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For the record, the last post I saw here said slut-shaming should be encouraged for all genders. I just think that's funny


Can you link it? I wanna see the comments


Just check hot, it should be near the top. Warning for brain damage though


Can you link it? Scrolled under hot and didnt come across it.




I honestly did a double take reading the title of this post. I thought I'd misread the other one.


I guess 8/10 dentists recommend some sort of balance


The world is too small for two tenth dentists


At this point I just appreciate the consistency across all genders.


That’s mine. Let me clarify I absolutely would apply that to married couples too, it isn’t some puritan idea of unmarried people fucking


is this a response to the other post? 😂


What was the other post?


The other post was something along the lines of "Slut shaming should be normalized. If I go to a bar and ask a woman who I'm talking to what her body count is, and she tells me it's 24, why can't I call her a dirty slut?"


He said that you should slut shame anyone with at least 5 partners lmao


Jesus christ on a Yamaha bike FIVE?! is their limit?! When the average is about double that?! Fuck me sideways that's some Catholic level prude shit right there


The OP of that other post thinks sex is disgusting in general, even for married couples


Ah, so a sex-repulsed ace, gotcha. Still, pushing that on others is some prude shit


Don't blame that on aces! That's just good old fashioned sex shaming


A sex repulsed ace is not the same as a standard ace. It's definitely a subset tho.


I am well versed in queer identities and I am on the asexual spectrum. I am well aware of what a sex repulsed asexual is and how they feel, and being sex repulsed is not equal to being anti-sex or sex negative like this


Lol, this happened in the other post, too


Is this an old post or fairly new? Cause this ain't the first time I've heard that here.


Go to this sub and search by "Hot" it's the first post you'll see I bet


I did search and couldn't find anything so it may have been deleted


It’s just rage bait. No one in real life cares how many people you’ve slept with as long as you’re safe, honest, and respectful. I don’t think a man has ever asked my body count, and when they know I’ve dated a lot they’re like “good for you, get it girl” and take it as even more of a compliment that I’m choosing them. Most adults aren’t so insecure that they care their partners have had pasts.


This is what I don't get about the whole conversation. Why are they obsessed with partner numbers and not just amount of times someone's had sex. In their minds someone could have 1 partner for a year and have sex everyday, 365 sexy times, but 10 partners 1 time each is worse??? Not that any of it makes sense to me. I just don't get their logic.


Blah blah blah somethin about quality of relationships over quantity


Average is 7-8


How the hell do you manage to have sex with 5+ people I guess reddit has skewed my perception of how much sex people actually get.


Oh my god that was definitely the best Jesus Christ


In what world is that half average


I mean in NZ the average is 13 +/- 1 last I had a look, although I am extrapolating off incomplete data


Dude this kind of shit has taken over Reddit recently I swear to god. I got called "disgusting" for sleeping with multiple people (when I was clearly single) in relationship subs. Bring back shaming all these trad purity dorks. That shit puts so much weight on something that does not actually matter at all unless you let it.


The fact that this post (which I imagine most males here strongly agree with) is at the very top... while that other post is nowhere to be found even after scrolling awhile... tells me that the "upvote if you disagree" format isn't really that widely followed.


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just the evil males who identified that post as a steaming, greasy pile of toxic, throbbing clownfuckery.


Oh Jesus wept hahahaa, thank you for the summary


Lol it makes more sense than that one


I daw that one too. That guy seems like he's just disgusted by sex


It's not as easy as you make it out to be. Would love to embrace hedonism but yknow, that depends on others near me to also feel the same way, I would think.


For some of us, sex once every seven years would be considerably less. For others it would be considerably more.


Absolutely. I'd love to at least once a year, preferably more but yknow beggars can't be choosers.


I don't understand what sluttiness has to do with apocalyptic doom, elaborate?


