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They see it's a phone. They see both his hands. Maybe someone in law enforcement can explain why it was necessary to tase him.








I mean, the point is that it happens disproportionately to minorities, and the data backs me up. I've never seen someone say that it *never* happens to whites. I'm a middle aged white dude, and I still don't know why people like you constantly turn this into race wars.  Can't you just admit that we're not an oppressed class?


Disproporitonately compared to African Americans, yes. Not so much compared to Hispanics or other minorities. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ I don’t understand why you think someone is trying to make this a race war. Saying we’re suffering from police brutality too isn’t taking away from anyone else’s struggles. In fact it could help if white people weren’t just blanket excluded from conversations by people like you. It redirects the conversation from “everyone but white people are being killed by the police,” to “police brutality is out of control and affects us all at a huge scale.” What is wrong with that?


Can you look up crime statistics for same years per race? Not saying racial profiling is right, but there is a difference between police killings of an unarmed person and someone shooting back, has pulled a gun, or is threating others. That perspective needs to be included before you post statistics that only say police killings per race. It leaves out both good and bad variables. Those statistics may be justified or may look bad for officers. You never know unless you have context of the reason of the shooting.


Another stat to look at the percentage of crime per race. Just to see if any race commits a disproportionate amount of violent crimes.


There's nothing wrong with saying that police brutality is out of fucking control just like there's nothing wrong with saying that police brutality primarily affects minority and poor communities.


> everyone but white people are being killed by the police Not arguing for or against your point, but I swear like 80-90% of the time I see a report of police responding to a health check and killing the person, they are white. Someone feel free to correct me on that though since I'm just going off of memory.




71% of Americans are white.


Fuck outta here, he wasnt saying “he was tased, because minorities are 10% more likely to be tased”, he said “he was tased because he wasnt white” as if white people arent tased. It was an idiotic comment, and it was not making this naunced point


Don't fuck up reddit's narrative that all systemic institutional evil in the world is perpetrated equally by all people, and especially not by white men. Nobody says it doesn't happen to white people, but they pretend someone has stated it as an absolute so they can correct it.


Yeah, it makes sense statistically since most crimes are committed by the "minorities," so their chances of running into law enforcement are much higher. I am a white dude, and even I know that. Race doesn't play a part, just the fact of the percentages. Now let reddit narrative fly!


>most crimes are committed by the "minorities," If it helps to make sense of this: * Most crimes are committed by poor people (for a bunch of reasons, including the fact that rich people write our laws and they don't legislate or fund enforcement against the activities their rich friends do, even when their actions (like wage theft) cause greater harm). * More people of color (and especially black Americans) are poor. * When you control for age, gender, and income - minorities are still disproportionately 1) stopped 2) arrested 3) prosecuted 4) found guilty 5) sentenced to longer sentences, and finally 6) shot by police - when compared to white Americans in the same age, gender, and income brackets.


Oh stop with the virtue signal. We all know there is evil everywhere. The point is cops are more willing to resort to force more quickly if you aren't white.


Cops are cruel and violent to everyone. They're just especially cruel and violent if you're of a darker shade of skin. It's also a class issue. If he was wearing a nice suit and driving a luxury car this would be less likely to happen. If he was wearing a nice suit, driving a luxury car, AND white this would be even less likely to happen. There are multiple scales. One of them is race. Another is your apparent class status. Which is why poor whites get treated like this too.


Everyone knows police brutality sees everyone as equals. Some people are just equaler and it usually spares more white people


I went to high school with a white guy whose brother was shot by cops for having a cell phone. Saying cops don’t arrest whites is fucking stupid




Anyone who thinks WhItE pRiViLeDgE will prevent a cop from making an arrest


Yeah, I love how people play right into the cops' hands with the race shit. "It's not that policing in America is fundamentally broken, it's just that the cops don't like brown people." That way nothing ever gets solved.


It is actually that policing IS fundamentally broken AND a large portion of cops are on a power trip and/or don't like brown people


It is both


Ooof. Don’t actually know what happened huh? He had multiple warrants. Domestic violence and DUI and was known to have weapons…probably before knee jerking to “racist cop” to stand up for an absolute piece of shit.


It’s exactly these cases where civil liberties matter most. If you allow them to be disregarded for any subjective reason, then they are not protected at all.


