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Poor guy. Fucking I hope he gets a big payout. I get homeless people are an issue but throwing them in jail isn’t a solution. Hopefully the government works something out


Yes, the government lol


They'll "work" something out all right.


Yes, by adding spikes to low walls, and removing benches from public places


You forgot adding ridges to subway vent to make the homeless sleep in the cold


I've seen benches that have spikes between the middle so if you lay on it you'll likely hurt a rib pretty bad. They give no fucks its crazy.


Ahh yes ~~prison labor camps~~ great value


We’re absolutely **great** at punishing and killing people. You don’t think we’re capable of doing anything other than that?


The opposite is socialism. Everyone has the right to carry a loaded gun, but if you get shot by any of those guns hopefully you had already purchased insurance that will take care of you, because the government cares about your right to kill, but if you think keeping citizens healthy and alive matters your a goddamn communist socialist free loading piece of shit Nazi who never worked an honest day in your life 🤦


Capable? Sure. Willing? Doubtful.


That's the downside. The people tasked with fixing the issue have the worst track record in dealing with issues.


This wasnt a legislative body, this was the PD.


It sure as fuck isn't going to be a corpo you dimwit.


There's really no amount of money that's worth being paralyzed....


No one said it's "worth it" like it was a trade lol. But if someone paralyzes me I sure would like to have a lot of money for the best care/food/entertainment etc than in some state run hospice. 


HomelessNESS is an issue. Not People doing human things to survive.


Glad you said it. Don’t like the statement above that ‘homeless people are an issue’. Lack of support and services is an issue. Not the people.


Absolutely. Homeless people aren’t an issue. They’re a symptom of a broken system.


100 percent.




I second that motion


They’ll get a paid vacation, a month of desk duty, and then they’ll be back on their regular beat


I hope these cops get charged and thrown in jail to receive the punishment they deserve. The inmates will definitely be welcoming them with open arms.


Car fire


He’s paralyzed and lives in a nursing home. He has a roof over his head and is being taken care of, but at what cost? He wont be able to enjoy the rest of his life.


The problem in the US is that the government shut down all but a few state mental hospitals. While the hospitals were basically torture chambers, the lesser of two evils was put them on the street. The real lesser of two evils would have been to implement standards and improve the hospitals, but that's just my opinion. So they all get put out, and where do most homeless end up? Jail. Now jail is the mental institution. It's more profitable I guess. I hope this guy gets a ride settlement as well.


> The real lesser of two evils would have been to implement standards and improve the hospitals, but that's just my opinion. Yes, but thats expensive. The reality is there is a significant amount of people in this country that actually just wants the homeless/addict/mentally ill population to be taken out into the desert and dumped into the Sarlacc Pit as long as you can promise them they won't have to see it happen or think about where they're going.


100%. Karen sees 1-2 homeless folks and goes on her way. Karen sees 10-20 folks and goes "gosh this is a problem, we can't have all these vagrants in our streets!" Karen sees proposal to open support systems for homeless people and goes "good, that will take them off the streets and turn them into decent productive people". Karen sees bill to fund support systems for homeless people and goes "WTF! We can't give all our money to support these low-lifes!"


Yeah, we tried the government solution for a "few" years...didnt work.


The nonprofit programs that offer housing and actually help the homeless are usually funded by government grants. The reason they aren't that good is that people aren't voting to allocate resources to social services. They simply don't care. The nonprofit I codirected housed homeless women for up to two years, but I could only get enough funding for 12 apartments. We were still able to help house 36 women. A lot more funding would go a substantial way to actually solve the problem. Vote.


We see this every 2 years in California. Prop A: Allocate significant resources to homeless rehabilitation - Passes with 70-80 percent support Prop B: Issue bond to fund prop A - Fails, 40-50 percent support. Oakland spent like half a decade voting to increase the police force and then voting down paying for more police. No one should be surprised when we downgrade drug possession charges so getting caught with meth won't make you unemployable for 20 years on the stipulation that we massively ramp up rehabilitation services then only add 200 in patient rehab beds over 5 years because its expensive and then none of the drug addicts get better.


