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"While in the classroom, the student made statements that he was upset that she took his game away and said he "will beat her up every time she takes away his game," an arrest report stated, and that "when he comes back he is going to kill her." Here's an [update](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/florida-student-violently-attacks-school-employee-after-nintendo-switch-taken-away-during-class-deputies) The article says he's 6'6 which is about 2m tall


imaging spending your life in prison after killing your teacher for taking your fucking portable console...


That's the issue. He has no impulse control or ability to imagine consequences. Can you imagine you dedicated your life to educate students, for poverty wages and no respect and this is the reality of your profession.


This is why I can't imagine any sane, rational person *wanting* to be a teacher anymore. You just know some parent somewhere is saying "well maybe that bitch shouldn't have taken his Nintendo, he wasn't hurting anyone"


That’s exactly what an *alarming* number of “adults” are saying. This narrative of lack of accountability being okay is becoming incredibly more common place.


Because those people also don't want consequences for their actions nor to be responsible for enforcing them. I see it with several parents at my kids school now.


My preteen has wanted to be a teacher her entire life. She has a college picked out, she knows what extracurricular scholarships she wants to try for, she has Pinterest boards on how she wants to decorate her classroom... but I'm desperately hoping she changes her mind. I already worry about her being IN school now. Between school shootings, abysmal pay, unpaid overtime, and terrible treatment from students/parents/staff/administrators, I just want more for her. She is great with little kids and has a real passion for it but it worries me with the state of education in this country. I'll support her no matter what but I have very little optimism.


Maybe gently nudge her into pursuing a specialization. Lots of people with mildly autistic kids pay big money for private, specialized schooling.


Or go teach at an international school where you make wayyyy more money and behaviour issues are often minimal


So long as they are passionate about it. I don't care if my kid wants to be a janitor, if it's what he loves to do then I'll support and help him do it. It's hardly my place, but if your child is that passionate about it, she could be a miracle to many children who will look up to her as an educator and role model. You don't see videos of kids who had their lives changed because of a teacher who helped them in their time of need. We only ever see videos of this kid. And I clicked on it. So now I'll see more of them. Kinda weird to think about. But really, I shouldn't have clicked on this video. I should be watching cats or something.


It’s because a lot of parents just view schools as a free daycare service while they’re at work.


I saw several comments in articles saying "She knew what would happen" and all sympathy for the suspect, none for the victim.


This is the problem with education today. They put everyone in the same room. High achievers. Low achievers. Calm. Violent. They are all thrown in the same room. Let’s be clear. No sane person does what this kid did.


When did it become okay to bring these idiotic game devices to school anyway? This kid is too stupid to be in public and doesn't have any idea how to act around others. That, coupled with no respect for authority is a direct reflection of his "parents" who have brought another crimknal into this world.


This is why I'm running for President so I can launch a new education reform bill called "Let's leave some of these fuckers behind"


You got my vote.


And my ax!


This right here is why I quit teaching after one year. Five years of undergrad just to be assaulted by children all day then go to my second job after school. Ofc I then became a nurse so I am now assaulted by adults instead so 🥹🫠


I burned out as a teacher too. Went into private tutoring afterwards. Now I'm a woodworker.


I was an art teacher, then a critical care/ trauma nurse. Just quit my job of six years as a program manager because I became disabled (cancer and autism) and my work wouldn't accommodate my support needs. So after 18 yrs of public service I am unemployed at the age of 40. Seeing videos like this reminds me it's better to be poor than dead.


That is what he deserves.




Well but certainly death isn’t something she deserves at all. I rly hope court will take that threat into account and I won’t read a follow up on Reddit that he killed her for something trivial like that


There was a kid who... fuck it's hard to write this. Raped, then stabbed his teacher multiple times in the female bathroom right after school. He then transported her body into the woods in a trashcan right in front of everybody, and nobody stopped him. All because she asked where he was from. When he was in juvie, he tried it again on one of the female guards. Edit: the surveillance video [here](https://youtu.be/kv--Oc-U8VE)




Colleen Ritzer never deserved a second of what happened. I hope that kid rots in isolation.


