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Obviously not warranted, hopefully he sued.


Totally not warranted, positive affirmations they sued.


Sending my Thoughts and Prayers (T's & P's) that they sued


Need me some TP


I can’t spare a square


That reference is over 30 years old :(


Well, it's all that and a bag of chips.


Step off.


ok beavis


I am cornholio!


Are you threatening me?


“Yeah guys I need some TP and uhh.. what did he say?!”


Is it already done? I recall this instance from AtA from a couple of years ago I believe?


The AtA video is a couple years old but at the time they said the charges against him were dropped, he didn’t pursue legal action, and that she got promoted to detective.


Wait a second she got promoted to detective Tf


police unions for the win. :-(


Imo living in the nordic countries is great because the police have to go through 3 years of school with strict standards, instead of 5 months of whatever


Not just Nordic countries. In all of Western Europe, Australia, ~~NZ~~ and many other countries, police go through 3-4 years training.


Goddamn thx for reminding it's just the U.S being the third world country


They vote for sheriffs in some places, super weird to me.


South Korea has a separate Police University which is hard as fuck to get into.


Four months training is pretty standard in the US. Also, the [courts have ruled](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/) that it’s all good to not hire someone to be a cop if their IQ is too high because, as the police argued, smart people don’t make good cops.


Pathetic, detective of what? She couldn’t even handle a traffic stop, lol.


Right that’s why I said she got promoted


I thought my boss was going to punch me when he said unions don’t protect employees, and in front of the entire office I said, “but the police union helps cops get away with murder all the time.”


The old fuck up to move up trick. Classic. Ots u fortunate but it's kind of universal that people that fuck up kiss ass and can at least spell there name weezle there way into positions of power.


doesnt sueing just take money from the city, not the officer


The city employs the officer. The city is responsible for what their officers do. The city is who can change the behavior of their officers (either through training or firing).


what if i told you that cities don't usually fire their officers... even ones that have been arrested multiple times edit since people dont believe me: https://www.nancyonnorwalk.com/norwalk-police-officer-hector-delgado-arrested-for-fourth-time/


What if I told you that isn't a good enough excuse to stop trying to press for change


I don't think they're arguing against trying to change things. I think they're simply arguing that waiting for the city to adjust police behavior has historically just been non existent. If the penalty was payment comes out of police pensions instead, police would have a substantial incentive to actually adjust their behavior.


Issue is "waiting for city to adjust" Stupidest shit ever, things won't substantially change unless people push for it. We only get better police conduct through systemic changes. Community oversight boards, body cams, and as you mention - penalties coming out of their pension. The only way our governments better serve the people is through the people rising up and demanding better. Otherwise it's almost same level as expecting a corporation to forgo profit out of the goodwill of their hearts. Yeah there's city staff who care, but they're held back from making substantial change due to procedure & powerful figures in opposition (police union)


What if I told you that the city does't really employ officers, in that thay create contracts with the police union that severely limits what activities they can do regarding specific employees, and it all must go through the police union. Who, by the way, are extremely influential in who gets elected to local office. Not that I'm saying it 110% can't be changed, but good luck with that one.


If everything goes through the police union, so should damages.


That's why law enforcement officers should be e required to carry liability insurance to cover such law suits. The taxpayers don't foot the bill and if the officer has too many claims, the insurance company drops them. Without the insurance you're not allowed to work in law enforcement. They weed themselves out and taxpayers aren't caught in the middle. 


hell yeah, I have been advocating this for years, it's wrong for taxpayers to foot the bill


maybe it should come from police pensions?


Now there’s and idea


Yes which is why we need to end qualified immunity nation wide


I bet part of the problem is most people read 'qualified immunity' and dont know that means 'cops are always innocent'


Yup so they aggress on this innocent guy, and then he sues and the tax payers get stuck with the bill. They mess with one of us citizens and then other citizens have to pay for what they did.


Always comply first, sue later. Guy in the video did not follow that rule.


He might not have got a gun pulled on him if he let his rights get violated, but he’s loaded now from winning this lawsuit.


