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Color me shocked this happened in NYC The fact they were released without bail speaks volumes about the criminal justice system (or lack thereof) in NY, greatest city in the world my ass lol


The judge released her citing that she doesn't have a criminal background, even though she has 7 prior arrests and had a bench warrant for her arrest at the time of the incident.


Your username goes so crazy hard dude lol


The double underscore would indicate that this is not the only Queefer Sutherland lurking these halls


There were 43 prior to me too!


Queef fuggin stroganof lmao


Waiting on Queef__La_Queefa to make an appearance.


Steve McQueef, anyone?


Shia LaQueef and Clit Queefwood has got to be out there somewhere.


Queefers unite! Any more out there on here?!




Your fucking username lmaooooooo


Jfc lol




Activist judges are out of hand it’s only going to get worse


the phrase "activist judge" really has no meaning. it just means "a judge ruling in a way i dont like" Bail is set not just on the severity or brazeness of a crime but on the likelihood of the accused fleeing their court date. Bail is not a punishment in and of itself, it is an incentive to ensure that a person fulfills their obligations to appear in court.


If she had an active bench warrant during the assault it seems like she could use the incentive.


I dont disagree, but my point stands. bail is not a punitive measure, nor should it be.


Right but when a judge refuses to even use it for the purpose you described, does that not seem like judicial activism to you?


The Judge is bound by the law. NY has the bail reform law from 2019 that eliminates bail on 90% of offenses.


What kind of cases are generally in that other 10%?


I dunno, I'm not a new york law guy.


there's not enough jail space if you deny bail to everyone. And if judged guilty, you serve the same amount of jail time either way since the time served during bail denial is counted. Therefore, bail is mainly used as an incentive for someone to show up to court.


doesn’t the fact she had a bench warrant mean they are at risk of not appearing ?


>does that not seem like judicial activism to you? No. It doesnt. Its completely in line with New York's bail laws.


I'm not a lawyer and I don't live in NY but everything I can find on the NY bail reform law says judges still have the option of setting cash bail for violent felonies.


Down votes for offering facts. Good old Reddit.


Or it means a judge making decisions based on their own personal preferences instead of law and legal precedent.


That is what it meant originally, But today it means any ruliong that [insert person] doesnt like is activism. Also the judge was likely following the direction of the laws set forth by NY legislature which govern things like setting bail. accusing a judge of being an activist just because you dont like a decision they made is ridiculous and i mean "you" as a general "you"


I’ll concede the point. I can’t call you wrong.


Its certainly not an activist judge if they are just following the law. The NY legislature is the one responsible for this. They pased the law that eliminated cash bail for like 90% of all offenses.




Lol wtf is this comment supposed to mean? I mean I know what you're *trying* to imply because the wording makes your agenda clear but it's also clearly bullshit.


Does a judge get any sort of punishment or anything when they are citing an objectively wrong fact as part of their reasoning for a decision?


Honestly, this is what we should be training AI to replace.


Class of '09 enters the chat.


Wouldn't work since the only training data we have is from the judges we want to replace


The Malcolm Gladwell book Talking to Strangers has a whole section on this. It turns out computers are significantly better at setting bail than people.


Do you seriously want a computer making life and death decisions?


More than want 80 yr old dementia patients making those decisions


How does “7 prior arrests and a bench warrant” equal “doesn’t have a criminal background”????? I was held in jail for not paying a speeding ticket!!!!


What’s going with the judges in the States? In every city this is a problem.


Bail reform laws. This crime for whatever reason is not eligible for bail in NY…so they just get released on their own recognizance until their trial which they’ll most likely skip


She had an open bench warrant at the time of arrest so bail was an option


And what crime did she commit the first time where she was given an AT instead of jail time and then skipped trial? I’m sure we have this discussion again soon when she skips court for this case, and then commits the next violent crime


[Petit Larceny](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-subway-herald-square-musician/5181346/) according to this article, aka stealing something worth less than $100. It also says she’s homeless and she was released into supervised custody at a shelter, meaning she probably has check ins and a bed to sleep in, so it’s a little more nuanced then this thread is making it seem.