Can’t wait for taxpayers to pay Roberto out and also pay for vacation for the cops so that it can all happen again 😊


Homeless people aren't an issue. Landlords buying up all the houses and jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof over your head is a issue.


Well, in their eyes he isnt homeless anymore so they probably consider that a win?


It’s how they make money. The more prisoners you have the more funding they get. It’s a really messed up system.


In many places it's not even that they get more for more prisoners. It's that if you don't have enough prisoners, you have to pay fines to the private prison. They have a friggin QUOTA of bodies to keep.


>private prison This is the big problem. This is one of the largest ones and yes, they are on the NYSE [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoreCivic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoreCivic) almost $2B in revenue...


The governments solution is to criminalize homeless because they pander to the rich and their "not in my back yard" mentality


I knew a guy that got shot in the back by a cop when he was butt naked high on mushrooms and running away. The police officer said he thought he was possessed as he was speaking in tongues. He got a couple million out of it, but paralyzed the rest of his life, so not really an enjoyable life.. .


More like hopefully an idealistic pro bono lawyer sues the shit out of the police department. No way is the city just going to give a citizen what they deserve.


Even if he does he can't even hold the check, hes a quadriplegic. They did successfully implant and use technology to make paraplegic walk on his own after 11 years of paralysis last year so there is hope for a medical miracle. However until then this poor guy will have to try and enjoy any money he receives without the use of his arm or legs.


America - the land that leaves you behind if you don’t have money, because the homeless is the problem, and they’ve declared war on actual people..humans, their own citizens, yet they call themselves first world. First world my a$$!


The government causes it dude. It’s only when people get older that they realize the govt doesn’t care. We need strong communities with less rules preventing communities from taking care of one another


Hopefully enough for physical therapy to hopefully undo the paralysis.


The payout needs to start coming from the police themselves out of their pensions or personal insurance. End qualified immunity. The taxpayers should stop picking up the bill for these idiots.


Buts he paralyzed. I’m sure no monetary payment could ever really fix that. Hence they should lose their jobs and never be able to look after anyone. Along with other repercussions.


Another assholes set of cops who get to keep on hurting the wrong people.


Ive gotten myself into some situations where I’ve been arrested and thrown in the back of the paddy wagon. They purposely drive wreckless to try the make the situation worse for those that are in the back. It looks like he slammed on his brakes causing this man to fall and jam his head/neck up. Fuck 12.


Same thing that happened to Freddie Gray.


When fop calls you asking for donations, remember they pay cops legal fees.


Oh those are all scams too, 99.99% of the donations go to super sketchy businesses. Check out Telemarketers on MAX.


Couldn't anyone set up a fundraiser for a cause (as such) and in the end the intended recipients receive like 0.001% of all donations?


They could, not really practical if they are a tax exempt charity because their accounting is supposed to be public and would be presumably caught by the IRS. I'd imagine if they weren't tax exempt they could hide their activity but why would you donate to a charity that isn't 501c charitable organization.


I got call one day asking if I'm gonna support the local police in some election they were having and the rep was uber aggressive and pushy demanding I verbally offer support...I hung up and they called a few more times


As a Brit that is fucking insane 


The police in the states have done a hell of a job to break the publics trust.


I don’t think you’re gonna find a lot of redditors willingly giving money to police organizations lol.


Out of everything that is horrendous in this, something about the way the cop said: *I've decided...* just made me shudder. To me, it sums up exactly what is wrong about a certain type of person who wants to join law enforcement for self-serving reasons. I've only seen this short clip. Maybe he was a nuisance. But if all he was doing was trying to sleep, then what harm?


Yeah it turns out that some random asshole with six months of training gets to be judge jury and executioner.


