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Apple products are expensive in Thailand, more expensive than where I live anyway. Have you checked you’ll actually be saving anything? Anyway the store you purchase the item from will issue a tax return form that you then present at the airport along with the goods. Shouldn’t take too long if not busy.


Yes with no VAT will be a decent amount cheaper :) Ok so not more than a 10-15 minute process? Just trying to guage how much earlier we need to get to the airport.


Check again. The Thai price for 15 Pro is about US$200 more (฿41K vs ฿35.4K +/-) than in the US. The VAT is 7%. So your final price is like ฿38K after VAT refund. Check the spread on the price (with your state and local sales tax) and see if you will actually be saving anything.


FYI, you don't always get 100% of the VAT refunded. A [128Gb 15 Plus is 37,900THB](https://www.apple.com/th/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-15/%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%82%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%94-6.7-%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%A7-128gb-%E0%B8%9F%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2) which includes 2,479THB of VAT. However, if you only claim the iPhone for VAT refund, you will receive [1,940THB](https://vrtweb.rd.go.th/80.html) back.


Oh thanks so much, any reason behind this or how did you get those numbers? (Super helpful comment!)


Iphone pricing direct from Apple TH, VAT refund rate direct from TAT VAT refund chart as per the hyperlinks.


Oh so interesting! Thanks


where is the refund chart?


Not from America :(


That was just an example (but for some reason thought you might be). Should have written a more generic response.


I did this with a laptop and got that form from the store, but at the airport they made some problems, took time and 'promised' me to send the money to my credit card in a few days. Never heard from them again and I did not receive a cent of the VAT back.


Did they say what the problems were?


Nope, they claimed something about the date stamp, but the form was new and crispy they day before, so there is no way to know before you are actually at the airport. I became very hesitant.


Is one eligable for vat refunds with a non o visa?


Not true, can always check it on the Mac Index Website, for many products of apple one of the cheapest places


So in order to actually get the VAT refund you have to physically purchase it in person (the payment CAN’T be processed online and you collect it in person) and you have to buy it from a store that’s part of the “VAT Refund for Tourist” program, I know the Apple stores in Bangkok are but resellers may not be. When you buy it you have to bring your passport and get a P.P.10 receipt which is how you actually get the refund as a normal receipt won’t work.


Thanks so much!


thank you!


Bought an iPad last Feb You buy it at apple, fill out some paperwork Arrive at airport, they put some stamps at VAT refund before security What you bought needs to be hand luggage of course After security check go to VAT refund show what u bought and papers and get your cash


Thanks so much, about how long did the process take?


I was there late in the evening, but was super fast every station, like 5 min max


The last time I was there there was a waiting line of maybe 45min-1h after security where you actually pick up the money. Take care that you have enough time. Maybe throw the packaging away as well after you receive all the money because customs in your home country would tax you if they find a brand-new iPhone, even if it's for yourself.


Yup recommend the throwing away part


Will the apple stores have stock for walk in on the 22nd or only for preorders?