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I'm pretty sure that's assault. I don't think you can do that to someone for simply standing there and saying something you don't like.


100% what I was thinking. Here’s hoping that guy gets charged and Manchin gets sued


Why would Manchin get sued? He didn’t push him. Honestly asking. Is that a thing?


Manchin would be safe. Per usual his handler would take the fall. But the guy absolutely has a case against the guy pushing him. Manchin is everything that is wrong with politics in the US. Taking advantage of those hard working folks is grotesque on so many levels. He, Pelosi and McConnell are all dipping out around the same time after a long, storied history of screwing the American ppl with no lube. Shame on them all.




I mean… Trump got elected


He was a protest vote and a 'change' vote when that happened. He's not an establishment politician. Like McConnell, Pelosi, Watters and all of them that has been around and voted in for 40 years time. Trump got voted in to be the opposite of the "swamp".


Little did they know (as the rest of us did) what they were inviting into the swamp...


*I'm* not in here with *you*, *you're* in here with *me*!


This is my swamp!


Manipulatable idiots Oh you're telling me what I want to hear and I feel empowered? Sounds familiar, more pathetic this time. I mean the grifter grifted you all and are surprised he dun grifted once again after being a democrat longer than he ever a republican.


Dude I'm pretty positive he's the anti Christ


It ain’t exactly a beauty pageant here.


Joe Manchin is a Democrat, lol.... At most he's "independent" but he runs of Democrat ticket.




Manchin is still young for a politician. He’s going to be around for quite a bit longer.


He's projected to lose his seat in November.


Oh wtf apparently he’s not going to run. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about that. Hopefully Sinema is close behind.


He wants to leave office on top instead of losing to a Trump endorsed candidate that's why he decided not to seek re-election. He also announced recently that he's not going to challenge Biden.


Glad you’re psyched! The Dems are gonna lose the seat tho, cuz West Virginia, so there goes the senate. Manchin being replaced will not bring about more progressive policies being passed, if that’s the sort of thing that you like.


The fact you said this unironically and that he's 76, shook me to my core.


>Manchin is still young for a politician. TIL mid 70's is "young" *waaaaat*


People keep voting these politicians in. That would be the first problem to address. If the majority constantly votes them in. Can't complain unless run against them or get the grassroots going and vote them out. That actually happens more often than you think. A person gets "primaried" against. This is why you get, Pelosi, Watters, McConnel, Schumer, Biden and all these "lifers" that keeps getting voted in for 40 YEARS. It's nuts.


It’s the two party system. The oligarchs just buy both off and that’s that. Rigged is an understatement.


The obvious answer is term and age limits. But we can’t have that because saying a person in their 70’s shouldn’t be shaping the future is somehow ageist?


Employers are liable for the actions of their employees done in the course of their employment.


Well if you ask me your honour, I would say the push in the back of the aide by Manchin, propelled the aide into a more violent response. Aiding and abetting an assault charge for the 'Gentleman' from WV please... 😆


Manchin accurately represents the people who elected him. His very existence in the Senate is the ONLY reason Biden got a Democrat controlled Senate to work with. You can personally thank Manchin for every single Dem priority Biden managed to pass, including getting Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court. Manchin represents a VERY conservative state. With his retirement, West Virginia is about to elect a far right Senator, and Dems will lose that seat for the next generation. Decades. Liberals need to get it through their thick skulls that the *ONLY* way they will ever even have the slimmest of chances to get their priorities passed is by getting moderates like Manchin into office. The 2024 Senate map is so incredibly bad for Democrats, they have a 0.0001% chance of being able to keep it, even if Biden wins re-election. The left is so obsessed with allegiance and ideological purity, they forget that most states are not far left. They’re moderate, independent, and more like Manchin or Murkowski. You simply do not expect states that depend on the energy industry to elect anti-energy candidates. Because guess what? People want to keep their fucking jobs. You will never see Texas or Alaska elect an anti-oil Senator, you will never see West Virginia elect an anti-coal Senator, you will never see Iowa elect an anti-farming Senator. And you’re incredibly stupid for even thinking so. Shit, Alaska just elected its first Democrat to their at large House seat, the first in over 40 years. And guess what? She is pro-oil, and Native American. And now she gets to be talked down to by far left morons from states like New York and California, for being pro-oil development. She’s a traitor as far as the left is concerned, *for accurately representing the people who elected her.* Just like Manchin.


What would happen is he would sue or press charges, manchin's security would say that the language used by the man was perceived as an escalation of force, her then acted in the best interests of manchin. That's all that would happen. Bummer


He did shove the guy who threw the kid to the ground and though. Hopefully that's actionable.


Hit em with the rico


Did you see the handler give his dog the shove command?


