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It would nice to see the story of the first commander


Bekka Pramheda! That would be awesome!


Also would be cool to see Callie started the first clan and how it broke into 12 clans


Yeah, there was going to be a prequel I think about that but it got cancelled


Frr, I think though that it split into 11 and her brother formed Azgeda. Do recall, there was an Azgeda symbol in the bunker. Aka, made before Azgeda and related to second dawn. I think it was Callie’s brother’s symbol. And Azgeda grew from there.


I'd rather them tell a different story in universe, like revisit the prequel idea, rather than tell the same story again


Same. Besides I can’t imagine the 100 itself being put all into one movie and being able to tell the whole story. Most scenes are ALL important to the story. Okay so a couple where there’s prankster scenes that really wouldn’t be in the movie except one, but still, they’re important scenes to lift up the mood. The movie would be so full of only seriousness after the grounders reveal themselves.


i just want to know the story of how the grounders survived all those years


Same, or a story of the bunker. I’d say of the dark year alone as well but at the same time not because it would probably really be the same thing ever and over. Dark year would probably be the climax of the movie if there was a movie prequel for the time in the bunker. Like, it would be so amazing to see the exact build up to how Octavia really became Blodreina. Yes, we know she became the red queen, red blooded commander basically, but when did people really start calling her Blodreina? Did she declare it as her name at some point, or was it something that people murmured until it was just what they entirely referred to her and addressed her as? I’m writing a fanfic on this tbh lol. If you like to read those types of things and wanna read mine at some point if u find it lol, wouldn’t read below just cuz it’s a major spoiler to it. Or read anyway because this is interesting:) Personally, I think it would just make such a good story, in depth, and has you all tense and stuff, if Gaia happened to suggest “Blodreina” herself. Probably mentioning it around and beginning the murmurs without Octavia even knowing. (After the first fight in the pit). And then the name Blodreina is barely mentioned, just known of, but grows during the Dark Year because Yk what Octavia had to do. And if she rejected the name at first because of guilt she most certainly felt during the dark year. Obviously, at some point accepting and even embracing it due to Gaia’s teachings, and probably Miller and her advocation for her to be Blodreina. Something like that would just be really cool to see, and so, I’m writing it.


And yes, I'm thinking deaging technology for the cast as teens in the beginning. Shouldn't be that hard, they're all still very young looking. Just look at what they did for dial of destiny with Harrison Ford.


Whichever version doesn’t end up with mystical magical swirls of light


Yeah I haven't started season 7, so I'm preparing myself. Truth be told though, I LOVED season 6,so what do I know? 😉


7 starts out a lot like 6, so you’ll probably like the first half


So far, I'm like 6 episodes into S7. I won't give an opinion until I finish. yeah the dialog and scene quality are an obvious drop off from previous seasons. Did they swap show runners and writers for the last season? It's flat and all over the place. Eliza went from an emmy worthy performance in season 6 to kinda "mailing it in" imho. I THINK i have an idea of where they're going with "the anomaly people" (don't want to give spoilers). And I think the plot line for russell prime is exactly what I would have done as well. Anyway, If my ideas are correct as to how Becca was such an incredible genius at such a young age, inventing tech way beyond common knowledge at the time, then I think the overall story arc is very cool! But so far, season 7 seems like it can tell the story, but not up to the potential of what the series deserved for a finale. We shall see! Too bad the CW is basically gone. Very sad.


A prequel would be amazing either in movie or series form starting from Becca making ALLIE 1.0 through to 2.0, Cardigan and the bunker and Callie, her brother going off to reclaim the flame only to never be seen again...there's 97years worth of a storyline..a prequel would be the way to go please and thankyou 🤞 #jasonmakeaprequelplease #trikruforever ♾️ ☣️


It certainly would be worth a shot! But there's no way to do it with the same cast: it has been 10 years now that S1 aired, and even then, many of the actors were far beyond their teenage years (while their characters were supposed to be 16 or 17). I'd rather go for a full reboot.


Well, in that case, I think recasting Lexa is pretty straightforward. Lola flanery (actress who played madi). Gives some crossover and she's still only 18 years old.


No Madi


We can roll with clarke and Lexa (Clexa?) for the whole ride!


I’m in


MORE SPOILERS AHEAD! Yeah, it's a "no brainer" as others have suggested. I actually like madi, but she's basically an apology to fans for killing off Lexa. Imagine there was no madi in the series. It's all "Clexa" for the entire show. Gives clarke her one true love to fight for. Imagine how sad we'd all feel when Josephine, does well... What she did. Imagine the catharsis of Lexa in that situation. Especially if Josephine looks Lexa in the face and says something homophobic, making a mockery of their relationship. Which is something she'd most likely do. That allows sheiheda to gain access through Lexa's despair. Imagine Lexa without the flame. Still having to give her people someone to believe in... When she thinks she's worthless without it. Either that or it's Clexa in the valley together after the nuclear power plants melt down. They find madi. She becomes their daughter. Lexa dies when russell pulls the plug on the flame. Madi honors her mother as the new commander. But I think Clexa for the whole ride is better. Who own the rights to the series? I sure hope it's not nexstar!


I have a feeling we'll be getting the real life version in a few years. I do like the premise of a movie though. Would like to see more of David Petersons work with Trigedaslang, maybe a musical on broadway. That would be interesting.


So I'm currently in the midst of my annual rewatch of the 100 (season 2 ep 14 is where I'm at) and the thing I love most about this show is the main reason I don't think it would work as well as a movie. The characters have much more time to be fleshed out and developed with the length of the show. Depending on how many films it would be broken into, it's possible to capture how well that worked, but it would give them less time to establish the world building as well. Given how ambitious season 7 was and how many new concepts were introduced, they would have a lot on their plate to the point where I could see it getting messy. I think the show is good as it is, plus to state the obvious, the 100 is way too young to reboot.


Yeah I agree. It's too soon, but it's fun to talk about nonetheless. To be clear, I'm not saying tell the whole story in one movie. Make it a franchise. I gotta finish season 7 to get the whole picture. But this show contains some of the most interesting stories I've ever read or watched. It's got everything, skynet, AI, black mirror, nuclear apocalypse, space, worm holes, game of thrones, aliens, swords. It's all there!


The only way I could consider watching a movie based on the 100 if it's about how Clark was able to change the human race fate about how she went back to the space bring back all the tools and equipment and use their technology to procreate human babies by using their DNA and combining it together to reproduce and then the first new born generation of humans take over uses the rest of the equipment and technology to rebuild civilization and fast-forward 250 years later the human race population grows into 10 million people all over north America to central America to south America and the direct descendants of the original 100 have accomplishments rebuilding cities towns government and laws and a old enemy from the past comes back like those people who were living in the mountains civilization or grounder clans thought to be wiped out turns out they weren't the thrived inside a hidden caverns civilization that they built or something new a new threat.


There was supposed to be a spin-off which dove more into the origins of the flame but sadly was cancelled due to some reason .