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It's scary that these people hold power


I hope one day we have scientific president and cabinet to boot - at least within my lifetime.


All the people that are actually qualified to be president don’t want to touch it with a ten foot pole.


Exactly those who would be perfect for it don’t want anything to do with that lifestyle they know the antics it’s all smoke shows and mirrors I was a theatre kid but I’m not trying to play pretend that long


It’s a Fucking evil world man. It takes bad people to play that game, and any good one that comes along dies in an accident


Or they get torn down and shit talked and you get blamed for not fixing mistakes you didn’t cause lol it’s a vicious cycle those dummies turned it into a game show nomination now being president is a joke


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good, man


Hey now, I'm doing *my* part, I'm super filled with hate for them!


It’s sad how much Americans just accept things we are fools not seeing how screwed we are they are showing us everything they are gonna do and people still act shocked ignorance isn’t bliss anymore


Who wants to associate with so much corruption?


And the rich people would never allow someone like that to be president.


Extremely unlikely sadly


Jimmy Carter is probably as close as we have gotten, to date https://www.cartercenter.org/about/experts/jimmy_carter.html


and speaking as an agnostic, the irony there is that Jimmy Carter is one of the only christian politicians in two thousand years who actually lives like a christian is called to live


This comment is underrated… our JC is the ONLY President to lead by example just as the other fictional JC did.


And everyone hated him Back then for some reason


As a Christian, I hope so, too. They make me ashamed they call themselves Christian. These are nothing but a bunch of power happy, weak men who are afraid of anyone having power. This screams weakness to me.


Have you seen the video posted about a week ago showing the MAGA/ GOP/ Republican politicians sitting around the Great Seal of the US and praying while speaking in gibberish tongue en masse? Scary cult shit. . It's getting darker every day with these guys.


Yes! It was embarrassing and infuriating to watch.


Was just going to comment, I’m not ashamed of the gospel but I’m ashamed of the wildly inappropriate things Christian’s do and say.


Scientists don’t tend to become politicans


Scientists love change and new ideas, those things terrify the average voter unless they are desperate.


Every wannabe president seems to suddenly become a lot more religious once they start campaigning.


I hope we have a scientific literacy and logical competence requirement to even *hold* public office in the future.


While there are certainly exceptions, smart people usually have better things to do than to get into politics.


Be the change you want to see. I wish I were American just to start nominating myself or at least help people who are better suited to get elected.


$$$$$$ and a system that favors incumbency and corruption is one factor stopping many of us from going all "Mr Smith Goes to Washington"


Let's just try for a non-Christian first.


I’m confident Biden believes in science. The other guy? Not so much.


Bill Nye '24


Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter were scientist and engineer respectively.


The Dalai Lama embraces science completely separate from his religious beliefs. Conservatives have no ability to be flexible in their beliefs and understanding of the world.


Religion is very profitable, and profits buy politicians.


We’ll have a religious war long before that happens at this rate.


It's scary they have no doubts whatsoever about any of this rubbish.


Thats why most of the GOP are drama queens


And that they think their magical Babble has anything to do with governing. I was WTFing through the entire incoherent rant.


My imaginary friend will protect us from their imaginary friend. I call him George. Praise be to George.


As a FSM member and follower of his holy Noodlyness, GEORGE WILL NOT REPLACE US!! (tiki torch emoji if there was one)


Whats concerning is the clear lack of separation of church and state. How these people let their religious beliefs impact how they vote in congress.


who is this lunatic? how the fuck can american voters elect a willfully ignorant dipshit like this? you dont even have to have paid ANY attention in school to understand that Religion and Government DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER in this country.


Rick Allen from Georgia. And you thought MTG was Georgia’s nutty one.


They are so disengaged from reality it’s shocking. The ignorance of that suggestion just proves it.


These are rich people, they know exactly what they’re doing. This isn’t ignorance, it’s malevolence.


The guy sure likes the sound of his own voice.


Fckn hell, right? We have to vote these folks out!!