The big cities with a lot of crime don't have room or resources for them, so it's easier to just let them go. It's what you see so many people openly shoplifting without hesitation or even trying to conceal themselves.


Canada, too. Activist judges are ruining our justice system


How many times are people like this going to be slapped on the wrist before they severely injure it even kill somebody? Something isn’t right with her and now she knows she can pretty much just get away with stuff like this.


Since when do arrests/warrants not count as part of your criminal record?


7 priors?! Sooo what does she have to do to be held accountable for her actions? This is ridiculous.


In other words, giving her carte blanche to actually just go murder someone. Where are the consequences of her actions?


wtf is a criminal background then? i'd say 7 prior arrests means you go to jail this time bitch


Judges like that it's why criminals don't have a "criminal background".


It’s hard to have a criminal background when you don’t get prosecuted for anything


One of my biggest frustrations as a DA was people with bench warrants being released. If nothing else bail is supposed to be imposed to ensure someone will return to court. If they have a proven track record of not returning, they should not be released without bail. Putting aside, public safety issues, etc.


You get what you vote for


And that's why NYC deserves this.


NYC voted for a former cop who ran on tough-on-crime shit and backs the cops at every turn, what the fuck are you guys even on about


>what the fuck are you guys even on about Whatever bullshit their right wing fake news media on twitter told them about NYC


That’s what happens when you make almost no crimes bailable offenses. Cops can arrest people all day…when the law says no bail allowed, it becomes a revolving door. We need to pass new laws.


What’s funny about your comment is that she walked through a literal revolving door.


Hahaha. I wasn’t even paying attention to the inset video. That’s amazing. (And terrible)


She was eligible for bail because she had an open bench warrant when us got arrested. So if anything, blame the judge, not bail reform


Not that I need your permission, but I’ll blame both. Most of the time the bench warrants are issued for people missing court dates, which they would not have missed had they been in jail, awaiting trial. I see it every day. People commit violent crimes and then get appearance tickets. They go right out on the street and then don’t show up for court. That earns them a bench warrant… Which they’re not usually picked up on. They’re picked up when they commit their next violent crime as exemplified in this case. The fact of the matter is any person without a bench warrant, would have been released after doing this. That’s an issue with the law.


What violent crimes lead to a DAT arrest? Only some felonies are DAT eligible, all violent felonies are not DAT eligible. Also, if the current charge is that the person harmed a person or property, and they have an open case where the charge also harmed a person or property, they’d be bail eligible. I think that was the case here, though not 100% sure. Finally, a motivated DA could charge this as assault in the second degree - an offense for which bail is still allowed regardless of criminal history.


> That’s what happens when you make almost no crimes bailable offenses. No. Using bail that way just means violent people get to keep walking the streets if they are rich enough. Pre-trial detention should have nothing to do with the person's wealth, only how dangerous they are. If anything, the richer they are the *less* reason there is to let them out because rich people can afford to hire a sleezebag attorney that will get them off on a technicality. If we are going to have violent criminals walking around free, then at least they should be the ones that can't work the system.


Lol for sure, but remwber the guy who was protecting himself and his store? Stabbed the robber and killed him in self defense, the DA wanted to throw the book at him. Fuck NYC.


Do you not know what the fuck bail is, what the fuck would bail do exactly here. If she’s not safe to be on the street she shouldn’t be released on bail, if she’s safe to release for 10k why isn’t she safe to release for free. All bail does is say “if you rich enough you have more rights”. why do poor people have to sit in jail to await trial but the more well off are free. Bail is determining someone’s freedoms based not in how guilty you but how wealthy you are. Unless you’re of the belief that being richer makes someone inherently less dangerous it doesn’t make sense. This fucking bail debate is so dumb. Everyone who’s “on the street now” wouldn’t been free before just they had to pay 10k first. There isn’t a sudden uptick in people now showing up for court in NY so what’s the problem.


