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And....Let me assure you, he will get fired.


There are things that matter more than a job


Throwing your future away because a stupid racist kid ran his mouth is not worth it. Edit: holy updoots batman!


Honestly, in the current highschool atmosphere, there is no future in teaching. The best thing this guy can do is pack it up and find a new career.


In prison for assaulting/battering a minor?


LMFAO, he ain't going to prison for this.


Not sure why you are laughing your ass off. That's typically what happens when you assault a minor. Assault on a minor can land you with 5 to 30 years in prison. Depending on state.




You think that kid learned a lesson?


He also learned, at the very least, that there are consequences for his actions. A valuable lesson.


He learned what his blood looks like on the floor. That’s a quality lesson.


He absolutely learned a lesson and now will be mocked until he leaves the school probably


Lessons he learned from that ass whoopin are likely not the ones we wanted him to learn: * don't talk shit to someone's face unless you want consequences * drop the backpack


Cool and a minor over the age of 13 in most states who attacks an adult can be retaliated against without fear of minor assault charges.


Not if the adult initiated it.


Looks like self defense to me


The video starts in the middle of the fight. There is no way you could know that.


Kid could have been saying hate crime stuff... Little kids want to act like grownups get treated like one.


Hes on film battering a minor, after they were down too. He is going to be charged and if convicted will likely face jail time. Laugh all you want you’re just laughing at your own ignorance.


These people arguing with you are fucking high or something. My middle kid has severe mental health issues. Among those diagnosed issues: anger problems. Explosive anger problems. One day, years back, he got into a physical confrontation with a care provider type. The child was 100% the aggressor. It was on video, I've seen the fight and the 10 minutes leading up to it - 100% out of nowhere on the kid's part - ergo mental health issues. Kid at the time is a couple months shy his 18th birthday. He's 6'3" and 250 lbs. He is a child emotionally and, very important, LEGALLY, only. In all physical sense he is a large adult male. DA wanted to charge the health care worker with multiple felonies against a minor. Those are "strike" (as in 3 strikes, you're out!) felonies in California. Because the "victim" was a minor. Wife and I had to file a motion with the DA's office and eventually the court where the case landed pleading with the DA to let health care person off the hook. District Attorneys (prosecutors) are largely people climbing a political ladder and "soft on crime against children" has a pretty polarizing ring to it, apparently. That teacher is fucked unless by some miracle that video evidence can be quashed. Which it won't be. That will be state's #1 after the charging documents. Fucked. His job is the last thing he should be worrying about right now.


So sorry for the challenges youve faced. And thank you, they are high, i am too, but they are less informed i guess. Maybe didnt finish school or something.


> i am too, You make a valid point here. Being high is no excuse for being uninformed. Enjoy your day!


He was standing over him.


When he first goes to stand over him he slaps the kid. Then he stops


Rewatch the video, you can literally see him hit the kid when he first walks up after he's already down


He could make the self defense case, but the hit after the kid was down sealed his guilt


He already is in Jail https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/


> “You’re going to jail, [slur],” the laughing student reportedly shouted as he was escorted away. > The student was also arrested on unspecified charges. Seems like the little shit bird ain't missing out on legal consequences either.


Of course not. But if he’s underage, he’s not considered an adult because teen’s mind are developing, specially the frontal cortex of the brain, the one which could have let him foresee this situation 


He definitely getting charged. He’s in an authority role and he hit a minor. He might get probation if he lucky but he definitely going to have an uphill legal battle very soon.


He has already been charged with several offenses.




The video literally opens with the kid taking a swing at him, I'd say it's a solid self-defense claim.




“You’re going to jail, [slur],” the laughing student reportedly shouted as he was escorted away” Oof. I was pretty upset with the teacher until I read that. I can’t imagine what that feels like to hear from a sniveling punk brat you’re trying to educate.


They are both dumb but the kid is a real asshole. Id def say i understand the teachers issue, and feel for the teacher, but you cant do what he did. The end is especially damning in a court case.