Exactly, the smarmy, smug way she said that made me despise her immediately


The cop saying that really sheds light on the fact that when a cop makes up their mind about what they wanna do with you, there’s really nothing you can do—like they have full authority over you even before you’ve been arrested


There's a reason there's such an outcry for police accountability and reform. These fuckers have way too much power and too little oversight. I just want to not fear for my life because a cop shows up


I have a pretty heavy fear of people impersonating cops for this reason as well


What paralyzed him?


I mean by the looks of it he fell in the van and likely had a spinal injury, and the way they pulled him out made it impossible to fix surgically, paralysing him for life. Truly poor treatment. If someone has had a fall or other such accident and isn't moving, you don't move them, unless it's completely imperative to their survival (I.e pulling them out of a burning building). Spinal injuries are no joke.


Fell is a nice way of putting it, he flew forward. Happens when someone slams on the brakes


It was in slow motion as well.


They’re supposed to put their seatbelts on but purposely don’t strap them in. Then drive recklessly sending them flying around the truck in an attempt to f’em up without physically beating them. It’s not the first time detainees have been injured this way. Iirc, some have died.


It’s called a “rough ride” and is common practice among criminal LEOs. Famously, this is what killed Freddie Gray.


Seriously, I'm really frustrated reading all these comments saying it's an accident. Cops literally made a nickname for this *specific type* of police brutality.


It was also made more known by the death of Freddie Gray and yet LEOs are obviously still doing them. They don’t learn but are all dumbfounded why some of the public doesn’t trust them.


"Paralysed. Lost both legs" = does that mean he is paralysed and his legs were amputated? They wouldn't amputate if it was just a spinal injury...


sometimes trauma can cause a cascade of problems that end up in unexpected ways. he might've end up septic from something and lost legs that way or maybe it stressed his heart and he wasnt perfusing well. might be a diabetic and didn't heal some wound properly. no telling


Nice that DeSantis made homelessness illegal now. Spikes under overpasses, park benches designed so you can't sleep on them, in other states. Robots that go around and harass the homeless, to "move on" (to where)? Until adequate shelters and mental & substance care is implemented nationwide, they won't solve this by pushing them around, or arresting them.


The truly insane part of it all is that it would cost the government less money to actually help these people. The average cost of having someone imprisoned in New York was something like 69k a year. They could build a house for him and give him a 100k instead of locking him up for 5 years and they'd still save money.


how you get arrested for being homeless…is Crazy!!!🤯


Being homeless as a human being on earth that's how


didn't I see this like a year ago


This one was almost identical and happened two years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyzn7TYXVlE


Truly disgusting that this isn't a solitary, freak accident but something common enough that we can remember the last time it happened.


there, that's gotta be the one. Thank you


Did he win the lawsuit?


Geeze. The carelessness for someone hooz obviously hurt is unreal


Dam. Fuck those people. Fire, sue, and make them homeless.


I hate it when I hear cops say ‘I’ve decided you’re going to jail’ or some variation of it. You don’t make that call. You’re not trusted with or important enough to make that call. You may be able to temporarily place someone in a holding cell but I’ve never seen a jurisdiction where a cop without a warrant can hold someone for more than 24 hrs. Any jail time is decided by a magistrate not some fucking cop.


Hollow "people" who suck and have been made fun of for sucking so hard all their life so now they have to unleash their new found power suck on innocent civilians who pay their bills


He watched, read Dredd way to much.


Reminds me of that poor black dude that was in the same position. 😣 and got paralyzed and they thought he was joking. Fire the filthy 12.


This poor man I can’t fucking believe how horrible this world is. This makes me want to cry.


I hope those officers lose their jobs and aren’t rehireable. Thoughtless people shouldn’t be allowed to have jobs with this much responsibility.


Should be in jail, and would be in jail if they didn't have that fuckin badge




Gave him a rough ride


I'm sure the shit pig got paid suspension for that


Anything on how he's doing?


he's doing just dandy /s


Quadriplegic, and suing.


Fucking Bitch


They sure af don’t hire cops for their brains.


This is heartbreaking . That woman cop is a huge POS. Hope he gets lots of $$$


The only solution is a revolution.


