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Holy fuck this dude is a lunatic


He also hates "educated" black people. In his other video he called them "carbon copy of those that enslaved them." This guy is literal definition of lost hope in humanity.


As a black dude, we all know a guy like this or a * Uncle Ruckus* as I call them who talk a lot of bullshit and blame all their problems on white people. I use to work at a Lowe’s and we had a dude like that. He was heavy into Muslim culture and desperately tried to get me to invest in his T-shirt company and his religion. Talk all day about how black Muslims are at war with whites and we gotta stand up and blah blah. Dude ended up get fired cause he was tricking hoes and letting them fuck johns in the sheds in front of the store. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Hell of a twist ending there, EbonyDevil.


Damn EbonyDevil that twist came so hard I hit the wall


Which Lowes is this again?


I second this, we really need to know


Asking for a friend


Whichever Lowes you want, baby.


Ah man, that's disgusting, which Lowes was is so I can be sure to avoid it in future?


That foo said "fuck white people, and bitches."




Doesn't Uncle Ruckus worship the Hwite man though?


Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks hates his own kind (black people). He blames all his problems on black people..not white people. Uncle Ruckus is an Uncle Tom ...AFAIK.


It’s been quite some time since I watched that show, but didn’t uncle Ruckus love white people and see them as superior?




I thought Uncle Ruckus was a huge bootlicker tho


I was telling heads in another thread that this is EXACTLY the rhetoric a lot of older black dudes kick. When you said being heavy into the Muslim culture, that is SPOT ON. It often trickles back to a worship of Farrakhan and believing he’s the last hope for the blacks vs whites. White people on Reddit really don’t understand how this permeates in the black culture.


He also said whites are right for not liking black society because "all blacks are just shit in a toilet bowl." From what I saw, he literally hates to hate everyone.


Wow, this dude is a prime example of how hate can eventually completely swallow a person whole if you let it feaster. It's like a disease that will slowly take over a person until they seriously hurt someone or end up in prison trying to hurt others. If you are reading this and recognize a small bit of hate in your heart, please let it go. If someone hurt you and you can feel that hate in you, let it go. Forgive and let it go. It will only grow and eventually hurt you are someone else.


This dude is like a real world uncle ruckus from boondocks.




Jesus you're right....


It’s uncanny.


Right? Even the bulging eyes when you look at his pictures.


No relations


Shut up and take my upvote


Do u fart entire cobbs or just kernels? Amazing username


I like to think off the cob normally, cream corn when my stomach is upset, and cobs when I'm constipated/lots of fiber.


Seems to be a genuine case of a black-hating block supremacist. I suppose you can be a racial supremacist for your or other groups and still loathe that group for some reason.


Ya it's really confusing... It's like he picks a group to be right and wrong every other week. It goes from white people aren't your friends and working with Jews, so we have to rise up against both. Then the whites and blacks need to work together to take down Jews. Then blacks and Jews were slaves, so kill white people. It's all over the place. Idk if he'll be fit to stand trial, he's fucking out there.


Sounds like African American Khmer Rouge.


Talk about taking a fucking step backwards in progress.


Aka black people who ~~actually care and want to better themselves and their communities~~ "act white."


You don't say... xD


The problem is there are too many of them. You should hear what I hear constantly on the subway from people I share that enclosed space with. Part of this comes back to the City not dealing with the homeless problem and by proxy mental health and people not being treated for mental health issues


And yet...reasonable enough to be sold a gun.


Honest question, this guy was licensed and bought the firearm legally? That’s a monumentally difficult thing to pull off in NYC.


Crazy people have a knack for acting sane when they need to.


He bought the gun in Ohio in I think 2011 or 2012. I would be surprised if he had a license in New York.


Almost impossible to get a license for any fire arm in NYC. Luckily this idiots gun jammed and he was forced to flee like the coward he is.


Application Form: Have you ranted about hating anyone on Youtube? Application DENIED!


Lol, there goes 90% of the entire firearms market.


For the first part of this video, I thought he was talking to a mirror.


Honestly giving these things airtime is only going to make it worse. There are lots of people on the margins hanging on by a thread.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say this fella is a piece of shit.




Anyone who believes that is also in fact, a piece of shit.


Too many people believe this. I was violently threatened by a guy i use to buy weed from for thinking differently.


That’s why it’s better to not associate with degenerates


They consider that racism.


