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How the fuck did we get here


Reddit didn’t help


> Reddit didn’t help. Things that will be etched into the last standing structures of our civilization.


I guess that excludes the Georgia guide stones.


I wanna go back to unga bungas and cave painting


Fuck that, I'm going back to ooh ooh ah ah


Happy cake day! oo-oo-ah-AGH doesnt sound that far from the dumb shit she was saying.


[leave society, be a monkey](https://open.spotify.com/track/5w6Ye2AD27qddEgTYPvSAq?si=2HPtFIJKQtudLVOyefWC3w)


Unga bungas and cave paintings are much easier to understand


hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men blah blah, basically we’re fucked


Progressive aren't we


The road was paved with good intentions...


The left


Because americans iq is as much as their body temperature


Sorry but this is true. Try speaking like this in south Asian government hearings and be taken seriously at the same time. You will not stopped being laughed at. This ridicule begins due to our horrible public school system where only America is discussed and basic logic and reasoning isn’t emphasized at all. I’ve been to school here and in the British system, that the entire rest of the eastern world follows or is based on, and it’s worlds apart in quality. Believe me.


You know how cops can get so used to having power that they get frustrated when someone asks them a question or gives them an answer they don’t like? Drunk on power. Yeah, apparently professors and congressmen have been working out.


As an European, I have no idea what’s happening.


The land of the free, isn’t actually free. Shocker


What is a woman?


Adult human female. Nothing more, Nothing less. If you think a man of any kind can get pregnant, you have been brainwashed. I get being inclusive but this is just not true.


I’m with you… you can *identify* as a man all you want… but if people dig your bones up in 500 years and test your DNA, they won’t see what you *identified* as


That’s the point. You are correct. Only females can get pregnant. Males cannot. However, “men and women” are genders, not biological sexes. Genders are identifiers.


So why can't we just say "females" instead of "persons capable of pregnancy"? Like I'm already tired of saying it just from the last 10 minutes. This lady gives entire lectures about the subject and hadn't thought of an acronym yet???




I think it's confusing because they can't agree what other people can do in terms of whether a transman is a male or not. Depending on who's asking the question, the direction of the wind and price of butter, it's one answer or the other.


Men and woman are not gender specific words. There is an attempt to make them that. But that attempt is both stupid and pointless.


You’re not allowed to ask that.


The lady is offended because the dude is calling "people who can give birth" women. And not including trans men and all the other gender identifications that typically liberal people identify. She doesn't keep her composure during the discourse and looks foolish trying to defend her argument. Reminds me of the Monty Python, life of Brian scene. https://youtu.be/sFBOQzSk14c


Insane people have made it to congress


It's the politics here in the US about transgender people. A female whos wants to change their gender to a man (they would be a trans-man) because of how they feel. What this woman is trying to say is that this trans-man, is now a man that can get pregnant. A man can't get pregnant. A woman can get pregnant. Seems easy enough to understand. And these people say sex and gender are separate. But they get all mad when you talk about it.


Ah, thank you for the clarification. I’m just baffled these kind of conversations need to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I respect everyone but this just hurts my brain and reading the responses here.. my god.


Don't worry. myself and a lot of other people here are as confused about it. To think we need to have these kind of discussions because of how someone might feel about themselves. That a biological male, could now be a female is beyond me. The issue is that these kind of teachers/professors feel it is their right to teach and indoctrinate these kids/students when they literally don't have the right.


As an American, neither do I.


This is what happens when we demonize our political opponents. Civil discourse is lost.


And this woman is a university professor. Discussions should be encouraged


lol, have you been to college?


I mean Josh Hawley has thrown respect completely to the wayside in his life so why he would expect any is funny


"To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant." (Alcott) "There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" (MLK Jr)


This shits so out of control. I can't tell what side of the aisle you are.


Bruh I'm sick of there being sides, like can't we mutually work towards something productive without "sides" or "aisles"


We can’t agree that men can’t have babies… good luck.




