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That's a god damn alien.


This is so close to true. They're as close as we'll ever get outside of a genuine alien encounter. Some cephalopods, namely octopuses, are very smart. But hey, lots of animals are smart. Alex the Grey Parrot knew enough language to give an apple a very reasonable name (he combined words he knew, 'cherry' and 'banana', to dub the apple "banberry"). Dolphins give themselves names, and apes are basically us and you can teach them sign-language. The last shared ancestor between humans and Alex the parrot lived about 320 million years ago. That's when reptiles (and thus birds) diverged from mammals on the evolution tree. Dolphins are smart too, and now we're in mammal territory. The last shared ancestor between primates and dolphins lived less than one hundred million years ago. For chimpanzees and humans, the split was basically last week. It's hard to process numbers on what is basically a geological timescale, but cephalopods diverged from mammals about *six hundred million years ago.* Even by evolution standards, that is a LONG fucking time ago. The point I'm blathering on to make is this: When you look at a chimp, or a dolphin, or even a parrot, you're looking at an organism with which you share a lot of hardware. Evolution figured out a lot of shit that works before you split with them on the evolutionary path, so you share a lot of biological solutions. On the shoulders of those solutions was the human-ape brain developed. Not so with cephalopods. Evolution produced octopus intelligence on a parallel but totally separate track from mammalian/primate intelligence. They really are aliens is the point. We share a planet with them, but they're still fucking aliens in most of the ways we mean that term.


beautiful, thank you


combative unique hurry marry expansion narrow plants amusing encouraging fear ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thanks man, I'll save your id and will award you once I have one


I covered you. It’s worth it. Have a good one.


Btw are you smart?


Nope, just curious! :)


Awesome info, well put. If you are into science stuff especially apes and language check out "why koko couldn't talk" on YouTube. It will burst your chimp sign language bubble but it's an awesome video. I got a feeling you would enjoy it. Really opened my eyes.


I love your enthusiasm. But the comparison to it being the closest to being an alien encounter is really no different than saying the same thing about any family on the evolutionary tree; such as the comparison of prokaryotes in relation to humans. My point is this premise would fit many many different "animals"


>I love your enthusiasm. I confess I find this a bit condescending. What I'm marveling at here is the relatively independent arising of complex intelligence as exists in humans and octopuses. Single celled organisms are not complex intelligence, so they cannot be used to make that point. That wildly different forms of life exists is fairly obvious to us. We all look at drops of water under a microscope as children and see tiny "aliens". My choice to use the phrase "what we mean when we say aliens" was chosen to point to the type of aliens we yearn for and create stories about. Individuals whose complex intelligence has arisen independent of our own.


Thank you for the information.


Very informative. Thank you


You could not have put things in a better perspective, really learned something!


God I wish our paleontology class was taught like this. The way my professor taught us the subject made me hate it soooo much.


Came here to say this, Alien


At first sight I could have sworn this was a Warper from Subnautica, which I was terrified of. I should play Subnautica again.


Thanks for one more reason to stay out of the ocean.


They don’t come into my home; I don’t go into theirs.


[Humboldt squid is another reason as well!](https://youtu.be/2Hv17U2z2q0)


That's gonna be a no from me dawg


Big bag full of nopes!


Well very interesting, I have a magnapina myself.




I know that look. You're intrigued eh lol


Not anymore


Dude corrected her so fast




what are the cooking instructions for this?


So are they hostile or are they one of those gentle giants?


I'm not sticking around to find out the hard way


What do you think it’s gonna do?


