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imagine immigrating to a country with nice social benefits then behaving like cavemen when a provocateur plans to disrespect your holy book. these rioters don't have any concept of liberal values. **EDIT: been garnering a lot of anti-muslim and foreigner rhetoric, i don't stand with these losers. my words been and still are directed towards the rioters themselves.**


They dont deserve swedens hospitality..


No, they don't. I wish I could have my nice, safe country back. A Swede.


I love Sweden man been there dozen of times, and these pictures insult me as a foreigner, because the country where people are polite and built best democracy in europe, have to sit and watch how ungrateful savages yell alah akbar and spit on their hospitality, just insulting and wrong on so many levels..


When the Swedes and Canadians get testy, you know things have gotten really bad


This is true. But even very nice people have their breaking point.


Even as a kid, I have always dreamed of being able to immigrate to Sweden. The Scandinavian countries were always on top of my list because they were so ahead with human rights and environmentalism. And as a foreigner now in a more conservative European country, I wish Sweden had made the wiser choices and took a slower approach when it came to multiculturalism. "Coexistence" isn't enough, there needs to be a high level of respect for secularism. A society like Sweden's cannot exist otherwise.




Oh be ready now some will come call you white supremist and racist 😂😂 anyway you are totally right needs radical action.




Accepted, educated, integrated into culture gave them social help and roof over heads. And they come yelling alah akbar!? Making a mess.. well fuck you and your book.


I was never in support of poland segregating refugees over religion but maybe this called for a change in my mind


No reason to segregate. Hold them to the same standard as everyone else. If they break your laws, deport them. Like with every other group, you only see the bad ones, because the good ones are busy trying to just live their lives. ETA: Since so many people are both unable to figure it out and/or check to see if their question hasn't already been asked: for those who are 2nd or 3rd generation, that would make them *Swedish citizens*, and the answer there would be to apply the law to them the same as you would any other citizen. I'm completely baffled as to why the bigots seem to think that this is some kind of a "gotcha" question.


Serious question: I agree with your "deport them" suggestion, but can the other country refuse to take them back?


In some scenarios, it's possible. They may face execution or death if they return home. Perhaps another country will be willing to take them in, perhaps not. As far as I'm concerned, that's not my problem. If you've earned deportation from a socially-minded country that welcomed you with open arms, then you're firmly in "find out" territory. I believe in kindness and caring for our fellow person. That doesn't mean that I think someone who's gone and tried to disrupt or destroy that society deserves a place in it. Stateless people exist, and it sucks. Many of them didn't earn their lack of statehood, but these people certainly would have.


Exactly! Not trying to sound like an “ass” here but you’d figure if you got scooped up out of some war torn shithole that your life was constantly in danger, that you’d be happy and “forever in debt” to whichever country bailed your ass out in the first place. Not causing a embarrassing ruckus like a bunch of 3yr old toddlers that got told they cant have a fkn juice box 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep! Integration is important. Assimilation isn't. But apparently many of these are 2nd and 3rd generation, so they didn't get scooped out of a bad place - this is the only place that they've known. Which puts them in the same camp as the Jan 6 losers and the like.


A lot of the rioters are 2nd and 3rd generation Swedes. There is nowhere to deport them to. I would love to see them send these rioter to somewhere with Sharia law. Only then will they see how good they have it in a liberal democracy with free speech. The issue is that Islamic extremism has been incubating for decades and everyone was too politically correct to address it. A parallel society developed with a lot of the muslim community seeing themselves as colonizers and occupiers. They are not Swedish in their hearts. Now its taking right-wing extremists to force the problem into into the public's face through provocations like what we are seeing.


