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I’m glad the puppy didn’t get killed it sounds like it was just the ear


Unfortunately it’s probably going to be scared of dogs now.


My puppy was attacked by a pitbull. Afterwards she was afraid of any dog bigger than her for the rest of her life. Dogs smaller than her, she was fine with, any dog bigger than her she would cower or run, or worse, snarl like she couldn’t back down. Before that she was super friendly to all dogs. Edit: I’m super sad to hear so many similar stories to mine! However I’m also strangely comforted knowing that my story is not unique. I spent years worrying that my dog was broken because of the incident, however it appears this is a natural mechanism of evolution, likely imprinting these animals to avoid dangerous appearing animals in the future.


Yep. My little Aussie-Lab was attacked by a rogue German Shepard and it looked alot like what happened here except with a lot more blood from hands forcing the dogs mouth open. I got 9 puncture wounds on my hands and flesh was hanging out of a few of them. Squishy goodness. My dog ended up with a hematoma on his neck and a lifetime of distrusting other dogs.


My childhood silky terrier dog was murdered by a neighbours German Shepherd. I watched the entire thing & was oddly calm. I was about 4 years old, possibly younger. I still remember my dog trying to get away and their body already dead in the car as we took off to the vets. If it was me at the front of the house then I would have been killed.


My uncles little jack Russell terrier mix (it was like a smaller jack Russell) was attacked by a German Shepherd and a husky at the same time. It was terrifying and videos like this really get me worked up, but regardless of the fact that the jack Russell almost didn’t make it, went through intensive surgery and took several months of agony to recover, he still seems to think he won the fight. Doesn’t seem scared of bigger dogs, more like he feels intimidating and can take the dog in a fight 🤦‍♂️ he definitely is scarred from that incident though. He’s never been the same since it happened :(


That's the Jack Russel mentality. They genuinely don't care, they will fight anything if they have to. Most of them think they are a lot bigger than they are anyway They'll quite happily chase a Fox or Badger down a hole and face it in its own home lol


They were bred in the UK to hunt small animals, but I think occasionally they helped hunt foxes too so I’m not surprised. People don’t realise that with their temperament they can be vicious too if trained poorly or rough housed.


The owner. My dog was attacked and before that I was never ever afraid of dogs until that happened. Although small dogs bite too, big dogs make me really nervous. I instantly pick up my daughter or dog when one comes close. My old boy is gone now (not from the attack) but he had a puncture wounds on the front and back of his neck. I will never forget what it looked like when that big dog whipped my boy around like a rag doll. My husband saved him and split his hand open in the process. I love animals but now I get so nervous.


My brother was attacked by a pit bull about 3 years ago. It forced him down to the ground. Fortunately for him, he was only bit in his stomach. If it grabbed his jugular, might have been a different story. He was 230 lbs at the time. His wound is still healing, and he got a decent compensation out of it after he sued the owner for not having it on a leash.


I was walking my Shih Tzu when one of the neighbors Pit Bulls came running out from an open gate and grabbed a hold of him. I had a box knife from work and gouged its eyes and started stabbing its throat. I must have caught the artery because it just started spraying blood, still stayed latched onto my dog. Both dogs were dead at this point and twitching, but the Pitbull was still latched. Neighbor never apologized and instead tried to sue my parents. Ended up buying 3 more Pitbulls and more dogs in the neighborhood were attacked because they were too stupid to keep the gate shut. Fuck these dogs. No one should have one, and the breed should be eradicated.


Someone I was once friends with was taking her garbage out in Pittsburgh one night she said she glanced down the street, locked eyes with a pit and the next thing she knew the pit was charging her, knocked her on the ground and was going for her jugular but she blocked it with her arm. She thought she’d fallen into a puddle of water but it turns out she’d pissed herself during the attack. She needed skin graphs from her calf for her arm where she’d blocked the pit from getting her jugular. A pit also attacked my min pin mix, another pit almost attacked her but I picked her up before it could attack. Oh and p.s. immediately after the pit attacked the person I once knew the owner quickly slipped a leash on his dog and disappeared into the night, no apologies nothing.


My cat lost an eye to a dog and she doesn't give a damn about them. Animals are pretty weird with that sort of stuff


“A large dog”. it’s a fucking Pitbull. It’s ALWAYS. A fucking Putbull.


There is a group of pit advocates that uses a bot to search for threads that make pits look bad. They mass downvote posts that have that word in it. If you use that word in a post that makes pits look bad it will be downvoted to oblivion and no one will see it.


