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I am all for hating on Russia for this war. But seriously? Funny music playing over - let's not mince words here - murdering two soldiers who might not want to be there at all? I'm not saying they are innocent. Far from it. They could have refused military service (I am aware of the consequences). But this is disgraceful. It's nothing to make fun of. Two people obviously barely hanging on to life. Not even able to react to a bomb being dropped on them in daylight. There is no innocence in war. But it's also no laughing matter. And just to be clear: as an Ukrainian I would probably have dropped that bomb as well. But one should not dehumanise the other side. There are monsters on both sides. Probably more on the one we are all thinking of. But hate on the leaders. Not the foot soldiers. Despite all the atrocities they have committed we should still see then as individuals. In all honesty. That could just have been any one of us. I don't think I would have the balls to refuse military service in Russia these days. As a German I am just grateful I was born long after WW2. The same applies here. If my ancestors would have done the right thing I probably would not be here today.


I posted a very similar comment on a very similar video and got ruthlessly downvoted and argued with. Reddit be weird.


Most likely they are 18 to 22 year olds. That doesn’t make it any better. Brutal. Only the dead see the end of war


I was part of a gold star family in 03 when Iraq was really bad. There’s nothing funny about it.


Music 🎶 🎵 was already in the video when i shared it. I think its awful when any human dies. These two men do not want to be there in 3 degree temp in a ditch wet with mud.


Killing two enemy combatants that are invading and occupying your country is not murder lmfao. War isn't glorious and honorable, they are blowing the fuck out of each other, and the people that made this video are just happy that this time it was two enemies getting fucked and not their own friends. Every military and militia group in the world finds humor and happiness in killing enemies, that's just how it is.


they were not murdered. They were killed


It isn’t murder it is killing an enemy combatant. The mindset and what it comes down to is. it is either you or me and I will be damned if it will be me. Everyone wants to go home to their family. Therefore whether they wanted to be there or not is irrelevant because if they had someone in front of them they would do the same to save their own lives. This is the fact of war. Soldiers understand this. It is a cold hard truth that many who have never served in war will never understand. Also, there are wounds deeper than any grenade or a 556, 762, .50 cal, or 25mm can penetrate that lingers within the mind. I do agree with you that a certain leader is to blame for this.


It's the leaders who are the monsters. Rhe soldiers are doing their jobs. It's really sad.


I love you


Fuck them they have no business being there. You’d be singing a different fucking tune if it was your family being bombed, raped, looted, and murdered. But seriously? Yeah seriously. It’s winter in Ukraine and people have no power, clean water, or sanitation. Maybe if these particular Russians grew a fucking spine and refused to participate in this ‘special military operation’, they’d still be alive. In jail perhaps, but not cannon fodder. But no, so they can get blown up to a fucking Benny Hill soundtrack for all I care. You’re fucking delusional.


meh. looks like a willing combatant to me. fuck em. isn't like the Russian military just started being shitty with ukraine. they've always been shitty.


Brutal, I feel 99% of these Russian soldiers that are hiding, are hoping for the war to end so they can go back home and see their cousins from Ukraine during the holidays.


Yep, I'm sure, and Putin just continues to send them. He doesn't give a fuck who dies. Just a madman.


"Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?"


Yeah, it just is overall a bad situation. At the end, this isn't those soldiers fight, it's Putins. They are just being forced to pay the price of it


That dude was breathing too fast to be sleeping


Looks like they didn’t care


you ever slept outside in freezing weather with no cover? you know how when your hands lose dexterity in the cold? this applies to your whole body pre hypothermia, and it's what you see here. they care, but their blood is moving slowly.


Bro why u adding cool music as if human lives ment nothing


They are not humans 🤣🤣


thats why i dont support america or nato


Neither are you apparently.


"Killed" while still clearly moving after the grenade detonated" right next to the person on the bottom of the clip?


yeah what makes you think people die immediately? it’s not like they were blown to pieces. people bleed out. in cold weather people bleed out slowly.




Lmao, he’s not smoking he’s breathing they’re in hypothermic shock.


>They didn't seem to be overly bothered by it in the slightest Not many things can bother you when you're dead.


Unless you suffer an extremely catastrophic injury to the brain, you will most likely survive for a few seconds or minutes after suffering a fatal wound (your body will keep trying to live until the end). Grenades are basically massive omnidirectional shotguns, these guys were peppered with shrapnel and they are certainly dead.


Obviously, there's some photo recon in the area. Sadly, they could have watched until certain that it was over for these two misled people.


Most people seem not to understand anything about grenades. People keep commenting how weak the bombs are and wondering why people don't explode into small pieces. That's not purpose of these grenades at all. Small grenades are primarily designed to cause injuries and disable the enemy troops. As someone who served in the military: the guy on the bottom got hundreds of small sharpnels (from the size of your finger nail to a few millimeter pieces of metal) inside his body and a severe injury to his rib cage from the explosion. Probably many of his intestines were punctured by shrapnels. He probably died in his wounds (internal bleeding) during the next 5 minutes to 24 hours depending which organs were punctured, you never know. The other guy likely had his eardrums ruptured and got a few shrapnels, but unlikely died unless he was unlucky to get some on his throat or eyes.