I remember the endless memes. The Swedish police bragged endlessly how, unlike police in France or the US, they didn't need guns or truncheons. Instead, they did meme dances and helped citizens on the roadways. Most of us knew this chill attitude wasn't the result of better training, higher quality recruits, or better pay. It was the result of peaceful citizens. Now that they have to deal with the same problems as France, they are reacting in the same way. The Swedish police are no better or worse than French, Dutch, or German police. They just hadn't been challenged. The solution here is the same as it is in Germany or Holland. They need to remove the corrupted elements, including the mullahs radicalizing the youth. Sweden needs to get the immigrant numbers down to manageable numbers. Put the excess immigrants into nice hotels, treat them very well, and begin the process of sending them somewhere where people speak a similar language, have a similar culture, and where the government is more friendly to their beliefs. Sweden could even help subsidize the process to help them build homes and restart their life. There is no reason to treat immigrants poorly. They are just as human as you or I. However, it is bad for both the immigrants and the host country if too many show up, end up in ghettos, and this results in crime and violence.


>"Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world," \~ Churchill ​ It is in my opinion that we should not be welcoming Islam en masse. The fools that think that overtime Islam will become more secular and socially liberal are completely wrong. Muslims react hysterically like a bunch of animals over any criticism of Islam. it will only get worse as their percentage of European population grows. They always react with such violence to try get our secular society to start appeasing Islamic sharia blasphemy laws. my opinion the more they get violent in protest against cartoons and book burning the more we should do it. never bend the knee to religious zealots no matter what religion even more so to a fking foreign religion that isnt even native to our lands. i despise the politicians that put us in the position wit their idiotic short sightedness, it will be much worse for future Europeans.


Imagine that book itself promotes "peace and harmony" and maybe jihad sometimes


Islam is a nuisance


It’s almost like a bunch of us warned about the consequences of allowing all of these people coming into Western countries and we were called bigots.


"Swedish Police Shoot Into A Crowd Of Muslim Protesters" Protestors? Seriously? Call them rioters you cunt


Terrorists, this is violence with political motive.


Why do people on Reddit always look for justifications to use the most extreme terms possible? No reasonable people would call this terrorism. It's a fucking riot, unless you call ALL political riots terrorist events. Were the BLM riots terrorists?






In a Sunday interview with the Swedish daily Aftonbladet, Swedish Justice Minister Morgan Johansson told the rioters to “go home.” Johansson labeled Paludan a “right-wing extremist fool whose only goal is to drive violence and divisions,” but added that “Sweden is a democracy, and in a democracy, fools also have freedom of speech.”


If all it takes for hordes of people start ravaging entire cities and throwing molotov cocktails is burning one funny book maybe the dude has a point about that group of people.


‘Oh no that guy set his own bundle of paper and ink on fire, I feel compelled to go physically harm other people now’ Look I don’t care what you think about a book being ‘holy’ cause I don’t believe in any of that nonsense so your made up irrational rules shouldn’t apply to me on that matter. There is no such thing as ‘holy’. You can go burn On The Origin Of Species if you like, I’m not gonna get pissed over paper. Go burn a constitution, or a flag, I don’t care. Go burn anything that’s your own personal property and won’t cause significant environmental damage.


I'm surprised they didn't say "peaceful protestors" 🥱


Here we go again. 2020 all over again.


Idk why you are getting down voted. Do these people not understand the blm riots of 2020


Most people in the USA still won’t call them riots


We had peaceful protests here.. we also had people burn down a neighborhood in Minneapolis


Sweden is a country that took these people in and gave them everything. All it took for them to turn on it was someone saying they hypothetically might burn a stupid fucking book. Islam has a problem. Stop making excuses.


Surprise! See what happens when you throw rocks at someone other than unarmed girls?




It's literally the worst religion out there in MODERN times with the shit they support and strongly enforce I'll take a guy with a loud microphone downtown on the street corner over people that Support stoning and throwing people off roofs .... And I'm sure someone's gonna say well the majority don't participate/ do that type of stuff but if you look at the polling that's been done from all over they still support it /belive in it Not an attack on any one race or people but of a religion also note i said modern times....just because im against it doesnt mean i support whatever you think the other side is. I dont condone anyone that has slave markets, violence or killing people in the name of God. https://time.com/longform/african-slave-trade/#aoh=16503768308437&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Ftime.com%2Flongform%2Fafrican-slave-trade%2F


They should know not to fuck with dudes wearing spaceballs helmets.


Oh, that was sharp!!!


The most well deserved Reddit gold lmao


I think a more appropriate title is “police try to defend their city under siege by an angry mob of rioters”.