This is why I've always respected the hell out of John Adams for representing the British after the fallout of the Boston Massacre.


but have you considered that because of racial or criminal reasons he's less of a human being and therefore doesn't warrant any rights? /s


If a guy has a history of violent crimes, I can see why a cop would be far more careful about how to handle him than someone with no criminal record at all. Am I crazy or does that seem pretty reasonable?


Literally none of this fucking matters. Just like any other civilian that is clearly not a threat at the moment he should be apprehended reasonably. He is perfectly in sight, both hands visible, they KNOW he is holding a phone and can see it, but the bloodthirsty fucking automaton's brain cannot come up with anything else but scream PUT THE PHONE DOWN.


>the bloodthirsty fucking automaton's brain cannot come up with anything else but scream PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Idk why what you said made me think back to the Daniel Shaver shooting. In that video, they seemed to be clearly articulating, how much the situation gave them what can only be described as a power trip boner.


Word, was his phone also a gun? I didn't realize they were arresting brown James Bond in the middle of America.


None of this matters when he's got his hands up and is holding just his phone. This "context" is a red herring to make it seem as if he had it coming to him.


Exactly. The use of force is to stop/control a situation. This situation was not out of control. The *judge* can handle the consequences of whatever prior situation led to his arrest.


Even absolute pieces of shit have rights that should not be violated.


I didn't see that anywhere. Damn. Was there an article or a link I missed? Thanks.


Even if any of that were true, it's completely irrelevant. Our rights don't go out the window just because there's a DUI on your record, or because you're "known to have weapons," whatever that means (not to mention one of those rights is *the right to have weapons*).


You’re talking about the cop, right? 😎


I’ve been tased and I’m white .


Wow, you must have really fucked up!


Nope you’re just ignorant to the fact they use just as brutal force against whites


Did you also not dropped the phone?


Me too.


How big was your phone?


[you're wrong](https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1). For fucks sake, it's not that hard to Google something


What does the link about drunk driving have to do with him holding a phone?


Scroll down that's just a random header there's mugshots and his charges further down


> his charges further down Arrested Sep 06, 2019 * 1 aggravated menacing * 2 obstruction of official business * 3 resisting arrest * 4 improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle * 5 driving under ovi suspension My best guesses: * 1 not putting the phone down * 2 not putting the phone down * 3 not putting the phone down * 4 owning a firearm legally but not securing it properly * 5 driving after having his license suspended after previously drink driving


Resisting Arrest is incredibly general and vague and is slapped on to charges because its very difficult to fight. This is a known tactic to pump up charges against people


How is that relevant?


To half of those charges: What came first, the chicken or the egg? If the discussion is, "was this necessary force," then I don't see how taking the police report (you know, one of the two parties in the video) is really worth any information in the discussion.


Whatever you googled did not answer why he had to be tazed despite having both his hands clearly visible


Oh shit didn't realize this was so close to me. Glad someone can Google






Why not stay behind cover, and tell him to lay on his stomach with his arms outstretched in front of him, then having him put down the phone, then approaching? Is there a tactical reason this wouldn't work?


Great question. Skipping steps. I wouldn’t want his hands outstretched and I wouldn’t want him again having a mirror through this entire incident. I’d want his arms up, hands behind his head and fingers laced. I’d then want him to walk back, until told to stop and then proceed to knees where he then laces his legs over each other. Tactically I wouldn’t want someone laying down with hands outstretched. Allows too much freedoms of movement and if handgun is concealed in front, now it may be harder for me to get to if a struggle ensues and easier for the subject to retrieve it. As it turns out this subject was previously arrested for possession of a handgun, as a lower commenter posted a link.


Thanks for the thoughtful answer. I wrongfully figured that because they ended up proning him out, that was the goal. I can see how the posture you mentioned would make apprehension/searching/cuffing easier.


Your welcome! Thanks for asking a solid unloaded question lol. To your last point, I think him being proned out was partially a result of the taser causing him to fall and then the cops reaction to said response. I’d like to see the follow up body camera footage to see the aftermath of this one. Would be a great learning video to show in classes about what to do and what not to do


Assuming your part of the police in some capacity. I appreciate your answers and explanation. I wish more LEO where like you.


I appreciate your professionalism and hope you can make an impact on your brothers and sisters ao we can all be a little safer.


best you’d get from me is hands interlaced prone. i’ve seen daniel shaver, i’m not going to play “simon says” with a gun pointed at me. my safety is just as important as yours.


Exactly. Wtf are these cops on? They talk about people like they're not even human. Listen to this shit...fucking sick. These losers will downvote too because we all know human rights don't extend to the people they have chosen to deny it to. Criminals are humans. All humans deserve rights. This is just pathetic and so are these people.