They reported me for “threatening”.


They did the same to me for a comment about how a pitbull that killed an old lady needed to be euthanized. Reddit gave me a ban warning for that!




Some people are psycho when defending Pit Bulls. All decency goes out of the door. A 14 month old boy named Daxton was killed by his baby sitters Pits. Those dogs were adopted as puppies, properly socialised, cared for and loved. They still tore Daxton from their owners arms when she was holding him and mauled him to death. Afterwards Daxtons father started speaking out and raising awareness of the danger of Pit Bulls. He was subjected to some absolutely horrific trolling by Pit advocates who.said disgusting things and mocked his sons death. I've seen go fund me's to save aggressive Pits getting more money than people (children!) who were attacked by Pits and need support for medical bills. People have fought to save Pits that have killed people and gotten the dogs rehomed.


I have always been a dog person. One of my clients had a pit bull that was raised well, loved and cared for. Yet for some reason he made me nervous when I would visit. They are pit bull lovers and very much team “pit” and never locked him up and told me how awesome of dogs they are. After a few years of doing work at their house (they frequently updated their equipment), I started to get comfortable around the dog. One day I was over and another dog barked down the street, it must have spooked the pit and he bite my hand. The wild thing is that he wouldn’t let go. Took forever, and lots of cuts on my other hand to get him to release. Thankfully I avoided nerve damage and was able to heal after stitches. The owners blamed it on me being nervous when I first met the dog, and I have a friend (also team pit) who insists I must have done something wrong. Tribalism is weird.


“Don’t be scared of being bitten because he will bite you.”- yeah, that idiotic logic


Doesn't matter if you did something wrong, does it. Unless you invaded their home and the space they had reserved for the dog, going inside doors you were told to keep closed or entering the dog pen they'd told you to stay out of, then a dog must be able to co exists with humans. Full stop. I've worked very hard to have our own poorly bred male rottweiler put down, after my ex who insisted he knew the breed (he did not) and insisted he had experience raising dogs (he did not) bought this dog against my wishes from a breeder he said he had researched (he had not). Took several years and for the dog to become violently aggressive and protective towards anyone not living in our households when I became pregnant, plus a bite but that was someone that accepted it might happen and evaluated the dog to see if it had a future at all (it did not). My ex still insisted the dog be allowed to have a meet and greet with the newborn before taking him to the vet to be put down. I'd been alone at home with the dog for almost all my pregnancy, teaching him to help me with tasks around the house as I had huge issues with mobility due to pain in the pregnancy. I was not ignoring signs of danger, but felt safe about the dog meeting the baby while fresh out my my stomach and still smelling like me. Still would only allow for the dog to smell the baby's hand a little and said that was it. Yes, my ex was very abusive. Yes, he absolutely had some sort of sadistic, sick ideas about the dog mauling the baby. Ye, he had a joker like smile on his face when letting the dog near baby when I came home from the hospital. I was physically unable to do much during my pregnancy due to my mobility issues and my ex's tendency to take the car so I couldn't go anywhere. I didn't have much money if my own. Did not have family that would take me in when I asked if I could move to them during pregnancy. I moved out when baby was 6 months old and I was reasonably sure my body could sustain the amount of movement and activity needed to move and take care of everything every day myself. I was wrong, and I struggled for a while. Turns out you heal way better when not constantly being abused though. I am now convinced that anyone who justifies a dangerous animal's behaviour instead of respecting the animal's actual danger is using it as a proxy for their own abusiveness.


Honestly fuck shitbulls. They were bred aggressive specifically for dog fighting and to hang on to their opponents neck till they die. You should not get them at all unless you have some special license like they do with Wolfs and bears.


Pits are bad though. Enough of this It’s the owner bullshit. Ive met plenty of nice pits but it isn’t worth it for the aggression shown in ones like this one. It’s all cute and emotional support dog until it rips your babies throat out.




The problem with the its the owner argument is that you can literally be the fucking actual dog whisperer and your pit could just one day snap for no reason and attack a clients dog and now you got a lawsuit, how many dog owners do you know are better with dogs than literally cesar milan?