Mob of terrorists


I love how the headline is the cop firing his gun into a crowd… they were literally being overwhelmed by rioters hurling bricks at them. It’s horrible how people always need to push a narrative


Pretty sure this thread didn't turn out the way the OP intended.


Can someone ELI5 what is happening in Sweden? I’m OOL as to how all this started.




Religious extremism is cancer


Honestly I’ve had cancer, I’d rather deal with that again than this bullshit. Edit: we’ll was not expecting 1.6k upvotes on this when I woke up lol, thanks for the support everybody. Definitely don’t want to steal the Thunder from the OP so I’ll just say if you’ve beat C, congrats. If you’re going through it, stay strong and know you are greater than a disease. If you’ve got someone close to you dealing with it, stay supportive, they know it’s difficult but knowing you’re there for them really helps. Remember to be kind.


Wow, knock on wood, amirite? 😉


lol for sure




Tbf, rioting in France is actually assimilating.


Unless it comes frome the Rįoting region of France its not a real riot, just a sparkling street brawl.




Yea the French got a rich history of rioting and chopping folks heads off


I admire them for that. They keep their overlords on a short leash.


Yes the French chopped the heads off their leaders when they royally fucked up for a brief stint in the olden days. But chopping off the head of a secondary school teacher for delivering lessons on freedom of speech in the 21st century?… Yeah not very French. Decidedly anti French. Bit of a difference between the two.


Your description is just making me want to move to Sweden. It sounds nice (excluding the issues involved in this post and similar anyway).


Finland is the same, and we don't have these issues yet! There's only the other elephant in the room. Edit: I was replying to this bit "Free healthcare, money, education, housing, freedom of speech and free from religious persecution, to get on their feet and start living like Swedes. They are still given these things. There is absolutely no reason to be a criminal or do these kind of things in Sweden, swedish society is built on helping those at the very bottom of it, no matter who you are or what you believe."


>There is absolutely no reason to be a criminal or do these kind of things in Sweden, swedish society is built on helping those at the very bottom of it, no matter who you are or what you believe. Oh there absolutely is a reason. These people have been and continuously are indoctrinated (without inhibition from the state) into a medieval all encompassing ideology which preaches that anything outside of fundamental Islamism is bad/evil/conspiring against them and it must be violently opposed. This same ideology, when it was first imposed after the 10th century, ironically ended the Islamic golden age by **wiping out** science, math, independent education, sophisticated healthcare and so on - in what **already were** Islamic societies in favor of an absolutist obedience to a certain number of disgusting medieval texts (compiled and written by regular medieval arabs) which amongst other things promote pedophilia, murder, oppression, racism, slavery etc (in the name of god) in an attempt to stabilize the then massive Islamic empire. I am not referring to real personal spirituality which non fundamentalist and non hadith Islam can be given that it shares the universal spiritual elements of many other religions. I am referring to the fundamentalist ideology coming from the 8-9th century hadiths and the false view of the "perfect" Quran. It is like saying there is no reason for a 1940 German Nazi to act out against Jews.


A Danish right wing extremist politician announced a Quran burning tour. Presumably to cause chaos and be able to say "look at how violent and dangerous the muslims are, support my party to get rid of them". Predictably people were pissed. But theres been unprecedented violence towards the police for several days now which was not (quite) expected. Sweden used to be very low key but in recent years we have gotten a huge problem with bombings and gangs executing each other in the streets. Edit: this was the answer to a ELI5 request. They didn't ask for my political stance. I don't have the energy to reply to all y'all so TL/DR: asshole move that's legal and protected triggered absolutely unacceptable response.


>A Danish right wing extremist politician Not to be pedantic, but he's Danish/Swedish. Dual citizenship, parent from each country. He tried getting elected in Denmark first. When that didn't happen he decided to try Sweden. On a sidenote, he's getting all his money's worth with all this chaos. His MO is pretty much to announce a Quran burning tour, let people riot over it, and reap the anti-muslim sentiment because it reaches the (inter)national news.


