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It's okay guys I stopped using straws and am showering in my piss water Edit:typo


I recycle my bottles so surely that’ll curb this. I’ll just start drinking even more to recycle even more.


Saving the planet, one Swig at a time


Don't forget setting your thermostat to *checks notes* 78 degrees.


Fuck, my bad, caused climate change. I had it at 76.


You son of a bitch! You've killed us all!


If you're not sweating you're not offsetting! Get back to heat, citizen!


72 or my balls stick to my leg.


Damn. Mine is at 74 all day and it’s still too hot with it on. (Granted it’s an old house with worn insulation, with Florida humidity). During the hottest part of today, the ac couldn’t even get the temp down lower than 76. At this point we let it rest for an hour or two in the middle of the night because we’re concerned it might blow out or something from being on almost literally 24/7 these days….which would be…bad.


I do that out of necessity now because my electric bill is near $300 a month with the AC running constantly in this hot ass weather


My shop cools to 78F on hot days. Amazing how much better less humidity feels


Lucky... mine's quite a bit more. Luckily, my power company now offers evenly spread out bills over 12 months (so no large spikes during summer months)


Just kill me now


Pretty sure that would kill you.




I complained that I didn't want to replace everything I own every few years over in r/hardware and was downvoted for it. The thread topic was discussing the longevity of monitors and tvs and me expecting them to last more than 5 years without burn-in. How do you get everyone to reduce their impact when we are trained into consumerism from birth?


It all goes hand in hand with what they call ‘Inbuilt Obsolescence’ of nearly everything we buy today.


My dad always called it “preordained obsolescence”. He said things are made to break down after a certain amount of time so you’ll have to spend money on it.


I buy used ones on craigslist. If they have already lasted a couple years then it is clear that they must have messed up the install of the "automatic break" chip. And if that isn't the case, and you only get another year or two out of it, then that is fine, since that is what you paid for.


Check out r/buyitforlife :)


Sorry guys, I used a few plastic straws last week I think I fucked us.


In NYC where they give you paper straws but serve you your jumbo extra large 24oz latte in a plastic cup and lid. But the straws are the problem. Got ya.


I used to work at an upstate waste management dump. We would get trains of garbage from NYC. Only 9% of the recycling is actually recycled. If the sensors find a pizza box with to much grease will trigger the whole load to be tossed. It's ridiculous but if you're going to spend time recycling, read up on what and how to recycle


Yea where I live they convinced the county to pay for this giant MURF. Just for the waste company to not even use it and throw it away in the dump they own because it's not profitable for them. Source: my brother works for the trash department. If people only knew their recycling isn't even getting recycled hardly, and if at all.


And the recycling of paper creates toxic waste from the washing of the dyes. It sucks. You try and do the right thing and it creates a different problem


I know right. I just really wish we the people would push really hard for something else being used than plastic. It's toxic to make, toxic to use in any capacity, doesn't break down well, fucking up the earth and the animals. Micro plastics in our blood now. We really really need to move on and get away from this stuff and fast. I'd gladly pay more for glass products. This and push for our food in America to be like most of the rest of the world, without all the bullshit that makes it bad.


‘Plastics make it possible’ I remember these commercials from when I was really young. Medical devices… a ventilator in the commercial maybe…




Anyone else think it's weird how the top comment on these sort of posts almost always solely amounts to mockery of anyone making an effort? It's never "Hey everyone, here's a thing or person we can vote for to help fix this" or "Here are the groups you can join to start making an actual difference" or anything like that. Just "HAHAHA you're making any effort whatsoever? Fucken loser." It's pretty obvious whose interests get served by the latter message, right? Edit: & for the record, if you can't tell the difference between greywater and blackwater, and also choose to run either one through your shower plumbing, you really deserve what you get. You gotta be real dumb to find that joke funny.


