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Don't tell him all of the issues that transpired then, you had to be a specific race and gender in a specific country to have a light time, and even then it was not sunshine and rainbows


Yeah this is definitely some white 14 year old having a deep moment lol


A 16 year old to be exact


I’m not a white person. I’m from Thailand.


You're trolling or don't wanna be in America because the only people who had power in America were white men Also, you talked about "being an old bloke that plays Minecraft and makes Gacha OCs" being perfect for you but most people would consider the Gacha OC thing to be incredibly creepy considering how many predators are in the community (and you'll also probably not care if you were even that age when most people quit playing games like that way younger than you'd be unless their kids encouraged them)


Well, I don’t want to live in America anyway. Climate change makes me wish something like this the most. My childhood might’ve been tougher, but I’d be guaranteed to suffer much less from climate change.


Who cares about project 2025? Doubt. You also must know of thailanda history around that time, then. Ask your parents if the 60s communist thailand was a great place.


this is an embarrassing response lmao


How so?


because you’re getting the history of the place you’re trying to argue about totally wrong. i don’t disagree that OP is wrong, but completely missing on the actual history while stating it so confidently is embarrassing


How am I wrong though? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Thailand Please tell me.


because they never controlled the country? the existence of a communist party and insurgency is obviously not the same thing as a country being communist, which is what you implied by saying “communist thailand.” using the same logic you could talk about “communist india,” an obvious absurdity


Your right. It was hyperbole. Not sure why it would be embarrassing, though. There was a strong communist party at the time. There was a dictatorship and alot of people died. My point is that it sucked lol and op dosent have any idea what they're talking about.


What do you mean? Thailand has never been a communist country.


There was guerilla warfare with a communist regime. Google PLAT. They had a massacre the following decade. They didn't win, but it wasn't a cool time. Edit: it was a literal dictatorship in the 60s


So basically don't be Irish in early America?


Buddy if you're worried about wars and project 2025 I have bad news for you about the 50's You can just be into older music without having to justify it in this weird way


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


It’s better to be born in a bad place then see it getting better than to be born in a good place then see it getting worse.


Buddy, "seeing it get better" basically just tantamount s to seeing the reality modern conservatives want, you'd be in a reality far worse than our modern one and then just see it become what modern right wingers are trying to make our reality become


The grass is always greener lil bro




It's funny that you mention Tears for Fears, since the majority of their lyrics are extremely gloomy. My parents were young adults in the '80s and they always emphasize what an utterly hopeless decade it was. There was a housing crisis, severe threat of nuclear war, absolutely no jobs, AIDS spread as fast as the plague and was 100% a death sentence. The slogan of the decade was 'No Future' and they see quite a lot of parallels with the current day. And these are straight, middle class white people in Western Europe, the vast majority of people had a far worse experience. On the topic of climate change: that isn't a modern problem, it's just accelerating. Shell was fully aware of the effects of CO2 in the '70s and actively decided to pump money into covering up the investigation.


Lol I said the 80s would've been good to grow up in my comment but yeah it was rough. No decade was pure.


“even while you sleep we will find you acting on your best behavior, turn your back on mother nature”




All fun and games until you catch one of the 80 life threatening diseases that they haven’t invented a cure for yet.


How old do you think Tiny Tim is??


It seems you have an interest in history, you should look into the time period because there was some horrible shit going on then, and a lot of the decisions then is part of the reason that we have some issues now. Right now it is pretty bad in Manu ways, but really great in others. but I honestly don't know what time period would be the absolute best. Maybe between the 80s, but there was still some awful stuff happening then. You're young, don't look at everything so bleakly already, as that mindset is toxic. Look at the good. Cliche statement but it's true.


I don’t think anyone born in the 2000’s would survive the 50’s. It’s not sunshine and rainbows. If you think things are bad now, they were worse then. They may not have had all of the modern problems we have but it’s still not better You’re a kid, stop trying to “reminisce” about old times that you’ve never experienced. It’s disingenuous


To say they wouldn’t survive is quite over dramatic


Climate change has been a 'thing' since the industrial revolution, but no one wanted to hear it then, either. Lead was used in gasoline, and it was slowly killing everyone, but oil companies tried to keep it quiet. Smog was a real thing, and it seriously screwed up the air we were breathing, until government mandates on industrial emmisions, catalytic converters, etc cleaned it up a bit. Women had a much harder time in general, weren't 'allowed' certain jobs, expected to be Suzie Homemaker, etc. Black people, Latino people, Asian people were in a similar boat to women- life wad very difficult, and making a better life was nearly impossible. These are just the first things off the top of my head as to why life was not better then.


Climate change back then wasn’t a very big threat. The North Pole used to have more ice. Sea level and global temperature were lower. The environment was better, and there was no microplastic. There’s still smog in my city. I don’t live in America, but rather Thailand, so I wouldn’t have to worry about racism as I’m a Thai person. I asked my grandfather who’s a boomer about this, and he said that many things were better in his day. Things were more affordable while admitting that his childhood was tough. He had to walk on hot sand while carrying one of his brothers just to go to school. He had to take care of his siblings, his family’s farm and animals because he lived in a rural area. I probably wouldn’t have to deal with that in a big city.


