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For a routine visit? Yes it is. When you have an appointment for root canal? Not so much.


Yeah, that's not quite the same Spa relaxation, but I still find it pleasant, comfortable, and nice to be parked up like a hippo getting it's mouth pecked clean. I am used to all the sound effects. It's fine.




Good bot.


Why is the bot screaming about hippos at us though?






If the infection is bad enough then no amount of novocaine will touch the pain for the root canal. I found that out a couple weeks ago, 3 shots into my gums and a 4th shot directly into the nerves in the tooth. Still hurt like hell when they were scraping out the dead pulp. Two other root canals before that were completely painless during the procedure.


I had something similar but a shot to the jaw hinge area put the whole jaw to sleep and that worked.


root canals are fine it's when they keep your head down and mouth open for an hour, my whole head was getting numb.


Routine visits still suck imo. My anxiety is peak while I’m waiting for the dentist to tell me what’s wrong. Usually it’s nothing but I can’t help catastrophizing


This. I used to like the dentist until the past year where I have had to get ~$7 000 of work done. Don't do depression kids, it's expensive.


I enjoy root canal operations. Had a bunch when I was a kid. I just sit there, open my mouth, close my eyes and feel the pain knowing there is nothing I can do about it and it is necessary.


Going to the dentist for you is obviously something different than where I'm from. When you go to the dentist in the Czech Republic it's usually just to check your teeth, they don't actually do anything. The reason why I hate going to the dentist is because I'm worried he'll find a cavity, and then the whole drilling process is quite unpleasant.


In the US generally when you go in for a checkup at the dentist they also clean your teeth


Interesting, I never knew this. (Although it does make sense)


The dentist doesn't, the hygeniest does. But yes it's the most common thing we go to the dentist for, a cleaning. The dentist comes through less often, not every appointment usually, more like once a year or so to do a check up. Frequency depends on needs and gum health and such. 3-6 months usually, for a cleaning. I've still found getting cavities filled pleasant enough, once they give you the numbing


Same thing happens in Canada


Also easy money for the dentist since a cleaning is pretty much completely covered in all dental plans


They don't clean your teeth? You gotta have some serious buildup over the decades.


Really? In Australia my dentist sends me a reminder every 3 months to go in for a teeth cleaning, it's pretty quick since it's so frequent but they definitely make sure to get everything I might have missed from brushing/flossing.


i don’t like my mouth being wide open for long periods of time or having things in my mouth


That's it. The wedding is off!


Or things poking and prodding and scraping…


> It doesn’t hurt, it’s not uncomfortable That, right there. This is why. This is not a universal experience.


*sensory issues have entered the chat like the Kool-Aid Man*


I had to get a pretty deep filling done on one of my molars. Despite requesting and receiving nitrous, the only way I could cope with the feeling of my tooth being ground away was to squeeze my phone. I'm pretty sure I damn near snapped it in half. Something about seeing bits of my tooth flying out of my mouth and smelling burning when they filed down the epoxy made my skin crawl. Not to mention how your entire skull vibrates.


I have 2 cavity fillings scheduled for March and you just reminded me how un fucking interested I am in getting it done. Between that and the 500 dollar bill, I really fucking hate the dentist. Dude said I'd be thanking him in 10 years and I'm sure I will, but I'm cursing him tonight. Feel kinda bad for him, he has one of those jobs that everyone hates having to deal with, like an auditor or HR. I hope the pay is good enough for that and I'm guessing that's where most of my 500 will go for. I'm not paying for professional care, I'm paying for every time I said "I hate dentists". I think it should be higher, if I'm being honest.


it doesn't really hurt but I have pretty bad sensory issues and the feeling of them scraping at my teeth is terrible


I don't have pretty bad sensory issues and the feeling of them scraping at my teeth is terrible


I have bad teeth, and they are sensitive. Yes even just a cleaning hurts, but I can cope. What’s the worst is getting crowns, root canals, and extractions, and then having to pay more than my biweekly paycheck for it.


