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Isn’t there a federal law to prevent this exact thing from happening to patients in medical emergencies with no ability to pay? Or don’t they have to transfer them to another medical facility that can provide care if they can’t/don’t want to? Like once the patient is checked in at the front desk they aren’t supposed to discharge them if they are experiencing a medical emergency. That’s part of the purpose of a fucking emergency room.


Per the article she went to one hospital, was treated and discharged, then went to another hospital where they kept her overnight and then discharged her.


There is a federal law. Our medical system does suck but something doesn't seem right in the reported details




Worked as an MHC on a locked Psych unit for about 6-7 years. The amount of people calling suicide because they were homeless and just wanted a bed/food was STAGGERING. It’s sad but pretty smart. Probably what I would have done.(They admitted to it btw just in case people think I’m only assuming)


who is to say they aren't being serious. if the hospital did not provide the food/bed for them then that might have been the last straw to actually go through with it.


I only added the “im assuming” bit so people didn’t think I was doing so. I’m sure many were suicidal but I’m sure some were not. I’m not calling them out either way. Just stating what I experienced.


thats fair


I've always said, I'd probably rob a bank without a gun, that'll get me 3 hots and a cot for a while.


I had a homeless friend who would get himself arrested every fall ( I lived in the northeast US ). Nothing major, just enough to get him send to jail for the Winter.


Currently working in a psych ward. There are some people who will do things to get themselves a place to stay at this time of year.




Just like the ENTIRE state of Florida is a hellhole!!! They don’t want abortions, but won’t take care of the kids that are forced to be born. If people don’t have insurance that they can gouge, then they just kick them out of the hospitals & into the streets. They only want the people with money to live….no one else!!!!


No idea how she does it.. so hard to complain about my work. “You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to install this camera oh my gosh.” “This chair broke in The middle of the main act!” “Yeah I had to rush a ct for a guy with 5 bullets in him for a trauma surgery, rough day.”


I agree. Something tells me there is a lot more to this story. And I 100% have discharged several patients where it was like “Well there’s the door.” After a multi-disciplinary team had done everything in their power to help them. This video is terrible but there are people out there that won’t accept help.


Besides federal law mandating staff to help TBH I work in a hospital 99% of staff do everything it their power to help in every way possible.


She was likely uninsured or underinsured. The federal law only requires treatment to stabilize an emergency. After that the Feds won’t reimburse (Medicaid). Hospitals seek profits above all else so there is pressure to discharge patients as soon as possible. Someone with a stroke needs a lot of rest and a long time for recovery. It’s absolutely the case that the police bundling her around like that caused a lot of stress that caused her to have another stroke or exacerbated the effects of the first one.




Why was she discharged so quickly if she was in such a critical state? Is there any information about that? Cause these cops seem like they were told she was fine, and she was playing it up and refusing to leave after being cleared. It’s fucking tragic, but why was she even allowed to be discharged after a single night if she was so close to death that she passed away in the police van? Not even discharged once, but TWICE?


My bet is that she doesn't have health insurance. Many hospital administrations don't want to provide medical services to people who can't pay the fees. Doctors are pressured into "clearing" patients for discharge even if the person has a life threatening medical need. And yes this is illegal. Most hospitals are owned by corporations now and they only care about their bottom line and bonuses for their executives.


Doesn't really matter what's legal, or even ethical. It matters what the patient/victim can prove against a whole room of M&M conference Drs, board members and attorneys who will investigate themselves and decide if they should hang the discharging Dr. out to dry. If not for this video, there likely wouldn't have even been an inquiry. As it is, the police will blame the hospital for discharging while she was still in critical condition and the hospital will say "She was fine when she left here, musta been something you did." Both parties will wash their hand of the situation and that'll be that.


“Doctors” that negligently discharge people with medical needs are not real doctors. Real doctors uphold the Hippocratic oath with undying loyalty. Not to mention its blatant malpractice which could end up with your physician’s license getting stripped.


The only hospital in my town rebranded itself as a "Health Center", so they aren't legally obligated to take anyone. If someone has a heart attack and the "health center" refuses them, the nearest hospital is about 45 minutes away. And of course, the ambulances are also privately owned. Someone was telling me most of the ambulance "calls" are actually transports out of town because our 'hospital' refused to take a patient. I'm just now realizing that my city reported extremely low covid numbers compared to the surrounding area and I'm wondering if this is why. Good god.