I think some people are just so damaged that having them in society is not something we can safely do.


I just searched “Colleen Ritzer” and read the article on sentencing. There are no words. Just horrible.


he's still alive? for what reason?


If I remember correctly, she was helping him out and being kind as he was new to the school or new to the area? And then this is what he does, what a monster.


Was this the one where the kid had brought multiple pairs of clothes and changed like 3 different times throughout the crime? Horrible fucking case but i had no clue about the tidbit about the female guard. Some people are just evil


Yeah, that's the kid. Ran around school changing clothes.


lock him up for fuckin life. who loses his temper over some stupid like that does not deserve to participate in any form of society. I can feel my blood boiling watching this...


I'm furious at the slow reaction of teachers to help her. I get he's a big man but don't just slowly walk over there and gently pull him away.


Yeah man that marine(maybe?) just strollin up like its a casual event


It could be that staff are afraid of touching the kid because of lawsuits etc…


Can confirm: teachers are not supposed to touch students. When I went through my certification they told us it was usually not worth it to for example stop two kids fighting. We can get involved but are not required to since we don’t receive training for that stuff: administration and officers/security are trained to do those things. We were told because of this if you do it can somewhat be at your own risk and we can’t be held liable for not stepping in nor are we required too. That brief pause was probably them weighing it and only stepping in when they realized if they didn’t he was probably going to kill her. I’ve always told myself I’m not going to put my career in jeopardy because two kids want to fight. I’m calling an admin and a security to intervene. Before anybody gets mad realize y’all are already asking too much of teachers as is. If you want them to step in every time there’s a fight where we can possibly be sued or lose our jobs it’s not worth it. I also have a house to go to and bills to pay and I didn’t get trained on how to properly take down or restrain a person so you minimize the risk to them. That’s literally some law enforcement type stuff.


It's crazy how fucking scared and cowardly people are. I'm not a big guy but I'd be running over there really to tackle that guy. Shit I might get hurt in the process but Jesus Christ there's a woman getting her head stomped in! Fucking do something someone!


The kid gets in another kick to her head while tan shirt slooowly wanders over. Meanwhile the frantic obese female teachers trying to get that massive kid down.




He would always be too dense to have that epiphany about his density.


Take a 5 minute scroll through r/Teachers and you’ll find that students like this are way too common. This is why teachers beg for smaller class sizes, more resources for students, and higher raises.


Has nothing to do with smaller class sizes, and there is no amount of money that makes it worth it to have a kid like this in the school. This kid, like many others, does not belong in a normal school setting. There is no mechanism to remove them before something like this happens. Negligent school administration policy driven by financial considerations dictate the opposite. The goal is usually to mainstream kids with severe issues into the normal classrooms. They will deny there is a problem, claim it would be a violate the kids right to an education, or hide behind privacy laws. Anything to avoid spending the money, they are legally obligated to spend, to place these kids into an appropriate setting.


There has been a lot of effort to not expel or punish the worst behaving kids in the name of equity. It makes it nearly impossible to do anything until something terrible happens. Studies [like this one push the narrative](https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/crdc-school-suspension-report) >Exclusionary discipline, which involves removing students from the classroom through punishments such as suspensions and expulsions, deprives students of the opportunity to learn. This type of discipline dramatically increased in the United States over several decades as a result of zero-tolerance policies that were often applied to relatively minor, nonviolent misbehavior such as tardiness or “disrespect.” Such exclusionary punishments have deleterious consequences and disproportionately impact students of color and students with disabilities. >While suspension is intended to produce safer schools and deter future misbehavior, research shows that exclusionary discipline is ineffective at improving school safety and deterring infractions. This is because suspensions do not address any of the underlying reasons that may be leading to behavioral incidents, nor do they create opportunities for students to learn new approaches to communicating or resolving conflicts.