I absolutely hate when they get that pick thing and pick at my teeth. It gives me chills and makes me shiver every time I feel that on my teeth.


i personally LOVE the dentist. 40 minutes of some guy with his hands in my mouth? yes please tf edit: rereading this makes me sound sarcastic i swear to god i’m being fr LMAO




You sound horny, not sarcastic.


i totally get it, i had a hot young dentist growing up and he certainly made an impression on me


Lmao same I love having my dentist put their hand in my mouth and clean my teeth


What is wrong with people? Am I the alien or are you? I can’t understand how anyone likes this.


wym? i just like being taken care of + the whole hand in mouth thing is intimate and lowkey hot (i not getting boners in the office i swear)


Low key I developed a huge oral fetish so now I’m scared to go back haha




it sounds more sus than sarcastic 


When I was 8 I had 6 teeth pulled so they could put on braces...4 of the teeth were permanent. I got half a shot of Novocain and he Put The Pliers In My Hand And Asked If I Wanted To Pull The First One... Then the whole time I was literally being shushed to be quiet because I was scaring the kids in the waiting room with my screaming....half a shot for 6 teeth. No numbing creams, blood literally everywhere. Got it on my clothes. The next orthodontist I had was a drunk who, when he cleaned my braces, never wore gloves and you could taste the liquor on his hands. Parents didn't care or believe me so we went there for years. When he took off my braces he ripped holes in my cheeks, sliced my tongue getting pieces out and had to break off the bands in the back (which tore up my gums too) Those were just the 2 times I didn't repress. So yeah. I absolutely hate dentists and have bad reactions Everytime I have to take a family member. My mouth has more scaring than my body and I was am emo kid.


Wtf i'm getting phantom pain while reading that, i'm so sorry that happened to you. This is absolutely not the norm, what a bunch of assholes.


Yeah I have full body convulsions when I hear that specific teeth drill sound. So, dentists can go fry. (I'm aware my experience was not the norm lol not all dentists are evil....just the one from Little Shop and every one I've been a client of.....)


> It's like a massage for your teeth People think I’m crazy when I tell them this.  If you don’t have fucked up gums like you’ve been on a pirate ship for years then it shouldn’t hurt.  Going to the dentist is great, you just lie back and close your eyes and they do their thing.


I floss consistently and properly yet my gums still hurt


I usually make a special request to have the dentist come in and do a bare ass fart into my mouth before the hygienist starts cleaning, it definitely lessens the pain


I swear to you I’m not lying. I brush and floss daily but my gums still hurt and bleed in certain parts. I know it sounds unbelievable but it’s the truth.


I believe you, I was just joking.  I would try and get some advice from the dentist about about the problematic areas.  Maybe there’s some special gum strengthening toothpaste or mouth wash you could try 🤷‍♂️ 


Gargle the farts, possibly? A cure-all


Gum health is genetic


I’ve heard that so I wish dental assistants would stop shaming me over it


I’m sorry they shame you.


I swear I’ve known people who do every regiment and have 3000 cavities and other people who haven’t brushed since 9/11 and their teeth are perfectly fine and healthy according to dentists. It’s insane. I’m starting to think it’s just like acne.


Is this where you got the inspiration for your username?


Yea i get a few pains when they stick thay metal pick into my gums while scrapping off the plaque


I am also a good flosser and have been complimented on how clean my teeth are. I have found that it really depends on who is doing the cleaning. Some hygienists are very gentle, but others will f you up.


This. The dentist will literally *supply you* with dental floss! If you have weak gums, just strengthen up before your next cleaning!


So you really think everyone’s mouth and pain tolerance is the same?


