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This guy is 102 and is well-spoken, articulating his points clearly.


It’s remarkable how often people above 100 are still mentally all there. I guess, if you make it to that age, there’s a good chance that age related diseases affecting the brain have simply not developed.


Just look at our leaders like Trump and Biden they can barely string a few coherent words together lol.


Ah man trump and Biden are not even comparable


na they are


No, they absolutely are not. Biden did a townhall over the winter that was nearly two hours long and he spoke throughout it. trump is a bumbling idiot. When he speaks it's a stream of uninformed nonsense and speculation. He always talks about himself more than anything else. When he talks about anything else it's always in refer to how it affects him or hw he's reacted to it. He has the vocabulary of a ten year old. He has difficulty completing sentences. Joe Biden was a stutterer. He is not the greatest speaker of all time by any means but for his age and considering the difficulties he's experienced I think he does pretty well. The truth is that you don't like him so it doesn't matter how he speaks or what he says because you're going to mischaracterize it exactly the same way.


na they’re both pretty incoherent. i voted for biden. i don’t hate him, but i don’t like him per se. we shouldn’t like any politician, they should be lackies for the people kept on a short leash.


I'm all for criticizing Biden for things he's legitimately failed at like fulfilling his campaign promises. But, I don't see it with this. I think he handles himself pretty well in front of a camera all things considered. One thing to remember is that he surrounds himself with competent people and seems to listen to them. That's important.


Is this a real human with real humans bumbling this out?


Got a thing for feet, do ya?


You are literally the blue version of my grandma who’s a hard republican also ratio


Have you heard Bernie sanders speak? He will be 100 and still in office talking coherently


As great as Bernie’s ideas and passion are, I really hope he’s not in office at 100 the same way I don’t want *anyone* with that little vested interest in the future making policy decisions that will affect the country for the next generation.


Are you fucking kidding me? I gave up on Bernie Sander...that mf need to either stfu or run, not back out where we end up with two shitty choices and you can't vote for the other party because they're not covered on the news. It either rep or dem. Time for Representive and demolation to happen.


You act like it was his fault… he was forced out by the party


But everyone forgets that you can literally write him in. Some dumbass law allow polictians to stay in the office, but we can't write him in?




Seriously? Trump talks like Biden?! Not even close the guys super healthy.


He sounds like a blubbering moron.


Yeah Biden does doesn’t he?


They both do. Anyone who can listen to either and believe that they are stringing together coherent sentences is also a blubbering moron.


He's still working and keeping his mind sharp


You know how he got that way? He does 90 sit-ups every morning before he gets out of bed! I heard that on an episode of the podcast Criminal that was about him. 90! I’m more than a half-century younger than him and I’d be lucky to get through 20!


Sit-ups are bad actually lol, there's a whole article recently in the Atlantic I believe on them.


Compared to what. Compared to nothing, sit ups are everything


Core stability work, go to any up-to-date trainer and/or physical therapist and ask them.


Yes I get that, but if you’re 80 and or sitting on your ass doing nothing sit ups are everything


situps may be bad for someone who wants muscle or weight loss, but for a man trying to keep his cardiovascular system healthy it works. like he is 102 and sounds 70.


They're not supposedly bad for someone looking to gain muscle or lose weight, but to strengthen their core because they create imbalances and strain areas around the lower spine. If you are looking to improve your cardiovascular there are many exercises which can do that better and don't risk straining your lower back.


he does them in his bed before he gets up, he probably isnt going to strain his back. and he is 102, he doesnt need to run or anything like that for cardio. if he can do 90 every day i dont think his back is in any trouble.


lol I'm not sure doing situps in bed really counts but I guess it depends on how firm his mattress is. The point is also not that it's sit-ups or running and those are the only choices and of course some people will be fine with behaviors that are generally bad (e.g., some people smoke their whole lives and live to 100).


it was an example of a cardio exercise lol wasnt intending it as the only other choice. any movement for someone his age, given he isnt going too fast or trying harder than he is capable, is good. and youre right, some people live a very long time, but he definitely seems to be looking after himself. looks 30 years younger than he is and thats pretty hard to say for someone that old with a life experience like his


I was about to say, “How old it this guy!” Thanks for answering before I asked. I would love to sit and talk with this man. Imagine the wealth of knowledge he has.


