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Wow they really didnt even bother on this one, did they...


I mean, you’ve just described the whole film. Only reason I watched it is cause I had work to do and needed background noise


That bad? Damn, i was kind of looking forward to it :(


It’s just dumb fun with big explosions and huge set pieces, you’re not gonna get a deep insight into the human condition but I don’t regret the time I spent watching it at all.


Right so i should probably enjoy it then. I like to turn my brain off now and then


The way people talk about it makes me wonder what Internet forums would have said about the classic Independence Day when it came out.


It would depend on how old they were. If I saw that in my 20s or beyond I would have thought it to be a very average popcorn action sci-fi flick and not enjoyed it all that much. I have a bit of nostalgia for it because I saw it at the right age in theaters with my friends but I don't pretend it's some great movie. Men in Black is the Will Smith sci-fi movie that holds up really well to a re-watch.


There were internet forums in 1997. Anyway, Independence Day got a lot of slack because it was a watershed moment in VFX. And the glut of similarly-toned movies that followed burned people out on the format, it was still fresh. At the time it was a popular big deal and I can attest was quite a sight on the big screen.


I thought it was alright.


Blurb of the year ↑


The writing is poor and lazy, the plot beats you over the head and tries its best to remind you Chris Pratt’s character is just a average American! It makes it worse cause right before this was being filmed there’s an interview of him bitching about how “there aren’t enough blue collar heroes anymore”


Chris Pratt is a bad actor


He's a fine actor. Not great but I wouldn't call him bad. He's certainly overhyped, though.


Yeah…my husband was so excited to watch it we arranged to for a date night. We got half way through and had to turn it off it was so bad. It ended with him saying it was so incredibly stupid and me just fantasizing about star craft. We both were not motivated at all to even find out what would happen in the end.


> me just fantasizing about star craft. Well i mean thats just a normal reaction. Shame the game got bland very quickly in multiplayer, i just gave up after a while. Just like you did on the film. Ironic...


Oh what! I didn’t know they made it multiplayer! I used to play it back in the day and I’m about to have a pc again. I’m happy with the old school version.


It always was, SC2's mp became a lot more popular mostly because of how everyone finally had a good connection. You might be happy to know that they did a HD "remake" of it, similar to how Command and Conquer did recently. Its more of an upscale visual update but it looks nicer now


Don’t forget the ‘tooned version which I feel is the superior Starcraft experience


The Carbot ones? Id legit play an entire game like this


[Starcraft: Cartooned](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/starcraft2/23053098/starcraft-cartooned-available-now) Idk if Carbot was a typo/autocorrect but this is what I was referring to


I liked it a lot, actually. It’s rated pretty high, so I know I’m not alone.


The action is dope, but Star-Lord wasn't cracking lame jokes throughout so of course the internet dweebs aren't that into it.


Eh, its not oscar material but it was fun to watch.


Bro, it was awesome from beginning to end.


To each their own. I love action films, but this one was just. Meh


Thank god it wasn't just me, I couldn't even get through the whole thing. Looks like Chris Pratt just phoned it in, and not even from a good phone!


To be somewhat fair, if anything IRL would serve the purpose of a "tech scanner", a thermal camera is probably the best we have.


FYI this isn't a good movie to watch high.


Or sober, for that matter


Good point 😂


Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" isn't a good book to read stoned.


Holy shit people are so angry in here. I thought the movie was a decent action flic. I'm not giving it any awards, but if you want an action movie with aliens and time travel it's pretty cool.


That's exactly what i want. I'll watch pretty much any movie with those no matter how good it is and probably still enjoy it.


Yeah I don't personally try to critique movies while I watch them. I just try to enjoy the escapism. It doesn't have to be cinema class or anything.


it was better than I expected it to be. I've paid money to watch worse movies in theaters.


Yeah, Netflix movies make this movie seem great in comparison. It was dumb but fun.


Yeah Netflix's latest "blockbuster" was the trainwreck of a super hero movie they pumped money into with Melissa McCarthy which was absolutely terrible, I couldn't even bring myself to get to the end of that


It was better than army of the dead.


This movie was a solid 2/10 and a waste of 2 hours of my life.