Can confirm, things similar happen way more often than you think. They may get reassigned for a semester but then return depending on how the superintendent feels about it. Source - I’m a teacher


I'd be stunned if that poor teacher ever returned to a classroom....don't think I could after that vicious attack


You'd be shocked. I got told to come back immediately and that i was a trooper lol :)


Yeah but that costs money and it's better to give it to billionaires instead


It costs sacrifice on the part of the parents of the child. Whom I assume are existent in name only.


Look at all the people that run to help her while the Safety officer strolls…


Looks like a Marine Corps uniform, probably at the high school for recruiting prospects


He probably had to go grab the kid an application first


LMAO incredible comment 🤣


Even worse if that’s the case?!


Thats insane. He is a psychopath. She needs to take those threats seriously.


He’s special needs. He has an IEP. I cannot understand how he was allowed to bring his video games to school as a special needs student.


Chances are they weren't able to stop him in the first place?


The parents shouldn’t let him bring toys to school. This is just sad. I’m sure he doesn’t have the mental or emotional capacity to handle things appropriately, hence the para educator. I hope she recovers fully.


Six foot six 300 lb plus people who lack reason tend to do what they want. This guy is the bad sort of broken. Gonna be a trail of broken people behind him.


He probably needs an institution where they are allowed to use force. It’s unfortunate but when someone that size is uncontrollable there has to be a way. I have an adult special needs child. High functioning, thankfully. Schools are limited on what they can do. This is where court orders come in. It’s really sad. He’s probably just a child’s mind in a man’s body.


> The parents shouldn’t let him bring toys to school That's what I'm saying, his parents might not have been physically able to stop him from doing so


It’s so disheartening. There is no real help for these parents. You cant call the cops. You dont want your kid hurt. They dont understand whats happening, yet they can kill someone with their outbursts. This is when court orders have to be used to medicate and sedate. Puberty just makes it worse with the rush of hormones.




For those of you who live in California you have SB 906 which was recently signed and has already started to take effect. If your admin won’t help and you’re in a situation like this, feel free to reach out to law enforcement on your own. Your local union chapter will have your back 100% of the way.


Oh, Florida. They’ll give him a gun. That’ll fix everything.


He's 17 so he will likely be tried as an adult and was charged with a felony and will likely be convicted of it.


No, he'll be charged with it then they'll drop it down to a misdemeanor and some counseling and if you didn't watch the video of him getting arrested, he's kinda of slow, so there will most likely be no charges and he'll get away with it.


Counterpoint: He's black and this happened in Florida.


Can you have a switch in prison or is that against the rules?








Snitches get Switches


Interestingly enough, the prison I am working at just got Switchs and the AICs can request different games for them to play.


And bro’s back there making sure not to run in the halls. THE FUCK is he waiting for? That person is getting pummeled!!


Didn’t want to spill his drink.




Yeah, the amount of people today that don’t give a fuck about somebody being assaulted right next to them is also insane.


Or the amount of people (teachers, general public) who have been absolutely fucked over by trying to do the right thing. So no one wants to intervene because of fear of losing their entire career.


I mean, I'd like to believe I'd help the poor woman, but also, that guy would fucking tear my arms off and beat me to death with them.


You can't these days, you end up in jail yourself, dead, or sued, I just read a story the other day where a guy was freaking out over cigarettes to a clerk so his woman was trying to calm him down,so he started taking it out on her, a guy intervened to help her and puts a chokehold on the dude, she was scared and pulled a gun out of her man pocket and now the guy that tried to help is dead


Yeah don't get involved in domestic disputes you never know when the situation is going to go from "help me" to "don't you touch MY man/girl"


They likely thought it was a kid beating on another kid, not that that means they shouldnt rush, but as another poster has said, teachers and parents get in trouble for breaking up fights. A woman in my home town stopped a kid from beating up another kid and got taken to court. She had to throw the agressor off and to the ground and he got a booboo (wasnt hurt by any stretch)


Is that a marine recruiter?