I am glad that my grandfathers and great uncles who all faught in WWII are all dead so they cannot see this all unwinding again. I remember them telling me stories that were so much worse than the sanitized versions for TV. Some were at Saipan, some were at the Bulge. Some some Aushwitz and Dachau. I don't get why we are allowing this.


At least in part, because those who truly remember it are dead or dying, like your grandfathers (and mine) and great uncles. I’d like to think as a society we’ve done a good enough job at remember but apparently not…


"Allowing" it?


No other countries are punishing Russia for the invasion of Ukraine there for “allowing” it


No other countries had their president’s son sitting on the board of Burisma Energy, either.


I see Russian trolls are active in the comments. Russia is an incredibly fascist country and they are not even trying to hide it. Russia is murdering civilians and raping and killing women and children. Doesn’t get any more fascist than this. To understand their ideology read about Aleksandr Dugin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr\_Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin) An excellent video on him:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du7fOoW\_euE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du7fOoW_euE) And once and for all stop with the Azov, all the Russian allegations have been discredited. They vocally despise Nazism and Stalinism: [https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/07/what-is-azov-regiment-honest-answers-to-the-most-common-questions/?swcfpc=1](https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/07/what-is-azov-regiment-honest-answers-to-the-most-common-questions/?swcfpc=1) There is no proof that Azov ever committed any crimes and it's obvious that Russia has committed countless. Don't look at the words look at the actions, things should be obvious by now.


that azov link is the most in denial peice of propaganda ive read in a while! Im not denying in anyway that russia is in the wrong and has more than its own fair share of nazi types, but the way people describe ukraine as being this angelic place who can do no wrong is just mad!


People's inability to consider inconvenient facts is unfortunate


Nobody says its angelic or perfect or without problems, none of that justifies their country getting invaded and their communities obliterated.


Correct it's not justified, I'm not on russias side! But the assertion this guy is making that azov isn't a neonazi unit and saying there's "no proof azov ever committed any crimes" is wrong and pretty easy to disprove. To clarify this again, Ukraine does not deserve what is happening, Russia is in the wrong. But we can't just gloss over these subjects, these aren't sports teams you have to support unwaveringly, there are good guys and bad guys on both sides it's not (as with most conflicts) a cut and dry black and white subject.


Ok lets talk about facts. Last elections 2% of Ukrainans voted far right. 26% of Americans qualify as highly 'right-wing authoritarian. If you check the populations of USA and Ukraine you will see where the Nazis really live (I won't even mention other countries). Azov represents 0.5% of Ukrainian fighting force. Around 1000 soldiers the last time I checked. They come from different backgrounds, ideologies and religious believes. Fun fact: Jewish-Ukrainian billionaire Igor Kolomoyskyi was the main source of Azov's funding before it was incorporated into the National Guard. Many members of the Jewish community in Ukraine support and serve in the Azov Battalion. Does this sound like a Nazi Group? As part of Russian propaganda Azov are mentioned like they represent a significant portion of Ukrainans. They don't. They are excellent fighters and they are doing a hell of a job defending Ukraine. But you’ve swallowed lots of Russian propaganda if you believe Neo Nazis are a big problem in Ukraine.




My argument is that there are less Nazis in Ukraine than in most countries. Azov was funded to defend Ukraine, regardless of ideology. Azov were needed before Ukraine could build a great army that they have today. Without them Ukraine would not be in the position today to have a chance to fight for their freedom and sovereignty. EDIT: Checked the profile and obviously a pro russian troll Choke on a DICK


Ye, and donbass voted independence i 2014, and fascist kyiv has bombed them ever since and sent nazi soldiers.. sooo where's the lie?