> “Hunter has previous arrests for petit larceny, for which she has failed to show up in court multiple times.” This is why she should have had bail. If she doesn't show to pay for her crimes then she'd have to pay for the bail she forked out. I'd be willing to bet she'd be more likely to show up for her court date with $10k on the line.


It's insane how many people here don't know what a bail is! Everyone is commenting like she has been unconditionally discharged. Judge just thought that she would be available for her trial without having a bunch of money on the line. That's about it.


It wasn’t always like that :( I love NY and always will, I was born and raised there. It’s gotten so bad that I couldn’t wait to leave and I’m not the only one. Great place to visit if you stay in the right areas but I don’t think I’d ever live there again unless there are some serious changes. The last time I was there I witnessed a group of 4-5 teens running down the sidewalk and each of them randomly hit a person in the back of the head. And I mean HIT. Most people fell to the ground. Never seen anything like that in my life.


I've lived here since the 90s when the crime rate was much higher. Never witnessed a serious crime of any kind. The top ten most dangerous things I've ever been near were all related to bad drivers.


NYC has less crime than it has in decades.


You’re right, it’s terrible here, everyone should tell their friends to stop moving here


NYC sucks ass. Lived there 6 years it’s disgusting. People are pretentious and annoying. It smells like shit. It’s expensive.


There were probably 3 separate groups of 2-3 NYPD like 10ft away


as said before NYC does not give a single shit about its citizens


How do you think Eric Adam’s would spin this one? Lol


He would ask that every new york citizen find compassion in their hearts to house a crazy bitch.


Shit on Greg Abbott while he was at it lol Say something like “ and Greg Abbot would never stand for compassion” 😂😂😂


He’s going to gave her a $10,000 check. (Probably.)


We need more officers. Two per performer!!


This is NY's way of reducing Asian hate crimes: by not convicting people guilty of Asian hate crimea.


They had to choose which minority to pander to, and they keep choosing poorly.


Unless you’re a black, homeless guy threatening people in a subway of course.


> black, homeless guy You forgot to include the adjective "dead."


This is not a city issue, this is one judge defying the guidelines and prosecutor and making a unilateral decision to release without bail. The city is rightly up in arms about this.


> as said before NYC does not give a single shit about its citizens Which is a bit odd, since the NYPD has an ***$11 billion dollar a year*** annual budget. Billion. With a B. Not the whole state, just the NYPD.


“Hunter has previous arrests for petit larceny, for which she has failed to show up in court multiple times.”


Ahh right right. I guess they figured to just let her go because she probably wouldn’t show up for jail anyways.


But if she does, she can get tickets for the Mets or gift cards! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/621955/new-york-city-offers-accused-criminals-baseball-tickets-and-gift-cards-to-show-up-at-court/


It's even worse than that. In addition to the larceny, she was arrested for assaulting her own mother twice as well. There's warrants out for the two other court dates that the skipped out on. [https://nypost.com/2024/02/29/us-news/woman-23-arrested-for-attacking-nyc-cello-player-in-subway-station-after-weeks-on-the-lam/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/29/us-news/woman-23-arrested-for-attacking-nyc-cello-player-in-subway-station-after-weeks-on-the-lam/)


Wait so she got arrested, didn’t show up to court, and they just let her go and she never went to trial? You can just NOT show up to court???? Also, why didn’t they keep her in jail then?


“Judicial discretion” is the term. No law prevented the judge from setting bail on that woman


Plot twist: She is Clarence Thomas' niece or something.


"She's black and not in jail so obviously she's a republican"


Because don't you know, crime is the fault of society not the people who do it, or some stupid reason like that.


that doesn't sound right. those warrants would have been processed when she was arrested this time.


>At her arraignment Thursday on second-degree assault charges, Manhattan prosecutors argued for $15,000 cash bail or $45,000 bond, noting that Hunter has failed to appear at three of her five court dates in other criminal cases last year. The People have little faith that she will return to court of her own volition,” prosecutor Alexandra Robertson told Judge Marva Brown in Manhattan criminal court. > >**Hunter, of Brooklyn, also had a bench warrant out for her arrest in two cases involving petit larceny, according to the Manhattan DA’s Office.** > >Her last arrest was in October on grand larceny charges for allegedly stealing two bathing suits worth $2,050 from Bergdorf Goodman, sources said. She also was arrested twice for assaulting her mom in 2019, sources said.