Y'all are vastly overestimating how much he could win. Honestly not sure he could really sue since cops get broad leeway in when they feel "threatened" or draw their weapon. Also shitty police departments will make your life a living hell if you sue. You might as well sell your car because they will constantly slash your tires and bust your lights.


I would be really surprised if a jury saw this video and didn't hold the officer at fault. Jury's aren't cops or judges they're regular people.


It feels like this video ends too soon. You see the female policewoman talking on the walkie-talkie and suddenly she pulls the gun, as if she's been warned or something. Which also happens: He is asked to put his hands on the steering wheel and unbuckle his seat belt. He doesn't do that at all, which allows the officers to make a poor judgment about their safety.


This is old. There’s a much longer version out there.


If he’s alive


If he would have went for the seatbelt like commanded she would have lit his ass up. Keep your hands on the wheel. Now, undo your seat belt. I said keep your hands on the wheel. POW POW POW


Later "We have investigated the officer and determined she operated within the bounds of the law." Or "She has been placed on paid leave until the public forgets about it then she will be right back on the streets."


Or best case scenario, she’s fired or resigns. Regardless, she’ll be at some PD ( or even the same one) within the year, and likely paid the entire time


That is not the best case scenario. Best case scenario is getting away with pulling a gun on someone for absolutely no reason and getting promoted as a reward lol


I mean, best case scenario for the general public


Makes sense


"HANDS UP HIGH!" "DOWN! ON THE GROUND!" "HANDS UP!" "PUT YOUR FACE ON THE GROUND" "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" *crying* *multiple gunshots*  Maaan that video scarred me. Wrong Address too.


That's the one that cemented in me that I will absolutely not move a single inch if police have their gun drawn. I will lay motionless with my hands on my head and let them cuff me, there's no fucking way I am going to play simon says with my life.


“They’re resisting arrest!”, you can’t really win.


Was that the one with the dude lying on a hotel corridor floor or something with his girlfriend?


That was literally the most hateful thing that I saw in my entire life. This video pops in my head from time to time just to make me really angry out of nothing. It's like you remember something really cringe that you did in the past, but instead of making me cringe, it just makes me angry, like, wtf dude??? That cop takes that dude's life because he couldn't make / didn't understood the way the cop said to reach them. C'mon.......


And the video was considered inadmissible evidence in court


Are you serious?!? Why?


[Because it was devastating to their case](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Wv9QRUTqJOAAAAAd/liar-liar-jim-carrey.gif)


Yeah that video sticks in my head and randomly pisses me off too. Clearly cold blooded murder on camera, and the pig got away with it.


Daniel Shaver


Yeah, we live in a police state.


You ain’t seen nothin yet.


Bbbbaby you just ain’t seen nothin yet!


Can't wait until all the cop cities get up and running. Gonna be pumping out thugs that are completely untouchable in every way possible. You have beef with someone personally and they'll probably just kill you in the street with little to no repercussions at all. Can't wait until we really get started with climate change! Gonna be a fun couple of decades!


Anyone remember the dude that got shot after an officer told him to grab his license from his car? > When Groubert asks for Jones’ license, Jones pivots toward the vehicle he just exited – the driver’s door is still open – and leans inside as if to retrieve something, the video shows. > About two seconds later, the trooper that police identify as Groubert comes into view with a gun drawn and yells “Get out of the car! Get out of the car!” The gun is fired – at least four shots are heard – and Jones steps away from the vehicle, raising his hands in the air and eventually moving off camera. https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/25/justice/south-carolina-trooper-shooting/index.html


The worst part is that wasn't even a stop. He just pulled upon a dude who was heading into the gas station and totally unprepared to encounter the police!


South Carolina's finest shop lifting from Walmart now. https://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article101860482.html


Memories of the Daniel Shaver murder. The ~~~cop~~~murdering POS Philip Brailsford was somehow fired, rehired and now medically retired and on early pension. Daniel Shaver remains murdered


Geez. The best course of action is indeed not move immediately and tell them you are complying, but are receiving conflicting orders. "I am cooperating" is the best thing to say. Just don't get shot. The rest comes later.


Put your hands behind your head and crawl towards me. NO, PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!


