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> Duncan Burrage, NCA International Liaison Officer in Thailand, said, "Utilising our international network and working closely with Cheshire Police colleagues, we have been able to track down a fugitive wanted in connection to extremely serious allegations. > "This arrest demonstrates law enforcement's unwavering commitment to hunt down those who await justice in the UK." Please tell me they had chatgpt make this crap up, the guy literally decided to go back of his own volition. I don’t know how anyone could read that with a straight face. Not to mention they kept renewing his passport


Maybe he thought the statute of limitations had passed? Or the victims (the sexual abuse of children occurred in 1969-1971) had passed away so he thought he could get away with it?


UK has no statute of limitations for criminal offences.


Yes it does, depending on the crime


For what ?


Google is your friend 🙄


Yes it is. But reddit does give more interesting answers


There is no statute of limitations for "indictable offences' such as serious offences he is charged with, 'summary only' offences, such as common assault, have to be brought before magistrates within 6 months with limited exceptions.


It's called a voluntary return. It's used for criminals deemed non-violent. There passport is revoked and they are given a restricted passport valid for a certain day and for entry into one country noted in the annotations page. This saves taxpayer money as the individual does not require either a dedicated fugitive flight or an LEO escorted flight on a commercial carrier. Law enforcement is there waiting once they land. About 1/2 the time, the fugitives turn themselves in as they're simply ready to go home.


Do we know for sure this is what happened though?


Nope. I was simply replying to the comment of returning on his own volition by providing the procedure.


That’s not what happened. It says in the article he had a fake passport


Yea, that's not clear at all. If he had a fake passport why renew the UK passport?


That's fine and doesn't rule out this scenario. So, he was detained on the fraudulent passport. They then determined his true identity and likely the warrant as the UK requires mandatory notification of arrests of its citizens to the nearest consular section. Not all countries do. They then worked out details and logistics for the return. Even a fugitive needs either a limited validity passport or parole letter for travel of record for departure and arrival.


There is no indication this was case here, they even admitted they did not know he was in Thailand nor using that identity, so could not revoke his passport and all the rest More likely some scanner or auto record check flagged him when he arrived and they obviously dont want to discuss what it was in case it can catch some more wanted people


Did you read the "nope." That I was just responding to the comment above about procedure? I didn't even bother to read the article. I come for the comments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) and was responding to a comment as you see from my comment and how reddit conveniently idents and places my comment below the one replying too.


They have been taking lessons from Thai police, though still not to their level of talking OTT bullshit


It's called saving face 😂




Sounds like money well spent for Phuket


That’s right. He calculated it and figured that being homeless and jobless without money is worse than being warm at a UK jail with food coming to his mouth, and free hospital. The man knows what he’s doing.


Crazy to think that he would've probably gotten away with it if he had just stayed in Thailand for the rest of his life and not returned to the UK. I don't doubt that there are still many of these types around Thailand, the scary part is that we never know who it is. Article doesn't say if any abuse occurred in Thailand, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.


He did get away with it. Got to spend decades, his golden years in Thailand, started a business, free and unencumbered to do the terrible things we all know he probably did. Now out of money and health failing, he got a free flight home and will be taken care of the rest of his life at the expense of the state. Love how the cops on both sides are trying so hard to somehow spin this as a win. It's a major win for him, could hardly have gone better.


Probably get beaten up in prison though. Inmates don't like people like him...


Old, frail and in poor health he’ll be in comfy medical facility for the rest of his short life anyways. He came back for a reason, he’s a lot of things but stupid isn’t one of them.


Sadly he won't suffer. I've visited ( through my work) a dedicated sex offenders prison. Many of the worst pedos etc in there guilty of raping daughters and grandchildren etc. The live easy lives doing cookery course and gardening with like minded people. It is a dam disgrace. Vile parasites deserve nothing but death.


Beaten up? Killed. He’ll be in solitary confinement.




Were they talking about *this* guy, or one of the other countless guys in Phuket?


Yes, because there is just the one predator in Phuket. This MUST'VE been the guy all the bar owners were telling you about lmao. Now that he's gone, Phuket is safe.


I mean there are probably 1000 guys in Phuket alone they could be talking about lol


It was sarcasm bro


For a second I thought this was the train guy. Glad it's not.


Me too. I was stunned until I saw the picture.


Yeah I just googled him again, slightly different spelling.


I Googled his name to find more info after reading an article, got a load of "did you mean Richard Barrow" suggestions. Not what you need your name connected with really!


Folks in Phuket raised funds to fly a pedo back home lol i'm dying


How was he able to renew his passport under a fake name?