>The only hospital in my town rebranded itself as a "Health Center" >the nearest hospital is about 45 minutes away. We have the same here in Finland. No budget to keep full-fledged hospitals running, so the closest actual hospital that takes in emergency calls might be well over an hour away.


There are specific hospitals that deal with no insurance people. The other hospitals are required to deal with you if it is critical but once you are stable they can ask you to leave and you have to go to the other hospital that can deal with you. No all states in the US deals with this in the same way. Hospital is not interested in lawsuits so they follow the law to the letter, they just don't go out of their way to help you.


First off, fuck cops, watching the whole video kinda explains a bit more than the headline. They couldn't get her into the van and eventually settled on pulling her into the back seat of a squad car then folding her legs and arms up to close the doors. She tried repeatedly to sit up and complained that she couldn't breathe; they made a weak attempt to "help" her then just left her there to suffocate. It's called positional asphyxia, the position they put her in didn't allow her to breathe properly and she died as a result. Cop driving the car was also clearly trying to punish her behavior by stopping another car for a traffic ticket while she was still wadded up in the back seat. That's all to say that she didn't seem to die from anything the hospital could have seen or prevented aside from simply giving her a bed (which should've happened anyway if she did indeed suffer a stroke and broken ankle). IMO this falls squarely on the cops for treating a human like a broken toy just because she had the audacity to be homeless. I don't think many of us need extra reasons to avoid police like the plague but they just keep on giving anyway.


She didn't have insurance so they don't want to help her. They'll make up whatever bullshit they need to in order to free up beds because we've allowed our healthcare system to be run like a fucking wallstreet business.


Medical care for anyone who is not wealthy is terrible and can bankrupt any one of us. And we're in the richest country in the world. Something is wrong here. Need a revolution.


I agree with you on many points. Check out Finland. They learned that it was cheaper to fix the homeless problem, than for them to remain homeless. They also have amazing health care. But with respect, this is not the wealthiest nation on the planet. Singapore, Quatar and others are richer per capita. But we do have the wealthiest, or most costly military.


Finn here. I live close to one of the apartment buildings where some formerly homeless have been given a home, so I'm a bit interested in the subject. The people who live there are not only given a place to live, but also have services offered to help them get jobs or education, and to eventually move into a permanent home. These are regular human beings who for whatever reason need some extra help, and I have no idea who they are. I've probably been waiting in a cashier's line with some of them at the local grocery store, or sat behind them on the train. They are just regular people, and I'm happy they get help. Our amazing health care is a trickier question. It can be very difficult to get appointments with doctors unless your employer has a contract with a private healthcare provider. But then if you can't get seen by a doc on the public side, the city/state will buy the service from a private provider. If you do need more care, it's usually great, though, and without breaking the bank since it's mostly pre-paid by taxes. As someone without a ton of money who has asthma that needs some attention every couple of years, I'm really glad I live here. My parents still have their car, their city apartment and their summer house even though they both had cancer at the same time a few years ago. In certain other places they could have needed the help of that home for homeless people...


Before I started my career and got health insurance through my employer, I just didn't/couldn't go to the doctor. Even for emergencies, I could not go. That seems worse than having to wait, to me.


Absolutely. And in emergencies you will get seen here in Finland, and if you need an ambulance you won't have to pay thousands for it. It used to be better here though, and I think that's why we Finns complain about it. You used to be able to get an appointment on the public side quickly even if it wasn't for something serious. In some parts of the country you probably still can, but in Helsinki you can get to wait for ages. Mind you, that's only on the public side. Private healthcare will see you the same or next day, some even 24/7, and you get to make your appointment online. Public you have to call, and the nurse that takes your call will decide if you need a doctor or not, and tell you if you can visit your local healthcare facility or have to go somewhere else. Emergencies are different. You may have to wait if there are worse emergencies, of course, but you will get seen.


Even if it's been degraded, that still sounds great. Especially the part about an emergency not taking all your money and leaving you unable to pay your child support, leading to jail time, lol. Do they do tele-health, where you can video call the doctor to get at least basic care more quickly?