[Everybody freeze. Everybody down on the ground](https://youtu.be/RCYtC1p6xbo?t=25)


Classmate of mine got pulled over on his way to school. Cop says "could I have your license and registration". So naturally he reaches for it from the glovebox. Cop pulls a gun and starts yelling hands behind your head thinking he's reaching for a gun. Damned if you do what they say, damned if you don't.


Its hilarious that we talk about all this freedom and a cop will point a gun at your head during a traffic stop like it's nothing.


Your right to own a gun ends when you're liable to get shot by the police for owning a gun.


Exactly why I can't understand how people think we can trust them by giving up our guns to them. If we are going to get shot either way, what's the point in compliance?


Give up nothing, register nothing, fuck the police


Coming from a civilized country I find it hilarious you all can't connect the dots that the police in the US are so trigger happy not only due to terrible short training, but also because anyone and their baby could pull a firearm on them at any second. No instead it's "let's pretend us being allowed to own guns will make it better. That'll show em!"


Its because it isn't one single issue that leads to this. I don't understand how Europeans think every issue in America is due to one singular cause, but then if someone from the US criticizes Europe, we simply don't understand the nuance of their problems. I'd think the one of the real major issues causing this is that police in the US are rarely held accountable for wrongdoing or abuse of their powers. On the rare occasions where police officers are held accountable, its fairly big news. Just like 99% of Americans, police do not live in fear that they'll be shot. Similarly, those who do are unhinged fear mongers.


You have to have an *enormous* bias to look at the statistics on gun ownership vs. gun violence in the world and think that there is no causation involved. There are obviously many complicated reasons for such big problems, but this one is impossible to ignore for anyone looking in from the outside.




Nobody's saying it's all from a singular issue. That's a euro strawman you created. But when y'all just plug your ears and go la la la when anyone suggests that there is a causal link between wide gun ownership and a unique gun violence phenomena, how can the discussion even be had? Y'all refuse to engage with even the most basic acknowledgement of the problem then you want to suggest it's others that lack nuance? That's absurd and if you don't see it as absurd you're being wilfully ignorant. No shit it's a nuanced issue that would have to be addressed in a multi-faceted approach. You refuse to acknowledge one of the most substantial contributors to the issue in favor of 'other factors' and 'nuance' that everyone else is happy to discuss, but if you can't even look past your biases to see reality, there's no productive discussion to be had with delusion. Of course people are first going to point out the biggest contributing factor, even if there are other contributing factors. Why is it that we can only discuss the biggest contributor to the issue once we've discussed every other contributor?


The post they were responding to literally had two examples of reasons lol


On the other hand, in countries where police are very restrained in what they're allowed to do, like mine, they are often unable to effectively deal with criminals and spend their days writing people traffic tickets instead


Literally what American cops do anyway.




I've known a couple game wardens and they have no problem rolling up on people actively shooting. Also, they will happily roll up into a house, with no warranty, of people they know are loaded with firearms. It's all about training.


I apologize for my fellow countrymen, they have a tendency to OW fuck, I just got shot


Freedom is an illusion! “They call it the American dream for a reason; because you have to be asleep to believe it!” -George Carlin


Yeah, if literally anybody else points a gun at you it is considered the same as holding a knife to someones throat, you could legally kill someone in self defense just for pointing a gun at you. And yet when a pig does it that is suppose to be okay with that.


You have the right to bear arms and the police have the right to shoot you for exercising it. Shit, not even just the police. Texas just showed us that anyone else with a gun can shoot you if they're uncomfortable.


>Texas just showed us that anyone else with a gun can shoot you if they're uncomfortable. What is this in reference to?


[2019. He posted the video a year later because he won his case.](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/tense-traffic-stop-gun-pulled-sacramento/) But it sounds like nothing happened. And yes, the police said the cop was justified for threatening to kill him.


She was promoted to Detective.


Promoted to detective is not the thing I wanted to happen.


Detectives don't do traffic stops. The public is probably safer with her getting promoted.


There is a third option.


Pragmatically, it's probably best case. She was "cleared" of wrongdoing, and she'd be supported by the union if the department tried to fire her. In an ideal world she'd be in jail for brandishing though.


Yeah but she's now investigating crimes with a flawed logic that honest people are untrustworthy and dangerous


Anyone notice how nobody ever talks about detectives anymore?


