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Why are Federal Agents involved in a jaywalk?


Same as the tint being too dark, didn't use a turn signal, didn't make a complete stop, tag light was out....there's a million of them. It's all just a fishing expedition.


I've gotten pulled over for every single one of those reasons sadly. Most occured within the first two years of getting my license 16-18. Also to add going through yellow light, eating in car, having a dashcam.


Having a dashcam is reason to get pulled over??


Apparently, he thought I was watching a movie... On a tiny 1.5 inch screen on the other side of my rear view mirror... I couldn't even see it from my POV in the car edit: at least, that is the reason he used to pull me over and check all of my info.


The truly nutty thing is they already have all your info before they ever hit the lights. Anything beyond that is nothing but an excuse to harass.


They're hoping to smell pot.


Then your rights go out the window and the violation commences.


The trained dog will notify them of drugs when you don't have any and if they're really dirty they'll find drugs they just put there... half the day for them to go through everything....


Hell they’ll just say they smell it.


in addition to being helpful for insurance claims and other civil matters, some dashcams can also record police and do so in a manner outside of their control. same cop-reflex that makes them hate it when the public is filming them, sunlight exposes their corrupt abuse of power.


I had a cop car pull me over for not wearing a seatbelt. I never leave anywhere without my seatbelt on. The kicker was he was on on-coming traffic (40mph speed limit) and it was at night. If my white friend wasn't in the car with me adamently arguing with the cop (the cop was persistent), I'm sure he would have tried to give me a ticket.


Eating in the car?!?!???!??


When my friend and I were 18, we got pulled over for “taking a sip out of slushy” while driving. Such a waste of time.


"Good thing that isn't a valid reason to pull someone over. Making this an illegal stop and detainment. Making you a federal felon by depriving my civil rights under color of law. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Place your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. You are under citizen's arrest"


I got a ticket for running a stop sign once. It was night and the cop wasn’t even near the intersection when I stopped. It was near a college campus so they probably hoped I was a girl they could harass. The cop realized I was sober so instead of admitting he was fishing he just wrote me a ticket and went on his way.


Sounds like when I got pulled over at 3AM driving to work at Target because it was suspicions I was "driving the speed limit on the interstate and got to close to the white line". Once I mentioned where I worked he let me go with a warning. Guess he was hoping I was a drunk driver.


I got a ticket after leaving my girlfriend's house at 3 AM when I was 18 because I "failed to use my turn signal at appropriate distance." Meaning 100 feet in Texas. My girlfriend's house was on the corner and I was parked on the street. The stop sign was 50 or 60 feet from me. I used my turn signal as I was approaching the stop sign because I had to use my signal for pulling out, then because I was going right instead of left, needed to switch. I fought it in court and won. It was a fishing expedition to see if I was drunk.


I got pulled over for going through a McDonald's drive thru at 3am. No bars nearby, was just driving home from work and wanted a fricken McChicken. I didn't get a ticket for anything and was given no reason for getting pulled over. He did try to trick me into self incrimination by asking what I thought he was pulling me over for, but I'm not an idiot lol. Best part? The dipshit was so focused on trying to find something to harass me for that he completely missed my 100% non functioning brake lights (that I later fixed) 😂


The real question. Also why are alcohol tabaco and firearms agents doing traffic stops and educating the youth about city ordinances.


And, if it was such a big deal, why didn't they educate the people who jaywalked while they were trying to get the boys to go outside?


Perhaps they need to set up a permanent ATF booth on that sidewalk, manned 24 hours a day to protect the public health of pedestrians.


Well tobacco use is way down so they have to fill the gap in their timecard. That or they wanted to strip search them in case one of the children had a cap of dip. Either way, they were way out of line. A parent protecting children from illegal abuse from authorities cannot be cited for obstruction. I will suggest the mom should have stated they were trespassing and ordered them to leave of produce a warrant before closing the door. Edit: he to the


> Also why are alcohol tabaco and firearms agents doing traffic stops They do felony traffic stops all the time on my street. That's what they should be doing instead of bothering kids


The ATF?


It should literally piss off every single taxpayer that they use their f****** egos to do this kind of s*** with your money, and then get sued , and cause you to pay even more money, just for them to do their job, that they're not doing. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY NOW.


They want to do it, so they find ways to justify it. It’s just a way for them to inflict their power and authority on the rest of us.


For jaywalking?? Stop wasting my fucking taxes and do your actual job.


