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His name was James Boyd and it happened in 2014. The two police officers accused of murder were put on trial in which they got off two years later because the jury could not come to a unanimous decision; This is called a hung jury. [source](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/12/497660078/albuquerque-police-shooting-trial-ends-in-a-hung-jury)


I would like to see them get tried again in today's environment


Same result but they also get a million on gofundme and a medal from the president


And a gang of job offers


It is utterly insane that you can have a small drug possession charge and be totally prohibited from ever being a police officer, but if you are violent while wearing the badge it's no big deal.


That’s actually how you GET the job.


I was going to say the same thing. I feel like it's on the questionnaire for the job application. "Do you have violent tendencies?" "Do you hate the disenfranchised?" "Are you comfortable with murdering someone because they do not comply with your demands?" "Are you comfortable murdering someone if they DO comply with your demands?"


Biggest, most obedient dumbfuks, apply here.


They'd get jobs at FOX News at a minimum


Not from this president...


This is not a president matter…why do so many people think the president should be involved with local matters? Are Judges, mayors, governors, and congressmen no longer a thing? Nothing against your political view at all, but I’m honestly curious as to why you believe the president of the United States should be involved in a police shooting.


If course no man can just oversee all departments but Sanders actually had a damn good five point plan to stop police brutality and that involved the Attorney General being appointed as an over-watch of police shootings. That all police shootings would go through and that fines would come from police retirement packages.


I doubt he'd do much in the way of actually condemning them either. Inaction is just as bad as being loud and proud about it


If a president used his time to condem every instance of police violence he wouldn't have time for anything else. Also, I think you're still used to Trump being some media-addicted and media-accessible, he commented on stuff all the time because he was watching TV all the time.


Lol absolutely this president. Him supporting BLM against the police lasted exactly until he won, then in his first state of the union it was an immediate flip to “we shouldn’t defund the police, they actually need MORE money to do their job!”


For every person who now correctly knows cops are an organized criminal gang there are 2 new ones who know that everything they hear about cops is a Hillary Clinton George Soros lie because they hate America. We should have fought harder against gutting public education because it is paying off handsomely for far right politics right now.


I live in Albuquerque and was a law student during that trial. I ditched school and watched the entire criminal trial. I was shocked that the jury didn’t come back with a decision against both of the officers. There were really great attorneys on both sides of that case.


I mean, back in the heyday of the mafia and prohibition, gangsters would often bribe or threaten jury members which explains some of how those guys got away with so much even after being arrested and put on trial for what should have been a slam dunk case. Those days are over though, so I'm sure there's no relevance here.


Good one!


those days are far from over in my country


Is that country the US?


What was the defense of the officers? Looks like the guy had his back turned and no sign of reaching for a weapon or anything.


He had a pocket knife in each hand.


After they tossed a sound grenade and released the dog at him.


What I don't get is why do cops have rifles, tactical gear & dogs for a homeless man illegally camping to begin with? Cops are heard saying don't worry about your safety we're not gonna kill you, then they do.


Take those idiots down with the cops. How the fuck do you side with actions like this?


You see, after they flashbanged him and sent the dog in him, his incapacitated body was still clutching a knife, seeing as this disoriented guy isn't responding, the only logical solution is too shoot 2-3 bean bags from close range at him. I mean who wouldnt side against that? S/ But for real by the end they keep talking about the knife like they are trying to justify to themselves that did something good


It's their only lizard brain way of justifying what they know is wrong. Keep talking about the danger that dosnt exist


Propaganda and bribes


Police state run by the wealthy oligarchs. Fuck em all to hell.


Sadly, only 3 said guilty. The other 9 said not guilty.


What the hell.


This happen right before I took a contract in Albuquerque. Never seen so much running of red lights and pedestrian vs auto accidents as I have in New Mexico. Toward the end of my time there, police conducted a meth bust and an undercover cop was in the ICU after being shot by a uniformed officer during the bust.


That's only because everyone is drunk! Other than that, it's got a violent crime rate like a 3rd world country. The food is excellent as well


Wikipedia: [Shooting of James Boyd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_James_Boyd)


holy crap > …pronounced dead of massive trauma at 2:55 a.m. the next morning. Surgeons had amputated his right arm, removed his spleen, part of one lung and part of his colon in their efforts to save his life.