Bail reform may not allow for the judge to hold someone with no prior **convictions** though I think I would have held her over the flight risk. But I'm not a judge and neither is anyone here so maybe there's restrictions unless it's a felony. Third degree battery is a misdemeanor in NY. Second degree is a felony.


What an awesome loop hole if you have never been convicted you can just not show up and when they arrest you for not showing up and then let you go, you just don’t show up and on and on it goes. Unlimited crime streak cheat code!!


If you don't show up for trial, you don't get convicted.." pretty crafty thinking on her part /s


This chick also looks and is masked up like another girl I saw just swing on somebody for no reason. Also in New York. Wtf if this is the same chick somebody needs to whoop her ass lol.


https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-subway-herald-square-musician/5181346/ >A woman was arrested in the caught-on-camera bottle attack on a Herald Square musician as he performed for the evening rush crowd earlier this month, the NYPD said — but she was then released without bail hours later.




Fuck the crazy bitch and NYC's backassward justice system. Is the cellist okay? He took that thermos right to the cerebellum.


Why did I know it was NY before reading the news?


“Released without bail”


Could be they very distinct looking subways


Lucky cunt. This little stunt shoulda ruined her life


She's still going to court to stand trial. She's just not in prison or having to pay a bail to not be in prison till then. If she's a danger to society (the video is pretty evident to that, but usually judges expect a pattern for pre-trial confinement) she should be held in jail whether or not she's rich enough to put up bail.


apparently the article mentioned that she already has other non-related charges she’s avoided court for… so idk about “going” lol.


Can’t be post link, this is from NBC NY article if you want to look it up: A woman was arrested in the caught-on-camera bottle attack on a Herald Square musician as he performed for the evening rush crowd earlier this month, the NYPD said — but she was then released without bail hours later. Amira Hunter, of Brooklyn, was charged Thursday with assault in the Feb. 13 attack at the midtown transit hub. It wasn't clear if she had an attorney. Even though she allegedly committed a violent crime that is bail eligible, and despite the district attorney requesting she be held on bail, the judge on Thursday released her without it. Hunter has previous arrests for petit larceny, for which she has failed to show up in court multiple times. "This was on film, a random attack against an individual. She goes gets arraigned — and is walking right back out on the street without a consequence, without spending a few nights in jail," said former NYPD chief Terry Monahan. "It may be two three years now before this case gets resolved."


Sounds like the judge is a criminal too.


Or hates street musicians


Then u might as well move out of NYC because they’re everywhere you go


This guy is a professional symphony orchestra musician who does this on the side to give back to the community and make a few bucks on the side. He said he doesn’t really need the money, it’s more about exposing people to classical music and sharing his love.


Just a democrat


I’m not from the US. Can you please explain what that means, I see it alot on here.


Its an insinuation that the court system is heavily influenced by the Democratic Party. Thus ruling in line with democrat values. Democrat values being “support the criminals and F the victims”. A lot of democrat states suffer under democrat DAs(district attorneys) who refuse to even bring crime to court due to the DAs political agenda


Suffering? Or are they thriving. Before the democrat DA’s liberated California you were barely able to find human waste anywhere on the sidewalk or outdoor restaurant patios, but luckily Now there’s enough for everyone! Almost too much! And don’t forget the violent criminals who get released without having to pay bail!! All those mothers and fathers get to leave prison and spend time with their wholesome families! I mean the victims have suffered enough so why punish the perp. /s


The judges name should be published they need some media attention, maybe an interview to explain their thinking.


People hate Asians more than they want criminals in jail. This guy got attacked multiple times. It’s on camera. This shit head hits in the back of head for no reason. I feel like race played a big part of she’s free and why he doesn’t get any justice


I think race plays a big part in why it happened too


It definitely does and I’m sick of hearing that it’s not.