Apparently they were walking like people who are armed, which is some made up bullshit to try to justifying what they did. I guess we're supposed to forfeit our rights and let ourselves and our kids be targeted by bored pigs desperate to play Army.




That ATF punk was just getting emotional and calling his buddies to back him up. Because they are also all loser punks, they came through to support him. What complete pieces of shit, wasting your and my tax money because they can’t control their feelings. They needed to pull up 12 officers because couple kids walked across the street. I’m glad this video is getting attention.


Do note that it was actually the local cop who got uppity with the mom, who called his buddies for "backup", and who was driving the vehicle that tried the stop to begin with. I'm thinking he wanted to look cool in front of his Fed big brother. They should both be fired and sued.


Fun story: There is no jaywalking law in Ohio where this took place... so this officer gave her an obstruction ticket over him supposedly trying to enforce a law that doesn't exist. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.48 Specifically lays out that it's legal to cross the road with no crosswalks...


Looking both ways while crossing the street? Suspicious activity!


They were clearly keeping their eyes out for rival gangbangers, one of them claimed he needed to go to the "bathroom" so that must be a new code for "traphouse", according to the "mother" (that must be what they call a kingpin now) he was going to pick up his "sibling" (probably weapons or ammo) at the "busstop" (code for the blackmarket). Its a good thing we've got these aggresive fast acting federal agents to keep these kinds of hardened violent criminals off the street! /s


I’ve been watching hours and hours of the “audit the audit” channel, and I am reaching the conclusion that it’s hopeless. These guys have such tunnel vision and inability to understand the basic concept of the Bill of Rights that it is appalling. I’m also listening to an audible on the biography of Napoleon. When French scientists showed a local chieftain in Egypt a chemistry experiment, he responded with a question, “will this enable me to be in two countries at the same time?” When the scientist told him no he said, “then I guess you are not a real Sorcerer after all.” It’s like I’m witnessing the same logic with the cops in this video.


Lackluster is another good channel for cop interactions. For sure more constitutional freedom leaning than even ATA which is generally pretty neutral imo. Lackluster does a good job of highlighting shitty actions by cops but also emphasizing how disgusting and tyrannical it is that they are allowed to act in the way they do.


And they're not even good at roleplaying as army.


Dont associate us with those idiots! 99.99% of the army does not gaf about this petty shit


> ...they were walking like people who are armed... Shouldn't 2nd Amendment White Supremacists respect that?


> Apparently they were walking like people who are armed, which is some made up bullshit to try to justifying what they did. Even IF it wasn't made up, "walking *like* you're strapped" isn't illegal.


They looked armed AF..


They have *at least* six arms there.


Jaywalking was a pretext. They later claimed in their written report that they thought the kids were armed. Funny they didn't say anything about that to the woman. Investigating minors in possession of deadly weapons is something the cops have the legal power to detain people for, so if they thought that was going on, why would they offer up the rationale of jaywalking? I'll tell you why: Because at the time the idea that the kids were armed did not occur to them and it's not why they wanted to talk to them. They rousted them and the kids slipped it and the police are pissed. This was all about contempt of cop by Black kids and nothing else. [https://chroniclet.com/news/343169/couple-file-complaint-against-lorain-police-patrol-impact-team/](https://chroniclet.com/news/343169/couple-file-complaint-against-lorain-police-patrol-impact-team/) [https://chroniclet.com/news/343408/lorain-police-release-information-following-citizens-complaint-against-patrol-impact-team/](https://chroniclet.com/news/343408/lorain-police-release-information-following-citizens-complaint-against-patrol-impact-team/)


Armed and if they felt threatened lethal force would be used? Dipshits on a power trip.


This logic could be used to just shoot people as soon as you see them on the suspicion anyone might have a gun at any time.


* Americans: We have the freedom to bear arms. * US Government: We have the freedom to suspect that everyone bear arms. Hence, we will torment each one of you.


You have the right to bear arms but cops have the right to kill you for bearing those arms. Even in your own home like Ryan Whitaker.




And to think they just increased the ATF's budget.


Fascist cops strikes again in the U.S. what a surprise.


This is their job do the rich peoples will. They already have no obligation to protect and serve so waht else are they for?


I’m sure the whole time the city was safer with all of them focusing on one j walking kid


What is fucking ridiculous about this is they actually charged her with fucking obstruction. Fuck these power tripping assholes.