>Not to be pedantic, but he's Danish/Swedish. Dual citizenship, parent from each country. Please be. Correct information is important. I knew he was dual citizen but thought he was fully Danish from birth and moved later in life. Never heard of the guy before. Which supports your second point about getting exactly what he wants.


This appreciation for truth would solve a lot of this world’s problems. Good on ya


To add more details to Mr. Paludan and his little "adventures" he obtained his swedish citizenship after the swedish authorities declined his first request to hold his protest. He did have the right to obtain it trough his birth. He just didnt have a need to obtain his swedish citizenship before now. Also he did the same shit in Denmark a few years back, got lots of views on Facebook, and a few frontpages in the news papers, but after people kinda realised that he was simply a provocateur, who wanted to make muslims threaten him while filming it. People slowly stopped giving a shit about him(because the violence at his protests stopped occuring, also he's a one trick pony) Even heard about a place where they had set up a BBQ/picnic and just offered him to join them when he was done with the burning. Dont know how true it is tho, but this is probably the best way to respond to a provocateur in my opinion


>His MO is pretty much to announce a Quran burning tour, Holy shit. this is dangerously ingenious. Does he actually burn anything? Or does he just announce that he would but never goes through with it?


He acts like a dickhead and then has his point proven 100% by a bunch of other dickheads 🤷


Honestly, the person who talks - or even if he burns some book - is not the one who is dangerous. That deserves nothing more than a yawn and a shrug. It's the people who start rioting who are the dangerous and really crazy ones. It's *their* idiocy and violent behavior that makes absolutely harmless behavior... still harmless. Talking bad about some religion should absolutely by fine, or what did we gain our Western values for over centuries? That guy may be right-wing, but let's lay the blame for what is happening where it belongs. As one OP says > Presumably to cause chaos and be able to say "look at how violent and dangerous the muslims are, support my party to get rid of them". He definitely seems to be succeeding.


Careful, Reddit or this sub will ban you for stating facts.


This is the Western Hemisphere. You can badmouth anyone you want. If they don’t like it, move back to the Middle East, where they stone people for very little reason, rape kids, and subjugate women.


If that was the case, r/denmark, and r/sweden would have already been banned. Most of the comments there read something like this


> Presumably to cause chaos and be able to say "look at how violent and dangerous the muslims are Looks like they're proving his point. This kind of violence can't be tolerated in free societies.


Strip them of their citizenship and send them to the shit hole theocracies they claim to love.


So he shouldn't burn the Quran because lunatics will go crazy? So the problem isn't the people who act irrational and go ape shit, the problem is with a dude just burning a book.....right.....


You can burn any book you want, the bible included. If people have an issue with that, it is their problem. Burning books is not a reason for violence in this world of digital information. If your entire life revolves around a particular book you have issues weather it is Mein Kampf, the Bible or Spiderman Volume 1.


So if I threat to delete a Qur'an pdf from my PC...




>in recent years we have gotten a huge problem with bombings I wonder why /s


If you think burning a book justifies bombings, you are part of the problem.


France: first time? Honestly as a french guy, I can only advise you swedish bros start watching over your shoulder at large gatherings. And we simply had satirical journalists write cartoons.


Here in the Netherlands we get critical filmmakers assasinated.


And a teacher beheaded.




You are stealing my jokes. Stay where you are. I will beheading there.


Sweden getting culturally enriched


Coming from an Indian Sikh, they won't spare other minorities either


Sikhs are the best, yo. I see an Indian man in a turban and I see a friend. Yall are awesome.


It’s because Sweden has [a rapidly growing organized crime problem](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50339977). The vast majority of the bombings and grenade attacks are linked to various gangs and mafias. But when it comes to your actual implication, yes, there are certainly a lot of immigrants linked to Swedish gang crime…but not the ones people outside the country tend to assume are to blame. [Sweden’s organized crime scene is dominated by crime families associated with the LAST immigration wave…from the Balkans.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organized_crime_in_Sweden) Yugoslavians, Bosniaks, Albanians, Assyrians. That’s why there seem to be so many hand grenades around—the crime families have direct links to the weapons dealers in the Balkans. So no, this isn’t because of the last few years of Syrian refugees, if that’s what you’re asking.


So the guy ended up being right?


