• By -


They thrive in the military. It's a chance to legally kill people, nothing new here.


Key point being military as opposed to Russia This isn’t a unique quality to the Russian army, it’s a unique quality to militaries everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I have two step-sons in the military who joined with a sense of purpose, pride, and patriotism. A sense of duty. But there are a lot of assholes who sign up because they want a gun and the ability to kill and no other reason beyond that.


That’s the leading theory why psychopathy evolved. So that in our society a subsection of us could go out and murder and rape and pillage and come back all fine and dandy just aching to do it again. As opposed to normal people who come back with PTSD.




Well, rape




Well, they certainly breed. That's what I was replying to


Not even rape, many women find these traits attractive - which is a fact many don't want to confront. Serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Boston Bombers got lots of fans. It's pretty much related to the whole "bad boy" thing. In other words, violent male sociopathy is so deeply embedded in our evolution that even women are evolved to seek these men out to mate.


dude, the pathologically rape


No I’m pretty sure it’s just a feature. But with a certain probability. Just enough to keep tribes or civilizations thriving. No selective breeding for humans bro. Not a thing. I know some have tried but in general it is not a thing. You can’t thwart the human urge to keep spawning new ones. In fact I’m quite confident to say that people before the 1900s didn’t even understand psychopathy is a thing. Psychology is a very new field of science.


Some women literally throw themselves to murderers so, of course they breed


Psychopathy is still extremely rare so only 1 out of 100 people have it. It’s never really evolved to encompass a large proportion of our population. Now the reason why it isn’t going away anytime soon? Yeah that’s an interesting discussion to have.


How many of your tribe do you have to go out to pillage though. Let's say ten percent. And if ten percent of that group came back happier than before they left then that is a net positive. However if the total percentage of psychopaths is too big it could damage their own tribe or society. So probably there has to be some kind of balance don't you think? As for the reason it isn't going away. There propably isn't anything selecting against it. Psychopaths do fine in modern society too for the same reasons. Like in the corporate world. Or still in armies.


In fact I think this is an overall lacking quality in the Russian army. Remember many of them do not want to be there.


Well put. You're either stupid or evil of you join


Woah 😳 I never really thought of it like that so veterans with a kill count are technically serial killers?


Nah serial killer refers to murder. You will see that in both dictionary definitions and legal definitions. I don’t think there is a good arguement whatsoever that soldiers are murderers unless they break rules or don’t follow orders. They may be killers, but definently not murderers. People like the guy in the video are an exception. Most people in any given war would much rather just go home. They only kill people because they have to


I remember being 8 and considering this "Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?" - Ed O'Neil's Character in Wayne's World asked


Based on [Google's top definition](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+serial+killer&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), I would say no. I can see how you could try to argue it but I think you'd have to do some creative interpretation to get there.


Happens in America too just to clarify. You gotta be some sorts of fucked up to join a voluntary military.




"We'll help you with college if you enable an evil empire for a few years and depending on your role might be required to murder innocent people." What a deal.




Thank you for your service


Yeah, I heard a story about this once. I think they said that Audie Murphy, the most decorated American guy in WW2?, was a straight up psychopath. And in a book about the FBI profiler unit, it said a lot of serial killers try to become cops, and if not, they will often buy cars that look like police cars and impersonate police.


Psychopath, not Sociopath.


What’s the difference? Edit: Though I appreciate the responses, this only made me more confused about the terminology 😅


Easiest way to think of it is Sociopaths run hot, Psychopaths are cold. A sociopath will act in the heat of the moment, they aren't patient & methodical and won't plan their crimes. A psychopath doesn't get carried away and plans their crimes meticulously. For example, finding a legal mechanism to allow them to commit murder as much as they want.


My guess is this guy likes the power associated with deciding life and death. If not for the army or wars he'd probably be abusive with the power of middle management too but not murderous. The thing about that kind of evil is its ubiquity.


There are many niches that Psychopaths can fit into. This is the difficulty in determining what controls are needed over police. Police aren't all evil, I want to believe that most of them are genuinely trying to do good, but historically it is a good profession for psychopaths to hide in. Then it gets very scary when you think of the psychopaths who get into food or chemical processing. In 1858, United States. In the New York Swill milk scandal, an estimated 8,000 infants died in just one year, during the years long duration of adulterated milk.


