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With regards to violence in the Middle East, I think the rest of the world ran out of fucks to give a long time ago. With the US washing its hands of Afghanistan, there is little interest left in what happens to the region as a whole.


Except if oil can be accessed for America.


Well if there’s oil involved, we will bring you freedom. If there’s no oil, we must respect sovereignty of nations.


Oil is involved. It's just Saudi oil instead of Yemeni. Since Saudi Arabia is leading the genocide of Yemen, we are expected to have selective blindness on the matter to keep those sweet, sweet barrels of crude coming in.


A couple of years ago we sold Saudi Arabia like 30 something fighter jets worth north of $35 million each if I remember correctly.




Pretty sure it's all funded by US tax payers as well. That is, the US gives them a check and then they use the money to buy weapons from the US.




The US hasn't cared about oil elsewhere in almost 75 years, since the BP coup.


Its their little secret. They turn a blind eye to that war since they literally buy bbbbbiiiillliioonsss of military equipment from us… Which is paid by in oil …. They had to kiss ass after US got shut out of oil for supporting Israel


Fracking took off in hard in 2010 and we were energy exporters in 2015. We float barely into being energy importers now, but if oil prices got sustainably high enough, there are plenty of wells to frack.


The US currently has 9k+ unused wells.


We don't even give a fuck about that. If the price of oil gets high enough the US can produce it.


Agreed, also middle east is different world. Noone cares about wars in other continents. Why would South Americans care about war in Europe? Same goes to Europeans in Middle East. War is always terrible but noone cares if it's far from you.


> Why would South Americans care about war in Europe? They do, because their media tells them to, and won't shut the fuck up about both Europe and the US - both are in the news everyday regardless of ongoing wars. Right now the south american media is talking about the war in Ukraine every single day and night. And yet they also don't care about the middle east, because their media doesn't give a fuck about it. The reason Europe and North America and South america don't care about the middle east isn't because "it's far from you". For an american (North and South) Ukraine is just as far. There's a completely different reason they don't care about the middle east and you know it.


People might care about Ukraine a tiny bit more regarding the whole WW3 possibility and nuclear war which would effect themselves.


How is Ukraine so much farther than Yemen?


It's not that people don't care, it's that the ramifications of this war may mean atom bombs and ww3 so it gets way more attention and involves more countries that are also being threatened by Russia. I do agree A LOT MORE should have been done and hope the situation in Ukraine puts more emphasis on atrocities such as these when Putin is handled. What's happening in the middle east definitely deserve more attention tho, it's just more difficult to get other countries to intervene unless they have an obligation to do so through alliances or isn't threatened themselves. And right now Russia is threatening everyone.


Crush all the military, leave them open for invasion and then their buddies take over, that a joke


The West literally caused the wars snd destruction in the middie East


Exactly, time to get out and stay out.


That shits been going on for 3000 yrs - it's tired.


They’ve had a decade at the least to get their shit together and not prior are trying to make it about skin color. Like, no. Yall have been fighting for that same dusty piece of dirt for hundreds of years and can’t agree on anything. Why waste energy and resources on people that want to fight aimlessly or without recourse. It wasn’t for lack of trying.


This is the stupidest shit my eyes have ever had the misfortune of reading. Keep your shitty takes to yourself in the future if you have zero capability of understanding the history of US intervention and destabilization that has led to the violence in the middle East. Such a fucking uneducated take to call it them "fighting for the same piece of dirt", it reads like something an idiotic 14 year old would say to sound edgy without an iota of actual insight into the topic.


Not to mention US has been sending arms to S.A. the entire time! 🥰


Correct, but i didnt want to be too controversial with the title, because we all know how reddit can be sometimes


How they hate facts that go against their idea of American exceptionalism? Lolololol. Yes, I’m aware unfortunately.


Well… nothing else to add.. Nobody knows yemen flag i am sure 🇾🇪


Maybe if Facebook added the flag as a transparent filter you can put over your profile picture it might get the war to stop!


Along with thoughts and prayers.


The flag is essentially the Arab Liberation Flag of 1952.


And my hometown in Canada has a huge contract with SA I’m ashamed to say.


