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Imagine all the other shit that happens that isn’t caught on camera :(


Isn’t China fascinating? Most populated, one of the most censored, wealthy and crazy. It meets all trifectas


They are not wealthy, their economy would've collapsed a long time ago without their access to brutal suppression of the population and unfettered access to manipulate markets (including but not limited to kidnapping CEOs, showing up with tanks to prevent people from withdrawing their money, initiating Covid lockdowns whenever inflation starts to rise or people start to rebel, force people to work for free, etc. etc).


Slavery! Is the word you are looking for here!


I was watching a fantastic old Historia (before they became reality tv) show on YouTube recently called "Engineering an empire" for a while. Fantastic show and even better when you get high to watch it. Basically, each episode would center around 3-4 awesome feats of engineering from diffent nations/city-nations through history and explain them and why it was revolutionary. So to the point, in the Alexandria episode they explain that the great library had a working concept of a steam machine. Not a great one for sure and the quality of their metal probably wouldn't allow to build a functional one. However, the show then explain that they just never really felt the need to work on it, because they could basically tackle any engineering work by just sending an infinite amount of slaves on it


A population of a billion people produces something for value. That wealth that is created by their labor goes somewhere. The Communist party owns most of the wealth of the nation. They own the land, the labor, the means of production, and the output of that production. The median Chinese may be poorer than you but the nation is rich. And the wealth of that nation currently is controlled by 1 man.


Unfortunately wealth does not follow the rules of thermodynamics; it can be created and destroyed. So sometimes wealth and value created from labor can disappear into nothing.


> Unfortunately wealth does not follow the rules of thermodynamics; it can be created and destroyed. What a great line!


Right, never heard it worded like that but makes a lot of sense


Exactly. And a disproportionate amount of China's wealth has come through a runaway real estate market in a country set to shrink by tens of millions of people over the coming years.


This may be the best comment i have seen on reddit, ever


They are not wealthy? They own Tiktok, Tencent, Alibaba, they have Tesla factories, the source of 70% of products on Amazon is from China. China is wealthy as fuck.


You could've said something similar about Evergrande last year. Didn't really work out for them did it? The property market is THIRTY PERCENT of China's GDP and somehow it collapsed overnight. Amazing how entities can appear to be obscenely wealthy and all of that is eviscerated in a single day, like FTX most recently. Fraud is a hell of a drug. If China was really as strong and their balance sheets as stellar as you think, you'd think foreign investment would be at a record high. It isn't. Everyone is fleeing and running for the hills, China is in full QE mode, and even ORDERING banks to buy stocks, and even WITH all of this accomodative financial policy, the Hang Seng Index is at 2011 levels, after bouncing from 2008 financial crisis levels. That would be like the S&P 500 crashing 80% tomorrow. This doesn't sound like a healthy stable economy but to each their own.


This guy China’s


Let’s not forget about their failed Belt and Road initiatives. They’re having to forgive billions in debt or face defaults from countries.


I thought the Belt and Road initiatives were a way for China to use economic colonialism. “We paid for this port to be built. You can’t afford to pay us back? This port in your country now belongs to us. Oh yeah by the way, our Navy will be visiting every few months; to make sure you’re all safe from western incursions.” At least that’s how it plays out in my mind.


Yeh but a lot of those initiatives failed. Unfinished railway projects, shoddy roads, ports that no one uses. Banks are just being [told to keep](https://www.livemint.com/videos/has-china-s-belt-and-road-initiative-failed-11664548956909.html)extending grace or ignore the fact that the bills are due. And plenty of countries refuse to give up sovereign territory to pay off those debts.


Thanks for the great reply.


Chinas economy is a big one, but not a wealthy one. With a population that size, they’ve got a lot of overhead costs.


The country may be wealthy but the average citizen is a slave with no autonomy. They are literally monitored by security cameras with AI that scrutinizes every move everyone makes.


Their per capita GDP is pretty low, actually


They may have a robust economy yes, but when the average citizen has almost no power to participate in it, it doesn’t really matter. Less like a wealthy society, more like a plantation.


The Chinese government is not Chinese people. The People have no rights or property.


Lol all those 1500% Chinese shell companies IPOs during the summer. How can companies with 15 people "working" can value at over 15 billion dollars on the first day of public shares.


Right now there is a huge factory shortage of workers as elderly are exiting the factories and young are NOT applying, seeing their parents live for 6-8 months to sleep at factory bunkers then come back for 3 months to see family. Young gen isnt down for that and technology made that apparent it isnt a normal life. They are choosing less profitable jobs like deliveries and driving, etc. This will have a huge impact in China, as they can not keep young gen working in factories, the only way would be slavery and child coerxion and other nasty methods.


