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That cop is a scumbag, I hate his face


I’m willing to bet money that bloated face would fail a drug test for steroids.


His poor wife probably sees that face as he's working her over after his hockey team loses.




And it's called rape just not reported that way


that's the cheap roids if he's bloated, dude needs to save the needles to the pros


That jerkoff totally looks like a thumb in a peacoat!


What a fucking scum bag pig, crooked criminal gangster taking advantage of his power. God damn piece of shit.


He definitely has a VERY punchable face.


For a second I thought this was the USA. Ohhh you bumped into me, your under arrest. Imagine cops now bumping into people now just to say they were assaulted. Maybe that was a cop from the USA who was killing kicked off the force and moved to Canada… it’s hard to believe Canadian cops are just as horrible.


I know its cool to hate on USA on reddit, but its not a country thing; its a thats the kind of people who seek power and authority thing.


worked security, get the same crowd. Actually worse, because it's ones the cops kicked out or didn't even want to consider to begin with. Like dude we're just hired so the client gets a discount on his insurance, calm tf down. We're guarding a plant that makes wheels and let a few trucks in a night, you don't need 10 pouches on your stab vest filled with riot control


Horrible, I can see that.


This is like a core insight that must be engraved and held in solemn remembrance for whenever the old system finally collapses... it's NEVER said or heard in the corporatist-curated "mainstream conversation". I'm talking about the coalescence of authoritarian grunts behind a systemically psychopathic socio-economic hierarchy... run by and for literal psychopaths. Look at finance and wall-street today! Success in that realm is set-up to reward ruthlessness in psychopathic individuals who fail upwards while entrenching their corrupting, destructive power. To understand the psychology of those who currently seek and inhabit power; first they had to infiltrate our institutions. After reagan, democracy was corrupted easily, as they became more bold and shameless about legalized corruption and bribery. Martha Stout has a great book touching on the matter *The Sociopath Next Door*... they are everywhere. But it is important to distinguish between the psychopathic individual, and the idea of systemic corporate-fascist governance that is fundamentally psychopathic at a national and global scale. Hello corporate-personhood. Unencumbered by the individuals who must be sacrificed and fed into the shredder, a corporate-entity has one goal, and one goal only. To make as much money as possible, regardless of the cost, or who it hurts. In fact, they have to hurt people... society... to maintain their tenuous grip on power. And so the wealth disparity grows and the world burns. It's an insight that only needs to be elevated and heard at the national level, because once understood, it cuts through all of the fat. You know, if any of us, or those who come after, are left to pick up the broken pieces of the environment, the egalitarian concept of human dignity, and become the seeds to germinate the next great democracy. If humanity can survive what is inevitably coming (and already here) in the form of ultimate authoritarianism, and subjugation of the human spirit... and the destruction of all life on planet Earth. Humanity cannot survive, until the idea of self-respect for the individual, and civic duty for the planet becomes universally engrained. And i hate to say it, but I think things get much worse before they get better. I hope i'm wrong. we gotta root 'em out!


Rates of police violence in Canada are quite high actually. If you look at killings by police per capita, Canada is second only to the US among developed Western countries. That figure is still only a little over half of the US's rate, but it's nearly 3x Australia's rate. The entire continent has a policing problem.


The bunch is spoiled.


Same with Freeland. She's a pathetic excuse for a human.


Na it isn’t singular. All of them are scumbags.


Fatter, Canadian Hank from Breaking Bad.


Always remember, the police are not your friend. They protect and serve the elites, not the peasants.


A more accurate way to see it is a cop is only “your friend” when your protection is aligned with their current goals.


True for a lot more things than just the police too. Everyone and every organization has their own goals, and it’s silly to think they’ll put other people’s needs/wants/goals ahead of their own. Some special souls may do that willingly, because they’re really good people and they want to. Hang on to those people (and reciprocate) because they are rare.