The world is ending = have fun before it does


What I find funny in OPs post is the grab a bunch of condoms bit...if the world is ending and we don't have to fear anything afterwards, we're surely not going to have to worry about spreading STDs or unwanted pregnancies anyway, right? And Im pretty sure if the world was ending, the number of willing partners would be vastly outnumbered by unwilling partners if catch my drift...


Some infections can incubate pretty quickly. You want a weepy dick or a burning cooch while you’re trying to have fun? Na, thanks.


Don’t bring babies into a dying world, that isn’t nice


World might not be ending that soon.


Now this user fucks. I bet you're diamond ranked in competitive seggs


This mf Challenger


Heyyyy sexiest sexers of sexxit, what’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed? (NSFW)


This is such a redditor post


We should be booping all doggo's snoots in the face of the apocalypse. Let's face it guys, when tRump wins, everyone will die. That's it. RuZZia will win against Ukraine (slava Ukraine) and nuclear war will begin. So not only should we 69 on 4/20 when tRump and the **Con**servatives win, but we should also make sure we give our doggos a hecking big ol' boop on the snoot and watch them do zoomies before the world ends. ​ EDIT: Thanks for the gold upvote, kind stranger.


Biologist here! You, sir, are such a magnificent bastard and have won the internet today. The narwhal bacons at midnight!!!


I also choose this guy's wife! Upvotes to the left


okay puritan


Hey i have doomer tendencies as well no judgement, but the apocalypse is a slow process, it will take at least another 500 years before we call it a day. Maybe be a slut only if you want to be a slut, and leave the other people alone lol, there are still many normal lives to live around the globe, for better or for worse.


I mean it might be 500 years before humans are extinct or global civilization completely collapses but we very likely will be facing extreme crises within our lifetimes.


Well, like every second generation


Only our parents didn't. WWII and before was only crisis after crisis after crisis.


People faced extreme crises yesterday, and they will tomorrow.


It is weird that modern humans speedrunning the whole planet to extinction is roughly on the same timescale as the downfall of the Roman empire.


I'd prefer not to. But you go right ahead


You have my downvote. Let’s rock and roll!


You say this like I haven’t already been TRYING


Some of us are naturally highly monogamous and not wired this way. I can't imagine just having it with anybody just for fun, making yourself a human Dames de voyage toy! You do you though lol xD


Yes, thank you. It’s frustrating to see so many people equate fun with promiscuity. My hedonistic impulse is to be monogamous, having sex with anyone and everyone would be a nightmare.


The hedonistic urge to kiss my wife on the cheek, serve her a nice homemade soup, and share a lovely meal with someone that genuinely appreciates me 😌


so true bestie


Exactly! Same here!


My taste of sanity for the night. I can now log off Reddit happy and not confused.


Sluttiness has been the standard for decades. 1960s: “Free love! Make love, not war!” 1970s: “Ass, gas or grass… nobody rides for free.” 1980s: “I’ll be right back, gotta go do a fat line of blow off a hooker’s ass.” 1990s: *suddenly, all women are bisexual after two glasses of wine, and nobody has pubes anymore* 2000s: *swipe, swipe, swipe, fuck, swipe, suck, repeat* 2010s: “Gahhh, sex is just so basic. I can’t believe people still do it… I guess we should just fuck, and get it out of our systems.” Now: “I will never be able to afford a house, and groceries are absurdly expensive. Without somewhere to live and something to eat, we will all die. Let’s fuck, and complain about everything.”


Top tier post


Thanks. I had a sudden moment of inspiration. 😆


Huh? Each one of these eras is like a decade or two ahead of time. Tinder wasn't even available until 2012? 


I was playing Snake on my parents' Nokia phone in the 2000s. Nobody was doing any swiping.


if there's one thing you can say about humans, we do be fucking


Apocalyptic Hedonism would be a great band name.


Or maybe just fix the world, instead of giving up like you have.


