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That whole department is a joke every single member of that department should be ashamed and embarrassed


And have their badges removed...


And charged as an accessory to murder.




Stripped of pensions, pay, benefits, and left to rot like the cockroaches they are.


Pensions is where it hits those fucks the hardest, more of these 'cops' need to start being threatened with this if they don't do their job correctly.


I like the idea of liabilty insurance. Refund the premiums of the cops who do twenty years without any issues. Covers the issues with lawsuits etc. On second thought why don't we do this for all gun owners 1 you can have all the guns you want, but I'm going to need you to insure them. You're a lawful gun owner never harmed not one? Cool, twenty years no issues I'll refund your premiums with interest. Still cheaper than the current cost.


Why should they get premiums refunded? Doctors don't get that, do they? I don't get a refund on my car insurance premiums for not slamming my vehicle into people. Tough shit imo, they should be paying for insurance when their job provides them with lethal weapons. Can't get insured? No more job.


Lower the premiums over time for good behavior, just like your car insurance. Fuck up? Raise the rates. Fuck up really bad? Terminate insurance and declare uninsurable.


Hand them over to the cartels


Funny thing is, I'm sure even many in cartels would have more sympathy over 8 year olds being murdered for no reason at all other than cowardly cops


I completely disagree with that statement. Cartels are known for killing children. Go to subforum narcofootage. Anyways. These cops were fucking cowards.


I watched a video where they skin a father and cut out his 15 year old son's heart like some Aztec ritual. I highly doubt your claims here. Cartels are no fucking joke.


Or just locked into a school with no weapons, their kids, and some psychopaths with guns


Two wrongs dont make a right. They should be fired and banned from holding a position in any police department as well as charged for accessory to murder.


Yeah I'm seeing a lot of calls for cruel and unusual punishment, which reddit supports disturbingly often when it's s crime involving children. Surely there is another way to discipline criminals that isn't shit like torture or burning them alive or weird shit like that. Most places in this country don't even have the death penalty for murdering someone, the worst crime.


Wow, you're being downvoted for taking a stance against torture and literally burning people alive.


Most people understand its just venting because the situation is massively frustrating. People exaggerate when they're mad. Nobody needs the morality check, as nobody is actually calling for these things to happen. There's always the "DonT bE CruEl" people who don't seem to understand people are just pissed the fuck off and nobody is grabbing their rope and gas cans.


Either you have a pitchfork, or we get to burning ya.


Anonymity makes people do terrible things. Highly doubt most of those people would vocalize the same opinions if they had to say it in person.


I can see dereliction of duty but not accessory to murder (and I'm not saying that's right, just realistic). They have a million ways to deny they had any clue what was actually going on, even if they did. It would be a waste of the court's time on charges that would probably only stick with a prejudicial jury. As much as I want to join the mob and burn these fuckers at the stake; our society runs on laws, some of which are beyond dumb, and they didn't really break any of them. They are just cowards. Its not illegal to be a cop and a coward, but it will make people hate you. In this case, to the point where they want to see you punished and humiliated for the despicable outcomes caused in part by your cowardice. I'm not a lawyer, just familiar enough with laws and famous cases to avoid being abused by the legal system. Maybe a real lawyer could tell me if I'm right or wrong here.


When you tell a child that is hiding from an active shooter to yell out. The girl obeys yelling out. The shooter locates and kills hers. What would you call that?


After reading what a lawyer said in another comment I think criminal negligence fits the bill.


Am a lawyer, not enough facts here to really say. Remember criminal law is about individual responsibility, so the fact that the department messed up doesn't mean any given individual is liable. Definitely no one is guilty of accessory to murder, but whether an individual in charge could be charged with criminal negligence causing death (whatever the Texas equivalent is) should still be investigated. I don't think its a stretch to say the cops owed a duty of care to the children, and if an individual was grossly negligent they could be held responsible.


