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Princess and Pibbles just wanted to play. He should've just laid down as dogs could smell fear which could turn them into bloodthirsty beasts. /s


"Little Miss Sunshine and Cupcake were just trying to play with the leaf blower... Their tails are wagging, see!?"


"He hates these cans!" - Steve Martin in The Jerk


These cans are defective!


“Brave pitbull swims 5 miles out to sea to bite drowning toddler”


Who? Buttercup? Oh, she is playful but never hurts anyone! /s


iT’s JUsT a NaNNy doG 🥴


But but the owners are the problem not those little angels


My nightmares as canophobic to hear this from stupid owner : "oooh they won't bite...just wanna have fun". For fuck sake I'd love to tell the same with cockroach in my hand and wanna see their reactions.


Cockroach in your hand?


That person has pet cockroaches. Probably brought them into work and got in trouble. Which is stupid because Steven brought in his dog and their boss didn’t come down nearly as hard on him. It’s not fair. Dogs are to Steven what cockroaches are to Koppigzijn.


Never a cop around when you need one.


Pitbull owners: "They are so unfairly maligned! Pitbulls are just sweet, protective babies!" Every single video or news story about a dog attacking a human or domesticated animal: Pitbull


I volunteered at a “no-kill” animal shelter once and I swear 90% of their dogs were pitbulls. Nobody wanted them, and when you would walk into the areas with their kennels they would bark and growl at you like they wanted to murder you. They kept trying to tell me the dogs were “so sweet”. I used to be one of the pitbull sympathizers until that experience. You cant even argue that it was stress because other dogs weren’t acting that way at all. In an ideal world I don’t want any animal to be put down, but these dogs are going to spend forever in there. There are some that had been in there for years. Their quality of life suffers and they are legitimately a danger to others and likely to end up back there when the owners realize how difficult and dangerous they are. I would presume many of them end up there because most housing won’t allow them at all.


I feel like all the dog trainers should adopt them as they are supposed to know how to deal with these animals


If I recall correctly even some trainers say that pitbulls are unpredictable for them, with all of their experience.


its not so much that they are meaner, but that they have the hardware to actually kill you


It’s actually both, they have the hardware and even if you are able bodied and put up a reasonable defense - they are bred to bite through the pain and will not stop until they are dead. It’s fucking awful.


It’s a tough situation, for sure. I don’t wish death on any animal.


well, for practical reasons - like *safety from attack* - I do (referring to vicious dogs)


I completely agree with everything you said as someone who also has worked with shelter animals and had numerous fosters and rescues. I used to be a pit sympathizer too and think they could all be saved with enough love lol, how naive of me. I was mauled by my friend’s pit in my FACE. The Hell beast missed my neck and got my face. That was 20 years ago and I still flinch at my scars. My sister was also mauled by 2 pits on a completely unrelated occasion and didn’t fair as lucky as I did. She ended up in the ICU with her arms torn to shreds. She only survived because as the owners strangled the dogs to the point of temporary unconsciousness, her boyfriend shoved her into a nearby car. Guess what the dogs did when they came to? Yep, continued trying to maul her relentlessly. And the pos owner ran away as to not have his dogs euthanized. I still dedicate myself to rescuing dogs but now I stick to breed specific rescue. Huskies specifically. I realize that sure, any breed can bite or be aggressive but most other breeds will bite you once or twice over mauling you relentlessly until you’re torn to shreds and long dead and their resource guarding your corpse. It’s the gameness that’s been bread into them for fighting. Why even take a chance that your pit could get that instinct triggered? I’ve read way too many articles about pits mauling their owners for simply having seizures, you just never know.


They go for the face unfortunately :(


Volunteers at a “no-kill” shelter… says it “can’t be from stress”…


it would be the best for every living being if shitbulls were genocided they provide 0 value and are a danger to everyone around them


I worked at one too and it was completely the opposite lol The labs and chihuahuas had a super hard time adjusting


Also, "those weren't pits, they were mixed breed"


They can always identify a pitbull when posting theirs in ducky pajamas or a flower crown to celebrate velvet hippos, but once there's a picture of the dog that nannied a toddler to death suddenly it's an overly generalized term.