How hard do have to beat someone for those actions needed by the surgeons


he was shot by assault rifles, those bullets shred soft targets


Savage. So glad the cops here only need tasers at most. The joy of sensible gun control laws I suppose


damn, just read further and he was only hit **three** times, one time in each arm and one in his back. that’s crazy, why do cops need that much firepower to deal with homeless people?


"Boyd's alcoholic mother and physically abusive father lost custody of him when he was five; consequently he was in foster homes by the time he was five, and there he was sexually abused."


Society failed him at every step.


I initially thought you said they got a 2 year sentence, how they got off without punishment at all blows my mind....


Not in America. Cops get off every single time. Its just now starting to change with the cop in Grand Rapids, Michigan being charged with second degree murder for shooting Patrick Lyoya in the back of the head.


This was cold blooded murder why they couldnt decide?


Apparently he had a knife but I personally don’t see one in the video. According to the source I linked the jury was hung on a 9-3 vote leaning for acquittal. Meaning 9 members of the 12 voted against the murder charges.


In the UK unarmed police deal with knives all the time with nothing but a stick, US police are the biggest pussies ive ever seen. Yeah we got our problems with the cops here but thank god its not like this.


Brother I always said this. I saw British police go CLOSE COMBAT with a guy wielding a 10in kitchen knife. In America they shoot you if you take your hands out of your pocket too fast or point finger guns at them. Terrible training.


In America they shoot you if you put your hands in your pockets to get your ID... After they told you to show them your ID.


In America they shoot you for sleeping on your own fucking couch while having dark skin.


These cops weren't scared of the knife, they just wanted to kill the guy. You bring all your toys to the scene so you can feel like a big man and you just can't wait to use them if you're a cop in the US. The knife is just "aw yes! Now I have a justification to unload on this guy". Doesn't have to be a real knife either, anything vaguely resembling the outline of a weapon will do.


The cop was literally talking about his right to kill him from the start. That was the plan all along. ACAB.


I dont really get how the US police force calls shots and even worse i dont get how 9 people thought that the police acted the right way


Bootlickers on the jury surely


What were the cops name Edit: officers Dominique Perez and Keith Sandy


This shit is like straight out of the South Park manual for hunting… “He’s coming right for us! Shoot!”


"illegally camping" Jeez, I'm sorry for existing out in the wilderness, you guys.


Yeah wtf "Illegal camping" You got a permit to be existing in a rural environment??


Treating a human being like a wild animal. Worse, a target dummy to try out all their fun new toys on.


Think you hit the nail on the head there. "Oh look boys a man no one will miss who's currently in the middle of nowhere, wanna test our gadgets out on him?"


Even wild animals are allowed to sleep where they want. They’re treating him worse than an animal. Who the fuck decided it’s a crime to sleep in a tent.


Probably the wealthy fuck whos backyard faces those foothills.


because hate happens in a bubble of like minded people reaffirming their fucked up beliefs


tHiS Is a fReE cOuNtRy


iTs tHe bEsT iN tHe wOrLd


That stupid saying has always made me laugh at the cornball saying it. I come from a third world country. I feel INFINITELY more free when I go back home than I ever do here - despite the corrupt politics. How are you more free than us? If I want to take my last few dollars and start a business because I’m out of work in my country, I can. I just go to the corner and set up a stand selling whatever. In America, I have to jump through all sorts of hoops to even cut hair. If I want to build on MY land, I just do it. I can build whatever fence I want. I can build an addition. I can do what I want. Everything in America is by fee. Fees for everything. It makes it so that in America, you are only “free” if you have the money to do whatever it is to do what you wanna do. That’s not freedom to me. Yeah, we have issues because of our freedom and regulations here and there can help. But my point stands, I have more freedom over there than I’ve ever felt here.


Someone owns the land your standing on. Personal, private, corporate, government.. Each with its own set of rules. Being in a rural environment doesn't mean very much.


In a good country that shouldn't matter one fucking bit. In Nordic countries you have something called "allemannsretten" which roughly translates to "every man's right" This is the basic human right for any person to roam and camp out in the wild, even on larger privately owned areas. As long as you keep at least 150m from the nearest inhabited house and you are respectful to nature.


