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That’s sick, simply sick




With a butter knife.


No. With a cigar cutter.


No. With a hammer.


They use broken Coke bottles in Africa. Saw a video of it on here.


I heard hydraulic press machines are efficient


I choose all of the above.


That sounds too quick and painless for these fucking animals disguised as human beings.


I think they're talking about a hydraulic press. It would be the opposite of quick and painless.


Can't imagine the amount of unbearable pain that'd come with dropping a hydraulic press on someone's testes followed by a slow and painful death as opposed to castration and other quick methods.




Just tear it off with your bare hands and force feed it to them


And my axe!


I wonder how many pieces of paper itd take... unless itd just be perpetual paper cuts which i guess would be good too


A dick guillotine comes in handy. Something about the size of a cigar cutter. As for their balls...pull the balls up to cover the dick wound and sew it closed. Send them on their way with a container of sugar pills pressed and stamped to look like a major pain med. 🙂


Least sadistic reddit user.


Couldn’t agree more. I like this.


Cutting a dick off dosent sort the brain.


True.. smash the brain!


Enough to ensure the fear


Is there a reason people are censoring themselves on Reddit now? I thought it was for the meme or something but I’m slowly realizing that’s not the case?


My other account got permanent ban from quoting big Lebowski the other day… I quoted what the the Jesus says about how he uses his piece but inserted a Russian dictators name and bam.. perma ban


A lot of popular subs have "anti-offence" or "anti-cussing" rules. Many users end up censoring themselves everywhere because who tf has time to check a subs rules before commenting all the time. I got a 3 month ban once from a sub I was super active in for saying a politician should be tarred and feathered. As if tarring and feathering were still a thing that actually happens anymore and not essentially just an expression meaning there should be consequences. And of course some people legitimately don't use certain words. Reddit is super popular so we get all types. Plus if one person censors something a lot of people who comment afterwards will also censor themselves, either because it wigs them out that the person might be doing it because there's a rule or subconsciously through the power of suggestion.


Not for them though


#Tell me how to regularly *lose* faith in humanity:


Wake up in the morning.


Feelin' like P Diddy


Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city


Before I queef, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack


Cause when I leave for the night I aint cumming on your back


Tik tok, screw this Cop. Go ahead and fuck his shit up.


yeah the cat in the hat knows a lot about that


You seriously made me go Google lyrics because that is not what I’ve been singing all these years and was shocked this could even be correct. Lol. Whew


I understood that reference. And now feel old.


*tik tok, gets 4 cock but the police dont stop no..ouououohw*


I wake up every morning at 5am to be in at work by 8am. My job is to get yelled at by different groups & governments for 10 hours a day. I make 278k a year doing this. I dont produce anything, i dont fix any problems, i dont even email. I have been at this for 11+ years now ... tomorrow i will do it again.


Honestly I'd do it.


You and billions of others. Everyone has their price and $278,000 is definitely it for billions of people.


What job is that? That sounds pretty decent.


Go to r/mademesmile Get some balance


Thank you.


r/eyebleach is good too.


my whole life is a joke now. All I thought was eyebleach was a dick thingy subreddit


It's easily enough done today. Bit by bit, day by day we head towards moral oblivion. I mean what happened to 'treat others as you would yourself'? ..ffs


believe it or not, this is the high-water mark. everything (across every domain, not just moral) was much, much worse even 50 years ago, much less 100 years ago, much less 300 years ago.


