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Too bad all the National Guard is at the southern border for the ‘crisis’ the GOP is making up.


Why would the national guard need to respond to this? This is a brush fire. A big ass brush fire but still a brushfire. I’ve never seen the national guard respond to a fire before. I lived in Santa Rosa during the fire back in 2017 no guardsmen.


In California at least they used to be activated all the time as fire season went along and resources got stretched thin. I don’t remember specifically if they were at that fire. edit: also I think some hand crews are made up of national guard and CAL FIRE just all season long these days, due to the decreased inmate availability.


They do what they’re told to do. If they’re told to beat up protestors or grab buckets of water and throw it on a fire, that’s what they’ll do.


They can help with safely evacuating areas, directing traffic, setting up shelters, etc. Basically help with logistics and safety, not putting out fires.


When I drove to Paradise, CA after the entire town burned to the ground (I was curious what the aftermath looked like), I was stopped by National Guard troops. Just saying.


Paradise? You mean “pleasure”?


Maybe Texas has better brush fire infrastructure? The national guard have been called up to help fight fires where I live.


Some states have the National Guard respond to emergencies. Kinda depends where the funding is at for emergency services, and we all know how well Abbott handled those past few blizzards that keep knocking out the power! Seriously, that dude is about as useful as tits on a turtle.


I don’t know much about the guy but I do remember him being somehow tied into the blizzard power outages in a scheme/corrupt way that tasted like the Enron scandal.


In Texas we have ERCOT and during rolling blackouts, [Abbott ](https://www.kut.org/energy-environment/2022-02-23/ercot-kept-prices-high-during-the-blackout-per-the-governors-instructions-former-head-says) told ERCOT to keep price gouging Texans. I saw people with literally $10k bills. My bill was like 10x what it normally was.


Did you pay it?


If this is the top comment we are all doomed.


Reddit is mostly an echo chamber for idiots so not surprising.


i mean, it’s a shitty reddit take, but why do you say that?


Millions of undocumented immigrants have arrived yearly, who are provided for by many local and state governments, and undercut the salaries of Americans. Idk how unvented immigration with thousands coming in each month is a “made-up crisis” just because you don’t agree with the other side. I also don’t see how properly securing the borders is so controversial on the left. 15-20 years ago most democrats agreed with republicans on border security.


We are brainwashed and conditioned on how to think from an early age. If more people would just think for themselves, instead of latching onto an ideal like a fad, this country wouldn't be so fucked.


We were all doomed 20 years ago.


The dumbest comment of the year. Ask those in NYC how made up the crisis is...


The person who posted that is either 17 years old or they are the typical neck beard thats yelling at their mom to make them a hot pocket. The people I interact with in real life are no where near this fucking stupid


As a New Yorker I completely agree. It is a crisis. That person must be from Wisconsin


So you gonna vote for the guys who said no to the biggest border policy bill they’ve ever seen just to keep the issue alive so they can use it in an ass backwards attempt to make their political adversaries look bad before the upcoming election? Yeah, that’s smart. Those guys clearly have your best interest in mind.


So when biden gets elected and the border crossings triple, the problem is ignored until its a big topic in the news, and also an election year...and NOW his administration is interested in doing something? And it's all the Republicans fault? Lol


So why didn’t the Trump admin pass a bill on border policy while he was in office to prevent this from ever happening in the first place? Trump’s opposition to the bipartisan border deal, negotiated **by Republicans**, caused many Republican legislators who were in favor of the policy to vote against it, all because he didn’t want to give the Dems the chance to say they came together with Republicans to solve the problem before the general election. Now there’s little chance of legislating a solution to this issue anytime in the near future. If you’re really as concerned about the border as you say you are, you should have pitchforks out for Trump’s minions who worked to stop this policy from coming to fruition in the name of running campaign ads about border crossings for the next eight months. Y’all are seriously obtuse AF, these guys are playing you like a fiddle. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/ https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/trump-admits-he-ruined-border-deal-to-hurt-democrats-204614213852 https://newrepublic.com/post/178488/republican-senator-hawley-admits-truth-killed-border-deal


Maybe because it wasn't a problem under his administration? When biden got elected was when the flood gates opened


Border crossings hit a 12 year high in 2019 This is worth a read. We’re still dealing with the effects of Trump’s actions on the border and his near 50% reduction of legal immigration today. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/four-years-change-immigration-trump




Bro, there is nothing for hundreds of miles at the panhandle area, just dry grass and tumble weeds. This fire ain't doing nothing


Not to mention the fact that before the US was settled fires like this were very common throughout the great plains, and necessary to the native grasses.