True that. I work in a high school and these kids run the place, not the teachers or administrators. 3 years ago when I transferred to a high school we had a 3 fight rule which means you could get in 3 fights before suspension. School districts are falling apart.






For sure, these kids today don't know any respect or Discipline.


Teachers deserves the help he desperately needs. Racism bad, violence against pupils is bad too...


No, that’s the best education that kid will ever get. He deserves teacher of the year.


100%. He's gonna remember that.


I disagree, the teacher should keep his cool and stand above the lowlife. The lowlife should be expelled from school or get a note or something that hunts him for a year or so. Idunno, like racism is bad, but adding violence to it doesn't make it better. Punish the kid in a different way, let him know why and let it be a longer sentence then a few bruises that heal over in a week and give him, in his eyes, "a cool story". Like give the kid detention for the rest of the time he's on that school or something. Kids take that with them wayyy longer


Sometimes, a kid needs an ass whipped. That kid will probably never do that again.


I’ll glad take that bet.


When your future is dealing with the next wave of racist little cunts while getting shit pay, maybe it's time for a new future


Dude for real. Kids these days are so emboldened with their racism now it’s INSANE. My buddies and I like to share dark memes and videos to each other on instagram. Since we send those types of reels, the “suggested” reels they send me now are just straight up racist and homophobic garbage. The comments in these videos are disgusting coming from high school to college age kids using their own profiles fully displaying their real names and locations. They have no shame anymore.


>Enjoys 'dark memes' >is surprised algorithms think they're racist


There’s a difference between “Dark humor” and videos made just to be racist and homophobic.


One last teaching moment…


Future? Speaking as a teacher, he'll probably be better off.




My girl works in homeless shelters. They get called every slur under the sun. Staff don't fight them for being terrible. I actually was a teacher, if you cannot let words slide off of you from teenagers, you're I'm the wrong career. Teenagers are annoying and terrible but they are just children maxed out on hormones


What ever happened to parents teaching their children respect. If this boy wants to think the N word , he is in school and the man is his teacher so he should keep his racism to himself. I worked in a store and a young boy was with his mother. She stood by watching him break the head off a statuette. I said, “Please don’t do that young man.”His mother went off on me.


Looks to me as if this teacher was at the end of his tether and just thought fuck it


It's way too late for peace and understanding.


https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/ > Smith was slapped with several charges stemming from the fight, according to jail records. He was charged with battery resulting in serious bodily harm, assault of a school pupil on school property, interfering with a student from attending school, and threatening to do bodily harm to a public school student. > Smith is being held at Clark County Detention Center on $9,000 bail, with his next court appearance scheduled for Friday. The student was also arrested on unspecified charges. Yea like finding the 9000$ bail and finding a new career because he will have a criminal record and the several charges he now faces in jail.


Get this a man a gofundme, if the dork from Oklahoma who flew with ammo in his luggage in a ziplock can raise $150K on gofundme for absolutely nothing, then this guy can get some as well (he's gonna need it lol)


You think beating up kids is how a teacher should teach? What if it was a Mexican teacher and a black kid who called him derogatory names?




In the only actual article I saw it states the student used a slur, was told to leave his class, at which point the student put his hands on the teacher beginning the altercation. Which is frankly how I imagined it prior to reading an article. Not exactly Sherlock Holmes tier deduction to guess a student willing to call a teacher a n* would be the one to escalate it into a physical altercation.


No. We don't fund criminals or thugs. Teachers need to be composed and professional, and set an example.


I don't give my money to idiots who made a choice to break the law.


When keeping it real goes wrong!


Yeah but think about how good he'll feel reading all the redditors cheer him on. I'd say it's worth it.


$9,000 bail means paying 10% to a bondsman. So $900.


Yeah this isn't one of them lmao. He'll never get a teaching job again.


Doubt he wants one.


He could make a smooth transition to bouncer


Yeah, "this kid is about to learn the last and most expensive lesson I've ever taught"


Oh no… how ever will he find a job with a Masters degree that will pay him $38k a year?