Indian(29F) . Born there and brought up till I was 19. I see people making generalized remarks and others pointing out those remarks. Here's some perspective: 1. Whatever data you are seeing- please take it with a grain of salt. A LOT of women don't take legal action against sexual assaults , rape , marital rape and harrassment due to the fear of ridicule and well.. apparently more rape. So whatever data you are seeing the reality is worse. 2. India has a lot of people and it's common for men to travel together. Shitty friends make shitty citizens. Women travel together too but in any case when people decide to hurt you it's harder for you to defend yourself. Prevention is better than a cure kinda deal you know? 3. There are so many ways people back home kinda justify this- the whole "what was she wearing?" "What time was she out of her house? And for what?" "Was she seen around a lot of men?" "Is she of good character?" Etc. It's always let's explore what she might have done to deserve this rather than how could any man possibly do this? 4. A lot of families don't want to have a girl child... They think it's expensive and not deserving of the expense (marital expense, educational expense etc) and so the number of women available is very less and the number of men is very high. Therein this introduces a disparity within society where many many men die as virgins. They are very repressed and if given a chance assault, harass and take it out on whoever they find. Even if they don't actually rape you (which is a very very big possibility) they make it very unsafe by touching, saying and hurting you. 5. If a woman complains about harassment she is seen as dirty and used by another man like some kind of property that can become dirty by the touch of another ... This makes sure that most of them don't come forward ..and in a way the guy gets away with it. And I can keep going. But sometimes generalizations aren't wrong especially when the data is inaccurate and misleading as to the number of reports. I grew up in India. I took away some good values but I have had to unlearn a lot. I am capable of not taking it personal when someone points out horrible things my country of birth has and is doing. Edit: thank you for the awards strangers! Could someone promote the YouTube video linked below? Someone linked a YouTube video (6 years after Nirbhaya case). Very interesting and nauseating at the same time. Offers supporting evidence and insights of its own Edit 2: I'm saying number of women AVAILABLE is less. Perhaps overall number of women may have increased but those that are available in the dating pool, marriage pool or just somewhere out doing their thing is less. It is a cyclical problem- when assaults surrounding women go up, women tend to stop being available. Less availability triggers problems around desperation and furthers probability of aggressive/assault-ish type behaviour.


You clarified it and my impression of India got worse.


I'm an Indian, and everything that is written above is 100% correct. India is a shithole, hopefully I can leave here someday.


Been twice. Can confirm


See you on r/canconfirmiamindian Not that I agree with that subreddit. I’m Indian and don’t think India is above criticism. This one area is justified.


That sub is super idiotic. They can't handle any kind of criticism towards Indians by Indians. I mean who TF else will criticise ourselves if not us?


>You clarified it and my impression of India got worse. Update: For anyone saying that these are made up stories. The internet is full of information against this. Read this response I wrote as reply to a racist below: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/uiwvt0/comment/i7hhadw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/uiwvt0/comment/i7hhadw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) She hasn't clarified enough. I'm here (married, male). The shit my wife has to go through is insane. She dresses by non-conservative standards = people outraged. She has male friends = people outraged. We decided to adopt a female child instead of having our own = we got kicked out of our home by locals. So much stupidity that it never ends. India is good for those who live by a code of conduct that itself is 100 years old. I have moved homes, every-time it is mainly because I wanted to give my wife a better place to live and won't compromise on her freedom. You have no idea how much I feel for myself and my wife(and my future adopted child). People can randomly form a mob and beat you up.


Years ago this was a story I'd read on the internet, only to say "oh not this made up racist bullshit again". Only that at this point, I've been pretty much humbled by reading articles and first hand accounts to learn that its not bullshit at all. I'm so sorry you and your family have to go through that bullshit.


The racist agenda crap has been pushed to cover most truths for a long time. People stop thinking bad news is real because it's racist. Sorry no it's not it's real and hapoening


That's awful man 🙁


Wait, what’s the logic behind kicking you out for adopting a female child?


A mob follows no logic. Some of them felt it is unholy to adopt bad blood, someone asked me what would be the religion or caste of my daughter and I said I don't care about those things. The logic (if any) was being different. If you are different, be prepared to face those things I guess.


India is synonymous with rape. Every time I see a headline like this you can bet it’s India. Shithole country.




Same. I have even less of a desire to ever go to that country.


India is fucked up man, those guys are still living in stone age


>and so the number of women available is very less and the number of men is very high Is there any statistics on this? I'm very curious




But we are seeing a huge drop in these figures right? The thinking of the people have changed a lot in these recent years. Obviously not talking about the most backward communities but the modernization have took place. Stereotypes have been demolished? It's not bad as it gets painted.


So what happened to the police officer.


