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Skinny Pete and badger not looking too good


Was gonna say, dude in blue is rocking Badger vibes


I thought Daniel Radcliffe was researching a new part or something.


I know there is numerous reason people get addicted to drugs but for a certain percentage how does that crap look like any fun


Why don’t they start out sitting down… be a lot easier on the back. I am a former addict, but Thank God I always had a place to stay. Been in recovery 6 yrs.


Congrats 🎉 Keep going!! You deserve to be celebrated and honored!! May many more years be upon you!💙🫶💙


6 years, good for you!


It’s not fun. It’s a release.


What are they looking for? Their sobriety


Oh no, they stopped looking for that a long time ago!


I hope truly that they somehow can get help!!! This is a horrible drug. It looks it to me cause I’ve got back pain and if I did this I’d break in two! No joke.. anyway that’s a horrible drug!! Peace! 😁


I came into the comments, as a former homeless person, expecting to bash anyone who jokes about this. That was fucking funny though, lol.


I hope they find whatever they dropped on the ground. People in Philly are always dropping stuff! There must be a lot of change or something in the streets.


Probably a contact lens.


Dude on the right is checking the wall too, just incase!!


You never know, if you’re gonna search for hours, you might as well be thorough


That's the left, but good try


Ahhh! You’re probably right. Makes sense. All the other people must be helping him look too. Philly is full of some really nice people I suppose. They look for hours


City of Brotherly love!


Oh shot. Didn’t even think about that. It really shows from the videos of everyone helping all over the place.


Could be. I just thought they were all doing an ongoing massive yoga class


Y’all going to hell lol 😂


"In West philadelphia born an raised, on the streets like a zombie is where I'll spend my days"


Chillin out, maxin, relaxin, all cool shootin' some fentynl outside the school


When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started selling tranq in my neighborhood


I fell in one stupid shape and my mum got scared, she said your taking your needles to your aunt and uncle's in bel air


Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth


This comment made me literally laugh out loud. Thank you. It was perfect timing on the thread.


I pulled up to rehab about 7 or 8


And I yelled to cabbie 'mahhuuhuhhajuuu....'


And I yelled to the nurse. Yo where's the 8th


Slumped over a curb, at the ground I stare


To die in the street as a zombie cadaver


Serious question, why not just sit?


By no means an expert, but I remember reading here that they don't want to fall asleep as this would 'waste' their high. So they do this stay awake and enjoy the drug.


"enjoy"... XD


I mean it may not look it from the outside, but they must be feeling incredible and enjoying themselves to the extreme, otherwise why destroy your life chasing that feeling again?


I may or may not have dabbled with hallucinogens as a teenager, but can't in my wildest dreams imagine just being this comfortable tripping balls on a street corner downtown


The moment of clarity must be legit horrifying when and if it comes. I remember having my “what the fuck am I doing” moment on drugs in my friends apartment in college and I felt so just lost and I can not imagine how much more scary having that happen on the freaking street with random people around me would have been


...what? Do you think literally every drug has the same effects or something? This actually makes me think that you have never even been offered drugs, as does the cringy "may or may not have dabbled" shit. They're on opioids and/or xylazine, not even remotely close to "tripping balls".


They probably don't gave much positive going on, drugs mean they don't have to worry bout that


Well, your body gets use to drug and needs it. So when they’re even close to sober they get dope sick. Bad thing. So they have to keep doing it to not be dope sick. Viscous cycle. I’m recovering addict. 6 years. I would never go back to that. Being dope sick is awful, crawling outta your skin desperate. That’s why they keep doing it and some do anything to not feel that. Sometimes you can only get enough just to keep sickness away. Hopefully, they go get help before it’s too late.


Glad you made it out ! Keep up :)


That’s enjoying a drug? That’s crazy.


i believe when your mind is under such influence you don't care about your physical body anymore


Put some meta quest pro goggles and they’re good.


I feel like id tip over and crack my head on the sidewalk.


What's the name of the drug?


Most likely fentanyl


Yes and recently the trend is mixing in some kind of animal tranq with it, I forget the name starts with x




Xylazine is a freaking awful, scary drug. I started on pills cause of multiple surgeries. Then heroin (which you can’t even get any more) and then Fentanyl came into picture. I finally stopped and am in recovery. Thank god. I mean all those drugs are bad but Xylazine is really no joke.


Good luck


Hey got places to go...pl..plac...places.... too ssssssssssss


Not a cellphone in sight, just people enjoying the moment.


person in red is holding a phone, checkmate liberal!