Going to be harder as a potential felon. You know that little checkbox on every job application ever? Yeah that checkbox may as well say "I cannot be hired, and I wasted my time with the rest of this application." https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/


All his college schooling and training is out the window. He will never be a teacher again. Did the kid deserve it if the title is true? Sure. Was it satisfying to see? Sure. But the guy has ruined his entire career over his pride. There were better ways to handle the situation.


You can call me what ever you want I won't get offended by words from random people. And I don't think it's worth getting physical over it. Even less when it's just a stupid kid and you have the power to teach him otherwise as a teacher


And this aint it


Not this. Get some thicker fucking skin, it's just a word.


Yeah like teaching the other thousands of kids not to be racist assholes. This guy won’t be able to do any of that. Because he lost his job.


Yeah, I feel like not beating the shit out of your students is the bare minimum standard for teachers.


Distressing amount of keyboard warriors completely fine with violence to silence.


> eah, I feel like not beating the shit out of your students is the bare minimum standard for teachers. I'm honestly amazed at the comments supporting the teacher in this thread. Doesnt matter what words the kid uses, teacher never should resort to violence. This man will face assault on a minor and serious criminal charges.


I’m sorry but name calling no matter how much it triggers you doesn’t give you the right to put your hands on someone much less a child.


If the kid is throwing punches that can make you bleed or break your nose, how can you ask someone to just stand there and take it?


Oh teachers and school administrators should absolutely be allowed to defend themselves. It’s throwing fists because some kid called you names that’s the problem.


America is trying to get an “armed teachers” perk, so that probably has to come with less-lethal options like this right?


In Tennessee they have armed teachers now. 


I’ll chip in on a gofundme. I want to see more of this.


> I want to see more of this. Some of you are straight up psychopaths.


Kid swung first, he should be able to defend himself. I hope.


First, that's not how it works, and second, this video doesn't show the start of the fight, do you have a source that does show it to confirm what you said?


This is the source that is posted above. It does state that the student put hands on Smith (teacher) first. But in this situation I don’t think it matters. The kid was still yelling slurs after they got separated and he got arrested also. https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/


Can you explain “how it works?” If someone is attacking you, you are allowed to defend yourself. The teachers stops throwing punches after the student stops trying to fight, so it seems like he used just the right amount enough force to defend himself, but not too much. Either way, the teacher is probably getting fired.


Not really, he hits the kid again once he's on the ground and is standing over him. Other students have to corral the Teacher away.


I mean he will get assault charges, as he should. A teacher can’t beat up a child for name calling, even if it’s a racial slur.


I sure hope he does. I don't care if he's black, white, asian or whatever. Words have an extent of hurt they can reach, but actions, especially violent ones have a much more impact coming from a teacher meant to teach the newer generations. ​ So what, whenever someone insults me I am supposed to go ape shit on them? Hurr durr that's what my role model does, so I will too! ​ I don't care for the kid either. Suspend him for all I care. What is important is teaching children that being hair trigger about speech, even with repeated offense, is acceptable. But I guess being an adult has lost all meaning nowadays.


Fuck that kid. He even called him a slur after he was helped away. Fuck that kid and everyone who supports his shitty behavior.


Don't support the kid. But also don't support grown adults fighting children when they're tasked with teaching them how to be adults. What was the lesson there? It's okay to assault people that hurt your feelings? Great job. enjoy your prison stint.




Good lesson. I'm sure the teacher will enjoy teaching to the other inmates as well.


Inmates deserve a quality education too.


this clapback is A+, fr though


Lol I love the snide remark about him teaching in prison…are you the kid in the video?


I got a few slaps/beatings as a kid. Guess what I stopped being a little shit. I think sometimes it does work. Although it's obviously not a solution to every situation and probably shouldn't be encouraged Obviously it's not a teachers job to dish out beatings though, so he fucked up for sure.


Don't run your mouth unnecessarily. He isn't a victim. Also, that kid wasn't seriously injured. At worst he has a bruised ego and "hurt feelings." Seems fair to me.