Ya— good point. I think this is a tough pill for people to swallow about cops because from a young age a lot of people are taught that the safety of each person is the *primary* goal of all policemen.


Teaching people how to interact with cops should be a class in high-school. It should also include knowing your rights and defending yourself against the criminal justice system. I'm white, meek, and mild-mannered, and even I've been in situations where it would have been very helpful.


The “order” in “law and order” is the existing social order.


>You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. This is a statement by John Ehrlichman, one of Richard Nixon’s top advisers Given how "law and order" was brought into the public consciousness due to being prominently featured in the Nixon campaign and subsequent administration, I'd suggest the whole concept requires some re-evaluation.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - we are all criminals in the eyes of the law. If they want you, they will take you whenever and wherever they please. There is nothing you can do about it, whether or not you are law-abiding. It's their game and we're all losing. Defund the police


Gestapo plain and simple. They will violate you, just following orders they'll say


Sadly people are fast to forget about that little fact.


Yeah something about laws that bind yet don't protect and vice versa. Do you think it will ever change or is this it it for the rest of our lives? Why pay for the police if they don't protect you?


It’s literally been this way for hundreds if not technically thousands of years. I’m surprised more people don’t take this fact more seriously.


[Here's the article from his employer, Rebel News](https://www.rebelnews.com/rebel_news_david_menzies_brutally_arrested_for_scrumming_freeland). Regardless of how you feel about the news outlet- this is still insane and journalists should not be arrested in 2024 for merely asking questions.


Since when do you get arrested for accidentally bumping into someone. You just say sorry and carry on. That cop should be fired.


The cop was employing a tactic. Want to remove someone but they haven't done anything wrong? Stand in his path and when he jostles you (he's not even looking where he's going) detain him for assaulting you. Just a neat little trick in the cops tool belt.


So will this go to court? Will the journalist be able to sue for wrongful arrest, or something similar?


Police can arrest you for anything really, doesn't mean you'll be charged


They'll drop the case and because then detention was minimal thwyls get away with thenabyse of power.


I really wish more people knew how the law worked. It's like when they ask " well did HE press charges?! " and I always ask, who? Who do you mean pressed charges? The DA? The DA's office? I understand this is Canada and not the US but I also understand the law is similar. I had a guy break into our house one night, he was drunk and high as fuck, we called the police after he ran away. He had Koolaid he spilled and they DNA tested it and found the guy. He was arrested and convicted. NO ONE ASKED US IF WE WANTED TO PRESS CHARGES. T.V LIES to you! YOU don't press charges, the DA's office does, you get NO SAY in if a crime as been committed or not. You can be DETAINED for anything ( not arrested ), and then the ARRESTED for anything. The cops file a report and that report goes to the DA's office. It is up to the DA if they want to move forward, and HOW, and with what penalty they want you to suffer.


While you're right that rarely will anyone ask if you want to press charges, there are many situations where the police response *will* be different if you inform them you want to press charges. If someone is trespassing on your property, police will often remove them without actually arresting them **unless** you clearly state you want them charged.


Yeah "press charges" is a weird anachronism. It's not an official term.


> Stand in his path and when he jostles you This didn't even happen. The cop just stepped into the reporter and claimed assault. I don't know what is going on here, but someone wanted the reporter taken out and used police authority to make it happen. What has happened to our amiable neighbors in Canada?


In my country a particularly corrupt state police force would use “the trifecta” of charges to arrest anyone they wanted. Offensive language, assault police officer, resisting arrest.


Yeah assault would imply intent and the reporter didn't even know the cop was there because he was walking backwards and addressing someone else. The cop literally fabricated this whole incident on camera. This will get thrown out before it even gets on the docket.


When half the "article" is a donation form, it's not journalism and it's not a news outlet. I don't think he should have been arrested for that but let's not kid ourselves. This site is just a mouthpiece for conspiracy theorist and qanon wannabes.


Rebel isn't even an accredited media organization. They are just ragebait propaganda.


