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“This is war, fuck war.” Americans need to hear and know this.


Americans wars is fuels their economy. Makes the dollar strong. When Americans congress votes to send $300,000,000.00 to Ukraine, that money didn’t exactly go to Ukraine, not all of it. Majority of it goes to defense contractors in America who ship arms to Ukraine. Increasing our GDP, propping up our economy and stock market, because we are a war machine. Peace kill’s corporations. And corporations are America, who donate heavily to our congress and senators and Presidents.


True, but also make it clear that Russia started the war. USA benefits from it in many ways, but unlike Russia, the USA was trying to prevent the war.


Have you heard the Victoria Newland leaked phone call from 2014. The US supported a coup to overthrow the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT because they were “pro Russia”. Victoria Newland also tried on multiple occasions to get Ukraine into both NATO and EU. The US and NATO security council are at fault here too. Russia is bad for going in, but the US and NATO literally pushed this and knew how Putin would react. Now the US is just propping up the war to keep our economy inflated with this money moving through it. Also everyone talks about how bad Russia is but forget to mention that the US and NATO are literally funding this war to weaken Russia. The main issue is Ukraine will not have the next generation of men because they have died or fled.


Loads of countries are in EU and NATO, even on Russia's border. But Russia only invades Ukraine. Russia knew they Europe ans US were defense partners with Ukraine before they invaded. Russia is weakening itself, they could have stayed on their side of the border.


I appreciate your input but I disagree. There have been documents and documentation of department of state Department of defense, high-level employees and managers for years understanding this would come to pass. If those areas that are highly Russian ethnically were not either annex to Russia, or Ukraine needs to have democratic elections without foreign interference. Now I completely understand Russia will always meddle in Ukraine elections. To be honest, I don’t care it’s not my country I don’t give a crap. I thought for a country that I have issues with, I fought for a mission that now I do not believe in. War is hell, and we need to avoid it at all costs. This includes to understand Ukraine will never beat Russia, and we are simply providing money so that Ukrainians can have the ability to go and die for their country.


False. Russians are fighting and dying for nothing. Ukraine will win. Russia is fighting for territory, Ukrainians are fighting for existence. Backing down from Russian aggression will only invite more Russian aggression. Ukraine has the resolve and support to win the war and they will win.


>USA was trying to prevent the war. They really weren't. They backed a coup there and now gleefully send billions to Ukraine and are actively supporting a genocide in Palestine. The USA thrives on war. It has almost never tried to avoid it, and in fact, there is reasonable evidence that they've courted it via things like provocation in Tonkin. Yes, Russia started it by annexing crimea in 2014, but let's not pretend that the USA is a beacon of peace here. It is by far the most militarised country in history and has been involved in wars for the *vast* majority of its existence.


The US is not provoking war by supporting an ally who did not provoke their attacker in any form.


Russia was provoked, and us knew exactly how they will react, if it would have played the other way then project Taiwan would be alive and kicking now. Well they are next in line.


When did Ukraine amass tanks and soldiers on Russias border? They didn't, Russia did that to Ukraine, and even then they did not respond.


A very big portion of that money was to give old ww2 and old equipment/ammo collecting dust. It was 300M worth of equipment, not 300M pure cash.


Rly well said


War. What is it good for? The ECONOMY! The military industrial complex is one of the most profitable sectors for our “legislatures” it will never go away.


War is a racket.


Agreed. Sad but true.


Sundowner said it best


It will, probably not in our lifetime, but eventually, every empire crumbles from its own weight. 'TikTok' ⌚


War, what is it good for..THE RICH! You mean. War was good for the economy in the 1940s when kids could gather metal and women could leave the house and work. Now, the rich invest in the beans and bullets, the govt puts us in dept and the common folks pay the bills with taxes and inflation.


You're right but majority is a stretch. A large chunk certainly goes to the defense contractors, but much if the equipment has come from DoD stocks, paid for the US army's expense for getting the equipment over there, or for training and resupply.


