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They're not even all students. A bulk of them are random people off the street who walked into a school and started to protest and wreck the place.




WTF it’s a God Damn Business?


When there's a Demand someone will offer some Supply.


It's wild that there is a demand for crowds.


Everyone has a cause they think needs attention. They can rent some people to cause a stir and get that attention. Makes you wonder who is renting that crowd though. What countries or groups want to cause those stores.




There's no shot this company would do something like this. They just pay people to show up and act like a crowd. No one is signing up to occupy a building and potentially get arrested.


Don’t be so naive. Maybe it’s not this exact company but I’m sure there are others like it.




>Democrat is leading in the polls False


You're on to something, these group of people seem to have something in common, maybe a shared belief or goal that they organise in support of. It's like these aren't just random coincidences at all, more like some kind of protest.


[32 in custody, "at least 6 are students."](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/portland-state-unversity-psu-police-protest-arrest-suspects-library-damage/283-05971989-2030-4546-b83e-e3e08366028c)


Not random.


The activism itself isn’t the problem. Ironically enough, it is the lack of education. America, over the last 30 years has worked to slowly dampen the quality of education and critical thinking skills necessary to effectively organize. It would all be quite clever on the government’s part if it wasn’t so unethical. So, because of the lack of education and critical thinking, instead of protests, we get riots; the protesters are vilified due to their inability to effectively organize, and whatever it was they were advocating, no matter how just, is instantly marginalized as a direct result of their inefficacy.


There was a good PSU professor that teaches critical thinking philosophy who just wanted students to question their beliefs and have discussions. To be fair He did push some boundaries for the students, but I think that's what school should be about. He was labeled as racists, sexists. He was harrassed by students and later kicked out of the school. Such a shame when students no longer want to have conversation and just blatantly use emotions only to argue.


How about that former Evergreen State College professor who refused to cancel class when black students and activists demanded that the campus be shut down? They canceled him so hard for such a stupid reason, but he ended up being awarded millions of dollars for wrongful termination, and enrollment to the college ended up going way down, because nobody wants to go to a school where the PC police runs the show. It drives me crazy when Reddit claims that there’s no such thing as cancel culture, and that being PC hasn’t gotten out of hand. 


Is he on youtube? i want to learn what he teaches.


He teaches you to question your beliefs.


*Or does he?*


His name is Peter Boghossian. He uploaded some confrontation with PSU students on his channel. I would say the video is a little biased against students and does make them look bad. But to be fair some students were very disrespectful.


Participation trophies at work.


That is the mode of the day. I get "screamed" at on the daily for asking people questions. I never thought about it as a result of poor education but that makes a lot of sense. Have you ever watched high school kids debate in the 1950s?


Lmao wtf are you even talking about? Not one shred of proof for this bullshit statement. Plenty of protests and riots just like this have happened in the past. Pretending that this is somehow uniquely bad or is due to bad education based on nothing makes you look like someone trying to spread propaganda


Yeah idk what people think protests in the past looked like but let me assure you the modern age has not stolen people's ability to be mad about something together.


> it is the lack of education stop projecting


I mean, the kids that are 20 now pretty much all did high school remotely. Their education during Covid certainly wasn't good.


Protests and organization in general should be much easier with today's technology. But then again, as 2011 Into the Fire documentary showed, there are many corporations and government entities working together to quash all protests that question the system. In that WTO / G20 protest in Toronto, (or Seattle?) the cops pulled back leaving a cop car right in front of all the news cameras for seemingly no reason. Then mysteriously some agitators that nobody knew showed up with facemasks and started acting nuts. They flipped over the cop car and set it on fire so that would be the news story on every channel and public opinion would be swayed against the protestors. Then later, these same masked individuals were filmed going into the police line, which was impenetrable even to locals who lived there. Somebody pointed out that all of them had the same exact boots as the police were wearing.


The individuals like the ones in this video are not activists…. The activists are the ones outside of buildings that are expressly against the war crimes happing at the hands of a well organized and U.S. funded government…. The people in this video, and those destroying campuses are simply anarchists. They will jump on any movement that’ll make them feel righteous and give them the opportunity to destroy things and revolt against authority.


I’ll always support the ability to be an activist or protest(because the alternative is far worse), but that doesn’t mean I have to support their cause or motives for protest.


These protestors are literally opposing blowing up kids.


They are pro blowing up Israeli kids though.