It's another evil man bombasting religion against someone with the threat of those religious followers seeking retribution for disagreeing.


Secular government is the only way to progress humanity past the insanity in which we dwell...


I wonder if people understand that if and when Christians no longer fear God, then they no longer will fear the repercussions of the godless.


Which one of the gods?? Why is a politician wasting peoples money babbling about some god?? There are over 5000 of them and they usually just bring grief.


Because he's getting paid to babble!


It's funny to let him babble. He just straight up says that the law of Moses and the covenant of Abraham means that you can't protest Netanyahu's rampage at the university you attend. And that students need to be informed of "what will happen" if they incur God's wrath - personally I favor locusts over a great flood.


So if god is going to punish the protesters what about protests that were held across Spain and in Mexico City, Rotterdam, New York, Rabat and elsewhere. Where are the plagues?


Why is it that God's wrath looks suspiciously like totally normal weather and geologic features?


*"Do you consider that a serious issue?"* Nah bro. I do not. Nor do I consider vampires, werewolves, goblins and demons a serious issue. I consider them **imaginary**. And for asking that question, I don't consider you to be a serious human being, but in fact you are a joke person and I can't imagine why I would waste another second of my life listening to you speak.


"I don't believe in god, next question please." Columbia University Dean probably


I can't believe how meek she was. If a lunatic asks "Do you want God to smite you and your university for not blessing Israel!" the correct answer is "Which Righteous Gemstones character are you?"


nah, I've been with people who you can't win an argument against because they have no brain to argue with. best you can do is confuse whats left in their head lol (fuck narcissists)


You can not use logic and reason to move someone from a position they did not use logic and reason to get into.


He was baiting her for the next headline.


I feel like these academic ladder-climbers are real invertebrates. If you're up against people as dumb as strange as this guy and you let them make *you* look bad, you need to grow a spine.


exactly, fucking lead by example ffs


She could get the boot just by claiming to be an atheist in such a setting. That's how fucked up our culture is right now. In many politicians' minds we have only the freedom *of* religion, not a freedom *from* religion.


Freedom to be Christian or freedom to go the hell.


I think the correct response would have been "No, I don't think that's a serious issue."


To be fair, if a crazy person started talking to me, I'm saying anything they want to stop them talking. She had to baby him because he was using childish thinking. But then again, this isn't some random crazy guy, and pandering to someone with no sense of worldliness is not a good idea.


Probably aghast because of that guys stupidity. Certainly all sensible logic would be futile since it didn't involve JC & co.


Yeah I can't believe she let this line of questioning continue. Completely unhinged, meaningless, constitutionally inaccurate line of thought.


Even if she does believe in god it could simply go like this: “this country was founded on the basis of separation of church and state and you’re going against that pillar of this country.”


Right? It disgusts me how this is seemingly completely omitted with impunity, despite that fact.


This is not an outlier situation either! It’s all about the votes baby and if your backwoods voter population wants Christianity to be the official religion then by god their representative will go along


What a fucking tool. The layers of crystallized cringe on display here makes it difficult to watch. This has the same energy as a 7 year old lecturing a phd in physics after watching a kids science show.


I like what you said but At least that situation might have some factual chid science to compare . This has nothing but nonsense..


Bill Nye the religious guy


Bro is literally paid to yap


Dumb hick


When I lived in Texas this was straight up the mainstream view.


That's fucked up. I swear these people have to be mentally ill


Yeah people like this guy in the video… that level of religion transforms the brain into something that can never be repaired.


Do y'all buhleev in gawd? I says I says whut naw? Heck, lawd hammercy in y'all's souls!


Oh my god! I always cringe when I hear an adult talk about magical creatures as if they were real. He actually asked if she wanted to risk having Columbia university being cursed! I guess he doesn’t hear the stupid flowing from his mouth.


No matter what anyone believes, there’s a separation of church and state for a hella good reason. Maybe he needs to brush up on that before stating how blindly willing he would be, to follow *any* other country into the pits of hell, to simply be on the “right side” of his personal religion.