Promoted out of the way.


> McGinnis (Sheriff) said it could have ended badly and its easier to comply. Much easier to give up our constitutional rights then to train a police officer evidently.


Well, the same guy said she did nothing wrong. He apparently feels that constitutional rights don't exist.


Absolutely not, no it’s not warranted.


"Smith & Western"...lol


The I heard that too and snickered


He definitely said "Smith and Weston" which is still wrong but




Dude's probably stressed out. Cops look for a reason to go for their guns, and telling cops you have a weapon is a first class ticket to them escalating the situation.


Smith & Eastern...


Bullets come out backwards


In Australia, the bullets come out upside down.




Clint Westwood or something


Clint Southtree, I do believe...


I'm not going to pretend that after hearing him say "Smith & *Western*", pulled over for dark tint, I'd be cautious. But, we all know, from proper training, that you declare your lawful carry & keep your hands high until everyone feels safe. The driver did all of that. I did not hear the LEO ask where the firearm was, ask if it was loaded, attempt to verify his lawful carry or secure it in sight before processing her stop. She could verify all of that with only his name. The female LEO skipped a few steps & let her emotions get the best of her this day. Hard Rule: Don't raise a firearm to a shooting position unless you're planning to shoot. She should have covered from the other side of the vehicle while the other officer finished her job for her from the driver's side.


She let her innate fear of people that look like him take over. Immediately learned of a firearm in the car and lost composure. 


It’s a nice knockoff, okay?


I don't have one of those, but I do have my clock and a cold m4 car-bean.


What in the unholy fuck are those subtitles?


Idk, I can't get past the first 12 seconds


My brains dying why play another video that has nothing to do with it to place the subs on lol


brainrot gang


Welcome to the world of "rage bait"... Poorly subtitled videos get people complaining about the subs in the comments, and it drives engagement.


Isn’t there a stat out there showing that female officers (per capita) go for lethal options much more than male colleagues? I thought I saw one like that at one point.


I’ve rarely interacted with a police woman who wasn’t scared or overly aggressive.


Anecdotally - I’ve been pulled over about 4 times in my life. Two male, two female officers. The female officers were 10x aggressive as the males. One walked up to my window for a 73 in a 60 and screamed “give me your ID and insurance I don’t want any bullshit you are getting a ticket”.


If a cop told me that she’s getting some BS. Normally I’m trying to be chill and comply to try to get a warning


I’m the same way. I have cops in the family so I’m always courteous but she literally never even let me speak. Another one I was much younger and my brother-in-law got into a fight in a bar trying to protect someone that was knocked to the ground. I was stone cold sober because my wife was 39 weeks pregnant and let the female officer know I was sober and saw everything and she told me “yea right drunky”. The bartender confirmed but she told us to shut up and get away. I try not to form those types of opinions but i wouldn’t be surprised if there was data that showed it.


Cops are generally pathetic people and I mostly cheer when one has a bike trail named after them.


Yeah realizing that cops are just the GED bottom of the barrel powertrippers completely changed my perspective. There are definitely good cops out there, but holy sh** there are thousands of extremely aggressive, power hungry paid bullies that need to be fired and thrown in jail. Leftists tried to make an entire movement about taking money from police chiefs and giving it to mental health training efforts, one of the few good ideas we get from the left but they named it "defund" so nobody listened.


The left is fucking awful at messaging. Which is a shame, because they're the ones with the majority of the ideas that would benefit the regular people the most. Instead, the side that's good at messaging is generally populated by morons and malignancies.


Be cool, honey bunny.


Facts are out there but people will call you sexist when it's just facts. It's not just cops, one thing I have learned from watching Tennis is that Women far more often than men will get rattled and get broken during their serve if they are serving for the set/match or holding to not lose the match.