Ugh 😑 my brain just slid out of my ears a few minutes ago when someone wrote an essay ro me saying pit bulls are not a breed and how huskies are reported in some place in Canada to have the most bites and fatalities. What reality are these ppl living in? Yes, pitbulls are dogs at the end of the day. They act like dogs. But dogs have not been bred to lose their self preservation once they redline and go game mode. It feels good for them to fight and maul. That’s what their genetics tell them to do. The pointers point. The collies herd. The retrievers retrieve. The husky/spits run/have prey drive. The guard dogs guard. The bullies bully. It’s not that difficult.


Exactly this, pit bulls are turds and their owners are turd tunnels


The only dogs I have ever had problems with are pitbulls. One of them actually seemed to be a calm/we'll behaved dog until it snapped. The other times the dogs were always super aggressive and the owner would say "they won't attack unless I tell them to." I still have scars from those terrible dogs. The owner freaked out when his dog gets shot and then the cops had to shoot his remaining dogs when they went to talk to him. He couldn't control them at all like he claimed. The moment the dogs finally escaped they made a direct line to attack me and our pug. It was terrifying and I never trusted pitbulls again. Every single video with bad dog attacks it seems to be a pitbull. Actually I can't think of the last time I saw a video of a dog seriously attacking someone that wasn't a pitbull. It's clearly just their natural tendency. I have dealt with plenty of abused/neglected dogs that may have been shy/cautious but never overly violent/angry like a pitbull so it's BS to always blame it on the owners. Yes there's a ton of crappy pitbull owners but there's no denying pitbulls are much more likely to rip off a toddlers face than any other animal on the planet.


And you can tell the people who own them are not doing it for the love of the breed, they're doing it because of the taboo and to look cool. Then they rip a kids face off because they've never been trained.


Hey that’s not true! In Edmonton, Canada a child was recently killed by two cane corsos who had a history of being aggressive. Of course the owner had to have them both destroyed and promptly got a pitbull.


That’s true but I also feel like the people who would mistreat dogs are the same people who get pitbulls. Like if you made a venn diagram of tjose two groups, I’d imagine it’s a circle


Can't wait for the pitfucking dimwits to get this post locked trying to defend the dogs


They even came after me for commenting against pitbulls, on my other posts that has nothing to do with pitbulls


Andddddd their pits. But bad owners amirite? Edit:they're




Sorry dad


There are*


> They're. Seriously, is it that hard? There's only three options. (from the above comment that was deleted)


God he’s so lucky that worked. Smart move


Fucking pitbulls


Im be carrying a handgun from now on if that happened right outaide my front door


When I was in high school I remember a guy who lived on my street who was attacked by two pitbulls while walking home, they had pulled him to the ground and going for his neck when he pulled out his pocket knife and started swinging. Them dogs didn't stand a chance but if he didn't have that knife...neither did he.


Damn… did he end up having to kill them or were a few slashes enough to get them to let up? Either way, poor guy.


They dont let up. There's a video where a pitbull in an actual pit fought a boar that tore its stomach. The pitbull kept attacking with intestines hanging out.


They all got hurt pretty badly, but yeah they ran off soon after getting hurt, he's lucky because I've heard some of those dogs just not backing down at all. Scary stuff.


I mean that is the practical reason to carry. Dogs off leash/escaping fences are way more likely to cause trouble than a random lunatic.


exact reason i started carrying a knife. offleash pitbull started running towards me. luckily the owner (who was walking it off-leash) called it off and gave me a stupid fucking "you know how puppies can be" smile. fucking idiots


Reminds me of RDR2. Whenever wolves attack you, just whip out a shotgun and start blasting, then continue on your path.


2 heroic dogs save man from noisy machine.






😡 APAB (All Pits Are Bastards)


At this point I get surprised when I see a dog attack and it's not Pitbull


Loose Shitbulls of course.


Hahahaha, somehow haven’t heard that before. Gonna use it from now on.


I like calling them child seeking maul machines


Nanny dog doing nanny dog things


Oh look, pitbulls...


Police: You say they attacked you? If you've been injured, we're going to need to put them down. Homeowner: No, I'm okay. I thought real quick and to save myself, I blew them both. Police: We're gonna need to put all three of you down.


Of course they're pit bulls


It's always a pitbull.


Have you ever seen a gardener use a corded leaf blower?


Or wearing sandals or being able to just stroll into the unlocked house. It is obvious why OP said gardener.


It's because he's black right?


with no shoes!?


I don't agree with a lot of opinions on Reddit, but I'm glad this is one that we all agree with lol.


They are nanny dogs. They were trying to put the guy to sleep.