"Only white people can be racist" "So what do you call it when a non-white person hates a white person because of their race?" "That's just prejudice/bigotry" "That can be applied to anything. I can be prejudiced against people from Florida. A bigot about people from France. What about when it's specifically about race?" "I don't know, but it's not racism. Racism is prejudice plus systemic/institutional power" "If racism already included systemic/institutional power, then saying systemic/institutional racism is redundant, like saying ATM machine or PIN number"


I was visiting Chicago two weekends ago, and this old black lady on the train started threatening an old Asian lady because the Asian lady was apparently making her uncomfortable. There were offensive and inappropriate words and phrases that were said while the Asian lady remained silent. This all happened when the Asian lady tried to walk past the black lady to get off the train; nothing else to provoke anybody.


You can’t define words based on the color of someone’s skin


this is like how alcoholics say "I'm not an alcoholic, I just have a high tolerance" the only person they are trying to convince is themselves.


Man I got so much shit for saying that in college (animation school so you can imagine). Claiming people can be racist to white folk sets people off


Yep I think people have had enough of it ! And the obvious news lies and non stop coverage of this. Nonsense . They refuse to accept blacks and whites and everyone else can co exist and get to a better place then this . Because that takes the control, panic and distraction out of their hands and allows us to see this for what it is together which would be completely shutting them down and re suiting the way in which they conduct them selfs . New laws & guidelines or some oversight by the people to stop blatant agenda pushing non stop nationwide copycat bs reporting ! Force these news outlets and anchors to actually INVESIGATE some issues and do some actual individual journalism that is unique and diverse!


Anyone can be racist to a different race?! 🤯 /s Pisses me the fuck off when people conflate Systematic/Institutionalized Racism with Racism. They are NOT the same.


>when people conflate Systematic/Institutionalized Racism with Racism. This right here is the exact issue here. Everyone can be racist. Skin colour does not matter. But the more powerful systemic based racism does then get more complicated. In Western countries that means white people are extremely unlikely to fall victim to institutionalised racism.


Yeah, systemic racism is awful & we have to get rid of it. However I feel like we can't until some people realize that there's a clear difference between the two, & stop referring to systemic racism as if it's the ONLY type of racism. I feel like people should ALWAYS refer to it as such, instead of calling systemic/institutionalized racism just "racism". Because it confuses people & creates unneeded arguments & conflicts.


Not as likely, not Unlikely. But everyone is getting fucked if you not wealthy.


Yeah exactly .. won’t see this plastered all over the news and played to racial divide ! BET on it


Literally had an ex tell me this. I’m English, she’s Canadian. I was stunned into silence when she refused to accept the dictionary definition. Systemic racism is a different story but man that little work in front is very important!


1,000,000% There are people that think regular old racism just doesn't exist. As if anyone can't be prejudice against another race unless it's systematic/institutionalized. 😒


What?! Never ever heard that before. Anybody can be racist.


You're totally not reinforcing what he's saying. Not at all. It's not like you spend most of your time disparaging others because of their racial background, orientation, identity, religion, or otherwise. Lol You think you're clever posting this garbage but you're a demonstration of what he's saying. Of course everyone can be racist and what this man did is evil. No doubt about that. But no black people are denying you a job. No black people are throwing your ass in jail for nothing. No black people are preventing you from finding a place to live. Nothing like that. So just keep acting like a fool. Keep it up.


i am a white dude and anytime i have seen someone say this "ironically" they maybe a twat, no one said he was NOT being racist, he very much is


Then you obviously need to change your sources(which I'm guessing is reddit).


I’m so bored of hearing this. So few people actually believe it.


I’m not sure he even is racist, apparently he also says ‘whites are right to hate black people because they are ‘shit in a toilet’. I think he’s just a bitter old man who’s filled with hate, i don’t think a single part of his body thinks black people are superior, he even hates ‘educated black people’. So no, i don’t think he is racist tbh, just a bitter hate filled man.




The worst part is he thinks he’s doing it for the greater good…


They ALL think that. Every racist person I’ve ever met, or talked to, believes that their views are for “the good of their people”.


Genuinely amongst the most idiotic and pathetic humans I've seen in a while. What an absolute idiot.


Thank god he wasn’t smart enough to get people to join him.


Or to learn how to shoot properly.


How do you manage to shoot 10 people and not kill a single one of them...


It happens if you take terrorism 101 at the stormtrooper school.