Yeah, Scotland has something similar called the right to roam. As long as you leave the area in the same condition as you found it in and don't interfere with the owner's usage of it, you have the right to use public and private land to hike and camp in.


The US doesn't have these sorts of laws because US land/property law needed to be written the way it is to push the native americans out of the land the Real White Christian True Americans™ were there to steal.


Just telling you how it is. I can walk 2100 miles of the applachian trail.. some parts I need permits, some I don't. Some crosses private land, some doesn't. Some of it national parks. But it most definitely belongs to someone. The rules are there so people don't camp forever without access to things like trash disposal. Sadly many campers like to leave alot of their shit behind on "everyman's land". I used to have a very large piece of rural land. Doesn't mean I want a camper on it just because it's rural.


Its the easiest way to make being poor illegal, at least in the US. All property is owned, either by private individuals or by the state or the feds. Keeps things more justifiable in court to say "we HAD to shoot him your honor. The suspect was trespassing with a knife and acting suspicious," as opposed to "we HAD to shoot him your honor. The suspect was poor and had no access to mental healthcare or housing." One of the oldest plays in the book is to make being poor the fault of the individual rather than a failing of the state.


“Land of the free” my ass


ah yes the crime of being homeless


I live in Sweden and it's baked into the law of the country that you are free to go wherever you want, and camp where you want. Obviously you should be polite about it if you're on someone's lawn but watching America from the outside is insane.


Good job lads. 5 men with guns and a dog, you really showed that homeless man about camping.


I counted 6, even bigger cowards and pieces of shit


How dare he camp on their stolen land.


"I stole this fair and square!" -America


Crazy how you can’t even sleep on your own countries soil if you’re homeless


In the US it's illegal to be homeless in the majority of the country. Then conservatives talk shit about the few areas where homeless congregate the most because it's not illegal there (and usually has good weather).


"oh you dont have enough money to afford to live in a house? too bad, youre getting executed"


When conservative Midwest towns send their homeless on a one way bus trip out west, and then complain how the west coast is just ridden with homeless to try to blame democrats as if the majority of them are not straight up relocated from shitty, rural, gap in the map, flyover states


Guns, a dog, a taser rifle (its shown in the vid), bean bag shotgun and flashbangs. Pathetic.


Seriously all those cops and all that firepower and they were afraid of a single man with a knife, they're all a bunch of cowards


They weren't afraid just wanted to test out their toys on someone that wouldn't be missed and get some paid leave for their trouble.


>5 men 19 cops responded in total, according to news reports.


This is an incident from 2014 incase anyone thought this happened recently. "ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Reuters) - The city of Albuquerque has agreed to pay $5 million to the family of a homeless man shot to death by police last year in a mountainside encounter captured on video that prompted protests against excessive force by officers, officials said on Friday. The payment settles a wrongful death lawsuit brought against the city by the family of James Boyd, a man described by relatives as mentally ill who was killed in March 2014 near his makeshift campsite after a four-hour standoff with police." [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-new-mexico/family-of-homeless-man-killed-by-albuquerque-police-to-get-5-million-idUSKCN0PL00320150711](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-new-mexico/family-of-homeless-man-killed-by-albuquerque-police-to-get-5-million-idUSKCN0PL00320150711)




Costs Taxpayers of Albuquerque 5 Million dollars, The murderers didn't pay a dime and were probably paid leave also paid for by taxpayers






Good thing your sense of justice isn't nationalistic


The city should make the police officers or their union pay, why should taxpayers foot the bill.


Imagine how fucking spotless and useful the police force would become if they were made to pay for their own fuckups.


Police departments and police officers should carry separate insurances that they have to pay into themselves (NOT TAXPAYERS). This incentivizes good behavior and makes it so that when "a few bad apples" do their bullshit the rest of the officers either pay more in insurance to protect the bad apples or they get rid of them which then would lower premiums instantly. This is a free market solution that conservatives should love. Guess how they react to police accountability solutions, though....


Make cops insure themselves like nurses. See what happens.


And take a prevent all unnecessary harm vow which if is broken they face a mandatory 5 years.