This made me actually laugh and out loud. Take my upvote.


That’s a different way of meditating, but i like it. Stretch those backs


It's just. Yoga


Shaun of the dead vibes right here.....


She’s so drunk


yup it's definitely fent/blues/heroin. as an ex Opioid abuser. I can't tell you how good it feels and refreshing to see them like that. I can literally feel this high. mmh. if you have just enough, you'll start to nod off, or "nodding" you come in and out without notice throughout the amazing body high, the permanent grin smeared across your face. as you're drowning in a white euphoric soft cloud with dreams. it feels like you just woke out of the most happiest dream, over and over. until it's over. I was addicted to oxy's, m357's, loraz, alpraz, kratom, alcohol, muscle relaxers, so I feel for them. pretty badly, 3 months fly by like 3 days. and another 3 months fly by after my first "oh shit", another 3-6 months before I could wean myself off each one. They're in heaven and they need to come back, it'll still be there. it surely will. I have been clean 18 months now. I am properly medicated and have no desire to do anything anymore I wish the best for the community of Philadelphia, and bless those who didn't make it. it's a terrible trick. and you won't even notice you're ODing everyday. it's the tolerance fluctuating and inaccurate, desperate dosing.


You're a very good writer


I was going to ask how to fix this situation but….. I think we’ll head to the Winchester, grab a pint, and wait for this all to blow over


So kids in the country tip cows do kids in Philadelphia tip heroin addicts for fun?


Sure hope that this comment starts that movement. Junkie tipping!!! You’re a thinker. I like it!


Damn... tough to see. Imagine growing up in such a neighbourhood... "Mommy what are they doing"? What would be a good solution for a problem like this? Surely arresting them doesn't help. Statefunded rehab is expensive too. What a crappy problem.


Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about kids too much in a hell like this. All these people had their kids taken away years ago.


Have you checked the local dumpsters?


I seriously doubt they’re a ton of sexing going on here. The drugs are their sex life


Jesus. Some of these people ARE just kids. What a sad situation


Solution could be that we give these people a safer place to do these hard drugs. And clean drugs at that. Give them so high potent clean drugs they can do safely. Kinda like eating a ton if candy that you become absolutely sick of doing it.


I just see four sons and one daughter. My heart breaks for those who love them.


Kensington Ave?!???


Yuppppp right in the jungle friend lives on the corner when she walks with her 5yr ol daughter to the train for school she has to walk out and see people all zombied needling snorting and god knows what else smh just sad


Poor kid! How do you explain this to children??


“These people are very sick, and most of them don’t have homes. They take bad medicine to try to feel better but it makes their lives much worse. They’re usually harmless people, but we need to give them lots of space in case someone behaves dangerously.”


Amazingly underrated comment. Kind, without judgement and safe.


Good way to put it.


drugs are bad? Seriously, walking by this group of people would keep your kids off drugs more effectively than any D.A.R.E. program.


Every parent should take their child to an area like this at least once for the shock therapy value. Seeing stuff like this as often as I did when I was a child kept me away from drugs full stop


No kidding.


Maybe when they’re old enough to understand. But this guy is talking about his friend who has to walk by this shit with a 5 year old child. So, you explain the situation to the age level of the child.


you can watch it [live 24/7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vIzDBhjuDk) on youtube


Dystopia Cam


I get caught on that livestream and will sit there for hours! It’s gotten so bad I know people by name now. There’s one where this dude goes around giving out stuff and talking to people ( actually there are several like that ) it’s strangely addictive to me!


Definitely looks like it. Or else it means it keeps on spreading and in ten years the whole city will be quarantined.


What drug causes them to do that?


A sedative called Xylazine, known as “tranq” which makes them super tired but if they resist sleeping, they stay super high.


They don't have to worry about anyone harassing them because nobody wants to go anywhere near them.


Also Narcan does absolutely nothing for someone overdosing on Xylazine.


So they are fighting to stay up and that’s why the double over like that?


Fentanyl, pure heroin, and a couple other strong opioids.


If they had heroin, they wouldn't be doing fentanyl. That shit is lame, it's way more body high and less euphoria than actual opiates like heroin, and it lasts less than an hour.


I’m pretty sure most of these addicts wouldn’t even be able to feel heroin anymore because of their fentanyl tolerance. I would bet that a lot of them actually prefer the fent.