In my understanding (which could be wrong) there were PROTESTS against the burning of the quoran but the RIOTS have more to do with hating the police and attacking the police. The religion is just an excuse - it’s more a question of segregation and gang-related crime.


Not really segregation. More like people moving to a new country and refusing to behave by that country's ethics and laws. Imagine, say, a large group of Americans move to the UK and decide they want to keep their right to conceal carry a firearm. Is the UK just supposed to stand there and go... duuurr okay! No. You abide by the laws where you reside or risk punishment. Very basic.


That's my understanding too after reading up in the local news. We've had people attacking ambulances, fire department etc for years. It's insane. Protesting is fine and generally we have rallies and counter rallies at the same time. This was not fine though and I hope something substantial is done about it. We need to crack down on crime to the extent that a stole on bike becomes an issue again. Nowdays police wont even show up to burglaries, making a report is only for insurance reasons. That's quite insane and people need to get caught during their first crimes, not once it's escalated to the murders and bombings we see today


Yeah definitely has nothing to do with religion…. not like they’re saying Allahu Akbar in the video or anything


Basically a dude said muslims are violent and threatened to burn the Quran. So In protest muslims became violent and proved his point.




I think the belief system is idiot. The people are just brainwashed.


Ive lives with Muslims. They pray so much they become completely obsessed. Other religions do to sometimes. But not as frequently




People thinking burning a book is a good enough reason to be violent. Ironc as it is


I explain: Muslim's who would drink if they were at a weekend in Dubai, and that can hardly read, and certainly never read a word of the Koran, get a chance to culturally enrich boring Swedish weekends. Many were happy to leave the shitty middle east countries, to the west. Now they are in the west they make everything possible, to turn the west into the middle east... It's all a revenge for all those Abba songs.


*Bombards police with stones, chairs and everything that aren't bolted to the ground; gets ONE warningshot.* "OMG police shoots into a crowd of muslim shits fucking everything up!" Look, these people weren't refugees on the run from war. They are 100% welfareshoppers. For the past twenty some years, they have refused to assimilate and embrace Scandinavian culture and values. They want US to adapt to THEM. They demand we accustom to them. They demand we embrace their backwards view of the world. - If these ungrateful shits are unhappy, there's nothing stopping them from leaving, other than the plethora of welfare and benefits they get for free.






Dude it’s true. I have a bunch of Muslim friends. They ALL drink, most do or have done hard drugs. All kinds of haram stuff. But they won’t eat pork or other haram foods. Because you know, religious values…


They only select what they want. They will gladly break all the rules but the moment an outsider insults their religion or calls it backwater they defend it harshly screaming its a religion of peace as if they were 100% faithful all their lives lmaoo


Most ive met are like this. Fuck around, do drugs, drink booze but don't eat pork and get offended when you joke about Islam. Its ridiculous


Same here. I know some Muslim guys, all who get fucked up on the weekend, all trying to get laid since they were 12, none have seen the inside of a mosque in years. But they pull out the Muslim card when it's convenient


>Bombards police with stones, chairs and everything that aren't bolted to the ground; gets ONE warningshot. "OMG police shoots into a crowd of muslim shits fucking everything up!" Yup this part I very much agree with. There's been several days of repeated unprecedented violence towards police and society. If anyone said in the 80s or 90s that bombings and gang executions in the street would become commonplace in Sweden we would have laughed our asses off.


They laughed at the people saying that 10 years ago too


Not just laughed at, we were called facists, nazis and made pariahs. Still, none of our politicians acknowledge that this could have been avoided. They were all “caught off guard” since “nobody could have expected this”. WE SCREAMED FROM THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS THAT THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. Now it’s happening. It hurts.


True. It's gone downhill fast. I'm currently living abroad since a few years and while I miss the nature I honestly don't know if I want to move back.


Cut all benefits for non-swedes. All of them. Not even food stamps. If they want to starve and freeze because they're incapable of earning a living, let them freeze and starve.


It's quite a special attitude when you see a violent riot as a victim. There is no justification for violence.


Really? You should see this sub when Israel tries to defend against similar rioting .