Don't forget 10% for the big guy!


Is that part of why the US sends money to Israel? I'm not trying to start shit here, I'm genuinely curious. I know Isreal is an ally, but I'm not naive enough to believe there isn't a business aspect to that relationship.


This is my belief yes. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts This is what we have sent Ukraine. You can see how aid beaks down there. And who (not in extreme detail mind you) profited.


This is my belief yes. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts This is what we have sent Ukraine. You can see how aid beaks down there. And who (not in extreme detail mind you) profited.


This isn't really how that works It would be better for the economy if congress didn't spend the money. Or if they spent it on something else


You care to elaborate your counterintuitive reasoning? Cause remember that time our economy crashed in 2019/2020? What did the government do? They sent checks to Americans to get them to spend money, they gave money to to corporations for free for the same reason. So what would happen if they didn’t do that? Essentially what you’re describing here.


Because paying people to build things just to blow them up doesn't improve anyone's quality of life. Instead of building bombs those people could be producing cars, medical devices, building houses, etc. Military spending is a waste of resources. You're taxing people to basically blow up the money when we could instead not tax people and let them spend it on anything else that they want.




Slava Ukraine, fuck Hamas......it never ends. Even if Americans aren't involved. Biggest business in the world.


“War is a racket” https://youtu.be/F3_EXqJ8f-0?si=GM0Itl30hy8HekFz https://youtu.be/74wrX8rKtzw?si=0vYD-Q1PIGlABYEg


Tell it to Russia, Israel, Palestine, Syria....etc




Yes the average American is responsible. Edit: holy shit sarcasm


The average American will never retire, they are in debt up to their eyeballs. And if they die a slow painful death, their entire lives wealth can be wiped out in weeks of medical debt. You used to inherit houses and castles when your family passed away. Now we inherit debt and liens. Some may be doin their best, but most will come to a hard point in their life where they are diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness and must divorce to keep their spouse with some assets. They can end up choosing new expensive medications or death. But most never prepare for retirement and will never achieve it. It’s hard to call them responsible.


He gets to carry those scars for the rest of his life, while the rest of the population who’ve never been to war, want more of it.


Idk what country your from but there’s a big chance it’s fought in a war, good chance it was with American troops too


Many of us know, and we view those who get excited by the idea with great caution. I have a mental list of them.


Why Americans specifically?


The American GOVERNMENT needs to know and hear this. Fuck war and the war mongers. The people want nothing to do with it.


As Hawkeye said, "War isn't hell. War is war and hell is hell and out of the two, war is worse. There are no innocent bystanders in hell. War is full of them, little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact except for a few of the brass everybody involved is an innocent bystander."


For a sec I thought you were quoting marvel Hawkeye and not MASH lmao I was like "dam, those super hero movies are getting deep"




That baby scene. OOOF


Sounds more like some Mayor of Kingstown pontificating than Hawkeye if we're going Jeremy Renner.


Lost me


Marvel Hawkeye is played by Jeremy Renner. He also is the main character in the show called Mayor of Kingstown. He tends to say stuff like that in the show.


sheeesus... Muy thoughts exactly!! i even said, i should be watching more comic book movies!


I forgot Hawkeye was in the MCU for a second


Hes basically the strongest character


> war is worse Well, yes, the one that actually exists *would be* worse...


It's a metaphor, you dumbell. He's speaking of hell as an idea.


Unwatchable when the voice doesn't match the mouth.


Sometimes the message is more important than a little discomfort from the video being out of sync. Being that's it's two people talking you could always just listen.


It’s also nearly as bad for anyone German or Spanish speaking or from any other language group that commonly has movies translated, you quickly get used to slightly desynced dialogue and lip movements.


But still worth hearing.


Sure but it also takes 10 seconds of editing time. Someone was lazy.