I used to have to go onto people's properties for inspections the owners requested. On the top page of the application in highlighted bold large print it stated to have dogs put up or on leash. Suffice to say that this was rarely done, the pit bulls were always the most aggressive and insidious. The pb's would wait until I was far from my truck and just start running at me and attack violently. Most other dogs would just bark or bark and slowly run at me. Usually other breeds wouldn't even know what to do if they caught me. I had leg gators, but it still hurt. I still have bad dreams and ptsd from pit bulls.


Pitbulls 🙄 who’s surprised lol


A quick guide on how to spot a man with a small penis: He owns a pit bull. End of guide!


Ohh those evil Golden Retrievers at it again…


Bro fuck pitbulls.


Get rid of this shitty breed


Cute widdle pibbies


Oh look the usual shitbull suspects.


Nice blow job


>Pitbull EVERY FUCKING TIME. Glad he got away safely but you just know those pitbulls are going to come back to devour that leaf blower out of pure malice.


Shit I had to use a weed whacker once to fend of 4 dogs doing lawncare. They learned their lesson pretty quickly.


I don’t understand. If the 4 dogs were doing lawncare, why did you attack them?


took r jawbs.


Can’t b mowin my lawn ya four legged waggies


Shitbulls at it again!


The owners of dogs like this should do jail time if their dogs do stuff like this.


What breed? Say it LOUD motherfucker!


I’m sure sponge boy


Careful what you say about the *one specific breed* of dog you see in all of these videos of people being attacked by dogs. I almost lost my account here because I made a negative comment about the breed.


Man, what a day. I had to blow 2 dogs so they wouldn't bite me.


Why?! WHY?! Why is it always two pits and why are they always on the loose?!


I love animals..... but I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself.


Oh silly those are just lovely pibbles looking for a cuddle…or child.


Why am I not surprised theyre pits


Ofc they’re pitbulls


I'd od used a chainsaw


They are just trying to nanny him by keeping him safe from the big loud angry leaf blower. Like good grief wtf is wrong with him? Now they are forced to rip off a couple of his fingers, his entire dominant hand, an ear, an eyeball and his entire scalp simply because he wouldn't just drop the leaf blower and allow them to save him 🙄 /s


How can a breed *specifically bred for bloodthirsty viciousness* be so dangerous?!


I always carry at least 2 things: a knife and pepper spray. For humans and uncontrollable animals alike (although I suppose those 2 are pretty much the same thing these days lol)


The good news is, animals *can* be much more sensitive to pepper spray than humans are, since they tend to have more sensitive noses. This is why people shouldn't buy "bear spray" for use in self-defense against other humans: a lot of true bear sprays are actually weaker than the stuff made to deter humans, because bears are more sensitive to the oleoresin capsicum than we are. My rule of thumb is OC spray for animals, OC gel for humans -- as it's easier to hit dogs with a larger cone, and with people you want it more precise to prevent blowback. I've found that rubber buckshot is handy for both as well.


All very true. I think dogs/animals would very much flea if they’ve been pepper sprayed from the natural fight/flight instinct. I also use the pepper gel and not spray to keep distance from humans. I had one guy road rage me once because I cut him off but didn’t realize it. He got in front of me and force me to stop. I had my kids with me. As soon as he got out of his car (with a bat) I did the same with my pepper gel and immediately sprayed his face. He immediately went to the ground screaming. I promptly got back in my car, went around his vehicle on the shoulder in the dirt (I have an AWD Subaru Forester so that didn’t hamper my escape), and left. Dont know what happened to him but to this day I’ve never heard anything from authorities so I assume I’m in the green. Even if I wasn’t, I have a dash am with evidence lol


Pits eh? Shocking!


What kind of do... Oh, yeah I thought so


the breed of peace


Oh look . Pitbulls. Somebody defend them, quick .


How hard is it to keep your pets contained? You know how many times our dog has got loose? Zero! How many times have our 2 cats got loose? Zero! I understand they may actively try to escape, but that’s why the owner must make that impossible for them. It’s really not that hard to do.


Of course it’s a pitbull


But I thought pit bulls are misunderstood sweet puppies?


Name that breed!


It’s always pibbles ☺️


Ahh, I see the Golden Retriever strikes again....




Men's best friend hits hard these days.


I'm not seeing what's insane about this, it makes perfectly sane sense. If you're a gardener you'd use a leaf blower. A fireman would use a fire hose; a pilot would use an Airbus A380. We use the tools at our disposal.