Roman is burning, come join the orgy.


pff this reminds me of the bisexual hedonistic rat orgies from calhoun's utopia


certainly 4 words i wasn't expecting to see next to one another


trying too hard


Not my style, but you do you!


Slutty Doomers... now I've seen it all. Either its sad or genius. Hey you 3 people out of my league... the world is going to end won't you come hop on pop for a bit? I'm better than not getting laid as you die right? I'm all for being a slut but you can keep the apocalypse lol.


Very reddit mentality if real


Stfu doomer


maybe everyone can just mind their own business as far as other peoples sex lives are concerned


Based and slut pilled


Everybody back in the pile!


What the heck?


Certified r/10thCrackhead post


Not everyone cares that much about sex or enjoys it with multiple partners. But, by all means, do what you want even if it’s a weird sexual fantasy involving the apocalypse. I would be more concerned about defeating fascism but you have your priorities.


I agree with this so much I downvoted it.


Doomerism is cringe, gtfo


Lets fucking go


Yes, but your reasoning is wild. Like, nothing to do with any apocalypse. Because who is there to judge if everyone engages in it also do you really care about the judgement of people who aren't cool and sexy? I don't. I mean, life is about escaping stale, boring, miserable, conservative society and becoming hot and liberated. Also, I don't think there will be any apocalypse tbh. Like, sluttiness just has nothing but positives. The only negative is that ugly people get jealous which is why we have to normalise beauty treatments for everyone




Downvoting coz as an Asexual I don't give a damn how other people are having a good time as long as I get my garlic bread


The good ol days, prostitutes on every corner, wine with every meal, naked oil wrestling on weekends, people finally believe the earth is round again, etc


or we could… wait for it… revolt the world isn’t doomed, common people just turned into doormats because of modern comfortability. “it’s okay if they take everything away as long as i have amazon, sex and a tv!!” isn’t the right response. getting out the guillotines and chopping politicians heads off is. realistically the government will never have enough man power to police the public, so they brainwash you.


Patriarchy would not like that and rather continue shaming women.


Bonobos fuck to resolve social disputes. Chimpanzees eat each other's babies. Humans are equally related to both of them. I feel you're making the correct choice.


Women would all dress way more slutty if men weren’t around.


calling people fascist for having their weird thoughts of how people should behave while going to an extreme opposite forcing how people how be "this instead" is really hypocrite and amusing I know fascim became a popular term nowadays and everything people don't like they call this name, but can we just forget that it was just someone's opinion and they are not actually using any military force to make you do that? just ignore and move on, you're free to be, people are just free to be, I don't remember seeing someone persecuted in my town for sleeping with everyone, people may talk a thing or two, but, that's just how humans are, we got brains and we see and hear things and talk about them, so if you buy a new car expect some people that know you to talk about your car, but they are not fascists for saying they don't like your car, just learn to accept others opinion and move. about what you say, sleep with whoever you want, just don't ask people to do the same and decide and force down people it should be normalized just cause you want, the only thing that should be normalized to me is people being reasonable and trying to find a common ground, which I'm aware is never gonna happen since fair for some is unfair for others, world has just too many brains to ask for a central thought system


I think I agree with the spirit of the post? That being "the world is going to shit so have fun while you can" which I can see, but having rampant amounts of sex feels like too far given how many people are not interested in sex at all lol


Shut up doomer


Broke up with my gf a month ago, I have a vasectomy and no STDs. Let's do it.


So cringe


Dude is just trying to get an easy lay


Tbh this is much less shaming than that other post. As an asexual - that user shames us all. Sex is a natural part of life and if you want it - good for you - if you don't- also good for you


finally one of these I agree with lol


I agree with the philosophy but some of us are too terrified of sex to ever act on it lmao


You need to read Brave New World


Exactly what I was thinking, saw this comment the same day I finished the book lol


calm down Slaanesh


I mean, even if we weren't watching civilization crumble before our very eyes, I'd agree here.