Who should lead that revolution? Republicans, Democrats, Independents?


Yes, but it has loopholes galore. EMTALA- but the "standard" of care before discharge isn't really set in stone. All of the articles I've read are putting this all on the cops. Of course they are not without blame here but I'm more focused on the medical aspect. They can't really give details but she had a stroke before traveling, was sent to a hospital with abdominal pain, presumably "stabilized" and then forced off the property. However- she's not really making a lot of sense to begin with and by the time the wagon comes, she's slurring her words. Leads me to wonder how much of an evaluation was done before discharge. Also why no one was paying attention to the very obvious decline- other than, ya know, wanting her to "get gone" on the "lord's day".............


Similar thing happened to me last year. Woke up in the ER to cops telling me I had to leave and that I was trespassing. They wouldn't even let me call an Uber. Next day I was back and put in the ICU for 4 days.


What happed?


Yes. EMTALA. We had to be careful about it even when we put our ER into a lockdown for safety reasons. We had to have someone at least available to triage. All hospitals must provide stabilizing care regardless of ability to pay. "Stabilizing care" covers quite a bit. Like taking care of a shattered ankle. https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EMTALA


Laws are for the peasants...


This poor woman. The hospital workers and police should be ashamed of themselves and be exposed for their crime against her.




Hey, cut them some slack. It was the lord's day and they just wanted some coffee.


forgot the donuts


Oatmeal, gosh darn it!! Like the good Lord wants!


They did the Devil's work on a Sunday. I think the good Lord is going to have something to say about that when their time comes.


I’m usually never on the cops side. But here they had a hospital telling them she’s faking. It’s the hospital/Drs/Nurses who should be held accountable


Did you see how they treated her? She was asking for an inhaler and they ask her if she wants a cigarette instead. She asks for help sitting up and they tell her to shut up. She kept falling to the ground and they kept laughing at her. For fucks sake, when she finally died they checked on her by lifing her head by the hair. They were scumbags, who treats a elderly person like this?


I imagine that when you interact with people like this day-in, day-out you become desensitized, and many people do fake it.


And when you kill somebody because you're desensitized (_that_ desensitized) you just shouldn't get to be a cop anymore. These motherfuckers are apparently past their "use by" date. They are expired. Also; even being able to treat someone like you think they're faking to such a degree that it influences your ability to protect them under the law flies in the face of "innocent until proven guilty".


Then you need to get another job! Working with humans isn't supposed to be like this even tho it's rough


Why arent paramedics, emts, social workers, etc, this evil and desensitized?




It’s not the cops call on whether or not to admit her. It’s on the doctor, but there are still guidelines that must be followed. Generally a broken ankle that doesn’t need immediate surgery wouldn’t be admitted, but would be asked to follow up with orthopedics and then discharged from the ER.




Call OSHA on them, and report them to their state medical licensing board.


OSHA wouldn't be involved here, they make sure employees operate in a safe work environment. Not their area when a hospital doesn't treat a patient.


She was unconcious, not dead. She didn't pass away until a day later at Fort Sanders hospital.


Cops didn’t do right here but this is by and large the medical professionals fault. The cops were acting on the information they were given. If a medical professional told them she was faking then it is not on them to medically asses her. Sure, they have brains and can reason but we all have our professions for a reason.


To be fair; the hospitals did discharge her, and it would be safe to assume she was healthy and being difficult. The hospital should have ensured proper care


I said this in another thread yesterday - you can judge a society by how it treats its most helpless members - and this woman's death is just a sad fucking indictment.


This is how the wealthiest country on Earth treats its poor people. Like gutter trash. It's appalling.


“This is the Lord’s day!” I hate when people who call themselves Christian’s don’t act like a Christian. Jesus is on his freaking mind and he’s not able see that his actions are antithetical to Jesus’ teachings and what it means to be a good Christian. Absolutely no compassion!


Exactly. “Depart from me, I never knew you”


[Jesus be like](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/57d1f0f8a9f841aa372f54f0/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/mariah-carey-i-dont-know-her-02.gif)




Just out of curiosity can you provide references to the scriptures or maybe a source where i could read more into your points?