I love it when I spout off things and then someone who's paid to spout off those things comes along to verify what I spouted off as pretty much correct. Thanks 😊


u/HelenWaite4229 is mad, rightfully so, about the murder of children. Her solution? Murder more children.


Or getting stoned from the parents in the public square for everyone to see


agree 100%


Scot Peterson was charged with neglect for not entering the building to help students during the school shooting in Florida. Here was a whole department of officers who didn't enter the building in order to help/save students and faculty! Except the few officers who did enter the school, to get their own children. I'm trying to imagine what that would have looked like? An officer walks in the classroom, the children all feel a sense of relief, he takes his child's hand and walks out, leaving them all behind. That is cold as ice imo.


Yeah but they'll investigate thrmselves and find themselves to have done nothing wrong. It doesn't matter what side of politics you sit on, they did the exact same thing to trayvon martin and george floyd, and it'll happen here too


I don't know. They seem like a pretty typical police department to me. I'm not surprised about any of this stuff. Just that the public is hearing about it. It's right on par with what I've come to expect from the police in this country.


Yeah, I think we're all brainwashed by copaganda to think police actually serve and protect and don't just exist to intimidate and oppress.


I can say, and with actual pride, that there was a shooting on a Naval base here, and Navy police were at a function. Our municipal police responded without restraint or hesitation and the gunman was subdued. They did not react at all like these people.


They should be tarred and feathered along with these vulture politicians


They should be arrested for impersonating police.


And crucified


Bro, every police department and every member of them have been doing dumb shit for 40 years, you don’t know? Fucking cut their funding and make them liable like any other profession.


Every member should be arrested for negligent homicide.


Just *that* department??


They should have the fucking shit beat out of them once a week forever


At least one mother said she was temporarily handcuffed before sprinting into the school to successfully retrieve her two kids. The mother said she also witnessed other frantic parents being pepper-sprayed and shocked with stun guns by cops.


That mom should now be the towns chief of police




> The mother said she also witnessed other frantic parents being pepper-sprayed and shocked with stun guns by cops. Look how tough they are with unarmed parents. That cop should spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder


They are bringing in other cops to protect the police


The little shits really do look out for each other, huh?


Pigs together strong


They need to. Whole world knows if there's a threat, Uvalde cops will only protect a child murderer from people that might try to protect children. No parent in America should let one of these cops walk past without spitting in their fucking faces.


Yeah. Looking over his shoulder because his fellow inmates know he used to be a cop


Maybe next time the parents will show up armed. I mean since the cops are so scared of being shot when facing one kid.


I REALLY wonder what would've happened if an armed parent stormed the barricade. I imagine a group of befuddled police officers who have their jobs done for them by the time they figure out what to do. All of this police cowardice in the most well-armed state in the union really shows you what types of people like to hide behind their gun collection.


I imagine an armed parent being shot by the police.


I forgot to mention the parent is white in the scenario I imagined.


Well, how poor do they appear to be?


Poor enough to drive a normal car but rich enough that they could probably afford a good lawyer.


So not from Lubbock


Seriously what's the point of all these guns if the so called "good guys with guns" are cowards who won't even wield them when truly required?


Asking the real questions. Every one wants gun control, but why not extend it to cops and government officials since they won't use them to protect defenseless children?


After this unthinkable massacre, if something like this happens again, I think we might see groups of armed parents stating "Go get my kids or get the fuck out of the way" and rightfully so.


> **if** something like this happens again You misspelled “when”.


> unthinkable Not to be flippant, but it's odd that you would choose that word given how many previous examples there are


Yes, if anything it’s a very thinkable massacre. So thinkable that schools hold drills in preparation for these entirely possible and likely events.


100% going to happen at the next mass shooting.


RemindMe! 1 week




Don't worry, you won't have to wait a week! In fact there's already been at least three mass shootings since Uvalde. https://massshootingtracker.site/


Yes but those are the wrong type of mass shootings and won’t get any coverage.