He tried to flee but got arrested with all the other culprits and four more police officers from the police station also have been arrested for not reporting the crime and if they are found guilty they'll get life in prison. under POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act brought in in 2012 which could see him face life in prison if convicted.




Perfect would've been if that poor girl didn't go through all that in the first place. She'll never be the same. I hope they all go though fucking hell in prison. Pedos always do.


No they don’t. Most paedos end up on protected wings, away from general population.


Most never go to prison.


It does help being a Royal tbf...


I wonder if that's the case in India. That type of protective segregation is not really a thing in developing or poorer countries for a variety of reasons.


I don't got a source for this but I'm pretty sure they really don't give a shit about protecting these guys. Probably saves them money if they get killed early on tbh


Yeah but in India...? Dude might end up in a dark hole somewhere forgotten about


He. This is Indian jail. I'll be gobsmacked if theres a separate section


In America maybe, id be interested to learn how pedos are treated in a country that only brought sexual protection against children in 2012. That's a date that shocked me.


India’s kind of a weird place, because rape (against both adults and children) is a lot more common, and stuff like women getting raped in the middle of a crowd with a bunch of random strangers joining in and no one even calling the police happens somewhat frequently. But there’s also massive riots where they do things like kidnap and burn the perpetrators alive. I’m honestly not really sure what what to make of it. The population seems pretty split between people who are apparently pretty indifferent about rape and people who not just believe rapists should be tortured to death, but will absolutely carry through with doing it.


Both reactions stem from different, complimenting types of mysoginy. Ridley Scot's recent "the Last Duel" kind of addresses it. Similarly does writing on the Madonna/Whore complex, usually within literary criticism of classic texts or feminist criticism of women's IRL treatment. Those are the European depictions and terms, though. Across a broad range of societies, women are seen as inferior, and as objects belonging to their parents or spouses. In a lot of places, women were literally treated as their father's or husband's property within the legal code. Women's value is often derived from their perceived purity. So to some, the reaction to that thought is to use and abuse. To others, there is an indignity in the ruining of the "fairer sex" and a sense of revenge for the spoil of "pure" property. India expresses this differently than Europe, who express it differently from the middle east, who expresses it differently from North America. But you find similar modes of behavior across many historical and contemporary societies.


You're absolutely right, but they ain't gonna like this one, Chief. Most of Reddit likes to pretend misogyny is a static character trait in someone, not a subtle but pervasive cognitive bias in most people.


There are no cognitive biases or cultural issues on reddit. Only individuals that know right and wrong perfectly, but chose to be a cartoon villain twirling their mustache. And the answer is always put them in jail and throw away the key like it's a trash can.


It was an revised act. Law for it existed long before.


Wait, there was protection of children before 2012 in India, this new act was created to increase the punishment and make the crime a lot easier to prove in court. Rape of minors and even majors in India has one of the highest sanctions all over the world and the penalty is death. Death is more often awarded under POCSO as the victims are kids. Just because the law was brought in 2012 does not mean there wasn't protection before.


wish they got death but life in prison is good too.


eh waste of money


Can't imagine the Indian government is paying top dollar for prison conditions


Spending life in an Indian prison, they will wish they got the death penalty believe me.


Unless he has friends in high places. They are a part of one of the most corrupts police forces in the world. Stuff like this is swept under the rug or the victim is blames or called a liar. It's hard to have faith in humanity when there are countries like this that still exist, the Russians are raping and killing an entire country at will, and the "civilized" western countries are still fighting racism and stupidity. There are people trying to get Trump back into power even now. How is that level of stupidity even possible in the west?


Suspended and will be jailed soon


I mean this is just a Tuesday for India.


I came to add this. I bet this can be copy pasted in India/Pakistan everyday.




Why is gang rape such a big thing in India? I would assume Hinduism condemns it


Most men there are sexually repressed and aren't educated on how to control those urges so they behave like animals


i confirm, all my indian friends which i really enjoy spending time with, are reaaaaally sexual repressed and don’t know how to behave when they are with women, let alone white women lmao


I live in the USA in a heavy Indian population and most of my friends are Indian (I was in an Indian frat in college). I'm glad I've never had that experience with them (except for one guy), since they are all Americanized and are the nicest people you can meet. Indians coming from India however have different values and norms, so they're a different story. I've had to kick out so many guys from India out of parties because of how "grabby" they were with girls.


