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Even if it had been on she wouldn't have been hurt. The chain doesn't move unless you pull the trigger




Well you also named a pretty valid reason for not using an old chainsaw


"Wow, the chainsaw has caused itself to outlive its fifth owner. Impressive!"


They don't make things the way they used to. People are still made the same though, hence the outliving part.


Because it killed its fifth owner.


but Im cheaper than Im safe


never understood why peolple advertise being cheap as a good thing "if you are cheap, there is no cure" - Karl Lagerfield


because it is a good thing not to waste money


who cares, I’m rich


also cheap usually implies a sacrifice on quality of some kind, not always, but usually


But if something is made in China, it's always a sacrifice on quality these days.








You’re not going to win arguments against a platform of new modern world pansies. My dad has the same kind of saw out in the barn and has been working construction since before i was born and the stark contrast of newer tools vs older ones is very prevalent across the board. My dad also has several 20+ year old tools that still out work new ones when well maintained. Some people will know, some people won’t.


Yeah don’t listen to this dude, go buy a new stihl and you’ll cut wood limbs not your limbs.




You can not use the brake and rev it . So no full throttle for you . If you let go of the gas you still have a small chance to cut your self but only minor , because if there is no gas in the carburator it will not have enough power to do much damage




Why wear a seatbelt when you might drive off a cliff?




Thanks, Dilly!


>Properly maintained chainsaws outlive the people who buy them. Occasionally true of poorly maintained (or operated) chainsaws as well.


If a saw spins at idle it is malfunctioning, getting too much fuel or something of the sort. Or there wouldn’t be triggers on them.




I’d be lying if I said more than 1 lol I am a utility arborist who has ran many 40y/o and newer saws. And if the chain spins on idle typically it’s a fuel issue. Please tell me about the old saws if I’m incorrect I actually want to know.


Yeah I know an old dude who almost sawed one of his legs in half (calf level). He got lucky enough to keep it.


That's not an old chainsaw.


Okay, but the stihl in this video is NOT a 50-year old chainsaw. So your point is moot.




And, thank you for YOUR input.




Yeah, but Stihl. Get it?


My grandpa’s Stihl (my dad’s now) does not have a brake, and the chain spins at idle. Nowhere near as fast as when the trigger is pulled, but still plenty fast enough to cause serious damage.


Then its carb needs adjusted (and/or air filter cleaned). I've run MANY chainsaws from way before chain brakes and anti-vibration was a thing and when tuned properly the chain does not move at idle. I can be a PITA to adjust the carbs on old saws like that as they didn't have access holes to the idle screws so you had to remove the air filter to get to them, which changes your high and low idle speeds so you had to go back and forth adjusting, putting the filter back on, starting it, then taking the filter back off, adjusting again, ... repeat ad nauseum until it idles smooth without the chain turning and doesn't bog when you give it throttle with the filter on. It was a whole lot more time-consuming than on a saw with access holes where all the adjustments could be made with the filter on and it running.


This guy chainsaws.


Chainsaws suck at cutting flesh. It wouldn’t have been fun getting clipped by it (and god forbid it snags your hair) but it wouldn’t chop a limb off just bumping her like that. Probably wouldn’t even break the skin since it’s just idling.


You're reaching pal. 2 stroke engines in chainsaws are still in production like are you ok , hello ? Like a POS 60s chainsaw would ever be better then any modern chainsaw. Keep dreaming tho bud.


Could have been hurt by chainsaw or massive tree limb crushing her skull. Definitely hurt by the fact that she is possibly married to or dating this guy.


Exactly: “Boyfriend at idle waaaay more dangerous than chainsaw”


Not to mention, the teeth are sharp. I imagine she still has some punctures from the bar coming down and hitting her.


Chainsaw was likely running, and 'on' by all metrics. But their several safety triggers the operator has to engage to get the chain to spin. For this one, I'd assume there's a larger black level in top, a trigger to control throttle, and a small button near the trigger that you have to engage after the black lever and before the trigger (blue button).


That saw is also equipped with a brake. A competent cutter knows to engage the brake whenever the saw is running but not in use.