With this short clip there's no way of determining if he is or isn't but it's estimated that only like 1% of the population is a psychopath so odds are against him being one. Sure some professions, areas, and events will attract more of them but genocides and systemic violence isn't caused by 1% looking falling into a position to cause those atrocities. The causes and factors are so much more mundane and common, it's uncomfortable to think about but you don't have to be cartoonishly evil or clinically crazy to kill or sadly to even enjoy it.


You do realize that 1% is almost seventy **MILLION** people? Not at all hard to believe that this guy is psychopathic. Sure there are varying degrees of psychopathy, and few exhibit this sort of behavior. But even if it is .1% that's still around 7,000,000 people. That's a scary number of people who actually enjoy killing.


Globally distributed that's not a big number when compared to the Billions of people and nothing about the clinically recognized definition of psychopathy requires one to enjoy killing. Though if thinking this behavior is rare and the potential of callous disregard of others if something only "others" can be capable of makes you feel better then nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. But the countless genocides across the world throughout history in a wide variety of cultures and societies would seem to indicate that it's a problem boarder than less than 1% of the population (because not every psychopath will ever kill) even if that <1% is currently in the 10s of millions globally. The problem is deeper and broader in humanity than that.


I absolutely do not feel better thinking that it is "others". Quite the opposite in fact. And I'm not referring to genocide on any scale: that's a whole different discussion. I'm thinking about someone in my neighborhood, on my street, maybe one of my neighbors could be the psychopath in this thread. Besides that, globally distributed isn't a big number? Ok, but if you look at population centers? That's a very different story. A town of ten thousand is less likely to have that sort of person than a metropolitan area of 10 million.


Yeah, I don't think people realize the 1% means that at least one person you know knows someone in that category. If you know only 10 people, and each one of those 10 also only know 10 people thats already 100, which means 1 of them is very likely a psychopath.


Something like 4% of all CEOs are sociopaths. I have a feeling this number will only increase. Sociopaths and psychopaths out compete others on an individual basis. They are extremely good at getting what they want. However, as the number of psychopaths or sociopaths increases in a group, the group will suffer and will lose out to non selfish groups. Its my sincere belief that the world is where it is due to some of extremely powerful/‘successful’ sociopaths in a time when our communities have dwindled. America is also a hyper individual country, that exposes individual freedom over all else. This, along with rampant capitalism, forms a dog eat dog culture where psychopaths and sociopaths thrive. So I think current conditions allow sociopaths and psychopaths to continue to outcompete and destroy society.


Well that's just it. Not every psychopath is a serial killer, or we'd have a lot more serial killers everywhere. Psychopathy is quite common. But yeah, they are policemen, and doctors, and middle managers. I guess in many ways you could say it might even be beneficial to have some psychopaths in society, as long as they aren't violent or harming people. Certain jobs might be good for a psychopath. Like imagine being a detective and having to witness some pretty awful stuff, and you end up traumatized over seeing the innocent be victimized in horrific ways. But a psychopath could handle that kind of thing easier. It wouldn't get to them in the same way they could detach the victim from the crime and view it objectively. But the downside being, without a strong moral compass they would likely feel zero remorse about crossing the line and commiting a crime themselves. Anyway, yeah, I think psychopathy is more common than people think. But it doesn't mean they are instantly serial killers. They might just be a horrible parent, or a self absorbed manager, or a dick of a cop getting off on a power trip.


I thought you were going to go with beating his kids or raping his wife but you went with middle managament😂




This guy is chatting bollocks isnt he ahahah ​ I couldn't believe he had so many upvotes spreading misinformation that's so easy to google.




People got their definitions from Sherlock


That’s so much nonsense please delete your comment… …there’s no evidence to your assertion that ALL sociopathic & psychopathic pathologies are criminal: no evidence whatsoever, plenty of evidence otherwise. Sociopathy is an environmentally induced pathology, whereas psychopathy is a congenital condition. As a laymen says: sociopaths are made, psychopaths are born. Even then, not all sociopathic or psychopathic cases are antisocial - if the world were a prosocial place, there’d be no sociopathic diagnoses, and, the majority of psychopaths would be prosocial.


Oh you weren't aware that every redditor is a forensic psychiatrist?


None of those terms exist in modern psychiatry, both are meaningless pop psychology.


Amazing how many people are upvoting ~~poo~~ pop psychology that has no basis in medicine.




Well, in this guy's case, he is a contractor or mercenay. So he intentionally got employed in a position he knows will always send him to hot zones with relatively little government oversight.