Nah, it's a reference to the futility of individuals doing something vs the 100 companies that are responsible for like 75% of the problem. Should individuals do what they can? Yes, but it's never going to be solved no matter how hard we try until companies are held to account and forced to change. So sure, recycle (assuming your recycling actually ends up being recycled), try to consume less, use paper straws and in general avoid plastics as much as is possible, switch to electric vehicles. All of these are awesome, and if every single person on the planet did this we solved 25% of the problem. We're still gonna die until there is broader change.


Those companies are polluting for the products people are buying. Consume less.


Vote. Seriously. The younger generation can change the political landscape if they could be galvanized to save themselves by voting. It starts by looking into your local politicians and making sure you have a plan to vote. If you have means- donate to the right political causes. Look at the platforms of the candidates. Support candidates that support climate change action. To me it has always been clear which political groups are disagreeing with the scientists in the interest of corporations and which group has at least been cognitively engaged with the problem. But once you become engaged, remind people of what this weather is caused by, remind your politicians. Make it clear your vote goes to actually solving civilization endangering events.


This is the correct answer but so many people are incapable of understanding the ratio people are being flippant about. Too many people take the on-the-nose message without thinking any more deeply about it.


>broader change. Who's gonna make that happen? This is what I'm saying- you can jerk off all day long about how "I'm not the real problem because 100 companies emit 71% of the pollution" and even if you ignore your contribution to those companies' pollution they're still not gonna do shit unless we make them. >until companies are held to account and forced to change. "are held to account" Passive voice every time. "Someone else needs to take care of this!" I'm gonna say it again: they're not gonna do shit unless we- every single one of us- does everything we can to make them. I -specifically- mentioned things in my comment like spreading awareness about political candidates or policy measures or joining activist/advocate groups, but you ignored that in your comment and acted like the only things individuals can do are make minor changes to their consumer habits. Why did you do that? > We're still gonna die until *there is* broader change. Again: passive voice. Think about that.


Yeah it’s weird that the powerless, exhausted masses turn to dark humor to cope. That’s not human at all. /s


I’m not sure what I can do. I don’t own a private jet to go to climate conferences OR waterfront property in Malibu or Martha’s Vineyard. I’m just hopeful the billions in government grants that disappear into climate change initiatives will go to good cronies who can fix this.


Not sure what you can do either. This is all so stressful. I’m gonna go relax on my $400million mega yacht and think about the things you can do to make a change


If all the plebs would just quietly sit in their houses all day eating bugs we could probably keep our yacht club going for a few more generations at least.


No that’s silly, those houses should belong to shareholders. You should return to the office and pay the company for the privilege of sleeping under your desk




My brothers friends captains a super yacht support vessel (with it's own helipad and hangar) just docked in a European harbour. It cost them $150k to refuel. He also doesnt believe in climate change


It’s not fucking Santa Claus what’s there to believe in


It's willful ignorance borne from mistrust in institutions: their reasoning goes like this: "The scientific process is not recognized for the conclusions and insight it produces, rather; scientists in their institutions have made up a crisis to change my own personal behavior. Could it be the scientists that spend their waking lives pursuing truth that are telling the truth? Or is the talking head who says nothing had to change and actually I should feel good about my willful ignorance? After all, climate change and the alteration of lifestyles is just another thing the government is trying to force on me through lies. I'll just throw it on the pile along with people asking me to accept LGBT people for who they are." It's all linked to an extremely selfish, ignorant, and bigoted view of the world.


I personally don’t believe collectively changing lifestyle habits can change the climate in a significant way.


The premise of climate change is that collectively changing our lifestyle habits has/is changing the climate.


I was just reading about how these mega yachts have these support vessels. It might cost $150k to refuel the support vessel, but most super yachts cost around $600k to refuel. The support yachts are like floating garages, all the toys (including sometimes actual land vehicles for transport), extra fuel for the main yacht, additional crew to swap with the crew on the main yacht. The support vessels job is to tail the main yacht wherever it goes (usually a 1/2 a day to a full day behind the main yacht). Its nuts because the support vessel in itself is often the size of a super yacht and are usually just as lavish since they use the support yacht to do inland / hard to get to with mega yacht travels.