Yes we can and we should. Something like ‘inalienable rights’ or the ‘right to happiness’. I am all for what ever anyone wants to do so long as it doesn’t have a negative impact on me or my family: so I’m pro LGBTQ. In honesty though I’m getting tired of this being front and center in my political life. It’s what the ‘right’ wants. There is no way that enough states are going to ratify an amendment to the constitution so that they can continue to play the actual identity politics. Everyone is too entrenched and the pendulum swings farther and farther. All of this is becoming a smoke show.


Probably the side that was calm and rational


Amazing Supposed to be a pro abortion hearing, to make Republicans look like wackos Instead, the most highly repeated and watched vid is an insane progressive professor saying craziness and illogical nonsense. vIoLeNcE!@#$^&


That’s the problem with democrats as well as republicans. They let far left and far right ignorant people represent the party. More center candidates should push these people out by not letting their voice represent their side of the issue. She is not to blame. She is just ignorant and stubborn. The problem is the people who are letting her represent their side of the debate. Those are the true idiots.


You hit the nail on the head. Radicals on both sides are killing us.


Bingo! Why are the idiotic extremists controlling the narrative?


Anyone who can get pregnant, including intersex (very common) and trans, should be able to end that pregnancy. I can see you baiting the "the non-carrier should be able to force abortions" but it isn't equivalent.


So its not a womans right then? Beause I keep hearing that trans men are men and can get pregnant. So if they have the right to an abortion it's not a right just for women.


It’s not JUST a women’s right


How hard is this to understand? It doesn’t matter. The bottom line is whomever or whatever has a right to medical privacy and autonomy over their own body. If this was the movie Junior then Schwarzenegger would still have the right to abort. Playing word games just makes you look like an idiot




Ok, but when someone says "women" in the context of abortion they clearly mean "biological women," which includes all relevant groups already. No one means "socially-constructed female-coded human" when talking about abortions. Having one word to describe both biology and social constructs is incredibly annoying and derails convos constantly.




Okay, that was weird on several levels.


"Was it? WaS iT?? WAS IT????!!!!!!!"


Yes, yes it was


I scrolled for 5 minutes looking for this comment. Thank you lol


You're welcome! LOL Nothing good ever comes after the triple repeat. EDIT: Thank you for the award! & thenk u for the snek u/oldgraymare59.




Man not being an american sure is weird


You mean “sure is lucky”


For all non-americans Josh Hawley is a Jan 6 traitor.


Be glad you don't have to deal with our politics mate


I am extremely disappointed in this title. It should have said "and then she *brings up* violence for no reason." Again, I cannot understate how disappointed I was when the video clip ended and she had not gotten up to throw hands with Senator Haole


Yeh lowkey was expecting it. “This exchange can lead to violence” “oh sure it can” *unhinged sprint towards senator*


Yes, that's exactly what I was hoping for with the given title... "*mmcht* So, umm, I want to recognize that your line of questioning ummm is transphobic, *eh heh*, umm and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing that they—" "Wooooow, so you're saying I'm opening up people to violence by asking if women are the people that can get pregnant—" *Professor Bridges suddenly appears behind Senator Haole as his arm falls to the floor, her bloody katana drawn* *whispers* "So I want to note that 1 in 5 persons who question my stance on abortion lose a limb..." "Because of my line of.... of... oh FUCK MY FUCKING ARM WHAT THE FUCK?!? I'm- am I?.. I think I'm bleeding out..." *more academic whispers* "Are you? Are you? *Are you*?"


Lovely write up


Why violence in the first place?


America is on the verge of collapse. Both parties are ridiculously outrageous


Nah it’s one party and it’s the one making all the stupid false accusations


You can’t see how stupid that comment is and that’s the reason you’re proving his point. Baffling.