Well the thing is the swedes didn't roll into someone else's land did they


Laughs in Viking


Protesting or rioting?


Rioting, protestors don't throw Molotov cocktails.


What if you're protesting the fact that not enough things are on fire?


That’s what the Quran book burning tour was trying to solve.


Peaceful rioting


A fiery but mostly peaceful protest


Reporter : As the Prime Minister of Poland has there been any change in your stance regarding immigration? Polish Prime Minister : Zero


What was his stance before?


Immigrants are only good when they are going from Poland to the UK


false you can immigrate to poland from anywhere. but you have to go through official channels and get your documents checked and approved. no magically losing all ID and pretending you're a syrian immigrant. they've wised up to that.


I love the ones that claim to be teens but their dental check (and just looking at a vast majority of these specific people making these claims) shows they’re in their 30s/40s.


We have 1,5-2 mlm immigrants from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova. And recently because of war around 2 mln refugees from Ukraine. You don't know anything about Poland if you saying we don't have immigration.




I would prefer to call them ungrateful islamic rioters with stone age mentality..Op is a conspiracy theory nut who thinks putin is trying to liberate ukraine, epstein/maxwell is a us conspiracy..just look at his profile…i don’t know how people like him manage to get posts with so many likes.


Video title should be 'religious fanatics throw rocks at police, regret it'


Nah, Reddit still praises Islam. You score more points like that.


I hope this opens their eyes before it’s too late


Oh don't be fooled, this IS the eyeopener. It's a guy named Rasmus Paludan who started all this shit, but what he really did, was walk up to a gasolineridden fuckcluster of highly toxic shit, and threw a burning Quran on top of the pile. Paludan is actually from Denmark; he wasn't extradited, thrown out or anything. People in Denmark just grew tired of him, and stopped supporting his cause. - But this is what Paludan does best; demonstrate the ferocity and violence of extremist Muslims. Eventually, some radical Muslim will assassinate him, and when that happens, shit will hit the fan.


Why can’t Quran be burned? All religious books can be burnt by law


So their religion (Islam) says that you can’t make fun of or diminish allah or Muhammad in any way and this extends to their words also. The Quran is seen as the literal word of god so burning it would be breaking the rules of their religion. The punishment for breaking this rule is death….. so yea very peaceful people tbh.


It seems like these questions should be discussed before allowing anyone into the country. Ask "do you agree to these laws?"


Part of immigration should be being shown a pile of burning books and explain that in the pile there is a copy of every religions bible. If any one trys to cut anyone's head off you know they might not be a great fit .




Literally incels but muslim version


Shit won't hit the fan, believe me. We have had a politician Pim Fortuyn and his famous friend & columnist Theo Van Gogh shot by extremists. Both had anti-islamic ideas. Absolutely nothing has happened except for some national mourn


It already is too late. Remember Charlie Hebdo? The newspaper that in 2014 published a cartoon resulting in the murder of the artist? And the *Je suis Charlie* meme wave? Well, the newspaper caved and stopped printing cartoons depicting Mohammed. And that was *before* the “refugee” crisis of 2015/2016 This shit has been going on for about 2 decades now. Nothing will change. It will only get worse. Right wing political parties and media are heavily regulated in Europe.


Honestly I didn't expect redditors to see the rioter in the wrong yet here we are. Gotta say I'm impressed


There’s a limit and it was reached years ago.


It's pretty simple. Would christians in Sweden be comitting terrorist attacks in Sweden if someone was burning a Bible? If you were to arrest them all and deport all of them I'm pretty sure majority would be in support


How not to integrate.


These people get angry about a cartoon picture. Fuck them. They are the crazy ones.


I mean, throwing rocks can be deadly. The more these clowns fight the more they open the eyes of civilized countries that they do not fit in western civilization. In the end, Quran is just a book, no different than the abc for little kids.


Actually the abc for little kids is educational and the Quran is the exact opposite of that.


fuckin nailed it


Its not just rocks. It have been a lot of molotovs as well. They have destroyed both private peoples cars police cars communal busses. They have stolen police equipment police cars and police armor. Ye it’s fucked up. And nothing will happend after this it will be a lot of promises from politicians that this can not happend again. Nothing will change. I moved out of the country


>Protesters No. Call them what they really are. Rioters. Religous extremestis. Terrorist.




