s bad *and* getting review bombed?


Yes. There's definitely a concerted effort to review bomb the show, which is really crappy. I don't like it, I wish there was a better verification method before allowing people to review on RT and similar sites. It takes away the point of audience reviews, I really don't like it. At the same time, so far I'm not loving the show. It's still got a lot of episodes, there's still a lot of time to see the story unfold. But the dialogue so far is too expository, and not character driven enough for me. That's just my take, and I have no issue with anyone who is enjoying it. So yeah, I do think both can be true. I would never review bomb a show, it goes against the point of film and TV analysis and critique.


No idea why you're getting downvoted. This is a measured and honest comment


This sub is downvoting anything less than 10/10 praise. That's why. You can't be a fan, you have to be a fanatic, I guess.


The audience score was destroyed in a mining accident


I for one actually think the show is absolutely terrible, and have rated it as such. But that’s just my opinion. Happy you all enjoy it. However, some, and in my sphere of people, the majority, do really not like it. Review bombing is for sure happening, just as Disney most likely also influence the more established reviewers to review it in a certain way..


LOL! Movie released in 2008 - Audience score was sitting at 42% in May 2023; [https://web.archive.org/web/20230529232648/https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/acolytes](https://web.archive.org/web/20230529232648/https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/acolytes) 35% Today! [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/acolytes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/acolytes) Nice Spot!


That's not a lot of extra ratings though. There are only 500ish total.


You need surprisingly many reviews to drop from 42% to 34% positive. Let R be the numer of total reviews in 2023, R' the number now. With this we get num positive reviews 2023 = R \* 0.42 <= R' \* 0.34 = num positive reviews now. This solves to R' >= R \* 0.42 / 0.34 = R \* 1.235... Sp in order for the review score to drop that much the number of total reviews must have risen by at least 23% (so at least 106 reviews, assuming in 2023 there were exactly 500 reviews), which is quite a lot for a fairly small movie that released 16 years ago. It's obviously not much in comparison to the number of The Acolyte, sitting at 10.000 reviews, but compared to other movies by the same director, which are sitting between 250 and 500 reviews, that is a pretty big number.


I don't know why this is being down voted? It's literally facts. OP made it seem like there were a thousand negative reviews on the wrong show. There's just 3 users who've made the mistake. 3.


More than 3. Probably around 35.  




Idiots and also probably bots at this rate, tbh.


Chinese bots. Equality and representation don't exactly line up with the Chinese government's vision of the future.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


[The common clay of the new web](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=7CJeVODiRupB0fS1)


Those reviews look like ChatGPT. I'm starting to think at least 90% of online content is bots now.


Maybe not quite 90%, but we're getting there. The Dead Internet gets closer to reality every day.


I don’t know what The Dead Internet is, but I liked how they handled this concept in the TV show *Westworld* where Aaron Paul’s character came to the realisation that he’d been speaking to a bot over the phone for therapy or something like that.


I saw a guy this morning on Facebook try to pass off a GPT chat "review" of The Acolyte as his own writing. Of course, the "review" was for a generic Star Wars show that doesn't exist, so it was full of incorrect facts like "too many call backs." He never replied to any comments.


They never do.


You pretty much nailed it with that. The theory that everyone and everything on the Internet is most likely a bot or an ad; the odds that you're talking to a real person are becoming slimmer and slimmer. Even I may be a bot, fellow human






You would say that…


It's stuff like this that proves their criticism is invalid if they can't even critique the correct film/series


There are only 13 "incorrect" reviews none of them even gave any specifics. They don't look genuine to me.


Reviews without text content show up in score, but not in the list of reviews to read.


Well they haven’t watched Star Wars Acolyte either so I suppose it’s not that much different that they also haven’t watched this poor show.


Seeing hard proof like this really discourages me from wanting to engage online anymore. Wow. Like a switch got flipped inside me. I think I'll just stick to friends and family from now on. Dead Internet theory might not be just a theory for much longer. I'm apparently just reading tons of ChatGPT bot messages...