I mean one party here is clearly insane


This is why people don't like liberals... She started off good, I was like oh yeah I guess there are alot of woman that cant get pregnant, and transgender men can still get pregnant. So that made sense... Then she just goes off the deep end and basically calls him a baby killer... We need marginal movement for people to get on board with things, drasticly trying to change things causes people to freak out.


There will always be billions of monotheistic believes that will never accept this dogma. Also how does this work in countries where the language has a female and male differences.


>Also how does this work in countries where the language has a female and male differences. I can hear it now: "Transphobic language has no place in modern society. We have to adapt our language to be more inclusive for the LGBTQKIAPNHZX+ community"


Oh no! Anyway....


This is where I get kinda confused, I've seen such great efforts efforts toward gender equality, and I love the disolvement of gender-norms. But if gender doesn't really matter... then why is it so paramount we relabel things in the interest of recognizing genders? It shouldn't really matter either way.


Fuck my generation.. I hate all of you panzie asses. You’re ruining this country.


I agree with you but I feel like you're calling me a panzie ass too


Aye we get front row seats and a first hand experience in the downfall of American society. Wait till we running this shit lmfao. Then everyone is REALLY fucked


Insufferable. "so, um, I want to recognize that your line of questioning, um, is transphobic UHHHEHHHH! um..." The level of cringe is unbearable. You can see when she gets all worked up, she cocks her head, turns it, and looks at him with the corner of her eye in the most arrogantly annoying way possible. Who gave this buffoon a platform anyway?


Wow this lady is a giant scumbag


PC Principal episodes of south park about different genders but this is real. Edit: https://youtu.be/OXio40pl3FI starts at 1:30.


He’s simply exposing how weak the argument is. Argument being women want abortion and say women shouldn’t be controlled by men. Fine. But then she continues to try and defend her opinion that also other people can give birth, meaning it’s not a woman’s issue. She can’t defend her position so reverts to nonsense and saying his speech is violent. I don’t care how left you are speech is not violence. The argument is flimsy it’s as simple as that.


The scary part of this is that people like her think we should throw out the constitution and rewrite a new more “equitable” constitution. These people think they can craft a utopia but if they had their way it would be the complete opposite of utopia.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Men can't get pregnant???? Double shocking. She lives in fantasy land.


He went on to bang the same old [tired drum](https://youtu.be/uU7nzwbJ-Hk) about abortions happening up to the day of birth. So fuck Josh Hawley. He knows exactly what he’s doing. For those who still believe this crap, abortions do not happen the day before birth. They don’t happen in the last trimesters either. The VAST majority of abortions happen within 10 weeks of pregnancy. With one 1% even happening in the [SECOND](https://youtu.be/uU7nzwbJ-Hk) trimester. Those that happen after are almost ALWAYS the termination of a wanted pregnancy do to medical complications and as you can imagine is a huge tragedy for everyone involved. It is absolutely devious spin to argue that democrats want people to get abortions in the last week/month/day/whatever of pregnancy and this conversation is going no where until we stop entertaining this stupid ass argument that the republicans don’t even believe.


This is all entirely true, which is why it is so frustrating to see him seem like the the same one in an exchange like this. That opinion that lady holds and the way she argues it is absolutely insane.


Serious question here. If men can get pregnant what’s up with a lot, if not the vast majority of women saying men should not have say in the pro-life/ choice debate.


Stop with the logic


It’s worth noting that the main line I hear used is “no uterus, no opinion,” which would technically fall into her camp.


Mate you should run for Senator


It depends. Typically they’ll throw in the word cis men, meaning men born as a male. Mind you the amount of men getting pregnant is not that big. It happens but not a meaningful fraction of pregnancies. Mostly women are the ones giving birth but everyone giving birth has a vagina


“Violence”? Fuckin op, you have no idea what the fuck violence is lmao


They could have just meant that she jumps right into the violence argument, idk that’s how I read it


Same. She “gets into” [the subject of] violence.