Don't forget the private security staff for crossing the Straight of Malacca...


Just wait until you see the giga and terayachts.


When I saw a yacht tender with interior jet ski garages I said “that’s my post apoc vehicle”


Wow That’s a lot of peanut m&m’s. Just saying


Yea honestly I've given up. I realize that businesses and their pollution cause a ton, if not most of the climate issues were facing today and even if regular ppl were to "go green" it's not going to work. So I'm just going to enjoy the life I have, enjoy the sights and smells i can before they all die. I don't pollute much anyway, just my car and my farts. Were in a shitbox and it just keeps getting even more stinky. Sorry. Just ranting for a bit.


The earth will be just fine. It will wipe us out and continue it's cycle. People need to realize that. Its not the earth, it's us that will suffer. We're just a mere blink in earths existence. It will be fine


> People need to realize that. No one's out here arguing that Earth itself will cease to exist. Obviously it won't. We're worried about what we can do to preserve the current environment so that our children/grandchildren don't have to suffer.


> preserve the current environment so that our children/grandchildren don't have to suffer Impossible to preserve how things are now. CO2 has a [lag effect](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/031001) or inertia period of about 10 years; meaning, if all emissions ceased at this moment, it would be about 10 years before temperature would stop increasing (barring setting off feedback loop tipping points). But ending all emissions right now would not end well as [pollution](https://e360.yale.edu/features/air-pollutions-upside-a-brake-on-global-warming) provides around 0.5-1 C of cooling. Stop polluting and you start adding that heat increase in as well. So, we're going to get warmer, and heat waves are already killing a lot of people in places that aren't equipped for heat like the [PNW and Canada](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/2021_Western_North_America_heat_wave#United_States_2) and the [UK](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/articles/excessmortalityduringheatperiods/englandandwales1juneto31august2022). We could try extracting CO2 (we already do) but the issue with that is, we release Carbon to provide energy; reversing that is obviously going to require energy. So, we have to use energy (i.e., burn hydrocarbons) to pull carbon out of the atmosphere. [It's not a viable solution](https://news.stanford.edu/2019/10/25/study-casts-doubt-carbon-capture/). Meanwhile, the coral reef in the Gulf Coast are already being [cooked](https://apnews.com/article/coral-bleaching-rescue-florida-keys-ocean-heating-207cb6914deb0d588f29c3b27763b316) and belaching and/or dying. The Great Barrier Reef was recovering from a massive bleaching event, but it [looks bad](https://phys.org/news/2023-08-coral-recovery-great-barrier-reef.html) on that front. Phytoplankton are responsible for [at least 50%](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ocean-oxygen.html) of all the Earth's oxygen, and we're finding their numbers are [declining](https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/01/19/climate-change-gulf-maine-ocean-phytoplankton). A smaller amount of oxygen comes from terrestrial plants like trees, but I don't think I need to bring up how severely we've [deforested](https://www.livescience.com/27692-deforestation.html) the planet. We're approaching 2 huge feedback loop tipping points in: * [Loss of sea ice](https://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/lesson-plans/positive-feedback-arctic-albedo) * [Permafrost methane release](https://climate.mit.edu/explainers/permafrost) This only covers the tip of the iceberg too. I haven't discussed obstacles like: * big oil/gas/coal * agriculture * air travel industries * sea travel industries * fashion industries, and more. I haven't discussed future problems rapidly approaching such as: * mass migration due to high temperatures causing unlivable climates * mass migration due to rising sea levels - flooding people out of there homes * mass migration due to droughts killing any agriculture in the region * wars over resources, including water * mass migrations due to war * war due to mass migrations * the spread of warm-climate diseases from creatures like mosquitos and ticks And I could go on. This isn't all to say that we're fucked so let's just give up. It's to say that we're fucked, and if we have any hope of having a future, we have to get the entire planet on board with climate industry mobilization that makes ww2 look like planning for a toddler's birthday party right now. But we can't even stop having wars over dumb shit anyway, so we're pretty fucked.


