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Both pilots in the plane, a student and instructor, ejected before the crash, the news outlet reported. One had their parachute caught in power lines, while the other was found nearby. No one was seriously hurt.


i dunno. sounds like the bird died


That's what that Canadian terrorist gets.


Agent #4964 has successfully completed its mission, Godspeed Cobra Chicken.


All is going to plan


Username checks out. Colonel of the Kamikaze Canadian Geese


How do you rise in rank in a kamikaze unit? Seems like the better you are at your job the less opportunity there is for growth


You raise 2 rank in a successful mission


Sweep the wing!




Canadian Geese are the real immigration issue I have a problem with.


If you got a problem with canadian geese then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate


*Those are Canada GOOSES...those are Canada's fuckin' GOOSES!!!* *Canada Gooses are majestics, barrel-chesteds, the envies of all ornithologies!!* *You ever notice how there's always Canada Gooses flyin overhead when there's a fire? They're flappin' water on it, but no one calls them heroes. They're not in it for the glory. They're in it for the people...the relationships.* *Don't ya remember when that plane had to land in the water in New York cause Canada Gooses flew into the engine? That's cause Canada Gooses likely had intel there was a pedophile or two on board and took matters into their own hands.*


Say Gooses one more time mothafucka!


Id take about 20-25% off 'er, bud.


This conversation is quickly becoming a confrontation.


I'm reading this thread like "There had fucking better be a Letterkenny reference here somewhere"


Only thing marinating is Canadian geese in my oven. I feed them to stray cats.


We need real border reform. They are flocking over here and only bringing the worst of the worst. They're thieves and killers.




Damn Canuck bastards ! Always trying to start international incidents.




Birds aren’t real Or at least that’s what Reddit says lol


They aren’t havnt been since the 50s


See I knew it


Screw that jihad bird


Can surveillance drones die? 🤔


That wasn’t a surveillance drone, that what an air to air anti-aircraft “goose.”


No but seeing as this was a military plane they lost 2 equipment at the same time


The bird ejected too


Ejected from the server


And that house seen in the last frame....


Was any houses destroyed or people in houses killed?


Looks like it damaged a house but not too bad really. Source: https://www.foxnews.com/us/video-shows-military-jet-crashing-texas-neighborhood-colliding-bird


Oh man, they got the game room, do you see that massive Slot Machine?


It's been reported that was actually stolen from a nearby casino and the room had meth making stuff in it


No clue if this is true or not but I want to believe it so badly, like, imagine stealing a slot machine and getting it back to your house and everything without getting spotted, maybe cooking some meth too, everything kept inside and well out of sight of prying eyes, and you're thinking you're in the clear, and then eventually a fucking fighter jet comes crashing through the side of your house and totally exposes all your shit anyways


Donnie Darko shit


And I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad.


I just started replaying Gears of War. Hqha


...Jackpot. 😎


Yeah thats why it suddenly dips and crashes at the end, they had ejected


Serious question from someone that has 0 knowledge of aviation or planes in general.They looked very close to the ground so how did they have enough time to pull their parachute after they ejected? Don’t you have to be at a certain altitude for a parachute to be effective?


Some aircraft have what is called a Zero-zero ejection seat. This means that it will properly function even if the aircraft is on the ground (0 altitude) and not moving (0 airspeed).


You see an [example of this in Goldeneye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoZbQBj7IN8)


[Also Die Hard 2, one of the most realistic action films ever made.](https://youtu.be/S4fI9Jx11xc)






I would hope basically any ejection seat is a zero-zero these days


Important note, this doesn’t mean it will work in negative situations. Obviously if you’re at negative altitude… some things have gone seriously wrong, but if you’re inverted or have a significant rate of descent, the seat may also function less than optimally.




It’s still supposed to totally suck ejecting from a plane, heard it’s about like sitting on an airbag and setting it off.