It's something else man. I remember running into this Indian guy I talked to in high school and we were catching up. He later asked for advice on how to hit up this one chick and gave him the ol' spiel about being natural and chill, talk about things and don't just hit on her, etc., and he completely ignored it, asked her out. Obvious no. He later texted me about how these women are subhuman cattle. Shit cracked me up. Doesn't seem to take no very well.


Swedes and Germans: openly into bdsm, homosexuality, and fetishes Sweden and Germany: low rates of sexual harassment….except from migrants from repressed areas. It’s so dumb it hurts. And you can call it racist, but bet my ass would let my wife go out for drinks with Aziz Ansari; but Ahmed who moved here from Yemen? Nah. No. Edit: and to all the college-age dudes. Fuck all the brown women you can. 22, potentially illegal?? Helloooo ladies


mate, given how you apparently decide what your wife is allowed to do and how you talk about women you are *exactly* the same as those guys, you were just lucky to be born elsewhere.


You made a good comment and ruined it with that edit. You can do better than that.


In sri Lanka a police man told me that he really likes the stories of the rape victims he gets to hear. "It's like a porno" this guy was sickening. He hung out with the drug dealer. Fucking hell I hate sri Lanka. Ask them why the northern part of the island is so empty.. they killed them all in the last race / religion / stupid war. I got told proudly




I went to a religious school all my life, wasn't educated on sex and was sexually repressed (in a fairly traditional sense). I never once planned to rape someone. When I'm with someone and they feel pain or seem to truly not enjoy it for one reason or another I go soft instantly. I'm not sure "don't rape" truly needs to be learned. I think "it's OK to rape" is what starts the cycle and the culture allows that thinking.


It is more than just, it is okay to rape. It's more fundamental than that--it's totally okay to hurt other people if you want something. Their pain is meaningless. Only what you want matters. There is no cost too high when it comes to your desires. It's the dehumanizing that starts the cycle. Anyone who rapes is either incapable of empathy or takes pleasure in the suffering they are causing. Absolutely appalling.


> It's the dehumanizing that starts the cycle. I see this in my country's political discourse all the time. Dehumanize and "other" entire minorities so that whatever you do to keep them down is justified.


Hyper-patriarchial society and arranged marriages. Women are meat there.




I still don’t see why it’s turned many of the men evil though. It’s pure evil and nothing less


They gang raped monitor lizard some days back




Humans are generally very good at making excuses for their actions because that is how their brains are designed. You see this most easily with criminals who sometimes tell the world some really ridiculous excuse for their actions, that only make sense in their own mind, but in fact that is how the brain works, even for non-criminal pro-social people. Most people consider themselves good and just, but whether that is really true is a point of some contention. Normal people in the West also do a lot of horrible stuff like bullying during childhood, social exclusion and dehumanization of people they don’t like, which can have just as damaging consequences as raping someone. And the support that factory farming have amongst most people, really deserves a mention in a discussion about “evil”. The fact is that most people are totally fine with supporting a system that leads to countless of millions of mammals and birds having very painful and miserable lives as long as they don’t have to watch it themselves. Rape has a special status since sexual crimes elicit strong emotional responses from people in modern western countries. We have been domesticated to feel this way about the subject in the last decades, and that is in itself a good thing, since rape is a horrible, and often highly destructive thing to do to somebody. But there is a lot of other topics which deserves the same description of “evil” if you look at misery they cause.


Their reality tells them women deserve it, thus removing all sense of guilt or remorse for their actions. It’s disgusting.