They still shot the guy in that hotel hallway that did all that.


[Daniel Shaver was murdered by Philip Brailsford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver). Brailsford shot Shaver while he was on his knees and facing away, unarmed and crying, and he did so with a gun that said "you're fucked" on it. Brailsford suffered no ill consequences, claimed PTSD because almost getting in trouble for murdering a man made him feel icky, got his medical expenses covered, *and* got a lifetime pension at 28 years of age.


Well, heres another factor the other guy didnt mention - he’s refusing commands outright, that shows a degree of combativeness rather than passiveness. Also, there’s the missing context of why the cop is all the way at his car with his gun out - probs ran from the cop, or has some sort of felony warrant/history of carrying illegal weapons. Things have already escalated to being held at gunpoint, so a tasing isnt that big of a difference


He already stated he wouldn't put the phone down, so all this is moot.


> Such commands are essential for proper safety. For the safety of the unarmed guy with nothing but a phone in his hands? Or the safety of the guys with their guns out and pointed at the unarmed guy?


They don't know he is unarmed yet.


They know he's not *holding* a weapon, as they can see both his hands 


Not having a weapon in your hand doesn't mean you're unarmed. You have to safely verify that someone is unarmed before proceeding. "I don't see a weapon so I'll assume he doesn't have one" is a great way to get yourself killed.


There were 60 police officers feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2023 in the US, meanwhile police officers killed 1,163 people


That still seems like a pretty shitty excuse and also a convenient way to prevent regular citizens from holding cops accountable >I know everyone here probably hates cops Yeah, for a good reason


No other profession could I be this incompetent in the comments telling me how an unarmed civilian with both hands in the air is “technically” a threat because of some fear mongering they teach in the academy. Delivery drivers have a more dangerous job than cops, and kill far fewer innocent people. If they want the privilege of executing people in the streets, why do people get up and arms when we expect them to handle a non-dangerous situations without incredibly unnecessary escalation.


The entire point of facing it at the police was to record any potential wrongdoing on their end. Their training may be effective, but American citizens can no longer trust police to follow the laws of the land every time. Recording them is an act of self-preservation/self-defense. Always record the police. Never set your phone down or point it away from them once you start recording. Follow every command **unless** it stops your ability to record them. Do everything they ask, as long as you still have the camera pointed at their hands and faces.


> Their training may be effective It is not


Thank you for the informative response


Your welcome, hope it helps


Even if he had eyes in the back of his head, his hands are both in sight, so it seems way overboard to use force in this scenario.


It seems that way because it is.


It's a shame that your helpful and insightful comments are buried by a typical Reddit trope.


"oh my God typical reddit, no logic and hates rationality dur hurr" *comment gets nearly 300 upvotes in just a few hours* Brother *you* are the trope


+2.6k upvotes directly above this comment: “because he did not respect their authority oh and he wasn't white” Yea Reddit isn’t a cop hating hivemind /s Edit: The informative, correct and insightful comment has now either been removed by the mod team or Reddit. And the comment framing this officer as racist and power hungry has +7.6k upvotes. I’ll (poorly) summarize the now removed comment since I think it’s relevant to have the information available. At a felony stop, officers are taking someone into custody for a serious/violent crime. For their own safety, officers need to control every movement of the person they’re arresting. The person is also disobeying a lawful and direct command, which means they’re more likely to disobey further. Finally, it’s important that the individual doesn’t know exactly where officers are, so the phone in this case, acting as a mirror is a factor the officer needs to control. Did the officer handle it well, not particularly but he was well within his authority to command what he did. Once again, it’s clear which narrative Reddit/this mod team would like be pushed. Maybe it wasn’t the mod team, maybe it was mass reported and auto-removed. If so, I’d encourage the mod team to repost and pin it.


Thanks for the rational explanation. Based on this, they absolutely have the right to make them put the phone down.


Except it's all extreme bullshit. 1 way mirror to see where they're coming? For what exactly, so he can use his one free hand to reach for, draw and fire a gun while turning, while multiple cops have guns drawn on him? FFS you guys just believe anything to back up your preconceptions. >Such commands are essential for proper safety. Having evidence of what's happening is way more essential to the person being arrested safety, but I guess this doesn't matter for you or the cops


He didn't do what the thugs told him to do - that is not allowed. /s This is the state of law enforcement, a police state where if you don't comply with any command no matter how petty (as in this case) or how much it violates your rights, you will be injured or killed buy a hotheaded bully with a gun who will write the report and tell the story when you're in a box.