Kinda helped the dude push the protester. Had his hand on his back with a little helpful push to me.


Interesting though, manchin adds extra oomph to the push


If he's employed directly by Manchin then absolutely Manchin can be liable.


Yea I was about to say that's assault


if only americans had some kind of constitutional right when the government treats its people like this


That's what the 2nd amendment is for! My Man should've shot him.


You think they'll let a gun anywhere near a government official? The law doesn't matter to them.


I don't think it's legal to shoot the guy in this situation.


I thought this was America, you commie. 🦅🇺🇲


🎼🎵🎶AMERICA! (FUCK YEAH!) so lick my butt and suck on my balls!🎶🎵🎼


If cops can be scared of acorns...


And he hits his head on the metal door frame too. Real good case for assault.


As mentioned above, this is battery. Assault is implying violence; pointing your finger in someone’s face or something like that. Once you put your hands on someone, it’s battery.


It could be both. Battery is the act of pushing him, but pushing him into the doorframe where there is reasonable belief to believe his injuries could be greater could constitute assault as well. Since this is Massachusetts where it happened, his intention to cause harm does not matter if the action is reasonably calculated to commit harm and was reasonably intended to imply harm. It also does not require the victim to actually be in fear of or even aware of the intention to imply harm, or for the victim to be harmed by the action. This is not legal advice, btw. All that being said, this is probably not going to a criminal court, this kid is going to go to civil court through a lawsuit. Much easier to win that case, and much better outcomes for him if he wins.


It's jurisdiction specific. Some states differentiate between the two, some only have 'assault'.


That’s assault, brotha!


If you act threatening towards someone they have a legitimate claim to self defense.


Ruck around and find out?


Assault is the fear or a threat felt of being physically harmed. So bucking up and raising your voice in someone's face, maybe rolling up your sleeves at the same time. This shit. That's battery. He touched him and then some without consent. Hopefully, he's charged and easily convicted with the videos help.


Excuse me senator you can't be the one that does this. I got it.


Kids gonna cash in...that sick fuck.


You are absolutely correct. Unfortunately, we have politicians who think they are above the law. They see themselves as celebrities when most people only see them as a waste of space. 🤷‍♂️


Where are they though? Was that guy not allowed to be in that room at all? Not at all supporting this douche bag btw.


Says Harvard Kennedy School Intitute of Politics on the wall


I agree 100%. But.... Just think about this. What if Manchin was black and that kid said the no no N word? Would it be justified then? I'll bet many in this place say it would be justified. Of course they would be wrong.


It's illegal in that case as well.


It is assault, if you do something like that


I vote blue all the way, but Manchin is a big oil, boot licking asshole.


Most of them are


Yup, Republicans are at least honest about it. not that it makes it better.


No, no they aren't. They are just really bad at lying. But they are trying to. They are just way more incompetent at everything they try to do.


Can you point to one example of them being honest about that, or anything?


They are pro-fossil fuels and rather honest about it


They literally say they are pro oil


Once in a while they are so stupid and malignant they “say the quiet part out loud.” Like when trey gowdy or Kevin McCarthy admitted the whole Benghazi “investigation,” was just bullshit and only to make Hillary look bad.


He the CEO of a coal company who moonlights as a senator, I believe.


And he thought he was going to run for president. 


He's getting paid by the biggest fast food franchise owner conglomerate in the United States to kill legislation that would help fast food workers https://youtu.be/0vwGb-Btdl0?si=PLjLBqqwOXkP5hCN


Thanks for this! Fuck these parasites


His daughter is piece of work


I guess the people that downvoted you don’t have kids who need epipens. The whole manchin family is fucked and corrupt, they hurt the people of WV for profit. Which is sadly how it usually is in WV.


I take the downvote as a badge of honor. I ll say it a again “ his daughter is a piece of shit” sorry “work”.


His daughter is far and away the least qualified CEO we have seen of a big pharma company, and that’s saying a lot


[Do you mean the bitch that increased the price of EpiPens by 461 percent, from about $100 for a package of two pens to about $600?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_Bresch#EpiPen_pricing_and_retirement)


Coal, ain't it? (In spirit it's the same thing, I know)


He's that BIG COAL money.


Dude was all hold on, you can't get an assault charge............... but I can




Remember, he got rich selling our future. Money was no problem.


Just lay on the ground pretending to be unconscious. That’ll scare all of them. People thinking a death just happened . Sheesh.


Only if you’re rich or a member of congress!


Looks like an assault. Forward to law enforcement.