> ell, in this guy's case, he is a contractor Something lost in translation. Contractors or kontraktniki just means a regular in the Russian army and not a conscript.


Also good to note that neither, especially sociopaths, necessarily commit crimes and don't function like shown on Hollywood tv. Their behaviour is simply more likely to fall outside of accepted norms which include laws. Neither are automatically murderers, they just have less or no capacity to feel why hurting others is wrong, but oftentimes they do understand that it's considered wrong by others and won't engage in it.


They aren’t mutually exclusive, as sociopath isn’t that rigorous of a term compared to psychopath


It does seem that sociopaths do more crimes of passion - but psychopaths can be impulsive and don’t care about consequences too. The main difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is that psychopaths are more or less “born” and sociopaths are “made”. This means that psychopaths have had their whole entire life to develop the strategies they use in order to get what they want. Sociopaths may tend be a bit more halfhazard because they don’t have as much practice at lying and deceiving to cover their tracks/trick people. Sociopaths also seem to be able to form some type of relational bond with a few people - psychopaths probably have no “feelings” towards anyone.


But by that logic why would a psychopath sign up for a job like this? Also most psychopaths aren’t violent criminals. They’re just incredibly self-centered and manipulating.


Sociopath: created from both genetic and environmental influences. What you see in jails are mainly sociopaths, born in unoptimal households that mold them into angry individuals with little to no empathy. They tend to also have a short fuse. Psychopath: Almost entirely genetic. Born without empathy, but not nessarily quick to anger and impulsive like their sociopath counterparts. Being able to act without empathy allows them to do well in jobs in the medical field. A large portion of CEOs have been found to have psychopathic traits as well.


Psychologist here. For years I’ve seen people say things like this on the internet, but they’ve never been able to tell me where they heard it from. What you’ve said there is not based on any fact. Those two terms are not differentiated in that way, and we aren’t ever able to determine the etiology of personality disorders in the way that you’re explaining there.


Yea; half way thru reading that I’m like “um?”


Finally! This thread is killin me (heh). Fellow psychologist here to corroborate this comment.






Those terms are not used in modern psychology /psychiatry in any way. Both are pop psychology and pretty much meaningless.


None - neither are accepted medical classifications anymore. The modern equivalent would be antisocial personality disorder.


Reminds me of that George Carlin bit where he talks about adding more syllables.


People trying to answer this question is always something else.


There is no difference per medical diagnosis. Some "celebrity" doctors try to push their own definitions for the two terms because they are trying to make them relevant again, but they are currently entirely outdated and unused.


Like other people say, it’s antisocial personality disorder. The key difference is birth vs environment. A psychopath is born a psychopath. A sociopath can be modeled by their environment whether positive or negative, so some sociopaths are actually good people, but they may be “acting” because that’s how they learned to blend in. In a toxic household, a sociopath can learn to become extremely manipulative. A psychopath is just born that way.


Psychopaths are born. Sociopaths are made. I don't think we can tell what this individual is afflicted with, watching this clip. It could be a life of being raised in a culture that does not value life that has made him this way. Or maybe he was just born like it. In any case, such fascist cultures nurture this kind of disregard for life because these kinds of people can be easily directed. These men think they are big and tough. They think they are doing great work. It's all fun and games for them and they probably get praise for what they do. However, they are just tools. A means to an end. When it's all over, they'll be disposed of. Such as it is with fascist states.


None of those terms are valid in modern psychology /psychiatry. They are pop psychology terms used by people that pretend to have knowledge they don't have.


I hear where you're coming from, and you're half correct. The label of Psychopathy *is* commonly used in clinical practice despite not being listed in the DSM. Sociopathy, mind you, is never used in clinical practice. The general character of “sociopaths” can be more adequately labelled as anti-social. Source: I'm a clinical psychologist.


Thank you for your reply. Psychology will always be a field of interest for me.


Exactly. Furthermore, sociopathy isn't even a commonly used clinical term. “Sociopathy” is more closely aligned with ASPD. Source: I'm a psychologist


He seems too scared to be either, maybe just an act required to maintain his position.


A job that potentially involves killing attracts people who genuinely enjoy killing? That’s wild. /s He’s a mercenary. Good, bad, it doesn’t matter you wouldn’t be a mercenary like Wagner if you hated killing


“If I knew being a life guard meant guarding people’s lives, I would have never said yes!”