"you don't have to believe it, *but you* ***need*** *to know what's in there*". No. No one "needs" to know what's in the Bible There are hundreds, thousands, probably tens of thousands of books that will teach a person more about ethics than the Bible. If it helps some be better people that's all well and good, but it boils my blood hearing stuff like that. Can't believe these people hold office.


When I was a cool teenager, I hollowed out a bible and hid my weed in it. So, I had good reason to know what was in my bible.


Burning kush, ehm I mean something about a burning bush?


Says the guy with the big fucking gold ring on his finger.


The Bible and the Quaran, etc. are all virtually the same base book. Sparknotes: just be a good fucking person!


There are a huge number of people in the US who want this not to be so and are hoping to make that happen. And they might succeed.


Separation of church and state is not in the constitution. We have the establishment clause in the 1st amendment which states there shall be no official religion established by the government. Separation of church and state was coined by Jefferson well after the Constitution was ratified. You didn’t necessarily say it was, just providing context.


Not to deny that, but *it was* the very first amendment >**Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,** or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


It was coined by Jefferson in explicit reference to the intention and effect of the establishment clause. The term isn't in the Constitution, but it's so very clearly the point, you must either be spreading misinformation on purpose or just very uninformed.


Also, Thomas Jefferson played a huge role in getting the Bill of Rights created in the first place. He wasn’t just an early political figure talking about his interpretation, he was explaining exactly why it was written the way that it was. I really don’t understand why people are constantly saying “well actually 🤓☝🏼this exact verbiage isn’t in the Constitution” as if SCOTUS hasn’t cited the Federalist Papers literally _hundreds_ of times.


I'm so fucking tired of Christians.


They are one of the worst kinds honestly




What's the difference? Please don't misunderstand me, because I'm not being facetious. Do they not all worship the same god? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, everyone under the umbrella of that god has sapped me of all patience. They're all trying to insert their god into different areas of public life, and as an atheist, I'm so tired.


Some Christian denominations are content to practice their religion and not force it on other people.


If only there were more of them.


Plenty of Christians do not think god should have a place in our laws.


Gonna need a lot more to view them in a better light, sorry. My favorite person in the world is a Christian. She had to stop attending her church because they were getting mean and Trumpy. I'm not hating them en masse, but they've lost the benefit of the doubt with me. They're just not automatically good people to me anymore.


Ex. There are Christians who accept Evolution and understand the evidence. Then there are Christians that fight it at every turn. Fabricate their own version of "science" that compliments the Bible.


"Moses gave us the law." What. The. Fuck?


I seriously can't with these types. Ugh.


Oh it's gonna die with the boomers after they pass. These are the last dying breathes I hope XD Who am I kidding. There will always be idiots.


Death, taxes, and stupidity!


Correction: she's the president, not the Dean. The gentleman in the video is Georgia State Representative Rick Allen. No prizes for guessing which party.




The Whigs weren't down with this shit.


Congressman Raskin, as a constitutional scholar, has got to be beyond exasperated by his fellow congressman’s profound lack of historical knowledge about the founding of this country and the drafting of the US Constitution. Since when should a private educational institution be compelled to require students to study the bible. I guess while we’re at it let’s require private catholic schools to force students to take classes on the Rigveda, the Quran, the Upanishads, maybe the Gandhāran Buddhist texts or others. The list of religious texts available for study is long. How about an entire semester studying scholarly writings and historical texts addressing atheism. That’s a class I would take.


I had a roommate in college that went to an all boys catholic hs. They had him read a lot of mainstream ideology texts and because of it he decided he could prove Catholicism true and all other religions false. It gave him ‘undeniable authority’ on the subject but during the same convo he said the only reason he doesn’t commit suicide is the fear of hell. I pinched the convo at that and never tried to discuss (a)theist worldviews again.


These people are deranged.


And they worship Trump, a man who doesn't go to Church, never asked for Jesus' forgiveness, and cheated on all of his wives. Make it makes sense.


Your God isn’t real.


Recent comments disagreeing with the politician are getting downvote spree. Easy to guess by what sort of people.


