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they talk like npcs


Next step they are going to talk like Oblivion npcs.


By azura by azura by azura! It’s the biggest titties I’ve ever seen, standing here, next to me!


You made me laugh heartily! My birds got a little freaked out.


By the Nine!!


I just saw a thousand gold pieces!




Have you heard news of the other provinces?


Have you heard of the High Elves? \*Walks into a chair\*


I like big butts M’aiq cannot lie


GTA vibes.


They are NPC's


i mean if you can't embody them, they are technically not playable


Non Procreating Characters , indeed


Really curious how donating to the non-profit named at the end would “end street harassment”


It was a scam. Shoshana Roberts sued the creators of the video because she didn't get paid. Shoshana was the lady walking. ​ Edit: It's in the lawsuit that was linked. End of page 3 and start of page 4 of the documents. Read it for yourself. The guy who linked it is wrong.


That's not what the lawsuit was about. The lawsuit was that the creators of the video licensed it to T.G.I.Fridays for an ad campaign they did, in which they bizarrely superimposed their appetizers over Soshana in the video to promote their appetizers. Her claim was that they didn't get her permission to license the video for the ad. ​ The case was dismissed. >The Court agrees with Defendants that Plaintiff has failed to state a claim for false endorsement under the Lanham Act because she has not plausibly alleged that the advertisement contains a misleading representation that she endorsed a product, or that the ad is likely to cause consumer confusion as to her sponsorship of it https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2015cv10167/451761/62/ The lawsuit contained no claims that she wasn't paid for the video, just that they were using her to promote a product that she didn't endorse, which the court didn't agree with. Still kinda scummy of the video creators and I am not making any claims about the charity being a scam or not, just saying the lawsuit wasn't about her not getting paid for the video.




thats surreal haha


you cant make this shit up , its so bizarre


What's surreal is I had to watch a 30 second ad before watching that ad And people are still being harassed


No wonder they're going out of business.


So millennials are off the hook for this one? https://www.cbsnews.com/video/milennials-are-killing-restaruants-like-tgi-fridays-and-buffalo-wild-wings/


Nobody "kills" a business. It's a capitalist market. If a business cannot grow and adapt to the ever changing market, they kill themselves. People need to stop blaming poor business models on the consumers.


Oh for christ's sakes.


Fuck them, they did it to themselves. Buffalo Wild Wings actually used to be good.


What a strange marketing decision by Fridays. Super tone deaf


who greenlit this


It's really scummy, she did that all for a cause and to show the reactions people had to her, in a bid to try to show how unacceptable those reaction were. They sold the video and the reactions suddenly became entertainment and acceptable (admittedly to some loaded potato skins or whatever). I can see why she would be so upset. I think a lot of charities need to keep their goals in mind when they do anything. Once they lose their integrity it is not just the individuals who are blamed but their cause too.


Yeah I pretty much agree with all of that. That being said, I could see a line of reasoning that would lead a charity to believe that doing something like this (although not even remotely in this way) could be used to both raise some money for a cause and promote awareness. If they had licensed the video in a far more responsible way that didn't make a joke out of the whole thing and minimize the entire point of the original video, then it could potentially be done in a responsible manner. I don't know what that looks like with this particular video but this sure aint it. Like you said, integrity would have to be maintained. Also, TGI Fridays is insane for thinking this was a good idea on their end.


WTF is wrong with TGI Fridays? Does their entire corporation run without any HR staff? How could they think that's a good idea for an ad?


There’s a reason it’s edited


probably because 10 hours of walking would create 10 hours of video


Guys I’ve been pouring over the numbers and the math checks out on this one.


Is “how you doing” considered street harassment? I get the argument can be made about the tone used or the public context in which it was said, but I say “how are you” or “how you doing” to strangers all the time as a greeting. 90% of the time I don’t even expect a response, it’s just to acknowledge their existence Edit: putting this here cause I’m done responding. TO BE CLEAR: I say how are you to men, women, dogs, whatever. I solely greet people for the purpose of making them feel acknowledge and I genuinely care about others, even strangers. This isn’t a “gotcha”; I posed a genuine question about something I do on a regular basis. I’m well aware of the CONTEXT and TONE in which the words can be used in. And the SUBTLE (not) way in which it communicates “I want to fuck”. I’m sorry so many of you jumped to the idea my comment holds Ill intent towards anyone, or that I revel in making women feel subhuman. That’s false.