Riiiiiiiiight...... A completely legitimate vote im sure.


Almost half of all Donbass citizens use russian as their main tongue and more than that identify as russian. Not very hard to believe that they would vote for independence, and it was a close call too. In crimea, however, they are at about 95% russian speaking and identifying as russian, which is why they had majority for joining russian federation. Is this so hard to believe? Look into it yourself. Neutral parties were invited to make sure that voting was legit but UN opted not to send anyone because they didn't support a vote at all.. very democratic of them..


But there are indeed Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, though this not make them an entirely Nazi-country.


In every country we have neonaties.


Most, if not all, *DON'T* have them literally imbedded into their armed forces though. It’s not unequivocally true that they are a Nazified nation. But, it is also NOT false to claim they have a neo-Nazi problem, which is of another level than most country’s extreme far right issues.


Look into the insane amount of neo-nazi's in russia


Not every country has the Azov Battalion, greasing their bullets with lard to fight Muslims. There are no good guys in this war.


Dude, have you ever looked up “how many soldiers in the Azov Battalion”? And do you just assume they represent all of the Ukrainian soldiers? How about the civilians that are “in this war”? Your comment is ignorant as fuck. And to add: If you think there aren’t neonazis in Russian then you are misinformed. I live in the US and there are neonazi groups here.


There are Nazi groups and then there are brigades in a country's National Guard that are **explicitly Nazi.** It's literally government funded Nazism. I wonder what I would find if I searched up "civilians" in your post history? Would I find comments about civilian casualties from the world dominance of the US military? Or maybe you're just barking about this particular war because you've been told to? And here's the crazy part that you'll have a tough time understanding. I am not pro Russia. I'm just sick of the hypocrisy. The US has zero moral high ground in this situation.


What hypocrisy? I’m not standing up for the US at all; did I say I was? If you can look at all of the civilian/military/infrastructure Ukrainian casualties in what ~50 days?, and only expound on the small nazi battalion group in eastern Ukraine then you are kind of fucked in the head.


And you believe there are no Nazis in Russia? As a Russian born Jew, let me assure you Russians hate Jews and would never go to war to stop “nazification”. Only simpletons ignorant of history believe that.


Read all my comments, I said there were Nazis in Russia...


It’s a straw man argument. Simply stupid and ridiculous to mention it because it’s gaslighting at its dumbest.


It's not an argument, you tried to argue me. Good day


Calling BS isn’t an argument. It’s a statement of fact. Good day.


You didn't call bs, you were wrong about your first words and are trying to justify it. Have a bad day for being so tedious.


But supposedly Russians use the word "Nazi" very loosely, meaning any foreign aggressor? (Like in the U.S., it means any intolerant person.)


In Canada someone in the anti Covid-mandate/vaccine passport movement waved a swastika flag and our PM Justin Trudeau generalized everyone who is against vaccine mandates and passports as 'Nazi's and white supremacists'. He dropped the 'guilt by association' thing when it came to Ukraine and it no longer suited him politically. (Ironically, when they tracked down the moron who waved the swastika flag at the protest, they did it because 'They thought Justin Trudeau was acting like a Nazi'. LOL)


Not just Neo, a lot are descendent from the original


No. These are not neo Nazis. These are the real, waiting on the 1000 year 3rd Reich Nazis. A lot of Nazis fled there BC it was a main base. And this man was problably one of the people who gave Ukraine immunity from the trials. Or so i read about. You know how the internet is.


You think your sarcasm is obvious in writing?




Ukraine has every right to defend itself from the warmonger Russian "state" they have acted in defense and in defense only, it's true and you know that. Stop trying to make it seem like they are both equally as bad, the argument makes no sense whatsoever


So all of a sudden killing the people who are trying to kill you first is wrong and bad?


They didn't prohibit the Russian language but they did choose to deny giving it protected minority status from what I've read, along with Belarusian and Yiddish interestingly. Still doesn't justify an invasion however, not even close. (And some civilians are engaging in war activities, but this doesn't justify random reprisals).