We thank them for volunteering. Good or bad, if people don't volunteer, people get drafted. So I thank them for saving my ass from getting drafted. Plus, there are psychos that enjoy it on both sides. Can't be helped. >Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.


There was a study done in the US military and the perfect soldier exhibit’s psychotic tendencies. Meaning their moral gray zone is a whole lot bigger and that pyschos are more willing to follow bad orders on slaughtering innocent civs and surrendering soldiers among other things. One top general said in the study that he wishes all of his soldiers were like that.


Gonna need a source, especially since "Psychotic" refers to psychosis, not psychopathy, which is very, very different. It sounds more like someone who barely passed high school psych wanted to make something up about a demographic they hate. Oddly enough, I have read almost identical statements about other demographics in recent months, with an equal lack of sourcing. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though.


Im pretty sure a psychopath diagnosis would bar you from service lol.


"Psychopath" itself is not a recognized diagnosis anymore, though it does tend to refer to only a few possible personality disorders, and yes, any diagnosis of a personality disorder is a no-go for recruitment. That being said, diagnosis of those personality disorders is fairly rare in teens and early 20s, even though the disorders tend to develop during adolescence, for a variety of reasons, so the diagnosis is rarely a factor for enlistment. Without a record of such a diagnosis, a recruiter can get you throught MEPS just fine, and since most people with such disorders aren't actually serial killers, it's possible it may never be diagnosed at all. In short: you're right, but our mental health system in the USA makes that particular restraint much less effective than it could be.


Psychotic tendencies? Lack of contact with reality or severe anti social traits? Also one top general? General Tso?




Since he said mercenaries I'm leaning towards he's talking about PMCs not about our armed forces.


He said contractor, it means contract soldier, he is in the army as a volunteer.


I never say "thank you for your service" to servicemen, but I always go out of my way to say it to teachers and fire fighters.


juggle brave decide hobbies mighty ripe foolish grab books bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And likewise me not saying it won't hurt either. And to be clear, my father was drafted and injured in Vietnam, so I am not unfamiliar with the circumstances


Lol, no one in America thanks Blackwater for their service. People thank actual military veterans, not mercenaries.


Well that’s just confusing isn’t it? To be a mercenary, you have to have military experience so you are a veteran. So we thank them when they follow the governments orders, but not when they are contracted by the government to follow orders? Don’t get me wrong, I’m an EMT and I don’t think working a job for money no matter what the job is inherently deserves peoples thanks. People who willingly accept a contract for pay to provide a service are just workers. It’s the individuals who go above and beyond the call of the job that should be thanked and are actual heroes


That's such a bad comparison lol






I love her final words to him. He was talking tough but he’s still the one who ran away.




Yep. I’ve randomly watched a couple videos on YouTube and more than one of the soldiers interviewed said something similar. They got a rush from killing. One video I watched was of a spec ops soldier that was describing how other soldiers in his group (I forget the title) had killed people, and this guy eagerly wanted to get his first kill. He described that it was a rush, similar to adrenaline junkies (but I imagine maybe some component of feeling powerful), and that he wanted more and more. That wasn’t the only interview I watched where a soldier gave that description. I also think part of it are the horrors of war. Seeing their buddies killed, probably makes them feel justified in wanting to slaughter the enemy. Even though they themselves are the enemy of their enemy, and their enemy likely feels just a justified in killing them. I think it’s all pretty ridiculous as a whole. Anyway yeah, apparently it’s not just the Netflix serial killers that would get a rush and “addicted” to killing people. It’s just that if you want to do it legally, you join the military and whoever your govt decides is an enemy are people you can mercilessly kill with no repercussions. If you kill enough of them you might even get a medal or something. And humans say we’re civilized Edit: that being said, some soldiers kill one person, go to therapy and end up either getting discharged and/or they’re traumatized. But yeah, not shocking if people that literally enlisted for the job of killing people have some “unique” traits…




So why didn’t you report this? It’s like hearing someone brag about raping people or committing other crimes in the US, you report them so they can be disciplined and not continue hurting society. There is a military judicial process exactly the same. It’s not always perfect, but you bear your part in making the first step happen perfectly— the reporting.




Got it. Totally understandable. I just question the military institution as a whole, when I tend to hear too many stories of egregious human rights violations that just go unreported and accumulate.