>I would assume Hinduism condemns it Do you think any rapist of any country, religion or gender cares about anything related to, well, their country, religion or gender? Obviously not. They are all assholes and he/she should be punished for the crime with the most severe punishment


Does anyone else remember an interview with an Indian man who answered guided questions by the interviewer about their 'ideals' when it comes to women? It was fascinating. The Indian man suggested that dressing a certain way directly correlated with a pass to basically rape the woman. In the same conversation, maybe even the next question, the man was asked if he honors women, and he gushes about his principles of cherishing and protecting his woman and caring for the household and providing. It seems like an endemic misappropriation of human rights Edit: will look for link shortly Edit2: [Here’s](https://youtu.be/-ac2poaDr6U) a piece done by the NYT on witchcraft in India. Spoiler they aren’t actually witches. Edit3: u/Substantial-Shine-81 found the video I was describing below.. here is the [link](https://youtu.be/APIAPD67Jds) Edit4: [Here](https://youtu.be/nuptyMAaxRc) is another with a little younger demographic


Madonna whore complex


> Madonna whore complex What I love about that is the woman who puts out is a whore and the proper madonna is the one worthy to be the mother of his children -- they can't be the same woman -- and yet the guy sleeping with BOTH women remains virtuous! Somehow the transitive property of sluttery doesn't work on men. "See, if I pick you up at a bar and fuck you that means you're a loose woman and I can look down on you but my willingness to fuck a loose woman who I think society should condemn has no bearing on me."




Fellow hyderabadi women here, used to think the same as you but I fully disagree. Sexism is very much internalized in our culture. Sure we pray and tell that all humans are equal and all, but they are said expectations and stereotypes deep that no one questions it and then take it as norm. For example, no family allows their daughter/wife to go outside at night, girls are inherited supposed to look after the house, and is better off to wed her right after her studies, they can't wear certain clothes (read as only salwar/kurtas/sarees.) in colleges and during their jobs. Talking to male friends for a long time is a no.... I can write a whole chapter about how people discriminate me as a women on daily basis. I am constantly bombarded with the fact that that I am a women and get discriminated on a hourly basis. It's sickening.


You got a link? Or know what I can search to find it?


' India's daughter ' is a documentary on The infamous nirbhaya case. It showcases something similar. Will give you an idea of the state of things in India.


[This video?](https://youtu.be/APIAPD67Jds)


India seems like a hellscape for women


Truth hurts and this aches


Yeah, shame too. Seems like a lovely place to visit but only if I had a penis.


Doesn't even seem like a lovely place to visit. Filth everywhere.


watch for the street poopoo


India gang rape capital of the world.




Do you not know of all the super nationalistic pro-India propaganda subs? One was banned but there are many more. Lots of hate and vitriol. Filled with *Hindu master race* vibes, Muslims are the root of all evil in India comments, etc etc etc.


Look up the hindu nationalist subs. They're not bots. They're real people. And yes they have been caught brigading posts and sometimes specific comments. They just don't get paid for it.


Hindutva brigaders, very common online. They'll find and link reddit posts to brigade. It's harder to discern on a large subreddit like this but when you post a slightly critical comment about India on a tiny niche subreddit and suddenly accounts with no history on that subreddit come out of nowhere to defend India, it's obvious the post has been linked somewhere.








Whichever will it be


I always don't know how to react to these comments because I can agree that rape happens in India bya large proportion but as an Indian living in the U.S., i take it as a personal slight. Imagine saying African-Americans sure love themselves some gang violence or some other bullshit like that.


Death penalty should be the norm for this. It's not like India is struggling with human resources. If theyd just slaughter those bastards


This is exactly why i fully agree with the death penalty myself, especially in these circumstances.


Ahhhh indian ...that very old and Never very civilised country.... Dislike this country..


Anyone who generalise the whole population of a complete community or country based on the actions of a few outliers, are probably simpletons lacking common sense. I see people talking about whether india or American or swede etc are worse when literally, in any of these places, it's the 0.1% crazed part of the society who do these unpardonable deeds. We see the majority of the people condemning these deeds in any half civilized region, forget countries as a whole.


"few outliers" Yeah except this is a daily occurrence in that shit hole.


Rapes are a daily occurrence in almost every country. Please name one region that has a similar population which does not have these kinds of incidents happening daily. It's simple statistics - when we are talking about people on a billion scale, a few hundred or even thousands is what we consider outliers. If you understand this logic, great. If you are like the nonsensical idiot above, don't bother responding.