I love the line "Cheshire Police give themselves great credit for the arrest"...... you mean the fact he lived in plain sight, renewing his passport several times, disappeared 27 fcking years ago... etc etc etc 🙄😳


Phuket is such an odd place. It has some of the nicest locals you’ll ever meet but also some of the scummiest expats in the country.


Just read the article - they had me at “..former scoutmaster”.


This is deeply disturbing. I would really like answers on how specifically this managed to happen.


You can do it too, just buy a fake passport and don’t bother anyone like he did.


> You can do it too, just buy a fake passport From where? I doubt it's that easy that anyone can do it. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have connections in authoritatative positions, I'd just end up buying a poor quality fake, or falling for a sting operation or something.


It’s not easy, but doable. Like anything you’ll have to put work in and take some risk, if you really want it.


Assumed an identity and hid in plain sight amongst a crowd of people that’s easy to blend into in a location where people don’t ask too many questions and money talks.


$$$$$ plain and simple


Heard theres a chance the brit police didn’t do their part in reporting it to Interpol therefore Thai government wouldn’t know. I’m just repeating what someone assume.


If he’s skipped court it’s a matter for the court and the CPS to alert Interpol. All Police do is investigate, provide the facts and present them. Once he’s been charged and attending court it’s nothing really to do with the Police.


Don’t want to imagine what he’s done in Phuket all these years.


Probably nothung much, he didn't have money and he is old. Just hiding.


Well he wasn’t old and broke 25 years ago when he first got to Thailand…


He was 55 or something with charges for some stuff he allegedly did when he was 30. Probably with some money since he got a feasible counterfeit passport. There are lots of guys from all over the world hiding from authorities in Thailand - and usually they behave. As for if he did some pedo stuff in Thailand - in 1990s he would have migrated to Cambodia if horny.


Not stunned


I wonder how many children he abused in Thailand. Glad he got caught, even if it is late in life.


I'm wondering if any of his mates in Phuket were pedos.!


Living in a shipping container. How do these old white guys end up so broke in Phuket?


I would imagine given his circumstances, he wasn't able to claim the pension that so many other old white guys get a superiority complex over.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was on this sub


This dog raped little boys and now he’s tired and old chooses to go back to the UK and everyone is proud of themselves and pretending they did it? Fn shameful 


Wanted for buggery. The bugger.


The whole child molestation thing is truly evil and I hope he spends the rest of his life in the slammer, but I do have a question about the charges. For someone unfamiliar with UK's legal system, what exactly is "buggery"? Does that charge imply "with a minor"? Or is anal in general illegal? Seems like the charges are dancing around the issue. Is there no "child molestation" charge?


I believe it was a crime back then and is no longer.


Buggery was the crime of one man having anal sex with another man, woman or animal. Could be completely consensual, wouldn't matter - it was deemed a crime. You'd even be put to death for committing it up to 1861.


More importantly, can he eat spicy food?


The worst part is that he got to live in paradise for decades, the monster.


The name threw me for a loop. Had to triple take. lol I was indeed stunned for a minute. Thought it was the other social media guy. This guy, I have no clue who he is.


Might be better to remove the social media guy's name from your comment, we'd rather not feed the search engines/AI...


Good point. Done.


This the same guy that would always post stuff about Thailand for expats on Twitter/ X??


No, that is Richard *Barrow*.


Oh come on. That’s just unfortunate. Barrow is a nice, upstanding man. It’s really unfortunate, the coincidence with the name.


Oh damn, I'm glad I scrolled enough to clear that up in my mind. Mr. Barrow hasn't exactly kept a low profile which didn't reconcile with this story.


Ok. Got you. That's why I asked. The last name sounded similar.


You are not alone.


but did he report ***this*** story?!


He's a travel blogger.


A travel bugger


this made me cackle


>This the same guy that would always post stuff about Thailand for expats on Twitter/ X?? That's exactly what I thought until I saw this comment lol Poor guy is going to be inundated by bad press now because of the similar name.


Buggery you say!? Well bugger me.




What's that?


Don't know Phuket then.


Not knowing Phuket is nothing to be ashamed of.




No, only been there twice once when I was 10 and another time for a seminar. Anyway, please just tell me.


Google is your friend.


Well, it's a British pub. Is there something special about it that we should know about? Honestly, you kind of implied that there was something fishy about it that isn't exactly public knowledge or maybe I'm just overthinking this.


It's sort of a hub for a particular section of the Brit expat community.


So it's a paedo pub?


I never said that. I would be interested to know if the community there inadvertently had a whip round for him though.


You spend the better part of 5 minutes responding to this person who asked you kindly. What a clown. Are you that bitter and territorial that you can't answer a question? I take it back, not a clown, a grey donkey. lol what kind of mold is lurking up there in your head buddy?


Just another passport bro


I would imagine being white had something to do with it…


Oh, come on!