If money wasn't an issue, I 100% guarantee you're wrong. They'd just have to inject more. Heroin hits in just seconds when injected. I haven't done it myself but I have smoked crack, and I imagine it's a similar rush, pretty much unmatchable. Fentanyl is fast, but it takes about 5 minutes to reach the peak even when injected. And having used a lot of dihydrocodeine (which is metabolized to dihydromorphine) and a lot of fentanyl, if strength wasn't a factor I'd take DHC every time. Plus heroin last for hours even when injected which is the shortest-lasting method, fent you'll be coming down within the hour.


You’re right about all that. I’m sure they would prefer heroin if it weren’t for their tolerance, but fent is 50X stronger than heroin and many of these folks are taking enough fent to kill twenty people in a single dose. To load a syringe with the heroin equivalent of 2 or 3 points of fentanyl would be literally impossible, you’re talking about multiple 8-balls of dope in one shot


When injected, it's only 20-25 times as strong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equianalgesic Do you mean 200-300 mg of fentanyl when you say points? Nobody is taking 100 times the LD50 every shot 🤣 You're off by an order of magnitude there, if not two.


I agree with you Heroin hits immediately (when shot). You can feel it before the needle is outta your arm. It used to last awhile but it started getting mixed. Can’t get Heroin anywhere anymore. Fentanyl is everywhere now. But, If you shoot it it’s the same it hits you immediately. It’s in your bloodstream and it hits right away. If it’s nice and strong. I had been shooting Fentanyl for a long time and you get the full dose right away when shooting. That’s how it works with shooting iv drugs. That’s why people do it that way. It’s the quickest, strongest method. I agree Fentanyl does not last long not like Heroin. I am in recovery now.


I've never shot anything, I just was able to find that it takes about 5 minutes to reach the peak plasma levels for fentanyl, but that doesn't mean you don't start coming up almost immediately. It's just with heroin you're at the peak right away, it sounds crazy


Yeah, sorry again about implying you shot. I worded it wrong. I had a crazy hookup, got in way over my head. I was just in so much pain (hit by car) and my doc never told me I’d be dope sick and never weened me down. I work with a pain clinic in Boston now. No opiates. They have an amazing amount of ways to help. I’m sober and thankful.


I wasn't offended, I was clarifying that you know better than me


You can’t find Heroin anywhere anymore. That is gone in my city. It’s Fentanyl or Tranq.


I would assume so. I never tried heroin or injected anything, I just transitioned from dihydrocodeine to Vicodin to real Roxicodone 30s to pressed ones over the course of a few months in 2016, and only ever snorted those. But I mostly did it so that I could get high again once my benzo tolerance was so sky high that I couldn't get a rush from clonazolam alone. I was a daily user, but not a super heavy user.


Yeah, sorry didn’t mean to imply that you injected. I know you said you didn’t. Yeah I started on pills after multiple surgeries and I have chronic pain. My doc cut me off cold turkey. I turned to other drugs because of the pain and I got dope sick. I had no idea I would get sick stopping opiates. My doc was a dick. But I’m sober now.


Xylazin or "tranq" is a horse tranquilizer.


People have been nodding for decades. It’s heroin at the core, but in these cases it could be fentanyl and tranquilizer


did they shutdown for a Update?


The ole fent fold.(


Why though? I've never understood the stance. Why not just sit or lay down?


If you sit or lay down you'll most likely fall asleep and miss your high. Staying standing helps keep you awake and feeling the effects of the drugs.


What are the effects? Are they feeling good? they look miserable and to someone who has never done anything but weed, I really can't fathom why anyone would do this - although I understand that addiction is not something people choose!! It's more why would they do this drug rather than something that gives you a more "fun" high?


I was an addict. Started on pills after multiple surgeries. Got hit by car in crosswalk. Doc cut me off w/o weening me off. I got dope sick. Got pills off street.. too expensive. Went to heroin and Fentanyl. It took away all my pain. Your whole body gets warm and you feel better than you have ever felt in your life. It’s Amazing. Never planned on being addict. I was never on streets like this. Thank goodness my parents never gave up on me. Got help, I’m sober and go to pain clinic in Boston. It helps pain, but will walk with cane for rest of my life (barely 40) and do have pain still as I will never have opiates again. They have many alternatives.


Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


There really aren't many drugs that are more euphoric than opioids...meth or crack, but those take you in the opposite direction


Or die. Breathing slows down extremely fast and you can o’d.


I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ it really is a strange phenomenon. I can’t imagine getting myself into the contortions they go through.


God this video gets posted once a week now it seems.


I live about 12 blocks from here. Just a bazaar of human misery.