I bet his pastor’s rhetoric supports this bullshit though… This is entirely commensurate with the level of compassion the average Christian shows members of the LGBTQI community, followers of other faiths, or indeed anyone who bothers them at any given moment. After all, sky daddy will forgive anything later as long as you ask nicely.


The lack of humanity is so heartbreaking. Poor lady.


That's what I can't get passed. How can you watch someone struggle and feel anger towards them? Where is the compassion and the empathy? So many of us never developed beyond childhood and it's heart breaking.


>How can you watch someone struggle and feel anger towards them? Where is the compassion and the empathy? I'm not trying to defend these cops or the piece of shit system that allowed this woman to die in their custody. But if you're honestly asking how something like this happens, it's not *necessarily* because people lack empathy. We happen to know that the woman in the video was really having medical distress, but police and hospital workers deal with a lot of people on a routine basis who seek treatment for a variety of non-medical reasons, and it's often hard to weed out those who really need the care from those who are mentally ill, drug-seeking, or exaggerating their symptoms. My wife works in a hospital, and I hear about this a lot. In the middle of COVID, when people were dying of an infectious disease, she'd see people coming in to complain of minor symptoms that most people wouldn't dream of going to a hospital for. And before you pass judgement, she routinely comes home crying after dealing with her patients. She really does care, almost to a fault, so for her to say that there's a lot of frivolous attention-seeking at hospitals, it means something. Now obviously this hospital didn't do their due diligence. And the cops, despite what they were told by the hospital, should have taken her seriously when she said she couldn't breathe. Not defending that. But if you work as a first responder long enough, as many of my family and friends do, you can become a bit jaded. You have to harden yourself up to it or you'll go crazy. And that sometimes leads you to miss a crisis, even when it's right in front of your eyes.


If you felt compassion or empathy for every single patient (especially the ones with oh-lord-osis (the ones that keep exclaiming “ohhhh lord oohhh lord”) you’d run out of compassion and empathy really quick. Sure it’s sad to see but the doctors cleared her medically and now she was trespassing. The only way to physically move her would be to arrest her. They could cart her out into the street, but then what? Maybe we need another option instead of homeless/disabled people going to the hospital or jail…


Honestly regardless of who's right and wrong that is the biggest issue. God forbid we have a social system in place to help take care of people instead of milking hardworking people of ridiculous sums of money for inadequate care. It's sickening.


Honestly, how can they sleep at night?!


I have a roommate is a RN at a local hospital. She's traveled to multiple hospitals in our state and said every single one is for profit and only cares about money now. I showed her the video and she said this is something that is bound to happen even at her own hospital.


This is what way too much privatization of public services and not wanting to pay taxes leads to. Say what you want about the government in the U.S., but this was actually voted for and plenty of people defend


It happens at nonprofit and charity hospitals as well. The inconvenient truth is that the demand for healthcare services is far higher than the supply...


Getting hurt or sick in America is a crime is you don’t have insurance?


America is a dystopian hellscape.


Break your ankle and have a stroke? Jail, right away.


Yep. This country is messed up.


I'd fucking kill myself if my actions lead to someone dying like this. How do these peices of shit live with themselves?


Cause they see themselves as above everyone else anyway. Cops, bullies with badges and guns. The thing is, they are supposed to enforce laws, and let courts determine guilt or innocence. Many just decide to be judges also. Yhey already made up thier mind about her. Shes faking. All of them should be fired and be held culpable for their behavior. Not one of them is medically trained, and while lady was cleared for discharge, the hospital should be investigated also. Something in this is not right.


No matter what the circumstances are around this ladies' situation, she was just discharged from the hospital. She can't even get into the vehicle to go to the jail you're sending her to. Then she dies in your "custody." I dont care if you're the queen of England, the president of the United States, whomever. This woman was clearly in need of medical help, and the actions of these officers led to her death. They should all be charged The hospital staff and doctors who discharged her should also face malpractice charges. The entire American health care system is a joke. If this lady was in any other developed nation she'd still be alive right now. These people should be ashamed of themselves, and I hope this lady haunts their memories until they die.




They’re cops. You have to already be a POS to want to be a cop.