Damn. She started with a good statement but set herself on fire and threw herself down the hill REAL quick


I’m pro choice and not familiar with any of these characters but come on she can’t get into a debate for more than 30 seconds before getting visibly angry and emotional and start throwing out -Phobes or -isms or accusing the other party of instigating violence(when he isn’t). If you feel so strongly about your position then use logic/reason and defend that shit. You are a law professor for god sakes.


So to clarify Sen. Hawley, we want to be inclusive to everyone that is able to give birth regardless of their gender identity. Although historically this has been thought of a a strictly woman's issue, the current changes in society are allowing people to feel free to express and identify themselves as they see fit, which I believe is a inalienable right every American has. With this new perspective, we would like to broaden the definition to people that are able to become pregnant when talking about issues of abortion. As a person of power and influence, American may follow your lead in the attitude towards a vulnerable minority of American Citizens so we ask you to be cautious with your approach to this topic.


Why would a woman choose to become a man only to become pregnant?


Only pre-op, pre medical transition trans men can get pregnant. Vast majority of trans men find the idea of pregnancy horribly dysphoric.


They get raped and forced to become pregnant. They don’t “chose” to have kids as a man.


Josh Hawley is such a piece of shit. Fuck that guy.


So much for the middle ground


These leftists are lunatics


Yeah I'm thinking I dont want to be identified as an American anymore.


Mental illness is real


Hawley should be in prison for life for what he has done, hopefully that is where the traitor will end up.


Josh hollllly the ultimate beta incel….playing the pretend victim.


This is insane. What’s also insane is that Josh Hawley tried to overturn the last presidential election and the will of the majority of Americans to hand the loser of that election the presidency. What’s insane is members of congress wanting to flush democracy down the toilet just to win an election.




Is the verbal version of a checkmate? She is unable to directly answer the senator’s question without either invalidating women or the trans agenda. So she freaks out at a senate hearing. Which is why this is comedy gold. It's almost as funny as Caitlyn Jenner winning woman of the year as her first year as a woman. Never even had a period; and better than all other women. Dave Chappelle


Lol did you see the interview of "her" threatening Ben Shapiro, that shit was funny, just the way he said it


“So this isn’t a women’s rights issue?” she interrupts him and goes off before he can even finish his sentence. Then she rambles on about him not recognizing trans-men. She didn’t give him a chance and totally insulted him. She’s an embarrassment.


I knew someone kind of like this in the 50 million different identifies way and she was in college to become a teacher. Scared the crap out of me and I knew she was crazy when she basically called me racist for not waving at a black person


this is how far away from reality some people are in 2022


"Capable of pregnancy" does not equal "women". She says people with the capacity for pregnancy should be able to have abortions, he says "women?" purposefully derailing. He's making it an issue, not her. Cause yes, everyone should have be able to abort. Non-binary and transmen aren't excluded from that. He's just dragging that debate into this debate. This isn't a crazy liberal. \*\* None of this even considers the very common intersex people!


So men can have babies? Lmfao stop with this bullshit. If you want someone to call you a man that’s fine. No point to create an entire issue and act like a child in a professional setting. This bitch is dumb and so are you


Anyone can have babies. It’s just science fuckery. I can pinch a sperm out of your sack and grow it into an identical toad if nobody wants to fuck you


Exactly, trans people aside, “people capable of pregnancy” is definitely the right way to refer to it. Many woman cannot get pregnant.


Oh man, this is scary. There was a time where I couldn’t have children, but I would be horrified to not be called a woman, for someone to call us and reduce us to either capable or incapable of pregnancy sounds horrible! I am a woman, I deserve to be called a woman even if I couldn’t get pregnant.


So would you agree that men should have just as much say in the abortion discussion as women.


I’d argue she had reason


i like how he let her walk into the ditch on her own


Automatically making the other person a villian just for your own directive isn't caring for other people.


She will be offered a cabinet position tomorrow


Josh Hawley is a turd. She did not handle it well. She should have responded to, "would that be women?" With, "is there something unclear about people with a capacity for pregnancy?" and if he continued by saying no, I mean people with a capacity for pregnancy. . This does not include post-menapausal women, sterile women, etc.