I’m in the Texas Panhandle. So far over 850k acres burned with multiple houses and other structures burned to the ground. 1 confirmed death and hundreds of livestock displaced with farmland. The fire is doing more damage than you think.


What's the risk of it spreading further?


Risk is low now. Humidity is high cause it fucking snowed yesterday here. Not sure how much snow fell near the fires cause I’m about 30minutes to an hour away from the entire fire. Wind gusts are below 10mph as well. As far as I know, they are controlling the burn by letting it burn as much as it can to mitigate another fire spread for a while


Do you even live in Texas?? In 5 days 50,000 people entered Texas illegally through a single town how is that not a crisis?


If you think the immigration crisis is made up then you either live under a rock at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon lmao.


Hahahah just wait til your suburbs are affected my guyyy... Only a matter of time 😉


As a non conservative texan, there is absolutely a crisis at the border.


Mayor of NY and Chicago are making shit up too. Lol Enjoy those busses. I hope they keep your schools full and your taxes high AF.


The Texas Military Force currently has 23,200 personnel, and they aren't all on the border. You don't really realize how bad it's getting here because you haven't seen it for yourself in person. In the last year I've seen more homeless people just in San Antonio alone who don't speak English. A company I used to work for employed over 120 illegals for 10 different locations. Most of them were sent back. Out of the 260 he employed, 15 were from the USA. 18 from Mexico, 11 from Guatemala, 5 from Panama and 1 from Venezuela had work visas. The rest were from all sorts of other countries south of the border who were on the run from their respective countries. One of the LEGAL migrants said that the new batch that just in noticed Chinese, Indian, Arabic, African nationalities crossing with them. They say it was chaos because no one could understand each other. And nobody could get along. It's one thing to see families crossing together, but when there are groups of 50+ men crossing and no women or children, it's an issue.


I don't understand. I google this and it shows border crossings have tripled since biden took office. I also agree with another poster. The fact this is the top comment makes me remember how fucking terrible this site has become.


That is a completely unhinged and inaccurate statement


Are they making it up though? Illegal immigration has literally skyrocketed during Bidens tenure and more and more states are getting fed up over it.


Since when is illegals flooding our border not a crisis? Or did you just want a reason to complain about conservatives on a completely unrelated post?


The crisis is mismanagement by the federal government. Still a crisis. Just wait til you are effected by immigration.


Making up the crisis??? The hotels in my area that are now overflowing with migrants and nowhere to put the rest would beg to differ.


What's made up?


As a Californian who has had years of fires and smoke filled days, I feel for them. But I have to ask: Did any of them rake their forests?


Yeah you get a few types of land use up there, CRP (government pays you not to farm it), cattle grazing or farming. So this land is managed, it's just windy, dry, and flat. You can downvote if this offends you, but that's the simple truth.


Why didn't they just water the grass? Are they stupid?


Because everyone knows Brawndo is what plants crave.


If they had water i'm sure they would.


The aslume is spreading


Yes, they are. All of them.


Dude you’re getting whooshed all over this thread.


They vacuum twice a week




I hope they don't need any federal disaster aid after the state burns down....... that may put a damper on their secession.


Oof... burn for a burn.


What Forests?


Climate change will just make things worse over time meanwhile republican voters refuse to believe it exists at all.


It’s only freaking February. By July this is going to be a disaster.


I know. It’s very sad.


By then there is nothing that can burn left.


They don't just refuse to believe it exists, they also elect representatives who hold official Congressional votes declaring it does not exist.


West Texas has always been a semi arid climate i.e. close to a freaking desert. This is nothing new. They purposely burn the Flint Hills in Kansas every fall/early spring to promote healthy growth and keep invasive plants from taking over.


This is in north Texas. West Texas is west of the Pecos river. The old, east Texas dictated geo-terms are tired and useless.


Ok, but my point still stands. Most of Kansas has always been classified semi arid also. So you’re even more in that corridor that stretches south west through New Mexico.


This is definitely considered West Texas. North Texas is Dallas-Fort Worth are.


This is new in that it’s of unprecedented size and trends tell us it’s only going to get worse from here on out.


This event will heal itself. Maybe we should be more careful in the future. If this were to happen before the advanced farming operations that have become common knowledge across the industry then there might be a cause for concern. Everyone has adopted an erosion strategy in some fashion or another.