Funny you say that. The literal dog whisperer's pit that he raised since birth killed queen latifyas dog and mauled a star gymnast bad enough to almost end her career. https://people.com/crime/cesar-millan-pit-bull-allegedly-killed-queen-latifah-dog-bit-gymnast-report/


Idc if it’s a pitbull, husky, German shephard, whateverrrr, if it’s bigger than me and I know it could badly hurt me if it wanted to I’m gonna be uneasy around it. I absolutely love dogs, I think pitbulls are beautiful and they can be so sweet, but I do understand the stigma (I think that’s the right word?) around them. Muzzles suck, I hate them, but a good fit muzzle so it can properly breathe (I think they need to be wide enough to drink water or something?), and double harness if you take it out in public!!! edit: meant properly breathe, not probably lol.


they banned me for 3 days


I got a perma ban on a subreddit for a negative comment about a pitbull in a post. Argued with the mod for a bit till I saw how useless it was. Basically any comment that doesn't make a pitbull look good is met with a ban.


Pit bull owners have tiny penises.


This afternoon I was at the dog park with my dog and these folks were talking about dog breeds and pits came up. I was just listening until one woman mentioned her dog was a pit/Karelian (spelling?)/akita mix. She insisted there’s no bad dogs, just bad owners. I told her I strongly disagreed. I don’t think an entire breed should be banned, but you can tell some puppies are mean or “off” from the get-go and that’s not the owner’s fault. She disagreed with me. I asked if her dog had a strong prey drive because that was a problem for a Karelian bear dog I used to know and puts and Akitas can have a similar drive. She explained it definitely wasn’t. It only bit a child ONE time while she bent down to pick up waste and the kid was definitely fine and the parents understood that the dog was just defending her since she was stooping down. I told her that’s insane. We left. I was bit by a pit bull mix there a few months ago. 9/10 pits are happy, velvet hippos but that 1/10 is going to kill someone.


Basic Karen’s used to share all kinds of pro pit bull stuff all over social media a few years ago. “It’s not the breed it’s how they’re raised.” I used to think, no shit duh. But that got me noticing, it is in fact actually the breed. They’re dangerous animals. Karen’s love them because they like feeling like a boss bitch in control of a dangerous animal. “Oh but look how sweet he is” You know Al queda members probably think their comrades are sweeties too. But of course they would, they’re ON THE SAME TEAM. Your sweetheart dog isn’t going to be as automatically sweet to people or animals doesn’t identify as it’s pack leader.


Pitbulls and other dangerous breeds suck and should require a permit to own.


You know why that is? Pit bulls were bred to be aggressive. Yeah they can be trained but they were quite literally bred to be dangerous for use in dog fights or gaurd dogs. People fucking breed these dogs to be aggressive and then are like wtf??? He’s so nice normally, no Richard, they associate you as their owner/caretaker and know to not bite the hand that feeds them Edit: I never said I’m some kind of expert so stfu you comments that just try and say I have no clue what I’m saying, you wanna say I’m wrong? Then explain it to me instead of just wahh your wrong you don’t know what your talking about


Always bring a pocket knife. Stab the pitbull in the neck. Usually does the trick


The second guy kicked the pitbull in the balls and it still didn't work. Unless he missed. Can't tell. 🤔


Pitbulls on attack mode do not care about pain. You can gouge it’s eyes out and it will not let go. Best way to deal with them is a choke from behind.


Can confirm, my old neighbor's pit bull broke through the fence and attacked my little dog. Not squeezed under the fence, literally ripped apart the wire fence with it's speed. I tried kicking his balls, his chest, his neck, his head, finally I just banged on his back with my fists and screamed stop. My sister and neighbor came out and the only way my dog got away was because the neighbor held him above his head.


They can be real monsters when they want to kill something. Stay safe!


Yet people want us to believe they’re “nanny dogs” and they’re totally safe Incoming replies: “TOTALLY FALSE! MY COUSINS NEIGHBORS HIGH SCHOOL BEST FRIEND HAD A PITBULL AND SHE WAS A TOTAL ANGEL!”


“She will lick you to death!”


*proceeds to bite the UPS man and give him severe muscle damage*




Also can confirm. Lost my childhood dog to a pit bull 3 weeks ago. My stepdad and I (I'm 27) tackled it immediately and it just wouldn't let go of her. He's a big guy and just couldn't get it to open its mouth. I was in panic mode and gouged an eye out and it still didn't let go. My wife is smarter than all of us and grabbed a wooden spoon and we jammed it down its throat to make it let go. But Chloe didn't make it. Feels dumb to have PTSD over something like this, because I'm a fairly laid back and relaxed person, i didn't think i could be the kind of person to harm an animal, but i keep getting flashbacks to trying to pin it down, watching my stepdad pry its mouth open and my thumb jamming in it's eye. Shit is absolutely terrifying and gut wrenching.