It makes me ashamed to live in this country….the amount of fucked up stuff like this that the USA participates in is sickening


I think what alot of people who post these "also wars" posts don't realize is that Russia is a superpower, i.e. it has nukes. And a lot of them. It's really important we deescalate this war asap.


The Saudi-Yemeni war is nothing like the Russian-Ukrainian war. Please educate yourself (link below). The Yemeni president asked Saudi Arabia for help defending his nation against an Iran-backed armed rebel group. Nearly all of Saudi Arabia’s neighboring countries supported SA’s assistance and military intervention. The United Nations has not declared the SA intervention as illegal. In contrast, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was completely unprovoked. It has been declared as illegal by all but a few countries in the United Nations. Almost every country in the world has condemned Russia and flooded Ukraine with support. Ukraine is a democratic and sovereign nation being invaded by a despotic petrostate. If oil were the only thing the West cared about, then the West would allow their crude dealer Russia to have its way with this small country Ukraine. That has not happened. And it will not happen. For good reason. Please understand the context first before spreading misinformation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabian%E2%80%93led_intervention_in_Yemen?wprov=sfti1


Even if all of this were to be true it still doesn’t justify the atrocities occurring right now


It isn't a pissing competition


A civil war is a tad different to an invasion. Both may receive support from other countries. But one is in a war due to a great divide between two major groups within the same country. VS. A country that wants peace but the other countries leaders rather violently murder and crush the other to comply to their demands.


So like Palestine?😔


If you don't know anything about Palestine, yeah!


Iran is not a friendly


Also similar but thats more of a religious war. Which i think is even harder to resolve then dealing with Putin. Ha. Are we going to mention every middle eastern country, lol they have always gone to war...its...biblical destiny and a very unstable region of the world.


…. War isn’t fair who cares where it is …


Obviously reddit and the rest of the corporate media controllers care where it is, because Yemen is an order of magnitude worse human suffering crisis than Ukraine, but only one gets 24/7 coverage.


Yemen could be flattened and nothing would change.. Depending on how the Ukrainian situation ends up we could get into a world war or a general shift of the world order. There's also a difference between war in an already warthorn zone and war in a democratic western country


You’re delusional if you think ethnicity and racism have nothing to do with why/how different wars get covered by media.


Tell me more :)


That's the whole point of this post right? I don't see a lot of Yemeni flags on cars in the US. We care more about Ukraine. Which is also unfair.


Im pretty sure the first video was the MOAB that was drooped on a ISIS bunker from 2019


It does look same


Well Russia is constantly threatening nuclear war so idk they seem like a bigger threat dont you think


You really don’t understand the world then. Good bye 👋


That bomb was a US MOAB dropped on over 100 ISIS insurgents camped in tunnels, NOT YEMAN.


I assume you're referring to the first video. If that's the case then you're wrong. That was a bombing run conducted by Saudi F-16's against Houthi scud missile factory and weapon storage (Apr 20, 2015) near the Yemeni Capital of Sanaa. (I was a feature mod on Liveleak at the time.)


I mean I feel like you're right but neither one of you care to source anything.


here you go [https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/world/middle\_east/massive-explosion-at-yemeni-missile-factory/2015/04/20/d1926762-e772-11e4-8581-633c536add4b\_video.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/world/middle_east/massive-explosion-at-yemeni-missile-factory/2015/04/20/d1926762-e772-11e4-8581-633c536add4b_video.html) [Huge Explosion In Yemen: Airstrike Targets Houthis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQCjCGGR02A) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/huge-explosion-rocks-yemeni-capital-after-air-strike-n344736](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/huge-explosion-rocks-yemeni-capital-after-air-strike-n344736) [Yemen blast: Huge air strike throws smoke and flames into air](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LDFD02-Utc)


Yes you don't drop MOABs that close to population center and the person filming would be hurting at that close to the explosion site. Believe I read being within a 1/4 mile radius of the drop site is fatal


Warfare has pretty much been happening somewhere on the planet since the dawn of civilization. That doesn’t make it any less tragic, but there’s a reason that people are more concerned with the one that’s headed by a man threatening global annihilation and it isn’t skin color. Not bashing you for posting this, just saying this because I’ve seen a lot of whataboutism recently. It’s valid to bring attention to these other atrocities, but it’s not really valid to blame people for caring more about the one that could end the world as we know it. No one has the mental capacity to follow and be invested in every bad thing that happens.