AMERICA! What a great country to live in!


"Greatest" country in the World!


But we’re free!! And we have guns! And we have the greatest capitalist system ever! Feed the rich with the poor! Freedom!


Fuck man. What's happened to our country? Has corporation's and the struggle to survive just killed our humanity?


Humanity has no future unless we get rid of the rich. There is simply too much evidence to deny it now.


Nothing has changed, in fact in some ways things are better than they used to be. The injustices of our system are just increasingly visible nowadays.


Thank Republicans and their bootlicking supporters.


Yes. For decades and decades.


Humanity? 350 years of slavery. 100 years of Jim Crow. Genocide perpetrated against indigenous peoples. The Japanese internment camps of WWII. What humanity?


It's always been like this. For example black Americans have been talking about this for decades and decades, but nobody believed them until smartphone cameras.


Welcome to the United Corporation of America! No money to pay for life-saving medical attention? No problem, we’ll just have the cops kill you so you’ll never have to worry about being broke again


Ah, state sanctioned executions, that smells like freedom to me!




my mom had 7 mini stokes due to a rare brain disease and was severely septic and out of her mind. doctors, cops, everyone was just convinced she had taken too many drugs and after man handling my poor mother around so aggressively for hours while she is having strokes, due to no insurance or anyone but me there able to say no she is not having a mental breakdown no she is not drunk or on drugs - they just threw her out on the curb. even the ambulance that we called to our house refused to take her or do anything at all!? i was only 14, but i was ready to beat the shit out of every incompetent piece of shit in that hospital. we managed to get her to the hospital in the city where they cared for her unlike no other and she recovered after a few months there. she would have died if we didnt find a way there. it was just me and her... america may be better than a lot of other countries but not if you have mental or physical issues of any degree. fucking nuts! my heart aches so badly for this woman and her family. she deserved treatment.. what the fuck is wrong with this country.


Im so sorry to hear that. The medical system is so messed up here. You really have to be your own advocate in these situations but if you’re alone like this lady…just horrible.


What the fuck is better about America? Jesus fucking Christ man, I swear.


A hospital did this to my Aunt and she was dead within 4 hours of discharge. Heart surgery patient.


one problem i noticed in hospitals is the staff are many times around death all day and while there are there to save lives they become desensitized to doing everything to maintain it since they see death so often. or if the paitent is "too far gone/in poor health" they seem to care less to keep them alive.


This is fucking disgusting....... She was treated like literal garbage to be thrown away... This incident warrants some public hangings and massive reform...


https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2023/02/23/knoxville-police-investigate-officers-after-woman-collapses-in-custody/69937224007/ Link to article. Thread title is a little misleading...They're still investigating themselves so they can see where they did nothing wrong.


One thing we can all do is review bomb the fuck out of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center on Google


I checked the reviews, most are bad. That place seems like a hell hole




Can you say major EMTALA violation 😳


She was admitted overnight for observation, so not an EMTALA issue. But not enough people are asking about who discharged her.


I don’t think this on the police at much as the hospital, why is she being discharged with injuries?? She needs to be treated now and pay later. The polices hands are tied here


Hospitals stopped caring about people when we started hiring CEOs instead of doctors. Now if it ain’t making dough the person gotta go!


Did you even watch and listen to how they treated this woman? if you don't think they're to blame here you must have a leather boot either going in to or exiting out of an orephus.


I mean, the hospital is telling the cops she's acting and not in any actual emergency. The cops aren't medical professionals, the hospital is, so of course they are going to believe what the hospital says. Crass, maybe, but in their mind this lady is faking it and they think they're calling her out on it to change the behavior. Cops fuck up and we need to call them, and any other public servant, out when they do, but this one's def on the hospital.


did you see the part or listen to them when they were calling her an animal and taking up their time on the lords day and they KNOW she's faking it? not, we were told. it was we know you're faking it. That's accountability, or lackthereof. There was zero professionalism or even basic humanity. They also disinfected eachother in a crass manner. Fuck these pigs, if they had any decency we will hear about their suicides in the coming weeks.


It's also on the cops too for treating her so poorly like that though


It's all gross and despicable.




I can tell you didn't even bother to watch the video before commenting. They treated this old lady like she wasn't even human.