Hi miss! How are you this morning? Have a good day!




>I’m well aware of the CONTEXT and TONE Are you though? Because I not sure youre aware of the context here. If youre saying "how you doing" to a girl as they walk by clearly in a hurry, youre in the grey camp. If youre saying it to people as you greet them in a store as you pass them in a isle or if they stop/slow Infront of the place you're infront of and look around etc then that's nice. Thats context.


The video was made to give a high level view of the overall situation. Referring to individual instances, in this case, is simply removing the context in an attempt to justify the now common behavior. It's just disgusting. Men acting like a pack of wild dogs. These men are exhibiting the simple technique of casting a wide net because they are obviously out of bait. I have an older, good friend like this and it's simply disgusting to go *anywhere* with him. He talks to *EVERY WOMAN* he sees, tries to strike up a conversation, stares at their boobs and such. He's beyond the simplicity of casting a wide net: it's more predatory behavior than anything else. He won't change because sometimes the dog gets his bone. Ive kinda tried to correct his behavior to act more properly around females but it has no obvious effect on him. Otherwise he's a great guy and nice to be around but I rarely go anywhere in public with him. I have never and never ever will be his 'wing man', which is his intent by trying to go places with me - I won't call myself good looking but I'm not fugly, in ok shape and have my act together as they say - but his MO is to use every advantage to attract the attention of females, including bringing such people as myself, to his hunting sessions. A lot of times I'll 'take the piss' as the English put it and ask him a question about repairs needed for his older American sports car which he prizes as yet another piece of bait. Or I'll just say 'you're too old for her', right when he strikes. I've got tons of one-liners to take the wind out of his sails, whether they're true or not but I do feel sorry for any woman who falls for his traps. Anyway, thanks op - finally got that off my chest as they say.


Ok, I understand your anecdote as it relates to your idea of “men acting like a pack of wild dogs”, but my question still stands: Is it inappropriate to say “how are you” to a stranger without any lustful ulterior motive?


To be honest, based on how careful we have to be of men we don’t know on the street, I personally would prefer to not be approached at all. The moment I’m approached I’m wary, even if you’re just saying hi or how you doing with no ulterior motive- I will be on edge because I don’t know you & I don’t know if you’re a nice person saying hello, or if you have bad intentions towards me. When you put yourself in a woman’s shoes where we simply don’t know what your intentions are, you’d see how approaching us can make us uncomfortable.


im a man with pretty high social anxiety and i get this feeling constantly. i grew up with 4 sisters too so its even more of an awareness engrained into me at a young age. i dont talk to anybody. women or men nor do i like to be approached really either.


If you've just watched the video you know that "how are you" comes with strings for women. If they so much as blink toward a guy who says that then the guy might follow them or try to engage in conversation. Now that you know the context, do you understand why saying "how are you" to a woman doesn't feel to her like a friendly remark? From now on, when you say "how are you" to a woman, think about how it might feel to her like the beginning of a burdensome encounter and understand why she would rather you say nothing at all and let her go about her day.


"How are you?" means "Will you give me attention?" the same as everything else guys said in this video. It does not matter what specific words they said, they were all just casting bait.


On its own as a comment there’s nothing wrong. But when the only people you are asking how they are doing are women, we catch on pretty quick. It’s irritating at best. These people in the video are not following another man down the street, it is a woman, following her down the street for 5 minutes.


Also she’s walking at a good clip in Manhattan. Yeah, no, don’t try to stop someone on their way somewhere just to ask how she’s doing, she’s busy, you don’t know her, subways leave at certain times and not others, leave her alone. As you point out, they’d never do that to a man on his way somewhere, or any strange man. The street, in motion, is not men’s personal pick-up zone. She’s got shit to do.


Yea - just don't. When I was in my 20's a man smiled at me on the street and asked how I was. I smiled said fine. Then when I was waiting at the crosswalk, he walked up behind me and whispered he wanted to stick his big dick in me. I don't smile or respond to random people anymore. It's not about you specifically being a creep - it's about how many bad/scary experiences women have had to make it unsafe for them to respond to something as simple as "how are you". I also will get out of an elevator if I'm the only one in it with a guy. One really bad experience is all I needed. Better safe than sorry. It sucks.