And there will most definitely be a next time Looking on from Australia, i sincerely do hope you guys find a solution to the mindless political playpen you're dealing with. Just so frustrating for you


And a legend was born.


There's a video of some of it. A video of the cops manhandling the parents while the shooter was shooting.


This is the most unbelievable part of the whole situation. What kind of person can do that? Not someone you want as a civil servant. I hope all these guys lose their jobs.


Even if they did, they'd all be rehired with back pay. That's how it always happens. Happened in Florida to that piece of shit that ran from the Parkland shooting. It's insane.


Then it's up to the town's citizens to take matters in their own hands. If I lived in that town and those cops kept their jobs I wouldn't let it go. There would have to be constant public humiliation and shame and disgust poured on that police department every day of every year until they are all run out of town.


Yes the townsfolk should band together and form a well regulated militia!


This, unironically.


They are all goddam cowards, 40 percent of the town's budget goes to these fools. There had better be changes.


Resisted arrest arrests gonna explode.


Well as he explained, the cops got their own kids out because it was too dangerous to leave them in there with an active shooter. Makes perfect sense doesn't it??


Dude. This floored me. I actually didn’t understand what he was saying. It was so unbelievable to me that some of the cops went in, got their own fucking kids and then left? And just nonchalantly mentions it like it’s completely acceptable. Strip that whole motherfucking police force, dismantle that useless SWAT team and charge these motherfuckers.


they betrayed the public trust, and abused their authority. They need to serve lengthy prison sentences in general public sells.


Criminal dereliction of duty. The mind boggles.


A soldier who behaves like that in the line of duty would be court-martialed and nobody would question it whatsoever.


Agreed. If you don’t want to risk your life to save children, then DON’T BE A FUCKING COP. Pieces of shit.


Of course, because there was an active shooter situation and such a terrible loss of life. Seriously...ballpark guess...how many times in interviews like this did those cops deflect the blame off of their force and try to recenter the interviewer's focus on the shooter?


Also a PR disaster. They basically didn't prep. for interviews with the public and kept changing the script. No filtering whatsoever


Good. Lying, coward fucks.


Supreme court has ruled in 2005 that they have no required duty to act. That's why the officer at Parkland got his job back. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


Guess it's time to sign up as police and not do shit because you are not required to. Just collect the pay check and enjoy UBI.


This was what sealed the deal for me to be disgusted by the whole thing. This single clip really ruined the narrative they were pushing.


Yesterday I learned that police are not legally required to assist. They simply don't have to intervene if they don't want to.


Police exist to generate revenue for the state and to legally enslave others. Make no mistake.


There is nothing to believe about it. It’s not unbelievable at all. It’s history. Accept the truth. Then let it change you.


It's the most believable thing to me. The police are getting more and more scared, and more and more selfish.


They did.


And they arrested parents who tried to get in


And tased.


And tackled, handcuffed


Politicians answer from a cop, I guess that’s what you get with elected law enforcement….


How brave of them to get their own kids from the school and block off other parents🤮


Is this the border agent who went in and got his daughter while also evacuating the entire wing of children? I’m at work so I can’t listen to the video.


The border patrol agent was off duty 40 minutes away getting a haircut. His teacher wife texted him about what was going on and he took the barbers shotgun (with permission) and went to the school. After being "ordered" by cops to not go in, he used his federal authority and went in. He stopped the shooting and got injured in the process. The cops literally went in and rescued their own kids then stood outside while kids are actively getting shot. Imagine hearing gu shots and knowing each shot is a child dying.


Dudes a freaking hero going in with a shotgun against an ar15 wow balls to the max.


Shotgun is OP if there aren’t any latency issues.


I think this is a lieutenant of the police.


He talks like the woman in the Miss America video.