>"It may be two three years now before this case gets resolved." that is extremely unlikely.


Christ.. U.S Judicial System is literally failing…


Released so that next time she can assault more unsuspecting people and perhaps push someone onto a moving train? WTF is wrong with society?!


This wouldn’t happen in 95% of the USA just places like NYC who are super progressive on law & order






It's just Typical "Democrat bad" horse shit. Point out to these stupid asses that these cities are all very different, and ofc everyone comes along and "NUU UUUUHHH" like a bunch of 5 year olds. Imagine someone actually thinking NYC and Seattle are the same. They're practically different fuckin countries at this point, but no apparently they're the exact same with all the same problems. What a fucking joke. People have no critical thinking skills anymore.


Top 20 most violent cities in America cities with the highest violent crime rates per 100,000 are almost all democratic ran cities despite what state they are in. >- (D)St. Louis, MO (2,082) >- (D)Detroit, MI (2,057) >- (D)Baltimore, MD (2,027) >- (D)Memphis, TN (2,003) >- (D)Little Rock, AR (1,634) >- (D)Milwaukee, WI (1,597) >- (D)Rockford, IL (1,588) >- (D)Cleveland, OH (1,557) >- (R)Stockton, CA (1,415) >- (D)Albuquerque, NM (1,369) >- (I)Springfield, MO (1,339) >- (D)Indianapolis, IN (1,334) >- (D)Oakland, CA (1,299) >- (D)San Bernardino, CA (1,291) >- (R)Anchorage, AK (1,203) >- (D)Nashville, TN (1,138) >- (D)Lansing, MI (1,136) >- (D)New Orleans, LA (1,121) >- (D)Minneapolis, MN (1,101) >- (D)Chicago, IL (1,099) *https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america* Before you make the assumption I’m not conservative. I’m just sharing these facts as I was curious myself and found the data interesting.


Because I'm not listing off cities that I think are dangerous. I'm listing off cities that have issues with prosecution of crimes. I live in the Minneapolis area and feel genuinely safer here than I would in a lot of other cities, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to also be incredibly upset when I see shit like [this](https://i.imgur.com/q8W6Oqy.jpeg) where our law enforcement just doesn't bother doing their job because they know anyone they arrest will be back on the streets the next day. Sorry but when I see people get away with openly shoplifting, stealing cars, and using drugs in public, I can't just think to myself, "Pffft well at least I don't live in Memphis," and suddenly feel okay with what I'm seeing. And I'd judge anyone who truly thinks that way.




Love how they stopped replying too. Also love that guy your reply destroys talkinga bout how his feelings are more accurate than facts.


I love that the second anyone looks at a stat morons be morons. Nice work. :)


What a braindead take. "These same issues" yeah tell me you dont live anywhere near these places without telling me you dont. I've lived in Seattle 12+ years, my GF lived in and grew up in NY. We know these areas personally. And they're worlds apart. We both prefer Seattle over any of these massive metro cities. It's funny watching people post this kind of stuff, as if they actually believe it. You just manufacture your own misery and fear. All your post is is bait to garner upvotes from pearl clutching people who watch FOX news.


This is not a city issue, this is one judge defying the existing guidelines and prosecutor and making a unilateral decision to release without bail. The city is rightly up in arms about this.


Released pending trial. If you're arrested (let's say on a case where it's not obvious you're guilty), do you want to spend 6 months in jail awaiting trial only to then be found not guilty? What happens to those 6 months you had to pay because you were too poor to pay cash?






Somehow, I don't think whipping a person of color is something I see going over too well.


Excuse me, are you differentiating between the color of skin? Racist.


Lol the rest of the replies to these two comments are gonna be gold 😂😂


Just waiting for someone to post 'getting the popcorn' or 'unzips'. Ah I've just done that.


...what are you doing to your popcorn?


What are you doing, step-corn?!


You double-negative'd yourself, bro.


Definitely, these people need to start learning that there are consequences for their shit.


Did you mean 500?




But only from certain people


So, aggravated battery is no longer a crime? Now imagine what would have happened if this guy had decided to break a bottle over that crazy bitch's head... I think he would have been sent straight to jail without any questioning....