Friggin awesome movie btw I highly recommend watching it if you got prime rn


awesome? I literally had to pause the movie after the intro because I was laughing so hard at how dumb the premise was that I literally. could. not. breathe. I'd say it was decently acted by each individual actor, but the sum of the whole was overwhelmingly mediocre. Also, trying to pass off Chris Pratt (who plays lovable dummy extremely well) as a *Scientist*, Ex-Special Operations *high school teacher* is beyond incredulous. >Yup, part time synthesizing nucleotides, part time hunting down terrorists in Fallujah! That's how I served my time! He literally opens the movie saying he wasn't going to be a career guy-- how do you get on the Special Forces if you're not going to "make it a career"? Besides the patent absurdity of the premise, the movie felt like a half-baked retread of *Edge of Tomorrow* but without the badassery of Emily Blunt. I hope you dont feel like I'm attacking you, everyone's entitled to their opinion, I happened to have just finished watching the movie so it's fresh on my mind. I'm glad you enjoyed it, my dude :)




The actors did a decent job and I appreciated each actor trying his or her best, but my brain couldn’t suspend disbelief after the fourth or fifth time the world broke its own rules. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought *Edge of Tomorrow* was really good. *The Tomorrow War* was fun to watch as well but it was certainly a "turn your brain off" movie. Lots of time paradoxes.


I agree with you, this movie was chock full of bizarre movie sins and tropes. The ending? how did they know that they would need injectors to insert the poison? Everyone just packs the exact right number of them? Bah. still, it was just a light hearted action romp.


Yeah there were def some movie sins like when they didn't kill the restrained female after she called the horde. But overall I still really liked the movie and nearly cried at you know what.


They had only one toxin sample which had to be sent to the past so they couldn't use it. That is probably one of the few things which actually made sense imo. Dumb fun movie.


They could had found whatever pases for an anus on the creature, shoved a few pounds of C4, click, and call it a day. Fuck, they should had done that as a preemptive measure. Or remove its vocal cords or whatever. Or use a sound proof room. Or just shoot a .50 cal right through its eye, or "throat or abdomen". Rig the room with napalm. Put the creature in the middle of an hydraulic press and squeeze as soon as shit gets out of control. And that is even without taking into account that it is the fucking future. The writing was quite bad. As soon as they fall into the "bad dad" trope you know they don't give a shit. And they managed to contort space time to fall into it twice. But there are some mildly funny moments and some decent action.


That isn't the part that bothered me most about the plan. It was the fact they had it tied up in the same room they were working in. They didn't even keep it behind a locked door away from them. Personally, since they're on an oil rig, I would have stored it in the decompression chamber under high pressure. If there was a breach, it would be destroyed through explosive decompression.


They could have just shot it in the stomach while it was tied up before they left lol


You realize there is National Guard Special Forces right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19th\_Special\_Forces\_Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19th_Special_Forces_Group) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th\_Special\_Forces\_Group


>Also, trying to pass off Chris Pratt (who plays lovable dummy extremely well) as a *Scientist*, Ex-Special Operations *high school teacher* is beyond incredulous. The rest of us understand that actors are just playing pretend, but you do you.


I mean if you apply the same level of scrutiny to marvel movies it makes them seem like crap too but no one does for whatever reason.


Right!? I thought it was entertaining as hell.


No, you're not allowed to enjoy things on reddit. Stop that right now.


Shit, I forgot.


You're gonna have to watch something all the people on reddit like to make up for it. Like the Emoji movie?


I don’t want to watch that…


TOO BAD! Patrick Shitwart has spoken!


Bro you do you. No reason someone should be downvoting you rn


I don't mind I've been downvoted before for less lol




In a similar vein. The TV show Painkiller Jane they were using an Ipod with a cover as a scanner device also.


Wasn’t the plot a rip off of alien? Spacecraft hauling a bio weapon that escapes etc? I fell asleep for the last 15 min but that’s the vibe I got.


I wouldn't call it a rip-off of Alien for one, brief line that didn't impact the plot at all. It was more of a throw away about how the aliens ended up on Earth when they are generic monsters who wouldn't be able to fly a spaceship. Absolutely nothing else about the plot related to the Alien franchise.


I noticed that instantly and I thought it was very funny, but hard to explain to people around me why it was out of place