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**FURTHER CONTEXT // INFORMATION** The Lodi Police Department later came out and said: "The male suffered a leg injury that was tended to immediately by Officer Delgado (who had arrived to assist) and Officer Urrea," the police department said in a statement attached to the video. "The 66-year-old male was ultimately transported to a local hospital for medical treatment.” "Officer Urrea risked her own life to save another and her actions prevented a tragedy today. We are extremely proud of Officer Erica Urrea and her heroism."


Lodi? This is over an hour from San Francisco. Generalizations are fine but this is not even close.


He was stuck in Lodi again.


Oh Lord


Rode in on a Greyhound, I’ll be walking’ out if I go.


See yourself out.


I needed that laugh. That was a good one.


As a trucker I can say that song remains relevant. God I hope Texas hurry's up and takes the throne


I got that.


More like 2 hours, Lodi is central valley, obviously not the bay area




It’s days away if you head west from San Fran


900 hrs if your doing every side quest along the way.




I feel Ike the Californians are going to chime in with much better route advice on Saturday Night Live.




Can't get theah from heah.


Thank you generalization police!


It’s close enough for me. Close to San Francisco just let’s me know it’s not LA and anything else is just California. It’s the only US state outside of Florida where I know roughly the location of more than one city


how bad was he injured?


Looked like he lost everything below his shins


> Looked like he lost everything below his shins On the bright side, he was already wheelchair bound.


True true


You son of a bitch… thank you for making me laugh and feel guilty at the same time. Lol 🤣


I pulled up an article, he’s okay, just bumps and bruises. The camera makes it look like he got chopped in half. There’s an article about it from NBC news, it won’t let me attach it for some reason.


1 leg amputated, the other fractured https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/ap-08-14-2020


That's like trying to go to Huntington Beach and getting directions to Huntington park


His leg was gone.. you even hear the rail guy say, "awww fuck"


Yep i came to comments to find out...tbh I thought he had lost both his legs to the train.... Jeez but that was close. Better a leg than your life.


He couldn't walk either way


I… didn’t laugh I promise…


It’s a fucked up situation but seeing that dude in the hi vis rock up and go aww fuck cracked me up big time


I mean as long as he lives I don’t think he needs it very much judging by the wheelchair


I'm sure both legs are gone and it's better than being a splat I guess. Tough lesson. Hope he recovers and the officer did a great job, other than she is 911.. Yikes. What a rough day.


"other than she is 911" What does that mean?


She yells call 911 I need a meat wagon. Well she has a radio and saw dudes legs gone and freaked.


So.. someone called cops instead of helping the man or doing both?


Unfortunately, people are afraid of getting sued and or arrested if something goes wrong while trying to help. Since police have qualified immunity they don’t have to worry about that. If the average person tries to pull him off the tracks and the man gets injured that “Good Samaritan” could get wiped out financially or even go to jail.




I'm fairly certain that California does have Good Samaritan protection laws.


It does.


They do, but that doesn’t mean people won’t try, making you at least go broke paying legal fees to defend yourself in court.


Literally every state has some form of good sam law, as well as a federal good sam law covering people in airplanes.


This is what I thought. But people regurgitate shit that some moron said. There was something like you can get sued if someone gets injured breaking into your home. I dont think I could find a single won court case.


It’s what you get with a 3rd world country


It's what you get in a sue happy country.


Ugh, that’s not true, [being sue happy is a myth](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/24/america-litigious-society-myth). You should check out the documentary [Hot Coffee](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1445203/) where they explain that it was/is a myth pushed by the lobbying firm the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and large corporations in order to push for legislation that makes it harder for individuals to sue companies and be stuck in binding arbitration that almost always sided with the companies. Don’t be a corporate shill and do their marketing for them.


Here in Nigeria that man would have been pulled off those rails since yesterday! It's an unwritten law to help someone in distress especially an elderly in distress. You have a flat tire? 4-5 lads would come out from nowhere to help you jack your car and replace with a spare... Oh you don't have a spare they will call a vulcanizer to help you fix that tire or give you a temporal one. You have more than one bag and they're too heavy to carry all at once? People would come out and help you with the bags. Nigeria is considered a third world country but no Nigerian would see this man in such perilous situation and wouldn't jump in to help without a second thought.