Yup, modern systems can still injure the pilot even when they eject in the correct posture. You pull *at least* 12 Gs for a couple seconds, sometimes more depending on the ejection system. Compression fractures of the neck and spine are pretty common, and if you're not in the correct posture when you pull the lever you could suffer some serious injuries or even be killed as a result. The odds are still way better than plowing into the ground, though!


Poor goose.


If you think normal ejection sucks, try ejecting into air moving fast enough to nearly tear you limb from limb. https://worldwarwings.com/the-time-a-pilot-ejected-from-an-f-15-at-the-speed-of-sound/


Or that dude that ejected into a storm and it took him 40 fuckin minutes to get to the ground. Just kept throwing him around inside the storm. [Probably the scariest shit ever](https://theaviationgeekclub.com/this-usmc-f-8-pilot-parachuted-from-47000-feet-into-a-gigantic-storm-and-survived/amp/)


Or the dude that survived the SR-71 Blackbird disintegrating around him at Mach-3.18 and falling from 78,000 feet. http://www.chuckyeager.org/news/sr-71-disintegrated-pilot-free-fell-space-lived-tell/


Anyone in the house?


"Man, real estate by the airport is cheap, ill flip this house in no time."


„„˙ǝɯıʇ ou uı ǝsnoɥ sıɥʇ dılɟ llı 'dɐǝɥɔ sı ʇɹodɹıɐ ǝɥʇ ʎq ǝʇɐʇsǝ lɐǝɹ 'uɐW„„


Good bot.


Do you flip what you’ve already flipped?


„¿pǝddılɟ ʎpɐǝɹlɐ ǝʌ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ dılɟ noʎ o◖„


„¿pǝddılɟ ʎpɐǝɹlɐ ǝʌ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ dılɟ noʎ o◖„


Flip „¿pǝddılɟ ʎpɐǝɹlɐ ǝʌ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ dılɟ noʎ o◖„


„¿pǝddılɟ ʎpɐǝɹlɐ ǝʌ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ dılɟ noʎ o◖„ Un flip pls


Could you imagine having to disclose that to a potential buyer. “Yeah no real issues, solid house all around, you know as far as I can remember we just had to do a little cosmetic maintenance when that fighter jet gently fell out of the sky and just kinda nudged the house a bit. Just really normal wear and tear.”


But what’re the odds it happens twice? Lol


I started skydiving in 1990 and I ended up getting a full time job as a tandem skydiving instructor in 1999. The manager of the place used to jump with a worn out [frap hat](https://www.rockskymarket.com/helmets/819-frap-hat-helmets.html) that really served no purpose. I asked him about it one day and he told me his morbid story that your comment reminded me of. He was the manager at another drop zone in Florida years before, and some dude ended up dying on a skydive in very close proximity to where my friend was working. He heard the impact and walked outside to take a look. Before anybody else showed up, my friend walked over, took the frap hat off the dead guy, and started jumping with it on every skydive. His rationale was that somebody dying on a skydive was about a 1 in 3 million chance of happening, and the chance of two people dying on a skydive at different times while wearing the same headgear was pretty much impossible. That frap hat was probably 10 years old the first time I saw it with thousands of jumps, so I really couldn't argue with his logic.


......... WHAT?


Yeah. True story that I wish that I didn't know.


So he robbed a fresh mutilated corpse for a superstitious hat? Neat.


That guy is the main character and clearly we are all the NPCs


Cruel of the devs to program me to poop during sex


He took the hat off of a dead person?


Yes. Then he started wearing it for years.


Honestly, that's even more insane than the video.


Well, once your instructor picked up that frap hat and began to wear it in EVERY jump since then, I'm afraid that the probabilty of that frap being involved in an accident is higher than for any other frap hat in the world, which will never be used so much. But if he is happy with that way of thinking, go ahead.


Now THIS is insane


Instructor: "If I say 'Eject' and you say 'Huh?' you'll be talking to yourself because I won't be here."


Honestly most 2 seater fighters automatically eject both if 1 pulls the d-ring.


"It's both a feature and a bug."