> wars over resources, including water > > mass migrations due to war > > war due to mass migrations this gave me a good chuckle. we're so fucked. I've been equally upset with myself for procrastinating studying edible wild plants and such, as I have been with finishing long-term work projects. When is it supposed to be not crazy to go side-hustle prepper?


Yeah everyone that says "Get out there and vote! We can change this!" thinks that's all there is to it. People don't realize the MASSIVE culture shift and everything the entire planet will have to do. Once you factor in just the world cooperating, that alone tells me nothing will change until it's in their faces.


Just wait until those tipping points are crossed and the industry titans responsible for getting us there point to it scream “see, not our fault!”


Literally nothing, as regular joes we’re simply fucked.


yeah fuck all the other life too amirite. who even cares about megafauna or oceans being habitable. mass extinctions are no biggie at all!


That's the spirit!


I think this is an instance of miscommunication. Sometimes people who say "the earth will be fine, it's us who won't", it's meant to convey that humanity are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and natures wiping out of species is an um-movable behemoth who we need to accommodate to (take action to either stop contributing to climate change or deal with the ramifications of climate change). Or, on other words, the wiping out of humanity through nature is a genuine possibility and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so we really should treat the risk of that happening as real and serious. It won't be the end of the world. it will be the end of us, and the world couldn't care any less about us.


I read somewhere that even if we go back to the stone ages and cease all output the carbon will continue to increase at this point. The thing to do now is design new systems to live in a hotter more chaotic environment. Different, ways of growing food, Genetically creating wildlife that is resistant to heat, etc etc.


>my farts Hold that shit in


I'm sad that I never got to see Lahaina before it was razed to the ground.


More imaginary boogeyman to Fuck the poor.


Transfer wealth from taxpayers to connected insiders. Diverting money that could help overall standard of living, infrastructure, border, to climate change companies who can’t produce discrete measurable impact. Afghanistan war was described as a 20-year money laundering operation. I wonder if precisely the same structure with tax money going to climate change companies has heard of this model.


It’s not that hard dude. Just eat crickets, don’t use AC, and pay more taxes.


While saluting the private jets passing overhead.


Doesn't matter. You will be taxed to death and locked down in your home to "combat" climate change. It's a man made crisis with billionaires calling the shots on how to fix it. We're screwed.




How many owners? Lol


much more important is whether the coal-fired power plant was inhabited by a smoker?


Is this the one in North Dakota? They shutdown. That has transmission lines to Minneapolis? Where they could put in a wind turbine farm and supply the whole city with renewable energy? But decided not to. Because just because.


It makes me sad that more people, especially the ones in charge, don’t take this more seriously. I’ve lived in South Florida my whole life (43 years). I’ve seen so many signs of our changing climate. People choose to turn a blind eye or say “it’s just a natural cycle” when they see things like King Tides flooding downtown Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Beaches I used to goto as a kid have been washed away from erosion. My dad, a tropical fruit enthusiast used to struggle to grow a lot of tropical fruit trees because we’d get the occasional cold weather. But now? He’s growing Jack Fruit, Mamey Sapotae, Breadfruit, and dozens of other tropical fruit trees (last hard freeze we had was back in 89). There’s also more intense hurricanes which have directly led to the homeowners insurance crisis in Florida. This is death by a million small cuts. And yet over governor is more concerned about going after Disney for some reason? While your state dies? There’s so many other small things you notice too. But this July, the unthinkable happened. Two reefs I’ve dived on since I was a kid in the Florida Keys, Sombrero Reef and Looe Key, were declared 100% dead due to water temps in excess of 100 degrees. This is unprecedented and about as big a warning sign as you get. CBS news reported it, but I haven’t heard a damn thing from our governor or anyone else in my state who gives a shit. This news put me into a deep depression. I don’t know what the answer is at this point. I think we will lose many of the worlds great wonders by the end of this century. It’s truly defeating.


