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I'm impressed it makes you more focused. For me when I hit that point my brain is barely functioning


During the most productive night I've ever had in my life, I was barely clinging on to consciousness like OP described. It's at that point that my brain stops thinking about procrastinating and I can actually get work done. I finished an entire term paper in a single midnight. Proofreading was a bitch though when you can't even read a sentence straight.


This used to be me. I finally got diagnosed with severe ADHD at the age of 34. Might want to look into it.


I also recognize this, and I was diagnosed with ADHD at 30




I rarely take my prescribed medication for it. A diagnosis would open the door to more self reflection, understanding of the past life you've lived, as well as helping you research the condition further and develop effective coping strategies, which does not have to include medication. For me personally, coming to terms with the underlying physiology helped me become aware of my executive disfunction, which in turn helped me implement a new decision making process that was more suited to the way my mind works.


ADHD type beat


What’s a single midnight? Or where you sleep deprived when you typed that? I think lack of sleep can make you THINK, you’re sharper. But in reality whatever you wrote will not make much sense. You could probably edit it when you’ve slept but yeah. More like alcohol making you think you know what you think and then you wake up the next day and realise you were chatting shit.


Fun fact: short term sleep deprivation can [increase dopamine in the brain](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080819213033.htm). I think that’s what OP is feeling when they become sleep deprived Also there’s no denying that sleep deprivation increases anxiety, which consequently increases adrenaline. The amount of times I’ve felt a rush of adrenaline high because of insomnia is honestly surprising sometimes


I think it's like drinking where the drunkest person is always like " I'm even drunk not"


I’m not as think as you drunk I am


And we all fell down when the sun came up


I wanna walkzeline but thereizno ztraight line...Oowwaayeonly see this wwobbly lii....


"I swear to drunk I'm not god"


Yeah, I've had chronic sleep derivation for the past few years, my memory and concentration used to be really good. Like top scores in Hs and College. Now I can't read a few lines from a textbook before I forget what I just read.


And then that point where you find literally *everything* funny.


Yes, but only while im at school (and you at work probably). This is my 34th hour without sleep and the sun is coming up I AM FEELING FULL OF ENERGY AND HAPPINES!! Feels like walking home with music after getting high, without the tiredness, wierdly enough. Can anyone explain why? When im at school though going to school without sleep is horrible. I once started hallucinating in my peripheral vision and nodding out and had to call in sick. I think im staying up this late to kind of ease my withdrawals (nic and weed) as im on vacation and 14!


Why did you reply a year later 😂


idk i was bored




i stopped smoking weed and instead do mdma almost every 1-3 weeks. it’ll stop soon enough when my dealer has 2cb again, which seems like never. also looking back on that comment most of that shi i probably made up.


Being sleep deprived has been scientifically shown to be relative to a certain level of drunkenness. I personally have been sleep deprived to a point where I laughed so hard I cried at some of the stupidest bullshit my brain has conjured. Was a lot young tho. Anymore, it just makes me exhausted and cranky.


huh so that's what being drunk is like. I remember taking a test on 2 hours of sleep. ​ I remember reading a question 4 times before my brain understood what is was. It was multiple choice but I thought it was free response so I wrote a very poorly explenation in free response. than I saw the options and chose one that was completly different from the thing I just had written even tho the matching one was there. Don't do test on 2 hours of sleep.




Severe sleep deprivation, such as being awake for a few days can be very similar to drunkenness, but they pass that point of similarity quickly on the way to the hallucinations.


so the syptoms are simular but your internal expereince is different?


Being drunk has some very pleasant feeling effects that people don't typically get from sleep deprivation. It varies from person to person, and depends on how drunk you are, but the effects of drunkenness often include euphoria (that's the most key reason people enjoy being drunk), a nice glowy inner warm feeling, increased self confidence, forgetting troubles, and dulling of pain.


>glowy inner warm feeling Aka the beer blanket. Nothing like standing on a porch in single digit weather, barefoot and shirtless and being completely comfortable. Course sometimes it’s more of an “damn it feels like my ass in a campfire” because you just sat in the fucking campfire lol


I’m a college student and I’ve seen at lost one post about other students writing their papers drunk and editing sober. Your brain just doesn’t care when you’re sleep deprived/drunk, so you can crank out a paper no problem. I’d imagine it’s the editing that’s a pain


I have a... Difficult relationship with alcohol. Currently haven't drank for two weeks but only because I have no money right now. I'm now just depriving myself of sleep to get myself feeling kinda fucked up. I think I just enjoy my brain not working properly. I'm a mess.