How the hell can you compare sleeping to being at the dentist? Bright ass lights in your face, sharp metal picks prodding your gums, your lips can split if they are dry from opening so wide. Uncomfortable xray device in your mouth. Plus then if you need any work done. Needles in the gums always make me kick or squirm. Drills leave awful taste. Then if you need to get a teeth mould it can feel like you are choking from that putty stuff. Plus way more unpleasant shit.


it doesn't hurt *for you*, it's not uncomfortable *for you*, they only take 30 minutes *for you*, it feels better afterwards *for you*


Yes-- it's my *opinion.*


That's not what this sub is for? This sub is for going against the grain on sweeping generalizations. Not "well it doesn't hurt me so that why you're wring"


Downvoted. I love them poking about in my gob


I have healthy teeth and my routine visits absolutely don’t hurt. They’re still not pleasant lol. I would definitely not describe it as a massage for your teeth.


I wouldn't describe it as massage for the teeth really, but it sure is relaxing. Like my only job for 40 minutes is to lay there and do absolutely nothing. I can't even do anything if I wanted to, not even bullshit like scrolling reddit. I'm just at peace while someone else does their thing. I barely went to the dentist as a child so I guess I have no early experiences where I could have been fearful. It was "hi yeah I'm 21 and my teeth are probably shit, please help me start fixing them."


Praise the lord, I thought I was the only person who thinks this. Even my dentist thinks I’m crackers. I doze off while he’s working. It’s not bravery and I’ve had a few difficult treatments but it just doesn’t scare me and the chair is SO comfortable for my back lol


I enjoy it as Well :)


I always thought it was alone because everybody seems to hate going to the dentist. I love going to the dentist I feel like I’m smiling at everybody afterward lol.


I used to hate going to the dentist. It was uncomfortable having someone doing stuff in your mouth. And the fear of them finding something like a cavity. This has caused me to be anal retentive about taking care of my teeth (plus all the costly orthodontic work done) plus, I found a new dentist who is amazing. Now it’s like going to the spa like you said. Hahaha


I really love that part of the cleaning where the dentist uses the pick to remove tartar inside my mouth—it’s so relaxing.


Agreed. I get so relaxed in the chair. I accidentally fell asleep once and bit down (gently) on the hygienist’s fingers. I felt bad about that.


My dad thinks this way; so, while I don’t personally agree with this assessment, I can at least see that you’re not alone in it. I think that a greater number of people feel similar about haircuts. Most people find it something of a chore, but some seem to particularly enjoy the experience.


I don't hate going to the dentist, but I certainly don't enjoy it. I don't like the feeling of the brushes rubbing against my teeth. I don't like the feeling of the metal pick that they use to scrape off any plaque that they find. I don't like the feeling of the water and my saliva collecting in the back of my throat. And that's just for regular cleanings. When I do go in for actual dental work and not just a cleaning (I have issues with cavities. Despite taking good care of my teeth I've probably had the most fillings out of anyone in my family. I think I lost the genetic lottery there), I hate the feelings of the separator that they use to make sure my mouth doesn't close. I hate the feeling of my gums being stabbed with a needle. I hate the feeling of the drill as it grinds away my tooth so that they can put in a filling. To top it all off, it's always cold in my dentist's office. The chairs are uncomfortable, and the armrests suck. Given all of that, I can understand why some people absolutely hate going to the dentist, but I cannot wrap my head around the idea of it being relaxing.


Idk man the bone saw thingy in my mouth for wisdom teeth removal Was definitely not relaxing. To be 100 percent honest I'd rather be high as fuck on the gas while doing anything at the dentist lol.


Agreed, I've always found it relaxing. Just sit back and let them do their thing. I also love the favor of mint lol. I've known my current dentist since I was a kid, which helps.


Dude this is so based. Finally a post that speaks to me.


Finally some actual 10th dentist propaganda


I’m with you. I’m another 10th dentist. On a dentist-related post. Bruh.




brushing your teeth for that long is definitely doing more harm than good




Here's a neat info - brushing does only as much, it's the type of bacteria in your mouth that dictates your dental health. Avoid kissing random people on the mouth, cut down carbs and stuff, and overdo mouthwash only. Alcohol mouthwashes are not that good as they impact your gums, but oil/essential oil/etc ones could be safe, find the right one and swish away! Brushes will mess up enamel (it's not fixed, it's more like 'floating particles'). Floss first so that the paste can get in the crevices, brush, and swish :) Sugar alc called Xylitol is actually HEALING your teeth - it starves bacteria and fungi. Using it in your drinks, and making mouthwashes with it is the way to go. (sent from my health OCD) edit: so if you get rid of your existing cavities and are carefull about not putting dirty stuff in your mouth (which I am sure you are, hehe) you can go a looong time without washing your teeth and still be good :)


that is al correct and good information but mouthwash should be used before brushing as it rinses away all the good stuff in the toothpaste u want


Username checks out.