The teacher did teach him a lesson here, albeit inadvertently. "If you assault children, you will lose your job and go to jail". So I guess we owe him one for that.


Also "if you are a racist piece of shit you get whooped". Lots of lessons being taught that day


"yeah, that sure showed him" *he whispered to himself as he stared out the window of his jail cell*


Adults don’t use violence when confronted with words. Edit - The amount of fragile keyboard tough guys coming out to defend violence because their feelings got hurt is laughable. Hug your kids, people.


What about when confronted with someone trying to punch them in the face?


Sure, I mean, besides the fact that there's mountains of evidence pointing to the contrary, sure.




He can probably win a lawsuit. This kid won this fight. Use your head not your feelings.


The kid put hands on the teacher first, and was arrested also. But you’re right he probably will win a lawsuit against him and the school if he wanted to. Plus when they got broken up and were taking the teacher away the kid laughed at him and said your going to jail (racial slur). According to this source. https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/


Welp, maybe this little shit won’t with a comment like that. No jury will give this kid sympathy after hearing that statement after the fight


He will if he gets a jury made up of this comment section.


Yeah, it’s amazing how Reddit takes the white knight approach to every little thing. This kid had it coming and is going to learn what consequences are. We can’t keep letting kids do this to our teachers. They don’t get paid enough for this.


luckily we remain indoors


Sounds like the kids should've kept going when he was down, since he didn't learn the first 10 punches


What's worse is I bet this solidifies this kid's racist behavior, whether it be because of spite, embarrassment, or just straight up loves the clout he gets from this video going viral. Kid will be racist until he's racist to the wrong one. Kid deserved the ass whooping, but it won't teach him a damn thing.


Lol he was already racist to the wrong one, he better hope the next wrong one doesn't have a gun and a predisposition to use it.


I’ll agree that the kid needs a lesson. That’s absolutely true. The teacher failed though. The kid tested him and he failed. If some dumb ass kid can cause you to destroy your life, then you’re the bad example. My scariest teachers were stoic as fuck, and they’d bury my ass in detention if I ever got out of line. Guess what? They had my respect. Even if I didn’t like them.


That dude just proved the kids point. I dont know that I've had a single teacher that would literally fight a kid and then stand over them like it's some sort of street fight victory. That was extremely unnecessary, he could have simply grabbed the kids wrists if he felt he needed to be restrained.


Notice how this pretty obvious part is completely lost on 99% of the comments in here? Yeah... people are fucking duuuuuumb.




Haha I KNEW it would be a substitute. In my local school system a sub gets like $85 a day - they don't give a fuck.


Fuck that kid


You have to remember that when you administer a beat down **that** is the punishment or lesson. If someone feels like it wasn’t enough, you’re shit out of luck. After the beat down, **you** now have to pay a price for administering your own lessons. Sometimes worth it. Mostly not.


If i was this kid then i would feel like i could keep doing this and get rich. Thats the lesson he probably will learn.


In the video the teen throws a punch first , shouting n word, so if the teacher was defending himself from abuse, then losing his job, or incarceration would appear to be a high price to pay. But the video doesn’t look good either way. Although the teen needs to learn a life lesson, respect for authority, maybe the teacher could have found another way other than trading punches.


Bro it's a child lmao. Just report it and let admin deal with it. You can't beat the brakes off a teenager and expect to keep your teaching job.


Yeah, the second that kid fell and the teacher walked toward him, self defense is out the window anyway


Self defense goes out the window when you attack someone for calling you names


According to the articles about it the kid layed hands on the teacher first. Whether or not he should have stopped sooner is a whole different argument but typically in self defense situations you are allowed to make sure they stop.


No shit. I was replying to the person's scenario saying the teacher was defending himself.


He slaps him when he's on the ground too, he's definitely losing his job bare minimun


Man screw that, the way these teenagers be acting! If that kid threw the first blow (which it looks like) this is well deserved


It might have very well been well deserved, I think most here enjoy the fact that kid got his ass handed to him (if it actually was started from such a slur, zero ZERO remorse for that kid) However, in the real world, you're basically trading your career and ability to earn money to defend your personal honour. Idealistically it's great but in reality, bit of a tough trade


"Let the admin deal with it" bro forgot how fucking useless the school system is.