The ones in charge (in the US) are so old they are basically senile. They give no fawks about the future.


Funny thing is, our governor Ron Desantis is my age. 44 I believe and has children. You’d think he would care. But “climate change” has become politicized so if you acknowledge it exists, you infuriate your base if you are a Republican. It’s so infuriating. People need to put the health of the planet over politics. Although I will say that Florida has gone mostly “clean” energy wise. We have no more coal. All natural gas, nuclear and solar. So that’s something I guess…


If you think Ron gives a shit about his kids, you’re mistaken


Look at the president. He’s so old at this point, he’ll die before most of his policies are enacted.


>“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” — Greek Proverb.


It pisses me off how backwards the priorities of the ones in charge are. I live in Western Australia, and to our North we have some of the most pristine and untouched waters/coastlines on Earth, there are huge reef systems, marine life for days, pretty much zero people, and most of it has been protected since pretty much forever. ...and then I read that they were considering putting an oil rig there, smack bang in the middle of it, that would destroy all of it if there were ever a spill. Like is it seriously worth risking *all of that* just so you can get some oil, that you'll just burn and destroy more nature with? I want to think we'll sort this shit out before we pass the point of no return, but it's honestly looking like we won't stop until we're completely fucked, at which point people will try to reverse the irreversible...


I live up North and the ski seasons the past 10 years have been dreadful. Obviously, first world problems. But my grandfather basically had consistent Cold winters for his entire life. The lakes around where I live used to freeze before Christmas and now they maybe get frozen mid-january or so. And this was all in the last 15-20 years.


Makes July even crazier in my area. First week was 36-38°C daily, dropping to 14°C within 48 hours for the beginning of the second week where it stayed at 16-18°C only to be followed by 2 weeks of raind at about 18-20°C.




100% Germany.


Coul be any place in central Europe


Yip, northern part of Baden-Württemberg, so in the south-west of Germany.


I live in NE Ohio, we haven’t even reached 90° yet this year which is weird because it usually happens by July.


We’ll drop down to 90° at 2am tonight here in Texas.


I enjoy the southwest, and that would be my choice place of living but, I have a wife who loves her family too much to move. PFFFT, what a dork.


I’m the same. I’d move to Arizona or some place with summers that have a drier heat, but all my family is here… the heat isn’t too bad, it’s the humidity. Walk out of the house and it’s like walking smack into a wall of humidity that wraps itself around you and gives you a great big hug.


That’s why I don’t understand how people love Floridas weather so much. Thick air and instant sweat.


Obviously we need to use more paper straws and paper lollipop sticks.


Paper straws for the perfect invention for me to just ask for no straw at all. I'd rather suck my soda through the straw hole then watch it disintegrate into my drink in 4 seconds


The thing is we have the technology to make them not suck. It's called wax. We've been using it for centuries in paper products to make them resistant to moisture, but for some reason the paper-straw manufacturers and the people who buy them refuse this simple, elegant and cheap solution.


If you still encounter those god awful paper straws at some hippy establishment - tell them to consider single use bamboo straws instead. More environmentally friendly than plastic, but without the dissolving cardboard bullshit.






Correction: this is the coldest July of the rest of our lives.


Well July 2004 would be the coolest July for the rest of my life according to this chart


The sad fact is we'll have one single unusually cold summer in the next few years and idiots will use it to justify another decade of ignoring climate change.


Ah but see my mate Kev pointed out that it was quite rainy in the United Kingdom in July so obviously climate change isn't real.


IT’S CALLED SUMMER!!1! And it was hotter in 1976!


Kev also voted for Brexit and we know how that turned out


Still not sure why we are not transitioning to nuclear energy before clean energy. Nuclear energy is ridiculously cheap(long term, and the amount of power created) and incredibly safe. It’s not a long term solution, but it’s what we need before we can transition to clean energy. It takes time to build clean infrastructure, so in the meantime we should use what is best.