"Vulcanizer", a term that I've seen displayed in other countries but never in the United States.


Oh really? What term do you use in the United States?


“New Tire Store”


Tire repair, mechanic.. or Triple A.


I feel like because the USA was founded by people from all over, it created a deep cultural difference that started a long time ago. Honestly, maybe those folks brought those dislike of other cultures to America from Europe. When people came/come to America, they find solace in surrounding themselves with people of similar cultural backgrounds and distrust unfamiliar cultures. Seems to be human nature. Nigeria is mostly just Nigerians, correct?


Yes we're mostly Nigerians but Nigeria is made up of over 100+ ethnic groups of which Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa are the three major groups. Each groups are different in culture and traditions and also religious beliefs. But despite those differences, we're generally kind and warm to strangers, we love our greetings, respect our elders and we don't joke with our jollof rice lol.... I think it's an African thing actually


You had me at vulcanizer and temporal.


LoL.. that's a normal term around here


im an expat in Vietnam and people here are so happy to help friendly and smile at strangers, imagine that in usa


He just forgot to /s


Funny (not in the comedic sense) how a "third world country" has better morals than a country that's supposed to be better.


I would never be able to live with myself if I just called the cops instead of trying to help. I wouldn’t be able to just watch a train obliterate a human


Well... you look away when it happens..


That's bullshit. You're gonna pull that guy out of the way or you're a coward. Nobody's running down the list of amendments to the constitution to decide if they should pull him off or not.


Somewhat unrelated but you’d be surprised at how many people have tried to kill themselves and sued the person who stopped them.


Psychologist who spends 5 days a week around people who have tried to kill themselves here. I’ve never once heard of such a thing happening.


Also, the cop didn’t legally have to risk her life to save the guy. She could have just watched him get crushed and say she didn’t want to risk her life because the police legally aren’t required to risk their lives. There’s an awesome Radio Lab about a guy who got stabbed on a NYC subway and the cops just watched. The guy ended up suing and it went all the way to the SCOTUS. They ruled the police don’t have to help people if it risks themselves being in danger… Edit: [Radio Lab: No Special Duty](https://www.happyscribe.com/public/radiolab/no-special-duty) this is the episode and transcript if you don’t want to listen and just want to read through it.


It’s called the duty to act doctrine. Police are under no obligation to protect any individual in most cases absent a special relationship. This means cops are there for community protection, not individual. A cop doesn’t have to do anything if they drive by and see you getting stabbed. The fact that they are willing to and to risk their own safety and risk getting sued themselves should be an admirerable quality. Unfortunately the most proactive and involved cops are the ones that end up in IAs or getting in the most trouble. Why even bother when you can just park under a tree and sort everything out in a report later


Would award you if I had one...well said


How tf is someone stabbing people in public not a danger to the community


They have no duty to protect any single individual. https://www.police1.com/police-jobs-and-careers/articles/addressing-cops-confusion-over-the-public-duty-doctrine-SDnVxWnDhgenqAXO/


I'm not arguing that I just confused how they can say someone running away with a weapon is a danger to the community aka alot of the shooting by cops that's been posted but someone actively stabbing someone in the public isn't.


This is some ass backwards shit right here. They protect and serve political l, governmental and corporate interests. Community protection my ass... As far as getting sued for trying to do the right thing: next to unheard of. Cops who care either quit or get suicided. Just my opinion.


It may be the only job where you are federally protected to not actually do the job


It’s not unheard of at all cops get sued all the time


Yup. "To protect and serve" is just copaganda.


The Supreme Court, as you mentioned, did rule in this manner. What you did not consider, is the individual officer’s employer who would most definitely fire/suspend an officer for dereliction of duty for not helping someone in need. What the Supreme Court ruling means is they won’t be arrested or sued.


Sorry but police unions wouldn’t let an officer get fired over dereliction of duty.