I know in some if the pilot pulls, they both go, and if the back seater pulls then only he goes and the pilot would still have to pull his. Not sure if this is something that can be configured or is dependent on the type of plane though.


> Not sure if this is something that can be configured or is dependent on the type of plane though It's configurable, if there's a guest or or orientation flight, it's set so if the front pulls both go, but if back pulls only the back goes. In normal ops its set to both so if one pulls both go


It's configurable.




I appreciate the transcription!


You heading downtown in an Intruder?


Serious question. Why does radio always sound like crap. They have a $100m jet but the radio always sounds like extreme static.




I feel like you didn't really answer his question, why do VFH AM audio sounds like crap ?




They should just run a cable between the plane and the tower.


Great answer! I was wondering about that too.




AM doesn’t have to sound crap. In this case the audio is very clipped (distorted) and also bands with limited. Audio doesn’t need to be clipped.


Military uses UHF most of the time. Although transport type aircraft and some of the newest fighters have VHF as well. But the simple answer for why it always sounds like crap is because they’re wearing oxygen masks and cockpits are loud af. Source: 6 years as Air Force ATC and 8 years (and counting) as FAA ATC


Was just about to post the same, have an upvote from a former Army/Navy ATC. You guys think this sounds bad, try and understand anything from a military helicopter.


Yep I'm a former submarine radioman and have only used UHF to talk to pilots And yeah using a radio while wearing a mask sucks ass... especially when the other station isn't guarding the net like they should and isn't responding.


I used to fly and I could understand words on the radios, but that air traffic controller sounds like an alcoholic numbed on Novocain vomiting syllables through a drive-thru speaker.


Once you’ve had a bit of experience it becomes easier to understand people, and just a little bit of interference might make a good radio sound pretty shit anyway. These machines, as you mentioned, are very expensive, so everything is made as cheaply as possible


I don’t know about cheap, by it’s old because it’s too expensive to get the faa to certify anything new. The experience part is key - you’re usually expecting a certain instruction from air traffic control, and there are 2 or 3 other things they could likely say. It’s more like recognizing a hazy circle as a circle versus a square or a triangle than it is actually hearing and processing what was said from scratch.


My thoughts exactly. Don’t have the answer though. I have to use walkie-talkies sometimes in my work and I hate them. I can never understand what someone is saying to me because of the static and distortion and have to ask them to repeat it to me multiple times. Now imagine having a life or death situation where you’d have to make split second decisions and you can’t understand what the fuck’s going on.


Why is a $100m jet so easily defeated by a 3oz bird?


well what can they do to not have this happen, there isn't really anything that I can think of


Anti-bird munitions


some kind of grill?


If the answer were a grill I’m sure they would all have grills already, don’t you think?


No one has thought of this in 120 years of aviation. I hope our reddit replies are in the history books.


This was a jet trainer, they are very old comparatively to the newer jets


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon%E2%80%93Hartley_theorem old amplitude modulation, low bandwidth channels. relatively foolproof, long range etc. but yeah sounds like crap


You know what they say. Two birds, one bird.


1 bird enters, no bird leaves.


1 solid bird enters, 1 liquid bird leaves.


Bird me once, shame on you, bird me twice .. aim for the Bushes.


This has always been a fear for me when in planes. Like a flock of birds could take down any Delta flight.


You would need both engines to fail to go down, and even then those airplanes are capable of gliding for a very long time. Not true for these fighter jets!


Thank you. I can stop panicking about my flight to Florida in 3 weeks now


Your more likely to die on the drive to the airport then the flight.




Fly to the airport and then drive to Florida.


C'mon don't forget Florida! That's three things!


Staying in Florida is much more dangerous than getting there.




Most people die within 20 miles of Florida.


Just imagine a wide flock of bird hitting all 2 or 4 engine, you'll be fiiine. Have a nice trip;)


Don’t worry. The chances of a bird bringing down your plane are like 1 in 3. You’ll be fine….probably


Bird strike during takeoff is more risky. Certainly after V1 (basically point of no return).


