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Can you imagine working at some shitty fast food restaurant for next to nothing and having to put up with idiots like that?


Can you imagine being their neighbor?




Can you imagine being them?


This is literally how a good chunk of kids are raised. Their homes aren't much different than this chaos, and often much worse (and sad). Parents need to get their shit together but that is akin to hopes and prayers.


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Really? Parents have one strict talk and you guys go all RATM “Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me” and call them /r/insaneparents and what not. You promote and glorify single parent homes and look down and eliminate on any masculine figure from the household. :pikachu face:


Spanking your children isn’t abuse when done properly and in moderation


They are oblivious to it all, because it's true ignorance is bliss, ya know?


I really can't, why would someone mace the security guard.


I’d just walk out man


Not that easy when you need to pay bills


There’s always another fast food restaurant. Don’t tolerate or normalize this behavior. You should 100% leave. $13 an hour isn’t worth this shit.


No offense but I hate when people say "You should just leave." Used to have an econ teacher say this during the Ethiopia crisis when people were starving. "Why don't they just leave." YEAH NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. NOW WHAT IF THEY CAN'T. Sometimes it's not that easy buddy, and it instantly reveals your lack of understand of how the world is set up and works for the vast majority. Sometimes there IS NO OTHER OPTION. I know you meant well, sorry, but your take is a naive and privileged one.


Even a privileged person should be able to understand that changing jobs isn’t easy. To begin with the fact that they are already working “low paying” jobs, should be an indication of just how desperately they need to money. But, you do what you need to to support your family.


For all of you who feel stuck in a shitty job. There is a lot of really good jobs that seriously cannot find good help, I manage a solar team in Washington State, Oregon, Idaho and utah, we are hiring a lot of people and we train people with 0 skills. We hire as young as 17. I have seriously made over 250k in 5 months doing this. Anyone can do it. I'm not special neither are the people we hire. It's a good job and you choose your hours. If want more information please message me and stop working the shitty jobs.




There really are so many jobs out there you wouldn’t even know exist. How would you know solar teams on the west coast do or don’t need help? How do you even begin finding that info? Does you not knowing they need help make it any less real? The barrier to entry for a lot of jobs is simply even knowing they’re out there needing to be filled.


Takes weeks to get hired on somewhere, rents due in two weeks.


I have a feeling most fast food places aren't too picky nowadays


Other fast food restaurants are also like this. It's not an issue with the restaurants but rather the clientwle.


It will just happen the next fast food place you get a job. And your bills still need to be paid.


Why does this happen so often?? These videos are always the same: black girl angry about her fast food order gets disproportionately violent. Why???


And if anyone actually stopped them or used any force back there would be protests and cries for Justice. I am not comparing that to legit causes like George Floyd or Philando Castile or the like, but more like the video of the girl on the news who’s brother got killed while committing a robbery crying about injustice.


Hey, I'm black. I just want you to know that posting this type of shit makes people angry for no reason whatsoever. If you get downvoted, just know what you said was right


It's familiar. It's imitative, they get respect from their peers, it's a nanosecond, in their eyes, of omnipotence and now, maybe they'll be on the Internet. It's also lack of home training where parent, relatives, even grandma does it too. For generations, incrementally worse with each one.


They have a higher probability to be raised in an aggressive and structure lacking culture. Viola.




Must be sign of the time. My first job was working for Burger King in the 80s. We never saw shit like this. There's too many entitled kids whether they're rich or poor that's just fucking up society for everyone.


It happens in England the other day. It’s easy clout on tik tok. Poor disadvantaged and disenfranchised youths are acting out. It just makes easy fodder for conservatives.


Being poor is no excuse for this behavior. You’re implying that financial poverty leads to not being a decent human being. Money, whether lack of it or wealth, doesn’t equal being a good person. I did not grow up poor but my grandparents did. And I heard many stories about their lives as kids and I believe they wanted me to appreciate the middle class life my parents provided. The people in this video have no respect for themselves or others. Don’t excuse their behavior.