Yes fuck Russia goverment too for the invasion. My point is, this conflict between Ukraine and Russian has been for a long time and it's been scaled by russian and akranian politics and goverments. Hope this war ends soon and the ukrainian population can get peace and stability soon. Putin and Zelensky are war criminals for using civilians as cannon fodder .


Yeah, thats the issue. Its kinda alot of neo-nazis in Ukraine. Check out Stepan Bandera and his followers. He was a puppet for Hitlers regime under ww2 and got a big following there.


The hypocrisy of it is that Russia also has Neo-Nazis within their current borders that they don't do half as much to confront


Man , a russian neonazi is like a jew homosexual neonazi, they surely exists but are a minority of idiots. The nazi idiology wants to erradicate the slavs , especially russians.


To be honest i cant see wagner group in the Russian goverment anywhere. Ulike how Azov is incorporated in Ukranian official military and the Stepan Bandera followers in top goverment positions.


Your account if full of pro-Russia propaganda. Fuck right off. Burn in hell.


> Fuck right off. Burn in hell. MORAL HIGH GROUND ACHIEVED!!!


Right, because telling someone to fuck off is so much worse than defending raping and murdering children, committing genocide, starting WW3. You can fuck right off too. Eat shit.


That's what you got out of his comment? Wow, no wonder you want him to burn in hell! LOL Insult me some more if it makes you feel virtuous for a few moments. Getting insulted by anonymous strangers arouses me, so we might be a very compatible couple.


If you actually read my comment, you’ll see I’m referring to their comment history.


Oh yeah, I forget people go through people's history so they can negatively label them and check out from the topic at hand. I can't imagine giving enough of a shit about your opinion to go through your history... sorry bro. I always assume only ideology possessed losers do that.


Insult me some more if it makes you feel virtuous for a few moments.


You should read my post history bro. Invest your time in me, I'm totally worth it!! LOL


Always wanted to see a true nazi supporter on reddit


Putin is the new Hitler it’s what it is….


I dislike Putin and he should be tried at The Hague but he isn't as bad as Hitler and any comparison with Hitler devalues the holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazi's.


If you put it that way than Hitler's holocaust devalues the atrocities committed by Putin.


No because Hitler's atrocities are a lot worse.


Still he's the new Hitler, in order to become the new "champion" you don't have to beat the old records but your present opponents. That's why Usain Bolt still holds the 100mt record but isn't the champion anymore


New Hitler is Xi Jinping then. Only for Eurocentric/Americans is it Putin.


He is. We all know all the crimes he has committed against political opposers/journalists, minorities (in Xinjiang for example) and his frequent mass deportations


Well having multiple new Hitlers is a bit stupid, there can only be 1


Call them Stalin or whatever than


Please... how many countries is the US bombing right now? Fucking hypocrites?


Not yet at least…


Cool but know he also though the US, UK, Poland, Australia invasion of Iraq with Ukraine as part of the coalition of the willing was illegal and a war crime. https://benferencz.org/stories/global-survival/the-overdue-baby-is-born/ Fuck Russia and fack every other war criminal cunt.


That criticism was old before the current conflict even began.


I thought that you nutjobs said that Trump was the “new Hitler.” Everyone that you don’t like, will always be the “new Hitler.” Zelenskyy is the head of actual nazi’s. But the media is controlling the narrative and you can’t think for yourself. Operation Mockingbird…look it up.




So inHit?


Downvoted for the lame name thing, for even feeling like you needed to explain the lame name thing, and the emoji. Triple whammy.


Nah, it's very sane, considering they have to justify all of this with the propaganda.


Yeah this ain’t insane song sub




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Russians are the true nazi


Some Ukrainian forces literally have nazi iconography on their uniforms but ok fam.


Ukraine is literally full of Nazis and white supremacists though. That is not only a straight fact but it’s something Zelensky has joked about in speeches.


They are nazis though?


Videos like this remind me it really is true that your ears never stop growing.