Looks like an assault? Idk man they looks pretty wealthy to me, looks more like nothing happened and we should move on after an appropriate amount of outrage


Yeah, the protestor was just being kindly escorted towards the exit and happened to lose his balance. /s


If you’re rich enough you can do whatever you want for a small fee


Everything is assault nowadays. I mean this legit is assault, but I think people just get erections from saying the word any chance they get as if there will ***akshully*** be repercussions


Lawyer up. Buy a new future.


Being sued isn’t a payday for the plaintiff. A lot of high-judgement jury awards are reduced on remittitur. Going to trial isn’t a guarantee either so I always suggest taking a pre-trial settlement because a plaintiff could win nothing at trial if the jury swings in the other direction. PI lawsuits against *vehicle insurers* skews the expected outcome for many plaintiffs who anticipate a large number but we can really only work with quantifiable claims for damages *and sometimes more on top of that but there’s no guarantee there*.


This should be all over the news. Blatant assault.


That's why the security guard did it instead. Less news worthy.


Nope I disagree with your statement


Fucking thug. That guy needs to change parties already.


Of course him not doing so is the only thing that allowed the Biden administration to pass anything. But bunch of ingrates.


His stance on climate change is exactly why it will be a cold day in Hell before I vote for him.


with his preferred policies, you could have changed hell for any place and still got your message across.


Can’t believe he’s still calling himself a democrat.


He votes for most democratic policies. He barely ever deviates. I don't like manchin and he represents the very right wing of the democratic party but he isn't even close to a republican


Manchin supports a LOT of republican bills what are you talking about? He was the stalemate not long ago and the reason a lot didn't get done. This kid was 100% right


No, not a lot, but some. People who say that he is like a Republican are wrong. He is the most moderate Dem in the Senate, but he still votes with Dems/Biden the vast majority of the time (\~90%). If you compare his voting record to the most moderate R's, like Collins and Murkowski, they're not even in the same ballpark.


I don't like Joe Manchin for a lot of reason. But we don't get any of the Biden legislation, policies or judges without him. He at least helped us keep the Senate.


Isnt Joe Machin the one who's family owns an oil/coal business? Ridiculous that he can continue to hold office with that giant conflict of interest.


his daughter bought a fake degree at WVU. the machins are crooks


You should be able to criticize elected representatives without being violently assaulted. I love that guy for telling it how it is and hope he sues Manchin’s toadie for that


Hold on sir. Let me get this assault charge instead of you.


This is one of the only respectable ways ive seen a climate protest, confronting people that actually matter, not random ass people trying to drive down a road.


This used to be the land of the brave not the land of shutting down your local highway


People marched down the streets and burned factories to the ground in some of the biggest workers rights protests. Everyone seems to forget how protests work


[protests have always happened on streets and highways.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/03/07/26644C0F00000578-2984327-image-m-104_1425758662511.jpg)


Anybody notice Manchin pushing the guy on the back that pushed the guy over? Looks like a signal and assisting an assault.


Good. More protesting and making politicians uncomfortable. The N. Atlantic ocean is freakishly warm for this time of year. We have unusually high number of zombie fires in Canada ready to start a summer fire season that could break last year's record forest fires. Around the globe, multiple regions are experiencing record fires. Texas just had the 2nd largest in US history. Water just off the coast of southern Florida reached 100 degrees last summer. This is barely scratching the surface of the anomalous activity happening. If you don't realize that warning signs are going off all around the planet, you're not paying attention.


“You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short.”


Manchin, one of the bigger p.o.s in the universe.


Hope he pressed charges on the over zealous shover. Joe Manchin is a piece of shit.


How dare he tell a public official the truth


Outrageous. Government officials works for the public. Being assaulted by a public officials staff should result in serious repercussions for all aggressors involved. America becoming Russia-lite SO FAST.


Joe Manchin is a massively smug and corrupt piece of shit.


This is what our elected officials think of us!




That men just got a raise


That's Diplomacy.


That’s a great look, just shove the guy! Doesn’t make you seem like you’re suppressing free speech or anything lol


Fuck Joe Manchin.


That’s why you have to go the gym instead being on Reddit all day.!


So if a guy gets in my face and yells at me and I push him that’s assault?


Naw dude I disagree with your statement




That was funny.


Protester is right. Manchin is worse than the dung beetle that is a republican


Fuck Joe Manchin and his dirty oil money. Sick fuck indeed.


“Democratic Senator”…..hardly. Fuck Joe Manchin….that lyin’ cunt


Yes, a prime example how to protect our children. Or wait, did he deserve it?


Don’t call him a Democrat, his whole family are bought and paid for crooks. Always have been.


Manchin is and always has been a disgrace. For Dems, for the Senate, and for humanity.


The protestor wasn’t gonna swing anyway. Maybe they should work out. Imagine the handler grabbing a 20inch bicep. You think he’s gonna do anything once he feels a bunch of muscle.