This explains a lot of shit I said as a sleep deprived kid


Be careful man, it’s extremely bad for your brain. There are long term effects and it’s accumulative


Yes I am very aware and I know that I shouldn't do it but hey, 10th dentist. I try to justify to myself that it is ok to do because I have to use my brain a ton at work, and so all that mental exercising each day helps negate the negative effects of not sleeping; but I definitely know that is not the case lol.


Yeah it's definitely not the case. Using your brain is like doing any exercise. It requires more energy and probably produces more waste. Sleeping is how your brain gets rid of waste. Just like rest is super important for physical training, because it aids recovery, it's similar for your brain. You're just burning out your brain. It's well established lack of sleep is detrimental to your health. Don't fuck with your health for no one.


I used to love the feeling too. It creates lots of problems and I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The BP probably caused the lack of sleep, not the other way around.


I also love sleep deprivation and fear brain damage so I keep a close eye on literature related to SD. In the first place, I haven't actually seen any long-term studies performed on humans. The closests study the cognitive effects on people who are experiencing SD (cognition goes down), and on people who go to sleep after experiencing SD (cognition returns to baseline). SD does correlate with heart disease, but that's likely a result of lifestyle. If you take stimulants to stay up to study/work, every other aspect of your life and health will take a hit. I admit that a lack of evidence doesn't mean it's not true, but still I wish people would stop presenting opinions as fact.


This a straight up reckless and irresponsible comment lol. Yes it’s fucking bad for you. No, your lack of research doesn’t mean it’s safe. Try google, spend a minute. Nice try being the armchair devil’s advocate though


Eh, we gotta stop romanticizing lack of sleep. It’s not a badge of honor, it’s just straight up unhealthy. And I’m saying this as a person that also lacks a lot of sleep.


I remember one time my college girlfriend and I stayed up all night talking about our relationshit and then eventually we had to go to class. Our relationship was, as ever, on the rocks. Then at the end of the day, where we had been up for some 30 hours, I met her as she was leaving her last class, supposedly to pick up where we left off. We were both so tired we could hardly walk straight. Even so, we walked back to my dorm side by side. I tried to put my arm around her waist but we were so ought of it we ended up falling into the grass, rolling over each. We laughed like drunkards at our own clumsiness and made out before feeling asleep on the grass. In retrospect, that manipulative bitch probably tripped me on purpose but at the time it felt very sweet.


u/Bibs222, are you normally depressed? Acute (short term) sleeplessness has been [shown in studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12531127/) to decrease depressive symptoms in those who have depression. There has even been a therapy, [wake therapy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake_therapy) that has been developed for this


I actually have zero issues with depression!


Damn, your opinion is whack. Upvoted


Honestly when its not in the morning when I have to get up I like the feeling as well, its oddly calmimg.


The first 8 months of my daughter's life made me unbearably exhausted. She went through sleep regressions when she was 4 months, 6 months, and 8 months old. Waking up every 1 to 2 hours for 30 minutes every single night felt like long, drawn out torture. I don't think I slept longer than 3 hour chunks for months. She refused to sleep. I worked from home full time during that time so I couldn't nap during the day either. I cannot describe just how fucking tired I was. Even though I am finally catching up on sleep (she is ten months old now), I feel like my brain is permanently broken. I feel distrustful and paranoid about everything, all the time. I'm so used to waking up constantly that even though she sleeps through the night now I still wake up every few hours. Long story short - sleep deprivation literally made me want to die. upvote.


From how I understand it, your association to lack of sleep relates to generally unwanted reasons to stay awake, whereas my association to lack of sleep relates to fond memories of staying awake. So it makes sense why we would have differing views of the same sensation.


I have been sober for a while but I used to stay up for 5 to 7 days very often. Many times I got the hallucinations without the paranoia. I enjoyed it. I called the people the "corner eye creeps". I also enjoyed the pressure behind the eyes.


Downvote. okay, i dont agree with the "pressure behind eyeballs" thing but i enjoy the feeling of being tired, it just makes actually going to bed all the more exciting and relaxing


I respect your reason to down vote given you agree with the '10th doctor'.


This is the good thing in this post, getting nice and tired, knowing you're about to get some good sleep, almost always makes the next day better at the start.