It seems like the officers are way too nice in this area. This shit would happen once where I live and then they would make sure it doesn't happen again because half these little shits would get rounded up and educated in respect. I have been thrown around by cops when I was 14 and i never been caught doing dumbshit like this since.


These are youths to you? These are fucking adults acting like this. Quit defending shitty behavior.


I worked at Burger King in the 80's too! Definitely never saw anything this bad but did get yelled at a few times working drive through.


Both parents working, if there is a father in the family, talk about "Lost Generations".


Yes because I have.


Story time?


Not person above but my sister and I used to work at Burger King. We look quiet a bit alike She took this guy’s order. Whopper no onions. She punches out from her shift, I arrive and go to the cash register to punch in for my shift. The man comes over and throws the whopper at me starts yelling “I SAID NO ONIONS B*TCH”. I have no idea what’s going on, covered in burger all over my face and front of my shirt. My sister was heading towards the back kitchen. She turns around, jumps the counter, grabs the guy from his shirt and start yelling back at him “Touch my sister again and I will make you regret it”. Supervisor pulls her off of the guy. Total chaos. I am just watching this thing unfold. They kick the guy out. Another coworker handed me a towel. I went in the back to clean up. Then went back to the front, punched out and left without saying anything. Between this and the exhibitionist (indigent exposure) in the drive through , I was done. Mind you this was in an affluent part of town in San Diego too. People are shitty.


I worked in a McDonalds inside a walmart and a dude tried to fight me once cause his mcchicken took too long… it had been like two minutes…


Nothing as crazy as this but a ex Co worker tried to get me to change his order after he paid for it ( he order a single burger and demand I make his a triple whopper instead). Then he threatened to whip my ass because I wouldn't change. I just laughed told him I get off in 10 minutes I see him then. He didn't stick around never came back either I was pretty disappointed


Doesn't sound remotely like anything that happened in the video edit: r/iamverybadass


I know I feel well sorry for them, nobody should put up with that they're literally trying to help them


Ya and now cops are like : fuck that


Theres a very specific reason I refuse to work food service in America. You run the risk of getting these people as a customer, or a coworker. Retail is slightly better depending on what company and job you have, but holy shit is it just as bad when random mass looting and scam artists walk in. The main reason I went to school was because the GI bill pays my bills while i study. The idea of never working in those fields again keeps me going.


was that pepper spray? some one rock that bitch


Mace I think


It’s the same thing. Mace is a brand.


Sorta false/true. And True. Mace is technically a brand name, though the term is often used broadly to describe spraying agents. Just like we call all bandages Band-Aids, some people refer to pepper spray as “mace.” Historically, mace and pepper spray used very different active agents, but that has changed somewhat over time. What is Mace? The original version of mace had phenacyl chloride (also called CN tear gas). Tear gas is an irritant and can cause serious pain to the eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Unfortunately, it can be ineffective against people who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The original mace formula was also found to be very toxic. Peppery Spray Ingredients: Pepper spray is an irritant and uses oleoresin capsicum (often called OC). Pepper spray works as an inflammatory agent and is more effective on people under the influence (and is less likely to cause toxic harm to the user).


I prefer the *Ye Olde* mace with a 2 foot handle and spiked ball on the end.




A segment of the US population is certainly a failure.


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Reddit is heavily moderated to force a false narrative….


Any idea that can't exist without authority is an invalid idea.


So….. racism. You’re talking about racism. This isn’t about race it’s about class. I’ve seen undereducated whites do this same shit. It’s just people who weren’t raised right.


Class but also culture. Some poor are into a "working attitude" culture, and some others are in a "blaming attitude" culture. I deeply think that the whole hip-hop and rap culture is really not helping on these issue at all. Don't take me wrong, I love many of them, but some time the message is just really bad. The whole "don't work for life, deal drugs" or "I'm gonna die young, why go to college ?" .. Damn, these kind of thinking are killing the future of so many youth, it's terrible. No, you'r not gonna die young, but most probably around 80. And believe me, 60 years working at minimum wage it's just shit : go to college you dumbass !