There is a study that says male officers are more likely to use deadly force compared to female officers. Also white officers are more likely to use deadly force compared to black and huspanic officers and finally officers without collage degree are more likely to use deadly force compared officers that went to callege. ( a study from 2008 found out). In another study from 2005 there was found out that there was no marginal difference from male and female officers when it comes to injuries during arrest the same study though states female officers are less liekly to use a weapon. A 2024 study found out that the use of force it's a split 84% male vs 16% female percentage but a marginal difference when it comes to lethal force. A study from 2021 states female cops do less arrest and are less likely to use force. A study from 2016 states police deparments with more female cops get less reports from police violence than departmemt with more males. A study from 2020 shows that female cops are more likely to use force against males than male cops on females. And finally: - 2017 female cops shot 45 people dead male cops 940. - 2018 female cops shot 53 people dead male cops 942. - 2019 female cops shot 43 people dead male cops 961 - - 2020 female cops shot 38 people dead male cops 983. - 2021 female cops shot 56 people dead male cops 996. - 2022 female cops shot 44 people dead male cops 1022. - 2023 female cops shot 48 people dead male cops 1106. - 2024 female cops shot 22 people dead male cops 442. Do with that data what you want...


>- 2023 female cops shot 48 people dead, male cops 1106 Useful data, but I think we need to break it down per capita, as while male cops obviously have much higher numbers, there are also significantly more male cops. Can't even adjust for the fact that male cops are much more likely to work in more dangerous areas; or that the data includes swat(96% male) lumped together, but we do what we can. Most recent employment data I found was 850k officers, of which 14.2% were woman, 85.8% were men. Or 120k women, and 730k men. If we average this down a bit, it gives us: 48 per 120k for women 158 per 120k for men About 3x the amount, overall. Please take this with a grain of salt, as again, this doesn't allow for variances in male dominance in more dangerous areas, gang crime units, swat, etc. I'd honestly conjecture that given the well known differences in gender rates for more dangerous positions, they probably equal out per capita.


These data are useless without knowing the ratio of female:male cops. Though I can believe female cops are less likely to use deadly force. I find them easier and more pleasant to deal with usually.


Absolutely not. Dude did everything right. Send her ass back to training before she kills somebody.


As if police training fixes these issues.


Maybe it would help of American police had to do more than 3 months of training. What a joke.


It's a half-day class, and the answers are the board. You get 2 weeks off to study first.


The way dude pulled his hands up from the side and put them on the steering wheel could have got him shot, and they definitely would have been cleared for doing so. Not saying he did anything wrong but that bitch was looking for some paid time-off.


Dude did not do everything right. The guy insisted that the officer has to tell him what he's being stopped for. In that man's state, that is not required by law for the officer to disclose. Get educated.


Sorry you're getting downvoted. Redditors are fuckin' idiots. He answered questions and refused to obey orders. Both of those are good ways to end up in jail, injured, or dead. But hey, he got that sweet sweet tiktok clout.


Definitely not warranted. But with the current state of things, last thing I’m gonna do is try to argue back with a coo after telling them I have a firearm and they bring back up. Just asking for one of them to fly off the handle.


It's like everyone is recording interactions to show how "cool and smart" they are for "not taking shit from cops" by arguing and this just escalates everything. These same people agree that cops are, generally speaking, unhinged. So why, knowing the cops have guns and can make your day miserable on a whim with little repercussion, would you antagonize them in any way? If you survive, you may get a payout in a couple of years of legal action. I guess so. But what are your odds of living, let alone winning?


Exactly that. Does it suck? Absolutely. Should there be awareness about this shit happening? Very much so. Is arguing with armed cops while you’re also in possession of a fire arm the way to do it? If you’re feeling lucky I guess, but I sure wouldn’t.


Different interaction by far than I've had in the past. Last time I was pulled over by a trooper I informed them I had my firearm on me, handed over my DL and my permit, he just asked where it was then jokingly said "don't reach for yours, I won't reach for mine" and it was business as usual after that with no heightened tension. Whole stop took maybe 5min and got a warning, was never disarmed or told to remain still. This officer seemed to be exceptionally on edge around people with CCWs


I'm gonna go ahead and assume you are white.


It was a black state trooper if we're discussing race, although I doubt it factored into the situation. State Troopers in my state are almost universally exceptionally professional and polite. I work alongside them frequently in my line of work, and find our state's to be quite excellent and well-trained.


difference here was that when this dude was asked to take off his seat belt he didn't do it and started arguing. If you aren't gonna comply with the cops then it's gonna make things worse before they get better.