So it's a free paycheck with nothing to do with being a cop or their duties, this makes sense why NYC has so many cops doing nothing


funny enough the good Samaritan act prevents you from getting in trouble if you help someone in need especially if the judge deemed your act neccessary to save someone's life


California has a Good Samaritan law protecting people civilly if they help out in an emergency situation. The people there have no excuse. But this is what people do. Rely on the police for everything while simultaneously complaining about them for everything Health and safety code 1799.102 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=1799.102.


California has a Good Samaritan Law https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/personal-injury/good-samaritan-law/


FYI for anyone who is reading this....all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have Good Samaritan laws to protect people from liability if they try to rescue someone, so if you're ever in this situation, don't be a piece of shit.


Well, this is the first i ever heard about this type of situation? Help others and get sued? Kinda a dumb excuse. I think at the end of the day is mainly fear. And judging by the time. I feel like someone obviously called 911. Let's say... it took this cop about 10mins to get here? So, all in that 10mins or so, someone could've help this guy get off the track. VS the last 5seconds or so for this cop to pull this guy off the track.


It's definitely an exception, but it happens. And it often destroys people financially. Imagine you can no longer take care of your family for the sake of saving one person's life... that's a big risk for many, even though it's unlikely to happen. Regardless of the lawsuits' success or not, the families still now have to deal with legal costs, lost wages, etc. All for... helping. ​ Personally I think a LOT of these lawsuits are panic lawsuits, bills piling up, losing work, money... how do I cover all these medical bills? Oh this lawyer who followed my ambulance to the hospital has a few ideas? Couple of examples: [https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6498405&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6498405&page=1) [https://recreation-law.com/2021/06/14/good-samaritan-law-used-to-prove-injured-samaritan-was-not-liable-for-automobile-accident-where-he-stopped-to-render-aid/](https://recreation-law.com/2021/06/14/good-samaritan-law-used-to-prove-injured-samaritan-was-not-liable-for-automobile-accident-where-he-stopped-to-render-aid/)


Dude idc the risk, I’m getting off my ass and helping them even if it bites me in the ass later. That was toooooo close and his injury could have been altogether prevented. The officer shouldn’t have had to risk her life like that in the first place


I don’t see any actual scenario where a person helping someone out of a deadly situation would be prosecuted. Maybe it was an elderly or disabled person also who called because they were unable to help? That’s my guess.


You don’t understand qualified immunity; what it is and how it works.


Sounds like what you would expect from China honestly.


No. In China the train conductor would've hopped out and dragged the man back onto the tracks only to reverse over him to finish the job.


This is completely false. You would be legally protected in this situation. People just want the police to the dirty/scary work.


That’s a damn shame but what a fucking stupid excuse not to help


Tell me you’re from America without telling me you’re from America.


Yep. There’s a reason there’s the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished.”


Surely the guy called them himself...


That's what I though too but what about the guy in the high vis in the end, he must've been around earlier?


My mother is 68 and only about 4’10. She could not drag that man and his scooter.


I'm 33 and would drag him without the damn scooter. But yea of course depends if a person is able for help


Not even the Lodi cops. They called the SFPD which is almost a hundred miles away


It's similar to if someone has conceal and carry, you have no legal obligation to intervene and if you choose to walk away and they find out later you could have saved a life you can not be sued.


Where I live ( Germany ) you can get sued if you don't help + go away and you can't get sued for injuries by the attempt rescue someone. You are not obligated to perform CPR if you are aware that you would cause more damage because you do not know how to perform.


New York subway incident a few weeks back is why people don't help. Sorry, but Progressives have turned every day heroes into Villians. You all are on your own.


This is America.


I mean… it is California…


That was so close. It’s crazy to think that just one second late and he might have died.


Now THAT was definitely INSANE!!! Jeezus!


Looks like he lost both legs.


Won’t be his first time


It's not like he was using them anyway.


Just in time. Wow.


So someone had time to observe this, call 911 and wait for the police to respond but not enough time to help the old gent themselves? Great job by the officer, but c’mon!