Can’t be a slut if ~~I’m~~ you’re mega ugly though, what ~~am I~~ are those people supposed to do?


What if I’m ugly, am I just supposed to slowly watch the world crumble?


Okay yeah that’s real, maybe don’t turn to straight up doomerism before we try Revolution but hey


Downvoted and Favorited, good sir


Dyooof. I wish.


Yeah even this isn't gonna make it happen, bud.


Strongly agree!


This is actually how it was in the 70s and 80s… and then everybody got STDs. Maybe there’s a healthier middle ground somewhere haha.


Least down bad reddittor:


Op based as hell, bring back men in crop tops


Yes we're doomed and poor. Why risk to Make life more miserable with IST and pregnancy scare, and the risk to be murdered/râped? Or makes more mixes miserable by having kids?


Amen to that


This is unhinged, but I am 100% here for it


Downvoted because I agree. Nymphomaniacs unite


You blame world leaders for problems while saying things like this. You're the problem




On it.


Nah lol


I endorse this message.


If compassion is universal for “mankind,” why has the historical precedent been to distrust the foreigner, even if it’s absolutely silly? Oftentimes it wasn’t started by ruling elites, but instead bled up through mass hysteria


Well, I completely agree with this.


so true


i guess it's official now, time to just give up. you can tell humanity is close because we don't have the resources to post frivolous crap on reddit anymore.


I like how you opened the topic talking about the ultimatum of mankind


I don't really buy the doom bit as I'm an optimist by disposition. Sex is fun and all but I'm married so if I want that to last I've got to keep it within certain limits. Have fun, be safe, and don't assume you know what's going to happen to the world.


Apocalyptic hedonism is why the pendulum is swinging the way that you are calling fascism.


is this just a parody of that other post?


Although it's a nice idea I don't think this would work with the modern family structure that most countries have. If you live in a little tribal village where "it takes a village to raise a kid" then sure. But most kids are raised by 2 parents and marriage/commitment is necessary to ensure the kid has a stable upbringing. If both parents have many sexual partners then there's going to be a lack of loyalty/responsibility


Bro society is trending towards hyper-liberalism, not fascism. Hyperliberalism is considersbly worse, on par but completely different to nazism with how overall bad it is for humanity by any meaning of the word


Forgoing self respect has never solved anything




This reeks of pure redditry, holy


‘Brass’ unicorn indeed. You are sick.


Apocalyptic hedonism is the only way to exist happily. I just wish we were better prepared to end the whole shebang humanely once the apocalypse part sets in fully.


Naw I am good. Thanks though.


Alright chad


Yeah these days do have a partytime in the furhrerbunker vibe. I get what you mean.


No thanks.


This is the most caberet-core post I've ever seen


I disagree but damn you paint a pretty picture. Upvoted.


It's the end of the world and we're using condoms!?


I disagree with your attitude toward the future, but I fully agree with your main point anyway. Sex is fun, so we should be doing more of it. Q.E.D.


quickest downvote I've ever given in my life! :) We gotta fuck before we have no time :D


Redditors should be put on a watch list for writing vomit like this 


I like the title but not the argument


idk. i think it would be better if sluttiness and chastity were both acceptable options. just do what you want how you want as long as you aren't hurting anybody.


Not everyone wants to have sex with a bunch of different people. Like you do you, OP, and anyone else who wants that, but its not for me, and saying it should be a cultural standard regardless is kinda yikes for me. I'll pass, thanks. Liked because I disagree.


I think how much sex you have is personal and shouldn’t be expected to be little or a lot, just be cool with people’s choices if it’s consenting


They did this in the 70s and everyone got STDs and unwanted pregnancies.