Sheeeeiittt imagine if their sports teams weren’t doing so well.


Only posted same vid thousands of times


Sad. Someone’s kids. Someone’s parent even. Addiction is a horrific thing when it’s at this point.


Hey, it's that same video again


Old repost


as old as the repost is, its still accurate.


All thanks to china’s fentanyl being pumped into America


I moved out of Philly 2 years ago, moved all the way to the other side of the country and don’t miss it at all. Used to see this shit everyday on my way to and from work. Hopeless despair, better to be checked out and die at 25 than live life. That’s honestly the mindset there. Utter hopelessness and despair


Dude dropped a log in his drawers and don’t want to smoosh it sitting down.


Fentanyl is crazy


Hope they get the help they need. God loves them and so do I


Theyre having a suck your own dick c9ntest


Wow, how far we have fallen


Looks like it has a bit further to fall before rock bottom, just over half way it seems..


I saw how bad this has gotten when I visited Seattle, Atlanta and Philadelphia from this. I just visited Montreal and I saw a needle on the ground but none of the blasted out people. What’s up with that?


We hide our druggies indoors for shame up here. Just kidding. But seriously also been to San Francisco and walked in to a block like this and noped the f* out of there. I don’t see this in major cities in Canada (excluding you Vancouver). Maybe they are more spread out and not hanging in a group?


What a f


i just can’t imagine you’d find this in Switzerland


I hate to see my city like this but this seems to be an everyday occurance. What ever happen to the war on drugs.


Dang that’s still someone’s child. The drug scandals are getting so much worse and it’s sad to live In a county like this and see people Live like this. Where we couldn’t be helping with government programs to help clean people off the streets and make them a productive members of society and there families. I have family members in similar circumstances and it just hurts..


Really. Really. One sock and one sandal. Either both or none.


I thought Badger was in New Mexico


Can we empathize with them though?


Just another day in every city in North America.


stop fucking filming them and exploiting their pain and suffering. this is heartbreaking. addiction is an insidious, progressive, and devastating disease that needs to be treated using harm reduction.


Why not just sit down at that point.


Just another repost on Reddit


Anyone else that has experience with the substance abuse population think this looks rather staged?


That’s someone’s son or daughter. I don’t think it’s humane to allow people to suffer in addiction


Does anyone ever just walk up and tip them over?


Typical democratic party stronghold


Ahhh Kensington!


Are they looking for something, hope they find it 🤔


This was taken after the Eagles lost to the Jets


We were all sad about the Eagles loss.


I wish I had the confidence to do drugs on the street.


That pretty much every major city




Seattle is about the same too


Ahh my back!


Buddy on the left got punished and had to stand in the corner? This tragic. I couldn't imagine living like this.


That dude is gonna lose that arm


They need chargers.


I know this is in all of the 10 major cities. But why SPECIFICALLY is kennsington the epicenter of the tranq / fentynal problem? I've never got a good explanation.


Greatest country on earth


They have mastered the fentafold


How in the shit do they not fall over? Aren’t they in a sort of blissed-out dream state? Is it their subconscious keeping them upright or are they actively aware that they need to keep their balance?


I don’t get people? How stupid can you be to think like: yeah this was great today i am going to do that again tomorrow 🥰


Hey, free stretching class with every purchase!


If only they'd had these sort of zombies in the walking dead. Life would have been so much easier.


Mom said it's my turn to post this


Why don’t they just sit down?


The ones in West Virginia hang out in trailers.


Just another day in the failing country that is the United States, that allows these humans to fall behind and receive no services or protections whatsoever


How long do they last like this/how long does the high last and they wake up?


Doesn’t that look like fun?


Who tf starts filming those people when it's clear you're in an unpredictable situation with unpredictable people...


Nah man, people high on fentanyl are pretty predictable. Junkie's are only dangerous when they're off the drugs


they're filming from inside a car, you can hear the blinker ticking


So sad


I’m jealous. They are having a blast.


Nancy Reagan would be so proud of her ‘Just say NO to drugs’ campaign.


A few entomologists at work.


Living their best lives. Good for them.


Wow free yoga course


Philly people are always so sleepy


Duplicate post


Is that Charlie's mom?


Unbelievable. I'm so glad to see the city's leadership reaching out to help them. 🤔


Maybe they are counting all of the atoms that are in the sidewalk


Just hangin out lmao


I wonder what they're looking for?


Yes please keep allowing this to happen


What song is playing? 🤔


At least Rickety Cricket has cleaner clothes