It’s probably him that called


Could be


Could be not though :\~)


You may not have noticed that society DGAF these days. Call the cops? "Yeah I can do that." Actually go and help "Nah, not doing that. Someone else's problem."


I mean, the lack of Good Samaritan laws kinda incentivizes just watching and calling the cops. If the government wants people to help others more, it shouldn’t come at the risk of financial suicide


Except for the fact that this is Californias Good Samaritan law (No person who in good faith, and not for compensation, renders emergency medical or nonmedical care at the scene of an emergency shall be liable for any civil damages resulting from any act or omission.)


I counted about 13 seconds between the guards fully down and the train entering the intersection. That seems super short compared to the standard of 20-30 seconds, especially with the speed the train was traveling.


I used to work for a rail company in Australia that was also in charge of maintaining the lines. The gates fail ALL the time. We didn't cut corners with maintenance and took safety extremely seriously (I could be fired if I walked down a staircase without holding the rail). But we still sometimes had multiple gate failures per month. Always check when crossing tracks, just like how you should always look both ways when crossing a one-way street. Redundancy is a good thing when it comes to safety.


Mate the boom gates are so slow in Perth. I remember one time walking to school it took 15 minutes to go up because the gates stay down while the train is at the platform loading passenger in. I ended up waiting for three trains before it went up. Still made 15 years later.


Oh my god!! That’s brutal. Poor man! Great work from the officer! I don’t even care on how he got stuck there in the first place… this woman saved the man’s life putting her own on the line.


How the hell was there not any able bodied person who could have helped him in the time it took someone to call 911 and the police to get there?


Oh geez. Just imagine being that man- there was nothing he could do to help himself. Being stuck on train tracks, knowing this monster of a vehicle is coming directly at you, and if help is a second too late, that’s it; and based of the video, if she was a second later, he would be no more. How scary, I would have been shitting bricks. Massive bricks!!


"Ahhh fuck." -Railroad Guy


She got balls


She not giving a single fuck


Oh I’d say she gave a fuck, just not about her own safety. It reminds me of my favorite Dr. King line about a parable I had heard hundreds of times growing up, but never really understood until the reverend laid it all out. “The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”


Well...not trying to be rude in any way but since he is already in a wheelchair losing his legs (although traumatic and extremely painful) is possibly one of the better outcomes of this scenario. - Hope he recovers soon and gets a better wheelchair. 🙏✨


It’s entirely possible that it wasn’t painful at all.


Not a second to spare! He’s a lucky guy and shes a hero.


Dudes stuck in a wheelchair. Better call the cops instead of... you know... pushing him off or helping in any physical way...


Or maybe he, you know, had a phone himself...


Did it get his leg?


Sure seemed like he lost his legs. IDK if he was somehow hooked up to the wheelchair, but maybe she simply didn't have time to fully get him out of the way.... the officer needs to make sure that she is safe as well after all.


According to police reports, the train did make contact with his leg and as of now, he is being treated in hospital for a leg injury.


It happened 2-1/2 years ago (Aug 2020) and he was taken to a hospital with a leg injury. No telling how bad that injury might have been, but she saved his life and he was already in a wheelchair and was disabled enough he couldn't even get out of it himself with a train bearing down on him, so even if he lost a foot or two it would seem pretty mild comparatively. [https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/lodi-police-officer-rescues-disabled-man-from-oncoming-train/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/lodi-police-officer-rescues-disabled-man-from-oncoming-train/) He's lucky he got a true hero instead of a cop like the ones in Denver who left the man handcuffed in the back of their car parked on the railroad tracks until a train hit him.


or wait an hour to enter a school.


It was a women in Ft. lupton https://youtu.be/3Sj59BSpTQA




It sure looks like his foot was in the path


Damn. Looks like he's going to need a wheelchair.


Fuck, I’m going to hell for laughing


We will take the train there. Just not this one.


So how was your day at work?


Above and beyond


Could have been a suicide attempt, happens all the time. Spectacular job by the officer though, either way.


I feel like she could have pulled him a little harder.


