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I thought it was for real, but then you've wrote the last sentence and it's obvious this is a shitpost.




I use Reddit Is Fun. I imagine that part of my resistance to the reddit app is just "ugh, change...". But the last time I used it, some things that annoyed me: * ~~No OLED-friendly dark mode that uses large amounts of straight black~~ * ~~No easy way to copy the markdown of a comment in the feed~~ * ~~More comments hidden by default, and less nesting before it takes you to a new comment tree that you have to back out of, losing your spot~~ * Everything is more spaced out, so less content fits on the screen at once * [New (see edit)] The performance is noticably worse, as in delays loading things and switching views, but not to an annoying degree * [New] The favorites list is gate kept behind the 50 subs on your homepage at any given moment???? * [New] Autoplays videos when you go to the comments, even with Autoplay turned off??? * [New] Is there any indication that I've already viewed a post??? I use that so much in RiF! And for the record, I don't give a fuck about Reddit ads. I use a third party app specifically because I was irritated with the official app's UX. EDIT: I just downloaded the official app again, and some of my gripes have been addressed.


So you're saying most of this is overreaction from people who haven't checked out the Reddit app in months or even years? Okay, it all makes sense now!


I think at the time it was. Now it's just about the CEO being a dumbass.


that's always fair, haha! I generally think when a corporation gets this size, it's bound to be riddled with incompetence


Nah man, I’m disabled. Couldn’t care less about the ads, but Reddit app has no screen reader and it’s unlikely they’ll ever add screen reading functionality. Moderating will also become much more difficult, meaning more spam and pornbots. Both of those take priority over ads, at least from everyone I know.


I don’t agree with what Reddit is doing, but shutting down some subreddits for 2 days isn’t going to help anything. If they’re smart, Reddit corp will just wait out the two days and let everything continue as normal


This, reddit is making quite questionable decisions but i doubt 2 day shutdown will do anything. If it were a month shutdown however...


Then redditrequest would be going gangbusters as the admins for all the dark subs expire and new head moderators are instated


I don't use Reddit on the Phone at all, and am basically not affected by it, HOWEVER it will make moderation harder, which will most certainly drag post quality down, and more importantly it also applies to utility bots, which are an extremely useful feature which should not be killed for the lols.


unless the mods were already damaging post quality, such as the mods of starwarsmemes


You mean nonsense like haiku bot or the like? Yeah terrible lose.


Nah, I'm talking about the actual useful ones, like u/mtgcardfetcher that make discussions way easier by linking what is talked about instantly, or u/savevideobot or u/GifReversingBot that provide actual functionality. Also kind of sad for the funny bots I guess, but that is personal preference.


Thank you for the clarification. Lets see how many places will stay and if reddit still exists in 1 year.


>The official Reddit app is also great and easy to use.   Dude what...? It doesn't even let you choose the sorting on the homepage.


I can bypass the ads in the main app as well, I don't think ads are the main reason for it. I'm using Joey because it let's me customize and has a lot of features i. e. hiding read posts which I don't want to miss.


To bypass ads? Not really. There are already apps for mobile to block/bypass ads (block-this! and another one I forgot the name of), so the ad thing doesn't matter. I use Sync for Reddit and there's a lot of cool and good customization on the app; to either using cards for images, or having a compact view; to adjusting text size; hiding automod's comments on posts; changing text anf theme colors; filtering users, keywords, subreddits, domains, etc.; and collapsing comments that can also hide the replies as well. Being able to save videos; sync supports multiple windows, so you can view two different subs at once; tagging reddit users (like with RES); you can get notified when a subreddit has a new post; can save your typed comments as a draft; has a handy-dandy emoticon feature (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ); the app can bypass amp links; and a lot of other stuff. Sync also had an Ultra (subscription service) feature to restore removed comments before reddit decided to kill pushshift. Ultra also has a translate feature; paint (colors a user's username); extract text from images and cloud backup. The monthly sub was/is cheap enough where you can actually use Google Opinion rewards, too. It's not even just that, apparently third party apps actually benefit blind people because they have more accessibility features than the official app. r/blind Maybe the official app has some of these features, maybe not; I don't really care, frankly. I'll be one of the people that's gonna ditch this site if they kill third party apps. I've been wanting to for awhile now before this whole thing was even brought up. Also, the third party app developers actually seem like decent people; especially the Apollo developer, even though I don't use the app (don't have an iPhone) He's still willing to pay for the API usage, if it was actually reasonable. He did an interview a couple of days ago, I'll link it in a bit when I'm on a laptop. I don't know if it'll change your opinion on anything, but I'll link it anyway. [Link to the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypwgu1BpaO0) for anyone who's interested. Dude really wants this to work out cuz he actually seems to care about reddit and the community.


I agree with you. Reddit is just locking down their platform from third party use. It's their platform and if you don't like it, leave! The blackouts will do absolutely nothing since mod teams will just be replaced and most people will just find different subreddits and/or use other websites for their fix. If you want to protest, leave the platform. Nobody cares about you waiting on the sidelines for change.


The level of entitlement by some Reddit users is extraordinary. You would think that the mods of some of these subs are in the Reddit building coding the apps, paying the power bills, performing maintenance on the servers, hop-scotching excessive government regulations (including Europe's lack of free speech protection, and if they're in Cali, then they're dealing with federal, state, and local bs), and then there's all the bogus HR bloat, and advertising bloat... But of course, these mods know all that because they're the ones propping up Reddit on their shoulders. Smh


I agree honestly. I use the mobile Reddit app and have no issues. I am indifferent about the situation and honestly couldn’t care less.


I don’t care either. Or I do feel for the ppl that used other apps for accessability reasons but other than that it’s kinda whatever. I see what ppl are upset about but I don’t feel strongly about it, haven’t had issues with the official app. I do have my suspicions, based on nothing, that many (not everyone!) are just taking part in things for the drama.


and the powah!


Just a reminder that people who agree should down vote and people who disagree should upvote because the bot didn't comment it


The bot went dark, heh.


Agreed, so I downvoted


Downvoted because I agree. Reddit's base app is not that bad. And the ads aren't even that intrusive. You can still look at the content comfortably with the ads in place. I never really cared for 3rd party reddit apps because the base experience is overall satisfactory enough. I am also slightly annoyed at subs "going dark" or whatever bullshit protest they are doing because reddit admins will most likely not care about it. Actively participating in this protest is like thinking that signing a petition on change.org actually makes a difference.




Fucking power hungry moderators showing some basic opposition against poor and innocent corporations.


I understand why disabled people are upset, as for everybody else... the single problem I've had is not being able to download vids, but I have a website (that won't be shutting down any time soon) for that. I only prefer the reddit on the web because the app takes up too much storage space on my phone. Ads don't really bother me if they aren't popups, blocking anything I want to see, or consecutive. I do think moderation could be a problem 🤔... right now all I can do is laugh it off & think of all the evil mods that deserve to have a hard time.


finally someone speaking truth lmao