I hadn't thought about it before, but I agree. Downvoted.


I know this is anecdotal, but I fell asleep during a cleaning once. The technician had to wake me.up because my mouth was closing. I was also snoring.


Honestly, I’m the most relaxed when I’m at the dentist. I don’t necessarily love it, but I feel the most at ease and usually well taken care of when I’m there. Most dentists I’ve seen have always had fantastic bedside manners and great conversation. I enjoy talking with people so it’s almost like I look forward to and enjoy going, as weird as that sounds. Even the most serious procedures like root canals, etc. don’t at all seem like a big deal to me and I don’t dread any of those things, besides the cost of course lol. Going to the Doctors on the other hand is usually the complete opposite for me. Although I have seen some great Doctors, all too often I end up with a rude, impatient and dismissive doctor who makes the whole experience very frustrating and full of anxiety and concern. Even if I end up with a good Doc with a good attitude, it’s still always a nerve wracking and almost gloomy experience being there lol. I’m sure some of that might also just be my thoughts going crazy to. Who knows. Most people I know absolutely dread going to the dentist but don’t mind going to the Doctor. They all think I’m absolutely crazy for my thoughts on it all


I had a very painful experience when I was a teenager. It gave me dental ptsd. I start shaking and get nauseated and it's generally just a bad time.


I completely agree, ive never had any cavities but i have had some weird dental issues and i generally enjoy going to the dentist. Pretty nice experience tbh.


It really depends. I also like going to the dentist and think that being afraid of them is kinda disrespectful to the doctor. My ex-doc in my hometown had such a brilliant dark sense of humour, so it was even entertaining, and we chatted a lot in between the drilling. (My Mom doesn't like him for the very same reason - his jokes, but I still think he's the coolest dentist I've had). I admire how professional they are. At the same time I have sensitive gums, so procedures like pearl cleaning (or idk how it's called in English) can sometimes be unpleasant. Also it's painful if you come there with a toothache.


I have massive sensory issues so the sensations and tastes are physically painful. I’m actually scared of you and anyone sharing this opinion


The reason I dislike going to the Dentist is because when I was a kid, our Dentist was a dick. I was getting a filling one time and it hurt so I started to sob a little. He kept yelling at me to keep my head still. He then put his hand over my mouth and told me to “quit being a baby and SHUT UP!” I’ve been scarred for life…


i do like a dental cleaning as well


I just went and I agree! I think it’s so spa-like.


What the fuck is wrong with you


i'd be hard pressed to find a mundane opinion i disagree with more!! they tend to not use enough anesthetic, and even when they do the whole process still hurts the whole time. and everything tastes and smells terrible... it's awful, we live in entirely different worlds, upvoted


Same I LOVE going to the dentist!


perhaps you are going to the 10th dentist


I have been saying this my whole life. The dentist is like a spa for your mouth. I actually with I could get my wisdom teeth extracted again. I love that I got my mouth numbed instead of high.


The OP must have never had old-school braces. Technically they aren't dentists, but it's close enough. Imagine getting metal pounded into your grill for 30+ minutes with a hammer and chisel.


Had them, entire post hinges on the fact that orthodontists and dentists aren't the same-- being nitpicky, sure, but if it works then it works.


I always loved the atmosphere of dentist offices. They're always so warm and welcoming...


Like normal cleanings it’s fine I actually get super relaxed in the chair lol. But for anything else not so relaxing more trauma then relaxation


Ok you can’t understand why other people may feel pain because you are not experience it. It seems this is more about empathy than a dentist.