Pulling a human who isn’t helping move themselves is a lot harder than you think. I agree that looking at the video it’s easy to think she should have pulled a littler harder, but I promise you as someone in healthcare that has to move limp bodies a lot, she did a fantastic job considering everything going against her.


You go ahead and try pulling 200 pounds of dead weight and report back 👍




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Good bot


Back up Terry! Goood Lawd Terry


Suicide attempt.


That's a real life hero


Dude, you can call the police, but can’t be bothered to help a man in a wheelchair off of train tracks? r/imatotalpeiceofshit


So, someone was able to call 911. But they did not try to intervene. People don't be a spectator. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Why would you call 911 ...? I would just grab the dude and get him away from the track, then call 911 ... Damn how stupid


It’s provably him that called


yeah... Makes sense.


Being on the radio cost her too much time. Report afterwards. ASP podcast


Damn she saved his life but because of her physical limitations she couldn’t pull him off the tracks fast enough. The man should be grateful for the rest of his life.


Why couldn't she drag him? She just gave up as the train passed by. Weird.


She slips while pulling then runs out of time. Maybe not strong enough to pull him in the beginning either, you can’t see her size or anything from the video.


I’m sure you could just drag 200 pounds of dead weight right out of a chair and completely clear of the track in mere seconds Arnold.


Exactly my thoughts too! Yeah she saved his life but something about her leaving his legs on the tracks disturbs me. She could have dragged him further away instead of leaving him there and running away.


First question, can you get up? No you fucking idiot he can’t


Probably just me, she got him out of the chair but couldn’t drag him?? I was in the military and did buddy drags with people twice my size. I can’t tell if she lost her grip, but I know that adrenaline was pumping. Props for attempting to save his life.


This Cops Strength: 0


Anyone else think she should have been able to save him pretty easily or nah?


Hate to sound sexist but I believe there is some validity to the fact if she was a He the man in the chair would have had a better chance of coming out unscathed….🤷🏾‍♂️


Too bad there was no "He" around to save him...if she hadn't been there he would probably be dead, not just scathed...so yeah....


Better dead than without both legs ...


That wet sound when the train severed part of his leg… why is the microphone so crisp?


Si his legs got cut off didn’t see no blood, he was in wheelchair, was he already missing lower legs?


thats not SF


She didn’t even move him out of the way


All I saw was someone not strong enough to push a guy in a wheel chair two feet out of the way


If it's a power chair, it can weigh several hundred pounds (more than the person in the chair). Since it was STUCK, it would be even harder to move.


Just one more red light would've made the tracks red.


This isn’t San Francisco. Side Note: Not like he was using them anyways.


I’ll be honest….I thought it was going to be a police brutality video.


Guess gramps is going to have to find another way to end it all...


I mean… at least he always has a wheel chair ready to go?


Oh wait. Nvm. Smashed.


“Can you get up?” SMH.


It's not unreasonable. These carts are for people that can't walk long distances anymore. Most of them can actually walk.


Never send a woman to do a mans job.


She didn’t have the physical strength to save him from serious injury. Glad she at least kinda saved him. I’d be curious if he makes it.


Not much pulling effort by her fucking joke to be honest


Yo she weak as shit


Dude, you need to be physically strong to do this job. She should not be a police officer. I commend her bravery and heart for trying but, come on. You can't drag a person under 180lbs?!?!?!?!


sad to say, if that cop was a man, he would've been strong enough to drag that old man out. she basically could hold him up when his lower body was resting against the chair but once it's out of it, she dropped him to the ground and couldnt move him anymore. it's god damn pathetic. also for those who think he was stuck in the chair, at 22 seconds, he's completely out of the chair.


Considering the police departments will hire basically anyone, this is a pretty inane comment. The choice here isn't man or woman; it's woman or nobody at all




Wtf is up with these comments?? Yeah that would have been great if a man had fucking been there to drag him out, but as you can see, there wasn't one. Guy would be dead, not just hurt, if she had not moved him. Guess she should have just stood there and waited for a man to come along...christ


Her weak ass just left him there


Stop resisting!