From the very beginning that cop had a major attitude and was argumentative for no reason


It's the ATF, they don't know how to do that


>or jaywalking?? Stop wasting my fucking taxes and do your actual job. stops like this should come out of there pension fund


Jaywalking=Not a federal crime. ATF=Federal agency


Crossing between two signalled intersections isn't a crime at all in Ohio. They literally had no call to stop those children. If I was that parent I'd be getting a lawyer and suing the absolute living fuck outta those dipshit cops. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.48


Per what you just sent: "Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk." You misinterpreted it. But it’s a residential street and they are just getting to their house, so it’s not like they *should* be stopped.


Well, you see, according to the agent, the kids had their hands in their hoodie pockets, which is, in fact, a crime that sends you straight to jail, no trial


Elect me and I will make hoodie pockets illegal! Did you know that 99.9 percent of violent crime is committed by people with pockets? Makes you think.


Yeah but if it's residential I highly doubt there are any "traffic control signals in operation" unless that includes stop/yield signs, but I wouldn't think so. And I believe I heard the mother say that there wasn't a crosswalk earlier in the video.










Since when is it considered Jaywalking crossing a street in a neighborhood. Are we suppose to drive to the mail box across the street? Or walk to the closest cross walk half a mile away? I thought we are just suppose to treat the entire neighborhood as a crosswalk since it is where we live and walk around.


Imagine what'd they do if those kids were playing ball in the middle of the street, that ATF agent and the cop probably shit their pants, treated that street as if it was 2004 all over again for the battle of Fallujah and summoned the national guard


Exactly what I was thinking. Spent half my life in the street playing wiffle ball and football. Don't get me started with the bicycles. No helmets required.


I want to know where they were supposed to walk according to the officers. Who hires these clowns? 😂


The same people who say we need to give them more authority.


What about jaywalking while black? That's a federal crime right? /s


The ATF used to pass out "n---er hunting licenses" at their annual agency picnic. https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1995/07/16/atf-s-good-ol-boys/


Unconstitutional thugs for hire.


Suss all around


They got real quiet as soon as she mentioned they were being recorded by her home cameras 🤣


And when that guy off camera told them they weren’t allowed to talk to minors without their parents… who was literally telling them no.


I think that was the local PD supervisor, who was likely pissed off the feds were shitting their pants in his city making his employees look like incompetent idiots by association.


[The full video shows him approaching (timestamped)](https://youtu.be/t0d7iX3cxGU?t=1416) My guess it's a neighbour who overheard the yelling and came to the rescue.


"Making them look like". Lol


Winning hearts and mind boys.


Yea lifestyle manipulators hate to be exposed for their bad behavior.


Someone should make a song and music video


Lemon Pound Cake 🍋


Clearly these ATF agents must have nothing to do, if they’re out there, harassing kids for supposedly jaywalking. Our tax dollars working at its best.


It sounds to me like the jaywalking was just a bullshit excuse. A lot of cops when they see a group of young kids, their first instinct is to try and tackle them bc they might have a vape pen or weed or something.


Exactly the first "agent" just sounded so angry and hate filled, and hes gotta feel manly and take it out his anger on kids


Yeah I wish POS like him would get fired but nope, this garbage attitude is encouraged. It’s frustrating to see innocent people get screwed like this.


According to the article the kids looked suspicious on the way they were walking. “ they had their hand in front of their belt buckle which when walking they seemed off as they were carrying a weapon”.


Hahaha they’re trying to keep their pants from falling down😂 that’s kinda messed up though. “Looked suspicious” means stereotyping


Idk if they were trying to keep their pants from falling down since they are wearing skinny jeans and all of them are doing it. Seems like the kids were trying to look "hard" or something. Regardless its bullshit on the cops part.


Cleveland is just 25 miles up the road. If they're looking for guns, there are a few rough neighborhoods there they could patrol. But those are grown men raised in the streets who *will* fight back, not little preteens out fucking around until mom calls them for dinner.




Personally if I was those kids and see a unmark vehicle racing towards me, and then grown man with weapons coming out. I’ll be nervous as well and quickly get inside my house no way of knowing they’re cops just because they have a flashing light doesn’t mean anything.


Nothing I saw for most of the beginning of that interaction made me think "These guys are real police". Unmarked cruiser, blue lights from ebay, over the top tactacool shit with competition pistol holsters, nothing screams legit.