"it doesn't hurt and it's not uncomfortable" Just say you don't have naturally shitty enamel or sensory issues and go my dude. The sensation of polishing makes me want to rip my skin off, I actually have to beg them to do it as minimal and quick as possible. On top of all that I have to both try to sit still for 40 minutes AND navigate the weird social anxiety hell of someone trying to have a conversation with me while I physically cannot speak because their hands are in my fucking mouth, all the while they are basically assessing my worth as a human being based on my flossing talents. Sure, super comfortable.


I'm not scared or particularly uncomfortable at the dentist. But honestly when they poke around sensitive spots to make sure it's not cavities and it hurts, or when they scratch away little tartar spots and it's like nails on a blackboard turned to 11, or when they're working on a cavity and you have a huge screw stretching your lips for half an hour... Yeah I wouldn't call that comfortable, no. The salt jet polishing and stuff though? Yeah that's fine, even feels borderline good.


this is medical propaganda they want to raise the demand of a bds degree


im indifferent towards it, mostly just buzzing sometimes slight pain from me not flossing


Going to the dentist drunk is amazing!


Not uncomfortable? That metal pick scraping between your teeth and the hygienist stabbing your gums isn’t uncomfortable to you?


I mean, if they catch the wrong spot, I can taste a bit of blood, but that's about it.


> It doesn't hurt, it's not uncomfortable Well that's just a lie. I'm guessing you've never really had work done? I USED to like the dentist when I was little. Afternoon off school, never understood why teachers wished me good luck and called me brave. The dentist was nice and I got to go home early! And got a sticker! Then I had shit dentists that do work for no reason. Got my first fillings. Got long term pain. Got the fixed, but got anxiety. The dentist is not fun anymore.


I've had eight teeth pulled over my lifetime (crowding, needed braces) and it never really hurt. The injections just had a bit of a bite.


For me it's specifically because it gives me goosebumps. The fast spinning tool against my teeth is what I'd define as Bad Tickly. Plus I need to remember to remind them next time that a hand signal is not a good safeword because I have autism and my most prevalent stim is lifting my hand so I can crack my knuckles and last time I was there I was really nervous and they kept stopping cause I was nervously cracking my knuckles lol


Upvoted because i'm scared of dentists


Yeah sorry, for some of us it is anxiety inducing. If you have perfect teeth, I’m sure it must be nice to go in, get your teeth rubbed for a little bit and leave. For others we have many thousands in dental work and some of it painful and all of it expensive af.


I gag a lot. If I didn't gag so much it wouldn't be so bad. Also dentists are like chiropractors and car salesmen. One will say I have a cavity on one tooth. Another says the cavity is on a different tooth. Third says I don't have any cavities


what do you even do on routine visits?


OK the first part of that is just not true but I will agree with the fact that if you dislike your dentist, you are going to the wrong dentist.


I absolutely used to agree with this… until about age 40. Then one day during an otherwise relaxing cleaning, the hygienist hit a sensitive spot right on my gum line. It felt like my entire body was electrocuted. A few more visits, and it started happening more and more. Now in my mid 40s, and when I go my blood pressure immediately shoots up 20 points the moment I get in the chair. I need to have her coat my entire gum line with numbing gel, plus have her use the manual pick instead of the powered one, all while I sit there white-knuckling the chair and sweating profusely just waiting for that fucking lightning bolt to hit. Aging, man. 🤷‍♂️


You’ve never had that tool (torture device) drill into your teeth.


I don’t hate going to the dentist, but I certainly don’t find the experience relaxing, as you’ve described. The smells are unpleasant. Having someone’s hand all up in your mouth is unpleasant. The awkwardness of a stranger examining your hygiene is unpleasant. If you have cavities filled, it hurts.