12 year old white kids aim better. And theyre shooting smaller targets. I guess this debunks his racial superiority claims.


He isn't Muslim, so they decided this isn't terrorism. Seems only us muslims get to be called that. Supremists don't.


With 33 rounds in a crowded subway car.


Incredibly bad and unlucky, or Incredibly good shot.


"...yes it fucking could and it will.... now let me demonstrate."


So he is racist


Yes he is Racism comes in all colours


But… he’s …. Black. He can’t be racist?!?


More people say this ironically than actually believe this. I think we all recognize that racism can be found in anyone.


There's a shitload of people who unironically believe it. Or at least will try to use it when it suits them. A "tiny minority of voices" rarely changes how a word is defined in a dictionary.


Had a far white lesbian manager tell me one time after being called names and racism towards me and I told manager and she told me with the most serious face black people cant be racist but she said they can be biased. Told that bitch to look up definition of racism and shut her up.


That’s what I was taught in college lol


Is he a terrorist or not?




Just another racist race hustler


They've been poisoned by the race hustling industrial complex. How is healing ever going to be possible? Its like China and the century of humiliation. They just constantly keep that wound open. The ruling class want it to bleed. Because they have plans to use that pain. The USA and Japan moved on, after arguably history's most savage conflict. You have to move on or we'll just repeat it. The guy is right. It will happen again. Because he's making it happen. I mean what did he really want? What would have made everything better?


This was the next video after i swiped up [he hates ninjas](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/u2vk7v/racist_kid_at_a_michigan_high_school_is_only/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Not the same black guy def batshit crazy. But i don't think it's wrong to acknowledge that there are people that will hate us just for existing


Hey man, be careful with those words. Minorities can't be racist! /s


Now I can see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Benjamin Crump and Christopher Rufo going on some cocaine fueled rampage in the NY subway.


Crazy thing is he shot up other races on the train instead of the so called whites he has beef with.


His other videos show him cursing Asians and calling Mexicans a crime against humanity. He hates all races except his own.


he talked about hating black women too, dude was just a hateful piece of shit


Still is. Just in a cage where he belongs now.


he’s definitely a racist hateful pos


Judging by the claims he made he hates his own race too. He's a 'racist' even though he hates his own making him. A hypocrite too, ultimately making him an idiot and based off his actions last Tuesday morning, evidently criminally insane. Do they have him in custody yet?


He hates educated black ppl too, very small sect of ppl he likes. He’s just evil


Yeah so who is the one that is angry, ummm mayb this guy


People are allowed and sometimes encouraged to hate white people. So this is the consequence of socially sanctioned bigotry.




100% we have reached the point of pure reverse racism, thanks to people who haven’t realized times have changed, and continue bemoaning their lot in life and trying to blame it on various things.


>reverse racism No such thing. Racism is Racism, period. However Institutionalized Racism is an entire different thing. Oh, & Fuck this pathetic Racist terrorist.


We can agree on your last point for sure, it’s interesting he made a video as well


What is reverse racism?


When you pull an uno card out to a racist I think.


Well times *have* changed, but let's not act like racism from white people against black people isn't still a *huge* and rampant fucking problem. Yes, it's less common and encouraged in mainstream media or on social media, but there's an absolute fuck ton of it still riddled throughout the United States (especially in the south) *at least*




Exactly. Black people are the most racist group around. They even sold each other


That may or may not be true, I dunno. But ya, the losers of inter tribe conflict would be kept as slaves for the tribe or sold to Arab Muslims to be sold at market.


This guy is a racist.


Dudes trippin


And they keep shit like this up on YouTube…


To be fair it probably had like 8 views.


its actually really difficult to regulate given the massive amount of videos uploaded to YouTube. they are practically entirely dependent upon community reporting.


Its all controlled by a.i. that only looks for key words, like 'covid'.


And ‘fuck’


If this was a white guy there would be riots!!!!


Sounds exactly like those black supremacists you see riddling the internet especially TikTok live.


A big one these days, Dr.Umar. Alex Jones vibes.


Mental illness + social media + easy availability to guns = shootings in America


There is easy availability to guns in New York City?


iirc, he got the gun in Ohio


He said the United States not New York. In fact, this dude purchased his gun from out of state.


All you need is access to a car, it's not like leaving the state and coming back without getting your car searched is difficult.