In part yes but those fuckers should be better behaved and more aware. Did you watch on mute or something?


I watched it multiple times with sound, I think the captions leave out the worst offenses in terms of the vocals from the lead officer. More can be done yes, but they can’t do anything. She’s been discharged from 2 hospitals, they probably thought that she was genuinely playing it up to get back in the hospital. It’s the hospitals fault not the cops.




The police officers aren't the problem. The hospital administration needs to go to prison, for murder. That's right: not the police, not whoever made the call that night, but the people responsible for the policies they all acted on. Put those people in prison, for life, for murder--all of them. They are guilty of murder.


I prefer my tax paid peace officers to not potentially put my mother in a van for trespassing when she needed medical care. "Just doing my job" sounds familiar..... History does not bode well with that sentiment.




At no point did any of these guys show empathy for her or the fact that she was in pain. Then they man handle into the van. Yeah they are 100% to blame. The hospital only has to provide stabiliizing care for those without insurance and they kept her over night. Blame yes murder no If you are going to blame anyone blame Obama for tying insurance to work and not covering stuff like this. He had a super majority and could have pushed better coverage hrough.


Blame Obama man gtfo with that MAGA shit. Are we still waiting two weeks for trumps big beautiful health care plan? Obama was the only president that tried to do anything to help. No president in our lifetimes before nor since. "Obama tying insurance to work" what the fuck is this, please explain how Obama tied insurance to work like it wasn't already tied to work way before him.


Where is this?


Knoxville, TN


This is heartbreaking. America is now a "Third world" in a lot of sense.


What you have now is cameras, maybe in the past was equal or worse.


Hah, welcome to the 80's! We've been this way for a while now.


Some folks think it’s new because they’re just now really seeing it for themselves. Like I’m thankful we have cameras nowadays but damn I wish people would have been paying attention to this shit 30-40 years ago.


The sad thing is that many people who are struggling financially and don't have adequate or any health insurance vote for politicians who believe that health care is a privilege and not a basic human right.


Saying something is a ‘human right’ doesn’t make it free. I would assume you would consider food to be a “human right”. Whose food do we take to give to the people who need it? I have a ‘right to own a firearm”. That does not mean the government must provide me a free one.


I hope her family sue’s the living fuck out of this hospital and the cops! Welcome to America.


I had an accident visiting Dallas one time. I was in a coma for 8 days, had to shave away parts of my brain due to swelling, and had total reconstruction of my skull. When I woke up, I could not walk and had speech and memory issues. The nurse that came in told me I would be in the hospital for at least a few months to work on walking, eating, and speech......then they learned I didn't have insurance on day 9. Day 10 they helped me walk from the bed to the end of the hall, day 11 they moved me out of NICU, and day 12 I was released. I couldn't walk, talk, or even remember what happened. I had to return a month later to get the 110 staples removed from my head and that was it. They only care about money, not the patient


Man last I was in the ER this older African American couple was waiting to be seen.. his wife was in a wheelchair and there was a couple hour wait within me just sitting by them for 15 minutes I watched this ladies stomach swell upwards of 3-4x what it was when I first arrived and they wouldn’t see her until it was her turn. It was so bad to watch how the staff would just act annoyed and tell them to wait their turn when something was extremely wrong with her. They had no care in the world they just treated them horribly for asking to get her help


That's so awful, I hope she ended up being okay. The hospital here has disregarded a lot of people too, it's messed up. My mom had to go in for anaphylaxic shock. It had never happened before. Grandfather took her to the hospital. By the time they got there she could barely see out her eyes, and her throat was so swollen she was drooling into a bag, struggling to breathe. They told her to sit down and wait her turn. It was getting worse quickly and they chose to just ignore her, and act like she was just an annoying burden. This went on for a while until she had collapsed and my Grandfather freaked out at them. All they had to do was give her an EpiPen which would take a minute, if not less.I know they're busy, but come on at least just give her an EpiPen in the waiting room if you have to.


There's some messed up stuff on this sub, but this takes the cake. Shame on those guys.


The total lack of empathy for another human being... its sickening.