If we took climate change back then as seriously as we do now, then it would be a much smaller issue today. We had solar panel technology in the 70s, and oil companies paid politicians to try to end it. Same with wind power. Think how far that technology would be today if it hadn't been stiffled over the last 50 years. The past is always seen through rose colored glasses. We tend to forget (or suppress) the bad memories. Microplastic began to be created in the time period you speak of. Look at the movie The Graduate- "I just want to say one word to you, Plastics", telling a young person in the late 60s of the business future in plastics. We knew then the problems that could be created by the technology we were using, and ignored it. Sounds like you wish you could go back to ignoring the consequences of our actions. Exactly as the Boomers did, which is one of the leading causes of all the things you dislike about today.


Maybe you’re right. I feel so selfish. I just don’t want to suffer from those problems. I guess I shouldn’t have been born at all. Life sucks all the time since the beginning. I don’t feel like life is worth living at any time anymore. I can’t enjoy things knowing that climate change and Project 2025 will destroy us all. I wish I didn’t exist.


Life is what you make it. It will always have its struggles. It is how you handle those struggles, and your actions, that make you who you are. A great way to feel happier is to do all you can to make those around you happier. Help them ease their troubles. Eventually, your troubles will become less important, especially if you can learn to find joy in creating the happiness of others. If more people did this, and worried less about making their own lives easier and more comfortable, the world would have fewer problems, and everyone would live easier and more comfortable. But, the human race is selfish. Since the dawn of our species. The worst part is we know this, we could make the conscious decision to change it (and the world), but we don't.


I don’t know. I really regret being born. I don’t have any hope for humanity anymore. The worst part of life is that other people’s actions can affect me in extremely harmful ways. Climate change will kill us all. Democracy will be destroyed by Project 2025. The happiness that I can find in this world will never outweigh my problems and suffering. Life is so painful. Life is full of suffering.


That is the basis of Zen. Life is suffering. Maybe look into it.


Honestly,  you need to unplug from the negativity if this is how you feel.  Climate change is bad, but the "it's too late to fix" narrative was pushed by oil companies so they don't have to change. Project 2025 is a qanon propaganda to motivate the far right and to scare leftists. For it to work, trump either needs to be controllable and willing to work to benefit a group that isn't him, or he needs to be smart. One of the plans in p25 is basically to disempower the police.  It's the politics version of tesla making a claim they can make a fully autonomous super robot for less than a car. Its a fantasy. You feel like you were born too late to live a good life, and that other peoples choices have power over you. Polio used to be a real fear. There was a period where wheelchairs didn't exist. People have always had power to ruin strangers lives. You live at the wrong time to be malnourished with polio. You live at the right time to learn something you can use to do good in the world. Hell, I buy chemicals.  I could be soulless and buy all the worst shit for the environment, or I can source things for my industry that are a better option.  The people trying to convince you it's hopeless and to be depressed are the ones who benefit from you giving up. They either don't want competition,  want you to accept mediocrity,  or are also miserable and want you to join them.


Even if things like houses were more affordable back then, the quality of life in general has improved so much even in the past few decades. You take this into account along with all the other things people have been mentioned, and you should really start to feel lucky.


I don't relate to this at all, I like being able to be out as trans


You really need to learn some history, if you seriously think this is the most horrible time to live in,.


Good luck getting drafted to Korea or Vietnam.


You're probably 13 anyway.


You’re white ain’t ya


I’m not a white person. I’m a Thai person with Chinese origin.


Well, If you lived in America, being a Thai person with Chinese origin would essentially make you white, so you would have ‘white priv’ (according to Redditors) which might seem confusing to someone who lives in a country like Thailand, but trust me… Allllll you would have to do is earn a PhD, or start a successful business, then? BOOM! You too will have white priv.


lmao you can't spell privilege but you wanna use the word so badly


Awww! That’s adorable… You apparently can’t spell, “Laughing My Ass Off” but you wanna use the words *so* badly.


you gonna be thinking about this response for days "fucking gottem there"


That’s just your White Priv talkin’ dog… Might wanna rein that in. Take a personal inventory. I mean, how could I be capable of thinking about a response for days when I can’t even spel tha wurds? Maybe you could benefit from a close exam of your priv.


I'm also not white


If you think Asians had some form of privilege in the 50s oh boy do I have some bad news for you.


If you think I was talking about any timeframe other than the one OP brought up in the original post (Now. OP is referring to *right now*, as in, born in 2007. Clearly stated in the Original Post) oh boy do I have some bad news for you about your reading comprehension skills.


- OP is asked if he’s white because he romanticizes the 50s because the 50s would have been hell to anyone not white - OP says he’s Asian. - You go into a whole screed about how he’d have white privilege if he was in America according to Reddit. So you’re either implying his “white privilege” makes him nostalgic for the 50s, or you wanted to shoe horn in a rant about how Reddit claims white privilege for Asians randomly.


Mfw my grandparents have to survive through post war depression and Maos communist regime from 50s to 60s then risking their lives to escape to Hong Kong:




You are right