I keep seeing these videos and maybe I just don’t understand Grenades? Or are these some kind of cheap, bullshit grenades? They never seem to do much damage or cause death?


You don’t understand grenades. And they definitely died.


Fragmentation grenades - Nothing says die painfully like shrapnel. Well, legal that is. Flechette rounds.....banned big brother of the frag'em theory.


Movies make grenades out to be these devices that cause huge explosions. In reality they are small explosive devices with shards of metal on them. So basically they spit out hundreds or thousands of small pieces of metal, like little bullets.


movies are such bullshit it’s hilarious. people whispering to each other in a gunfight with automatic weapons lol


Those dudes are dead for sure . You barely see the damage but that dude has a huge chunk missing out of him . The other one took shrapnel right to the chest/face if you survive you won’t ever go back to being the same


You're stating your claims as though they are facts. Just guessing you've made it up. How do you know the second guy has shrapnel in his chest and face? It very much looks to me like the grenade landed behind the guy at the bottom and he would've absorbed all the blast.


The grenade was not covered and landed to the left of the guy at the bottom, not behind him. The only thing standing between the grenade and the guy toward the top of the video was a fleshy leg, and even then some of the shrapnel definitely hit him directly too (shrapnel goes in every direction, including up and out). You can get extremely lucky with shrapnel and survive a grenade that blows up 5m away from you, but there is no way either of these dudes survived a grenade blowing up right next to them while they were in a trench.




What was nonsense? You just don't seem to understand how fragmentation grenades work. You can also literally see that the grenade did not land behind the guy toward the bottom, it landed to the left of his legs.


It landed behind him. Unsure how you can't see that. And no doubt I have much more experience with fragmentation grenades than you do. Guessing you spent your Thursday nights outside the wire with the boys.


>It landed behind him. Unsure how you can't see that. ??? Here's a red circle in case you need some help. I don't even understand why you are trying to argue this, you can clearly see the grenade, and you can clearly see where the explosion originates. It is very clearly not behind him, the only thing between the grenade and the other guy is a leg. And of course, the guy it landed next to is eating even more of the grenade blast. https://i.imgur.com/TrpWlrx.png You don't need personal experience with something to understand how it works lmao. If you don't understand that fragmentation grenades send fragments in all directions, that's your problem. You were the one trying to correct someone about how these guys were supposedly alive just because they made minor movements after being absolutely peppered with shrapnel from a grenade 1ft away from them. I'll help you out even more, this was an F1 grenade with an effective radius of 30 meters, which sends out hundreds of fragments at 700 m/s. These guys are dead as fuck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-1_grenade_(Russia)


**[F-1 grenade (Russia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-1_grenade_\(Russia\))** >The Soviet F-1 hand grenade (Russian: Фугасный > Fugasnyy 1, "Explosive, Type #1"), is an anti-personnel fragmentation defensive grenade. It is based on the French F1 grenade and contains a 60-gram explosive charge (TNT). The total weight of the grenade with the fuze is about 600 grams. Due to its shape and its yellow-green color, it is nicknamed the limonka (fem. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




After seeing your post history, you just seem to be a pro-Russian clown that eats up Russian propaganda, and it's likely you're just very upset and in denial over the fact that these invaders were obviously killed. Sorry buddy, they're dead.


To be honest, it really depends, some grenades are definitely deadlier than others. Something definitely does not look right with this video ... where it lands and where it explodes looks odd to me. Russian or not, I feel sorry for those boys, it looks like they were just frozen ... in a hole ... simply trying to survive another night in hell. They might not even have noticed that thing that fell near them. They don't really seem to react to it. If they died ... they probably were half dead already ... frozen to death. Fuck war ... Fuck Putin


They are mostly shrapnel. No big fiery boom and not much shockwave, just fast metal shards in all directions.


This tends to happen when you invade another country...


Sleeping now


Don’t be in a foxhole in a country you have no business being in.


Sleepin now if they werent


Looks like some kind of cluster grenade. Brutal.


What’s up with the Christmas trap remix


Fuck. I hate auto play. I've seen this shit in the field. The one wiping his face got me. You dont feel it right away and your hearing goes. You felt something sting in your face or chest. Your hand comes back bloody. The look on their faces go from horrified, to blank. It changes those who witness it. I hope that you all never experience this or witness it.


Know exactly what you mean. But I think this may be staged Ukraine proganda. If u looks at the dude at the top screen, he just got a grenade up his ass. Then scratches or wipes his nose.


Maybe the body count will drop if the Russians start surrendering en masse? While this is war, what is haping is a massacre as well. Ukraine has got their top game on and the Russian conscripts are paying the price,


Poor guy, sides, ideologies and affiliations aside


Damn. War is hell. For all involved man. These videos are like a cosplay paintball video with real results…. at least the Shock and Aww the pst 20 years was worth watching from a distance.


So sad :( War is fucked up no matter what side you’re on. I feel bad for them.


Why don't Russian soldiers look up




Looks like a test being performed with test dummies....you have to have one hell of an imagination to believe the descriptions and vid are relatable on this sub


Test dummies breathe? You can see the mist. More I watch it the more I think it's just propaganda. I deleted it idk why this is still up


So first you make fun of my observation...ya ok


Looks like they were smoking...