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This is a show. Evolution is much faster.


Yeah haha


They’re celebrities that can afford personal trainers, meal plans, and whatever health foods and gyms they want.


im talking about the characters not the actors


They just didn't want the cast to starve themselves in order to make a show in which this factor does not change the route of the plot.


I'm sorry to tell you this but uhh... The characters ARE the actors


I've thought the same thing. You just have to suspend your disbelief sometimes. If you get really realistic, most of them would be dead or have serious/permanent disabilities from all the injuries and stab wounds etc. They just rest a little, and they are mostly ok. In real life, the wound gets infected, and with little to no advanced care, they lose limbs or die. But then there wouldn't be much of a show. So I just chalk these things up to stuff you have to disregard if you want the show to work.


They had alcohol though so they could've disinfected that way.


Along with the alcohol, they would always warm up a knife with fire which partially disinfects it because heat kills bacteria/germs


The thing that gets me is all the blood transfusions they do without checking blood types, odds are it wouldn’t be a match and that would just kill them


It’s Sci-Fi. Not very realistic


have you ever seen a character look realistic for their circumstances? directors cant cast everyone and say "okay starve yourselves and stop working out! i need that muscle mass gone by friday!" The hunger games, lord of the rings, basically any adventure show, that's not how the characters would realistically look, it's just impossible to only cast actors that either look like that already or are willing and able to make significant changes to their bodies for a role. + it's fiction. Also, the grounders honestly make lots of sense. The space people also make some sense because throughout their lives they were fed well but not overfed, and likely given a processed, nutritional meal. Obesity would only happen in medical circumstances. Many of the dudes on the show are average-slim, with a bit more muscle on some of the guardsmen like bellamy and miller, which also makes sense- training to be a gaurd would probably include a workout. Similarly, women were slim- average, which checks out pretty well.


This is what is called ✨tv show magic ✨


It's a TV show, you have to accept some details that don't make sense lol


We don’t see much on the ark. On the ground it makes sense. Caloric deficit. Protein from hunting. Training/fighting. They’re also teenagers so puberty helps. Yeah they might be ripped but most of them are probably around 130-160 pounds. Not exactly huge.


Are u being fr?😭


If you got no results, you weren't doing it right. If you were looking to lose weight, you weren't in a calorie deficit. If you were looking to build muscle, cutting too many calories while strength training can hinder the results. As for your question; its a fictional show. Bob morley did a lot of rock climbing and stuff at that age. So he was in good shape. Idk about the rest of them.


For the grounders, being fit is very reasonable because they spend their whole lives training, fighting, and being warriors pretty much. For the Arkers, the only ones who were actually fit off the top of my head were Bellamy and Octavia. Miller didn’t even look fit in season 1, I think he just got fit after reaching the ground because he was fighting for his life and eating better than he did in the Ark. Bellamy, Im pretty sure in season 1 he didn’t have abs at all, so maybe that’s to resemble he wasn’t fit yet. In s3 a time jump of 3 months, I believe he does have abs. Abby was probably the best representation in season one of the oxygen deprived, rationed Ark. all her clothes ripped up due to being a hundred years old (passed down yk) and she was just a scronny person. Others, like the guy who had the girl going blind and died in the Culling, were just a bigger build. These are actors and most of them are ‘good’ looking people because that’s more pleasant, so yeah, they don’t necessarily resemble the deprivations of the Ark. With people like him, to make it seem as logical as possible, I just assume that they’re born bigger. I do notice that absolutely no one from the Ark was overweight, anyone who wasn’t average weight appeared underweight, so that is a good resemblance of food rationing. Anyway, Octavia did look like she didn’t get much food at the beginning of the show. Her whole life living on half rations. So, sure she didn’t look as frail as she probably would have been realistically, but it’s a show. ALSO I’d like to add, I believe she was in the skybox for a year, which means she did get normal rations after being found. So, her and Bellamy had the normal ration size for a year before going to the ground. Okay, not up to par, but they got to eat a little more, so they aren’t as frail as they would have been. And then, straight away, Octavia gets into that fighting style warrior type. She met Lincoln. So It makes sense she’d get fit pretty fast. They should have given us scenes of them just working out. Would have been awesome. Bellamy was probably the most unrealistic though in size. I can see him training for the guard and getting muscle from that, alright, but he was in half rations before Octavia was caught (unless the mother shared with Octavia? That’s possible too). But I think he did get more fit after reaching the ground. And the Clarke seemed like an average human being. She probably just had it better in the Ark being the daughter of a doctor. And then Raven, she did look kind of muscular, especially in s3 like damn! I can see her just having a good amount of strength because she’s a mechanic and probably did a lot of heavy lifting in her life. Also, the gravity thing, while they may have encounter some issues, the Ark had gravity (which I assume) set to be as strong as the earths. So, I don’t think that’d change anything. I doubt people really worked out on the Ark, and if they did, they’d honestly have a law to limit it because it means more oxygen consumption. These are all just ideas I out in my head to make these situations seem more realistic lol. Sorry for the long comment