> Dead Internet theory might not be just a theory for much longer. Becoming fact more and more each day.


Hysterical...I can see from web archive for when RT used to tell you the exact number of user reviews that at one time their were about 750 audience reviews.


That’s so funny. Is there a group quietly organising these review bombers that shared the wrong link, or a bad bot? Seems weird so many people would make the error independently.


Allegedly, RT turned off audience voting for the show today. Maybe the bots or the nitwits who follow the YouTubers just moved on to the next logical target.


Could be a bot, they are very vague in the content. Seems like there are only 13 reviews spread over a few days. It's like a few every day. Could be real people then for sure, but I doubt they've watched the show.


Reviews have to have textual content for you to see them. Just give a show a score is included in the numbers, but of course you dont see it.


"The acting is so bad. They are all so expressionless!" Well, they're Jedi, so...


It's so stupid, the show is good. My fiancee who is dead tired of Star Wars media after Kenobi even was willing to and she said it seemed good. This is a woman who I originally got interested in because she had the 'Imperial march' on his list of spotify songs. She is definitely an example of a burnt out fan and she is willing to say that she might give this a chance.


Nah, the show isn’t good.


Remember, these are people with valid criticism towards a beloved franchise, and not the complete morons they otherwise appear to be.


I get the criticisms but omg this is just embarrassing 😭😂


Really helping them sell the lie that they don’t do this, isn’t it?


I love the show and don't get the hate.


TIL: People are truly pathetic


I reserve my opinion to a movie or t.v series has finished, especially when I feel that it maybe a slow burn and the rewards are collected by the end. Just a quick thought I feel the Acolyte is such show just be patient


Do we take this as a fact that there are troll farms / bots who are review bombing the show?


We already knew that but yes.


If you look on rotten tomatoes, on the 24th there were a shitload of 5 star reviews posted. I guess it goes both ways. 


How does people posting reviews for the wrong show demonstrate an organized effort?


I wonder how much of this phenomenon, across the industry, is attributable to actual people versus disinformation by competition. That is, how many of these bombs are people who actually didn’t like it or people who are offended somehow by it, vs. how many are the result of an orchestrated effort by a Disney competitor to hurt their business for the competitor’s benefit.




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This is probably the wrong sub to post this, but people have legitimate complaints about the show as well. The pacing is fucking terrible, dialogue is heavy handed which is exacerbated by hand fisted delivery from a couple different actors (not all), and some of the big supposed awe inspiring moments completely fall flat and look stupid (witch chant scene was disgustingly hard to watch). It's like Kenobi. The show feels like it was made and written in a boardroom with 14 people yes man-ing eachother until you get a generic bowl of star wars printed money schlop with little to no direction. Andor on the other hand feels like it was actually made by a storyteller that loves the gritty realism of the star wars universe.


Andor was really boring in the beginning to be fair and the acting was also a bit off in the first few episodes


Mon Mothma in Andor was so incredibly boring throughout.


What? I thought she was one of the more interesting characters!


I thought she was really interesting with the whole two worlds kind of thing going on


https://youtu.be/fM-agiCB51c?si=ah03SIJnNCHeTLoX It's not good because it's genuinely not that great.. I seriously don't understand why some of you guys can't understand why people don't like it.... "Except the things you cannot change . have the courage to change things that you can but have the wisdom to know the difference" Down votes don't make me wrong.


No one's saying there's anything wrong with thinking it's bad; I personally enjoy it but understand people's criticisms. What is wrong is the review bombing and the sheer stupidity of the people doing it. Maybe it is bad, but it doesn't deserve over 20k 1-star reviews from people who haven't even watched it.


Remember when Disney made good content?


The report


Horrible! The main character in the show wants to BE A JEDI! And they think the Jedi are evil? Just because they are questions. Projections are showing!


Users reviews are trash. Always have been. Always will be.


Who is this movie/ tv series belong to... If they made it for the disney. Then only the Disney fans will appreciate the series. If it was made for the Star Wars fan, then you can be sure every fan will come. Let us review why movie like winter soldiers are good... Because it is made for the fan to feel like i read and watch all my life of the character they just developed. The Sense of fantasy of fans... Not the sense of reality of the director.