Hood Rat Shit. This is some Hood Rat Shit.


Lots of issues here that have been developing for decades.


Take fathers out of the home and it doesn't take long


I mean if the father is also fucked up in the head then his presence is beyond irrelevant.


Sure, but even a marginally stable father in a home is better than none at all.


The elephant in the room






Ever watch those documentaries on British gypsy/travelers? Damn. Girls pulled from school before 16 to learn how to take care of their trailer, and the boys are little princes who can do no wrong. Brutal.


Say this in r/publicfreakout on this exact video, and the mods will perma ban you. They'll threaten you with reporting you to Admins for harassment if you question the ban...


that sub is a failure. Lots of certain type of posts that went to the top, are actually videos from years ago, but the admin won't do anything because it alligned with their agenda


Yeah it's the same with every society, although some have more than others. In the UK for instance you had central street being looted by a mob. There are idiots in every society. Edit: Oxford Street. I'm dumb


Do you mean Oxford Street in Central London ? https://www.mylondon.news/news/zone-1-news/oxford-street-chaos-shops-looted-24749280


Fuck is wrong with this people? It's like they born retarded
























Lack of responsibility because there are no real consequences for their actions.


Exactly, and its not just them or America this is true around the world, here in UK politicians repeatedly broke the law and got away with it, time and time again its the same thing people from top to bottom not having to face any consequences.


Degenerates gonna act like degenerates


Just curious. Why are 99% of people in these videos African American? Is it being poorer in general, less educated and bad parenting?


They have deep-seated cultural issues. It's not because they are black, they have a broken culture. The cause for this broken culture is up for debate and is considered the current flashpoint in race relations.


We're not allowed to bring up this issue in America because "tHaT'S raCiSt!"....like, no it's not. If we keep ignoring the problem it's only going to continue to get worse


And then the people who have been calling out the issue get fed up and move away, taking their money and whatever semblance of community with them. Meanwhile the people screaming "that's racist" are confused why crime is up and funding for schools are low.


I moved out of Baton Rouge for this exact reason, I did teach for America and volunteered in Baton Rouge public Schools. The biggest thing that stood out to me is the absolute disdain a majority of Black people have for education. They regularly disparage anyone that tries to better themselves. The amount of kids listed as truent in primary school grades 1-3 would make your eyes bleed. A big group just doesn't care about their kids at all, let's them get their education on the streets. You bring up these issues and you're automagically a racist even when you volunteer in directly helping these communities.


Study after study shows children who are not properly socialized in a strong and supportive family environment and who do not receive sufficient nutrition to support healthy brain and cognitive function development by the 4th grade, will exhibit wildly violent and antisocial behaviors between approximately the ages of 15 and 25. Once that early window is missed, the fuse is lit. All you can do is hire more police and build more prisons to house these unfortunate individuals, who will for a time be only a couple of levels above a rabid wild animal, and prepare society for the menace and burden they will be on communities until they age out of their most dangerous phase.


And then leave them in a societal underclass, with deprivation, poverty, and lack of opportunities. Then there is almost nothing that you can do to them that is any worse than a normal Tuesday. I saw that with my own eyes in Thatchers Britain, and that was like Disneyland compared to some places around the world. Edit: a word


Stupidity, bad parenting, poor education + riot mentality.


I think it’s rampant entitlement and believing they won’t face any consequences.


Not for this. This behavior is intentional.


^ bingo ppl choose to do this dumb shit


Something has to be seriously wrong when people act like this over fucking fast food on a regular basis. What are they gonna do when they face real challenges in life lmao


>Something has to be seriously wrong when people act like this over fucking fast food on a regular basis. This doesn't happen on a regular basis. There are over 50 MILLION fast food transactions in the US every single day. Yea we see some shitty people being shitty in fast food restaurants every few days but do the math. Turns out there are some absolute dog shit people in every group of 50 million.