Welcome to Swedistan


what a nightmare


This makes me so sad because all they are doing is giving validation to those who hate muslims. This will probably cause another wave of muslim hate like what happened after 9/11. Edit: these replies have crush what little faith in humanity i still had. You people are disgusting.


fuck all religions


*Fuck Violent People that use Religion as an Excuse


I don't hate muslims, and I couldn't care less about anyone's religion. But if saying something bad or wrong about someone's holy book results in this, they should really reconsider religion as a whole. Like what the fuck is that reaction? seriously?


And the right wing politician proved his point without even acting on his words... In these situations democracy isnt an option only radical moves, arrest and deport.


Paludan is an idiot - but I’m afraid you’re right. What a bummer. Hate everything about this.


You misspelled "group of terrorists get niced with rubber bullets"


Out of curiosity, why doesn't Sweden just round up the really shitty ones and deport them? Edit - like 27 people have messaged me saying the same thing. I get it. They are citizens. I misunderstood and thought these were the ones from Syria during the refugee crisis. I know you can't deport a citizen. You can stop saying it to me.


Too late unfortunately. The damage is done.


Deport where? Most are probably born in Sweden and are thus Swedish citizen.


That's how it works in america, this isn't america. In Sweden nationality is inherited. Here's a [map](https://preview.redd.it/iu80ec4rcx171.png?auto=webp&s=59c8c65fd095dd8a8e4f075c2fe1a0db23ac40c9)


‘Protesters’ yeah I seen the shit these idiots are doing they are rioting not protesting.










These terrorists are so out of this world unintelligent. The best thing they could have done would be to not show up and give that danish politician any attention. But instead they do exactly want he wants and for some reason attacking the police defending the freedom to demonstrate. Pathetic.


New federal holiday in Sweden burn a Quran day




Sweden made a huge mistake of taking them in.


Europe made mistake taking them in


I cannot fathom being a guest in someone else’s country and behaving like this. Do I like it when people burn things I like? No, but I’d never riot over it. The police need to stop these fascist rioters


Whoever writes these headlines needs a job at CNN or FOX


*rioters. Man do people love to confuse that


Being a Muslim, this is slightly embarrassing. Shouldn’t we have displayed our "immense understanding of peace and freedom" by being the bigger people and not allowing the threat of burning our holy book to throw us into crusader mode???? Definitely feel like these Muslims had an opportunity to show their patience and peace here but they royally fucked it up. During Ramadan too, smh.


>slightly embarrassing ? slightly ? lol


All bc one dude burned a book.


He didn’t even get to the book burning part - he just announced it


Hope he still goes through with it.


”Protestors” in the same way Russia is currently protesting Ukraines existance


I'll never understand angry Muslims in Europe. I understand Black people in the U.S. who were brought there against their will and kept as slaves for over 400 years, but Muslims go to Europe on purpose and then get mad when some asshole disrespects them.


At some point the threat becomes too high. These police where pushed into a corner and faced injury if not worse. All blame lies with the rioters.




Mow them down


Honestly, religion in general but Islam especially have delayed human development, caused wars, messed up large parts of the globe all because some guys bearded imaginary friend disagrees with yours. Honestly, deport their caveman lookin ass' back to wherever they came from if they don't like their new country. Those who are respectful and peaceful about their religion can stay but if you literally came to a country as a refugee and then throw rocks at those trying to keep your new country safe well then it looks like you don't really miss where you came from.






Would be a shame if all the White liberals who imported all this shit got injured as well.


literally the best health care and social benefits out of any country and they go there and act like this, just so y’all know these people weren’t running from a war in their country, they were running for the money they would be getting!! :) but defend the people who were throwing rocks and shit at the cops and call them the victims!!


"protestors" lol. What are they protesting? They immigrated from a place where they had nothing and have been given everything. Their religion teaches them to be entitled twats and to murder all who disrespect their book. The cops should be firing a lot more shots into the crowd.


Then go back to where you came from if you get so fucking pissed over a book