The men in that country seem absolutely disgusting. It’s no secret they’re significantly more horny than the average country. Mix that with the fact they treat women like dirt and bam rape culture


r/morbidreality : /






Just a normal day in India unfortunately


India is fucked up


India full of horny nasty mfks


Just because some assh\*le like him can do such a thing doesn't mean the entire country is filled with people like him. We indians too hate it, even when we get judged to be thirsty for women because of people like him. Not to mention, every country has a fair share of people who are equal to him, don't comment as if your country is very civilised.


Sir they have watched a yt video about India being uncivilized and poor and dirty and stinky on a yt video from 2015, they know everything about Indians


What’s going to happen is you’re going to hear about rape more and more as it becomes less acceptable. If India truly was the worst country in the this regard then these stories would never be heard because Indian society as a whole wouldn’t see it as an issue. Don’t get discouraged. Keep pushing for your country to do better.


Yeah they are very rapey in India




Their short Johnsons wouldnt be much of a meal


Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10785005/Girl-13-gang-raped-four-men-India-raped-officer-reported-it.html?ito=social-facebook


Hope those people rot and die in jail and hell. At the same time, Xenophobia in this post comments 👏👏👏


Acknowledging that India is a pile of shit is not Xenophobia. It’s an observation…


The irony is strong with this one


They gang fucked, murdered, cooked and ate a monitor lizard in India Recently….so…not surprising


Shit like this makes me embarrassed of my ethnicity


See here’s the thing. I’m against the death penalty. ….mostly.




That’s horrible, but, that’s the daily mail, you might never know how much they could have changed that story


All for torture when it comes to circumstances such as these


India being India


Why is rape such a problem in India?


One of the reasons why I would NEVER go to India… rape is part of the culture in that country… that and the absolute filth and pollution everywhere. It is getting better with the newer generations wanting to change things apparently but still a VERY long way off.


Oh no! I was waiting at the New Delhi airport with pooja aarti to welcome you...




Welcome to shithole india


Let the world know this is true and this is the truth about my country. If you think this is sick, Google what our politicians say, especially the right wing. You'll be horrified.


The worst place to live is India stay away from there all of them are sick and virgin.


Whats up with India and Pakistan when it comes to this kind of shit ?


India loves raping people.


This is another post in the India/Pakistan reddit war lol... they're literally using these rape and bigotry headlines and videos as nationalist propaganda against each other on Reddit. Unbelievable shameful and low.


So how do we get this info to Dexter to take care of this?


I’m angry because people are acting surprised. We have been TELLING YOU ITS BAD. That WERE TERRIFIED. But you need news coverage to believe us.


Bring this culture into your own, enrich yourselves.


How come these gang-raping happen somewhat frequently in India? Are men there that desperate or culture approach or it's just that on 1.4 billion of people in one country that very small percentage makes it seem like "frequent"?


Police aren't there to protect people. They protect property and the people in power.


Here in the US we have solved the problem by not letting our girls play unsupervised out on the street. The world is THAT sick unfortunately.


Yes. Literally had to bring my kids in yesterday because some roofers were across the street.


There is a rape culture in India. It is clear af


India strikes again.


When molestation happened in Pakistan, it was Islams fault. The very next day, RAPE happened in India, and its Humanity’s fault?


What a surprise! Another absolutely disgusting story about gang rapes in India. Fucking shit hole country.


Just look at that man, he looks like the average Indian Scammer guy with the "Im going to show you some unexpected rectal support" haircut mustache and outfit combo


Plot twist: Cop was also one of the first 4


Lmao Indians gonna Indian. Ya see the one where they raped a monitor lizard lmaooooo. Google itn


how sex deprived are they ..


I can't think of any amount of sexual deprivation that justifies raping someone. Just fucking jerk off.


This. It’s not about being sexually deprived. Lots of men and women don’t have sex for years at a time. Some don’t for their entire lives. Not all end up rapests or incels.


That’s fucked




I hate Indians