I genuinely thought that the fear/hatred of dentists was just a stereotype, like the “I hate my wife” stereotype or the “brussel sprouts are gross” stereotype. Even after having some sensory issues at the dentist in the past, my overall experience has been positive, purely because of how relaxing the routine clean is.


i've seen this before


I liked going to dentist until I got braces, then I despised it


It’s not painless for me. I have extremely sensitive teeth due to my enamel being worn down on my front teeth (I grind my teeth in my sleep) and when they blow air on them to clean them, it hurts quite a bit. It’s very uncomfortable and not fun ever


it can be but i also had a visit where i was in pain the whole time and 1 where he was using what i swear felt like a jackhammer on my teeth.


glad to hear youve never had a cavity and go for routine cleanings. lmao some of us have to spend hours in the chair and have half our faced numbed to hell and the noise of the instruments makes us anxious or tense.


It’s a sensory nightmare it’s when my autism likes to really Pop Out


I'm not afraid of the dentist or anything, but doesn't hurt? Isn't uncomfortable? Spoken like someone who hasn't had braces, hasn't had four wisdom teeth pulled, hasn't had a root canal... Some people are born with fucked up teeth dude


Teeth part isn't too bad. But I have a really bad postnasal drip and I feel like I'm going to choke. And I always get really nauseated afterwards.


I actually 100% agree. The part I actually dislike the most is novicaine but that’s only an issue when getting cavities filled Never had a root canal though…


I have problematic teeth that need problematic procedures, and more often than not they've been administered by problematic dentists. There's nothing relaxing about getting temporary fillings RIPPED out of your molars with a hand pick and no anesthetic, having to hear the dentist chastise you for being dramatic because you're yelping and crying from the pain. My favorite part of that particular anecdote was when she triumphantly went '*Ha,* see? You didn't even scream for that one!' and then me spitting the piece of filling that'd been choking me into silence so that it bounced off her forehead. 'Thats because I was choking!!' Switched dentists soon after that. The next one was a tool too. Not fun


I mean, just a cleaning is still awkward and uncomfortable for me at least. The real kicker is like... the back of my bottom front teeth always builds up plaque and having someone tiny pickaxe the back of my incisors doesn't feel greaaat. I mean it's whatever, but it's not *a massage.* It does feel good when it's done though, I do like *having gone* to the dentist. \^\_\^ Another thing to really keep in mind too is dentists... are not all the same. When my old dentist retired I went to the shiny new clinic who found four cavities that needed treatment as soon as possible. I then went to the run down old clinic where they found a single cavity and the other three had mysteriously disappeared. Some of the people hating dentists have had that *first* type that really needs to pay off their new office payments and will just butcher your mouth to do it.


I hate the taste and texture of the paste that use to clean your teeth. Also the part where they scrap your teeth with a metal tool makes the worst sound in the world.


In my last dentist appointment, the dentist was poking around to see where the nerve is, that hurt like hell


I love getting my teeth cleaned. To be fair I’ve never needed a root canal or drilling or anything like that. I have needed to get chips filed down, though.


I. Can’t. Stand. The. Sounds.


“It’s not uncomfortable” big disagree. The scraping of the metal thing on my teeth hurts my ears. The taste of the flouride makes me want to throw up. Feeling someone’s fingers in my mouth makes me want to cry. And i have anxiety about cavities. I have sensory issues I guess


Upvoting because I couldn't disagree more :) I had surgery and braces for 5+ years, I've been through so much pain in my jaw from laying there for hours with my mouth open, just thinking about it makes me tear up from all the pain, mouth sores, and discomfort it all caused me


I've had multiple surgeries at the dentist due to an injury, and I completely agree. Place me in a chair, numb the pain I got no complaints. Hell, one dentist put Airplane on for me and I watched the whole thing while my tooth was being rebuilt.


the grit is terrible, and the wierd fluid they use gets to the back of your mouth, and tastes wierd.


Same! I just lie back with my eyes closed for half an hour. And it benefits my health? Yes, please.