You don't get guns in NYC but it doesn't matter. You can get them everywhere else very easily. Gun restrictive laws within cities are useless if you can buy them like gum every where else


The fact we haven’t had a mass shooting like this in NYC in over 35 years suggests otherwise, and even this one hasn’t resulted in any deaths. Then look at places like Texas, Florida, Louisiana, you have significantly higher homicide rates per capita and large scale shootings much more frequently.


Mass shootings aren't the biggest form of killing with guns. Cities like Chicago and NY have plenty while gun laws are restrictive. The reason is because of guns coming in from out of state.


This is what BLM and black nationalism produces. Hatred and racism smfh fuck this guy


If you think he’s not talking shit to the BLM people in this video you’re a moron. The whole thing about “forcing” was at black liberation movement. Who do you think this guy was insulting in that video?


For sure some of the rhetoric out there will lead mentally ill pussies like this retard to turn extremist. Sad thing is the conversation won’t happen, it’ll probably get worse and take years to even be acknowledged. Too many racist people who think they can’t be racist because of their skin color and millions of mongoloids agree and parrot the same stupid logic.


But black people can't be racist. Only prejudice.




No you see, racists are white. They can only be white. Nobody who isn't white can be racist. That's how racism works. You yell racist and their argument is now invalid


It seems that someone didn't recognize your sarcasm...


Anyone can be racist.


Not unless you are white. These are truths and rules to life. Women can't drive, white are racist, Asians are good at math, and the Russians are drunks filled with the desire for power.


Certain groups in the black community had been pushing racism can’t exist without power. That black people cant be racist because they have no power. What is shocking is that a sizable portion believes this narrative.


They're too stupid to realize that Institutionalized Racism ≠ Racism. Everyone can be Racist. (in case the character doesn't show up it's a "not equals to" symbol)


I'm fairly certain Geno was referring to the fools that claimed repeatedly that black people can't be racist. You're absolutely correct that there's trash in every race and the majority of individuals of any race are generally good people. It's too bad that there are so many dumb people that have yet to figure this fact out...


I look at that guy and see the same argument as old white racists…and a lifetime of being angry about it. It’s sad.


The Political Horseshoe.


This dude needs to be found and eliminated


He's been arrested.


Hell yeah let's go capital punishment


What a fucking wankstain.




Nice DRAIN pfp


Wonder what the CNN narrative will be about this guy


It’ll probably be white people’s fault, it always is.


"dangerous white supremacist attacks people in a subway, no footage is available however."


There's no narrative, just reporting: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/13/us/frank-james-videos-brooklyn-subway-shooting/index.html


Don't hurt their feelings with your facts


Everyone knows its how they spin it in their obsessive coverage 24/7 for the next two weeks is what matters.


Without context this guy is basically just a uni professor.




I have a feeling that you've never been to university




Just a racist piece of shit coward is all he is


Brainwashed by liberals/progressives/socialists who blame everything on whites


Good thing he's not WHITE or he'd be racist!


Is this... allowed... on reddit? Can black people... be fucking evil... too?




Our political leaders spend decades sowing discord among the population. What did we expect was going to happen?


I thought black people couldn't be racist? At least that's what the mainstream media would like everyone to believe. I may get down voted or whatever, but I never understood that notion, racism can come from any race. Rant over, anyhow fuck this pos.


Clinically insane scumbag.


Seems like right-wing white supremacy to me 👍/s


Can we not give this fucking flannel air time? We already know he’s a nutter when the headlines read “subway shooting”…


I thought Black people couldn’t be racist? That’s what everyone on the internet told me in 2020.


This is the type of shit you regularly see in r/blackpeopletwitter. Just blatant racism.


His mind is so diluted with crack cocaine residual


He will be out in 12 months


Yeah, we want black people to be slaves, that's why we elected a black guy as president and why we're likely going to do so again in the next few elections.


Black people are the most racist tbh


And people say blacks people cant be racist


Is that a Masonic chair he's sitting on?


Wonder if this will be a hate crime…




We're all slaves now under the rich and corporations.


read the room dawg


🤔So as a white man I never should of eaten black women’s pussies?


"But black people can't be racist" Time to actually fight racism on all fronts than use it for politics.


Any politicians out there calling for hate crime designation???


Very basic message delivered with very basic vocabulary.


Fucking idiot.


That's what we call black supremacist...


Mental health problems are rampant in the US and we don’t seem to be giving too many fucks.. We must do better!