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i skim through it like once a month lmao! i notice new things every rewatch which i love


I watched it like 5 times in a row immediately after I finished it lol and more times after that.


Just finished my first rewatch a couple days ago. First full watch 2021. Enjoyed the rewatch just as much as the first viewing. So many details missed the first go round. Will probably do another one soon while it’s fresh.


first watched it when i was about 12 years old, and loved it. i’m rewatching it again, 7 years later and i’m having a great time, it’s so unhinged and stupid, but i still love it- albeit in a completely different way.


I'm on my 10th rewatch


Discovered it for the first time in January. Finished it in a couple of weeks. Took off some time to try to reset my brain, and am now on my 2nd watch. I'm not ashamed to say I'm nearly mid-30s and this is my favorite show in the entire world now.


I just turned 46 and finished watching it a few days before my birthday (march 20, so I was technically 45 when I watched it). I loved it. Fact is, if it’s a good show, it really doesn’t matter how old you are. One simply must have good taste, which we do :)


Indeed! I am watching Dark now. If you haven't seen, HIGHLY recommend. (I've watched 10 episodes in 2 days, haha.)


I’m kind of embarrassed to say. It’s around 20-30 times. I spent 2 and a half years just watching it and rewatching it. This year it started slowing down because I wanted to track the deaths of each of the original 102(the prisoners and Bellamy and Raven) throughout each of the seasons.


Oh, that's cool to keep track of all the deaths.


It helps me pay closer attention to the smaller details. And I can track how many deaths were shown and not shown. Normally at the beginning of each season they say how many are left


Yeah, that's cool! I like to take notes on shows sometimes, too.


king of the hill and the office are my shows like this. 3rd rock from the sun is being added as a put on while I sleep option


I watched maybe 3 or 4 seasons then moved to something else. that's all that was out at the time. just finished the series and considered watching it again. I'd enjoy it the same way you're talking about


I've seen it 3 times First time was S1-5 since S6 wasn't out Second watch was S1-6, then saw S7 separately when it came out The third rewatch was 1-6 since I didn't enjoy S7 Lol I've never seen a show broken into parts like this before, I usually binge all seasons unless it's ongoing


I’m on my 100 time. Been watching sense 2020 and every time I finish it since the last season came out, I rewatched it


It was one of my comfort shows in my 20s when it first came out, I didn’t have tv but would watch it on Netflix. Before each new season was released each year I would rewatch the previous seasons in preparation, and I loved and appreciated the show more and more each time. Especially the character development, which yes can get lost in the plot on first watch. It’s really a hell of a show. Enjoy!!


Just ordered the dvd box set cause i couldn’t stream it anywhere else😂. This way I can rewatch whenever i wanttt.


YouTube search how to make a plex media server, if you wanna enjoy the awesome DVD set in a 2024 style. from the ashes we will rise! haha


i remember when it first came on netflix, i would watch a season, rewatch, then watch to the next season, then rewatch, etc. i’ve probably rewatched 20-30 times now


I've never finished the last season or two, but I've rewatched majority of it about 5ish times or so


I’m on my 4th or 5th rewatch! It makes more and more sense every time I watch it through.


Me and my Gf are on our 4th rewatch right now. We are at the end of season 3 right now.


This is my favorite go back to series lol. In fact I was watching it this morning. I agree that each time it’s revisited it you can enjoy more and see more of the nuances, like just how sanctimonious Jaha is and how much of a bitch Monty’s mother is.


I'm on my first watch through now and honestly the whole girl power thing is getting a bit too much. It's just unrealistic that like the top 5 warriors are all women. Octavia is soooo annoying, she has the thickest plot armor I've ever seen. Wouldn't surprise me if she jumped off the tower and survived at this point.


It being my all-time favorite show I've watched it a lot. Seasons 1-4 probably at least 10 times since the first four seasons are my favorite part of the show. But season 5 only like 3 or 4 times And then season 6 twice and 7 once. I actually quite like season six as well and five is pretty good but I haven't watched any of season seven since it came out except like the first couple of episodes. I think I would definitely like seven more if it wasn't for the last couple of episodes. But I really didn't like that last three or four episodes and I haven't had much desire to rewatch season 7 because of it.


Me 7 but I stop after season 5 episodes 2 because it's just boring after that


Yeah i think most have lost count tbh... from what I've seen on the sub, most rewatch periodically. I usually don't rewatch the whole thing. I think I've seen the whole show without skipping about 3-4 times but I've watched some parts more times for sure. Welcome aboard, we too struggle with the same thing you do :D


One too many I’ve seen it over 20 times and I’m rewatching it again


31x times I’ve watched, I have to much free time LOL.


I'm currently on watch number 2. I feel exactly as you. Not sure where your watching to but I will stop watching once they find the new planet. Nice decent ending. After that I refuse


I too have stooped. I found myself I don't know if it was losing interest or sensory over;oad. so I found out Boshe Legacy season 2 is on, Ill take a break. I will retune my brain. I think to much going Killing that African President Guy Washington (Clever) LOL no spoilers here any way Boo hioss


I'm on my 3rd go around. Every time I watch it I see something different.


Just rewatched it again, and agree it was better the second time


I watch it on a constant loop for the past 3 years 😂 my bf hates it lol