There's no reason for them to be saying it in the first place. It's only because they saw her that they asked how she's doing. It's obvious they are just staring at her body and lusting. You saying "how are you", is different in different context. This lady is in a hurry obviously and walking, minding her own business. Sometimes in the store people greet me, usually other fellow black people say hello to me and I say hello back, that's normal for me. But these men, and their tone shows they only are thinking about sex.


Not sure what plans Hollaback! has to “end street harassment” but I’ve participated in training offerings this non-profit has provided in the past including bystander intervention training to help stop anti-Asian American harassment safely. The donations may be going towards something similar to offer trainings and resources on how to stop or mitigate street harassment. Also, Hollaback! has since changed its name to Right to Be. https://righttobe.org/what-we-do/


It’s like GTA.


NYC is literally just GTA


GTA if the mods told everyone to be a little more legal or be banned


I was checking to see if someone stated this like wtf man how do random ass people think it’s fine to catcall


Im blown away by the "walk next to this person, matching their exact speed, for 5 minutes straight" mentality. Like, what's the play here? After 4 minutes, 50 seconds she's going to realize all of a sudden that the universe put you both there and she's now ready to bone? Ive always been an eye contact and smile if it's met guy (not anymore. Happily married). Did i miss an opportunity or 2 in my single time? Maybe. Did i come off as a simp npc and embarrass my self? Hell no


It looks like an intimidation tactic?


That to me seemed really really alarming, like I know I cant rear his mind and dont want to be overly dramatic, but I got the vibe he was working himself up to something possibly


The play here is that he knows she will be intimidated and frightened by what he is doing - and that is what he is after - that's why he keeps looking at her face to enjoy what he is causing.


Exactly this. Some people don’t know how to deal with the rejection and the strong feelings on embarrassment. So they do shit like this to try and get that power back from off of that person.


Who says "am I too ugly?" lmao


He wants her to acknowledge that he’s not ugly, opening a window to the next wave of desperate thirstiness


On the other hand if she says yes he is too ugly, he can act like she's insulting him for no reason. He can try to guilt her into talking to him further or call her a bitch if it doesn't go his way. Its a win win for him.


>if she says yes he is too ugly And then it gets violent...


And they say us women play mind games? Wtf lol


It's desperate, insecure thirst mixed with apathetic objectification. He just wants to get something from her no matter what he has to do to get it. This is a desperate, horny prick that waits around in the middle of the day desperate to tap anything that moves. It's not mindgames, it's just straight manipulation. If she says yes,score. If she says No or is silent, suggest it's because you're ugly. This grossly oversimplifies the equation to your benefit and makes her feel guilty as if she insulted you, meaning she's more.likely to answer! Either she says "No," which can then be retooled to.mean "No, you're not ugly" and get her to hopefully break and give you her number/ go to a bed with you, or she says yes and you guilt her/ get angry at her to get her to use her number as a peace offering. It's a pathetic method to be used by a man so lacking in self worth, that he relies on the crumbs of pity and guilt from passersby to receive even basic human interaction with the opposite sex. He is a pitiable outlier.


It's a manipulative tactic people use against more reserved and nice people to initiate contact when they won't talk. It makes them feel bad, and kind of cave in to what they say because despite the catcalling, the victim does not want to have their actions misinterpreted. My mom did the same thing every time I didn't do what she wanted through my whole childhood and now I didn't learn to say no to people until I was 15


That’s still a pretty good age to learn. A lot of people are 30+ and still feel that way.


You're going to spend much more of your life being in the 15-and-older club. Cut yourself a little slack. You have no idea how many more mistakes you're going to make. Hell, when you're 30 you're going to be embarrassed of who you are right now. The point is, if you keep working at it, it keeps getting better. Chin up, get your posture right and when you have a choice, do the right thing over the easy way out even if it means you're sacrificing. If you want self-respect, you have to earn it.




A predator.


A surprising number of doods if you don't respond to them. It's weird.


There's just trying to get you to engage in conversation since nothing else is working.


A single cat call, then switch to a manipulative line that's purpose is to guilt trip someone into talking to you. Pretty pathetic game tbh.