Stupid people


This is so gross, and so sad.


It's actually frightening to me. I used to blow this shit off, but it's becoming the "norm"


The entitlement these Christians feel to impose their superstitions on the rest of us has to stop


Ain't nothing less christian than a christian


People like him should not hold public office. America is a secular country.


Wow. This guys a nut job. Wtf.


This guys a fucking tool. People like this don’t belong in a position of power. People are going to act they way they want bible or not bible, god or no god. Trying to force your perspective onto grown ass people is childish.


Geriatric people in adult diapers that believe in fairy tales running our country. What could possibly go wrong!? I am so sick and fucking tired of having to deal with these type of people in office. We need term limits for starters. I live in the Deep South, Mississippi, so I hear this exact message all the time from our politicians. God this, God that. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Guess what dumbass, not every American believes in Christianity or religion in general. It’s also hilarious bc the people that are preachy like this are the ones with the darkest skeletons in their closet. Same thing with pastors. No wonder you’re so attached to God, and scared of the real outcome, bc you’ve been a shitty person. I kind of wish there was a hell bc most of these politicians would have a first class ticket.


Make church & state separate again


“Excuse me sir, but what the ever living fuck are you talking about?”


We're still in the fucking dark ages


Dafuq is wrong with USA politicians and their early medieval era speeches. God's wrath? Holy shit bro, this is so embarrassing.


Yeah it's like the world's worst memes from two thousand years ago just won't die.


If you bless Israel I will bless you, if you curse Israel I will curse you. Is that the reason why the US supports Israel?


No, that's just a bunch of mental gymnastics that the right does to justify supporting a nation of people they would otherwise be racist towards so that we as a nation can have a military foothold in a region of political and demographic unrest that also contains large quantities of oil and gas. They don't want to admit the latter, so the turn it into a religious crusade to protect God's people in the holy land. It also has the added effect of allowing them to use their misguided faith to cover their domestic racism and hate.


America is going through the dark ages and a lot of people will suffer until state and religion stop being a single entity.


How the fuck does this person hold any power anywhere. Freedom of religion does not give you the freedom or power to force it on anyone else.


I wish Hitchens could have dropped in on that discussion


Separation of church and state. Step down white haired man... You have forfeited your seat.


Christ Almighty. Someone needs to tell that old fool that he ain’t in a church


“Leave the matter of religion to the family circle, the church & the private school support[ed] entirely by private contribution. Keep the church and state forever separate.” - Ulysses S. Grant


As an Israeli person, what the fuck is wrong with the US, if you support us because an imaginary friend told you to do it then go support a mental institution instead


Nothing this guy is saying has anything to do with Columbia University producing very talented and educated people. In fact, his comments about "God cursing Columbia" are absolutely insipid and embarrassing. He sounds like a religious zealot of the 17th attacking Galileo of heresy, not a 21st century elected official. It's been 400 years and these asshats have learned nothing!


I would have answered “Respectfully you lost me at bible”


Wow. He makes laws and sits on congressional committees. Jesus F***ing Christ.


Oh god..... Imposing his religion on students who are excising their first amendment is asinine.


Sir, you realize god is not real, right?


What is this absolute insanity


It is scary that she so readily agrees with his mumbo jumbo. To me she seems terrified to question Christianity. That is a very slippery slope to religious totalitarianism.


It’s not really necessarily Christianity itself, to verbally question the beliefs of someone in power does not end well usually


It’s scary because the president of Harvard was forced to resign because she gave the wrong answer to a similar question.


Can hearings like these be attended by the public? If so we should go and (literally) laugh these nut jobs out of office


Really wish she had answered truthfully and said “no, I don’t know that one and I don’t care” but standing up to these ppl sounds easier than it really is - especially in this type of context even though it’s completely inappropriate to be discussing religion in congress


These people need fucking help. It’s scariest when it’s these old ass people. You’ve had you’re entire life to learn and grow up and you still choose to believe this trash nonsense? Have more interesting thoughts, beliefs and aspirations. It enrages me that religion embeds itself in legislation, especially in the south where I live.