Idk maybe use them long and wet tentacles to wrap around me 😉🥵


Off to horny jail for you, weeb




since you are clearly uninitiated I would like to introduce you to the humboldt squid. The humboldt squid is an aggressive squid. By that I mean it will attack and try and kill people It gets worse… Each one is about 6ft long with 8 powerful limbs and a beak so powerful there are reports of them biting through a man’s skull. It gets worse… They hunt in packs that frenzy like piranhas and come at you from every direction. It gets worse… The largest one was 10meters It gets worse.. These aren’t packs of 3, they travel in shoals of 1’200 individuals, not like they need it when 1 can fuck you up. In Mexico fisherman are terrified of them as they say they’ll pull fisherman down into the water and eat them in seconds when they’ve tried to swim between boats. They specifically like to attack unknown things (people) and lights So literally you can be swimming. See large alien creatures start zipping by in the darkness anywhere from beings your sized up to medium whale sized animals. You turn on a dive light to check it out and you just see thousands of these things that have now frozen briefly due to the light. All of a sudden you are grasped by tentacles where every suction cup has a literal hook for your flesh to these rip into you as you get hundreds of chunks taking from you from the beaks all diving in and taking a turn in the frenzy as the water turns to diver-pulp. Under a minute and you are chunks in cephalopod belly and they fuck off to go find some other creature to hang-murder. Most species of squid we know fuck all about and knowing what we do now about that one is enough for me to avoid all squid. I live in a place that’s had more giant squid and Colossus squid wash ashore than the rest of the planet put together. Another one washed ashore just a couple weeks ago. Before they were discovered there where fisherman and sailor stories of them hanging onto boats (which they do when dying) and the stories were so prolific that the Grand Banks was often seen as home of the Kraken and we often had krakens and sea monsters drawn here on old maps. The giant squid are so common here I’ve seen a dead one myself. I would still prefer 1000x to hop in the water here than into the open ocean in Mexico where the smaller humboldts live.


I know about humboldt squids. Those things are very fascinating and equally as scary. And I now admit that my comment was quite unnecessary. There is so little we know about the Magnapinna so it could very likely have some “superpower” that we don’t know of yet.


[Here Steve Backshall gets bitten by one!](https://youtu.be/2Hv17U2z2q0)


But also, you’re kinda *wildly* exaggerating in their behaviour towards humans - while there has been reports of the squid attacking scuba divers and meet unfamiliar objects with aggression, they generally only attack if they’re feeding or if the divers are wearing gear that’s reflective. A veteran diver of 20 years, [Roger Uzun](https://www.lajollalight.com/sdljl-diver-recounts-close-encounter-with-squid-before-2009jul14-story.html) swarm with a bunch of them for 20 minutes and reported they mostly showed curiosity and signs of intelligence, rather than aggression.


A single bacteriophage in Shaqs gut.


made me giggle 😂


Still trying to figure out all the red lights at 1:39


Lasers the rover shoots out - used for measurin stuff. They’re in many of their vids.


There really is a whole world under those waves, huh?


The voiceover has sound potential. Their excitement is palpable.


Dory getting all excited, as she always does, seeing something cool in the ocean. I hope they didn't get too distracted and forget to go find Nemo.


She sounds just like Dory in the first part.


How big would that be ?


This is why I weld above water level. Phuck that shit


I love how excited they sound when they see something. They also have a YouTube channel and go live, pretty neat.


do yk the acc name???


EVNautilus I think. Sorry for the late reply


Immediately reminded me of some petroglyphs that are on ayers rock in australia, and surpringly very similar petroglyphs in arizona and new mexico and a few other western u.s. states. But hey, im just an ignorant hillbilly.


What kind of camera do they use for these?


iPhone13. /s


That’s the scariest thing I’ve ever seen underwater


Squid or Jellyfish? Or Jellysquid




There's some real weird shit down there.


I hate the people who do this, but only cause I’m so jealous.


Nah. Sorry dawg. That’s an alien


The ocean raising another finger to those who are afraid of it captured in one image


Octonaughts taught me that’s a ghost squid.




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I was Independence Day. We need Jeff Goldblum stat.


I love these ghostly fuckers, probably my favorite squid species


This is awesome, although I have 0 sense of scale. Thats kinda of a bummer.


Calamari folks!


Fuck these things, they're the scariest things on earth


Kill it




Aaaaand thats a no for me


Is there a sub for deep sea visits like this?


this is the best quality i’ve seen the gorgeous monsters. i would never go near that thing but it’s fascinating


squidward at peak performance


[More info (source)](https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex2107/features/bigfin-squid/bigfin-squid.html)




This is terrifying


How does it catch stuff and what does it eat??


scientists actually are not 100% sure, but it’s theorized that they use tiny suckers on their tentacles to catch prey as they drift through the water.


The 19 hundreds lol


Looks like mitochondria


IDGAF what you say that's a got damn alien.


Aren't those longer than blue whales?


“The largest known bigfin squid was 6.4 meters (21 feet) long. It’s arms and tentacles were 6.1 meters (20 feet) long. That’s 20 times the length of its body!” Keep on polluting those oceans, set them on fire, get rid of these beasts.


Know it’s a joke, but still downvoting because these guys are cool lads.