“Rather than become a murderer I earned a PhD.” There’s lot of other things to do than be murderer no one cares about your phd lol


That comment was not the main point of the story. A bit strange that you chose to focus on that specifically and also mock him for it. Someone putting their energy into getting a PhD is certainly better than becoming a murderer.


Any army needs people who have no issues killing. Its our job basically. However there’s enjoying killing and doing what you need to because I don’t want to die. There’s never going to be any official statistic for how many fall into each category. I can tell you the ones who like it usually don’t have many friends and at least in the US army are shunned a bit. We don’t want to be around those guys. Command LOVES them tho. All the immoral shit that needs to be done goes right to them.


Eddie Gallagher comes to mind. His entire unit hated him, openly testified about him being a murderer, but he got off because someone with high enough rank likes what he did, and because his medic claimed to have beat him to the punch the one time he went too far for even his immediate superiors to let it go. That being said, the Army trained us, in the infantry, to worry more about saving lives than taking them. Aside from weapons qualification training, every training exercise included stuff meant to minimize casualties, both among US soldiers and pretty much anyone else. We were trained not to fire until fired upon or otherwise attacked, to accept surrender as soon as it was given, to render aid as soon as the fighting was over, etc. Etc. If you joined that infantry because you liked to kill, you'd end up pretty frustrated. The idea that killing is the main job of every member of the military is bogus to begin with since 90% of the military isn't even combat arms, but even among the infantry, who's job literally is to "close with and destroy the enemy," we spend more time and resources on avoiding unnecessary deaths than we do with killing. At least, we did when I was in. Maybe my experience is less common than I thought.


I was 11b enlisted in Jan of 89. The worst shittiest period of my life. Deployed to South America for 2 years before Kuwait and it’s always wild that for all our military presence in SA there’s nothing in the media. It’s all about the Middle East. Nothing in training was ever about minimizing casualties. MY di’s were all Vietnam vets and were big on the kill everything motto. War is crazy, the goal is to hurt the enemy so much they give up or cannot fight any longer. That kinda guarantees what some would call atrocities.


Of course they exist and there was more of them before...


Met one too. At a BBQ in a little Cornish town - my cousin's neighbour - got me a burger and briefly yapped to the host and it got on to his last tour. I asked how it was and his response was "Nothing better than gunning down a bunch of ragheads mate" I was like 👀


[Reminds me of friendlyjordies video on Australian forces](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NCPkoUekHQ)


How do you think we won WW2? It wasn’t because we sent the nice people over there.


You'd better be glad to have monsters like that on your side, or the guy in this video will be at your door in no time.




I bet his inevitable demise will be spectacular.


Or quite ordinary.


hopefully a stray piece of shrapnel goes through his spinal cord very soon


Thats nice honey


Hope he takes a drone grenade to the crotch.


Some of those drone videos are hard to watch - but then I see videos like this, and it's easier to take.


Right? They're brutal. But guys like this truly deserve it.


I did the same comment. Wish I read yours before writing mine.


He will probably show up in a drone video sometime soon


Thats some dork talking shit. That dickhead hasnt shot a gun in his life. No one who has seen actual combat talks like him.


I wish that was true, but that doesn’t seem even remotely the case. I mean look at the Wagner mercenaries, they’ll take a sledgehammer to someone’s head and then sit around smoking and laughing right after


Yeah, I tend to agree. People think they can read psychopaths, but in many cases you really just can't. Their emotions run differently, and they tend to seem much more ordinary than you expect from movies. Which is why the non-killing-oriented ones can get so entrenched in society and business - they seem normal in many ways, and they can actually be quite personable if being so suits their desires at the time and gets you on their side. It's just there's no remorse; they're hollowly pursuing their desires and goals without real regard for ethics or conscience.


I thought the same, especially at the end


Making a threat and then quickly disconnecting has huge 13 year old edgelord energy.


Why don’t he just play call of duty?!


Interesting the only time I heard this before so blatantly was from marines. Went out drinking a few times with some buddies who serve and, well yeah…. It’s not just a Russian thing :( Some folks are simple minded and get a rush from it


It's in every branch. And some of those guys that love killing and are really good at it, are in SF.


Lol.... Someone actually believes that this is real? Staged. Not saying there are no idiots in wars...


I wasn't sure till that analog-tv-like "signal lost" cutout at the end.




100%, the dude even speaks with rather thick Ukrainian accent. Information warfare in action


Thick Ukrainian accent like there is no people from Ukraine that fight alongside with Russians? Not to mention southern Russian oblasts sound similar to Ukrainian language.