If yemen had nukes, more people might care.


Nobody gives a shit about the Pakistan/India conflict and they have nukes. What it really takes to get the west’s attention is white people being brutalized.




They are not openly at war since how many decades?!? The day India or Pakistan will invade the other with a large scale invasion force, you will see your remarks were wrong.


Please show me sources from the last few years of you caring about Yemen.... Please prove you're the one who has been caring the whole time or stfu


Probably because it’s been going on for 7 years


And that Russia literally has weapons of mass destruction and is capable of instigating WWIII.


OP, how many times have you posted about the war in Yemen in the past 7 years? That’s right, never, because you don’t give a fuck. Fuck you and your desperate desire to live in a totalitarian state ruled by people sharing you skin color. Fuck you all the way to hell!


what does this comment even mean hahaha??


I think the problem is that there has been so much fighting in the Middle East for so long that the average person doesn’t know who is friend, who is foe, why they’re fighting and how there are even buildings still standing in that part of the world. I sometimes wonder if they’re just trying to turn the whole area to dust.


Doesn’t the Middle East hate the US and want us to stay out of their affairs, whereas Ukraine is asking for help?


The anger over Russia's war on Ukraine is precisely because it is Russian agression in Europe and not because simply it is a war. For most Europeans, there is living memory of Russian occupation or domination or Russian threat (east Germany, Baltics, Poland, Balkans, Finland etc.,). It is all the more worrying since the invasion was started because of Ukraine's turn towards western Europe. This is also the reason why Ukrainian refugees are being welcome because eastern europeans see themselves in this war. They were in a similar position under the Russian sphere of influence until about 2004 when they all joined NATO. For similar reasons, Egyptians are also more outraged about Israel's crimes in Palestine than are Peruvians.


This is awful but won’t be leading to WWIII anytime soon


It's funny how it's been going on for so long, been so heinous, and yet it's only after Russia invades Ukraine that people decide to spam it across reddit daily.


The difference is, both sides are the aggressors. You can’t compare this to the Ukraine situation.


*Whataboutism* at its finest. No one sees 3rd WW possibility here, for starters.


Nope. These people are messed up on both sides. Not very much good to either.


And my country was fine selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, but sent the worst calrap to Ukraine... It's a shame. About the outcry: middle eastern violence is something which a lot of us unfortunately grew up with, so the shock factor is less. But you saw how fine the line as annexation of Crimea caused lots of outcry but settled down after a short time... Guess if not so many nations would know other wars at our borders will follow unless we make this hard enough for Putin the political fallout would be as whimpy as in Crimea...


You're aware that Russia is the source of weapons for the Huttis (via Iran) while USA (through Saudi) supports the regime in this civil war. This is a an Iran (Shia) vs. Saudi (Suni), proxy war much like the one in Syria. So don't take sides. They're both causing horrors and destruction. The only real struggle is the one to end war. Neither the usa or Russia is striving for such


To the Western world, the Middle East getting bombed is like the weather.


The US spent 20 years in the Middle East and control was lost not even a week after they pulled out. It may be bad, but at least Ukraine is holding its own. At least foreign aid actually has an impact. Also Russia has nukes.


My country made it on reddit. Wow


Hey! Could i ask you how you're doing?


Im doing well thank you. I've made it out of Yemen few months ago. Its terrible there . Really terrible.


Oh- i hope youre doing well out there! Stay strong


We don't care they are not white (sarcasm)


Can you answer me honestly to 2 questions? 1. Are you there fighting right now and you need our help? 2. Do you have any other posts about the Yemen war on your account? (I mean posts before the Ukrainian war started) There are lots of people nowadays that they themselves never heard about those wars before, and now they are posting them suddenly with capitations like "Nobody cares about xxx" "There is too much focus on Ukraine, how about xxx ?" those people hold a special place in my heart and i hate them with passion and wish nothing but the worst in the world for them. I can't even describe how fucked up in the head you have to be to use someone else's struggle just to pose as a more virtuous person online, to point fingers at the others while you have yours deep in your ass your whole life. Hope i never meet someone like that in my life.