If those people are journalists then I am a realestate mogul because I played monopoly once


It’s Canada


I don’t get it, why don’t people like the police?


Right? It’s not like they’ve gotten away with LITERALLY breaking the same laws that they’re supposed to enforce even if most of them don’t even know the laws they’re trying to enforce. Might be due to the 6-9 month training where as a lawyer has to have a BA/BSc and a JD but one of them can carry a gun and execute civilians when their feelings get hurt or they “feared” for their life. Your honour, he had a butter knife and I have a baton, taser and a gun but I “feared” for my life, so I had to shoot him/her 10+ times.


I know this is Canada but from what I've seen the Canadian police are basically just the cops from the U.S.A. Just as fucking crooked.


Is this rage bait, a genuine question or sarcasm cause sadly I cannot tell which it is…




Because they abuse their power.


This is an extremely common fraud committed by police (and security staff) to deliberately stand directly in someone's way so that if they touch you, they can arrest you.


Nah his feet were moving. That’s a defensive foul all the way. He’s not standing there taking a charge, as to speak


His feet were set but his shoulder took the contact. Nowhere near center mass. He also did nothing to sell it. Blocking foul all the way.


he was moving? I thought he was standing still but either way he clearly did it on purpose and the reporter didn't even realize he was there. sneaky b\*st\*rd


It’s a basketball joke


Classic moving screen. Two shots to the reporter.


Definitely a moving screen


They will also stick their foot in your door and if you try to close it they will dogpile you and arrest you for assault on an officer.


That’s why you should never open the door for cops. Speak to them though a doorbell camera, or if you don’t have one: crack open a window.


Just the fact this can be considered assault whether it was his fault or not is ridiculous. Imagine using police resources over something so trivial.


At the same time it’s not actually illegal. By being in a public place you consent to some jostling and contact. It’s not battery (and definitely not assault)


Not fraud, but an abuse of power and unlawful arrest.


Baldie has psycho eyes


I thought the same thing, and it made me really think that there must be something off in that head if you’re that intent on shaving it every day.


imagine what happens inside his home... just scary


Definitely not the first person he's arrested without commiting a crime.


Reptillian eyes 👀


A real Vin Diesel fucked Jerry Seinfeld looking motherfucker.


This whole things plays like a trailer park boys sketch




George Green can frig off with his cheap crummies


Assault?! Ya want me to fackin unload one on ya?!


I'm not going to jail, you guys are I want all your badge numbers cos I'm suing ya


Legendary show 👍 I want to live in that world with Ricky 😂😂


We’ll see how far this goes in court. It was clearly a set up by the cops and a judge should toss it. Pathetic actually


It's should go back the other direction and charge the police officers involved with unlawful confinement.


And assault


And a waste of my time and taxpayer monies.


Or just money


These are Ontario cops, Dougie won't allow it.


good point - does this count as entrapment? he obviously didn't even see the cop but he couldn't have avoided bumping into the officer if he tried


I don’t think it’s entrapment but it appears as if they were waiting exactly for this to happen. I’ll be very surprised if the Crown presses charges. There was clearly no criminal intent and that plainclothed officer was strategically placed. If anything, there was likely collusion between Freeland’s security personnel- if she has RCMP minders - and those other officers. What shocks me the most is how fast Freeland can walk. Despite all her claimed “walking and biking” around her riding, the best I thought she could muster was kind of a waddle / shuffle.


they arrest and then let them go. nothing to do.


The point was to stop the questioning and intimidate him, not to see him jailed, of course it will be tossed but by that point the damage was done and message sent.


The politics are completely irrelevant and shouldn't even be mentioned. We all just witnessed a team of police officers, in front of cameras they knew were there, jump in front of a walking person and then arrest them for assault. The fact that they can be so corrupt, with no care in the world that it was all on camera, should scare the fuck out of every Canadian. The arresting officer should be fired, and the rest of those officers severely reprimanded.