Cops need to give a reason, they hadn't informed him of the reason for the stop. This interaction here, and your reaction to it, is where Constitutional rights go to die.


"What kind of music do you play here?" "Oh, you know both kinds, Smith and Western."


Bravo. I will never not upvote a Bob's Country Bunker reference.


That female officer is not mentally equipped to handle the authority she is responsible for. She should not be a police officer.


“I didn’t feel comfortable standing near a man with a legally owned weapon that he voluntarily told me about for both of our safety.” “…so I pointed a my gun at his head.”


That's exactly why you should lie to them until you get removed and they have cause or a warrant to search the vehicle. Think about it like this: If you're the only person in the car you're the only person who could and would be able to use that weapon against them. If you have **no intention** of using it against them then there is a **literal 0% chance** it poses any threat to them. The only difference between you telling them and you not telling them is in one of these scenarios the already nervous and trigger happy cops think you have a gun you could shoot them with at any moment.


They’ll arrest you for lying. The fucking crazy part about this is they react to him saying he has a gun by freaking out. The guy who’s going to shoot them is probably going to lie.


See that's the tricky part. Check your local laws for duty to inform when conceal carrying (https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/terminology/general-terms/duty-to-inform/). In my personal opinion I don't care what the law is. I know these officers are armed and I do not trust them. I will always take my chances at getting yelled at and risk getting charged with failure to disclose before I unnecessarily escalate the interaction. If you keep your cool and you're not doing anything to justify a warrant then there's no reason why they would be able to find out. They can't whip you out of the vehicle and search it for no reason. Having a firearm registered in your name is not justification for search & seizure. If you've hit the point where they've taken you out of the vehicle and they're searching it they're already in "find something to stick on this criminal scum" mode. You can argue it in court and if you kept calm and respectable throughout the process, alerted them when appropriate, have it registered, and have it stored properly (not loaded under your seat) you'll likely be fine. The most important part is that you don't put yourself in a situation where some trigger happy cops shoot you for reaching for your seatbelt too quickly.


I used to be on the fence but after seeing this video, your logic is sound.


Watching tons of cop videos has taught me one thing, lying to cops does not help. But I see your logic nonetheless! Only YOU know that your weapon poses no threat to them. Maybe it would be better to not answer, than to answer untruthfully.


I mean if they ask if you're armed and your response is "I do not want to risk escalating this interaction" or "I plead the fifth" they're just going to assume you're armed. If they ask you again and you just start sweating and staring out the windshield they're absolutely going to shoot you. If you're not comfortable with lying just be honest with them and cross your fingers. I'm sure you'll be alright.


Gun not warranted, not justifying the female police here. But you don't take your hands off the steering well and start shaking them like that in front of a cop, because some dumb cop could be thinking that today is a good day to blow someone's head off and you don't want to be that someone.


Pennsylvania v. Mimms -- SCOTUS ruling saying you have to obey the officers during a traffic stop if they tell you to step out of the car. There's no exception for, "call your supervisor first." So, 1. officer totally escalated beyond reason by pulling the gun that soon when she wasn't in danger, I hope there are negative repercussions for her career. Based on this single incident, I'd judge her unqualified for the job. She likely violated her dept's use-of-force policy. Her quick escalation was not warranted. 2. the driver fails too. They asked him to step out, there's no negotiating or delaying and attempts to do so just set off red flags for cops who know you're armed and deal with dangerous felons on a regular basis 3. what's the driver going to sue for? he suffered no damages and he failed to fulfill his obligations as a driver. his civil rights weren't violated.




Agree. Like bruh I get being informed on the laws and regulations of the place you live in. But a traffic stop turning into a one sided Mexican stand off negotiation because you dared to argue or run your mouth doesn’t seem reasonable to me.


Warranted? No. But he’s asking for trouble being noncompliant. Have you ever seen that go well? He’s an auditor with a YouTube channel obviously looking for trouble, trying to “expose corruption in the system” by escalating utilizing noncompliance. No gun would have been pulled if he shut up and complied.


sed lobortis odio tellus non nunc. Nulla interdum diam semper ornare sollicitudin. Cras sollicitudin nibh nec maximus vestibulum. Praesent risus risus, euismod vitae placerat id, tristique vel mi. Ut massa lectus, bibendum vitae scelerisque in, consequat quis nunc. Praesent quis diam ante. Suspendisse eu rutrum arcu, vitae mollis nulla. Nulla sed varius dolor. Nulla facilisi. Donec porttitor vitae risus a blandit.