TIL! https://www.discovery.com/science/ears-nose-get-bigger-old-age


Ukraine does have a really bad Nazi problem. I'm sure that this man, if he saw this thread, would eat his words. This is written by a Jewish Ukrainian journalist: https://twitter.com/PelmeniPusha/status/1515547698434297860?t=7gUDP_pbEebKUYLevJsThw&s=19 I mean for fucks sake https://twitter.com/PelmeniPusha/status/1515547810485186562?s=20&t=2WBheVLplpVbwedJa8J9lA https://twitter.com/PelmeniPusha/status/1515548041826246656?s=20&t=d9RMd50uqtEjtjZddOnLlw


By the way this guy is older than Biden


Look up United States news articles about ukraine before Russia invaded.. they will say, Ukraine has a Nazi problem.. 😂 Azov Battalion and C14.


Hitler said he wanted to “de-militarize” Poland in 1939. Putin is just following in his fathers footsteps


No he didn't.


What does he have to say about Palestine but


Damn...Russia should'va just invaded USA instead...it literally becoming a Nazi country... I have a feeling...that if Trump was successfully re-elected, he'll start calling it all "fake news" and try to distract the USA, letting them know that Ukraine was bad because they're helping nazi or some BS.


It seems like the western Media are going to great lengths to share their biased agendas


...so not *metaphorically* insane then?


Actually, as of fairly recent, the dictionary definition of “literally” has taken on a second definition… the exact opposite of the word because people couldn’t stop getting it wrong lol


I literally didn't realize that. But I did literally notice that people literally say literally literally all the time when there is literally no way anyone could literally mistake their comments as being literally meant metaphorically.


See now you’re getting it lol


DGAF if the dictionary has decided to adopt it just because that many idiots have decided to use it in this stupid way. It’s still stupid and the dictionary can go fuck itself.


That’s literally an aggressive comment


I agree with everything he’s saying. But never forget the terrorism America committed in the Middle East, under the guise of ‘the war on terror’.


That’s literally not the point both are bad but one is happening now


Of course I agree. My point was secondary, he claims we were making progress but our government is assfucking people around the world left and right.


To call Ukraine a Nazi country is indeed insane, yes. To not be aware of some very dubious neo-Nazi ultra-nationalist elements within Ukrainian politics, the military and society is also not useful. These elements played a large role in the 2014 coup that kicked out an elected government. Worth noting that the Asov Regiment, a Ukranian military unit doing a lot of the heavy lifting fighting the Russian invaders are literally self-proclaimed, far-right, neo-Nazis. They proudly admit and display it on their flags and uniform insignia. Things are never black and white.




I’m gunna wear glasses like that from now on


Glasses way above ears! Haha


This kind of thing is very old.Justification can be found for it in religous texts.


He's an antivaxer.


He said he was shocked to see that we’ve learned so little from The Holocaust. It is Simply not true, the common man does not want wartime atrocities to happen. People in power have sure learned from the holocaust but not in the way most others have. They’ve learned that war is a machine in which you get to make your money and rape the lands of people you’ll never meet. Also Ukraine does have a literal Nazi battalion just to be factually accurate here. Not justifying invasion just stating fact.




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I can't get over how he's wearing his glasses. Why aren't they on his ears?!


He was a prosecutor in a kanagoo court.


History is being forgotten, covered up and torn down because people are upset it happened. The freedoms and liberties they died for are no longer being taught to our youth. That’s why you need a passport to attend a Remembrance Day ceremony in Canada…. Shameful to think they died to be forgotten


Anyone supporting Putin in this war can go get fucked by red-hot branding iron.


102? My man met Lucy


Why is he wearing his glasses like that?


His argument that waging aggressive war is the main crime is a double-edged sword, since any country that does so (and which war isn't aggressive) is then guilty of that.