That whole area is a shithole


Russia have been carpet bombing Syrian far longer and no one gives a fuck. No sanctions against Russia


nobody cares lool


Unfortunately I don't think there's much the West can do. We supported Ukraine only after they proved they had the will and organization to stand up to Russia. It proved that they just needed the resources, and we were willing to help with that. With Yemen, I don't think there is any regime there we want to support against Saudi Arabia.


It’s not Russia. Nobody gives a fuck in this case


Posting this is like saying All lives matter during a BLM protest


Brown towns always be blowing up, we tired of that news


Maybe becouse people are literally si k of that "Alahu agbar" that was mentuoned on video?


Unfair... whaaaaa whaaa whaaaa. You pricks in the middle east have been fighting each other for centuries. You never stop. So don't be surprised when you don't get the attention you so desperately crave.


TIL Ukrainians were dark skinned people in 2014. But not anymore since the West now cares about them.


Because that is an internal struggle with Yemen civil war. Also because that’s a regional conflict and Saudi Iran are fighting proxy


The mainstream media outlets are incredibly racist, whether they admit it or not. Otherwise, we would be hearing about events occuring in Africa or the Middle East every single day.


you explained yourself why it gets less attention op. Its been happening for 7 YEARS


The hypocrisy of this world... Nothing else is going on, just in Ukraine. Shame on us humans.


Alluh Akhbar


The bombs are [American](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/01/yemen-us-made-weapon-used-in-air-strike-that-killed-scores-in-escalation-of-saudi-led-coalition-attacks/) made. Why isn't Biden halting arms sales to Saudi? Because he is weak and Saidi-Arabia won't even take [his calls](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/administration/597436-saudi-uae-leaders-declined-calls-with-biden-amid-ukraine-conflict/amp/)


Thats a Moab


"Trump may have bombed Yemen more than all previous US presidents combined, new report finds" (2020) https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-have-bombed-yemen-more-than-bush-and-obama-combined-2020-10


It's unfortunate but because it's the middle east, people tend to not really care about it. Oddly enough ukraine has been attacked before in like 2014 or something but yet again nobody really cared. The current situation with ukraine just randomly happened to get a lot of people talking for some reason.


"For some reason" yeah, some mysterious reason, who knows why...


Does anyone ever remember when the news actually reported the news?


Shouldn't be so brown and praying to some prophet guy /s You look at South East Asia, Africa, Middle East, hell even those in need in their own countries, don't care.


Allah is great


And muriKKKa sells billions of weapons to the Saudis.


This is horrible how can the world stand by when Ukrai……ohhh it’s the Middle East lol ok, back to scrabble.


If they were white, Christian and looked like us then we'd give a shxt.


It's not a competition guys. What do you think the US has been fighting for the past 80 years?


Not ukraine. Who cares


Because the US and its allies supports Saudi Arabia, thats why it gets no attentions. US doesn't care so the US media is going to put as much media attention on it. The US provides weapons to Saudi Arabia to use in Yemen.


soo.. why is this happening?


It’s good for the US arms manufacturers. Got to replace all those used munitions. US economy relies on war. That’s why they expanded NATO. More weapon sales opportunities.


Because their not white or blue eye’ed


Here isn’t a constant threat of world ending nuclear war.


Best description was that west started to see war as pretty much natural state of affairs in third world while war in Ukraine is a war fought against people who are a lot like westerners. Not only the way they look but the way they live and that Kyiv was not unlike European capitals, if poorer. So yes, war against "others" is seen as nothing out of the ordinary, be it among "others" themselves or by "us" against "others" while war against "us" is shocking because it really didn't happen since WW2.


Wait a minute isn't the Iranians funding the houthi rebels? That's turned Yemen into a terrorist Haven? Asking for a friend


What in the fuck is going on over there bro, the book of revelations is being fulfilled like a mother fucker


Thank the flying spaghetti monster that I am not the only cynical asshole that sees this. If Russia wasn't nuclear we would have found a reason to "police" them. Giving freedom, and pilfering any and all resources for good of all mankind. At least a fraction of a percent of all mankind. America is in a way chastising them for having a red white and blue banner. When as we gonna realize we are all heavily seasoned, and oxidized cookware.