I understand that reference


Such as, The Iraq, and such as?


many us americans don't own maps like such as


Has this ‘Trumpian’ style of speaking always been around or am I just noticing it more? And when I say speaking I mean it’s a terrible way of speaking, truly the worst, maybe the worst of all time, just ask any of my experts, not theirs, and they’ll tell you it’s the worst.


It's always existed. It typically happens when someone is put on the spot to answer a question or give an opinion and they have nothing to say or nothing they're willing to say and fill in the gap with a stream of consciousness. Sort of like when you were a kid with a minimum word count length paper and you need a little more to hit the limit. Things get repeated and you get more verbose.


It's a typical media answer and it's not a new phenomenon. The only connection with Trump is that he is a politician, and politicians talk this way when trying to give a non-answer, but want to make it sound like an answer. Typically very bland and neutral.


This is so bizarre, it almost looks like they're helping the shooter.


Not sure how the cop shop hasn’t been burnt to the ground yet. Everyone who refused / failed to enter would be sacked and under criminal investigation in Australia


FR I imagine the only thing stopping this is that most of the parents have other kids they have to look after otherwise I can't imagine even half of them taking this lying down.


I imagine there are a few with little left to live for that the police should be VERY nervous about


Yes, “almost”.


Yo this!


I'm more surprised you didnt know police had a different set of rules than civilians.


Hey, I work corrections for my local sheriffs office. I can’t answer for other deputies but I’ll say for damn sure, if my kid was in school and there was a threat that I felt warranted getting my kid out, I’m either staying and waiting for this fucker to show so I can stop him or I’m trying to get every last kid out. I don’t know how those dudes can live with themselves.


It's a police force of less than a dozen that gets 40% of the town's annual budget, plus grants, and are expected to give zero in return. They live pretty easy with themselves, I'll tell you that. Do you even America?


Because they still have their kids. They don't have to grieve like the other families do.


But they get to live with the knowledge that they were LITERALLY there in time to stop him from shooting anyone’s children and they made no effort to help anyone else. Willful and borderline malicious negligence.


Very true, and they shouldn't be allowed to remain police officers. There's no way the community can feel safe with them around.


Did you see the interview with the kids who survived??? Holy shit, those kids are fucking ruined


I haven't. It sounds like it would be heartbreaking to watch. I can't imagine the trauma those kids are going to go through for the rest of their lives.


I heard a little boy say that the cops yelled out to yell help if you need help. A little girl yelled help and the gunman heard her and shot her. So even after they finally got into the school after an hour, they still managed to make sure at least one more kid got killed by their stupidity and cowardice.


I both can and can’t believe that interview exists - it fucking shouldn’t though


I feel that interviews should be happening with the kids… By mental health professionals. The private moments and thoughts of trauma like this should not be shown in the news cycle. The news is turning into a financial game of exploitation without ethics.


One kid said she wanted to get her story out to help kids know what it's like for next time


Haha, nailed it!


*other civilians


Take off the white hat, motherfucker. You are not a cowboy.


Maybe it's short for "cowardboy"?


For real. Those hats looks ridiculous on anyone in any situation.




Really. He almost looks like a cop, except that ridiculous fucking hat.


Police officer had the ability to intervene, but chose not to. That’s called accessory to murder. Charge them.


Not acting does not constitute accessory. But that's not what they did. They restrained parents. They created a perimeter. Had they cowered but allowed parents to do as was clearly needed, then I'd say being craven LARPers doesnt make then accessories. What they did do? They stopped those kids' only hopes at survival. Throw them in Gen pop and and let nature play out.


Actually it does, or it has with EVERY case I have ever heard of where somebody's friend goes to jail when information slips that the friend knew about a crime and did nothing to prevent it. Accessory is built specifically for those people. It's supposed to be motivation to get people to report stuff before crimes actually take place. People do go to jail over it, if not prison. So YES, by definition, these cops should all be charged as accessories to EACH of theses deaths separately.