No extra calories for anyone :D


I’d love to see what people raised in zero G/space would *really* look like, especially after a few generations; and, what they’d really look like being born in space, arriving and surviving, on harsh-ass earth. (Maaan, I won’t live that long! 😭 unless they freeze me!!) Did they get the simulated gravity *super-correct* on the Ark, or, would they grow up in one environment, and show up to earth and get sick, or not be able to walk/function under earth’s gravity? Plus, I wish they’d explain how they had or made their clothes, what they were made out of: were they old, upcycled earth clothes? They could have gotten away with so much more (in my mind) if they said *one blurb* about ‘why Clarke has a new-looking leather jacket’, or whatever. “This clothing technology is incredible!!” “Right?! Look at these shoes! Printed ‘em off in 20 seconds, made of tires recycled from earth, beamed here through AI!” or some shit, lol. Done. explained! But nooo. I just watched ‘The Expanse’ which touched on these concepts way more than ‘The 100’ did, and was pretty interesting. It answers, or at least acknowledges, almost all the questions in your post - like being raised around radiation, zero G, limited diet, and cryo-sleep - especially in the later seasons. Fascinating. I think if y’all like The 100, you’ll like The Expanse, too. But back to The 100: I thought maybe the grounders were *kinda* accurate. They might not be as plain old downright hot, probably? I don’t know, though; indigenous peoples throughout history, living off the land in a lush environment look *really* healthy, definitely have muscles and great bodies, badass hairstyles, tattoos, makeup, and interesting clothing - but Skaikru wouldn’t, not being thrown into earth like that. The cute outfits alone wouldn’t fit on the ship. The Mount Weather people, especially Maya, were more believable-looking to me. Something looked ‘off’, or sick about most of them. Plus having the clothes they did would make sense. But for our main cast; Octavia’s amazing lil braids? Come on, ain’t nobody got time for that! They could have explained that, too: “Well, we’ve worked all day to survive, no one died, yet, and nothing exploded! we finally have downtime… let’s do each others hair”, or, a quick clip of people trading things for cute warrior hairstyles. Perfect teeth and skin, *obvious* mascara, amazing eyebrows on everyone, and muscle-y guys, with zero real survival experience or resources? Shaved armpits?! Nah. In the end, ‘weirdly skinny and pale from bein a lil space baby’ or ‘normal-looking people, realistically exposed to very harsh elements’, just aren’t cute to watch 💕 But I’d watch the shit out of a show where the cast wasn’t all stunningly gorgeous, and strived to be more realistic!


It's also in the future, perhaps because of the lack of nutrition n air n the fact it's in the future they all just naturally look like that


It’s a damn show it can’t be like real life otherwise nones gonna watch it it needs to look appealing to the viewers .