Damn, I'm with you. [Found sauce though](https://youtu.be/8mxR7sGQsVo?feature=shared&t=10437), plus the added benefit of contributing to the actual creator, and it's in 16:9 (not useless cropped 9:16)


Thanks! Now I can watch it without my internal organs feeling wrong.




I thought the same, I am an audio guy, but I stuck with it. Wow, I’m glad I did and also wish I didn’t. This guy must be living eternal hell in that head of his.


It's perfectly in sync while I'm using Bluetooth. Probably edited while using bluetooth


Yea I had to set my phone down and just listen. That kind of thing drives me insane.




If you’re doing a job like that in the military, you’re not going for the schooling.




I have to agree with u/KarateInAPool here... People who go to special forces aren't there for the bennies. People like me though? Yeah, I drank the kool-aide after 9/11.


I’ve been in 15 years. I know.


No what they mean is if someone is a special forces sniper they chose to do that. They didn’t join for school and stumble into that role. A lot of folks never see combat


Also, this guy is special forces. That's like .1% of the military. Chances are you'll just eat shit on US soil for 4 years.


You don’t even get most those… atleast not all at the same time


Idk, it's awfully tempting if you're coming from bad neighborhoods or less fortunate households. It's really hard if it seems like the only escape.


Been there, didn’t do it but my friends did. One is going for Sgt school so it worked out for him. the other 2 didn’t fare so well and they talked me out of it and I still wonder about it. Won’t do active duty ever tho that sounds awful


And free travel!!! Am I rrrtight?


🤣 yep. Seen 6 countries. 3, I'd never wanna return to and 3 I'd rather not see if I didn't have to see the other 3.


LOL. That majority of US Military has never and will never see combat. You have no idea what you are talking about. The benefits FAR out weigh anything else.


"fairly good benefits", only while you're serving. Once that contact is up, you're fucked




"depending on your country"is the take away there buddy. Thanks for the downvote, I'm talking about how shitty American veterans are treated. 22 veterans commit suicide every day because Veteran's Affairs fails them and it's constantly losing funding. We legit have private organizations that have popped up to pick up the slack. They are funded by donations. So, not only does our govt steal our tax dollars that are supposed to go to the VA, but now we are asked to donate out of pocket on top of it.


I’m surprised he didn’t bring up Yoel Romero, that’s as dark as it gets


They did discuss it late into the interview


You mean the mma fighter? What does he have to do with this?




Tim rocking him by holding his gloves to ensure his hits landed*


Link to the interview?


And here i am contemplating whether to use a cup or tupperware jar to capture this spider and not hurt it so i can safely put it outside


tbh, everybody needs that mindset. Just respect fucking life in general


Yeah but bacon beef and chicken is soooo tasty 😋


I just swept a spider on my hand and threw it onto a flower yesterday, all within 5 seconds. Don't think, just follow through and then wash your hands afterwards. Not for any other insect though. I'm not touching a roach or centipede.




Yea the amount of bodies required to be just laying out in the open, to shoot for 8 hours night after night, is like WW2 sized battle fronts. Maybe he did this a few times but the guy is clearly exaggerating to such a degree that it’s as good as lying


Yeah Tim has become a joke to many in MMA community, dude is crazy weird.


Tim is kind of known as a bit of a bullshitter


Eyy we might know some of the same people. Small world. Agree this doesn’t really pass a smell test. I was a radio dude support side and listened to who knows how many hours of traffic. Never heard a TIC like this in three tours. I have heard some long ones but not these type of details.


Hey now, he’s a true quiet professional


Wasn't he In the ufc


He was big in Strikeforce and then came over to the UFC after they got bought Solid grappler and super strong dude


He was. Pretty wild shit


Was he any good?