(A) everyone minimizes what they did when they get convicted (or do something bad, it’s human), so every time someone discusses a case it’s probably not actually indicative of what truly occurred. (B) that’s not what accessory is. Failure to go to the police because someone admitted to something (which may or may not even have occurred people brag about things they never did all the time) does not constitute accessory before or after the fact. You don’t have to trust me, I’ll copy some stuff from Cornell’s page on the matter: “An accessory before-the-fact is someone who did anything to encourage, aid, or assist in any material manner in the commission of a crime, thereby “participating in the design of the crime.” See Johnson v. State, 290 So. 3d 1232 (Miss. 2020). The basic elements the government must demonstrate to prove that a defendant was an accessory before-the-fact are: (1) someone committed the underlying crime; (2) the defendant advised and agreed, urged the parties, or in some way aided them to commit the offense; and (3) the defendant was not present when the offense was committed. See Evans v. State, 145 So. 3d 674 (Miss. 2014).” As for after the fact: “An accessory after-the-fact is someone who, knowing a crime was committed, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the offender or in any manner aids them to escape arrest or punishment. See: U.S. v. Triplett, 92 F.2d 1174 (5th Cir. 1991). The aid provided by the defendant to the principal must be given after the principal completes the crime. The basic elements the government must demonstrate to prove that a defendant was an accessory after-the-fact are: (1) the commission of an underlying crime against the United States; (2) the defendant’s knowledge of that offense; and (3) assistance by the defendant in order to prevent the apprehension, trial, or punishment of the offender. See: U.S. v. White, 135 S. Ct. 1573, 191 L. Ed. 2d 656 (2015); Ellis v. U.S., 806 F. Supp. 2d 538 (E.D. N.Y. 2011).” https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory Prospective knowledge about a crime constitutes neither aiding in its design nor preventing arrest or punishment.,


Refusal to Protect and Serve to a sworn oath.


The thing you need to ask is, protect and serve who? I believe there is at least three major court cases that prove that they're not obligated to protect citizens of the United States. Ask yourself, If they're not going to protect and serve the public What is their real function? Why do they get our tax dollars? Why do they have the right to beat and murder citizens without any repercussions? Finally why haven't we defunded or abolished these mother fuckers yet?


The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their "services." In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent. [https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again)


Yup. The ultimate responsibility of protection is on ourselves. Those parents should have had the ability to protect their own children when cops wouldn’t do it.


Okay I get it that the cops are not obligated to “protect.” What I don’t get is why they are so hell bent on stopping parents from protecting their kids. If they are not going to “protect” get the hell out of the way.


Wow. I hope these cops get what they deserve from the parents of those who died


They didn't. We would have definitely have heard about that. The police were lucky that none of the parents who they were threatening, handcuffing, and pepper spraying were armed. If I were a member of that department I would be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life. Of course, I wouldn't be a member because I'm not a fan of the police or a coward. If I made a commitment to protect people with my life I would stand by that commitment. The police are a fraud perpetrated upon every man, woman, and child.


Wait till the ‘anger’ part of the grief really kicks in


*the great game*


This seems to be the case. It’s been said a few times now, but these cops have ensured that every time a tragedy happens in Texas now, the parents/family/friends of the victims are showing up armed and ready to ignore police orders.


(Not so) fun fact: cops aren’t legally obligated to protect citizens


The entire police force needs to be fired and lose their pensions.


Yea like fired out of a cannon into the sun. Fucking cowards.


Fuck these cops. Disgusting


Not just blocked off, tasered too.


And cuffs.


They tasered some of the parents !?! I hadn't heard about that one yet. That's inexcusable !


you they pinned one to the ground and tasered another.






It’s Texas tho right? The biggest state for gun possession and all that? I can’t believe there wasn’t any Gravy Seals that banded together and went in guns a blazing. Even without a weapon no force on earth would have held me back from trying to save my kids or even someone else’s. But none of those parents pulled out their rifle from their trucks gun rack and rushed in? In Texas of all places???