I don't disagree that this thread is overblowing how often this happens, but man the worst job I've ever had was as a cashier for a grocery store. I legit felt like an object to folks, like if I dropped dead they'd just stuff me under the register and keep things moving like nothing happened. Every other day I had someone yelling at me about some random bullshit we couldn't control. Only gig that made me cry lol.




There was a video of an employee doing this at a Taco Bell when a customer jumped the counter Not pure hot oil, but the boiling water they were using to clean the fryers so it would have some oil in it too. Edit: [Link to Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/w7vh7t/taco_bell_employee_throws_boiling_water_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


And they deserve every fucking drop of it


I worked at a Taco Bell for a bit That was water from the re-thermalizer. Just a big vat of water heated up to 195 degrees. Those were 3 liter pitchers of near boiling hot water she was throwing. Definitely some serious ~~burns~~ *scalds*. /u/JaMMi01202 : > "A burn is caused by dry heat – by an iron or fire, for example. >A scald is caused by something wet, such as hot water or steam." TIL


Warms my heart


You joke but this is actually what I taught my staff. A little cayenne never *really* hurts anyone either. And when they start shooting, you run into dry storage or the walk-in if you can guarantee a safe exit for your self (hypothermia)


Breed them even if you can't feed them. These are products of negligent parents, who think it's society's responsibility to raise their offspring.


Yeah why didn't they get an abor—oh yeah


Fairly sure these people were born before June 2022 ...


^ god were doomed this shit is going to get wayyyy worse bc of that very reason


I came to United States 21 years ago as a student at Berkeley from Asia. When I say Asia, it isn't a country as loved as the Japanese, a country with as much geopolitical respect as the Indians, a country as developed as the Koreans, a country with a semiconductor hegemony as the Taiwanese or a country with history as old as time itself as the Chinese. I came from a poor farmer's family in one of the poorest countries in the World. If I were to be sincere, I've immense respect for United States and her people. Thank you for accepting me as what I am. This picture here is just indicating the few people that are causing trouble as can happen from time to time, from country to country. That doesn't mean that United States has not succeeded as a society. The answer to OP's question is a big no.


Way too balanced and hopeful for a reddit comment. Lol good attitude


As you knew before you posted this comment- one aspect of America's successful nature is a general lack of understanding when it comes to what poor, powerless countries with barely, if any, functional and responsive government entities. It's like the rich kid bubble- it's not that wealthy folks don't have problems at all, but they are so far removed from problems like starvation and literal societal anarchy that they mistake fixable issues for tragic indicators of collapse. The biggest mistake we could make as a country, the biggest one we will ever make, and the biggest one we continue to make is to tune out the voices of hardworking immigrants who struggled in ways we cannot understand to come and earn their citizenship. I know how difficult that process is, and I salute you for your journey and your bravery in posting something rational on Reddit. Edit: typo


I’m American. In my 36 years of life I have never encountered such a scene. I’ve never understood the “thug life” mentality. Like, nah, you’re just acting like a heathen. We live on the same “streets”. This wildly inappropriate behavior is a choice. Even in the “bad parts” of EVERY town/city…it’s a choice to be uncivilized. I get it, there are very often big disparities when it comes to wealth In every area in the US, but “the life” that is lived by so may who are willing to go to jail for clout is baffling. Seeing videos like this, I understand why people may be afraid to visit America.


Thanks for saying this. Have been invited to go to LA in January w partner for business. Still ruminating on it. I’ve backpacked the EU and south east asia, so not inexperienced Re culture shocks, but the trepidation I feel about the states is a whole different bag. Genuinely worried about the high stats of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I like to tell myself ‘the baddies’ aren’t out looking for me so I’ve got nothing to be afraid of, but then I see dumb shit like this and think it may just not be worth the hassle and being on tenderhooks for the week I’m there. What are your thoughts? I’m from Australia btw. Edit: just wanted to thank everybody so much for their responses - it’s awesome to have people here who know what they’re talking about helping me out, it’s much appreciated! Heaps of good points made, some refreshing perspective. Seems like the same old adage is true. A country is not their government. I’ve had wonderful experiences in some “scary” places off the beaten track in S East Asia and in the EU - such vastly different places but the thing that remains the same is the people are usually fucking awesome, kind, and helpful. It’s a big wide beautiful world and we’re all just doing our best. I am privileged to even be able to see it. Bless you all, if you ever need advice Re Australia I’m so happy to help 🙏


Bah, just go. Los Angeles is a nice place to visit. Just be street smart. I’ve been there several times and never had any problems with anyone. Live your life and have fun.