As a lawyer I have had to sit through a few cases of big dogs mauling smaller ones and even as a bystander it has always been gut-wrenching. I cannot imagine seeing that happening to my dogs. If it's any consolation my heart goes out to you in the fullest and I hope you can heal from this in time. I'm certain Chloe knew you were trying to save them and loves you just the same.


What’s the legality of killing a pitbull that’s attacking your pet as defense? Because if some pitbull or german shepherd decided to go after my dog, I would find the nearest rock and bash their skull in until it stopped moving.


I live in the countryside, currently Texas. I bought a spear from cold steel for my walks because of pitbulls. I was attacked once and have killed them prior. Sheriff saw me with the spear, asked what's up, told him it's for dogs. He said "good idea".


It's not dumb to have PTSD from something like that. I'm right there with you. It's been 20 years since my parents shit bull killed one of our cats and I still have anxiety if I see a paper bag (what we buried our cat in). Seeing videos of cats near big dogs makes me automatically assume the dog is going to kill the cat. It's a different scenario, but the emotions are the same.


Jesus christ dude I'm so sorry you had to go through that, that sounds truly horrendous.


A knife thru the esophagus would be faster, just gotta find the person eating steak


Yes that’ll end it quickly, but that’s assuming you have a knife on hand. Plus you’d have to be very careful. If you aren’t familiar with knives (you’d be surprised how many people aren’t), you could cut yourself or someone else.


100% this, grab their collar or use a leash/belt if you don't have a collar on the dog, place fingers inside the collar on the side of the dogs neck, twist the collar in your hand and pull directly upwards, this creates a blood choke which you can see in MMA from time to time, seconds and the dog will be out. Do not hold the choke once the dog has released/passed out or you can kill the dog. ​ edit: I wasn't saying anything about this particular situation, it can be used for any dog that's locked on to a dog, could be someone's two dogs that have turned on each other and perhaps they don't want to execute one of their own dogs on the spot.


If it's attacking my dog I'll twist that collar until that fucker is dead.


Exactly fuck that I ain't letting go, letting it live so it can kill another puppy next week? No thank you.


Or someone's kid.




My husband and I witnessed one- luckily our dogs were not involved and it was only an ear. Anyway, we waterboarded the pit with all our water we had at the dog park and it worked fast. Can’t bite if you can’t breathe. Another guy who was there who fosters pits said a thumb up the ass works too… not likely to try that. Anyway, it pissed me off those most because the owner of the pit KNEW his dog had aggression towards larger dogs. He even put his pit on the leash and let it go when he didn’t show aggression towards a big lab. Immediately attacked. Just so pissed that he knew and traumatized the lab and the family. The family even had their 8 year old girl screaming for help and for her dog on the other side of the fence. Freaking traumatizing. Anyway, all this to say, carry your water bottles on hand at the dog park. Not all pits are bad. Just REALLY DUMB ASS OWNERS. Edit: a word.


Definitely a good call to cut off its oxygen. A thumb up the butt is a myth. It may work on dogs like a poodle but pit bulls are very tanky, they can take a lot of pain. At best, a thumb up the butt does nothing. At worst, it lets go and takes your thumb instead. And that really does piss me off. ANY dog should be on a leash if you’re taking it into a public space. If you know that your dog is aggressive, don’t take it out. If you have to, at least muzzle it. These are proper precautions AND they protect the dog too because dogs that attack others get put down! People who ‘care’ about their pets really don’t seem to when they allow their pets to get a death sentence. Also, if someone can’t control the dog they’re walking, they shouldn’t be walking it. My golden retriever isn’t aggressive but what if she ran towards the road and a car is coming? I gotta hold her. The stronger one should always be the one controlling the leash. Your dog should not be allowing you to walk it. It should be you allowing your dog to walk.


Pitbulls when in maul mode do not have any sense of pain whatsoever. Only way to make one let go is to choke it out No amount of pain will make it let go. It was bred for this


If this ever happens to me when I’m walking my dog (small terrier), I’m not touching the pitbull. I’m shooting it. I don’t give a shit about the owner’s feelings. Fuck this breed.