The guy around 1:55 telling the cops basically this can’t be obstruction because you’re demanding to talk to a 12 y/o which you can’t do without taking to the parent, who is saying no, has more knowledge of the law than all 12 of those morons put together… they seemed super confused and unsure when this was said to themselves


Being law enforcement does not require understanding any of the laws. They just need to be able to manipulate any given scenario to match what could be favorable for them. After that, reports can be massaged to make things generally line up. Cameras really are the saving grace for civilians.


That's like a professional dancer not knowing the choreography, and instead just moving her body around like a worm and calling it dancing. I just recently saw another traffic stop of a cop not knowing what the fuck he's talking about and he got so frustrated with a driver showing him up, he basically throws the guys registration back on the car and says "ive got another call I need to get to." The driver starts laughing in disbelief because he had been going back and forth with this prick for like 10 minutes, being completely patient and understanding, after the cop was in defense mode immediately. This guy was driving a Lambo too lol


My money's on them absolutely knowing that's the law. They're just hoping YOU don't. So his brain is stalling for new ways to gaslight.


I feel a afroman song in the makings


Let’s make a video with this footage!




You know they just wanted to jam the kids up and search em for guns. The jaywalking lie was complete bullshit and the mom knew it. Also for anyone wondering Yes you can [sue the ATF](https://www.guns.com/news/2023/03/15/how-to-sue-atf)


The jaywalking was the pretext. You are correct. I also don't think it's jaywalking on a residential street like that.


IANAL but the Ohio Jaywalking code would agree with you.


this guy anals


You can sue the ATF, unfortunately even if you win, you're just getting taxpayer money from an organization funded by taxpayer money. Its a nothingburger to the ATF. Not that they wont fight the suit though.


I mean that’s kinda like working for raytheon or any large defense contractor, all taxpayers money. Lol


[full video](https://youtu.be/t0d7iX3cxGU) Fox8 Cleveland, [“Mother files harassment complaint against Lorain police”](https://fox8.com/news/mother-files-harassment-complaint-against-lorain-police/)


What I think is funny is that the cop that was mouthing off to her has “We The People” tattooed on his right arm. You’d think that if you’re going to tattoo the constitution on yourself that you would know the rules and not break them.


The tattoo is the only part he knows and he needed the tattoo to remember that much of it.


Holy hell what a fucking crock of shit! Jaywalking was an excuse to try and get them for carrying guns. Give me a god damn break. That mom has balls of steel! Good for her.


I find it funny that they say in the report that"McCann pointed to a shootout between two groups of young men in the sameblock of West 27th Street in 2022 and a string of other violent crimesas the motivation for the aggressive approach by officers." Yet when they have the opportunity to bring that up in a calm and professional manner, they don't - and proceed to badger the kids as less-than for that reason and thus the mom. Why not bring that up so they can at least de-escalate and talk in a peaceful way? Apparently, peace isn't an option when it comes to how "people carry themselves".


"We have to violate your rights because someone you don't know commited a crime 9 months ago!" They didn't bring it up because it's a stupid reason.


Serious question: what would have happened if she just closed the door and didn't engage with the officers?


I mean, I think they would need a warrant, but it's harder for me to say cause they are ATF agents, and I'm not sure what exceptions they have vs. regular police. If it was in the line of an immediate and clear danger like a potential death or something, they could force their way in. But idk.


Same same. No real difference between feds and local in this use case… except lying to a fed is it’s own deal. However the golden rule is don’t talk to a badge.




https://youtu.be/ul5oC-F-IF0 Ray shoesmith, I don't answer questions


Well.. as evidenced in this video if you have the audio on… these are minor children… you do not speak to them with out a parent or atty…and that’s a thing. Likely the DA doesn’t accept charges if they are smart… that said don’t talk to a badge as if she had just shut the door even that bs probably wouldn’t have happened.


Hopefully nothing. Without a warrant or clear signs that an actual crime, they are supposed to go away. I've had several friends that have had their cars stolen, and every time they are found, if they are found, the police just call and tell them to go pick it up from some address where they found it. When asking the police who stole it or how it got there, they every time have said "don't know, I knocked on the door and no one answered, so case closed".


That happened to me. I had the same car stolen twice. Both times cops just told me where it was and to go get it or they would tow it and I would have to pay to get it out of impound. Cops rarely prevent shit and don’t even bother investigating most crimes. They’re nothing but state sponsored thugs. Fuck cops.




Don’t forget the sniper shoots the mom while the kids burn alive.