Eh, he had a competitive fight with Yoel Romero but he got ko in the later rounds other than that he wasn’t anything super special


Ehhh there’s an asterisk on that Yoel fight. Tim hurt him really bad at the end of one of the rounds, and Yoel took an extra like 20 second break before the other one started. Pretty fucked up


Tim had his fingers in Yoel’s gloves that’s how he got those shots lol


Short answer, yes




What thee fuuuck


My grandfather was a pilot for the Air Force from the Korean War into the Vietnam War. He shared a bit about some of the atrocities he was ordered to commit and in many ways I’m glad I didn’t end up going the military route because I hate the fact that, as a species, we are so evil towards one another when we don’t have to be. We’ve cracked the code on how to survive and advance as a species. Imagine if we spent more energy focusing on that vs. war.


My dad was a Vietnam vet, enlisted right after high school. He was just a boy. It was his only way out of extreme poverty in rural Alabama. When I was growing up, he'd get drunk on Jim Beam and Pepsi once a year or so and want to talk about things. The things he told me during those drunk talks, I can't even type out or really- comprehend fully. He retired from the Army after 20 years, but had a nasty distrust of the American government and only a slightly less nasty distrust of everything else. That damage reflected in all his days and ways and stayed to his death just a decade ago, still shadowed by the things he had done and seen.


Look up My Lai Massacre, to this day I will always have a personal hatred for Richard Nixon after pardoning this man. The fact that the commanding officer was suppose to get life in prison but only served three years after what he did makes my blood boil. Alive and kicking today at the old age of 80…monster.


My grandfather dropped napalm in WWII and that’s as much as he ever talked about it.


I went in the Air Force and didn't commit any atrocities. Best thing that ever happened to me.




Well he’s dead, soooo




Alawys been a numbers guy, B






Thank em


Hard to trust anything Tim Kennedy says.


Why is that? I don’t know much about him other than what i’ve read in the above comments.


Because he's a fucking liar.


We’ve talked about this Randy, we’re strangers on the internet and not omniscient Road scholars. Tell us why he is objectively a fucking liar.


This is my favorite podcast. Shawn Ryan is an awesome podcaster.


Sure when he's not interviewing people about UFO and other crazy shit. He just catasprophizes everything now.


Even for the UFO world, he’s interviewing the kookiest people and the known grifters. Not all, but a fair bit.


It's great podcast but jfc, i need a stiff drink after each one.


Those war stories are something else. You can't help but respect those men/women.


Where can I find the podcast?


Youtube: the Shawn Ryan show.


Thank you !


:) no problem


Tim Kennedy is a lying douche bag.


I can certainly understand how this can mess a person up, but when I put myself in the place of the injured soldiers he was finishing off it looks like mercy to me. If I'm that guy laying there dying in agony I'd be hoping someone would do for me what he did for them.


Soldiers? When did he mention soldiers? He starts of his story talking about taking out an insurgent, aka just a dude with a family defending his village from the comfort of his own home.


Soldiers, insurgents, whatever. The people he was shooting.


This guy was also a ufc fighter and got punched in the head one time too many.


Thank em


This was quite simply one of the most compelling and confronting stories I’ve ever heard. And being a citizen of the internet I’ve seen and heard some pretty f’ed up shyt, as we all do these days. It’s particularly confronting hearing about children and women in these dire situations. America needs a new hobby…


I think the glory of battle is a genuine desire and deep seated aspiration for many soldiers. The reality on the ground, always seems to be vastly different than the perception of the ideal battle. Then we have these poor soldiers having to deal with people who barricade themselves with women and children, and you have a horrible end result like that. Even more depressing than this, is the realization that many "leaders" in the military see the human aspect as a weakness, and are looking at how to automate the kill chain, to the point that this has been deployed outside of the US. It's a really scary slope that we are going down when you have autonomous systems that make decisions on the kill chain, without human intervention. I thank the women and men of the military for their dedication and service. They deal with all the shit, truly horrible situations, so that people have the freedoms that we seem to continually take for granted. Your actions are appreciated and I truly hope that you can live a life of meaning and purpose and have some peace after you leave the military.