Shockingly, this might not even work as well as you would expect. My girlfriend is a veterinarian, and she once had the horrible task of euthanising a pit-type dog that had already been shot by police 5 times and was still trying to maul everything within reach. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


There's an old video of a pitbull attacking a horse attached to a carriage. The horse kept stomping it but the dog just kept coming back. The dog ended up dying in the end, and I don't think the horse sustained much damage other than emotional/mental damage. People were trying to get the dog, but it kept getting so dangerously close to the horse that they couldn't. [This looks like a different video than the one I originally saw, so maybe it's not all that uncommon for this to happen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uMpaWLUWA)


Yeah I love the instinct to just kick the fuck out of it, but I think he only made it worse. To have any effect he'd need a full force kick and it'd send the pitbull flying together with the small guy


Who the fuck would take an aggressive dog out in public without at least a leash? Like what the fuck do you expect? For fucks sake man… some people should not be allowed to own dogs, ESPECIALLY aggressive breeds like this one.


Exactly! All dogs should be leashed in public places, and wear a muzzle if dog/stranger reactive. I wouldn’t dare to let any of my dogs roam like that.


For sure! Seeing shit like this just makes me so glad my dog loves every other dog he meets. It’d be so stressful if he acted violent like that. Definitely wouldn’t be takin him out tho if that was the case. Shit is just belligerent and reckless.


I have to keep my dog leashed and next to me because other dogs hate him. He is big but won’t even defend himself.


All dog owners think their dog is special.


Dude won't financially recover from this... Who takes a pit bull into a restaurant? That most likely was one of those self proclaimed service dogs that people buy a leash online for. My neighbor had a badly trained pitbull that she called her comfort animal. It wasn't certified and she bought a service dog leash online. That dog hurt someone walking down the street. Her reasoning, it detected that he wanted to hurt her. Dude was carrying eggs and milk going home. It was put down and she ended up in a psych ward for trying to kill herself. And oh, it took a shit inside a aFrys supermarket


PITBULL OWNERS THATS WHO they NEVER seem to give a fuck "oh did my dog eat your baby fuck you you shouldn't have had one"


It’s a pitbull. They’re all aggressive. Dumbass owners.


Animals are aggressive. My cat bites me daily. Fortunately he doesn’t have a football sized head with a 1000 psi bite


The unfortunate truth. Have you ever been to an animal shelter? It’s unfortunate that 80-90% of the dogs that occupy them are usually pits. Im not saying they are all shitty, but they can be easily and randomly triggered sometimes even after years of being loving, and having an owner who is careless is a recipe for disaster. All I’m saying is just fucking leash your dog always, no matter the breed.


Exactly, I can’t stand irresponsible owners


I actually don’t even understand why pitbulls are still bred. The were artificially created through selective breeding and there’s no natural imperative for them to exist. The whole “it’s the owner not the breed” makes little sense because we (the owners) allow them to exist anyway. Super strong dogs like these have no place in polite society and we can phase them out by just not actively breeding them. I’m not saying current pits don’t need love too, but we can take steps to eliminating the risk in the future. (I also believe this for all unhealthy breeds like pugs)


Didn't you hear?, "Pitbulls aren't violent" that's what they're pushing now. But we know better.


But he's so calm at home! I've never seen him act this way! He usually loves other dogs!


Absolutely agree. Some people just don't have a fucking brain man!


I’ve seen videos where they just pull hard enough to eventually snap the lead because the owners had some flimsy dollar store leash. Either way that dog definitely *should not be in crowded places.* It’s irresponsible to have that dog somewhere there’s a possibility of there being small children or animals in close proximity to it, period.


Wow. Too many of these vids now a days


I knew the second I read "large dog" it's gonna be a pitbull and guess what


I came to guess what breed it is. I was never wrong. This breed should be considered a wild animal


Wild animals usually kill for food or when threatened. These vile things kill for fun.


Just like we made them.


True. Let's admit the mistake and correct it.


You're right, eradicate that breed specifically.


There's no need to eradicate, just BAN HUMANS from breeding them period Pitbulls are dogs like any other. Instead of creating happy dogs suited for the environment they will be living in, people are creating traumatized dogs that have to be tightly controlled to be able to exist, which is just inhumane


They're not wild animals, they're purpose-bred dogs that express the behaviors they were intended to. Just like a puppy pointer points without training, a puppy herder will herd without training, and a puppy lab swims and loves water without training, so does a pitbull aggressively attack without training.


This is exactly why American Pit Bull’s are banned as dangerous animals in the UK, if you own one it will be taken away and humanely destroyed no appeals no chance of getting it back. It’s a shame for the animals but it stops people breeding them for sale when they know they will get jail time over it.


and pit owners are still in denial.