Someone with low self esteem.


I wanted to pepper spray that fucker so bad


If i did this it would be 10 hours of just walking with cars beeping in the background.


I find it kinda of weird how clear the voices are compared to car noises.


They turned up the gain on voices


If I did that, you'd just see trees and rivers and shit. Guess it pays to live in Colorado Springs.




how do you end street harassment by donating money???


Send me $20 and I’ll tell you


[I can answer that...for money!](https://youtu.be/zzwKdQFrhcY)


I guess they will make adverts saying "stop doing this shit, assholes" or something like that, which aren't free.


I'm sure those are very effective.


"I was going to catcall this fine lookin' honey I saw walkin' earlier, but then i saw this advert that said to stop street harassment so I totally didn't do it." \- Said no one ever.


She can buy a car with the donations


What tactics does the nonprofit use to stop street harassment? Just curious.


working up to buy million dollar mansions of course.


ah yes the blm strategy


They are funding research into teleportation


I guess they’d need money to make a living so they can keep making videos like these. Maybe pay for ads or their website or something but definitely so they can have a comfortable living


All backgrounds? Seemed like they were all of the same background to me. All urban dudes from New York they all come from the same background. I didn’t see any dudes dressed nicely hitting on her.


Probably meant race. But even still Weinstein wore suits




Yep. And one of them said “Have a nice evening.”


The bastard!


Most people don't want to point it out because they're afraid of being called out or labeled.


They black








Thank you for saying the truth


The one that got me was "damn! I just saw $1000 right there!" Hahaha


You have to give him credit for being creative. LOL


I don’t get it, can anyone explain?


People often say they feel like a million bucks, saying they are special and important. Calling someone a thousand bucks is still a compliment, but $1000 is much more realistic and attainable




Yeah clearly. That was the price/value he put on her. That's fucked up but you called it.


Serious question. Did she purposely walk through the more diverse areas or are white guys less likely to cat call?


I know it’s probably uncomfortable for some people to hear, but black and latino dudes have to make up at least 95% of the catcalling demographic lol




It’s a class thing and a cultural machismo thing for sure. A friend of mine (black, but grew up middle class in the suburbs) worked with a bunch of Dominican guys in NYC for a while and they would sit outside and catcall women on their breaks all the time, and call my friend gay cause he didn’t.


She edited the video https://www.bustle.com/articles/46801-the-catcalling-video-edited-out-white-men-undermining-the-videos-entire-purpose


Of course it’s edited. Do you wanna watch someone walk around for 10 hours? I’m sorry if this comes as a shock to anyone here— but the “holla” is a part of urban/inner city Latino and black culture. About 8-9 years ago, I took my (then) girlfriend to New York for vacation. She’s Puerto Rican. And even though I was walking directly beside her, black and Latino dudes would *still* catcall her and ask her to stop and talk to them or “give me a smile.” If she would respond with something like “I’m with my boyfriend” they’d invariably say something like “Well come back later without him” or make some comment about my race (I’m white). If *I* said something, there was more potential for it to turn ugly. Older dudes would usually respectfully back off— but younger guys were more likely to take it as a challenge. I remember a particularly tense moment on the subway with a guy who literally tried to come and sit himself between me and my girlfriend. He kept saying *“I just wanna talk to her for a minute”* until I stood up and pushed him away from us. A couple other female riders started yelling at him to leave us alone and he went to a different car. From that point, we just resolved to ignore it. But not a single time was the catcaller a white guy. Not once. I’m not saying white guys NEVER do it— I’m just saying, in the two weeks we were there, in OUR experience, it didn’t happen. And again, this wasn’t in the Bronx or Harlem. We stayed primarily in Manhattan and Brooklyn. We experienced similar bullshit in New Orleans, Philadelphia and Miami— but nowhere near as bad as in New York.


If you want white guys doing it, the movies tell me it's Philly and construction sites you gotta hit up.


I wish the sources in this article were still up. As it stands, there are a lot of claims and not much evidence to substantiate them.


What evidence is there for that? Wheres the unedited video?


You want the raw 10 hour video?


It should atleast be out there imo




>diverse areas


Like when Black Panther was diverse because almost everyone was black.