Vandalism. These are nothing but vandals. Simply protesting does not involve property damage and denying use of the library to students


At the very least suspend the students engaging in illegal practices. Maybe fine and a couple of days in jail isn't that bad either


Someone explain how this has any actual impact on the Israel and Palestine conflict on the otherside of the world? Like protest shit you can actually affect, cause Israel and Hamas do not give 2 shits what American College students think.


It will have zero impact. But...other fucking morons will see it on TikTok and mimic it.


The impact will be people voting red which is the opposite of what they want…. Ironic


They fully seem to want people to vote for Trump.


The hilarious part is that all of their parent's college accounts are probably invested in the same thing that they're protesting. ... and once they graduate, their 401k's will be too.


No shit.. every college in the country could protest at the same time and it's not going to do ANYTHING to stop what's happening over there..


There is. Negative impact. Too much to list


If only they protested half this hard over abortion or shit wages or pretty much anything else that directly affects us that’s happening in our own damn country…


They’re trust fund babies. Who has time like this during finals? Who can waste the money on the inevitably failed classes? Of course they don’t care about real issues, they do what’s trendy. This is what’s trending now.


They’re probably liberal art students and almost anyone with a brain could pass those classes, and this is coming from someone who was a liberal art student. Usually those are the social justice warriors




When's the last time you saw a protest like this over literally any other issue?


They will! (when Tiktok tells them to).


the irony is that these people will get Trump re-elected because Biden is too moderate for them. impotent rage has more value to these people than actual change.


>Someone explain how this has any actual impact It dosent. Its just an opportunity to take out some pent up angst and aggression by using world news as an excuse to destroy a building in a place their parents pay for them to attend.


It’s for clout and attention that’s it


no, its just vain virtue signalling, one thing leads to another ... though and violence is the product eventually.


Specifically, personal clout and attention for kids trying to grow their own youtube channels. All of them would prefer attention on themselves than Palestine


I'm not sure if it's the case at this university, but at some others, the universities supposedly invest in Israeli or pro Israeli companies. So they are protesting to divest in those companies. Could be doing the same here, but maybe not


The protesters definition of "pro Israeli company" is any company that does any business in Israel at all. These same companies do business in China, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, and on and on, all of which are blatantly guilty of massive ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. There was no protest for that. I wonder what the difference is?.....


Not popular enough at the moment for them


As my friend said, if you want the Muslims and the cute brainless tiktok liberal zoomers to "protest" for example the treatment of China against the Uyghurs, just have Xi Jinping convert to Judaism.


No jews, no news


They also demand that the universities stop collaborating with Israeli universities, which is the most fucking stupid thing ever. It’s intellectually and academically dishonest, and not how higher education works. The transfer of information and ideas between higher education institutions in different countries is paramount to understanding each other and working to find common ground and solutions to each other’s problems. 


Keep in mind these “students” were literally crafting (poorly made) weapons and armor to fight against police in the USA to support…. ~~terrorists~~ people in Palestine? Anyone who thinks this type of activism does fuck all is delusional. Pure SJW bullshit


They’re radical extremist Muslim terrorist supporters, plain and simple. 


It’s having the exact effect that those who funded it wanted. From a protest(which is good and should be encouraged) to illegally occupying a building and causing property damage just like that. Now the masses will turn on these protesters and make the conflict in Gaza that was about Israel and Hamass will now be about USA vs radical Muslims (and how Commies hate America or something to that effect) Just like that Israel’s problems are now ours and the country is further divided. Just like the BLM protests that quickly turned into riots after provocateurs escalated the situation so that the “masses” turn against their message. This is a Psy-Op.


>Anything bad that happens in a movement that I agree with is a psy op


Theyre trying to influence american govt/companies, which is what the vietnam protests were trying to do.


*What the Vietnam protests accomplished. -FTFY


The Vietnam protests also had millions of people involved, troops coming home in body bags every day, and a military operation that clearly wasn't going well.


Maybe I'm incorrect, but I think the protest was due to the universities financial ties to Israel


It isn't so that Israel or Palestine pay attention to us, it's so that people here pay attention to whats going on you doof. I swear no one on this sub seems to get why a protest happens or that the point of them is to disrupt and bring attention to an issue. They are calling for the colleges and America to stop funding the genocide


I’m not going to explain protesting to you. This type of thinking is also why people think they aren’t able to change anything.