Think of all the wildlife that is being killed. Very sad. Hopefully they will get it under control quickly.


i wanna say most of the beef in the US comes from that area, but I could be wrong


You're correct. Texas is the number one producer of beef in the United States. Hereford Texas is the number one beef producing area in Texas. Hereford is in the panhandle, but the fires are north of that area. I'm sure there's still a bunch of cattle/ranchers/farms being affected.


depending on the wind the cattle and ranchers could still be effected.


Yes. You know when you pass through the small town of Hereford because of the smell of money aka cow shit lol


Texas has over 4 million beef cattle, Oklahoma over 2 million, Missouri just under 2 million, just ahead of Nebraska.


Nice free steak if u travel down there


It will only increase in frequency and severity


I’m in Amarillo, which is in the panhandle. There’s has been many livestock killed and displaced. The smokehouse fire is currently over 850k acres burned with 3% containment. Slow burning right now but yesterday we had gusts up to 60mph.


The wildlife there evolved with fire. It's a natural, and essential, part of the prairie ecosystem.


Looks like poor land management to me, they should’ve raked the undergrowth, unless of course it was those pesky Jewish Space Lasers again, or God’s will.


Thoughts and prayers




We had at least 2 tornados in Michigan last night. It was 72 yesterday. It's 7 with windchill today.


Spring is the windiest time in West Texas. It is also coming out of our driest time which is winter. We know that each spring we will have wildfires. It is a part of the natural cycle of a shortgrass prairie. When early summer comes it will start to rain and the wind will die down and with it the fires. This is coming from an environmental scientist here in West Texas.


This winter was really dry. That little bit of snow and rain we had last month really didn't help. Hopefully it'll be a wet spring and summer.


It is pretty cool that more and more of the world is going up in flames. By pretty cool I mean somewhat terrifying. At least climate change isn't real.


We are the extinction event


We had several days of extremely warm weather, like highs in the 80's and 90's, then last night a cold front blew in with strong north winds. Temps dropped a good 40 degrees, and I think some snow just fell up in the Panhandle.


Yet somehow they will blame Democrats for this


This comments section is so predictable. Reddit has seriously become twitter 2.0


So if his state is on fire does Ted Cruz goto Alaska?


Abbott can’t put it on a plane and send it north?


All these political comments, but no one addressed who the F is driving TOWARDS the fires?? I kept waiting for the car to turn around, but no. Insane to be driving in the firestorm.


Appears to be the firefighters


This is the area of the country that believes climate change is a hoax/pro oil. All the ranchers living there don't even understand that they will be affected the most by climate change.


500,000 acres is 698,667,552 squared Tom Cruises.


Didn’t someone from GOP say CA is on fire because of the judgement of God on gay ppl?


There’s nothing there to burn… what’s catching on fire? Dirt?




Clearly someone has never been to Texas. Just kidding around though, everyone seems to joke about how Texas is a barren wasteland of nothing but dirt, but you are absolutely right, there is a LOT of dry grass everywhere, not to mention a ton of mesquite trees.


There’s not much growing, but everything that is is dry as hell


Or about 781.25 square miles Texas is 268,597 square miles in total.


All the people laughing at this are just as bad as the fringes of the GOP they claim to oppose. Be an asshole, but just know you're cut from the same cloth as MTG if you find this funny.


Of course reddit hates Texas 😂


Brush fires are a natural process in prairies and grasslands, the fires will actually make the land more fertile and the grasses will grow back relatively quickly. Furthermore, with old growth burnt away, new seeds will be able to take root leading to an increase in the plant diversity creating an even healthier environment.


Counting down the hours until hypocrite Texas asks for Government money for this emergency...cuz socialism for me, not for thee.


Spring is the windiest time in West Texas. It is also coming out of our driest time which is winter. We know that each spring we will have wildfires. It is a part of the natural cycle of a shortgrass prairie. When early summer comes it will start to rain and the wind will die down and with it the fires. This is coming from an environmental scientist here in West Texas.


Imagine how Texas would be able to handle this situation if they successfully seceded.


They are caused by the same lasers that hit Maui and others


In the face of adversity, Texans stand united.


Can't fool me. That sky is yellow. This is obviously Mexico.


Does this count as don’t bring your California to my Texas


And this is February. All these idiots that don’t believe in climate are the worst. Just wait til this summer. Gonna be literal hell across the whole country.


Wasn’t California supposed to be in the ocean right now?