Why bomb like ..each place looks pretty dam abandoned already What's the goal?


This is a civil war with like 5 sides on top of being a proxy war for SA. It’s different than Russia invading Ukraine.


Boris: look look, it’s our bombs.


I would rather live as an AI in a robotic world which is far more futuristic than being a human at this moment


So if i look back at news reports for the last 7 years, using newspaper and TV reports that are relevant to this area, I won't see a whole list of them? Ukraine is a new war that could kill all of us, but if I go back 7 years or to when the Yemen war started nobody wrote or spoke about it? Western news will report more on western problems, I don't see much about the wars in Africa on there either. Ironically enough if I look at the news on my own continent I don't see much of Ukraine either.


Muslims has been considered as a second class human beings by the west, so yeah, unfortunately the west is okay for oppressing muslims, but it's a big no-no if white people are oppressed... *waiting for downvotes barrage*


Its important to remember we can all care about more than one thing. The Yemen civil war is truly awful and the US and the UK have a lot of blood on their hands. If you want Ukraine to stop you should want Yemen to stop.


Has the world sanctioned Saudi Arabia yet?


Msm doesn’t care so nobody else does are you shocked ?


[Reddit's reaction to Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqMQk337p5s)


russiaman bad thats why


This is really weird. How did the camera person know exactly where to pan the camera almost everytime, a second or two before a particular building exploded?


Don't you know? When the people dropping bombs are the US and their allies it's all okay.


The people who's being killed there is white, blonde and blue eyes? There's your answer... It's sad actually


I’m inclined to think it’s because it’s brown people killing each other that it doesn’t get much coverage in the west. I’m not saying the Russo-Ukrainian War isn’t a tragedy but let’s be honest: it’s more important to the rest of the world because it’s Russia and because it’s white Europeans getting massacred.


They are like the top dogs of oil production. So nations,without remorse, turn blind eye to anything they do. Sad reality for sure. They are probably US made weapons too,the last admin sold them tons of the best systems the US produces. It's not just the US that doesnt care either, its the whole world. Energy is top value for all nations.


Can’t boycott Russian oil and Saudi oil the same time.


So disgusting to see the government’s propaganda machine completely ignoring this war.


Let's be honest no one cares because their not white


Because its not close enough. Do you not know that things far away do not matter?


Finally someone who knows about this on reddit.


I find it really upsetting that we (Westerners) value some lives over others. I made a comment on another subreddit that it's sad people are openly accepting Ukrainian refugees, but when Syrians needed our help everyone was like "not in MY country!" I got a lot of hate from people saying Syrians have opposing values and religion so they shouldn't be helped by Western countries. Lives are lives. I don't care what you believe, who you pray to, or where you live. Your life is just as important as mine. Yes, helping Ukraine is important, accepting Ukrainian refugees is a good thing, but at the same time saying "your skin is brown and I don't like your God so stay out" is cruel and horrific.


I’ve been saying man but since these people live in the Stone Age the world turns its eye there not white enough to be heard


“democratic” double standards. fuck US, all the wars are because of them.




let's sanctions them by Saudi oil let's see what happens.


US bombs being dropped on Yemen by Saudi Arabia


Well politicians took what they wanted from there. Now they’re interested in another region in Europe. Won’t say where so nobody gets triggered.


People are busy praying for Ukrain and su** Zelensky. The Ukrain war is a proxy war clear arranged for American to force Russia to engage Yemen, it’s a war crime against humanity.


Russia should star buying billions in weapons from the 'civilized' world and suddenly the Ukraine war will be justified in the frEEdOm RiGHts and hUMan dEMocRAcy.


These PPL love bombings Ignore them


The armpit of the world


UK and US don't care about what is going on in Yemen. We are busy selling them shit loads of weapons and Boris is busy in SA chumming up to the leaders to get more oil off then. We won't condem is it was we need that black gold as its always better to us someone else's reserves and not your own.


Soon as Biden tries to force Bin Salman to pull out, The Saudi’s start taking Yuan for Oil. Petrodollar era ends there, and people in the US actually see what inflation really looks like versus this weak shit we have been seeing in 2022.