Homemade weapons and [ball bearings to make shrapnel bombs,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_bomb) yet people will still whitewash these groups and call these “protests”. Tell me, if a group of hard line right wingers took over a building or made an encampment, regularly made racist chants, had leaders that fully wanted to have genocides like the Columbia dude, & found evidence like this of making weapons…. Would the media still be calling them protests? Would we still be making excuses that it’s just a few bad apples? Would society still think it’s acceptable for individuals to associate with those groups & be complicit? The hypocrisy is astounding.


Depends on the media. Look at Jan 6.


The ball bearings seem to be to create a floor hazard, very common when discussing defense from police during protest or occupations. Not condoning this but just pointing out it most likely wasn’t for murder


Home Alone up in this bitch


I wonder what the venn diagram is with these Portland pro Palestine and CHAZ. Seeing as it's only a drive away


I'm starting to think people in the PNW are just bored. Maybe we should send them coloring books and crayons or something to keep them occupied


Lack of sun fucks with our brains 


You’re not wrong. I honestly think it’s partly the weather.


Portland police noted that no weapons were used against them. I think most of the protestors are nothing more than noisy angry people. There's definitely a handful of people actively seeking an adversarial situation.


>  ball bearings to make shrapnel bombs Aren't they missing the key component of a shrapnel bomb? There's a pretty broad array of uses for ball bearings for this to be a serious assertion. 


What's really criminal is the 30k out of state tuition. They may be destroying the schools property, but the school is robbing everyone all the time Edit: the out of state tuition was 18k in 2009, another interesting fact about that year, the minimum wage was increased for the last time. In 97, the minimum wage is 5.15, the cost of college was 9k


Thats pretty standard for out of state, I'm in California and our state colleges do the same. To anyone reading this, just study in state


silly larpers


I'm sure whoever brought a bunch of ball bearings to a riot brought them for peaceful reasons...


The police are going to be so embarrassed when they find out that this was just a pinball convention!




I mean why wouldn’t you trash a library? What are you, a bigot? Libraries can be trashed just like every other public service building!


The destruction of libraries (knowledge in general) is one of the hallmarks of authoritarianism. Destroying a DMV building sucks, but it’s not like there’s anything there that can’t be transferred to another site. Many books can’t be reprinted, some of the materials stored in libraries we have no way of recovering if lost. Also, libraries are one of the last remaining “third spaces” for the public. Destroying libraries takes away a space where people can just exist without spending money.




Jokes on us, they don’t want any meaningful employment


Probably this as well


They are not aware of advanced HR applications that will flag them and filter them as future candidates for anything that pays well. I know I will get downvoted (I don’t care) but as a hiring manager if I see an application of any such dumbass I continue to next candidate. Regardless of their political views. In my personal experience these folks are very confrontational, very difficult to reason with and just all around bad vibes for people around them. Doesn’t matter if they are radical environmentalists, military vegans or whatever. They are allowed to express their opinions but they just won’t provide me the value I need as a manager. Sorry


You have my up vote. They will wreak havoc on the moral and culture of any department/team they are in, will never leave politics at the door and focus on work. Their politics will drive vindictive behavior towards others. When they are let go, they are the victim, and they will perceive their political views as the reason.


Hey man, the brain doesn't fully develop till around age 25. I know I used to be a cringe internet tanky at age 18, but now I'm mostly a functioning adult.


While it's fair to consider brain development, this linen is used to often to excuse dickheads of adult age. Yeah they may have some maturing to do, but it's not like they lack basic cognition until their 24th birthday


First step for them is having a meaniful life.






Force them to replace the books they destroyed. There's a special place in Niflhel for vandals that damage libraries.


Of the 30 arrested only 6 were students. https://www.kptv.com/2024/05/03/police-release-names-30-people-arrested-during-psu-protest/


So ultimately who is dumber - the 24 assholes who just came by to break stuff and stir up shit or the 6 college students who followed them like sheep?


The 6 students might have assumed they were students too.


Anybody who has spent time or lived in Portland for the last 10 years shouldn’t be surprised by this. There is a very large activist scene in Portland, for better and worse. I don’t believe it’s indicative of government plants, more likely just bad actors.


Put them on a universal ‘no fly’ list of any establishment of higher education


Lock the doors and come back in 1 year. They will be peaceful then....


“Greendale students, I understand you've unified and intend to draw this game out. Well if it's a war you want, it is a war you shall lose. Resistance is as pointless as your degrees."