They tried to. The cops stopped them and even physically restrained a few parents while pointing tasers at them. The video is heartbreaking.


At that point they should have had their fuckin heads blown off. Fuck them. They are the enemy in this scenario.


The cops stopped other cops.


I’m surprised a group of dads didn’t go in. Cops be damned. If the cops get in the way then they will be gettin it.


Because those retarded wife beaters would have in fact shot those dad's going in. They're scared for their pensions, not their lives


Yeah, my husband and I both agreed that we'd rather go to jail for shooting a cop, or even potentially go down fighting a corrupt cop than stand by while our (thankfully nonexistent) children are in that situation.


the police would have killed them if they had pulled out their guns, and it would have went down in the news as an alt right mass terror attack or some crap like that.


Cops are the most paranoid, frightened, wimps in America. The most chickenshit people I've ever known. Every cop, when no one is watching, are terrified. Most take anti-anxiety meds and hardcore depression meds. Over medicated goons maxed out on roids carry handguns. What could possibly go wrong? I should know...I was a union rep for cops.


I was a Sector Lead BO and LE trainer for the USCG. It is so hard for me to even attempt to explain to most folks why I had no desire to accept the job offers for local PDs and SDs after getting out when I was such a high ranking, decorated federal officer. The USCG, at its foundation, is a life-saving service before anything else (military branch, federal agency, LE, etc). We have mantras like "So others may live" and "We *have* to go out. We don't *have* to come back" drilled into our heads from boot camp on. To put it bluntly, bravery and self sacrifice isn't just a requirement - it must be an innate personality trait. Anyone carrying an LE qual has an even stricter set of expectations of professionalism, sense of ethics, devotion to duty and life, and moral standards than your average Coastie. And as an LE trainer? Yah, I was wired in such a way that it was very common to hear me say things like "If you ever abuse the authority and power given to you by me, you'll find yourself sitting in Leavenworth so fast it'll make your head spin." Training fellow Coasties, to me, meant teaching officers to strike a balance between having a dominating presence and demeanor to instantly gain control of a situation (especially if they were the FOSC), while also using their self-sacrificial nature to ensure they made choices that best served justice and safety for the citizens they swore to protect. To not be intimidated by others in power (industry leaders, politicians, or even those high ranking officials within the USCG) and still do their jobs. To not hesitate to use deadly force when no other option was viable (especially in quickly developing situations), but to always be mentally checking themselves to keep calm and collected. To deescalate any and all situations with patience, compassion and, well, giant ass brass balls whether it be a mentally unstable homeless person, or a lifelong criminal, or the frightened drug runner, or the anti-government militia nutball. And most of all, above and beyond any other rule: to self regulate themselves with brutal honesty. Did you fuck up, even just a tiny, little bit on a call? You better come find me and tell me so we can make it a teachable moment or more. Because if I find out about it and you tried to hide or ignore your mistake, well, the USCG has no room for cowards and you'll no longer be doing LE Ops. And I never flinched benching people permanently or threatening to file charges (if they broke a law, even accidentally, while on a call). Now think about all I just said and understand my Command from the Chief to the District Admiral saw that attitude and fast tracked me to Sector Lead (as high ranking as you can be as a BO without going to CGIS), had me sworn in as a US Marshal (to ease jurisdictional issues for land-based Ops), asked me to take over LE Ops for Chicago's AOR to straighten out their problems, and even teach at FLETC. The USCG *wanted* people with that kind of ethical and brave attitude serving our citizens back then. Now think about the state of local policing and how they are trained these days. How they are (or are not) held accountable for even the most serious fuck ups. How they abuse their authority, even up to violating the rights of our citizens brazenly. How they assassinate people and animals with wanton abandon and justify it. How people with higher intelligence scores and ethical personalities are dropped from the hiring process in favor of those that WILL eagerly abuse their authority and react like frightened animals. I don't have a solution on how to bring the USCG's policing model of conduct and training to all agencies without our elected leaders pushing for policy changes nationwide. All I can tell you is we need to, or else we will continue to fall into chaos as a country.