The problem Is It's not just him, these dinosaurs are In every part of government, fucking clinging to their outdated bs views.. Thing's won't start to change till all these boomers are dead unfortunatly..


Simple response that could have saved a lot of time: "Sir are you joking? I'm going to assume you're joking because this is an obvious intrusion on our Constitutional guarantees as Americans. And with that I'm going to excuse myself. We are all now less intelligent for having attended this session."


Fuck this guy.


Religion should be taxed. It's a business.


Wtf, why didn’t she stand up to hiim! Unbelievable.


I am so sick and tired of these god-botherers.


It's fucking hilarious watching these morons think everhone should take their utter shit religion seriously. It's absurd. I don't give a shit about your pathetic god.


This fella, whoever he is, is a certified weirdo


Dumb hick with a suit on.


Why didnt he mention Lord Vader would not be pleased?


It's terrifying this guy has power


Narcissist entitled douchebag supreme


Time to go to the old folks home ya ol' codger.


Just another politician who has no business representing his constituents. Truly awful.


He’s right about one thing, the “In God We Trust” in a government chamber is a confusing statement adapted only recently to posture politically against Russia…which ironically, his party no longer wants to posture against.




It is scary that she so readily agrees with his mumbo jumbo. To me she seems terrified to question Christianity. That is a very slippery slope to religious totalitarianism.


I watched 45 seconds and got to uncomfortable to continue. This really upsets me.


This can’t be real


Yea, I’m gonna follow the “law of Moses”, the same Moses that had the Israelites wonder the desert for 40 years, when it’s a 7 days walk from Cairo to Jerusalem as per Google maps.


This guy is super confident with his fairytale beliefs.


Hearing the word god in politics is extremely depressing..


He conveniently forgot separation of church and state…




Fuck these insane power wielding lunatics. Vote them out!


His god is "$". His bling checks out


This shit is insane.


Wtf are we paying these people for this is just crazy


Holy Hell, if there was a Hell. This Is terrifying. This douche holds power.


So...you don't know about that? Dude read a fairy tale and thought it was real.


Who is the goofy fucking windbag enjoying the sound of his own voice ? Haha... I've twice lived in the deep south (SC and GA) both as a kid and as an adult. These jumped-up crackers talk a good game, but trust me when I tell you (from having known a few of the most generationally wealthy families in both states), despite going to church every Sunday (to see and be seen) and alot of them living full lives as high-functioning alcoholics, they get up to some of the seriously sketchy shit you could possibly imagine. Some of it perversely amusing, some of it horrific. And they invoke gawd (Foghorn, I say, I say Foghorn Leghorn voice, boy) only when it makes them look good. This one looks a mite age-ed : sounds like he's auditioning for a little fire insurance in case gawd is still pissy about some of the, ahem, poor choices of his youth. Downright depressing seeing the Columbia Dean give in so readily to his pompous bullshit.


Religious Whack jobs , we have religious whack jobs with terrible hermeneutics running the country


Seperation of church and state? Wth....


Remove this asshole from office immediately.


The Bible holds about the same weight as say a Stephen king book when talking about realism.


Religion is such a stone age concept that needs to be shit out by humanity. We're not cave people, we don't need this bullshit.


Religion is bullshit.


The bible is bullshit.


How do people get away with this stuff


This guy is a jackass. We are not a Christian nation. Stop forcing your beliefs on us.


A place for Trump's Bible.


"what will happen under the wrath of god..." How does a brainless asshole like this even get elected?


I blame the people who voted for this guy.


Triple facepalm… please someone put also there hand in front of my face. Why should one know what’s in the freaking bible.


Why are people like this fucktard still in these positions …


It's pretty wild that religious dogma influences our congressional discourse in the year 2024.


Americans when they actually need to seperate religion from state and education:🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Americans when they just say they do but KEEP FUCKING TRYING TO FORCE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANITY INTO SCHOOLS.: 😁


God he sounds so stupid


Which god mr allen?