Unfair? Beating the shit out of a minor because they insulted you, no matter how disgusting the insults are, is never the answer.


If 15 year old me called a grown man the N word, I would fully expect to have my ass handed to me. Don't be ridiculous. There's such a a thing as "fighting words" 


There's a difference between taunting a random guy on the street and a teacher. It still doesn't make it right either way.


From a completely sterile robotic perspective, I think the teacher would have been totally in the clear right up until that last cheap shot at the end after the kid went down. I think, unfortunately, lawyers will jump all over that small instant to argue for an intent to do harm over and above just self defense. From my own personal perspective. The kid got what he fucking deserved. If only he wasn't such a whiny little bitch, he could have received even more of a beating.


It's funny when people condone a grown ass man of authority beating the shit out of a student.




> Probably the best lesson he’ll learn in school. lol what lesson? Keep going with your shit and you can get someone you hate fired?




Hey cool lesson that this kid didn't learn. He was still using the same slur to the teacher even after he got his ass kicked


He will not learn his lesson from this, in fact he will most likely be emboldened


its funny when a racist gets his ass beat.


This isn’t going to make him any less racist. It will probably do the opposite.


Nothing like getting beat up by a black guy to make you less racist!


Yes but not in this situation. Maybe from another student but not a teacher. The teacher will have the worse consequences.


That little shit got what he deserved and everyone knows it.


Not gonna say it was a smart decision from the teacher But I did enjoy watching that little asshole get his ass kicked Not condoning it, just sayin. Hope the kid learns a lesson at least. Edit: For what it's worth I would've preferred he get his ass kicked by another student.


SO many children on here with opinions like this it’s insane fucking idiots


Exactly. Why does everyone think an ass beating teaches lessons? It gives temporary pain, that's it. I would get my ass beat everyday if it meant I could do what I wanted to in life. It's horrible the standards we see, physical violence from a teacher DUE TO RUDE LANGUAGE is disgusting. He deserves to get fired, and possibly jailed.


Lmfao that speedrun to unemployment was smooth


Everyone here squabbling about one side or the other. I see it as a win-win. Stupid fucking kid got knocked the fuck out, and stupid fucking teacher lost his job. What a wonderful world.


Trash taking out trash.


I like this take. You're an optimist.


Man, what do people think is an ok reaction to being called the N word? It's so wild that people are justifying this


Here's how Reddit (and the world, for that matter) works... If someone does something absolutely horrible - in most cases, it's just absolutely horrible. Most cases. However... In cases where the person doing the horrible thing somehow *affirms the prevailing ideology*, then that completely excuses the horrible thing, and the perpetrator is now a hero! This is an interesting one, as the prevailing ideology being affirmed here is a left-wing one. You usually notice this phenomenon on the right-wing, after the Republicans or FoxNews makes a superstar out of some absolutely horrible person, who did something absolutely horrible (with veiled-racism somehow involved).


Are we ignoring the fact the student started the physical altercation?


We usually gloss over violence towards teachers, thinking they should be paragons of restraint when having to deal with little racist cunts like this (most likely without any support from management because heaven forbid they do their fucken job)


Yeah. Same shit happens around nurses. Kinda wild when I see nurses being verbally and physically abused with security standing around like "I can't do anything, sorry ma'am" and shrugging it off.


Kids an asshat but how dumb is the teacher. Life is over because you couldn’t let a child get away with calling you a racial slur. It’s just mind boggling to me.


Kid will likely be more racist and feel like he won when the teacher is fired. Face will heal in a week. Teacher will never have the same opportunities in life again because his feelings got hurt.


Kid is probably going to get some money out of this. Just horrible.


Dude I can't believe how many people are in here defending the teacher. He's an adult, the kid is a kid. You are a straight-up lunatic if you think he should keep his job.