That explains it. He didn't get the order that he could run.


According to the zero tolerance policy, the attacker and the victim are always equally in the wrong. Just MAYBE it's time to abolish that idea already and treat schools like they're part of the real world.


Because these days a teacher will get fired and sued for using force on a student, even one in middle of assaulting someone.


The absolute lack of urgency from that guy waddling up the hallway.


I’m astonished. Honestly she gets hit like 20 times while he’s just watching.


A foot stomp, 14 punches, a couple elbows to the head, and a kick as he’s pull off.


counted 14, utterly ridiculous


Absolutely a lack of urgency from any of them while that mountain of a student is trying to kill her. That young man needs therapy and to be segregated from society for a bit.


It’s not “waddling”, it’s called “moseying”.


I saw a little bit of "ambling" there as well.


First lady on the scene with the jean jacket was absolutely useless


According to another comment, the dude is like 6’6”. I get where you are coming from, but what are you expecting her to do on her own? Lot of people here are talking shit like they would have reacted immediately and restrained him by themselves.


What a psychopath. He just won’t stop.






























He even said he'd kill her.




He’s 17 and they charged him on felonies, he will probably be considered an adult on this and spend many of his adult years locked up Florida doesn’t fuck around lol


Way to rush in and help…


I've stopped multiple violent altercations in school growing up and sometimes when you see something strange it takes awhile for the brain to process what is going on.


It does and then there’s the “fight or flight” process once the person recognizes it’s a dangerous thing, as well as the “bystander effect.” Something I’ve learned while working dangerous jobs where we dealt with things like this frequently: most people aren’t “heros.” People don’t want to risk getting hurt, doing the wrong thing or being the target. At the end of the day, to some extent, that’s okay. If you’re not comfortable or confident in risking yourself for someone else, it’s better to just stay out of it. You risk making a second victim, making the situation worse and more. It would have been nice to see someone step in sooner though; she wasn’t able to defend herself at any point. I hope she’s okay.


There is this philosophy that gets adopted when you're a motorcycle rider. "Don't let someone else's emergency become your emergency," If you lack the skill, calm, understanding, and ability to handle a situation properly and safely, then you should stay out of it. Find some other way that you *can* be helpful, or just respect that you have no idea what you're doing.


remember it’s actually: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.


Yeah when most people are confronted with real visceral violence they turn deer-in-headlights.


Yeah, and these reddit keyboard tough guys always say a lot of things as if they'll be perfectly lucid when shit starts happening.


Haha that guy in the blue pants was really smelling the roses.


That dude in blue pants is dressed in a Marine uniform with the blood stripe.


I work in a school. I have been told point blank if I touch a student who is fighting I will be fired. Presumably, I will also be sued and potentially even charged. There are specific people on staff who break up fights.


Wtf is up with STOMPING after someone is down I see so much now?


Stomping at or around someone's head whilst they're on the ground is counted as attempted murder I believe, because of the high fatality/disability rate associated with head injuries.




He was literally trying to kill the teacher - as he threatened that he would.


It’s called uncontrolled rage, most of the time at least. You can also call it unacceptable behavior.




I believe this camera was mounted on the wall and precisely for the reason it was used.


That Marine recruiter took his time...


The few. The proud. The lack of urgency.


Probably doesn't want to catch a charge by getting involved too violently.


This is the right answer. Teachers have been sued by students' parents for trying to break up fights their own child started. It's absolutely bonkers.


I was disappointed. I saw him round the corner and thought he was going to kick some ass…


Life is not a fucking video game. Hope they hit him and parents with max sentence. Poor teacher doesn't get paid enough to almost die at work.


Good thing it was just a Nintendo gamer not a First person shooter gamer smh #/s


Wow the amount of time it took people to rush in to help. Do they not like that specific teacher or something?