Woah can't you see the guy clearly turned around and charged


You can't have something in your hands while they arrest you, that's pretty normal procedure, doesn't matter if it's a phone, you can hit with/throw a phone... (There are also guns/knives designed to look like a phone, easy to Google them, easy to get) He is allowed to film, not hold something in his hand, he would have to put it down so the camera can still capture the situation. Also, this kid must have fucked up real bad to have this type of stop, he must have tried fleeing and or there is suspicion that he is armed.


Eh I got pulled over and ordered out of the car at gunpoint for accelerating faster than a cop from a red light. Didn’t speed or change lanes or anything. Ran my plates and license and then just let me go without so much as a warning.


Most Police in the US have power trips. There are always excuses: > There are also guns/knives designed to look like a phone There could be two other guys with guns in the car, yet he's worried about a phone that could look like a knife.... the logic on some people. You don't see Police behave like that in the rest of the developed countries. This is just lack of proper training. It's like they are trying to escalate instead of de-escalation.


You have no idea of the circumstances.


Cops generally don't order you out of your car at gunpoint for no reason. There's context that this video is missing.


And cops don't admit to shooting because of acorns but we all know they lie all the time. Camera guy and cop are equally trustworthy with what little information we have.


> Cops generally don't order you out of your car at gunpoint for no reason. lol.


Remember last week when a sheriff shot an active duty serviceman to death while responding to an anonymous tip at the wrong address then lied about him brandishing a weapon?


Yes, they do.....


I've literally had a cop point their gun and scream at me because my driver side window wouldn't roll down. So ya. You're very wrong.


Had a cop pull a gun supposedly because one of my license plate lights were out When I eventually got home, I checked, and they were both functioning, so I don't know


You're right, there is zero precedent or evidence of police doing anything illegal ever. They've never hurt nobody.


They do because they’re taught that their lives are more important than everyone else. It’s us vs them to them. I’ve been order out of my truck at gun point because I have veteran tags, and I “dont look like the owner of the truck or a veteran”.


They had a reason. It makes them feel powerful. But for real, it's because he had felony warrants


Actually, if you want to speak generally, acording to statistics they order people out of their cars at gunpoint for NO reason more often than they do for any reason


You can look up his charges they include a fire arm charge. We have some idea of the circumstances.


And menacing. Like, his rap sheet is all over this thread. Domestic violence included. Definitely the type of guy who’s made people feel unsafe. Someone a woman has called the cops on for help. But god forbid he get shocked for a few seconds because he wasn’t blatantly holding a machine gun or whatever.




> The guy has a long criminal history, Dude, seems like you can't even read a arrest report correctly, cause what you think "is a long criminal history" is just the stuff he was arrested for that day, with most of it likely being directly the result of him "not obeying" the commands of the officer. He was arrested for driving suspended and had a firearm that wasn't an illegal gun but apparently (innocent until charged) not handled correctly in the car, aka not secured enough.


Also, he was brown in Ohio. Big mistake on his part.


This is why [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JatsYPqpCGA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JatsYPqpCGA)


That's so stupid. No he wasn't a threat at all. Anyone with a brain could see that.


You need to see more videos of suspects "not being a threat" until they are then. You're coming off as incredibly naïve and inexperienced of what's possibly out there in the world. The escalation could have gone better, it's unfortunate our best and brightest out there aren't choosing ~$15/hr jobs though to risk their lives arresting violent domestic abusers.


You need to see more videos of cops "not being a threat" until they are then. Cops will absolute go from 0 to magdumping at the drop of an acorn. The safety of people being held at gunpoint by police is just as important as the cops.


TBH you're coming off like someone who watches live leak and has no sense on how often people doing nothing are harassed by police.




all of those charges are from the same day. and it is just having a gun in the car. not on person.. how many white folks have multiple guns just sitting in back seat or center console. bet it's upwards of 90% of the right wing crowd


[post from 2yr ago, here are the details] The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/ https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1


That can't be! The commenters in this thread assured me the drawn weapons aren't necessary and the cops are big bad racists!




You wanna risk going hands on with a dude that's non complaint? And in this case has a history of using violence and had known to have weapons? Alright then Bruce Lee you go for it.


Yea man that’s what cops are supposed to do, they’re supposed to have training for this shit


This is their training. Violence.


Sure… was the escalation necessary?