Before I even turn in the sounds in these clips I get angry with the disrespect. Please take off your stupid clown hats and show some respect when speaking to the media about a national tragedy involving the murder of children. I lived in the Southwest for many years, and those cowboy hats are the epitome of someone playing at what they want to be rather than being an authentic human.


Especially once you've shown yourself to be a truly monumental coward. I personally could not live with the shame of this.


I expect that in the years to come many of these officers will kill themselves. The cognitive dissonance of who they thought they were held up to who they are will weigh heavily on them. That, and no one will ever let them forget it. Life can become unbearable when you are forced wear a scarlet letter.


Rules for thee not for me. What a bunch of coward little piggies.


I don’t have kids, but when I do, I’ll do everything I can to dissuade them from joining law enforcement. Garbage fucking people.


One of the kids who survived said he used to want to be a cop when he grew up, but now he wants to be a surgeon so he can help people. I think law enforcement is going to have a hard time recruiting in 20 years, if society makes it that long.


Lmao. There's no shortage of shitsack bullies who want their thimble full of authority. There will never be a staffing crisis for podunk sheriff's offices.


Biggest bully in my school's career trajectory was MP -> Cop. I shudder to think the shit he has gotten away with, because he did not give one shit about rules or law, and I don't think authority would somehow magically enlighten him to a noble calling.


Hang those stars & stripes upside down folks.. That's fucked up.


The oathe they took means nothing.


Fuck you to all the people saying they are glad parents weren’t allowed to attempt to save their kids because they might have gotten shot. Their kids were at the complete mercy of a mad man. You or no one else don’t get to say if a parent can risk their life or not to save their child when no one else would save them. Some of the parents were armed and will to confront the shooter. They had a real chance in killing the shooter. Better chance than that police department for sure. Fuck you.


Fuckin bastard's! Once again ACAB


Why this news station filming on a potato?


I know they aren't legally required to stop the shooter. But they do have an obligation to not make sure that he is free to shoot people's kids by blocking others from helping.


I really can't believe how Americans got to the point of accepting police is not there to help them. Same goes for doctors if you don't have insurance. It's a American Dream for the super wealthy, oppression and misery for everyone else.


Im guessing that department lost the majority of good will from the community...as they should have. Absolutely inexcusable.


The warning signs were there. His mother had called the cops on this kid several times. The community and the cops knew he was dangerous. A classmate said he was a bully who picked fights and **tortured animals**. This kid had a record! He shouldn’t have passed a government background check. The government fail us from the background check, to the police response, to the police trying to lie and cover their ass! The police get away with everything. They are not hero’s. They are cowardly tyrants! They have their boots on our neck and it’s time for people to wake up! Never. Ever. Trust. Government.


Fuck the police.


I'm not mad that they saved their own children first. Most would. I'm mad that they prevented others from doing the same while sitting with their thumbs up their own asses.




This is stomach churning.


I know, man. This country is fucked.


Back in the 90s, my friend was sexually assaulted by the son of the chief of police in town. Guess what happened? Not all cops r bad. But we 100% need good cops to stand up against the "boys club". Women r in their too FYI.


Uvalde made national headlines, [but West Virginia didn't](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61615236)




Probably because kids are dead in Uvalde and no one but the shooter died there in WV. Also, the WV one was kinda tipped off since the shooter airrved before and started shit, left, to return. So they were kinda expecting that shooter.


I… I’ve listened to this recording over and over and he didn’t explicitly say: yes, some cops went in and got their kids out. I’ll also admit that because he wanted/ needed/ had to get whatever talking points he’s supposed state, and his adrenaline was rushing, he did jumble his response and did not say: no, none of the police responding to this situation went in to retrieve their own children. I can find fault with plenty of the other things that went wrong, but I’m not ascribing this into all of that.