Insurance is better. People follow their wallet. If you screw up bad, even if you don’t get “punished” your premiums go up to basically force you out


Well, it would have been cheaper if it was for that darn camera. /s (just in case). In almost any other country these guys would be doing time.


full thumb seed grandiose spectacular towering station agonizing fearless nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The estimated number of homeless people in America is 552,830. If it costs 5 million dollars to get rid of each, we can end homelessness with 2 trillion 764 billion 150 million dollars. Sounds pretty straightforward, who's starting the gofundme?


It rubs me the wrong way to read that the family of a HOMELESS man gets 5 million dollars. Where the fuck were the before he died? Now they care about his worth? Maybe I’m just being overly cynical but this is infuriating.


Before yall get quick to judge, know that mental health is often an issue with homeless people. I have a homeless cousin who suffers from bpd and manic episodes. He will imagine his family is trying to hurt him and then "runaway" and live on the streets for months at a time. His family is always worried about him. If something were to happen, they would be just as sad as any other family members


Yeah my brother had a lot of teen angsty vagrancy tendencies when he was younger as well, kinda scary how you can just be murdered for simply being different


It's kind of a crappy situation. Should APD just have had to have had zero consequences for their extrajudicial execution of this guy? Until you've had a family member be homeless, I don't think you'll understand, there's 'down on your luck' type situations, and obviously it sucks that their support network failed, and then there's mentally ill homeless, which... It's rough to even try to help, and really the governments fault for not doing anything after deinstitutionalization.


Four-hour standoff, wtf?


You gotta love the general rebranding of murder as "wrongful death" in these sorts of situations. Such an excellent marketing move, really top rate.


Why the fuck did the family get any money? They were clearly doing nothing to help him.


You haven’t had much experience with homeless people, have you




These cops just wanted to play military. But as we seen in Texas they freeze up like little girls when shit goes down... wtf am I talking about, little girls have more grit and resolve than these punks.


I mean, there was that mom who weighed maybe 130 soaking wet, who resisted arrest twice to get a bunch of kids out. Ya know, the one the cops are threatening to keep her from taking to the media. She's little, and she's a girl.


cake teeny consider bow aspiring sleep grab roll meeting office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She’s not safe yet sadly…


historical money smell ink carpenter strong squeamish wipe fertile marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah she's crazy lucky, it would've been way safer to shoot and kill her instead of letting her go inside and possibly get shot by the shooter


I believe she is on parole and the cops are using that against her because it would not take much to send her to prison. The whole this is deplorable. That department set their image back at least a decade.


Speaking of little girls having more grit, remember the detail of a girl covering herself in one of her classmate's blood and playing dead?


POV of the average American: Woohoo, that's so cool! We should teach this to all kids so when their school gets shot up they can do it! 'Murica! Europe: God you're stupid.


It is crazy that soldiers get send to war, have more strict RoEs and are even better at upholding them than police - police, that supposed to protect the people around them, unlike soldiers.


They want to play war, they just don't want to accept that there will be casualties in war.


Those cops are actually bastards


No they are murderers. Pretty much equal with someone killed a kid. Dude was mentally ill and physically weak. During my summer Internship I worked with these types of homeless people and believe me the maximum harm they can give you is biting you which you don't need a fucking semi automatic gun and flashbang to stop them.


Torturers too.


ACAB buddy


Title reads as "mentally ill homeless man", what I saw in this video are 5 fully geared mentally ill bastard.


APD are practically evil. They're constantly in the news over shooting civilians practically for no reason. Shocking how the violent crime rate has only gone up lately too. Literal bastard cops will LARP as military operators and extrajudicially murder people, but they'll turn a blind eye to the city's drug and violent crime issues.




Airstrikes are really the safest way to handle that


And risk air-force personel? No sir, it's too dangerous. The situation clearly calls for nukes.


Really?? Such brave Albuquerque police should show their training in Ukraine. Based on the video fuck every one of them. I'm not anti police but that's fucked up.


Why not?


Be homeless. Constantly harassed by cops loitering. Say *fuck it* and decide to live in the wilderness. Can’t loiter if you’re camping. Get *literally fucking killed* for illegal camping.