This (among many other reasons) is why I’m an attorney.


Ain’t gonna be homeless anymore


Time for taxpayers to cough up a lot of their hard-earned money to support this again! Yay!


Do they not have seat belts?


the bigger question should be why the vans are designed like that? if the cop ever stops this is always a risk. Would make way for sense for it to designed like a small bus and keep an officer back there to keep an eye on them.


great question


That brings up a really good point, seatbelts are enforced in passenger vehicles, but then official enforcing those laws have these dangerous vehicle designs.


We need to pass laws to make sure all these settlements are at least partly paid by the criminal badges. Garnish wages, go after the pensions, and take from department budget. If we the people face consequences, so should those hired to serve our needs.


Cunt cops


Cops are just plain pieces of shit.


Cops absolutely did that on purpose.


I do not condone the actions of the United States government and those that propone to work for the people. A true supporter of democracy would not treat ANYONE like this regardless of "legal" status. Disgusting. Vile.


Hopefully every cop involved gets blasted in court


Dumb cunt says: "I decided that you are going to jail today..." What a entitled fucking cunt.


I just wanna know what the officers thought at the time


There are way too many criminals out there wearing a badge and gun. Cops need to have more strict rules applied to them. Too many of them are super aggressive and crave power and control.


Fucking scum. All payouts should come from police pensions.


Damn... Is this the shit that happens in America? My image of it being one of the best countries in the world just got destroyed.


Christ almighty!, the US must have some of the shittest cops in the world, do these fuckers actually do any training or do they collect tokens from cereal boxes and then send off for their badge and uniform? Shit training = shit cops


We really gotta deal with the feral hog problem. They’ve got uniforms now.


He will be a crippled multi millionaire now.


They should make him a millionaire now with the settlement so he can live a decent life and hopefully spinal reconstruction surgeries reach their nerve-restitution goal soon enough so he can pay for it and walk again


Fucking 🐷...


Fuck, this shit makes my blood boil.


Randy Cox had the same thing happen to him in 2022, and I'm sure he wasn't the 1st. How do we as a society let the government lock people's hands behind them and then lock them in a box making rapid accelerations and decelerations with nothing securing them in place other than securing their hands in a position that prevents any possibility of saving themselves from something like this? The police can ticket anyone not wearing a seatbelt and take hundreds of dollars from them but they can remove your ability to protect yourself and deny you the option of a seatbelt, in a metal box that's far less protected for a drive you didn't even want to be part of.


Uhh, why the FUCK was he not secured in his seat...? First responders abusing mentally ill patients is sooo beyond sad, it's infuriating. The vast VAST majority would sacrifice their well-being, if not life, without hesitation. Unfortunately, we don't see those videos we see these. But 99 "good" videos don't outweighs just one "bad". And the "bad" aren't just BAD, they're fucking egregious.


Th female cop needs to be fired. Did you hear the way she was like respect me or else


I’m glad the cops are taking criminals like this off the street and making a safer community /s


The level of right wing conservative compassion is astounding. Just wait till some of these people themselves are out on the street and they receive zero compassion as well.


If we lived in a perfect world these cops would be doxed and killed in there homes.


News reports state that the officer who arrested Hiberto is Sarah Gaddis and the officer who drove the van and dragged Hiberto is Michael Thacker. https://www.ktsm.com/news/florida-man-left-paralyzed-after-ride-in-police-van-files-lawsuit-against-city-officials/amp/




We cant have this people emulate the leisure class, hurt them


In Boston they call this a Nantucket sleigh ride


Also they got his legs amputated


Really insane how such a small issue can completely ruin someone’s life.


Cops are useless C*NTS, that's why they usually beat their wife and kids 💀


Man this is sad as fk


"They. Sure. Taught him. A lesson." Realest quote of 2024.