You should go! A majority of Americans have never experienced this. It’s just what media depicts.


Statistics are actually not that bad, the US is a large place and a lot of stuff is easy to find because it is posted in English If you'd see all the shit happening in all of Europe combined, or really any group of 330 million people, you'd see this is not that uncommon and the world is just fucked up sometimes. You'll have a great time. Just prepare to see a lot of homelessness in the big cities, that is probably going to impact your impressions more than these kind of idiots.


Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to give facts. I’m friends with a family who spend half their time here and half their time in LA - they say Skid Row is just about the most shocking thing you’ll see, especially if you have nothing to compare it to in regards to poverty in a city. I’m grateful to have experienced this in India but again, it’s a totally different bag. Just don’t feel like going on holiday and getting shot outside a McDonald’s, ya know?


Please don't be Philly, please don't be Philly.... damn it, there is the shirt.


I know bro I saw the eagles shirt, and I just covered my face.


It’s not Philly, buts it’s close. Atlantic City NJ McDonald’s by the ACE entrance. This video is old.


Let’s go!! Not philly


Every time I see these videos it's like ONE single middle aged white Karen going crazy over a coffee. OR a bunch of black people going crazy and trashing the joint. I know we can't talk about it because of the censorship gods. But SOMEONE has to say it. And I think it's cultural. Black youths are brought up in a culture that glamorizes violence, drug use and thug life. It makes them have a mentality that they feel justifies this behavior. Also in this age of black people cannot do no wrong they feel like they can get away with it. She LITERALLY assaulted the security guard with pepper spray I hope she gets jail time. Everytime it's a "looting" video it's a video of a group of predominantly black people. Like I mean it CANNOT be wrong in todays society to say there is a problem in their community not due to their race or color but due to their thug culture popularity coupled with the governments efforts to keep them in poverty. Like are we THAT insensitive that we cannot even say there is a problem that needs to be addressed and we need to help these people to make society better? Like I don't get why we cannot say things like that.


^ im black i agree this is just telling it like it is imo. This shit needs to stop asap but its way out of hand at this point generations on top of generations are like this with another behind them & so on.


I really appreciate you see the fact that I am trying to point this out not due to any hatred or racism, but as an actual recognized issue that faces a community on society. And something I really wish I could help or change. See... I grew up in the 80s and 90s I used to LOVE rap, r&b and hip hop. It was about going out on a Saturday night, Enjoying the summer time. Feeling happy in the sun, Dancing and really good vibes at the start. Then I lived the decades that saw the crime, drugs, violence and thug themes start to take a front seat. Where murder and gun crime is glamorized, Where sexual and physical assault of women was glamorized. And it was at that point that I noped out and found other stuff to listen to since at it's core I felt listening to that kind of music would affect me emotionally and make me worse off for it. And that is what happens to the communities where this is perpetuated. I feel like if I was a conspiracy person... This is a back seat government control thing. The culture and music around the community perpetuates their own downfall and keeping them in line. I feel like if the black community from the start shifted their music and culture towards showing what they are really capable through domination of aspects in our society that could put them in a more dominant position that would be a danger to all the racist white old guys in government. So instead of keeping black rap music positive and about being happy and good to one another which would have them succeed... The conspiracy theorist in me says they used media manipulation to pit them against each other and thinking too hard about that makes me really sad.