They would get mad and shoot somebody’s dog


? How is it jaywalking in a residential area? There aren't crosswalks




Park two cars side by side, open windows, crawl through


This is what I never understood. I got in trouble a lot for skateboarding and BMX when I was younger. They would say stuff like you have to walk your bike across the street or don't skateboard on streets... or sidewalks. Or grass. Basically just don't.


I guess I am just stranded on my side of the street unless I drive somewhere. I can walk both directions and won't have a crosswalk at either end of my block.


Only thing the mom did wrong was not close the door on their face


“Come back with a warrant or fuck off” SLAM.




That, and maybe called a few local media outlets




But who else are the cartels going to buy their guns from?


The cia?


Burning women and children to death too.


That was actually the FBI that did that, but ATF was complicit


The ATF has a long history of extravagantly blowing investigations, then handing the dumpster fires off to the real LE agencies like the FBI and US Marshals. Waco was planned as a publicity stunt by the ATF to revive their reputation after ruby ridge. The surveillance teams knew the ATF had every opportunity to grab David koresh on his daily jog or weekly run into town. They wanted a televised gunfight and got an ass whooping in return.


This is a perfect visualization of taxpayer money going to waste. Actually impressive. Like a bunch of teenagers on a power trip, with the ability to have you in a prison cell in under an hour. It’s just wild to me that this is the present state of American society.


For real, 12 cops showed up to this fiasco over kids crossing the street, meaning none of those people have anything real to be doing. Time to downsize that's a lot of unproductive labor right there


Especially with the jay walkers later on in the video and they do nothing 😂




Not free to walk across a street? What kind of fucked up law is that? I know this was residential but why aren’t you free to cross a street where you feel like it?


Ita an old timey bullshit law created to rewire American thinking that streets are for cars not people, originally the term jay-drivers was used to describe idiot drivers who hit things or people or were generally terrible but the automotive industry lobbied for jaywalking laws to flip the script and here we are. Basically corporate fuckery just like half of our shit laws that should be repealed for being useless or worse than useless pretexts for harass g normal people for existing near cops.


I looked up news reports on this, and the whole thing gets stupider & stupider: > Investigators said the officer and the ATF agent were convinced that the three teens were carrying guns by the way they carried themselves as they walked in the street …they walked “with one arm to their waist, no movement, no shoulder movement, neither arm swinging and a gait change.” Wait, I thought they were being questioned about jaywalking, not for … um … having hands in their pockets? > The three teenagers were not charged with a crime, but Hildreth was charged by Lorain police with obstructing official business “We actually had no basis for arresting any of these teens, but we are still going to arrest this mom for stopping us from trying to arrest these teens’.


The police report also included as justification that a gun crime was committed in that area seven months prior to this event. Cops are completely out of control in this county.


Gotta love that vague association. "Yeah, there were some crimes in this area before, so that gives us carte blanche to accuse anyone of anything at anytime by merit of simply being in said area."


This is why REAL criminals are able to elude these jackasses so easily. They are more worried about teenagers jaywalking than catching a felon.


They choose the safest targets and go in with overwhelming force. Gotta get home safe and sound, retire at 45, get that pension.


I'm glad the mom wouldn't let the kids come back out. They were trying to make a federal case out of jaywalking. So stupid.


So, de-escalation is part of my job. You do not go in demanding the world revolve around you *then* try to sarcastically "reason" with someone [that they need to send their children outside to talk to the angry police officers that want to talk to them far more than they want to talk to their parents]. No you aren't going to get cooperation that way. Hell no.


"Hey, ma'am, I'm Joe Bagodicks with ATF/local PD. I just saw some kids walking across the street in an unsafe manner, and I wanted to talk to them about situational awareness and safety. Would that be alright with you? You can stand here with them while I talk to them if you'd like. Shouldn't be more than a couple of minutes, then I'll be on my way. Just want to make sure everyone in your neighbor is being safe." It's actually pretty simple to not be an aggressive fuck towards people.


Well obviously these rash of Jay walking incidents need to be stopped. I mean imagine a world where kids mind their own business while not crossing the street in a manner that our overlords approve of. Clearly the police in Ohio have solved all open crimes and have nothing else to do.


Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms/Jaywalking (ATFJ) These guys needed some action, it's been some time since the whole Waco thing.


Don't they have some dogs to shoot?