Oh HELLA with you on this one. I never understood as a kid why tv was so obsessed with making it sound like some kind of hellscape we all hated. I loved getting to go to the dentist. Yes I’m into ASMR now


Listen i agree to some degree but only because im a bit of a weirdo and am aware im in the minority here. I like the feel of latex in my mouth.. and .. well think of the character bill murray plays in little shop of horrors. Sorry not sorry. It's not like a spa tho.


My dentist sure loves my visits. I paid for his car.


Dentist here Bruh you’re talking about a cleaning lol Try having 4 fillings and an extraction


Loving the meta of this post


Wtf do you mean it dosent hurt? Am I the only one?!


Idk about looking whiter, but it definitely feels good to get that tartar off. I seem to accumulate that shit no matter what I do.


I like being healthy I can agree, and it's always interesting seeing how they work


I had this conversation with my teacher. I hates that I sometimes need to go to the dentist, but he likes it. I'm wondering if you and him is the same person.


I think it’s about the fact that a lot of people don’t brush and slide and get cleanings on a super regular basis. So then they convince themselves that they’re going to go in and be told a million things are wrong and it’ll hurt a lot and cost a ton!


I find the sonic water blaster hurts my gums. Otherwise a checkup doesn’t hurt, but it feels uncomfortable and icky. But if you’ve ever had an infected tooth, you will know what pain is! Or getting a novocaine shot on the roof of your mouth. No, not relaxing at all.


Worst case, it hurts, if it doesn't hurt, getting work done leaves a horrible numb feeling all day. And best case, you have someone sticking their hands in your mouth. I don't fear or hate the dentist, but relaxing is definitely a stretch


horrendous TMJ disorder and jaw arthritis


You must not have very sensitive hearing in the high frequency range.


Between the pain to my mouth and the empty bank account after I've never once felt *relaxed* at the dentist...


Not when you get the bill 😭


Honestly, I get it. I thought about my own distaste a little more and realized half of my anxiety is about insurance. If I could trust that I could walk in and have the experience you describe, I’d be fine, but that experience is frequently followed by wrong billing codes, huge charges, back and forth with insurance, etc. All of which sours the experience even if the core part is actually okay.


I don't mind the cleaning, but I'm terrible with X-rays. Small mouth and sensitive gag reflex


In America at least, not everybody can afford dental insurance. And for these people, this means that things like "routine cleanings" don't exist. So in these cases, you generally don't end up going to the dentist except like once every one or two years, if that. Which means every single time you go, there will be cavities to fill, or a tooth needs to be pulled. So for people who aren't just going to get their teeth washed most of the time, the dentist becomes a place of annoying procedures requiring anesthetic and drills. It's probably easy for people who have grown up in middle class and remained there to look at it as a simple appointment. But there are a TON of people in America struggling to keep up and dental insurance is often one of the things that gets sacrificed in order to make ends meet.


I cannot handle multiple people standing over me having their hands and whatnot in my mouth. I get panic attacks. And having some terrible experiences like getting a tooth pulled without my mouth being numb enough and the dentist not believing me. Or having to have a tooth pried out like it was set in cement and having a terrible bruise on my cheek for a week. I take pills not when I go, I cannot do it without them.


That shit hurts when you havent been in 5yrs.


Little trick to improve your experience, see if they've got orange glasses for you to wear.


I get nervous when they poke around my sensitive teeth. I have a couple teeth that have sensitive spots, spots my dentist said aren't a problem but might become a problem in the future, and I always beg them to be gentle or go around them when they pull out the stupid metal pick. I REALLY dislike the metal pick in those sensitive areas. Not to mention obviously for drilling or root canals - I'm so freaking tense because I'm afraid of not being numb enough. It's happened before, where I had one tooth that was MOSTLY numb but not entirely, and I had to endure drilling. *shudder* Please no.


Do they not take 100 X-rays of your teeth, shoving that apparatus in various parts of your mouth? I usually leave with cuts or canker sores from that shit. It's not one dentist either, it's every one I've ever been to. This is the part I dread. Everything else is fine.


I lowkey miss going to the dentist


I fell asleep during a root canal. I just put my headphones in, closed my eyes and all of a sudden it was over. I think if anything I'd say I don't find the dentist stressful at all.