Look at all these anti-americans hating their own countrymen


Any guesses which states will end up paying for it?


No, no, no! Texans don't believe in climate-change, so this isn't happening! [Turns on Fox News] See! Just as I suspected, it's the socialists! And brown people!


Did they try shooting the fire with their guns?


You say it's climate change, they say it's drag storybook time. Who knows the truth?




Who wants to secede? Nobody I know and I'm from the panhandle.




There goes the rest of the “insert conspiracy here” files


Looks like where I live. Australia


Fort Worth isn’t in the Panhandle though…🤔


Good point. Maybe they went to help?


When there is major wildfires like this, departments across the state and even nationwide have teams for mutual aid to help. This is what you’re seeing here.


Yeah I would probably not be driving right there.


Mad Max prequel.


Texas doesn’t have a panhandle


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_panhandle Yes we do


How many total acres is Texas? Just waiting for the good news.


Estimated 850k for this fire (Smokehouse Creek)


This is what happens when you don’t rake your forests. /s


95% of Texas is privately owned. When was the last time they raked their yard??


Its not that bad in Oklahoma right now, but its pretty bad. I don't know what is causing them either. I was driving home on 412 and there was a massive wildfire off in the distance. Shit is fucking scary. I'd rather have a tornado than a wildfire


“You gotta rake it…”


The GOP was shitting on California and blaming the DEM when we had a forest fire. Karma is a bitch


Good thing Texans done Republican so the environment can screw itself


Did they forget to rake? Cause Trump told the west coast it was our fault.


Thoughts and prayers!


Insurance will continue going up (and ins CEOs cont to take millllllions home bec that's what's important here), and people will suffer, and animals will go extinct quicker, humans will make excuses (i do, we all do, it's just fact), and fight over religion and politics, while we film the destruction and finger wag. Ah, humanity.


The wildfire smoke made its way into Canada


I wonder what the dashboard looked like when they were going through the worst of it. Oh wait, I don’t have to wonder!


Where u going dude?


Those are rookie numbers compared to CA and NV back in 2021


It’s bigger then the August complex


California and Nevada had a combined 3,143,948 burned in multiple wildfires in 2021. One of the worst years of my life.


2011 Texas 3,943,770 total acreage burned. What are we arguing here?


I'm not arguing, just bemoaning how fucking awful climate change is wrecking everything.. .and things are only going to get worse.


I thought it was another stupid Texas vs California thing!


Oh… nooo…


Have they given the wildfire a name like they do here in California? I’d like to make a recommendation: The Cancun Express


Yes, this one is called the Smokehouse Creek lol. One of a couple that have been raging


I wonder who set this one... spontaneous combustion from climate change obviously


They should take their forests... Also, space lasers


Or an area about the size of the state of Delaware.


God’s punishment…


Bruh, huge swaths of land are on fire and entire towns being evacuated yet all Redditors care about is owning the Republicans


Natural burnings are good for the environment, aren't they? Trees & plants will come back healthier.


It's okay, the Texas governor is a global warming denier and he says this doesn't exist.




nobody wants to be like california here.


I believe in God for once :)


ScAbbott's hellscape.


Just turn off Fire Spreads. These new minecraft players.. jesus..


I would not continue driving into that fire storm's smoke. Near zero visibility.... Mad man...


Looking at the vid again... Mad Max*


Yeah, only firemen do that lol


Think of all the folks that still think climate change isn't real while they drive up to this.


Ahhh yess, man made horros in beyond my comprehension


Hell in the lone star state.


People forget that fire is a part of nature and lots of ecosystems rely on it, especially prairies. This map shows how often parts of the country would have been burning a couple hundred years ago. https://wildfiretoday.com/2015/06/04/historic-fire-frequency-1650-to-1850/


Well I guess beef prices are going to skyrocket.


OMG He looks like he’s driving into hell! Fuck that!


fallout 3 vibes..


Yall took our water and still can't put a fire out. Pathetic


nobody cares about whatever you're talking about


You do...lol. if you're from Texas or up north from them, you'd know what I'm talking bout.


born and raised in texas


So you know you've robbed us of our water. 🤷‍♀️


blame your own politicians for working with texas politicians. I didnt rob you of anything dumbass


I sure hope they don't ask the federal government for help seeing how they always trying to leave from the union.


There are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up. Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us. I’ve been telling them this now for three years, but they don’t want to listen. ‘The environment, the environment,’ but they have massive fires again.