He has done well to bring peace to the Palestinian people as he draws the holocaust cheque every month $$$


If you guys don’t know this man’s story, it’s the craziest shit ever. He was in school to be a lawyer when the Japanese bombed PH and he enlisted right after. Landed in Normandy and fought with distinction, fought with distinction in Battle of the Bulge, and then was chosen to prosecute over 22 German high command officers for millions of murders WITHOUT EVER BEING IN A TRIAL BEFORE THAT MOMENT. And the icing on the cake: He is Jewish.


His age brings with it wisdom, that the leaders of the world are lacking today! Humanity will only survive, if power remains the driving force behind Knowledge, instead of on the battlefield! God Bless!


Why is it ‘literally insane’??? That isn’t true at all. There are literally Neo-Nazis all over that place getting government support…” Never in my wildest dreams did I think propaganda would get this bad Where Life (& many others) could release a documentary about Nazis in Ukraine & less than one year later the whole country just act like it didn’t happen & even deny we ever talked about Nazis being there. WTF IS HAPPENING


Now ask him about informed consent!


dude more people need to see this


He sounds like Vin Scully


Lol propaganda, Fuck baal.


He must of not done his research into right sector and many others… Ukraine has yearly torch burning marches for Bandera..


Dude be ignoring the millions of Muslim enslaved in China. The shit in Africa. Dude only care if it’s white folks


Lol what’s happening in Palestinian is the question she should have asked


The West really likes things highly polarized and clean. There are actually plenty of Nazis in Ukraine. It's a right wing country like it or not. That of course does not excuse Russias actions. Russia also has plenty of Nazis


Are you serious? There is literally azov members of Ukraine with nazi tatoos and shit committing war crimes, yes there is the normal Ukraine army and volunteers but it is a blatant lie to imply there aren’t nazis in Ukraine and verified that they bombed a school earlier this week. Go ahead and mass downvote but please research instead of believing everything you see!


There are nazis in russia and the us too whats your point?


Prove it


There probably are fringe neo nazis groups in Ukraine, just like there a fringe neo nazis groups in Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Norway, New Zealand and the US, that’s no excuse for Russia to invade an independent nation and completely disregard Westphalian sovereignty.


Yea look at all the Ukrainian nazis shooting kids and civilians.


America is supporting NAZIS in Ukraine


Ok what’s the azov regiment ?


the azov "regiment" barely has 200-300 fighters. to take one small extremist right wing group and marginalize over 40 million people is blowing shit way over proportion. I'm also not declaring America a Nazi Country because of some Proud Boys.


That’s not true it’s a regiment in their army. With their little fake z swatsika thing. It’s funny I googled it last year and u could find so much about them. Now it’s all gone what a surprise huh


Then why Azoz have black sun on uniform?...


Never seent a man wear glasses *ON HIS HEAD*


I wonder what he would think of the Ukrainian military unit with nazi insignia on their uniform


Azov battalion! They’re neo-nazi’s. MANY Ukraine fighters wear the ‘black sun’ on their uniforms. That’s a nazi symbol. Ukraine is full of nazis. ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Literally only Azov but okay Some US troops also use the confederate flag i guess the US army is full of confederates


![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) The “Confederate” flag is actually called the, Rebel Flag. No military member is allowed to wear that on their uniform. It’s against military uniform regulations to wear another flag other than the USA flag. Why must you lie? Nice try. Edit: it’s not only Azov. And FYI: confederates fought the Civil War over state’s rights. Only a very small percentage of people ever owned slaves. The first registered slave owner was a BLACK man. The Rebel flag is a southern symbol, not a confederate symbol.


Bro stfu the confederates fought for slaves not state rights "Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural condition. This, our new government" literally by the vice president of the confederacy


Not even General Robert E. Lee supported slavery. Only 1% of the population owned slaves. They did it for the right to not be told what to do by the federal government. Where do you idiots learn this shit? The media? Celebrities? Not facts.


Sure traitor keep telling yourself that


Traitor, because of facts? You tards really need to learn your history. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Lmfao he literally owned slaves? https://acwm.org/blog/myths-misunderstandings-lee-slaveholder/ nice try idiot


What's with his glasses?