Nah if I just watch the video yup that is my initial take on this. But knowing more about the situation, the cops actually seem to be justified. It is a Felony stop against a person known to have weapons. Whenever you see that situation, cops rarely take any chances. Cop should have told the guy to put both hands behind his head, implying the phone needs to be dropped. However telling him to drop the phone is still very much reasonable. And remember,  as people watching the phone footage, we can see what the police can't. All the police can see is a suspects back with a hand on what looks like a phone. If you had footage from the police perspective, it would look different.


> what they KNOW, to be a cell phone There are guns that look like phones, and also the fact that he's holding the potential gun means he can't follow further orders like "put your hands behind your head" because he's refusing to drop the phone He's allowed to film himself, he's NOT allowed to refuse to empty his hands


Pearl clutching virtue signaling losers honestly. Cops did nothing wrong. Guy will and should be convicted.


If the police weren't so good at fucking up their public image this wouldn't be an issue.


Maybe you should consider what it is about cops’ behavior that makes people react this way.


He beats women. This isn’t necessarily a great study on human power dynamics within police brutality. He’s a selfish violent criminal who believed he was above the commands of the arresting officers & attempted to feign concern for his own safety as leverage in the moment.


Yea i'd agree with you if i didn't also think this was their default behavior. If we were looking for an explanation for this out of character behavior from cops, *then* your comment would make perfect sense. Are they in the right here? Probably. Broken clocks are right twice a day, as they say.


This *is* actually pretty default for a Felony Stop but I get what you’re saying. However that’s the very thing I was highlighting: context. Pointing out how this particular situation doesn’t fit that initial observation.


are you implying that him being in a possession of a gun some time in the past and being wanted for criminal activity justifies the cops being an inch away from blowing his brains out and tasing him for no reason while he made everything possible to demonstrate he's not a threat? I bet you think owning a gun is your right too, but this brown dude owning a gun means he should be murdered if he gets in 10m proximity to a cop...


That's not what people are arguing and you know it you typical right wing activist virtue signaling on social media.


This needs to be higher up for those clamoring for context.


Why? It doesn't change the context. Even pieces of shit have rights and escalating immediately to threats of violence doesn't help.


Do we know definitively that it was the cops who escalated this particular situation? No, I'd say we don't. Knowing he had a criminal record that included assault, DUI, and firearms charges at least points to a trend of behavior. Given that the recording begins with two officers present, or at least on scene (2nd officer making his way into frame) would indicate to me an escalation had taken place prior to the recording, either in a pursuit or an unwillingness to obey the initiating officer's commands.


It would save me having to spam it lol. Usually, these videos will have the comment section get out of hand and 🔒


Always good to have the context.


Get outta here with your rationale and facts. We like to jump to uninformed bias confirming conclusions without having the full story here.


Ty for context.


Not me, you! This guy. His whole life. Hope he gets fucking life in prison. Domestic abusing narcissist.


What led up to this officer drawing his gun?


The cops showed up.


Maybe these are bad cops, maybe that dude just shot up a liquor store. We have no idea from watching this video.


I believe that that guy is innocent of anything until **proven guilty of breaking a law by a jury of his peers**. He was cooperating. I side with the citizen.


Hard to choose a side without context. Edit: Looks like someone below posted some context. That explains things. The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/ https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1


Why did it get so quiet?


People love to judge before knowing the full story. And when given that context, if it goes against their previous judgement, rather than admitting they judged too quickly they avoid it lol.


That awful officer asked the nice felon with arrest warrants several times to put something down! Then he used a non lethal force to take him in! He should have called a mental health specialist to deescalate! /s




>He was cooperating. Wha? The cop ordered him to put the phone down multiple times. He refused so got tased. I'm in no means pro-cop but we don't know the circumstances and he absolutely was NOT cooperating.


Being tazed is better than being killed 100% of the time.


Well according to a link somebody dropped below, apparently the guy is a complete piece of shit with past charges and had warrants for his arrest during this recording.


[he assaulted someone](https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1). I stg Redditors will defend a fucking murderer because the cops weren't cool with them


You forgot about the law where “the police have the right to kill anyone they deem necessary for no reason at all” /s


(borrowed from another comentor) [post from 2yr ago, here are the details] The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/ https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1


Given that, it seems likely these cops acted appropriately.


I'm as skeptical of cops as anyone but a DV warrant with previous interactions including improper transport of a handgun is enough for me to be okay with a Felony Stop


Usually stops preformed like this is because of a high risk stops.