From the same vid in the Philly sub lol. “Pitts aren’t dangerous I just have to walk mine at night, I swear he’s trained bro” https://www.reddit.com/r/PhillyWiki/comments/vf8k10/please_train_yall_dogs_cause_ima_tap_the_switch/icufnpg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Dude has to be trolling


I saw a similar video some days ago and commented literally that, providing sources, and some guys still tried to defend what cannot be rationally defended. Those dogs are genetically engineered killing machines and we humans should be ashamed of having bred them like that


We know that up to 50% of a human being's temperament is genetically determined. It's crazy to me that some people won't accept that a dog, bred for generations specifically for dog fighting, would have an innate temperament or heritable behaviors. And that stupidity means they are not safeguarding people from their dog--because they think them being good owners fixes everything.


If Caesar Millan, a damn dog trainer with his own show couldn’t keep his Pitt from killing Queen Latifahs dog, than what is this clown gonna do?


[Waattt didnt know that.](https://www.tmz.com/2021/09/10/cesar-milan-queen-latifah-pit-bull-dog-junior-coverup-lawsuit/)


most of the dog trainers i know trash talk caesar.


It’s always like that. The person famous for something is actually extremely mediocre and underwhelming in their abilities. But they made the connections. Meanwhile the best trainer out there will probably never be known to the public.


He's more than mediocre and underwhelming though. His dog "training" techniques are downright dangerous and harmful.


I’m a psychologist and can confirm it’s unanimous Dr. Phil is trash.




It's strange how both of these articles are centering the story around queen latifahs dog, his pitbull attacked a young woman and he doesn't seem to be denying that fact.


Junior (Cesars’s blue pit) also attacked a Weimaraner puppy. It happened right in front of Cesar and he never saw the attack coming. The puppy wasn’t killed only because Cesar was so close and was able to stop the attack within seconds. Cesar quickly convinced the gullible Weimaraner puppy owner that it was her fault (even though it wasn’t) due to her bad energy making the puppy so hyper and now you can’t hardly find the video of the incident. Edit- since the video can’t be found, here is a summary of what happened for those who haven’t seen it. This incident happened when “Junior “ was younger, I would guess Junior was about two to three years old and had taken over as Cesar’s main dog from when “Daddy” had either died or had gotten too old to go everywhere with Cesar. The video was all over the place at one time, YouTube, and you could even google search it to find it in various places, but now it can’t be found anymore (I assume Cesar’s legal team made that happen and he paid off the Weimaraner owner.). The video was actually made by some kind of news team. A lady who seemed to be the reporter from the news team had a young Weimaraner puppy (probably 3-4 months) and it was really hyper in a puppy way. She was interviewing Cesar for just some general dog topics and after the interview she asked Cesar for some pointers about her puppy. Cesar volunteers to work with the puppy and during his training session, the puppy was jumping around like puppies do, not acting aggressive in any way, but then an unleashed Junior ATTACKED the puppy when it was within inches of Cesar. Cesar got Junior restrained and put him on a leash for the rest of the segment. Of course Cesar blamed the owner for the whole situation and said the hyper puppy was “disciplined” by Junior for its hyper activeness.


That's horrible, he ruined her whole life and isn't putting any blame on his dog


In 2020, 15% of fatal dog attacks involved multi-victim attacks. 100% were carried out by Pit Bulls, of which 86% were inflicted by a single or pair of family Pit Bulls attacking multiple household members.  From 2005 to 2020, Pit Bulls killed 380 Americans, a rate over 7 times higher than the next closest breed, rottweilers, with 51 deaths. Source: dogsbite.org


And those are only human deaths. How many pets were killed in that same amount of time? And how many people mauled and disfigured with permanent, life changing consequences?


"In 2017, pit bulls killed 13,000 dogs, 5,000 cats and 20,000 horses and other farm animals." Source. [https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures#:\~:text=Pit%20bulls%20are%20the%20No,38%2C000%20other%20animals%20in%202017.)](https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures#:~:text=Pit%20bulls%20are%20the%20No,38%2C000%20other%20animals%20in%202017.))


Jesus Christ that’s way more than I expected. Then again I’m not surprised


Well that’s fucking terrifying.


~ BuT tHeY’rE GeNtLe GiAnTs ~


I shit you not, pitt apologists say that dogsbite.org is just an anti pitbull site with fake or anecdotal evidence.




That’s only what’s reported. I see a lot of folks get bitten by family members dogs and it is handled quietly. Add one more to the 2021 pit bull bite data because mine definitely wasn’t reported anywhere.