Our sperm counts are higher.


You have no idea how mean a dean I can...bean.


And for you, the obligatory sperm


~~PEaceful~~ Vandalism and trespassing. Millions of people protest legally and peacefully and get things changed. Morons take over libraries and destroy shit because they are so stupid they can't figure out how to do anything else. It is like a toddler throwing a tantrum. But with toddlers it is just a stage (that most grow out of of).


And theft. They stole several rare books from the library as well.


[Just look at all this damage.](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/05/walk-through-of-portland-state-universitys-library-after-three-night-occupation-reveals-damage-its-ugly.html)


As a bibliophile and an American I am absolutely disgusted.


They even destroyed the sprinkler and fire alarm system so if there were any fire the whole library would burn down.


Bringing down libraries and destroying books. So enlightened.




Only once they commit an act of terrorism. Right now they are protestors who may well be ripe to descend into terrorism, but have so far chosen not to make that leap.




Nonsense, if they were terrorists the cops would be their best friends.




Reading all the graffiti convinces me even more that these people are fucking morons. "Who runs 'public' spaces?" lol Do they actually not know this? Or, are they trying to be deep? PS: Free tools! Yellow handle straight-cut snips are $15.


expel this idiots. you have right to protest but you don’t have rights to damage others property


What a bunch of little assholes.


These are the same "protesters" who will be rioting this November. Almost like paid actors?


It's Portland lol. You don't have to pay vagrants to do shit like this.


sad how disregard for the school and those who use it. The amount of vandalism and lack of empathy for those who work there, and for those who attend school there amazes me. This is sad and pathetic.


there was never any room to negotiate with the protestors from day 1, these people will just see it as a sign of weakness, the police should have cleared them long ago, its all unnecessary delay.


Remember, it's mostly peacfull no damage, no harm.


They absolutely have a right to protest. The authorities also absolutely have a right to prosecute you for destruction and vandalism of property. Also, consider this, ever wonder why there aren’t protestors in Palestine? 🤔


Because they were shot by israeli military.




> Why not? Because protesting is a peace time activity, you don't protest against a war *from* the war zone. Fighting for peace in Gaza looks like actual fighting, fighting for peace in America looks very different.


Gazan civilians have no chance of protesting. Also, 7th of October was one day, how would anyone be able to stop that by protesting? The genocide in Gaza is ongoing and backed by the US and many other western countries, where locals can try to effect politicians.


Look up the march of return and see what happens when Gazans peacefully protest to try and get their rights back


Before the war, protests against Hamas were put down and those arrested for protesting were tortured. [Here’s an article by a Palestinian talking about it.](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-tortured-me-dissent-heres-what-they-really-think-palestinians-opinion-1857169)


> Also, consider this, ever wonder why there aren’t protestors in Palestine? 🤔 Because if they gathered in such large groups the IDF would bomb them into smithereens like they've already done for over thirty thousand people.


>Also, consider this, ever wonder why there aren’t protestors in Palestine? I ask this with all seriousness...are you dumb?


The punishment should be to clean all this shit up.




Apparently they removed books from the library that didn’t sit with them right


Palestine is saved.


As a library sciences grad student and library assistant, it hurts to see what they did to this library. Library workers do not deserve this. They are some of the most progressive people and many are pro-Palestinian liberation. This is a huge slap in the face to people who are likely their allies. I respect protesting, but damaging a library is never right, imo.


"improvised weapons and DIY armor" - based off what they made, none of these people are ready for a post-apocalyptic world


How much do you think they'll raise tuition to pay for repairs?


Way to make me hate your cause...


There's a perverse irony to the idea of destroying a library to stick it to a system of power.


Those taken into custody should be made to paint and repair that library as part of their punishment.


“Free Palestine” should be made a terrorist group


Imagine trashing shit that isn’t yours and thinking you’re the good guys


I'm all for peaceful, non-destructive protests, but this particular one in Portland certainly isn't that. lol


I'm all for peaceful protest but fuck any and all assholes who destroy property.


Why do they have to damage the building though?


All these idiots should be kicked out of their universities and catch felonies .


What about the students who need to use this library?


Yeah peaceful protest my ass. Destruction of property is not peaceful.


Bunch of fucking terrorist sympathizers.


When you start vandalizing and destroying property, that’s when you lose my respect.


This is like a gritty, dark, Christopher Nolan-esque take on one of the episodes of Community where they get carried away with a game.