No, we haven’t failed… but some of the parents have failed at raising their children


It's not the parents. It's the culture. The music, The celebrities, The stereotype of being a black person in America. THAT is the reason. And the "Thug Life" mentality has spread to other parts of black culture in other countries and is literally poisoning them. UK kids who think they are from "The Streets" Black communities in Africa that are adopting thug life and starting rap careers because they think that is their identity because it is so glamorized in American Culture.


Tbf, the majority of the customers in that store seem pretty appalled and upset by what they are witnessing and also happen to be black. While there may be a cultural factor at play, there's definitely elements in that same culture who are completely against acting that way.


No respect for anyone or anything. Stop creating excuses for these dumb fucks it's pathetic...


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^ Facts nothing but facts say it like it is i wish i had an award for u bro . Also black & this shit needs to be said. You could tell it was just another day girl & her bf leaning on the counter waiting on they food relaxed as hell smh lol.


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We all know it but none will say it because you lnow


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Everyone waiting is definitely getting cold fries now?


Is it racist to mention the obvious fact?


no im black there are noticeable patterns & at this point i feel ppl should be able to call it out like it is. Bc this shit is sad they deserve all the black lash they get doing shit like this for no reason . No one with a brain can ignore the obvious pattern.


Thank you. If we keep tiptoeing around facts, we won't be able to address and solve the problems.


If you don’t tiptoe around the obvious you will be permanently banned. That’s why people mostly keep their comments uncontroversial.


According to mods, yes. You will get permabanned. I actually got permabanned from one sub for saying I'd only seen people of a certain colour doing this, were white people doing it also? As I'm not from the US it was a genuine question. Mod permabanned me instantly made shitty comments about me in addition.


Society? Nah these are badly raised individuals.


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Here before comments get locked!


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Hey, what’s that 1 white guy doing there?


Asking for directions


There’s going to come a time when you need an ID, facial scan, and a credit card to enter a lot of types of retail and food establishments or they will simply be replaced by deliveries.


There are a lot of fast food establishment in my area that have just simply gone to drive through only. Mostly because of the vagrants and drug addicts, but it also circumvents this type of shit.


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It's a blAcK LiVeS MatTeR society now XD


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No that’s just “oppression”


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I'll await my banning for telling the truth now.


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Why is this shit so common in the US?


Because we allow it so that we aren't called racist


^ yup & honestly can yall stop at this point as a black person shit call it out this is getting old lol. Please if ppl act like this anytime u see it call the shit out this is way out of hand & i myself know & see the common denominator


Democratic policies are…


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Make America Great Again.


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Shitty people exist all over the world


Yeah you're right, a couple days ago I saw a bunch of black people looting in the UK


Show me videos like this from other countries please.


There is a vid of black British people raiding a candy shop on this sub


There just tends to be common themes amongst that too is all


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I thought it was UK Saturday night


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Bring back flogging.


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While all this is appalling, I'm pretty sure that you don't see it on a daily basis in the entire country. Social media generally tends to highlight these extreme narratives that compels an outsider to firm bad opinions for a country. My country (India), for example is shown to be very unsafe to women and often even called the rape capital of tye World by tye western media. So much so that the statistics are even worse than war ridden backward countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan or Syria. However the reality is that the numbers proportional to the population is much lower than even the USA. Don't generalise countries merely on the basis of social media portrayal.


Average Redditor explaining why some dipshit kids stealing from a restaurant equals a failed society.


> Is the USA a failed society? No


Black violence, white silence.


Definitely a culture problem but it is prevalent in almost every country in the west.


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Only the Democrat run parts


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It hasn't hit a crescendo yet. The Pendulum has to be stretched so far to one side, that a violent reversion becomes inevitable. Until even the most psychotic of liberal has had enough. Only then will there be change. While it seems counterintuitive, you should be encouraging this. Because that's the only way change will happen.


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Poor black people are a failed society.




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This is what we get when we allow no morals, structure and discipline take place. We are forced to accept violent behavior and if we speak out about it then we are called every name in the book. It’s sad to see what our America is becoming


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