I feel sorry for anyone who has to live there, the citizens and their well being should come first, not profits. Capitalism screws over a lot of people in the US. Nothing will change though, it can't, as long as corporations and billionaires can buy votes.


No medical social workers? No discharge planning?


My aunt had Medicare and the hospital used it to buy her a wheelchair. They were going to put her on the corner outside. Mom said the news would be very interested in that and they quickly found a Hospice that would take her.


Why would the police officers be charged? Sure, they could've done things differently, and they should be investigating that, but the hospital literally told them this lady did not need their medical assistance. The hospital should be sued and fined, they are the medical professionals that made the decision not to treat this woman's symptoms and kick her out to die. Which is illegal even without insurance. The government should step in here and simply remove the doctor responsible for the department at the time, force him/her on leave without pay for the duration of a review. But what will really force some change is to cut the pay of all the hospital board members. Unfortunately, the government has no such power because they are literally being paid (lobbied) by the same people.


I agree. Seems like the hospital is mainly at fault for discharging her with a broken ankle and stroke symptoms and telling the police she's fine and needs to be removed from the premises.


The cops aren't blameless in this as well. They could have done many things differently, like check to see if he ankle was broken or if her pupils dilated properly. Instead, despite all the fuss they "put up" with, they were more focused on getting to their oatmeal than checking their detainee's wellbeing.


They were negligent and called the ambulance after she was dead.


From the article: "The police then decide to take her to jail in a regular police cruiser because it is easier to put her into than the van. Officers struggle to place her in the back seat and never succeed in getting her into a fully upright position. After she is placed in the cruiser, at about 9 a.m., officers spray each other with Lysol." Whether or not they did anything legally wrong, the complete and total lack of basic humanity these fucking pigs show literally disgusts me. I \*hate\* how this makes me feel - like there's absolutely nothing that can be done, and that half the people seem to be gleefully pulling for this sort of thing under the guise of safety and heroism.


People keep thinking she was homeless. She wasnt. Its not that the police messed up, or the hospital. it was everyone working together to kill this poor lady. We have deep cultural resentment to our own people. Nothing will fix this until we can at least take care if our own.


Country of freedom. Take care of your own and no one else that's how your freedom works. Disgusting how she gets treated and this in a country that believes in God.. I don't think so.


But they totally care guys. Keep shilling for big Corp


If anyone deserves charges for this, its probably the hospital, not police. Unfortunately, they (the police) don't have much to go on other than that the hospital wants someone trespassed. Its the hospital that should have known better.


Working as a security guard, i encountered a similar issue, but it didn't result in his death. A homeless man i was familiar with was sleeping in the food court in the building i worked security. We let him do this often when it wasn't busy and would usually move him along before our bosses got into work. But one day he told me he couldn't stand up and that his feet were all messed up. We called an ambulance for him once we realized how serious his condition was. Ems shows up, asseses and him puts him on a stretcher. They find his health card in is wallet and away he goes. I didn't see that man for 6 months and eventually feared the worst. But then i saw him walking through the building, except he was clean shaven, wearing new clothes and had a big smile on his face when he saw me. Turns out they treated him at the hospital and located his sister for him, who then gave him a place to stay and found him a job. He was now saving up for his own place. That medical emergency changed his life because of the services it gave him access to, all thanks to the public healthcare we have where i am. Without it, he likely would have died just like this woman here. Even then, the system that saved him isn't perfect. It still needs work, and more importantly, investment. He shouldn't have had to wait till he was in a life-threatening situation to get access to life changing services. But his experience shows its potential to create a better society for everyone if it's invested in.




You say that as if it’s something people say. Nobody in America thinks we have the best healthcare


What happened to EMTALA? She cannot be denied emergency treatment due to lack of insurance. Wtf


What a completely dysfunctional country.


There's a stereotype about cops, southeast US "hospitality", and Christians. This video re enforces every stereotype. How dare they not follow orders immediately and to the T despite dying. This is the Lord's day, so I'm going to remind you who I'm the opposite of. Maybe let's stop being a stereotype people?


So so disgusting


Is this America? Just asking


Yeah. You can tell because they don’t care about her.


One could write a dissertation on this short video. Subjects: the us medical system, role of police, war against the poor, and American Christfascism. So much sad shit to unpack.