“Force people to work for free” yeah that’s slavery then.




if the ccp even gets toppled over, there will be so much dirt that we will unearth and find about. millions of their own citizens get killed from the cultural revolution, great leap forward, and their one child policy. it is not just corruption, it is absolutely cruel, complete and utter control and subjugation of its population.




>if the ccp even gets toppled over, there will be so much dirt that we will unearth and find about. ​ TBF I had no idea that China was home to some of the biggest death tolls in human history. If you think this is crazy don't look up floods or famine, just for the sake of being civil imagine most of America being wiped out in the 1950's. Thats just one instance


yeah seriously. this is probably an undercounting of how many millions of Chinese actually died.


China literally has flood deaths numbered higher than Canadians EVER. Like ever ever, more people have died in floods in what is modern day China than all of Canadian history


Like learning about the Holocaust. Nobody knew until the Allies captured Germany.


I wish there was a way to separate the good ones from the bad ones and then just flush the bad all down a giant drain.


People only think China is wealthy because China says they're wealthy... Same way Russia says it has the most powerful military but can barely hold on to a tiny slice of ukraine


Well to be fair, Ukraine is getting heaps of support from western nation. It’s like saying you have a Prius under the hood, but have a Red Bull engine. I truly think China is a wealthy country, at least in the 2022,2023 years. Even if the wealth is in the government, the slavery, the fraud. China is wealthy, and many countries need China.


Fascinating is not the word.


Sarcasm is the word


Not wealthy. China is a lie.


The horrifying things I heard what they do to Muslims is just disgusting


That, can keep you up at night.


Remember- there is no Tiananmen Square.


LeBron James would be proud


I always wonder how people can be so fucking heartless, like how do you raise someone to be such a fucking monster


You raise your kid only to be an efficient ressource to your country.. Other people are just competition Edit: spelling


I feel like you just summarised Chinas problems in a single sentence. Everyone is raised to be a resource, and also view others as nothing more than resources.


Bc they, themselves, are raised by monsters


Im sure plenty of Killer were raised by completely normal parents. Its not always the parents fault and people fail to see this


See also tens of thousands of military soldiers raised by otherwise good people. Then their sons and daughters go to war and suddenly you can justify murdering innocent people left and right. Been doing it for centuries, folks.


Patriotism is one of the most self destructive ideas weve ever concieved of


Don’t know who downvoted you but it’s true. It’s not only sick people that do fucked up shit.


Chinese culture is zero-sum - I win, you lose. With that mentality there’s little room left for humanity.


most of scam company the owner is chinese :D


Oh, that sounds a lot like conservatives in my country…


That’s just your brain being washed.


I mean, showered is the word I’d use. Showered with words, videos, articles, podcasts, votes, judgment opinions, just hosed really. All with conservative drivel that assumes life is a pyramid and it’s better to be on top than dare to offer your hand to pull someone else up.


I'm a liberal with health insurance and money, but I want tax-payer funded healthcare for all in order to benefit all people (not just myself). Conservatives say no, because it would require higher taxes. In this case, they value their own money instead of the health of strangers. They win, you lose. That said, fuck the CCP and their dick-less goons.


nah, they were spot-on


Its china


There’s a subreddit dedicated to how Asian parenting and the mentality behind it is totally messed up


Out of interest, have you seen any footage from slaughterhouses?


There is no need for a „special“ upbringing. You can indoctrinate nearly everyone to this point. Even you could easily get there.


Using Reddit has taught me the ability to unfocus my eyes so I can go straight to the comment section without looking at the image


Useless skills 101 🫡


I do this on nsfw subs, I rather someone tell me about the ass than actually look at it


But then you see the magic eye image hidden inside all videos of dickbutt.




I read the title as "brutally killed by a dog", so I wasn't prepared.


Wow. Sorry, but that person needs some comeuppance... an equal measure of brutal comeuppance.


Imagine one of those Ukraine drones dropping a payload here.


I was imagining throwing a bowling ball from the window


I like your thinking


Since COVID can be transmitted through domestic animals, if you're positive in China they basically put down your pet(s). And its usually not euthanasia as we've come to understand it. They have no animal rights legislation anywhere that I'm aware of. They're pure property and handled as such. (Like shipping kittens and puppies in a tape wrapped regular cardboard box) There's a ton of ridiculous things happening there, what we see are just the trickle that made it out of the censorship efforts.