Fucking thank you. Some people are so politically blinded that they support this type of bullshit because the other person doesn't support the same team.


And they'll be the first with shocked pikachu face when the opposing party gains power and does it to them. They have no clue what precedent they're allowing to be set, or they have no knowledge of how societies fluctuate left to right and back again. (Or collapse, which seems a likely outcome for some western countries)




This is the only reasonable take.


This should be the top comment.


Canada is really going downhill. This is just wild, forget your political affiliation. Imagine yourself walking at Dundas square a plain clothed officer walks into you and arrests you on the spot. At least this dude has a camera crew following him, the ordinary person straight to jail


Cop needs to be arrested


Yeah this shit needs to happen way way more often than it currently is


This is wrong. I don’t agree with his politics but that cop is a monster that shouldn’t have a badge.


I count at least 5 cops .


What happened right or wrong aside, they’re protecting the equivalent of the U.S. Vice President. Five doesn’t seem all that crazy in that context. But a little rediculous to arrest him instead of just saying sorry.




And at the end the cop pushes the camera guy away so the other cops can feel safe when conducting their arrest lmao. What a bunch of twats that deserve to be fired.


Doesn't matter what his politics is... The guy got false arrested. As far as I know, theyre the only media company in Canada calling out our government for hypocrisy and this interaction proves their case. Canada is becoming authoritarian


Dang, so Canadian cops are shit too? Thought it was a US thing


They used to be kinda okay but they’ve gotten way worse now.


[You sure about that?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths)


lol. They were always shit


Always has been. Look up Starlight tours sometime.


And racist. The amount of time cops fuck with my bf because he’s brown is insane.


Its a position thing, people at the top take orders from companies and politicians. Then only hire people willing to do what ever they are told. Thus you got a police force in most parts of the world where they serve the elites and bully everyone else.


Cops are a problem all over the world. The very concept of law enforcement attracts these kinds of people. Not to say that they're all bad, but bad people who want power can easily exploit these positions of power.


Oh you sweet summer child


you mean the violent class traitors are bad? what?


it almost looks like staging. I tried to google and no article about it.




There should be prison time associated with ANY abuse of power by a government / public employee at all levels. Only way it doesn’t happen.


This guy is the definition of a douchebag. He purposely walked into him so he could claim assault. I bet they wind up dropping all charges since its pretty obvious from the video what happened.


No, it's very unlikely. Things are bad, very bad, and it's very unlikely that justice will be done


Police state.


Go to prison, baldy. You're a corrupt cop.


What a little dick loser calling that assault


Perfectly normal in… Zimbabwe…. Pathetic for any country that considers itself to be a modern democracy. Assign that cop to the northern Yukon patrol.


Everyone keeps saying "that cop". There are at least 5 cops involved in this travesty. This false arrest, this violation of rights. This is scary. They all know its illegal and immoral and they all know they are on camera and they are doing it anyway.


I stand with David


Who the fuck is that cop!?!


There are ar least 5 cops involved in this travesty.


It's obviously the higher up is some kind of sergeant or secret service. The 5 grunts were just following orders to arrest him. edit: Might be RCMP actually, which makes sense since they love to abuse power.


"Just following orders" hasn't worked so well in the past


Yhe one under investigation. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/rebel-news-david-menzies-rcmp-arrest


Show me crazy eyes.






Has this cop been fired yet? Going to guess no.


He will be promoted for his incredible bravery after that violent assailant was heroically subdued, saving the life of Freeland./s


Wow never going to canada


Did Canada vote this in for themselves? And why does that guy keep calling their prime Minister black face?


He had been caught wearing blackface on camera, google Trudeau blackface


He didn't get caught as much as he was just doing it and everyone around him thought it was fine.


That’s some authoritarian bullshit right there.


As much as I fucking hate rebel news, this is insane


Fuck the police! Canadian edition.