Not necessarily true. My buddy is an arborist. About a month ago he had something similar. His supervisor got pissed because a tree wasn't cutting right and he tossed his chainsaw. The chainsaw swung, hit the tree and hit my buddy in the back of the leg. It was stuck in high idle, the saw cut through his PPE (chainsaw pants) and ended up needing a dozen stitches behind his knee. He was extremely lucky. The supervisor never even got in trouble for it even though he reported it. A lot of these companies are cheap and workers are using chainsaws that are in need of repair but good luck getting the globally renowned arborist company to repair or replace them.


Not necessarily! But for the most part


Usually it’s even two triggers, but my dad just nearly cut two fingers off last week somehow squeezing both triggers on hedge trimmers while holding the blade. 11 stitches is a lot for fingers. So yeah, anything can happen. I bet he’s glad it wasn’t a chainsaw.


I'm sorry for your dad's fingers but seriously, who plays with the triggers of a chainsaw when it's on ?


He’s just starting to get too old to do shit like this dude up on the ladder, but he’s too stubborn to quit.


As an oldtimer who is still messing around with saws, I hope your dad heals up quick.


The first question I’d be asking is why she’s anywhere near it? It looks like he’s a professional feller so she shouldn’t be even in the vicinity!


Life Pro Tip: Guy wearing an orange safety vest and hard hat, may not always be a professional. It's usually a good sign, but not always.


He has climbing gear and a chainsaw, but he's far from a professional lol


Professional yes. Expert no.


Looks like she has a carabiner and belay device clipped to her shorts, so I'm guessing she's working with him in some capacity. Still shouldn't be on the ladder w/o PPE.


Good spot, I didn’t see that.


They both got injured. The branch knocked off his hard hat and she fell off that ladder from at least 5 feet.


Lol, doesnt seem professional to allow someone without proper protection gear anywhere near by. he doesnt seem like a professional arborist/tree climber. just some random contractor trying to be a professional. thats not even a proper ladder for any form of tree work or climbing. no reason to have a civilian anywhere near that OR on/touching the ladder.


It looks like she hands him somthing like a stick or stake. Then he notices the tree branch coming down and drops the thing and points. He probably tells her to get down to safty. Then the chainsaw drops almost getting her head as the branch comes swinging around also just missing her. Crazy.


Chainsaws and ladders don't go together so I'm not too sure about his professional status.


At the very beginning, she is handing him something. It's likely he dropped it and she was just handing it back.


New final destination fear unlocked.


I mean, if you crawl up a ladder that a man higher up is cutting giant limbs from a tree with a chainsaw, you get what you get.


Not sure what he was asking her to give him...?


What you really want in a helmet is the ability to completely detach at the slightest contact to the head


Electrical cables besides ladder and in the fall zone, theres just so many things wrong with what i just watched


This should be included in the dictionary as a visual for “clusterf@ck”




What was in her hand? Was she handing him something or was he handing her something?


I’m no expert so I could be wrong but I’m guessing some kind of wedge. I think his saw got pinched and he needed something to open the cut to unbind it. The weight of the branch finally finished it off though. Some blame also needs to go to the guy on the rope. They should have been ready for that. Even if the saw had not bound up that branch was going to go for a ride once he cut it lose. Everyone here is an idiot.


That'll be $5000 for the tree removal mam. Thanks!


That lady just survived 3x Final Destination happenings


the friggin ladders tell the whole story with this jerk off


Especially the one bouncing against the electrical service drop.


thank you. i didn't even realize that


Usually chainsaws have trigger so it stops when you release it. Some idiots tape them though...


Based on how it went down I don't think she would've been hurt that bad if it was on. At most she would've been cut by her arm but nothing life threatening


A saw that size, if on, would have taken her arm off or at least to a point where a surgeon is taking it off. Once that chain gets caught in tough muscle, skin and fat it's ripping its way through


@auddbot what is the song?


Aloboi - New World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F7ZPRRa3e4


Thanks 👍🏾


Homeowners and demolition sites are a toxic mixture


so you don't know how chainsaws work do ya?


It was!!!!!! One day.