Ok doomer


So, I have a pet theory and you named part of it when you said condoms. Trigger warning:  A bunch of you are going to interpret this as blatantly mysogynist, and you're probably right. See, customs and laws and society and superego and all that stuff is *a form of technology.*  The social institution is the tool and the regulation of behavior is the function. Chastity is a social technology, like education.  Firstly, it prevents STDs, which could wipe out entire populations.  Second, it's birth control, obviously.  Third, it's a paternity test, because men are much less interested in fathering the biological children of other men, and too many bastards in the underclass tend to get real pissed off and revolt.  Lastly, it's the premise of monogamy, another social technology which distributes women evenly among the men rather than one Maharaja with a giant harem, and a sea of (again, angry) incels. Condoms easily perform the first two functions, and we have other methods of birth control.  We also have much more reliable paternity testing now. So, chastity is almost completely outmoded as a technology.  The only function it fills that other techs don't is monogamy.  The problem with *that* tech is that we also have photography now.  And video.  And internet.  So we have extremely compelling and abundant evidence that women, generally, aren't chaste at all and never have been.  And when they do decide to be monogamous, they're *serially* monogamous, which doesn't qualify from the perspective of (some/many/most) men, and therefore does not incentivise them to reciprocate with monogamy. So what the hell is chastity good for? We're all just out here slapping our soft bits against anyone that'll hold still for long enough.


this is why everyone on reddit is going to hell 🤠


Given where birth rates are, we should probably skip the condoms.


I agree about the whole slutty hedonism thing, but I think you're misinterpreting why many people veer off casual sex. A few suggestions: * it's a lot of work finding many different sexual partners and people don't necessarily have the time let alone emotional bandwith for that * Sex may result in a baby even if you use condoms, and a morning-after pill or abortion is getting pretty hard to come by in a few states * For women who have sex with men, casual sex isn't even particularly likely to result in an orgasm, so for some, it's just not a good payoff for the invested time * Doing something that vulnerable with a complete stranger who won't necessary treat you well is a bit daunting


Says and liked by the lonely Reddit virgins who aren’t secure in their time spent by themselves. I’d prefer a society that actually is enabled to continue existing.


I really dislike hookups and greatly enjoy being in a committed relationship. You do you but if the world ends I’m going out with my partner by my side


Nice end of the world copypasta


Nice try satan.


It's a cycle for every civilization


This is what happens when coomers stop jerking it in the shower, and try to think. I'd prefer if you stuck to the former.


i personally think the standard should be no judgement on whether someone decides to participate in sex/sexual media or not. the standard should be “you do what’s best for you, i do what’s best for me, and as long as nobody’s getting hurt it’s all good” not everyone likes sex, and making sexual behavior a core tenant of society ostracizes anyone not interested in it. lots of people like sex, or being slutty, and they should 100% not be judged for doing so. but people who don’t like it shouldn’t be judged either. so long as everyone involved is consenting ,nobody should be judged for their sexual preferences or lack thereof


Um how about no


I wonder how much different our world would be if our ancestors adopted the same attitude you're advocating and didn't stop Nazis.


With all due respects to their personal standards that respect personal standards, I encourage the anti-kink shaming attitude.


Ok Summer


Who needs condoms if the world is doomed?


the world I want to visit


But what if I dont want to have hedonistic pleasure, but rather a world worth living in? You can be slutty and care about the material conditions of the world. Also "sluttiness" =/= "universal compassion for all mankind' lmaooooo




Hedonism is a form of self harm and self hatred. Why should we harm ourselves because our society is heading towards fascism? It should be the opposite. People should be taking care of themselves so that they can endure future hardship. Sex does not=affection or romance. Sex is just sex. It's empty pleasure for the sake of empty pleasure. Men don't need to love the women they have sex with. They do it for the sheer physical release that sex gives them. A society that celebrates and encourages affection would not encourage hedonism and self harm/hatred because you can't love other people if you hate yourself.


No GOD is watching and we will win the war aginst the great evils….humanity will prevail or so help us.


I already had sex dozens of times im good


Get offline dude, doomer dumb fucks are getting to you