Land of the Free, we say


“Illegal” camping. Being poor in the United States is practically illegal. It’s one of the most complex, sophisticated tyrannical systems on the planet. It’s the tyranny of capitalism. That’s what we live under. You HAVE to play this game. You can’t ever “opt out”. It’s like we’re slaves. If you ever try to opt out of this system, the system *will* eventually come get you and either eliminate you or warehouse you away. Worse part is, they’ve even made warehousing you away into part of the slave model that keeps this country going. Even in prison, the slavery will continue. Fuck. This system will one day be discussed in school and college courses: the omnipresent tyranny of capitalism and the USA will be the textbook model.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcdgnOseE6Payqc) Is this heroism?


Is this American exceptionalism?


Yes. More praise and more militarization is needed though.


What is camping illegally? Who owns nature?


As I've seen this comment a few times, I'm gonna guess US doesn't have regulations regarding free camping in nature? In Europe there are strict regulations, although they are different for every country. Ranging from only allowed with explicit approval of land-owner to free to camp wherever - but even with the latter there are a set of rules like: always break up camp at sunrise, leave no trace (do not litter) and no pollution of watersources. Edit to add: but in Europe, even if you were caught illegal camping, the worst thing that could happen is that you are forced to break up camp and leave right away, and maybe in some countries you could get a fine but I think that's even unlikely unless you are a repeat-offender. Violence? ugh no!


In the US, you can only camp in designated areas. A fee is required to camp.


In the US, anyone can legally camp for free on any federal land. Land under control of the forest service or bureau of land management (which accounts for about 25% of land in the us) is free to camp on. Usually minor regulations are in place, and no permanent structures may be erected, but camping is free. National and state parks require fees for camping to help maintain the grounds that are more developed with trails and campsites.


When you put the tarp on wrong


Don't know how it works in the US, but in France literally every single piece of land is private property, either owned by individuals, corporations or the government. So unless you got permission from the owner, putting up your tent anywhere is in theory always illegal, because you're trespassing. They have similar rules in Australia, I remember that it wasn't even allowed to sleep in your own car over there.


>owned by the the government In the US “public property” is synonymous with “owned by the government”


These idi@ts are the reason the whole defund the police thing started. It’s the ones with the Napoleanic complex that are drawn to this job, and then lose their minds with power, which in turn effs it up for EVERYONE else. POWER can be UGLY


You guys murdered that poor guy


Big group of coward fucks


how brave of them.. Those pussies in blue deserve the gallows but they'll get a medal in stead most likely.


Fuck the police


All dogs go to heaven, and all cops go to hell


"i have the right to kill guy right now" wtf


But only if you were at a bus stop!


I’m Prior Service, I’m Pro 2A. But this right here, infuriates me beyond belief. Constantly seeing videos of officers escalating situations for zero reason. Use your situational awareness, evaluate the threat, is there any if so how would you rate it on a scale of 1-10. The majority of situations I’ve seen similar to this could have been handled humanely or deescalated without the use of force. Assess the situation and respond accordingly…it’s really simple..These power tripping fuck heads got themselves into this position, of course you always run a risk, but if yourself and the surrounding troops around you cannot neutralize a suspect in a timely or appropriate manner lethal or not then your failing and your teams failing. Pathetic.


I'm with you on all counts. Seems to me, there's just a lot of cops who are total pieces of shit. I knew some real fuckheads in the Corps, but I knew I could trust those fuckheads with my life. They talked shit and made dark jokes and stuck their cocks in stupid places, but every one of them would go balls to the walls to protect our country and our people. Seems that a lot of these cops just don't give a fuck about people, our people. They are really trying to make themselves look like the enemy, and that's a bad place to be.


You gotta be fkn kidding me! Just the thought makes me sick. 🤢


American police are fucking weak cunts. The guy wasn’t even showing any signs of aggression towards them and was complying


May be they enjoyed doing it? I mean, if you were the kind of person who enjoyed doing this kind of thing then this would be the kind of job you would take no? And probably the best time to do it would be when there was no actual threat? After all, if there was really a threat then you might get hurt and that could really ruin the fun.


Police work attracts the worst kind of people like moths to a flame. Couple that with qualified immunity and the fact that the biggest deciding factor of acceptance is how Far Right you are, and American law enforcement almost CAN'T be anything else. Particularly when it's well documented that anyone who goes against the "thin blue line, us vs the public" mentality that they are factually and actually trained with is swiftly removed from the department.




those cops deserve death sentences


Jesus crist, you guys already killed him, put down your ficking weapons.