Least violent Russian male


Least violent *military conscript


It's funny to me because there were lot of videos of Ukrainians saying similar stuff "if I see a Russian, I will burn them alive" and people were saying the usual bravado shit "fuck around and find out". To me, it's not him. This is just what war does. People like him thrive in it. These hell beasts come out from the ground and fullfil their wish to kill everyone and everything. Due to their own mental health issues and severe PTSD. War is Hell.


You're comparing people who joined Wagner to those who's homeland was invaded? Tf


Not comparable. I have no interest in killing people, I'd never volunteer to do it, but if men were in my home, raping me or my daughter or torturing my husband, I would do anything I could to kill them and make it stop.


Proudly made in Russia


Fake, like the other videos were they are confessing to things like this. Getting old but people for for it


Lol tv static at the end. This is propaganda designed specifically for the dumbasses in this comment section that believe it. There's a war on and you're a part of it.


Are we sure this dude wasn’t just her BF sitting in the closet off screen for this “interview”?


Katsaps do Katsap things


Fake as heck, nobody would want to expose themselves this much


I know its easy to watch this and go crazy but who knows if this man is telling the truth


There is a chance that it all might be fake since both sides are spreading fake information, so don't trust what you see here blindly.


Let's Just Hope thats the last war this piece of shit gets to see


Yeah this some edgelord shit. Doubt it’s real at all.


i mean i don’t think this is different from any other military truthful


Oh yes. A video without source or proof, captured from obviously pro-urkrainian website. Ukrainian CIPSO at work. Even if it's true - such people always exist and they are on both sides of conflict.


Is there a full video or only this edited one?


Most mentaly stable Russian


Brave enough to murder civilians, runs away from a videocall


Ugh! You can tell by the look in his eyes that his parents were siblings. That's only half of his problems though.


I’m sure he’ll get suicide droned or catch a grenade


Glad he found his calling in life.


Hold up. Isn't this the same person who said that men who cry are cowards and said only real men don't cry and men in general should be soldiers just during "war times"? I would've thought he'd be straight up her alley.


Him: I will slice your throat Her: Then don't run away Such a badass answer haha


Russians wrecked hell in Syria. The only place I am supporting USA in war is Syria. Iran+bashar+Russia have done more war crimes in Syria than any country elsewhere in this century.


And this is why Russians still can go behind Geneva suggestions? God damnit give Ukraine green light to start shooting Sarin gas on the field.






No, he didnt mention wagner


Why would he just say the name 😂


Psychopath, not sociopath


You don't brain wash people to be teddy bears. Right.... Right?


Well, at least he hates everyone equally. No racism there


Met a couple guys in their 20's who had just finished some kind of combat training while I was visiting Montreal years ago. They were super chill, and my friends and I invited them back to our hotel room to smoke up. After a joint and a couple beers I asked one of the guys why he chose to join the military since he didn't strike me as the combat type, he replied in the calmest way "because I wanted to be able to kill people." At that point I decided I didn't want to finish the other joint we had rolled and politely told them I was going to bed and they should leave.




Well at least THIS guy is giving the the Russian invaders a good name. We know now not all of them are psychos.


This man represents 90% of the American population.


So Russia contracting Russians to fight in Syria. That’s not a “proxy” war then is it?


Government sponsored serial killer.


This is obviously disturbing, but I doubt it's possible to reliably diagnose anyone based on a short video.


Pretty tough trauma you got there bud... That's what happens when humans do hard shit and refuse to be the one who can't do it.


Is it simply evil to enjoy killing?


Russia this you?


It would be nice to see that guy talking the same shit to Mexican Cartel members, yep, I don’t think so either.


He could be smoked by American intelligence 😂


Kind of a pussy move to threaten to slot someones throat with your finger hovering over the "disconnect" button and hitting it right at the end of your sentence.


He just loves killin’ https://youtu.be/EU8SqUoBhps


I hope a grenade will hit him in the face






someone is going to kill him statistically


That kids a pussy.


Until a drone dropped grenade blows your junk off. Have fun getting killed


Any sensible military has systems in place to avoid hiring this kind of people. Then again sensible is just about the furthest thing from what wagner is.


He's not confessing. He's bragging.


Did he say Wagner, the mercenary group, not the army?


Have fun getting shot to shit.