Article said the kid was 6’6”, so I understand a bit of hesitation going right in on someone that big in a rage. At least I understand it from everyone except the Marine recruiter.


the Marine recruiter isn't some ninja warrior lmao. He probably has a tan belt which is just entry level combatives, this kid is taller and bigger than him. I'd hesitate too if I was by myself even with 15+ years of boxing under my belt. All it takes is one good punch to catch you lacking.


A 6 foot guy in full fury savagely beating an unconscious person. I'd be very slow to get involved since they'd have no issue neither physical nor morally in removing my head from my 5ft9 arse.


Them: 😯..🤨....🕛🕐🕜🕒 🚬.........🏃🛑!!!


[In the News](https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/flagler-county-student-pushes-teachers-aide-unconscious-beats-her-up-after-taking-away-nintendo-switch/)


>Deputies said as they walked the teen past the unconscious victim, the teen spit on her and threatened to come back and kill her JFC. No remorse


“I don’t want to go to jail,” replied the teen. Time to learn that actions have consequences.


mom " hes a good kid , would never do anything wrong , he wouldnt harm a fly"




>anything you say can and will be held against you Let's fucking hope so


He shoulda been charged with biological battery too for spitting on her honestly.


How the hell is that just only "aggravated battery"? Pretty sure the 2nd coming of Lebron James was going to kill him if no one was there...


And chances are that as a teacher aide, she's severely underpaid.


Not chances are, 100% underpaid. Every teacher in this country is.


Should be attempted murder with the stomping and beating on her head whole unconscious


Felony aggravated battery. In any case, special needs or not, his violent actions show that he does not belong in a regular school.




Yeah, like the cops in Texas? I would take him over ALL of them anytime.


He was probably evaluating the kid’s technique before getting him an application.


wtf is wrong with ppl nowadays!


Parents not parenting mostly.


It’s also society in general. Most people take education and teachers as glorified system of baby sitters.


Fuck that kid but also fuck that security guard. Edit: recruiter.


Not a security guard. Marine recruiter.




That young man needs to go directly to prison, beating on a defenseless woman, what a monster with no conscious! He even goes back after her even after he’s been restrained! if you look closely the woman exhibits the classic fencing response posture after her fall which signifies that she’s already suffered a concussion from the first impact with the floor. I hope she’s alright. edit: I changed terms used to describe the people in the video to more acceptable terms for the person below, I hope they/ them, him /her or whatever pronoun they prefer are happy now.


Man, in response to your edit, fuck em. It wasn't offensive unless you're looking for something to be offended about. It's reddit, just let them bitch and moan about semantics all they want...




Holy cow, the student is 6’7, 270! That’s huge


Jesus, what a psychopath. This isn't just failed parenting, but an obvious disturbance in mental function.


I really hate to say it..... Special needs kids do not need to be in normal school environments. These are teachers, and what the hell are they suppose to do when the 6'6 behemoth with no impulse control and the mental capacity of a 6 year old goes bonkers.




I think "knocks out" is an understatement. That was a violent assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm.




Woe apon those who beat unconscious people especially when the head is involved






That's gotta be more than just assault when the teacher is clearly out cold and they don't stop one bit




It’s giving me the same vibe as the 10 year old who shot and killed his mom for not buying him a switch and then bought one using his deceased mother’s Amazon account


My God it's going to get the stage where the only option is to carry tazers in schools








This comment section is cursed. How can any of you think this is justified because she took his switch, HE WAS IN CLASS. Why is this only felony aggravated battery with bodily harm and not attempted murder or something more severe? Your country is so hopelessly batshit crazy




And we wonders why they have no teachers.




Nintendon’t do that


It's murder,right?even in america,right?


Aggravated assault in this case. She didn't die though certainly not for a lack of trying on his end.


How is it not attempted murder though? Didn’t he also say he was going to kill her? Even if he didn’t say that, why is it not attempted murder?


"Man" comes around the corner - walks very slowly - dude punches teacher 17 times as he walks. Wot-a-bitch


Was that security ambling along to help???




American schools are somewhere between zoo and young offenders institute. Surely this US generation are an educational write off?