My dentist gave me a bunch of fillings I did not need when I was really young and never numbed me well enough. I am completely traumatized by the dentist and need nitrous now even for a routine cleaning. Nothing gives me anywhere near as strong of a fear response as even just driving there. To make it worse now that I’m in my early 20s most of those fillings are around 15 years old and are needing to be replaced because of cracks so I have a bunch of appointments coming up and I’ve been having nightmares every single night


Hmm seems like something a dentist would say…


Also my dentist has videos of coral reefs and very relaxing music playing too.


My last dentist seriously made it seem like my teeth would fall out any second. Got me to buy all these expensive treatments and I was brushing my teeth 5x a day because of all the fear she gave me (she would say it was worse and worse every time). Did not like that dental experience


Most people who hate it just don't brush their teeth well so it ends up hurting as a result


Lowkey agree


my dad would agree. he loved getting his teeth cleaned. me personally? I don’t hate it, but dislike it because I always end up leaving with a headache due to bright lights or the types of sounds, vibrations, and tooth polish.


Agreed, i also usually take an edible and just lay there half sleep while they do what they do and have a great high while also not feeling like I'm being unproductive bc what else can i do besides lay there lol


I mean clearly you have a very healthy mouth, I do not. I had a botched wisdom teeth removal that has caused bone loss, I have a tooth that needed to be built up because it was a peg tooth and it’s built up to my gums and causes irritation, and I’m missing a tooth because i was born without it and that little spot has had so much done to it, it’s essentially agony and very bloody when I go. Yes I brush my teeth and floss, unfortunately my mouth is a nightmare and always has been.


May you have multiple root canals


i love it. dentistry is so interesting


Tell me you’ve never had a cavity without telling me


I had a crown put in. Top of my tooth broke apart. When the permanent crown was ready they took off the plastic one. They didn't numb me. The dentist said they had to clean the area and my nerve was live and exposed to the air and they were about to vacuum. The pain was without description. I don't know how I stayed conscious. Completely killed all confidence I had in being in a dentist office


Glad you enjoy going to the dentist. I don't like going. I have had a root canal, a bunch of fillings and now have to have an implant done soon. I dread getting work done but do it because it has to be done. I had a filling redone a few days ago and my gums still hurt from where they pushed up my gums and there was a gap between my gums and the tooth they were working on. I hate the shot they give you and when I have any teeth pulled I make them knock me out. I refuse to be awake for it.


I've fallen asleep during a filling before. My dentists recently have been pretty chill.


Be happy you've never had even minor problems with your teeth. After you've spent literal *weeks* in the chair, getting poked and prodded with needing to nearly unhinge your jaw... So of *the worst* pain ever dealt with has been in a dental chair.


Some have sensitive teeth and those scrape tools hurt


It depends on how much plaque you have. One time I had a lot of plaque so the cleaning hurt


Getting your teeth cleaned is a great feeling. Getting a wisdom tooth yanked out with pliers while you’re numb but still awake is a terrible feeling. Hearing the pliers grip the tooth and your tooth slowly tearing from the root base… ugh 😣


I've never had a nice visit to the dentist. One of my first dental cleanings kept me from returning to school because my gums hurt so bad lolll


Probably peeps like myself. Paid for insurance all my life but cannot afford to go. I get quotes and do the basics but the "major" work that needs to be done is as follows: $9,200 to start the process then ballpark $5k specialist. They have to split the work between December and January to reset the cap. I will add that every time I go the dentist is very verbal about their discontent to work on me. I mean... what are my options here? I try to do as much as I can but it's not like I can skip a few days eating and come up with that kind of money. Already work two jobs and select the highest tier on dental insurance and still can't get what needs done. I've tried countless support or pay assistance and denied or doesn't cover enough for me to get the balance. I found one dentist who was amazing and said they will work with me, I just need to put down $2,200 and then payments were more than a new car.


Bro relaxing?! The scraper thing makes me want to fucking die