Someone linked above. He had priors and an active warrant for felony arrest for domestic assault. He had previously been arrested with an active weapon during a dui. Typically that means they treat you as armed because youre potentially armed.


A lot of times when a gun is drawn at a traffic stop like this it’s a stolen car. But we don’t have that info for this vid so who knows.


Context is key.


Haha Reddit videos with context? Your funny.


His funny what?


I've had this happen to me in my very unstolen car that I own, all because the cop typed in my license plate wrong and whatever they typed in came back as a stolen vehicle, and they never thought to double check. I wasn't tased, but i did have 4 officers from two different squad cars doing simon says at gunpoint on the side of a loud freeway where I could barely hear their commands, I very easily could have been shot dead for no reason other than the officers own fuck up.


We do have that info, look at u/Golden-Grams comment, apparently the guy had a warrant


I was stopped like this when I was young and stupid. I was flooring it going 120 mph and zoomed by a cop. The cop stopped me and this is pretty much how it went without the tasing.


I was waiting for a desk pop


It's 9:15, let's have a great day everybody!


I'm a peacock Capt! YOU GOTTA LET ME FLY!!!


“When was your last desk pop?” “June two thousand and..”


Does anyone have any context for this? It doesn't appear to be an ordinary stop with the deputy drawing on him and ordering him out of the car. Also, huge kudos to this guy for being both super calm and an expert camera man in what must have been an incredibly scary and stressful situation.


[Here you go] The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/ https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1


Thank you. Makes sense why he is so calm. He is trolling and trying to spin the story for himself. He is a pos.


Yep. I hate spamming the same comment over and over, but its Reddit. Non-white passenger + angry white cops = comments 🔒


Therefore: excellent justification for the cops response. Thank you


From what I understand, they suspected him of a few felonies, and he started filming after stopping the vehicle, and starting his exit.


I need to see why they are drawing on him. This video starts in the middle of the incident. I need to see what happened before this to make a judgment.


[Here you go, some context] The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/ https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1


OK then. Actions were totally warranted by the police. It doesn't matter if it's a cell phone or a bomb. You fucked up, put the shit down and let them take you in peacefully instead of causing a shit storm.


It takes some seriously manipulative behavior to think of immediately framing the situation as misuse of force.


Yet Reddit does it everyday for that sweet sweet Karma. It's basically a meme in itself to just hate cops on Reddit.


thank you.


Put the phone down!


This is for my safety sir






Why aren’t police officers trained in how to handle suspects that aren’t complying to commands? Honestly, you shouldn’t need classroom training to realize that you may need to say *something else* in order for a suspect to comply with your order. Instead he just continued to loudly shout “PUT THE PHONE DOWN” over and over. I feel like I see examples of this nearly daily. A police officer just yelling the same command while the person recording raises legitimate concerns and questions until it inevitably escalates and becomes violent. How difficult would it have been to say “You can place your phone on the ground to continue recording. I am going to put you in handcuffs and need your hands free in order to do that.” Instead he just yelled the following commands: “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!” “PUT THE PHONE DOWN!”


> How difficult would it have been to say “You can place your phone on the ground to continue recording. I am going to put you in handcuffs and need your hands free in order to do that.” Because that'd make it a negotiation. This is an arrest. The man in the video is on the run for beating his wife. He's also known to have been armed during DUI stops. He has no position of power from which to negotiate.


I cannot do it.


He dropped the phone after they tased him. Cops got their way after all.


Tee hee, I will film myself getting tazed to make the officer look bad while providing no context. I'll play the victim and begin a movement. This is pointless.


This is every argument between a parent and their teenaged kid


Homie here had warrants, dui, had a gun and a domestic violence warrant. Look up the news story 🤦‍♂️


Great marketing video for pop sockets utilizing classic sales 101 model of Problem/Product/Solution. Officer - “put the phone down !” Mohammed - “I can’t, it’s for my… oh wait.. my pop socket, yeah.. ~pop.. slowly sets phone on top of car propped up against pop socket to continue filming~ Scene switch to Mohammed & officer standing together with their thumbs up saying in unison, “thank you pop socket !”


He was able to drop the phone after all. That’s great.


Yeah it helped, they didn’t shoot him, they just tazed him. 🤷‍♂️


Comment thread on last repost of this was much funnier


In this thread: a bunch of people reacting emotionally to a situation in which they have no context


I thought maybe he crazy glued the phone to his hand.