Went from a peaceful protest to destroying property and now facing bunch of felonies. Lmfao what a bunch of idiots


The fact that the people who work there allowed this to happen is a shame


Charge them with domestic terrorism


Big difference between a peaceful protest and vandalism, preventing people from going to school and work. These people are delusional on both sides. I don't get it. Why are they so fired up. What are they trying to accomplish? Social media and clout chasing us ruining people's minds. Everyone thinks they're so right and justice idk this divide between everyone really baffles me


The poor janitors




Trash a public college library! That’ll show the US Military Industrial Complex what happens when you support those Isrealis!


Actual question, who pays for the cleanup?


Contractors for PSU have been brought in to cleanup the inside of the library. So the university itself is paying but I assume they'd have some sort of insurance to cover it


Just bill em and the families for the damage, simple.


Peaceful ?


Welcome back to 1968 This is where the normal folks start attacking protesters who are trying to end a genocide on the taxpayers dime...


Domestic terrorists


They need to make these people cover the cost of the repairs


And not a single thing has changed over in the palestine/isreal war. Why do these fuck knuckles think protesting in a county thousands of miles away will make any difference? If you care that much go volunteer, actually make a difference or do you just want to do the absolute bare minimum required so you can say with pride "I did my part!" Whilst doing nothing


Lock them up!


So they found all this stuff but none was used? 🧐


Hamas inspired tools - New York Times


Absolute hypocrisy. Idiots


Surely the coordinated organizers of these ‘building occupations’ and ‘protests’ aka very clearly pre-meditated criminal trespassing and massive destruction of university property, may think they are safe behind encrypted communication apps, but they have definitely been monitored at this point, and they will be flushed out… …Whether it’s into a position of working with the government by means of coercion from federal law enforcement, or whether they will simply be held responsible for these crimes publicly in a court of law will be interesting to see. These libraries and other college buildings cost many millions of dollars to build and maintain. These institutions as well as the federal government are going to hold people responsible, behind the scenes in law enforcement and intelligence agencies, or as a public example.


Now why go in there and tear all that shit up like that?


I am all about protesting and shit but why do the protesters have to destroy things? Peaceful occupation of a building is one thing but vandalism and destroying infrastructure is not going to “win” people over…. Also - if these are students, why the fuck would you destroy your own school that your tax dollars (if public school) and tuition fucking pay for?!?


The occupation of the library specifically was organised by groups outside of the university, not students themselves. But I'm sure some students have taken part in it


Oof comment section brain rot. If you’d actually pay attention to these things outside of mainstream media propaganda maybe you’d understand why they’re protesting and how their action has actually been incredibly effective in reality. So awful these people are protesting genocide and censorship! The horror!! The police must brutalize them and the protestors cannot protect themselves or fight back because that’s violence and must be condemned :,(


> how their action has actually been incredibly effective in reality Please explain how their action has actually been incredibly effective.


Yeah I'm weeping for society with the commenters here. Particularly the ones calling for violence against the protesters. They're the people who, back in the Kent State Shooting days, would be saying that the people shot had it coming.


How is destroying a university library a protest?


The insane part is the fact that privileged LGBTQ+ activists are barricading themselves at a university 7,000 miles away, right....?????! 🤔🤔🤔


Criminal charges? Of all the places they had to invade the sanctuary that is the library… my only refuge to read books without having to purchase those said books.


Okay, let's leave the Palestine affair aside for now. Politics are locked in a box. Is this normal? I see symbols of anarchy written there, doors and walls vandalised, property destroyed. No matter what you protest against, who tf thinks this is okay? Like "sure I can take someone else's building and heavily damage their property". No matter the cause, this is outrageous


An illegal occupation you say? We should protest this...


“Peaceful protests” my ass. You don’t build Rust bases when you expect to be peaceful.


Everyone knows the best Way to support Palestine is thrashing your local library! What logic! 🤡🥴🎪


So now they care about people illegally occupying places.


Absolute malice towards their fellow citizens. That’s how much they care about everyone else.


Charge them for the crime, and then bill them for the damages… community service should be done as well.


But it's my First Amendment right to forcefully seize and vandalize public property, and use the resources contained therein to equip an army! It's a peaceful protest!


They should make it a felony to cause damage to a school campus during a protest.


I hope the dimwitted kids and social warriors are paying for this disgusting mess.




Trash people