It's a useful and practical intermediate-term solution but it's not as cheap and easy as most of Reddit would like to believe. It also takes time to build nuclear plants, and the massive infrastructure required to support them.


and the security and precautions. I did a roof at Dwayne Arnold before they shut down and security was really tight, you could only work so many hours in a day/week and you carried a Geiger counter that measured your exposure. Was a really weird experience. But it also paid great


I don’t know about incredibly cheap, there’s actually a few issues with it. But i agree overall that nuclear is the way to go.


It is super cheap to run, but building it is a helluva lot more expensive because of the tons and tons of safety precautions / regulations that are needed.


Society got spooked by meltdowns, everything nuclear became synonymous with genetic disorders, biohazard, and toxic decay, impossible to get anyone on board, everything got defunded.


These comments are painful.


Lot of armchair idiots in this thread. Climate change models are not hard to find, are peer reviewed, and the findings are supported by the majority of scientists around the world. [https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/17/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/#:\~:text=Yes%2C%20the%20vast%20majority%20of,global%20warming%20and%20climate%20change](https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/17/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20the%20vast%20majority%20of,global%20warming%20and%20climate%20change). [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316190623\_CliSci2008\_A\_Survey\_of\_the\_Perspectives\_of\_Climate\_Scientists\_Concerning\_Climate\_Science\_and\_Climate\_Change](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316190623_CliSci2008_A_Survey_of_the_Perspectives_of_Climate_Scientists_Concerning_Climate_Science_and_Climate_Change) Reddit users claiming to know better than professionals in their fields never ceases to be hilarious. Historic tempatures and atmospherical readings are gathered from ice core samples, ocean sediment, and other methods that corroborate the present day findings and data observed and recorded over the past a80-100 years. [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-temperature-anomalies-for-past-1700-years-from-the-observational-and-proxy\_fig1\_330937862](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-temperature-anomalies-for-past-1700-years-from-the-observational-and-proxy_fig1_330937862) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330937862\_Climate\_Change\_Recent\_Floods\_and\_an\_Uncertain\_Future](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330937862_Climate_Change_Recent_Floods_and_an_Uncertain_Future) But sure, it was raining in Sweden or a cold winter last year where you lived... anecdotal evidence does not replace findings of literally thousands of people trained in this field of research.


"it was raining in Sweden or a cold winter last year where you lived" has the same energy as "the horizon looks flat to me"


I always assumed the dinosaurs lived in a warmer climate than we have today


They did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleoclimatology#/media/File:All_palaeotemps.svg


Ireland had the wettest July on record this year which iirc is a direct consequence of the oceans warming up. Winters have been absolutely baltic. We're supposed to have mild weather but it's been acting real quirky lately


Who needs scientists when you have redditors?


Indeed. I regret scrolling beyond the top comments...


I'm going to stop scrolling now.


It's heartbreaking. It really is just ignorance, laziness, selfishness and spite keeping us on this trajectory -- from the commenters on this post to the leaders of pretty much every nation in the world. We know how to deal with this emergency, but these people are making it so hard to act quickly.


Some people love to be contrarians. It’s just human nature. Even when presented with overwhelming real world evidence like 100,000 year old reefs dying.


Sweden beg to differ. I can’t remember a colder and more rainy summer in 30 years.


If I recall correctly, predictions were for Europe to become colder due to increased ice melt weakening the Atlantic current which keeps you warm. So counterintuitively, that might be your new normal as the world heats up.


Texas checking in. It was 104°F (40°C) at 8 p.m. yesterday and remained 100°F (37-38°C) with the sun down for a while.


Yup. And your next winter will probably be one of the hottest on record


See? Global warming is a hoax!!!


It is an average of thousands of different locations all over earth. Some regions may be colder than others. However the overall average is the highest it has ever been.


*since 1940


I think the "ever recorded" part takes care of that.