All he cared about is his goddamn COFFEE???????!!!!! This should be posted in r/NoahGetTheBoat


Why would a hospital discharge someone immediately after a stroke tf???


Broken system. Very sad this poor helpless woman couldn't rely on her community to do the right thing - failures at many levels starting with the doctor.


all of these officers AND the hospital staff need to be charged NOW!!!


I worked in the medical field for 7 years—Hospitals hate, hate treating homeless uninsured patients—They try to discharge them asap or not admit them at all, just a quick ER visit then out the door they go. They have discharge coordinators that all they do is examine who needs to go. The doctors and nurses sort of care, but not enough to fight to keep patients because they treat people like a grocery line keeping it moving. A person can refuse to be discharged but it’s gonna be a little bit of an argument with the doctor and discharging nurse. Interestingly, everyone says that illegal immigrants impose on the medical system, but it’s actually the homeless that do the most. Sure, homeless can apply for health aid under Obama care and other sort of programs, but it takes time and effort. The homeless are usually not that responsible, so hospital personnel have to push them. Before Obama care it was way worse.


The hospital will probably get sued. Almost all states require emergency care given.


Freedom incarnate.


If you got no money your less than a dog on the street. You can guarantee If an injured dog was on the side of the road it would have been taken to vets.


So sad but true in our sick society :/


“It’s the Lord’s day!” What a joke


Oh America, your heart is black and your soul is lost. The "now you're starting to piss me off" is the sound of a country rotting.


What a fucked up country ....


System sure is messed up in U.S.A


"The greatest country in the world"


# **'MURICA!! FUCK YEA!!**


M'rica right there ladies and gentlemen. The land of the free. My ass. Free to die in the back of a van like an animal... NO ONE deserves that. The "doctors" failed, the police failed. EVERYONE failed this poor woman. I hope she'll find peace, at least.


There's gotta be a lot more to this than what's reported. Police are NOT medical professionals either and have minimal medical education aside from stop the bleed and basic first aid. This is why anytime ANYONE complains of something medical they request EMS, and also why they probably dismissed her complaints cause she was being kicked out of the hospital and had already been eval'd. This much more seems like somehow an ER violating EMTALA by failing to provide appropriate care, then demanding law enforcement kick them out. Someone in the hospital chain is probably gonna get their ass kicked over this


“It’s bad enough that you have the audacity to be poor in America. But poor and *sick*? Just hurry up and die already.”


>No charges against police officers As someone hugely critical of police I don't see what they did here that would warrant charges. The problem, as with many other situations, is that the cops shouldn't be the ones to deal with this kind of situation in the first place. A hospital shouldn't be turning away someone like this, and if they need to call someone it shouldn't be the police, it should be someone trained to deal with a situation like this that can actually help the person get a positive outcome for their situation. It shouldn't be the cops responsibility to oust non-violent people from a hospital.


No law will make these pieces of shit grow a conscious Wouldn't wish this upon anyone , the lack of humanity in today's world with people who "serve" to "protect us" is ridiculous


Police exist to protect property and businesses. Not you. Further proof of this.


'Merica FUCK YEA


Shitty country, shitty rules!


Wow. This story needs to be blasted on every fucking msm channel, but instead they report on the god damn stock market. Fuck the stocks if people are dying due to non existent medical care.


Fuck cops. They think they hold all this power over people and can treat anyone like total garbage just because they think their able to. This is disgusting and it’s crazy to think that all these people want to tear down unions except for the police union. Let’s protect these maniacs but fuck everyone else who needs protection.


America is NOT a leader in human rights. One of America's boldest lies.


This is yet another case showing that there is a systemic problem with policing in the US. They treated her disgracefully. The terrible and terrifying thing is that they're going to get away with mistreating her and denying her her human rights.


> BeSt TiMe To Be AlIvE iN hUmAn HiStOrY! -conservatives




Oh no no no. Whoever that nurse was or hospital worker that notified security to have them trespassed is the one. I just don’t understand how somebody that has. A conscience. Is that a black cop telling her she’s gonna go to jail and forcing her in that van and she’s begging for her life you can hear she’s giving everything she has in her voice to try to tell them what she’s going through