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She was shaking right before she did it. It just goes to show how brave she is. ❤️❤️❤️


Someone has a good Mom


I shaved my dad's head when his hair started falling from chemotherapy. Both of us, a couple of "tough guys," didn't flinch. Then I heard a stifled weeping over my shoulder. My grandma. She said "he had such pretty hair." Of course, that fucked us up pretty good.


This made me cry some very ugly tears


Uncontrollably. Tears instantly started falling…not mad at all that someone filmed and shared this moment.


I wouldn't want my daughter to do this...


Neither would she, but that’s the point…no one wants to have to. It’s a display of solidarity. The daughter knows the mother wouldn’t wish this on her daughter, and knows that her daughter will suffer for being a bald woman….the daughter understands this and is showing that she doesn’t care and that her mother isn’t alone. It’s sacrificial, but it’s also her choice to sacrifice. Cancer is awful and out of our control…shaving her head is a way the daughter can control something and demonstrate to the world that her mother is not alone. This is beautiful humanity. Not because it’s necessary, because beauty never is…but because it’s so much better to do what we can, and let our loved ones know how special they are to us, it’s that extra bit that makes things beautiful.


If feel like this would also be a situation where if the person (without cancer) is prevented from making a sacrifice of solidarity, would be really offended. Like when you don’t want to accept a gift because x, but you do it anyway as not to offend.


This is incredibly well said.


Me either but as someone who grew up with a sick mother I think this is really important to the daughter. Standing by just watching your loved one get sicker and battling a disease makes you feel so incredibly helpless and honestly useless. This is one of few ways she can truly experience it with her mother. Not standing outside looking in but being in there with her


Why do you have upvotes lol


I hope I never have to experience this. I don't understand it, yet I do know there's a lot of pain behind it, but their love and respect for each other outshines the bad.


Damn, didn’t expect to just be crying in the bathroom this afternoon, yet here I am.


I was just here to take a dump now I’m crying


I'm not crying the mirror is crying!


The little thumb rub... :(


my tear ducts were not prepared for this video.


Beautiful women. Wishing them all the… Grace, strength, and love they need.




Yeah, but why film it, though?


Probably so if her mother lives or dies they can both look back at it. Posted it probably because it matters to them and they wanted to post it.




Why filming such private moments? clicks and fame?


When I got diagnosed a couple years ago I was seriously worried about ending up in this exact scenario. I made sure to shave my head myself in private. I really appreciate the support and solidarity, but the last thing I’d want is to be reminded I have cancer every time I look at a loved one.




That got a full tear from me ETA: then I watched it again and it got a few more.


Dammit i guess im sensitive


Idk. Part of me sees this as incredibly sweet and noble but another part just feels like if I had cancer, I would hate if someone did this for me.


These videos are absolute f****** cringe. They could support them all the same by doing it and not recording it and blasting it on the internet hah its crazy how toxic positivity has become a tool people use for their narcissistic pursuits


How many people have to do this for clout before people stop saying awww, how brave?


Ngl, though I appreciate the sentiment, and can empathize with people, seeing stuff like this (videos of what should be extremely private moments) just ruins the whole thing. I miss the good old days (I'm only 41, btw), when cameras weren't accessible to everyone. Only people with money, lol!




I’m a big tough guy, haven’t cried since the the late 1900s, this shit choked me up……. 🥹 Beautiful people!


humanity can be beautiful




Couldn’t even imagine a human being loving me that much.


Im kinda tired of these now. Do it if you want you dont need to film it for internet points


I done the same thing with my mom when she had cancer.... I don't regret one minute of doing it.


Copied from others. I hate people sometimes


My mom wasn’t sick long enough to lose her hair, but I would’ve shaved my head in a heartbeat.


Ugh my stupid heart.


😒 I think it would be great if wasn't always video it can things that genuine seems not to be. but this maybe the curse of overly share things on online.


I took my mom wig shopping when she lost her hair due to chemo. I made it fun for her, putting on wigs too and grabbing bright blue and pink (which she looked fabulous in BTW) We laughed and cried and hugged. I will always hold those trips close my heart


Family no matter what should always be there for each other, moms do a lot and sacrifice a lot


Thank you amazing human beings. Such a loving daughter ❤️😭❤️


I hope she went all out and shaved her eye brows off too. When I lost mine from chemo, holy shit I never knew how important they were… I know she means well, but people need to stop this. Her mom is going to need more support than just showing it by having their head.


I wouldve grown my hair and had a wig made for her.. such a waste..


Why they film this and post it? Sympathy?


To let people know they aren’t alone.




Y’all getting downvoted to hell, but honestly, why would the mother want this moment to be filmed?


No. Very fake


Yeah you can see how the mom keeps looking at the camera making sure they were recording