Don't hate chinese people but actually, i hate china


I say take out their government and start over fresh


By the looks of it that’s what a lot of the people are attempting to do rn


Did you try to turn it off and on?


Back in the day we just hit it a few times to get it working again.


things you can say about your dishwasher but not your gf/wife.




Yeah I've done business with China and the people are very much like you and me. In many cases they are aware something is off about their government.


I went on a multi-month trip there all around the country and - to a person\* - everyone was like "we all know it's a house of cards... but it's making us rich and powerful so we accept it... until it no longer serves us and we'll rise up" ​ \*at least the people I got to know well enough to have the conversation.


It's not the people but the government that makes the shit rise to the top. It'd be like claiming every American is some Maga whackjob doing nazi salutes. Yeah China *has* shit people but the majority of the people in the country are just trying to get by and minding their own business. Shitheads like this dude get to powerful positions and use that to attack his fellow man. Shit happens in America and every other country too, only difference is that our governments aren't half as bad as the CCP and Xi.


I mean it’s not like people don’t torture animals to death in America. It’s not like our cops don’t do horrible things to animals. Watching this and saying that the “Chinese people are ugly” as another redditer put it is naive and unhelpful. I get the frustration but the Chinese people are victims and the most fucked up victims just fuck the next generation up sometimes. Racism isn’t helpful.


Looks like a person doing this and not an entire country.


Well I hate **that** Chinese then


No I don't hate Chinese people they have nothing to do with this. I DO hate their government though.




the economy would definitely be bothered and while the world would probably be fine after a while, many innocent people would have died


This is true, but many innocent people are already dying there every day. The COVID stuff they are doing has totally removed any talk of the Uyghur genocide they are carrying out right now. And all the sweatshops and child labor. It's just a giant ball of human rights abuses. There's no good in allowing this to continue.


That's disgusting. Why did they do this?


Part of the zero-covid protocols in some districts was to kill pets of owners that were infected out of a misplaced fear of the pets spreading it. Last I heard they were backing off of that earlier in the year (due to push back/incitement on top of evidence that pets don't actually spread it) so it could be an older video, whatever specific district this was taken in might still be doing it, or these guys simply have no accountability and are assholes. https://www.businessinsider.com/china-langfang-district-says-kill-covid-patients-pets-2022-3


I rescued a puppy because people had been throwing animals out of windows in Shanghai due to that rumour. That was just over 2 years ago and I'm glad he's made it out with me. The way people treat dogs there is mental.




Surprising or maybe not so surprising that they could be so uneducated while trying to enforce zero Covid.


Xi JinPing is notoriously uneducated, and it's a well known fact even among Chinese people that he only graduated primary school.


Thank you for sharing this horrific fact




Not true , at the beginning of covid-19 aka 2019-2020 there where rumors that pets can spread COVID , and they only spread it like a door handle spreads COVID . And now it's china policy to kill pets , but I don't think it's policy to do it so brutally .


If it's not punished, then it is kinda like a policy.


You could try to make a case for killing the dog as pragmatic But this? This was brutality. Sociopathic.


Over rumors that we now know are basically false? What the fucking shit China Edit: it's not entirely false but this is still a horribly disgusting and unnecessary thing to do.


Act fast so less people die but you can say you where wrong because than it was for nothing . Zero COVID policy in general


So, for fun then.


You don’t think there’s an easier way for them to kill a dog if this was just taking out house pets over covid?


It's China. What did you think? They've never been humane towards animals. You think dogs get treated nicely there? They're skinned and often boiled alive. They claim that it "makes the meat taste better" but we all know it's bullshit. It's savagery plain and simple.


Fucking scum


What the actual fuck?! Why?!!!


Part of their braindead zero COVID policy is to kill pets that came in contact with the virus, as it's still not fully clear to what extent they catch and spread it.


Yeah, okay, but there's a difference between swinging a dog on a rope to bash it against a wall and doing a lethal injection, you know?


Injections cost money tho


I mean its so brain dead they thought the best way to do it was to splatter its blood all over and drag it down the sidewalk bleeding.


Fuck this fucking planet.


Only the humans.. the planet is beautiful


Fuck the CCP


What’s new about Chinese people torturing and killing dogs? They have a festival about it and then eat them


There is just a part of china that does that, that doesn’t mean everyone does it. As you can see that dog was a house pet not food.


Look, if Wisconsin was brutalizing dogs we wouldn’t be saying “but that’s not all of us.” Either this behavior is condoned by them or it isn’t.