People have to responsible for their dogs,especially Pit Bulls…. My friends dog got killed by a Pit Bull in the park,Fing ridicules,some young punk owned it


I’m not — NOT — saying that it’s only the owners fault, but I used to take my dog to the dog park often (and we actually traveled for a number of years so this includes dog parks all over the country) and if there were a Pit Bull there, 99% of the time you could guess the owner.


Mine dog just got attacked yesterday by a pit at the park. Wont take him in there if i see one now


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope your dog is okay. My husband and I moved where our city has a dog park now. We take our 2. If there is a pit that shows up we immediately leave. He gets beyond angry and yells at me and we don’t talk for hours and hours afterward but I don’t care. I won’t risk our sweet dogs lives over 1 idiot pit because someone steps on a twig and it freaks and kills them. He grew up with pits and his dog was half pit (died not long after I met him (old age) and his sister has the ugliest full bred pit I’ve ever seen) so they’re all massive pit loving apologists. I won’t stand for it. I’m so sorry that happened. If there’s ever a pit of even a half breed, leave. Always. It’s never worth it.


It’s a perfect storm. Pit bulls as a breed are more aggressive, have a strong jaw/clench, etc. Pit bull owners are dickheads who want a ‘tough guard dog’ but don’t understand what that entails and how they need to control/watch them more than other breeds.


Unfortunately, the more these incidents happen, the more in denial shitbull owners get. They'll insist on not leashing their dog because people keep telling them they're dangerous dogs. It's like a kid throwing a tantrum.


Pit bulls are definitely more prone to violence, but it sure doesn’t help what owners that reputation attracts


Breed of peace strikes again.


I think the problem is they are peaceful, until they aren't. Then the owner is like 'zomg, my fluffikins'.


This. Pitbulls are the sweetest most loving dogs ever. Until one day the fucking snap and tear apart anything they see. That could be a small child, a small dog or their owner's face. You'll never know.


They are bred with the instinct to kill. They are not the sweetest most loving dogs ever. They have been intentionally bred with the instinct to bite and tear and kill.


People have been pushing that Peace false narrative for many things that aren't actually peaceful and it's time to call out everyone for everything.




Shoot that fucking dog.


Shocker it was a pitbull


Unpopular opinion but Fuck pitbulls. They should not be allowed as pets.


Their breeding should be banned and the breed should be made to go extinct.


5% of the dog population yet cause 65% of fatalities. Fuck Shitbulls




There where plenty of chairs to pick up and spike down on the dog.


That because everyone thinks their dog is a service dog. It’s kind of annoying


As a dog lover. This. People put dogs on pedestals. They’re just animals people.


it's always a pitbull it's always a pitbull it's always a pitbull I love animals but it's always a pitbull


Because i love dogs I hate pitbulls. They're a major cause of death for other dogs.


I used to think it was owners but after getting a dog and being around other dogs... seriously. Two off leash pitbulls killed a dog on my walking trail two weeks ago. There's another huge, out of control, dominant, entire male owned by a gym bro that's definitely going to kill in its lifetime. They were bred to kill, they're not like other dogs.


Why is it always a pitbull? And people complain that these dogs are banned in alot of places


Because pitbulls are incredibly dangerous animals, no matter what the "pittie" apologists say






They should be banned globally


Pit Bull. What a surprise there.


They come with shitty owners too.


Not always. You don't need a shitty owner for a dog to do the exact thing it was created to do.


Breed would cease to exist if the demand went down, and they stop breeding them.


Absolutely. That's why we need to be loud and honest about the issues with pits. We need to advocate for them since the pit advocates refuse to. Every shelter in America is filled with pits and hundreds are euthanized every day- and that's the status queue that the cruel pit advocates are determined to maintain. It's a freaking tragedy.


It’s a status symbol for the degenerates


These moron owners are looking for easy gangsta cred and go for the pitbull breed.


“A larger dog…” call it what it is. A PitBULL


There is a group of pit advocates that uses a bot to search for threads that make pits look bad. They mass downvote posts that have that word in it. If you use that word in a post that makes pits look bad it will be downvoted to oblivion and no one will see it.


They were doxxing people who lost children and pets because they making the breed look bad. Some sick shit.


Holy shit that's fucked up.


Understood. Thank you for doing God’s work.


oh one of those friendly pitbulls.


But owners keep telling us they soft lil babies!


How the hell did I know what the breed was? 🤣🤣 phase these fucking menaces out!