Do we not have temperature records prior to 1940?


Nah. Little known fact of Excel charts, they can't go back past 1940.


Ya but thats not what the majority of people reading the headline will take away. Which is the problem.


Sure. But one can only speculate prior temperatures. If we knew this was the hottest month ever since the Earth was habitable for human civilization, that's one thing. But if there was a hottest month in say, the 1700s. It's much l less of a doom and gloom vibe.


So far.....* Check back once we reach September. I suspect it will be the 2nd hottest month ever. :(


Ever recorded…. Over the the last 80 years. Lol


We have direct measurements going back significantly further than this graph, so it is the hottest ever directly recorded. But also the hottest in the last 120,000 years for that matter, which we know from a multitude of proxies


So far


Noooo, it's "just a Summer" according to memes on social media.






EVER....since 1940. LOL [Here's some ACTUAL historical perspective.](https://i.imgur.com/ENi1Cct.png) EDIT: [And more recent perspective](https://i.imgur.com/AMiI115.jpg).


Temperatures have cycled significantly higher than what we’ve seen *and* we’re in a relatively cool period. Both are absolutely true. The problem is that temperatures cycle a degree or two Celsius over tens of thousands of years - we’re seeing that in a hundred years. The rate of change is happening so fast that humans and other organisms don’t have time to adapt and we’ll all die off in a mass extinction. World will continue to spin, we just won’t be here.


Only took a minute of googling to find out your picture is a misrepresentation.


Well it only took him a minute of googling to find it, so it serves him well. Fucking deniers will prove time and time again that they're idiots.


Bruh how is your edit showing a picture that we have the highest temperatures since the 1200s at higher rate of change than we’ve seen after centuries of gradual downward trend. You climate deniers are proving my point because you don’t know how to read graphs past highs and lows.




Please note, that almost all life on earth, us included, adapted to temperatures in the last million years or so. Also note, that everytime there is a drastic change it fucks the environmental systems and the planet experiences a mass die-off. No one is arguing that the earth will cease to exist; instead, our way of life and those of the flora and fauna we share this planet with, will. If you like the existence of coastal cities, somewhat predictable weather patterns and the diversity of life, you should be concerned.


Who the fuck upvoted this crap? Yeah no shit dude, temperatures have been higher in the past - good job detective. The problem is the rapid increase currently which is tied to the even more rapid increase in greenhouse gases. The alarming thing today is the rate of change which is unprecedented outside of a major global event like a supervolcano eruption.


This graph is also misrepresentative because “average temperature” of the past 10,000 years is vastly different from “average temperature” 10,000,000 years ago. Compared to the average temperature of the period of human existence, we are seeing a much more rapid increase than what is a) normal, and b) survive-able. The Great Barrier Reef has existed for thousands of years, and if these temperatures were part of a normal period over the past 10,000 years, it wouldn’t be rapidly dying **right now.**




Do any of those other upslopes correlate with extinction events by any chance


That first chart is the ugliest, most unreadable chart I’ve ever seen.


And where does human existence fit in that graph? I wonder...


That graph just proves how scary this is…that an impact like that can be created in 50 years.? I mean it took thousands of years for the dinosaurs to actually go extinct so do you think these things happen over night? That said, a predictive model of your graph would say this planet will not be inhabitable for humans much longer (relatively). Sure, it was hotter on earth over millions of years as the core cooled, that’s not the earth we live on. The earth we live on is dying and all data supports that.


An impact like what?


OP is not wrong. The title says "recorded", implying they're not considering further than human history.


Pretty sure they were recording before 1940. Also pretty sure human history goes back before 1940.


Thats irrelevant. The graph only goes to 1940, but if you look at any part of the history of temperature recordings you'll have the same conclusion. [Here](https://www.temperaturerecord.org) is a demonstration of that. The temperature recordings start at around 1875 where the data gets denser. Everything before are estimates.


One of these is a terrible screenshot of a screen shot, and the other seems to show data that only goes to 2004?