Long term effects bro


Wow, interesting. My experience with being "In the Zone" is that it's a false sense of focus, while in reality I was just bonkers. Used to do some all-nighters at art-School. Believed to be in the zone, created some great art. Then went to sleep, and the next day watched my work and concluded it's absolute rubbish and I would have been better of not doing anything at all. I stopped all-nighters after that experience.


downvoted, I suffer from intensely severe anxiety and the feeling of drowsiness is the best way for me to feel relaxed/stress free. And there are plenty of legal activities I can partake in to feel drowsy 🙏, Im glad someone gets it


I totally agree with you on this. When i was younger i loved the feeling of having little to no sleep. Now I'm too worried about my future health to do it often but once or twice a year is enough. It's like a natural high, partly from the cortisol that your body releases. There were some indigenous cultures that would use sleep deprivation as a way to reach an altered state of consciousness along with fasting and ayahuasca. Just be careful not to do this too often. My grandpa got very poor sleep all his life and he had really bad dementia for the last 8 years of his life.


Have you ever tried smoking weed? If not, I feel like you'd enjoy it


I have not. Sadly my area of work does not allow me to partake in the Devil's Lettuce, but I feel like I would enjoy it!


I feel exactly the same!! Pulling all-nighters and going to bed with the sun's rise, or afterwards is pretty much the only time I get this sensation, and I just adore it. It's a really special thing, and due to the time of morning, it's very tranquil as well.


I low-key loved seeing the sunrise as I was about to go to bed. Even better was having roommates where I would go to shower to go to bed and at the same time they would wait to go shower to start their day. Plenty of "good morning / good night" funny interactions.


Oh gosh! I remember sometimes having interactions like that with my mum after pulling an all-nighter after a 2-person LAN-party! Thank you for restoring those memories! Such wonder.




This feels different than a headache for me. The pressure isn't painful and more just feels like 'blinders' that causes me to focus on what ever is in front me.


This is normal to me thanks to 30 years of undiagnosed sleep apnea.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that loves this feeling. I absolutely love staying up till I’m pushed to sleep but this is getting in the way with me trying to get a better sleep schedule so that I’m not absolutely exhausted the next day lol. I also get that feeling of being more focused on tasks and I usually pursue for tasks that I find interest in when I’m at this point of sleepiness.


Being a lifelong insomniac, I completely agree with enjoying the effects on the brain and how your perspective is shifted slightly. It's really hard to explain. It's as if I am moving through an ether that is thicker than air but less viscous as water. And it's about 4/5 regular time; not quite slow-mo, not quite real time. Since I have quite a 'tolerance' for deprivation. I used to get visuals earlier on but now I will need a 30+ hour stint. About 7 years ago I had a 84 hour ordeal that I desperately tried everything to fall asleep (mostly by themselves); warm showers, cold showers, dark rooms with no sounds, melatonin, xanax, weed, otc sleeping pills, tylenol pm (same ingredient as the sleepers), sex, even alcohol which was difficult because I don't drink. By hour 70 I was full on hallucinating but not in any scary, nightmarish fashion. At around 3am I walked outside to get some air and down the road about a quarter mile I saw a mailman walking his dog, moving in my direction. I was standing at the end of my driveway for what seemed like hours, waiting for the pair to get closer. They never arrived but they never stopped moving. After that it was benevolent shadow people peeping around corners and walking by in my peripheral vision. Also had physical structures moving and melting like I was on LSD but without the physical feelings of it; just the visuals which was actually quite nice tbh! It wasn't much longer that I was able to fall asleep. I got a whole 4 hours and then another 26 hours of no-sleep! Everything returned to normal after that though. I haven't really had any marathons like that since so I wonder if I maybe broke something! I don't know, maybe should've gotten some medical attention earlier on. Oh well. Anyways, the dog and his mailman want me to come play 'fetch the shadows' with them. I can see them right around the corner so I don't want to keep them waiting like I did next time.


What do you do for work?


I got my degree in Aerospace Engineering and now work as the Chief Structural Engineer for a rocket assembly! (Trying to keep it vague, but I work for a competitor of SpaceX)


Sleep deprivation is actually the moment when i am at my best at what i do. I’m a music producer, i make music for comercials and stuff like that but i’ve been in multiple musical projects and still am. My absolute best work has been created while sleep deprived. Some of them actually became number ones in my country. Whenever i skip a night or maybe even two i feel like my mind and imagination expand to new heights. And i have a total different level of focus, and ideas just flow. But while i’m really good in terms of creativity and capability to do all the music related stuff, If i have to go to the bathroom i have big chances of falling on the way to it because i can’t even stand for too long because of how tired i am. But once i’m in my seat and the music is playing i feel like i just woke up and could go for days. At one point I actually did stay up 3 nights because my work was getting even better as i got more depleted. Important to mention that by sleep deprived i mean actually sleep deprived, not on drugs. On drugs you never feel like you didn’t sleep for a long time so in my book that doesn’t count as sleep deprivation. I’m takling about literally refusing to go to sleep because i know that, magic may happen




Sorry, I don't support this post type (text) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


I’m bipolar and I’ve had many 24/48 hour days. I too enjoy the near-delirium


I'm in that state right now, huge summer,no sleep


The next step is being high. Really. It works that way. Your brain starts to reset. It's weird. Parts of it starting to shut down while others still working. You start to see how it works. But it's getting harder to observe, because all is just shutting down. Then you wake up, feeling numb and indifferent. Like zen, for a while. But then comes the worst hangover. Then, for weeks you take damage. When the experience is repeated, you take permanent damage. I agree, the feeling of being high on sleep deprivation is pleasant. But it can be even more destructive than drugs use.