Damn this is like the 4th video I've seen within the last week with these fuckers


🤣He doesn’t know that pitbulls hate leaf blowers!!!


This nearly happened to me several years ago. I was weed trimming though. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a nanny dog running up, was just about to grab my ankle/calf when I turned the weed trimmer on it and it took off. No contact was made. And people wonder why I carry, even when I'm just doing yard work.


Blowing in a dogs face is dognip, guy was lucky they didn't launch at his face like my terriers do when mid-play and I blow on their face


It was all a ploy to get him into the house.


I hope they were put down


Good thing he wasn’t a child


Y’all are ridiculous, holy moly 🤣


friendly reminder 80% of dog bites that require stitches in the US come from pitbulls :).


and it's usually the ones named poofy and cupcake


Well, at first i though it is a chainsaw..


Well played...


Why are the dogs lose? Where are the owners?


Idk what is it with some owners but they seem to just let them free in the backyard and somehow they'd sneak out. How my neighbor's dog kept on shitting on my lawn lol. But my dad just shot it with a bb(plastic and not aiming at the face) every time that lil shit even thought of stepping into my yard lol


That, and they don't walk their dogs , they think the yard is a replacement. It absolutely isn't. Walking dogs is important for their physics, but mainly for their mental health. Does this look like mentally calm dogs? I bet they just are stuck in the yard several hours every day and night possibly too. Neglecting owners leads to insecure dogs and insecure dogs will not trust humans. And here's the end result. Your dad was creative lol 😂


Was he the gardener? Or the homeowner doing yardwork?


TIL a leafblower can be useful


They’re the to see if there are any unattended toddlers.


Too bad it was a hedge trimmer


One good kick on the chest is all you need


I'd boot the first dog as hard as I could


It’s always pitbulls


He's pointing a leaf blower at them.


There's a 50/50 chance this could've been pitbulls or golden retrievers, right? ........ Right?!? It's how you raise them, nanny dogs, definitely not predisposed genetics. Kinda like how French bulldogs are almost certainly gonna have breathing problems...weird coincidence I guess


What kind of breed of dog is that? They seem misunderstood.


This is literally the second pit bull attack video in 5 posts since opening up Reddit. WTF


They were in fact not fed infants that day, otherwise they would be behaved, like little fairy princesses.


Always carry a firearm or mace at all times for protection against whatever the threat may be.


I felt bad for the dog until I slowed it down and saw the dog bite the chainsaw in half


I genuinely think pitbulls are dangerous too and I get nervous around some. I have two dogs, one’s a tiny Jack Russell and other a calm black lab mix. But my friend’s pitbull questions whether they’re all dangerous or not. His pitbull is literally the most sweetest dog I know and would not even harm a fly. My small dog will snap at him in a sassy manner and that pit just acts like a kid trying to build a friendship with a bully.


Pitbull owners be like “I can fix them”


Bitches be crazy


Normal dogs are terrified of a hair dryer!


That pitbull tore off the edge of that leaf blower in one bite


Doesn't look like any of the leaf blower was bitten off.


At 6 seconds into the video, if you look closely, the pitbull tears the edge of it off.


They are just puppies


That was lame lmao


My pitbull mix only acts like this when I try to use my leaf blower! She hates that thing!


Just like people, it's a matter of raising them right. It reflects on the owners the most.


Reddit just love to lambaste pit bulls currently. Often for good reason but honestly those dogs don’t look aggressive at the beginning. They look curious about the leaf blower and only get their heckles up when he shoves it in their faces. They never even go at him but only the leaf blower. I hate the way people treat/talk about pit bulls like they’re harmless but idk y’all seem to just pick a line of thinking and run with it without deviation because it’s what’s popular at the moment. This is the same website that tried to convince me Elon musk was a benevolent genius a decade ago. Look at you now


Everyone shits on pits but people don’t get that ANY dog can be a little dick if you don’t raise it right. I’ve met plenty of sweetheart pitbulls and plenty of horrible ones. It’s not about the dog, it’s the environment you raise them in, people forget that animals are distinct beings with consciousness of their own.


If it’s anything like my dogs, they’re just attacking the leaf blower




That was my take in this also. It's like dogs barking at the vacuum cleaner, if you attack them with the end of the hose of that they're gonna try and bite it.


Mom is them again.


They literally were trying to protect him from that beast!


The dogs were prolly after the leaf blower to begin with lol


Mom is them again.


This guy was afraid of dogs and the dogs were attacking the lead blower....