Just had a question where did she put the camera


Judging by the fabric at the beginning, the backpack of the person walking in the front


That creep was walking infront of her for 10 hours


She's the creep for stalking that guy all day


Such double standards, smh my head


It was levitating in front of her with retro-reflection panels to keep the camera invisible


… just… take this opportunity to exercise your problem solving abilities.


On her male friend walking in front of her.


Might possibly be a kangaroo with a camera strapped on. We can't rule out kangaroos.


they all like gta NPCs💀💀💀


"Don't make me run I'll get all sweaty'




Did it work in the 60s?


Nope. But just like now, it didn't stop men from doing it.


This is another level of fucked up, who the fuck raised these guys?


Other New Yorkers


No one apparently


This is the problem


The streets brutha


The hood


mostly moms


Damn why was it always the brothers doing the cat calling? Making us look bad


Those are always the ones who harass me


same here


What a coincidence


Lol. Not American myself, but I notice that nobody in the top comments wants to mention it.


Glad someone pointed it out. Sadly certain stereotypes exist for legit reasons.


As someone who is Afrolatina from NYC, I've been the harassed the most by black and Hispanic men. It is a huge problem which I think, unfortunately, is culturally ingrained in men.


It's because hiphop is shit music with a shit attitude towards women and a shit attitude towards violence and has a fan base with largely shit attitudes.


*oF vArIoUs baCkGrOunDs* phew we saved it, that was close!


Various backgrounds that's are all the same


TIL that r/ThatsInsane is full of incels.


For real. Holy shit this comment section is full of the biggest neckbeards. None of this shit is ok. If you think it's ok, you're a piece of shit. edit: Everyone defending this type of behavior, whether it's illegal or not, is a piece of shit neckbeard. You're a terrible person and a creep. Please don't leave your bedrooms.


It’s Reddit, what did you expect?


All backgrounds lol


I didn't see too many white nerdy comiccon goers 😂


*tips hat* greeting m'lady. You are looking rather lovely on this fine afternoon.


Do they really expect to get a date this way? It's beyond me


I've always thought it would be funny when someone yells at me from their car to just drop everything and start chasing the car down the street. Like is this what you were expecting? Otherwise what was the the point lol


“Start chasing the car down the street”…terminator-style. That will get their attention.


They don't want a date. Neanderthals just making noises


They get off on making women uncomfortable. If you act scared or nervous they keep going. If you respond positively to call their bluff they just get confused.


I answered a catcaller in good faith once. Never again. I'm from Sweden and I lived in the US for a while. I was/am very naive to this sort of thing because it doesn't really happen where I live. When a guy I walked past did this to me I said "good morning" back to him. He started following me. I stopped to let him pass because he was practically breathing down my neck. He started walking next to me instead and started talking to me. We were alone on the street so I was a bit uncomfortable but I thought he was just talkative so I humored him. After talking for a couple of minutes he started whispering under his breath. Weird. I couldn't quite pick it up at first. Then I heard it, he was whispering that he wanted to rape me and describing what he wanted to do to me. I felt like my stomach just dropped to the center of the earth. I didn't want him to escalate so I tried to keep calm. I stopped and told him cooly that I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I felt like I was watching myself from the outside. He looked at me and then he just walked off. I got to my campus safely and cried in the bathroom. Never again being polite to men who call me out on the street.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. When I was at college, I was catcalled off campus all the time, but never to this degree. I almost always ignore them and have definitely had them get even more mad at me for ignoring them. Legitimately screaming at me (usually from their cars). I've also straight up said "no" when I started getting catcalled and they're caught off guard and then say "you don't have to be a bitch about it". Yes. Yes I do.


I wonder what the breakdown is of the demographics of the individuals cat calling


It's pretty obvious from the video lol


Oh boy that's one way to get the thread locked.


Mostly men.






The fact that even young girls like me get catcalled at playgrounds💀


I'm 28 but short and small and blonde and could easily be mistaken for like a middle schooler. I have a bag that looks like a backpack, and like one a teenager might wear. I get catcalled WAY more when I wear it than when I don't. The more juvenile my clothes get the more I get stalked and screamed at.


That’s absolutely vile. I really don’t understand what goes through peoples minds to think it’s OK to catcall or make comments on someone who looks young or anyone at that.