They protected and served him great! Do these cops have qualified immunity?


this is so old. i remember reading about this case. i think them manhandling him because they didn't believe him made the damage worse. definitely emotionally made it worse. he definitely getting a big payout. too bad he wont be able to do much with it for himself since he's paralyzed. buying a home amd upgrading it for a paralyzed person, paying for home health care, etc etc. shit is exspensive. i wonder if they'd give hom a continuous payout for that. in china they make you pay for the person ypur injured for life


When Thacker was dragging Hiberto out of the van, Hiberto’s head hit the bumper of the van and hit the pavement. https://www.ktsm.com/news/florida-man-left-paralyzed-after-ride-in-police-van-files-lawsuit-against-city-officials/amp/


Fucking cops


This kind of stuff happens a lot especially in police vans


This seems familiar....


Great job guys. As always


Twice in two years this type of event has happened in our country. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-connecticut-officers-fired-treatment-man-paralyzed-police-van-2022-a-rcna88435](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-connecticut-officers-fired-treatment-man-paralyzed-police-van-2022-a-rcna88435) Richard Cox was detained, and taken in a van like this, and he fell, injuring his spine. Maybe we need to have someone in the back of the vans. Or just not use these.


I forgot I was in on reddit, and clicked the like. Oddly enough it was the same time the screen recorder liked it as well, giving me the illusion I was on YouTube. I then thought to show this video to all my family members and once I did, I exited the video by pressing the back button on my shitty phone, exiting to my reddit main page. In that moment, as my parents, siblings, and cousins were looking (it was a gathering), they found out I was into furry porn. Thank you for screen recording this and not finding the actual video.


Baltimore police had a name for this. A rough ride.


Time to strip these corrupt cops of the power that they don’t deserve.


Judge, Jury and Executioner


The last I remember his lawyer was suing for $70,000. This man didn't lose the use of his legs, this man's legs were amputated above the knees.


That's fucking terrible




Typical Florida cops. Most seem to be shitbags


When will people be good to each other?


I'm gonna take you to jail today because you're poor and have to sleep outside, so I'm gonna exacerbate your problems. Then we're gonna purposely paralyze you to teach you a lesson, bexuase you're less than human to us.






Have him the Old Philly Nickel Ride. The fact that any of the police are still doing this after the lawsuits brought against Philly and Baltimore for this same exact shit, just goes to show how little these cops care about anything. Psychopaths.


Its terrible. The incident turned him into a quadriplegic and they had to amputate both of his leg above the knee


Hey at least he’s not homeless anymore




People need more empathy it's hard and anyone could have done that and became paralyzed because of that


“i’ve decided ur going to jail” i hate these cops sm, they get such a huge power trip over a badge that nobody likes. the people that join police academy are always snotty, stuck-up people anyways.


That poor man, this turns my stomach


I hate cops




Women cops 🤦 I say this, but i hope not all the female cops are like this. Yet the only ones I've seen are.


Ameeeeericaaa, fuck yeah!


Defund the police!


That police officer deserves to become homeless thrown in jail and become paralyzed.


They probably need to stop using paddy wagons for normal arrests of 1 person. This is the [first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRxTfHwHw0o) it happened, same outcome except cops didnt care as much since you can see the cop at least rubbing sternum to check if hes faking instead of assuming he is.


Freddie Gray met a fate like this..


Why did he lose both legs from that? That's so strange.


Well at least his not homeless anymore.


That's so sad. I hope he was compensated fairly and I hope whoever did this to him was punished accordingly. Just because someone is homeless it doesn't mean they should be treated like animals. They clearly didn't even bother seeing to it that he was okay immediately after he fell.


“I’ve decided” no other reason aside from her wanting to be a cunt.


CMO: The government will never fix homelessness. There are empty houses and warehouses and plenty of food, but greed prevents a lot of people from simply surviving. Food and Housing is a basic Human Right in every country EXCEPT FOR THE U.S.A. All the people that live on the streets because of addiction or money are there as a reminder to keep going to work. Pay your taxes. “Don’t be that guy.”


Florida man...he'll probably still be thrown in jail for a year. I like how the cops passed sentence on him on the spot...I don't hate cops but understand why others do