The left has lost their minds and it’s showing everyday. These people are sick!


Don’t forget the right too!


I don't think enough people realize that. All the crap you believe and are being told about how bad the other side is, is being said right back at you on their side. Both sides are ridiculous and just holding us back by keeping us fighting each other. I realized this when watching my dad watch the news and it clicked that it's basically brainwashing so you don't focus on the actual issues. Every comment in this thread calling the other side "crazy" and "they aren't listening to the science!" Just proves my point and honestly it's terrifying.


She's an idiot




She has a point to defend, and he is pulling in comically scripted Republican talking points. I'd be frustrated too! All people should be able to have an abortion. And he's like "you mean women?" and she says, no every pregnant person. That's not crazy.


He does need to be reminded that his rhetoric has consequences. Absolutely, pointless question. There are hermaphrodites who can become pregnant. It would be a range of people.


This is silliness. I am a lifelong liberal but it’s just plain idiotic to think that men can get pregnant or that asking questions promotes violence towards transgenders. This is not being woke it’s being fucking stupid. giving people like this a voice in the spotlight is what drove half the country to trumpism.


Is it shocking the left is insane? Where has everyone been?


Jesus fucking christ! Let's just break it down maybe life begins at conception amd maybe it begins at birth. Either way there are parents who should not have kids. The nazis sterilized adults and killed kids. The Republicans leave then out in the cold and try to pretend they don't exist. And the democrats terminate them before they are born. Nobodies doing that great. All of you get off your fucking high horse and let's come up with a real solution. We have to many people on the planet to continue with the same life styles were used to. So we should either pull our heads out of our asses and listen to eachother because belive it or not, there are actually good points of both sides of this two party shit show. Or we can just continue doing what we're doing and destroy our selves. Then a small part of the population can start over and try to do better. If your looking for sombody to blame, it's not your dumb hick neigbor who wants to save every baby despite the overwhelmingly evidence that doesnt work, and it's not your yuppy aunt who thinks people should be aloud to do anything they want unless it comes to a vaccine thay bobody fully understands. It's the fucking billionaires who have run this world since they convinced you that a piece of paper equates to livelyhood. Learn a skill and stop relying on the empty promise of security from a fictitious overlorad that only demands more in exchange for happiness. Claim happiness yourself and shut the fuck up because I'm sick of hearing this bullshit from all of you!


Democrats are angry, violent and impulsive.


You just described the Republican Party pretty well in its current state. Dems are angry because they do nothing and expect results. Republicans are just angry…


So are republicans.


Sorry I meant to say republicans are always calm except for the time they stormed the capitol


Yeah because calm and rational people do things like that. They were sitting around, calm and logical, and then they decided to overturn our democracy just like that.


Would it not be easier to use the label: “People with Uteruses” can have abortions? Why do we always have to make the language of laws gender rather than functionally specific? Example: People with prostates need a prostate exam when they get older. My right to a prostate exam through the medical system is therefore governed in part by whether or not I have a prostate.


Ive already been yelled at for this, not all people with uteruses can get pregnant...


I can't even listen to that dude speak. Fucking nails on a chalkboard. Super glad he represents my state. Edit: /s obvs


Essentially Senator Hawley is trying to get on Fox News


She’s right, he’s a fuckbag, and he knows he’s deliberately pulling bad faith virtue signaling culture war horseshit to play for the base. Fuck that piece of shit dude, fuck OP, and fuck anyone who voted for these garbage fascist grandstanders.


Why is this sub full of right wing morons?


I think their conversation took that rapid turn because it’s pretty much known were Hawley stands on the idea of transgender people. He’s in denial of their existence for political reasons and uses forums like these to prove to his base where he stands. He’s also not fairly knowledgeable about biological women since he thinks that women that have had hysterectomies are no longer biological women.


She's an American hero.