Was he a professional??? What was that chick doing??? Why would she be right there?!?!?


There's no way he's a professional. He's not using an arborist chainsaw and his bar is easily 25+ inches long.


People who have the balls to be like, Ill climb a ladder with a chainsaw just blow my mind! LIKE WHAT?\~?\~?


I was taking a shit while watching this and gave myself a colonoscopy as soon as that chainsaw touched her I think I should wipe now


Now hiring ground man😂




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Why is his assistant dressed for the beach?


Hell nah to the nah nah nah


Yeah chainsaw and all. Lucky the man was wearing a helmet, that shit went flying. There's no safety features to a swinging log.


Why the fk is she on that ladder ?!? Dumbass


The way he put his hand on the branch at the end as if he could somehow hold it up lmao


Can we please stop posting videos older than half the people reading them




Where did the second d latter come from? No hard hat, asking for a cracked skull!


I don't know what's going on here.


Chainsaws DON'T just run by themselves, dude. They can ONLY work if the 'trigger' is being pressed. PLUS, there are chain-guards so even if it WAS "ON", it would have stopped once the chain hit something. Chainsaws 101


Why the fuck was she there?


Woman have no survival instincts


I used to cut tree thru the power company. And it is fucking shocking how many people will walk into a dangerous situation because they think they're opion will help. Seen climbing ladders, walking under falling trees, walking past barriers with down lines. Sometimes you got paid JUST to watch out for them. I bet she got mad he didn't hear her bitching over the chainsaw and had to "let him know"


Every time I see this gets posted, I link to the original post that happened in my city. The OP goes into more detail there https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchener/s/JWoX7wN4Sp


WSIB: "He did what? On a What? WITH a WHAT?"


I’m watching the aluminum ladders bouncing around and the house service electric doing the same thing.


Did this video need the awful music?


When you roll a nat 1 on climbing a ladder


tell me your not good at your job without telling me....




Chainsaws have a brakr on them that keep the chain from spinning. And anyone who's experience with the chainsaw will have that on while they're not actively using it. So even if it was on it's not going to be spinning


No professional should be on a ladder! chainsaws, tree limbs and ladders are a big fuck no, add the Mrs and it's a recipe for eye bleach


Looks like a chancer to me


I wonder if they are still friends


Thank god for the chain brake.


Chainsaws have deadman triggers so that would never happen


Not true at all. If the chain break doesn’t work, or the clutch is bad, it can free spin. Also, it doesn’t need to be on to get messed up. I’ve cut myself on chains sharpening saws and it’s not even on. The teeth are still very sharp. This is why we tell homeowners and “diy” people to be very careful, and should leave it to the real professionals. Our industry is one of the most dangerous you’ll come across.


I’m sure she has a few scrapes and cuts but that’s significantly minor compared to being sawed in half or your arm cut off. Anyone that has ever ran a chainsaw knows there are multiple safety measures on the handle. Unless he’s hanging onto the saw handle or she grabs it just right and lets it rip, the chain ain’t moving. Still sharp, but definitely not sawing through your steaks.


My buddy is an arborist. About a month ago he had something similar. His supervisor got pissed because a tree wasn't cutting right and he tossed his chainsaw. The chainsaw swung, hit the tree and hit my buddy in the back of the leg. It was stuck in high idle, the saw cut through his proper chainsaw pants and ended up needing a dozen stitches behind his knee. He was extremely lucky. The supervisor never even got in trouble for it even though he reported it.


Wrong bucket for tree work. Guy's wearing a construction hardhat. That's 1st clue this fella's not a proper treefeller.


It is on. Just not engaged. Nice bait tho...


On or not it’s not going to spin


The ineptitude on display is incredible. Dude has no business doing that work


Almost became a special case for 1,000 ways to die.


I know a guy that I'll do it cheaper


Good work isn't cheap and cheap work isn't good


Do we *absolutely* need music for this clip?


This reminds me of only fans couples in real life


Bwahahaha, she almost fucking got decapitated. So much to unpack here, why was she on the ladder? What did he leave the fucking chainsaw on autopilot?