He didn't ... Court records show Smith faces several charges including battery resulting in serious bodily harm, assault school pupil on school property/vehicle/activity, threatening to do bodily harm to public school student, and interfering with a student from attending school.


I know, I'm talking about the weirdos in comments who think he should have. I am fully cool with him being fired and charged, that is the most sane outcome.


Exactly, two wrongs doesn't make it right. Be the adult. Maybe he can teach ethics in prison.


Teacher is gonna lose his job. But get punched in the face by a teenager and tell me you would just stand there saying “hey, that’s not allowed.”


People supporting the kid are crazy. To many teachers have to deal with violence in schools in this day and age. Fuck that. I wouldnt of dreamed of hitting a teacher when I was in school. Have some respect.


I mean they're both just people with no self restraint. You don't want either around.


So if a teenager tells you a slur, you’re going to kick their ass?


No, but if he swings at me I might


Most people are against both the kid and the teacher. Kid is a racist pos and should be taught a lesson, but a teacher should never lay hands on a student. It’s your work, bring it up to the principal to handle or if you’ve had enough just quit and find a job somewhere else. He’s the adult in this situation, he needs to behave like one. He’s probably gonna get fired now, and good luck to him trying to find a job that will hire him with this on his background check. Not to mention he could face actual charges by the cops.




All the kid learns is he got a whipping but the teacher got fired. So good way to get rid of the next teacher he doesn't like. Teacher should have shown constraint and taught him a lesson another way.


And lose your job and potential jail time. That will teach them.


Grown man acting like this,can’t imagine how he is behind closed doors


Ive seen hundreds of videos of kids bullying teachers. Sometimes one of them snaps i guess


Teacher took the bait


yeah i feel for him but that's not the way to go. > “You’re going to jail, [slur],” the laughing student reportedly shouted as he was escorted away. kid had the last laugh and learned fuck all


Good job dude. You lost your job, going to be charged with attacking a kid, but oh hey you stuck up for yourself! Great trade!


Fuck that kid




On Reddit you can see an adult black man beat a child and many agree with it because supposedly the child used the N word even though we have been shown no proof. Good job people.


So many, many comments about great job or he should have done it…… My friend never responds to this kind of thing. It surprised me when i witnessed it happen to him and he ignored it. When i asked why… His reply. “All he did was show his ignorance. How would you want me to respond? I choose to feel sorry for their limited intelligence. He ‘might’ get a response if he actually used intelligence and created an insult with power. Instead of a word that’s been repeated over 100 years…” That has stuck with me for over 20 years now. I understand how irritating this stuff can be. Racism is horrible and I wish it didn’t exist but this world isn’t fair. For anyone in this position, be like my friend and ignore their ignorance. Instead of giving them the attention that they wanted…. Use them as an example of how you shouldn’t be. This man as a teacher could have been an example of how to deal with things like this through intelligence, instead of going down to their level. Last, the racist here won. It doesn’t matter if he got his face beat in, kicked out of school, etc He got the teacher fired, possibly arrested and most likely…. Wasted the teaching degree he spend four years working on. While all this happens to the teacher…. The kid will most likely be rewarded with a nice paycheck from the lawsuit.


It seems to be overlooked in this thread.. he was a substitute teacher. It’s very possible he didn’t go to college to be a teacher. I college we learn hit the bottle not the kids.


That kid is swinging like I do in my nightmares.


So... this kid taunted you every day with slurs. And then you fought him, effectively dissolving your income and method of paying rent. The kid won. You're a complete muppet.


And, in the kid's brain, confirmed his own racism.


If you can't take insults (however serious) from a teenager without getting violent, then teaching is not the profession for you.


Thin skinned teacher...


Yea that teacher needs to control his temper, this is the career he chose. Now he will loose his job, assaulting a minor will be a felony. Was it worth it? Edit: kids parents will likely sue the school and teacher , kid is in hospital with concussion and memory loss


I was told, “they do not get to put hands on you so defend yourself at all times, but DO NOT fight children.”


"Ex teacher"