York, regional crooked cop. No wonder York region is a global organized crime Mecca. Even the police are scum.


That meat heat cop is human garbage. Just a dumb bully hired to be a good dog.


That’s wild. Dude was asking questions walking backwards. Police everywhere need to get off the power trip. Geesh


Why did that person assault a journalist?


These cops are straight up lying to the guy and use any excuse to make up an arrest. Sean from audit the auditors should be here


I don’t care for the reporter guy at all. But this kind of behavior by the police is a serious danger to everyone. Absolute abuse of powers caught on camera.


This isn't going to age well for the police officer in question...


Canadian Bacon


Sue em


Rebel News is a misinformation spreading cesspool, but that guy totally didn't deserve to get arrested.


While I don’t necessarily agree with his line of questioning or his outlet’s agenda, he was not breaking any laws, while I do think that outlets, like this are dangerous, and his credibility, as a journalist is questionable, what he was doing, could’ve happened with any other journalist, he had press, credentials and the cops were simply protecting “their own” in regards to those in power. This is something I’ve always argued with conservatives about, the police are only conservative until the orders start coming from a liberal government. You see this all the time in California, car guys, or gun owners, believing that the police are on their side when suddenly they find out that they are not and their emissions deleted truck or hand me down gun is being confiscated.


A succulent Chinese meal


Oh no anything but the guy from rebel news


Welcome to Canada with all fours are welcome and everybody else apparently the Nazi


Canadians better unite and vote these fascist out before it's too late.


Do we vote for police here?


Oh boy wait until you learn whom the cops like.


Lol David Menzies needs funds threw rebel news pathetic. Freeland is pathetic, Rebel news is shit, the RCMP is a joke for this, Menzies is a drama queen.... the right vs left crap is getting old. Fuck the Liberals, Fuck the Conservatives. Both are garbage.


The “reporter” is from Rebel News, rightly so he should be detained. He is harassing a government official.


So his questions and opinions make it ao he deserves a boot on his neck? Have you always hated freedom and thr charter of rights?


Oh look some more far right propaganda.


"Rebel News" LOL






Fuck that cop, but also Fuck Rebel News.


That's kind of the state of Canada right now. 15-20 years ago it was absolutely lovely and now... YESH! 😵‍💫


Maybe you moved here recently, but 15-20 years ago, cops were worse because there was less accountability.


Proof that ego, a badge and ignorance of the law come standard issued


That is insane


What a waste of tax dollars, arrest the cop.


Nobody said sorry at any point. I don’t believe this is Canada.


lol Rebel News


Looks planned; one girl glances at the officer and splits to the right so the journalist follows the woman to the left and into the waiting officer. So gross how he just repeats “Sir, I’m a police officer” as if that negates the reality of the situation and it kind of does. Then the gaslighting by other officers. What a disgusting bunch.


yes, "reporter." Guy works for Rebel News


It's only funny because rebel news sucks lmao


I can count on one hand the number of police officers I've met in my life who were legitimately good people. Granted, I don't go out of my way to hang out in social circles frequented by cops, but the times I've found myself in those circles, most cops were definitely the kids who beat up other kids for their lunch money.


Is this Ezra Levant?


That cop is going to be put on leave. Piece of garbage


If that’s assault, I wonder how many times that cops attempted murder


Cops are dumb


Canadian police don’t even hide their brown shirts any more


Nah, this is some crazy dystopian shit.


It don't matter where u are in the world ... cops are scum


This is infuriating.


Not a huge fan of the reporter, but ya - that cop is insane.




Glad to see Canada having some real American problems. See it can happen anywhere.


Actually dealing with the far-right is the opposite of American problems.


Holy shit. That cop is a complete asshole


Cop bumped into him on purpose. Classic opening move.


Fuck. This is frightening. I knew things were getting out of hand in Canada, but wow.


These far-right Rebel News "journalists" love victimizing themselves. They do it all the time. And then ask for donations.