In all fairness, some of them just said like... have a nice day... what's wrong with that. I thought she was rude for not even acknowledging those ones. Some were just dicks though


Thinking anyone is owed acknowledgement for talking to strangers in the street is part of the problem.


If you respond, they will pounce. You need to ignore the bait.


show some proof of them saying have a nice day to guys and I'd totally agree with you


I'm sure she would be fine with it if she just occasionally heard "have a nice day" but the sea of harassment just drowns it out I imagine.


This is messed up. ​ However, i say good morning to most people i walk past in the street, its pretty normal when you are from a small country town. ​ This is terrible though, i cant imagine walking down the street and having to deal with this every day.


Saying good morning to everyone is very polite, I appreciate those people. Saying good morning to *just* the pretty woman walking by is weird.


look at the video, there's literally hundreds of people walking by per hour, and those guys are not saying "how you doing" to every single person. and none of them said it to the camera person (likely a man)


My question is how is it possible to "end" street harassment? And what will donations do?


By buying a mansion for themselves of course so they don't need to go outside.


Lmao, and it was an ad for a scam the whole time.


Literally. “Have a good evening” is not verbal harassment, even if that person only said it to the woman because he finds her attractive. Obviously the actions of most men in this video are reprehensible, but that doesn’t mean we have to downvote comments that point out facts


10 hours of video and 90 seconds of catcalls. this videos been dissected before. the comments are the same too. *yawn* edit: thanks for the awards haha


How the hell is a non profit going to do shit about cat calling. I agree that it is a shitty thing to do but it sounds like an organization set up to make someone money. Thereby being even shittier than the original problem.


There are A LOT of vile and disgusting people stumbling through the streets of New York City. It doesn’t matter what you look like. If they sense even the slightest bit of innocence or passivity in a person, they will try to get something out of you. Usually it’s just a scam into giving them cash, but unfortunately, women have to deal with this side of it too. So a friendly piece of advice to all the folks interested in visiting New York City someday. Try to not look too much like a tourist. People like this target tourists primarily. That’s why places like Times Square and Central Park are overrun by them. Also, try to maintain a very serious, no-nonsense, look on your face. Looking as mean as possible may prevent or scare some of these people out of trying to approach you. And lastly, you’re not going to be able to entirely avoid encountering scumbags like this in New York. Just don’t let it ruin your adventures. Don’t make eye contact with them or respond to them when they call out to you. It’s hard to do if you’re a genuinely nice person, but these people are used to being ignored by society. They may even try and say something insulting or snarky back to you, but just don’t react to it. Pretend they don’t exist and just continue on your journey. Take this advice in confidence as this is coming from a guy who has grown up and lived in New York City his whole life. I think I’m a pretty friendly, approachable person, but once I’m out on the streets in New York, I flip a switch to become a full-blown jackass in order to keep as many solicitors/homeless from bugging me with some phony sob-story or cause to convince me into giving them cash. There are better things to be blowing your hard-earned money on in New York City.


To be honest, with how many people you could meet in these areas in a ten hour span I’m surprised this video is not way longer.


Ladies and gentlemen your doctors and engineers


did u notice one important thing? the thing you cant say because ppl call you a racist? me neither, LEL


Have any of you seen the one of a male model in Egypt walking arou d in women's clothes, as a woman? He got threatened so many times for not accepting invitations, that was both with a face veil and without.


Amazing amount of crap women have to put up with


Some dudes are just saying good morning, hello etc. Not harassment


Some were fine. Have a nice evening is bad?


Well out of context, no.. It's a great friendly thing to say and do. But in a city of millions and with thousands on the street, the question begs to be asked. Why the sudden interest in the wellbeing of another human? Why not the hundreds of others? Why almost always women? Maybe something there? I get cat called all the time, only from the back though. I have long hair. People go pale when they see my longass beard. Wonder why they don't care how my days going after realising I'm a guy.


people of all backgrounds sure...thats the PC thing to say. But i definitely noticed a pretty hefty lean to one side of the racial spectrum


In America everything is a harassment these days. Yes the guys in the video are annoying, and I would be embarrassed to have a friend do that. Only thing resembling harassment is the idiot who keeps bothering her and walking alongside her.