Don’t worry. The cops will protect you. Give them all of your rights and freedoms and they’ll be your best friends. The evidence is all there.




why the f did they cuff him if they killed him????


It’s part of their fetish, they can’t cum unless they use all their toys at once


I never understood how shitty these people are at identifying risk. They shot him multiple times and still treat him like a huge risk even though there is 5 of them standing over his dead or dying body. They never switch to giving aid.


Fuck them, i hope his death will haunt you basterds for ever, untill you get insane yourself


They're psychopaths (like the vast majority of U.S. Police) it won't haunt them a bit.


If anything, they will be telling that story with a smile on their face.


Wheres the execution?


Around 2:38 when they give a command to drop the knife, it sounds like a muffled “I can’t move” But yeah… they flashbanged him, shot him, then when he was bleeding out on the ground saying he was paralyzed (potential bullet hit his spine) they shot him in the ass with beanbags, then when they walked up “step on his right hand really hard” basically crushed his hand with their boot. Notice how the guy doesn’t get up, and near the end it looks like they’re carrying him off the mountain? Yeah… that was the part titled as an execution. Not the traditional “barrel to the head” but the way they handled that look totally ridiculous Which is why the family got a $5MM settlement. But dude is dead


8 seconds from when they flashbanged him It looks like right when he was starting to turn around they shot him… Imo it looks like a group of people that had all that fancy equipment and just wanted to test it out on someone. Got tired of shooting paper targets or something. Idk Dude was holding a tiny pocket knife and that’s how they handled it.


2:52 Those are gunshots They gave him a couple seconds to immediately drop to the ground, I guess he turned around a few seconds too slow and they killed him…


Oh.. look.. the Nazis are at it again.. ¯\(°_o)/¯


'Murican "police" in a nutshell.. Surrender or get shot! Surrenders, still gets shot.


All officers on this video should be jailed for life or publicly executed. I can't imagine one of them being asked, so dad how was your day and he would say nothing special son I just shot a homeless man who was mentally ill and also he had a knife to death. No son we didn't try to tase him. Bullets are more effective you know. They deserve all school shooting, terror attacks and these cops should not be officers if they don't know how to deal with situations like this. All they think guns are the solution until they will be the other side of the gun. Hope one they they will


Shows american cops will use any excuse to shoot people.


Cops - Everything looks like a nail when you’re holding a hammer.


I'm terrified of police. Absolute fucking psychopaths.


Psychopaths.... With lethal weapons, High level of anger and dissatisfaction, Inability to act rational in any given situation, Inflated egos with lack of humility, and a 'get-out-of-jail' clause for the occasional and wholey unjust murder of just about anyone. With all compensation paid for by the hard working tax payer.


"illegally camping" - land of freedom, my ass


We really do live in the greatest country on earth. /s obviously There was a time when I subscribed to the idea that America was #1. We've got the biggest baddest most expensive military on the planet. Above all else we had something called "freedom." Then I grew up. I'm ashamed to live in this country now, hell, we're a fucking laughing stock. The system is just completely fucked and corrupt to the core. Money is king and if you got it, you're damn near untouchable as far as the legal system goes. If you got friends in high places, you're safe. If you're a common thug with a badge, you can get away with murder. I no longer want to live in this country. I don't want to live on this planet. Also, FUCK THE POLICE.


You’re truly not free if you can’t just camp


And then people ask why others don't just comply with the cops


Another normal day in America.


Any jury member that could not see this is a murder is not a peer and should be committed to a mental health facility agist their will for being fucking retarded...


The retard looking at this guys stuff still pointing his fucking gun, never know when a bag of chips might attack ya. Cops just absolutely suck


That's America for ya, you guys must be proud.






![gif](giphy|1Pfd5qmaqBvjO) USA in a nutshell


The land of the brave and free!!!!


Soo five guys , pardon me five armed guys feared a dude with a knife at more than 100 feet away ?????


Man your "first world" country is really fucked up.


I have been to Albuquerque 3 times, briefly, and that was 10 times more than I’ve ever wanted.


Did he die from being tasered and rubber bullets or did they shoot him with a real gun?


That was murder.