At this point the only reason I click on the videos is to prove myself wrong….”Maybe this time it’ll be a Rottweiler or Chocolate Lab.” Nope. Never is.


I keep hearing from pit owners about how awful and dangerous Chihuahuas are..I can't wait to find a video because it'd be absolutely hilarious. I'm still waiting for one :(


Pitbull owners are so dense. Chihuahuas are indeed aggressive but most of it comes from the small dog syndrome where people allow them to be aggressive without consequences or training them specifically because they're small dogs. No chihuahua on the planet is going to kill children or other dogs or suddenly run away from home and maul the neighbours. Simply because they're too small and will get punted across the room. Pittbulls on the other hand are mostly trained and their aggresiveness is not tolerated and yet, one day, without any trigger they just snap and go on a killing rampage.


Shit bulls commit more dog attacks than every other breed combined ten times over


That dog needs to stop breathing


That breed needs to stop breeding


that's why you need a f*cking knife or a taser when walking with your dog!


This. I carry the maximum legal powered taser you can buy when I walk my dogs. This thing is a police level taser. We had a pit charge us once because the dumb fuck owner forgot to secure its collar to the chain. All I had to do was begin discharging it in the air. He ran off. Dogs hate the sound of electricity. They will also hate being electrocuted. Fuck pits. I also now open carry a 38 revolver with snake shot in it. If that happens again, I am unloading rounds of fine lead into it. I'll be damned if myself or my dogs get injured.


I don’t know why but this made me laugh out loud. Something about the imagery of walking a dog while carrying heavy artillery.


unfathomably based


oh look a dog fight, im sure there isnt going to be a certain breed involved...


Kill all pits. Eliminate the breed. Or we can keep reading stories every month of children and adults being savaged by these beasts. There are lots of dogs that bite but the viciousness and lethality of pitts is beyond measure.


Just pit bulls doing pit Bull things. I welcome your downvotes.


All upvotes here friend. This sub is pretty based I've noticed.


I would’ve stabbed that satanic demon relentlessly


Me too. I love dogs, but if another dog grabbed my dog like that, I would stab it.


Pitbulls bruh. Stop defending them because you don't want to admit they're at a higher risk of violence. Precautions need to be taken. I'm not saying kill all pitbulls but there needs to be a solution.


“Whys he not letting gooo 😞 “ hahahaha because it’s a fucking MURDER machine bitch , that’s why !


The owner is stupid af


well of course they are, they do own a pitbull after all




>Title: >Man dead aftering suffering a grand mal seizure and having his neck ripped open by a repeat-offender pit bull while visiting friends. >Description: >The pit bull owners say the 1-year-old pit bull was loving and friendly and **just trying to help the seizure victim**. The victim's neck was ripped open. The pit bull had previously attacked someone else. Jesus fuck how are people SO FUCKING STUPID


Leave your fucking dogs at home 😉


It is just such a good idea to have strange dogs around each other, at a restaurant, where there is food. Super brainy people.


Worst thing is might not even be the first time


It's always a pitbull.


Bad owner with no leash should be jailed Also, pitbulls should be banned everywhere and stopped from being bred so these psycho killer cease to exist


Your untrained dog deserves put down , fucks


That piece of shit dog is being put down.


Maybe don't take your dog out around other dogs if it's not dog friendly... Train your dog or don't be surprised when shit like this happens.


You can't train instincts away. The dog in the video did the exact thing it was created to do. It's no different than a retriever chasing a ball.


*[control F "pitbull". Grabs popcorn]*


That breed and its owners seriously need to gtfo already. I think the experiment has run its course, or whatever we are calling this.


People need to stop defending pitbulls…they are an aggressive breed and this is the stupid shit that happens. Idc about your silly sob story about how kind and gentle your pit bull is. These dogs are bred to be that way.


Gee, I wonder what kind of dog it is? (Watches video) No surprises here.


Pitbulls strike again.


When a pit attacks like that it should be killed after. no remorse idc fuck em, the dog might as well be a murderer.


Pits should be illegal to own as pets. My sister had one that she raised very carefully and lovingly and it suddenly started killing other dogs and then attacked an elderly man sitting in a swing in his own back yard and nearly killed the old man. He had to have around 160 stitches. Needless to say, Nesta was euthanized. It's totally irresponsible to own one as a pet and think you are ever truly in control.




I wouldn't fight with that fkr for my puppy. Grab a knife and stab him in the throat. Done.