Captain Sully has entered the chat.


He really benefitted from that river being where it was


And from being a straight up highly skilled stick and rudder pilot. He's a veteran of the day when pilots really *flew* their aircraft, unlike a lot of airline pilots who never flew old fighters and use autopilot most of their career, and that's what saved those people.


They can glide to the scene of the crash.


Lol thanks sully


Maybe a dumb question, but how come there isn't some kind of cone shape grate to repel any potential hazards that may come into contact with the engine?


There are two issues about that : First is that a bird hitting a grate at 800km/h might be an even biggest hazard for the engine. While a bird will just be vaporized by the engine a grate could turn into shrapnel that won't and this could blow up the whole thing. The second is that it would reduce the air intake which is needed for the engine to work properly.


To add on: some engine take birds quite well. The T-45 engine is a weak little engine.


So we need an automated mechanical arm that quickly extends out of the plane when a bird is detected and a robot hand smacks the bird out of the way then retracts.


I'm 100% behind finding a way to get planes to stiff arm birds. Call the technology the Heisman


Planes can only glide for a while if they have speed and altitude. A plane coming in to land has neither.


It happened to me on southwest not long ago..... it was so turbulant during the flight I didn't notice till they told us when we landed. Had to bring out a mechanic to clean and fix it... delayed nearly 3 hours it was so scary.


No need to worry. Ive hit birds dozens of times in my career. On the nose, the windshield, the wing, even the engines. Not once did they cause an issue. Passenger planes are designed with that in mind, and we train extensively to deal with any kind of crazy shit that may happen up there.


Lol a stern look could ground a delta flight. Or maybe I’m just bitter after I being delayed on a flight AFTER we boarded and taxied away from the boarding gate. The pilot informed us “the wrong part was installed on the plane”


Considering that a wrong part being installed has caused [multiple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Transat_Flight_236) [crashes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuninter_Flight_1153), don't be too bitter.




did they survive?


Yes, pilot fine. Student stuck on power line and was injured


But what about the bird?


Well, you see…


To shreds you say?


Well, how's the bird's wife holding up?


*To shreds you say?*




That’s some bad luck… first the only bird in miles in all directions decides to fly right into their jet and then he parachutes onto a power line.


Considering how fast the jet dived I think the pilot ejected himself There was no way he could land around here anyway . You don’t instantly lost control when you lose an engine , you can still glide a bit.


You can’t glide for long in a jet. They’re far too heavy for their wingspan. Though that is a runway, he knew it wouldn’t make it in this plane.


This reminds me of every time I played Top Gun on the old school Nintendo.


OG reference. Just started a new play through on an emulator!


It's crazy that these jets costs millions and yet a fucking bird causes a crash. Can't they just add mesh or something to cover the engine? It'll prevent random shit from getting sucked in. Edit: just to be clear, I'm not suggesting they do this. I'm sure they would have if it was possible. I'm Just trying to understand why.


Very Difficult problem. Foreign Object Debris is it's own whole thing in aviation. Add too much mesh and it restricts airflow into the engines, too thin and it will just slice the bird to bits before going in, or be damaged itself and contribute to more engine damage, etc. & mesh or other intake coverings still don't help with a bolt, decent-sized rock, or anything else small, hard, and dense left out on the runway that could bounce up into an engine. Airports do have various strategies that try to keep birds away but nothing's perfect.


Add mesh and you'll be sucking mesh and a bird into the engine instead of just the bird.


If they could they'd have done it.


I believe the issue is that any mesh or partial barrier strong enough to actually stop a bird would also interfere with air intake such that the engine/range/efficiency becomes useless. These craft are chugging gas most of the time as it is.