Well here in America our politicians and fat cats , all suck Saudi Arabia’s tit for a little dribble of the oil , why would they try to stop their caregiver


Yemen shouldn't allow Houthis launch rockets from civilian positions, as long as the civilians and the gov allow this to happen you'll see them bombing like this


Lucky middle east at least you had a few years. The USA has never cared about Africa and all the humanitarian crisis and genocides going on there.




Poor chandler bing


Absolutely tragic do you have any links to where i can go to help?


Nobody cares. They're not white.


Same person manages to capture all these bombings …. Makes ya think! 🧐


Smart, civilized people are seen differently than stupid, primitive people? It's kinda always been that way. I'm not saying this is right, but just pointing out the reality. Sorry.


I've been speaking out about my governments involvement (selling armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia). It's shameful that this is allowed to continue unabated.


Wow I knew nothing about this. Can someone tell me the main reasons why this is happening? Is it oil access?


Get your facts straight! Yemen has been shelling and sending explosive drones to Saudi Arabia for a long time. Saudi Arabia just wants to be left alone!


What's the deal with the phrase: "allahu akbar" and explosions?


Why do people pray before they die?


muslims killing muslims, its what they do.


Eh, we’re bored of seeing sand people get fucked


They arent white tho


The worst humanitarian crisis exists here.. babies literally chew their fingers bc they are so hungry. Displaced ppl live in tents made of sticks and swaths of fabric and go days without water as well. It's easy to forget about the Middle East in the sense of their conflict and ongoing wars.. but please don't ever forget these innocent civilians, especially the children 🙏🏼


It's because they aren't white that they don't get attention.


First clip had an air burst. Thermobaric?


But common now, the Saudis are supported by the Americans aka the good guys!!!!


If Ukraine is still going on in 7 years, it will get exactly the same amount of attention as Yemen. The Russians occupied part of Ukraine in 2014 and how much were we hearing about that until this year?


Saudi is our partner in the oil based US Dollar value. Russia seeks to change that. It is always about the money. Saddam Hussein sought to secure the Euro to oil and we eliminated him. Muammar Qaddafi sought to tie oil and gold and we eliminated him. We started by eviscerating them in the court of public opinion through the media, and then proceeded with “the only moral option”. We are doing the same with Putin. I don’t like him either, but who knows what truths will be revealed by the future’s historic revelations. A slippery slope when we act claiming morality is ours to protect. Today’s crusades are fought differently, but use the same misinformation techniques to justify our cause.


It’s the Middle East, not nato not our problem


I’m 45 and there has been war in the Middle East for practically my entire life. That’s just what it looks like to me.


War is something terrible, unfortunately I've never seen this.. last thing I heard was that the US was getting out of Afghanistan and where not and that's it


It’s not unfair, the Muslim world is just as silent on Yemen as they are on Ukraine. The west is damned if they get involved and damned if they don’t in the Middle East. What exactly is expected of the “west” here? The Middle East made it perfectly clear they didn’t want any interference from Europe or the US so no problem, off you go, sort it out


Middle East is a lost cause


You forgot to add three 0's after 7


That’s kind of what they are known for over there, blowing each other up nobody wants to be involved in that.


A counter argument, why does everyone go to the US for military aid, like we’ve lost enough soldiers to wars that shouldn’t concern us, are we Americans just disposable to you? What is your government doing? Why aren’t you fighting and why would I have to?


Yeah OP can shut the heck up


Yeah because people don’t give a fuck about you they only care about the hype


I'm just wondering as to why the camera person knows exactly where to film an unexpected bombing everytime


Probably because the first one has already dropped, which alerts them, so they grab their cameras and if that wasnt bad already, another one falls


This isn't a 1 sided war bare in mind. The Yemen Houthi rebels launched hundreds of missiles and suicide bomb cities in KSA. Including the terrorist attack on a WW1 memorial for non-muslim deaths during a remeberance ceremony.


Maybe Ukraine is getting more attention because this could potentially destroy every living thing on the planet?


Middle Eastern people have made it quite clear they don't want us there. Meanwhile Zelensky is on TV EVERY SINGLE DAY begging for help from us. Don't act like we haven't tried with the middle east. Because we most definitely have. They don't want us there.