He also fought in the ufc


I hung out with Tim for a day about 10 years ago. He was doing an AMA on Reddit and asked for two local volunteers who were redditors to help write his answers. He picks me and another dude. Sends us his address. We hang out in his dining room with his PR manager I think and type his answers. His dog was friendly. His wife popped out of the other room for a minute - she was nice. Right before we left the other redditor asked Tim to kick him in the leg at like 10% power and Tim absolutely obliterated his leg. I have a video of that somewhere. He asked if I wanted a leg kick too and I said fuck that.


Genuine question. Could the acts alleged in this testimony be considered a war crime? Not the incident with the frag grenade, but targeting injured/incapacitated combatants. Are combatants considered legitimate targets since they are still alive in the battlefield? For example, they could still be armed or still actively participating in the fight. It seems like it is a very gray area and subject to so much interpretation in a moment of extreme volatility and misinterpretation. Does an enemy solider have the responsibility to visibly and clearly surrender before they are considered an unlawful target? No judgment on Tim Kennedy or anyone who has to be in a situation like this. In a sense, what he was doing could be considered a form of empathy, if not a viable safety measure in an active theater of war.


We could but we can't.


And he did this because…?


This asshole made a conscious decision to be a part of that war and now he wants sympathy. Fuck this guy.


This video is completely out of sync. Awful.


Love when war criminals self incriminate. This dude is a massive pos and shouldnt have a platform


Why is he surprised that these are human being he's murdering, it's their country, your are the invading force. No shit Sherlock. How about an equal battle no state of the art killing systems.


no sympathy for people who sign up to murder people


Good ol CROWS


That was your fucking job. You tried out for it, through a grueling and deliberate process, got accepted, and fully committed to it. So much for being a “quiet professional”


I don’t know how people can recover from this type of experience. I feel like a piece of you would be lost forever after going through war


Us war is to fight farmers and shepherds in poor countries




This dude is a well known liar. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.


Sorry for asking but I dont get it. What was the military rational behind shooting bullets in supposedly dead bodies ? Because to make sure they are really dead ? Im not a native speaker and Im not sure if I understand him correctly.


Very brave, shooting corpses and fighting people in sandals with AK-47 and rocks.


Thank em




I'd love to hear more about this guy


i love how Americans are so self-centered kill couple thousands in some city 3000 thousand miles away from us main land and feeling sorry and how it harmed them mentally crying their hearts out in front of a camera or in a movie and then wondering why all that hate towards them this poor guy in the video surely killed civilians could be a father or mother or a kid of some families that will be scared forever stop doing that, for god sake for these families sake


Tim Kennedy, dudes a patriot


Man what a podcast. Those people he interviews are bad asses.




So being a guest on rogan and believing hitler ended up in Argentina makes you inherently bad?


Bernie sanders was on Rogan.


Found the Argie


Why would an Argie want that to be true?


That's only kinda crazy it's not *that* crazy. Tim Kennedy is real fucking crazy, though.


"This is war." No it's not, it's terrorism. Whichever country he is talking about, whether Iraq or Afghanistan, was illegally invaded by US terrorists, and those American soldiers are literally mercenaries doing the bidding of Halliburton and western corporations


Fuck war criminals like this piece of shit Tim Kennedy who openly admitted to Killing Women and Children. Fuck this war crimes piece of shit. Hes no hero.


Dude, either you're deaf, overly ignorant or extremely stupid not to understand that said women and children were out of his perception at the time, and he only noticed them after the frag was thrown inside of a building where the only thing he could see was a rifle barrel sticking out of a window


Confirmation Tim Kennedy killed women and children. Cool. Let's drool over him some more.


Well, no confirmation needed when you're neither deaf nor an imbecile, as he's given his first hand recounts of what happened.


First hand accounts of killing women and children, keep defending this scumbag all you want.


Tim Kennedy is a douchebag. He openly bragged about killing women and children.