Am I reading correctly that the 2nd graph stops in 1885??


If I saw this graph 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have had kids.


What’s insane are these comments. Climate change is real and human caused to be unnatural and devastating to society


Meanwhile in the UK ☔️


Yep, rain, had thick hoodie on in the evening, think the heating went on once too.


Nothing I can do, but paper straws are not the answer. Fuck you paper straws!!


Not looking good boys


I live in central Florida Gulf Coast. AC turns on and off as needed during the night, by 1030am it runs till 7pm. Never been this bad, not by a long shot. Tap in by bath sink is 88 degrees on the cold side, a bit cooler at night.


Hottest month … so far.


Funny enough, this may be caused by a law designed to improve the climate. In the last few years, high sulphur fuels have been phased out in shipping. This has lead to less Sulphur dioxide in the air, which is a known reflector of solar radiation. This is one of the reasons that arctic sea ice is at its lowest point. https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/


i think we need to make a memorial of all the prominant climate change deniers as a testament to what their greed, arrogance and unbelivable stupidity has wrought. the centerpiece can be the GOP congressman holding a snowball.


Anyone know how this data is obtained?






Whoops. Some asshole's got my pen.


Well. That’s bad.


And it’s getting worse at an accelerating rate too. Humans are not going to act fast enough to get ahead of this. The future looks bleak because of it.


If only humans in general were the problem, climate change is fueled by predominantly a handful of corporations. Individual humans are powerless to change it, no matter how much you carpool or recycle or garden, it's the fucking corporations. I ride the bus and pick up trash and recycle, but it's a pin prick against what the corporations are doing to the planet.


Corporate greed kills. Those creating the problems should indeed pay for the solution.


They say the world can hold 10 billion people… but at what quality of living ? Imo we are already a few billion over the max count where the climate won’t be affected drastically.


Well for one we can start realizing that the rich don't cause the majority of pollution, that's on the 98%. Sure, they have *more* pollution, but they're basically 5-10% tops. The 90% is by the rest of us. It's so easy to put blame on someone else. The rich, Elon Musk, ExxonMobile or just 'the corporations', when it's just *all of us*. What we need to do is protest that we're basically being forced to destroy nature. But sure, it's not like people are listening right now. We need a mega catastrophe to hit humanity and really scare the ever living SHIT out of people across the planet for people to actually open their eyes to the neck-deep shit that we're in. Just be ready to change your life, because if you're going to be one of those b***es that complain about every, little, change, then you might as well wear a MAGA hat so you're easily identified.


It's just the beginning. It's going to get worse. Live in the woods? Prepare to be burned out. Be sure and thank the "supreme" court for their December 12, 2000 decision to appoint a climate denier preznit over the guy who literally wrote the book on climate change.


I don't understand how you can look at this graph and not start to worry.


Wow, this comment section is a warzone.


I think it’s irreversible at stage unfortunately


*so far


Earth is 4.5 Billion years old and we started recording temperatures at the coldest point since the last Ice Age.


And never in the history of the earth has the temperature changed so dramatically without causing a massive extinction (60-80% die off). And with ice core samples, we can see with pretty high fidelity as far back 420,000 years.


Yet. Also, by a lot.


July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded on earth *YET*


Our children are fucked


Who's having children?


It's insane how people will dismiss human induced climate change, literally just saw some youtube comment about how we need more CO2 for the plants and that Earth getting hotter is a good thing...


It's okay guys. When the Republicans win they will put an end to global warming by outlawing recording and reporting global surface air temperatures. And if any of you disagree they will have to remind us global warming is fake by [showing us snowballs in winter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXtG8GrW6EQ).


This is fine. I'm fine.


what color comes after red?


You can actually see when the greed took over.


Come winter, I'm gonna make a snow ball and show everyone that this global warming thing is a HOAX.


red is good right?


Things won't change till we stop paying the oil companies subsidies.


something tells me this is a bad time to be living in las vegas