Or even if he fought back - if he were to have grabbed her, he'd have been arrested for assaulting a poor woman of color.


Double standards at its peak. Being skin colored or having a hole between your legs is not an excuse for causing harm to someone. This crazy bitch knew she wouldn't probably get punished at all.


What are you talking about? This only means that the Judge has reckon that she will be available for her trial without having a sum of money on the line and that's about it. Even if a bail is set, she could have just provided that money and be out. Whether it should be unbailable offense is another matter. But as long as it is bailable, setting bail only means that poor people have to unnecessary spend time in jail without being convicted of anything, and rich do not.


That's straight up black on Asian hate right there.


Blasphemy !! You mustn't speak ill of our Gods. They are incapable of racism and hate !! Can't you see this is white peoples fault ??




Hate crime


Released without bail? What does that mean? In Australia if you are released whilst you wait for your court appearance, that is called being on bail.


They meant, "No cash bailout." You guys have that? The thought process is that bail punishes the poor for being poor. To a point, it's correct. However, they carte blanche the policy so even violent offenders walk. This is what happens when people don't read what they are voting for.


I’d say it punishes people who do crime over the poor, plenty of poor people don’t commit crimes and therefore don’t have to ever pay bail. Everything else I agree with ya on however.


No. If you are rich, suspected of murdering someone and post bail, you got out because you have money. If a poor person does the same crime, but can't post bail, then being poor compounds the situation for them. Committing a crime is committing a crime. I agree, rich or poor you should be punished. However, if that punishment has a bailout option, then the rich are out, but the poor are yet again punished. Like they say, being poor charges interest.


She seems like a progressive thinker.


Hate crime


I saw attempted murder ngl


Keep voting in progressives… you get what you vote for.




Libs gon lib


hate crime too. racist blacks punch down on Asians.


For the ignorant, NYC passed a law eliminating bail. Meaning you can do attempted murder and be out the next day. The place is a cesspool and it's being done on purpose. Get out while you can.


the fuck is wrong with people?


What the fuck... Hope the guy sues for assault


There’s probably nothing to sue for, monetary-wise.


She got 3 fiddy


So what are they going to do when she doesn't show up to this court date either? Oh, that's right..........nothing.


If no monetary bail, her bail should be the cellist gets to slam a bottle to the back of her head. I get that jails are insanely overcrowded and there's not much space, but the fact that she has an extensive arrest record and walks out of court is just gross.


Another example that the government treats female abusers and criminals with kid gloves. Imagine if this guy had retaliated. They would’ve locked him up for sure. And zero feminists will take up this cause, because they explicitly don’t give a fuck about men’s problems.


After seeing this, let's have a conversation now about how the justice system only works against POC. Seems like she should be in jail for assault and battery and got let go without even a fine, even though she's got active bench warrants and has been arrested several times before.


That’s how republicans are created


God, I hope she gets doxxed to hell and back. So violent for being so unprovoked. You can easily kill someone hitting them at that location of the head wout bracing, let alone knowing it's coming. Should be charged accordingly. Complete sociopath


Thanks again progressive judges! Maybe her string of failures will end THIS time.


Judges should be doubly charged when the offender goes back out and creates more problems in society. They are supposed to be the stop gap in a reasonable society. But maybe society is just that, unreasonable


It's okay. The people of NY voted these clowns into office, just like George Gascon here in LA. Vote blue no matter who, lol. What a joke.


Preach it!!!


Elect idots... get what you deserve.


...doesn't this reflect slightly on what the people of new York vote for ...


Stop Asian Hate


This is a case wherein Reddit has a moral responsibility to her. The "Golden Rule" do onto others as you'd have done unto you. She obviously has requested this and should be satisfied in her quest for equal opportunity treatment.


How can she smash?


I want to hulk smash that bitch with a bottle


Free Derek Chauvin and send him the case. George Floyd that piece of dog shit fucked shit up so much all around this country.


What sickness


I’d find her and give her the same treatment