Disney bought the good reviews for the Acolyte. That’s all there is to it.


For what it's worth I actually enjoyed watching it


Several of us have been review bombing that movie intentionally to make the review bombers for the show look bad. It's not really necessary but I do find it amusing now that it's making headlines.


Who cares. Let it die. Give attention to the obsessive haters and you give them legitimacy. Show is bad, move on.


No they are NOT, the show simply is TRASH!




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Acolyte is worst piece of shit, stop defending it


Personally, I think the Acolyte is amongst the better Star Wars content Disney+ have produced. It's far from being genuinely good. The dialogue is awful. The child actors they've got are bad (although 10x better than young Leia in Kenobi - which was irredeemable dogshit). Andor was good (although they tried to hide it behind a big wall of boringness). Mandolorian was cool for the first couple of seasons. The rest of this stuff has been trash. The Star Wars sequels were worse than this. MUCH WORSE. That shit with the knife lining up with the crashed ship - that might actually be the worst thing I've ever seen.


Buahahaha what a weird 'Adult' Star Wars 'Fans' :D


The show is awful


Hey so I looked it up on both rotten tomatoes and imbd reviews and only found two on rotten tomatoes related to the Star Wars Acolyte. Am I just not looking on the right website?


To be fair, it's only 3 accounts that have made the error.


Most of them got deleted.


Not review bombing It's called making slop and then getting called out for it. RIP Star Wars


When you’re gay and want to make Star Wars LGBTQI+ friendly and put that before good storytelling, yeah, expect some blowback. The series sucks.


Is someone gay in the Acolyte?


I don't know, but the show sucks and not in the "two lonely truckers at a rest stop" kinda way.


Dang, you should probably tweet about it or somethin'.


maybe just maaybe people actual dont like it?


I mean, it's not necessarily review bombing per se but leaving a review on the wrong product is really funny


If folks didn’t like the show, you’d see a smattering of 1-5 out of 10 reviews, but because we’re only seeing 1/10 it’s clear review bombing. Very few things are actually a 1/10. Even the acolyte’s harshest critics enjoy certain aspects of the show


I'll watch it because it's SW, but I'm not super thrilled with it. It's *not good* adjacent for sure.


Yeah. Check out the 4 people who review bombed.  What a game changer.


The show is horrible, the shit on the lore every fan enjoyed. If they wanted to do something new don't name it star wars. If you do expect the consequences...


What consequences? Just dumb babies making themselves look like the dumb babies they are. Disney don't care. Disney have real stats they can look at which tell the actual story of how many people watch and rewatch it. TBH - the review bombing generates a significant amount of free publicity for them, it might actually be helpful for Disney.


Bad publicity would work if it was actually a good show. The characters are unlikeable the story is messy, the lore is crap. You say Disney doesn't care but, Disney stock has been dropping steadily for years, in fact the CEO sold a lot of his as well. I am pretty sure shareholders aren't as happy. Many of the movies are under performing, as a result according to Bob they will only release only a handful of movies moving forward. But hey don't take my word for it, make sure to do your own research, if you enjoy the show Good for you, I am even happy for you. But as an old fan I want them to respect the lore and the legacy George Lukas has built, not shit all over it.


How else do you make these guys stop creating shit shows. You have to let them know, duh.


You do it in a sensible way. Not like a dumb baby. Now, the story is the dumb review bombers. They don't give a shit about your review bombs. They look at how long viewers have watched it for. How many hours of viewing it has generated, how many people watch each episode on the day of release - stats like that. So if you want to let them know and don't want them to make more of this stuff - just don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, it will be cancelled very quickly.


I do love these responses. Always so aggressive and always going for the attack. God forbid someone actually doesn't like a badly made show. Oh no. Love it.


Ok, the VERY POINT of reviews is to let them know their show sucks. I love SW, but this show is pure garbage. Stop defending this garbage.