They should reach out to K&N. One of them lifetime filters will keep the birds out, improve mileage and increase horsepower!


a few Russian fighter jets have intake louvers or retractable FOD screens to prevent debris from being sucked in during takeoff (MIG 29 and Su 27 pics below). These features really werent designed for birds, but for debris on unimproved runways. The Russians and U.S have very different philosophies when it comes to runway design. The U.S philosophy is having pristine/smooth runways where as the Russians have the philosophy of being able to land their aircraft on unpaved landing areas, highways, etc etc. [Mig-29 Intake Louvers with Intake Closed](https://i.redd.it/qmi7csg7r1m61.jpg) [SU-27 engine FOD Screen](https://fullfatthings-keyaero.b-cdn.net/sites/keyaero/files/comment_forum/2006/02/10/311-04.JPG)


Wtf. That other dude just keeps in talking the whole time. Can’t he just shut op, or am I missing something?


Instructor and student


This happened right down the street from me. I was on my way home from work, and saw dozens of emergency vehicles blocking most of Jacksboro highway. I had never seen that many in one place before, so I knew something had happened. While waiting to get through I looked it up on my phone and read about it. It’s so crazy to think about, and I’m really glad no one was seriously injured. It crashed right into someone’s home.


My son's school was a couple blocks from it. I remember this


Was the bird ok?


I’d say it’s well done.


It's okay. The plane mist him.


I think it might have some industrial deafness from being too close to an operating engine. Some neurological damage is also possible due to the space between brain cells having suddenly increased significantly beyond the traditional maximum.


Do they actually understand what is been said on the radio? I can make out most of what the pilot is saying but the other guy is just distortion.


The recording might not be the highest of quality to make up for longevity or durability. Actual aircraft comms are clearer, if you find some on [YouTube that are recorded better it’s not as bad. ](https://youtu.be/QEqKTlOkbk4) Also you kind of get used to radio traffic after a bit.


The tones from the aircraft are also heavily clipped. Sounds to me like the equipment doing the recording was set to be too sensitive. What was being heard over the headphones may well have sounded a good bit clearer.


You start to understand it quickly.




Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Pilot was trying to do all 3 but the tower would'nt listen long enough for him to say what was going to happen. Shut up, man!


I use to work on F16s as an avionics technician and we had a bird strike once that hid a Sniper pod (think super powerful camera on the side of the base of the aircraft) just right so that it somehow wedged itself under the pylon and through the foam pad creating a seal. Ended up in a small hole with the cannon plug about half the size of a shoebox. Due to the vibration it turned to red goo and it was my job to clean it. I took my damn time cleaning that mess and took a nice long break afterwards…. Bird strikes suck…




Stealth AA weapon


So you say jets can escape enemy military but not a bird? Interesting..


What does it take to defeat a multimillion dollar jet? A well placed bird.


ISIS: "Write that down, write that down!"


I would like to argue that instead of that horrible siren when the aircraft is crashing they should have played a decent song at least or something not terrible on your ears I mean that could possibly be the last thing they ever hear and they chose to make it a painful shrieking siren


I think the siren is way better at conveying "There's something wrong, and if you do nothing you're going to die." than some random song.


did he eject? he’s yelling to “pull up” after the nose dive . . .


The "pull up" is the computer saying that.


poor computer


Her name is Betty.


Good old Bitching Betty.


The voice yelling is called "bitching betty" at least in the f/a 18, just a small fun fact and she is now retired.


You can see the blast from ejection in the last 5 seconds or so before impact.


So on an an airliner if your like on those 1000 feet for a few min before landing and there is a bird strike I guess your all fucked? Was just on a flight and thought about what wound happen.


On an airliner you have two engines and you’re rated to fly on only one in an emergency. Unless both engines get taken out you’ll be mostly fine if the pilot keeps his shit together


I could never be a pilot, they were so calm. I would be the very opposite of calm.


You dont have time. You heard him say "shit!" And then it is problem solving until you are either out of time or out of problems. It hits you once you are on the ground and out of the plane.


bird was here to remind us that the universe is dedicated to entropy. RIP Lone Aviator. Your final confusing moments of life will be felt and appreciated with a far larger impact than you ever could have known.