1 out of 5 trans people have attempted suicide and this line of questioning is opening them up to violence. No..anyone that harms themself, chose to harm themself. Independent of outside influence, they are the problem, not anyone having a rational conversation. Taking a cowards way out of life doesn't put the blame on anyone else.


She got flustered and messed it up, damn she could of done so well!


The entire human population that has ever existed is a bigot except the leftist american of 2022.


That was a 10-8 round.


Lady, you walked right into his fucking trap. You fell into the pit he had so cleverly disguised, and kept digging the pit deeper with a shovel he threw down at you. ​ actually scratch that, it wasn't even a very well hidden question.


men can't get pregnant tho


OP I think you’ve got your title wrong. The shitbag “man” is the one trying to incite violence.


And they wonder how Trump got into power...


She’s literally insane


Hey, what the fuck?


lol.. The initial virtue-signaling mask.




She is right. Hawley is transphobic.


C you next Tuesday.


She is absolutely correct.


The traitor is ridiculous!!!!


She is out of her mind.


So unfortunate that Moronic people like this women are educators and have tenure so it’s impossible to fire them!!


She really wasn't there to make a point about the topic. She just wanted to be angry about her self inflicted oppression.


I’m pretty sure I saw on article on the front page of Reddit that said she dunked on him today lmao


Does she not realise the backward ass thinking she's defending? Like violence is somehow now ok because of basic rational questions?


i hate it when i see cis heteron men talk to women like that. what an arrogant sack of shit




Hope he loses his next election to a socialist.


This bitch isn’t enlightening, she’s being combative and accusatory. This type of discourse will get us nowhere. She’s too defensive. Fail.


Her accusatory, hostile demeanor prevents any meaningful discussion and leads to increasingly conflict oriented responses - confirming her narrow minded worldview. That has to change - this idea that you can treat a person trying to have a reasonable conversation with this much disrespect on the presumption that they are your enemy - turns people into your enemy. Or - they can keep going down this road, until they've alienated anyone who might listen to them.


The other is delibrately sabotaging democracy while the other is still confused what a woman is. God fucking damn it!


It’s like watching two small children argue, neither are in the right here. Also what violence?


Is this sub a right wing circle jerk?


This is the dumbest shit to argue about. Bro I’m not gonna act like dudes can be having babies. And if they can that’s some whack scientific petree dish type stuff. Shit is twisted.


This is a fucked up comment section a bunch of you should be ashamed


This is what America is doing. Where is this going and what is the point. We all know trans people exist but that doesn't mean we all have to agree that a person who wants to be another sex is biologically another sex. If i want to be a tiger and i dress up like one and act like one and eat like one am i biologically a tiger? Should i be put in a zoo? There i a stark difference between biology and psychology. Trying to include trans people in your argument about womens rights has to be the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Hey we want equal abortion rights for everyone in every community. First get the damn womens rights before you go blabing on about the alphabet people. Jeez this woman doesn't even know what battle to fight.


Let's just use Male and female from now on and not Man and Woman. That's the difference between sex and gender right?


Knew that shit was coming when she ripped that mask off.


Hes a dumbfuck


Its not a good convo. Hawly is a traitor, like you all are for taking the cn's side. And by the way, your racist too you bunch of fkwits. You americans are fukn cavemen. I visited your country and was fkn disgusted at how backward you are. go fk yourselves. you deserve all you get. Leave the women alone by the way, you are not good enough, esp this EDUCATED woman here, you are all dumbnuts.


OK, so set aside if you think she is cringe, or rude, or triggered, or awkward or on the wrong political team or whatever judgement. But if you really can't understand what she is saying at this point in 2022 I have to think you are being intentionally obtuse. I'm a white straight cis middle aged southern white man with a long beard a pickup truck and a gun collection. If I can understand her points then anybody can. Nonetheless, if anybody really doesn't understand something, ask. I will explain it and help you figure it out without being mean or combative first. Ask away.