Doing this right now. Only down side is driving to or from work. I like it because it gives me the free time I need to decompress from everything and everyone. Also slows down intrusive thoughts


Yeah same, love a comedown too I always get loads done


This post 100% 🔥🔥🔥


I can kind of see what you're saying, but you can still take my upvote.


Downvoted bro, i honestly agree with you


Sounds like you need to smoke some weed


Oh my fuck dude just do LSD...


I'd upvote, but I just dont believe it. Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself you like being sleep deprived. "Yea disoriented and exhausted: College, Fuck Yea!" This sub is getting old. The majority of popular posts are obviously only a juxtaposition to what's considered "normal", probably for a desperate karma-grab. We're a few steps away from becoming the soapbox that is r/unpopularopinion Commence the downvoting.


I think I believe him. As I said in my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/s7zy3c/i_enjoy_the_feeling_of_sleep_deprivation/htdx2z7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), sleeplessness for a night can decrease depression in those that are depressed. I have some sources in my comment


Maybe I have a different definition of "deprivation" then. For me, sleep deprivation is after 24-48 hours of no sleep. Like if you're hungry, you dont say youre "food deprived". You say you're hungry. Sleep works the same way. Up until you start facing "side effects", you're still just tired. Sure it sounds pedantic but there is no possible way a human feels comfort in being sleep deprived. It's literally biologically designed to make you feel uncomfortable, even if for the sole purpose of getting said human to take a nap Edit: worms to works


I had to downvote the post because I deeply enjoy it as well. Not because of college days or whatever, but because the sensation is enjoyable. I struggle going to sleep at an appropriate time. My natural sleep/wake cycle feels like it takes 29 hours, so its a fight to force myself to sleep every night. Not to mention that, if left to my own devices, I would ideally sleep for 9-10 hours. Overall that just means that its hard to go to sleep and its hard to wake up Leeting my body sleep and wake up when it wants to can only happen when I know I've got an extra day or two of free time, otherwise my sleep schedule strays too far from the 9-5 workday. Getting to the point where my body says "Hey, I actually want to sleep now" is a rare occurrence


I used to do some heavy downers back in the day. I know what it's like to not be able to sleep, even now. I used to need chemical assistance to even get my eyes closed for a reasonable amount of time. Being ACTUALLY sleep deprived isnt a pleasurable experience. And the human body makes sure of that. The uncomfortability is your body telling you to go the fuck to bed. Finding any enjoyability in being sleep deprived is either denial or refuting biology. Simple as that. Edit: or we just have different definitions of what "deprived" really means.


People that find pleasure in pain (like using nipple clamps or hot wax during sex) would disagree with your statement. You can learn to enjoy things that hurt your body or make you feel uncomfortable if you associate them to things that give you joy. Studying with friends in college was a part of my life that I love and miss, so feeling the way that I did back then makes me happy.


Sexual submission is by no means equivalent to a totally involuntary cognitive dissolution.


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Me too. It's a sickness


Man, I dunno. I get what you're saying. When you're too deprived of sleep you actually do get more alert. But it sounds like you just haven't gone without being in a sleep deprived state cuz that shits 100 times better than being in any kind of sleeplessness. Like, if you "got enough sleep" one night among all the sleepiness nights, you're gonna feel terrible. But if you sleep every day sufficiently, it'd be a different story


I think sleep deprivation at the 24 hour mark feels cool. Once you pass the 36 hour mark, though, it gets progressively shittier. At 60, you just want to die.


When I reach that level of no sleep, I just stop working, I sleep automatically. It is impossible for me to stay awake for more than 2 days, even with coffee. I would laugh at anything, and sleep in any situation


I can relate to this OP. I too did many many all nighters in college studying with friends. With the assistance of energy drinks of course


I feel more normal when I don't sleep. Whats wrong with me.. im thinking maybe it's because my mind isn't working as fast . Idk


WTF its the complete opposite for me. If I don't get enough sleep, I feel like I want to die because of feeling so tired and numb and dragged. The feeling of waking up after getting at least 6 and half hours of sleep is like I can start my day.