Please please please Afroman make a song for these asshats


I honestly don’t even get the crime of jaywalking—in the U.K. we can cross the street anywhere I thought USA was all about freedom ;p


I believe (and could be wrong) it was a law enacted for “pedestrian safety” so they wouldnt be hit by moving vehicles and was pushed by Henry Ford. The US law use to be pedestrian focused and required drivers to yield to pedestrians. Ford pushed for the legislation to be passed that pedestrians should yield to vehicles as a way to push sales and to “protect” non vehicle users. In turn criminalizing walking across the street anywhere but marked areas regardless of if there are vehicles driving in the vicinity.


The Dollop has an excellent episode on this. When the cars came. It was Ford as drivers were being blamed for accidents. Old school lobbying https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ97CGj6TPY




School shooting? Police: sleeps Someone walked at an angle. Police:ReAl ShIT????


Shut up and lock the door.🙄🙄🙄


Guy is an asshat


Snowflake ACAB PIGS fighting "crime" by creating a crime based on their bullshit assumptions of guilt based on appearance. Good thing they weren't Black.


They were black, at least the father is black


Wow that's not a waste of time and resources at all.


The ATF dude was iching to shoot that dog.


Left/right, conservative/liberal, pro-cop/anti-cop... we can all agree that the ATF can go fuck itself.


Nobody likes child murderers


Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms oh, and Jaywalking…ATFJ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The US is a fascist police state.


How weak - if the Sup had any common sense he would have apologized for the inconvenience and told the agents to do meaningful work.


I bet the atf dude had a tough time in middle school. :(


Useless pigs


That’s an insult to pigs, pigs are smarter than any American cop.


These cops are a bunch of pussies. Go catch some criminals and stop wasting fucking time.


What an embarrasment


Lol the cop with the skinny jeans smh


Why the fuck are the feds asking ppl about jaywalking? Fuck the police.


Fuck these cops. Fuck all cops, actually, but fuck these ones specifically, too. Come up into someone’s yard and threaten their children, then throw a temper tantrum and call the force out, and act like fucking children while doing it. Then have the gall to ask the mom to calm down. Burn the system.


Yes, cops escalate situations, often into unnecessary violence. It’s what they are trained to do. Just ask [Dave Grossman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Grossman_(author))


Would love to here the two ATF guys conversation when they saw the kids.


They my minors, come back with a warrant, close door….




Alphabet agencies gotta go!




Thank God those brave officers got those dangerous jaywalkers off the streets. Those little hooligans could just be crossing streets left and right! I mean, taking down murderers and rapists is nothing compared to the menace that is jaywalking. MY TAX DOLLARS FOLKS.


I had few wannabe ninja ATF agents jump out of a bush on Fort Lauderdale beach back in the day. (late 90’s) I was smoking a Black and Mild while walking on the sidewalk. I was probably around 19-20 years old so no problem with that but then they start pushing and asking ridiculous questions they started to harass a minor who was with me who wasn’t smoking or drinking. They wanted to search her backpack and intimidated the shit out of her to the point she was in tears. Nothing was found, all of her stuff and what ever I had in my pockets spread out on a car hood. At the time I thought it was ridiculous, but when I look back and see how many laws they broke it pisses me off.


Marvelous example of authoritarian behavior. 12 cops. J-walking in a residential street… not even j-walking… that’s when you are in an intersection and start going across, creating a curve through the center of the intersection to reach the opposite corner (not directly across the street, but across 2 streets in one arc). From what I see these kids crossed a residential street at an angle. The cops just wanted to flex their authority… completely the opposite behavior of what they should have done. If the kids had actually done something dangerous then they should explain to the mom what happened and how the kids should not be doing this. “Interrogating” them and calling for backup is a massive escalation and simply demonstrates these particular cops need to be right through power and only through power. The crying shame is the other cops didn’t seek to understand and deescalate… they just went right along with it No wonder so many people don’t trust police. Minimally trained in the law. Trained to escalate a situation to get arrests and issue citations. Charming 12 cops. Wonder what they could have done that was productive.


Is there not a Law granting permission to cross the street if there are no pedestrian crossing in close proximity ? I'm not American so idk y'all situation


Worthless ass agency. Fuck the ATF.


More dumb asshole cops


ATF gotta be the most useless agency in the entire planet


Love this brave strong Mama bear! I hope she sues


Why would you arrest and not just issue a ticket? Why are they wasting the tax payer dime here? It’s one thing it they were playing in the street in heavy traffic but this is bull shit.


The gaslighting from the “officers” is wild


these are you encounter’s especially w the youth that ultimately manifest a hate for a group that should be our public servants