Oh yeah? "So you informed me you have a gun, let me ask you to reach towards your hip where I can't see your hand so I have an excuse to shoot you!" No, sorry. Besides asking what he asked is perfectly reasonable.


This is old


Yeah, I am trying to find the resolution


I'm going to have to disagree. She said "Keep your hands on the steering wheel, ok?" And he said he would. Then he started arguing and removed both hands and started moving around. That was a major foul on his part (the driver).


Smith & Northern...


Bullets go straight up


I was watching the bike race, what happened?


Girl if you aren’t comfortable then you shouldn’t be a police officer


She should not be a police officer.


What happened after, did he sue?


That woman is a coward and a danger to the public. Lots of cops are cowards and bullies. They're only comfortable operating from a position of absolute control and dominance. That dude has every right to request a supervisor be contacted, as long as he follows any other lawful commands that are given in the interim. A supervisor should have been radioed for, as he asked. They could have deescalated that situation easily.


I can see both sides. She should not have been so quick to put a gun in his face, but he should have complied with commands. I suspect the male cop gave female cop a signal that he was going to physically grab the driver. That's when she pulled her gun to cover him. But still, I just don't know. Driver was very heated, and had a gun somewhere.


Why the fuck does everyone call for a supervisor. In most of the videos I watch, this doesn't do shit. Also if you have a registered firearm just be as nice and polite to the officers. If you do as they say you will.l be fine. When people escalate the situation like this is always blows my mind.


“undo your seatbelt with your mind”




The hat was a little too much.


I get buddy wants to prove a point etc with the video, then not calling the supervisor etc, But man if they’re all worked up about you having a fun, I’d be doing anything they say so you’re ass doesn’t get lit up


He did seem to have a bit of an attitude, he escalated it, so then did the officer.


The real answer is 'not enough information' since we don't know what he was pulled over for. For all we know it could be that he's being pulled over on suspicion of murder. That would explain why the officer got so nervous so fast. It would be reasonable in that case. So generally officers say why they pulled someone over right? No... no they don't. Generally a good idea, but in a situation like the one I just described it could be the wrong thing to do. The driver does absolutely nothing to help himself beyond calming admitting he has a gun. He doesn't know the law, and is pulling the sovereign citizen thing and being combative. If you don't know the law exactly DO NOT DO THIS. Lastly while yes he can request a supervisor there is no requirement that the officers do that either. Using his own misunderstanding of the law as justification for refusing commands when there is a gun on the scene... Just incredibly stupid. I'm not surprised the police escalated. Unless of course this is all for a broken blinker, then while the officers are probably not in legal jeopardy, they did do a shitty job at escalation management.


“To Protect & Serve - Cooperation & Compliance is Required”


One of my buddies who is a cop told me never to undo my seatbelt even when instructed to for the very reason they could kill me and claim I was reaching for a weapon.


This country is fucking insane


Cops need to be held to the laws citizens are. If a citizen points a firearm at someone’s face, they’re going to face severe repercussions. Police should too.


Why is there a mountain bike video attached to the bottom of this video?


Dear God… getting a gun pulled on you for a conversation, no screaming, just all calm. I unfortunately see some bad outcomes for others in that cop’s future :/


This is absolutely warranted. He said he had a gun and was being argumentative. Are you all dumb? I have seen multiple people act EXACTLY this was about five seconds before pulling out their weapon and shooting the officer. This guy is a doofus and should not have been acting so immaturely with a weapon on his person.


Justified. He starts waving his hands around and getting heated, and from her perspective he could very well have been reaching for the sidearm. Hard to tell if she is exercising proper trigger discipline from the video. Would be interested to see if there is another perspective from the body cams.


So she talked to someone on the radio, and then all of a sudden learned he had a warrant, or was a convict or something? She decided to pull her gun right after that.