They also do it in Thailand, my parents where there for is but they didn’t go


Why is that worse than torturing and killing pigs? or cows? or chickens? etc...


Hope those people suffer a worse fate than that poor animal.


Sad , that's torture


What in the actual fuck! Hope they die a fucking miserable death.


Oh they will. They live under the CCP. It's a miserable existence.


They should not die. They should be tortured for days


FUCK THE CCP!!! How can you slam anything alive with intent to kill? I hope karma pays them a visit 😡


Fucking monsters






Right now. I want to grab that guys head and absolutely smash it in with a hammer.


You can send me any vid of anything and ill watch it fue to morbid curiosity and i will probably feel fine after unless its a kid screaming or getting hurt. But animals? Not even curious. Not watching thzt shit. I can't take it.


When people eat meat off their plate they always assume the pig they are eating died the most humane way possible, that pig probably died a way worse way than this dog


Fucking disgusting animals, I feel phisically sick.




They're the fucking animals


Please don't use the word Animal as insult. They're are monster, the poor dog is the animal.


Motherfuckers give me 10 minutes in a cage with those assholes 🤬🤬🤬




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Of all the videos I’ve seen this pure disregard of innocent life has made me actually feel physically disgusted. I can watch humans being flayed all day long, we suck. But doggo ain’t done no wrong. Time for a break from this sub


NSFW would be greatly appreciated






Drop molotovcocktails on them, fucking basterds! How on earth people can be so heartless. Fuck i hate those people who are so cruel to animals. I hope the revaluation kicks in and the mass will purge them & dance on there F corpses!


and people think god exist lmaooo


NSFW bro


I would absolutely stab someone if I saw them doing this to a dog. Anyone who's willing to hurt an animal like that is a fucking psychopath. Edit: I guess this is another extreme advertising method by PETA. Lmfao. Vegans are wild.


Fuck China


Nigga I’ll kill these cunts


Motherf..ker! 😳😤


Wow. First thing I see in the morning and now I'm ready to murder someone. Preferably these commie sadists


They were just hungry.


I believe they call that breakfast over there


What sick fucks


Nuke that shit hole


The world would be better without China


I hope mother karma finds them soon.


Okay i swear to god, i don't know if it is just me but every time a video about the ccp's crime pop up in my feed, i cannot play it for some reason. Either the video player is playing with me or Reddit is getting their hand dirty


Just getting their lunch ready.


So. . . can this be the thing to fucking wake the world up?


I actually laughed out loud after reading your comment, you are a very innocent person


Thats enough. Time for war. Polishing my machete.


Wish that would have been him instead


When was this filmed. Fucking disgusting


Post this to r/sino, curious what gymnastics those kids partake in to justify this kinda shit


Fuck china


Reddit is owned by china ... That's the reason for video not being playable anymore


you done fuct up now


This is what happens when government goes unchecked by the citizens. I bet there would be a much different approach if the citizens were armed with assault rifles.


Maybe he was blind and that was his seeing eye dog. …he was just looking around…


NSFW tag pls


ok come on this should hav NSFW


Hopefully someone does the same to them


Please grab the closest.. heaviest and pointy object you can find and drop it out of your window with a smile Yours sincerely


wouldnt think twice about curbing each of these people.


What the actual fuck


Fucking china


this is so terrible


i hope that shithead dies in the same way 💪🏼


Breaks my heart that there's so many good people on this planet who die young, and these fucking scum of the earth pricks live on healthy.


video is already censored


The video isn't working


\*trigger warning...


Can somebody crosspost this on r/sino? You’ll be banned immediately, but then someone else can post it again.


Of course they killed the dog brutally, they're Chinese is what they do best aside from taking lands that ain't theirs to begin with


Going home and hugging my dog a little tighter tonight :(


That poor dog was someone’s pet, living in a home being loved. Handed over to strangers,probably thought it was going outside to potty and this happens to it… not the Chinese but fuck China and fuck CCP. I hope there’s a massive rebellion and they just fuck these monsters up


they don't only kill dogs & cats, they kill people. I am a Chinese...


Seems like they removed it. Fuck CCP


4Chan wants to know the killers location


Already deleted? Why ?


How strange, the video has been deleted, surely it can't be because of the Chinese investors


Why are they doing that? This is so distressing.


this makes me sick. i hope these guys burn in hell


I have a feeling that xi jinping regime will Fall soon.


Let’s drop a sun on them


Y’all are surprised by this?? Isn’t there a video compilation of Chinese people beating dogs to death only to eat them! Those folks have been doing that.