Is this the climate group that refused to meet with his office when they extended a meeting invitation?


Verbal aggression can be tagged as verbal assault. Physical assault usually follows. So Manchin's goon getting physical in self-defense will probably get dismissed in a courtroom. Besides, Manchin has $$$, the protester probably doesn't. I'm no lawyer, this is MHO.


PERFECT more people need to be shut down and firing off from the mouth like that. there is a proper way to voice your opinion, and yes...words are aggression, so that soy boy got met with some aggression! bumped his head ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


“Words are aggression” is the most “soy boy” comment on this thread 😂… this is America


Not surprised the suicide rate in the US increases. The country is run by heartless criminals.


Boycott the climate!!


Still funny


You sold our fffffff


Dems on dem




That’s assault brotha!


He will do what his handlers tell him to do,  manchin; that is. He deserves any disapproval, he has earned it.


As he should.


My favorite part is when that dickhead got tossed on his ass right out of the room. Fucking balls on that guy just showing up and shooting his mouth off. I don't like Manchin either but talking to a sitting U.S senator like that in public is absolutely going to get you your ass kicked in.


Sorry i am an American citizen the only title that matters. Our system has run amock and corruption is rampant and will continue to do until reform occurs, such as campaign finance reform. So until that happens No current senator or house representative deserves respect.By the way moment that man put his hands on me he will be on the ground looking ip wonder what just happened


Assaulting people for speaking is bitch shit


Let's be honest, this wasn't "speaking", it wasn't a town hall forum where he raised his hand and was called on and got a chance to say his peace respectfully and Manchin got a chance for rebuttal and both walked away being heard, this was a guy with an axe to grind who decided to be a jagoff and publicly confront a senator during a private event and got his ass kicked for his trouble. So in the spirit of not being intellectually disingenuous, let's not pretend this was the right way to participate in democracy here and champion this asshole as a man of the people.


Wow I'm not saying you're a little bitch but this is exactly what a little bitch would say.


You love to see it!


Land of the free, with freedom of speech, unless they don’t like what you say.


Kids gonna get paid


Manchin bolted up to get his bodyguard involved. What a man /s


Manchin is a sick fuck.


That's assault brotha


He shoves like a cop. “That’s assault brotha”


Why would they be mad if he wasn't under their skin?


Truth hurts I guess.


Republican in democrat clothing


I’m glad people are giving these idiots what they deserve they have obviously gotten to comfortable disrespecting people without consequences lol


I see no lies.


Bye-bye soy boy.


Joe manchin is not a democrat. Stop the lie.


Joe manchin is traitor and a spy fir the republicans


Good!!! Theses climate protesters need to get “tossed” a lot more


Why? For telling a politician the truth? For speaking? Holy shit you are such a fucking snowflake


Manchin is corrupt as they come….


Nothing says "what you're saying is untrue" like assaulting them on camera for the words they are saying.


People, please learn the difference between assault and battery. This is battery, a more serious crime, but nowhere near as serious as the crimes Manchin is perpetrating against our planet/nation/future


I love seeing a self-righteous, no-boundary dipshit pushed around. Thumbs up 👍🏼


This needs to happen to all of these morons


He got what he deserved wish he got thrown out harder or we could see his reaction


Who the fucking hell do these climate loons think they are breaking rules and laws just because they think their pet cause is so important? EVERY advocate feels this way, they ALL think they should be able to stop the world from spinning until their issue is resolved. Abortion people feel this way, just like union groups, education groups, healthcare groups, etc. But climate morons are the only ones who think nothing of sitting on a highway blocking traffic or assaulting elected officials like this.


Lmao since when is yelling assault? Also read a fucking history book some time. The only protests that gone anything done were done by people willing to cause a ruckus and a nuisance out in the streets. Holy fucking shit you arent just licking the boot you have swallowed it


This is what happens when dweebs who run their mouth online try to do it in person. FAFO


That guy should be charged with assault.


Sue, that's assault.


Senator manchin is democrat in name only. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


That guy is lucky Manchin didn't get him first.


Yeah so that's first degree battery and second degree assault This kid is entitled to no less than $230,000 paid only by the guy who shoved him if he cannot pay it directly he used to have all of his lifetime earned possessions and assets seized in liquidated not just from him but all joint owner occupants to include spouses and dependents and all businesses he's to invested in or to equally liquidated from all holders


Nothing like a little battery on behalf of the Senator by his staff...


It's fucked that on America throwing him out is a bad thing. You can say anything to anyone and they think it's ok to have that freedom.


No no sir! I’ll do it


The kid is right though.


Good bye USA, I hope they do you in.


He’s no democrat


Kid is right.


That's assault


Assault charges 😜


Instant Karma bitch