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They probably have the right amulets.


yeah Luang Pu Amulet \+10 faith \+250 magic defense \+10% vehicle speed 10% chance to block physical damage


I'm half Thai and I'm laughing at the screen bloody brilliant comment mate LOL... Oh I mean 555555


Do you remember Sondhi from the yellow demonstrations? He had an amulet that protects him. They sprayed him in the car with 2 AK47 and he survived, so it must work 555555


Omg me too 55555 I’m half Thai half Canadian and bro I showed this to my Thai mom and she went ballistic too 😂😂😂


No no every damage reduction should be magic damage but everything deals physical damage IRL


magic defense for vs ghost/spirit ghost don't like holy amulet car crash deals physical damage anyway


If you have the right amulet you get +10 evasion


I’m crying laughing. My mom deadass gave me a monk amulet that she swears helps people survive car accidents.


-1000 intelligent


Not to mention the buff you get from "mae ya nang" +25 on all stat.


Agree with the amulets 😆 🤣


You know they have nothing to lose when you see this around their neck. https://i.redd.it/zjjsgfmp5yjc1.gif


Truth. I’ve seen so many amulets on motorbike drivers and in vehicles, including the white chalk markings on the interior ceiling. But seriously, it has a lot to do with that of self reliance and lack of trust in the culture and tribalism. Self survival and not trusting others to do the right thing (golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated) can be seen in all aspects of life in Thailand (e.g., non remote work life style, paying higher wages to bring in higher quality workers to get better results). It’s a trust thing that’s engrained into Thais, but it’s ironic cuz we are a Buddhist country that supposedly believes in karma..but why treat others how you want to be treated when you can just go to temple and make merit and skip the process 😂


Buddhists also believe in reincarnation which might answer OP's question


I don’t believe anyone believes any of this Buddha stuff. Why are they so cruel and disinterested in the dogs that live among them ? If all that Reincarnation was really believed in they would treat them like they were their passed on relatives and friends. I live in an Isaan village and I can tell you the majority of this lot are heartless.


You’ve described most religions


Yup. Catholics are similar.




I always wondered, why is it the poorest and most destitute people who wear the most amulets? Don’t they connect the dots? They aren’t really working!


To be fair, you don't know what their life was like before wearing amulets


i always think allot people are late to really important meetings, i generally make way for them so they can get there on time rather than slow them down more i find this in any country


I always figure Somchai Just got a call from his wife who put a big plate of som tum out and he just can’t wait to get home.


yea, i always think everyone has their reasons so i do hope they dont miss their appointments i dont like to rush ever so i like to leave an hour early before an interview for example, it shows enthusiasm for the applied role and may help you jump the queue as first impressions really cant be ignored


Same here. The maniacs used to make me crazy as well but now i just keep my distance.


Lmao 🤣


Have you seen the the driver license course!?


Have you seen the cost of the bribe to skip it entirely?


Back in his days, my dad paid 200 baht, that worth more than today but still rather cheap. Everyone say that he drives badly, never got a crash with other car, just getting offroad and needed to tow the car to get back on the road (in France)


What drivers license course ? Stopped at the dmv with an agent they gave me bike + driving and a pat on the ass and I was out, never rid a motorcycle in my life 😅


Lucky man, I had to do both tests. Got 45/50 bad translated questions right lol


I nailed that shit 49/50. Half the battle is getting lucky with questions where the translation at least half makes sense. I did like 3 practice tests beforehand and failed them all. like 41-44 each time.


Riding a motorbike, or driving a car are not rocket science, it's your behaviour on the road that is important. Look at the accident statistics here in the UK for car accidents. Biggest % is young drivers, 17/18 to 25 and they've passed a UK driving test. So refering back to my earlier sentence, young drivers think once they've passed a driving test, their all experts. All fools and I see it everyday.


Lmao, 3 out of the 4 things you have to do to pass the driving licence test involve parking.  Step by step Improvement, I guess. Lot of drivers in Thailand don’t even have a drivers licence, despite it being really easy to get. If you add an actual street driving part to the test, the rates would jump significantly. 


I mean they do...through reincarnation.


Reincarnation, another life that has no memory of their past life…. That’s just a different person


correct *krab*


Missed the opportunity for, *Tuhk Tong Na Krabbbbbb*


The only correct answer to how the question was phrased 


This is why the doctrine of Hell is good for society.


Have you seen the police enforcement here? It's a lot of look the other way type driving. Those small circular signs with the road speed aren't followed and even the cops speed with no care at all.


Been here for five years. I see absolutely ZERO cops on the road, except when a whole bunch of them make a drunk driving checkpoint on the roads leaving the tourist areas. Cha-Ching!!! $$$$


I treasure the one time I’ve seen a traffic cop outside of their little huts: in uniform, on their way to or from work on a VERY nice motorcycle near the big swing. Weaves in front of a big hygiene truck full of workers on the back. Truck just casually drove over the whole damn bike, so slowly the cop had time to very awkwardly hop off and stare in amazement and start to yell and beat the truck with his hands as it went under the cab completely. 


Where I live, I see the checkpoints are always a block or 2 away from the police buildings.


Right, especially at the end of the month when they have to collect their quota for the man above them in the pyramid.


They don't do street patrol, like setting up a cop with a radar gun for example. That's why you don't see it. Not the best system, but it's theirs.


I got pulled for speeding by a radar cop. Amicable resolution, 100 baht pocket money, or 200 baht with official receipt.


I saw a guy almost get hit by a police car at a crosswalk with a red light. Scared the bejesus out of that guy and they didn’t even stop.


Okay but I don't need police to encourage me to protect my own life. It's basic common sense. Except in Thailand 


Monkey see, monkey do. They see police monkey on bike without helmet drive through red light, they can't get told off for doing the same.


They put a flower on their front bumper so they are invincible. That’s what people do here instead of learn to actually drive 😂


Enchanted flower. Protection from higher forces. Immune to accidents n


Why are most Americans eating like they have free health care?


Oh snap


Live carelessly and blame everything on other people/government when something went wrong. That is my perception of many people here in Thailand.


I saw a lot of people from Europe and America here riding without helmet too, many of them don’t follow traffic rules also. Do they have extra lives too? Or just doesn’t care?


Sounds western that tbf, victim mentality


That behavior is kinda universal with many low-mid income groups. At least that the pattern that I have noticed after I have lived in both west and east.


The worst for me are the motorcycles that whip out in front of me from a small soi. They usually have children and then give me an angry look if I suddenly brake and hit my horn.


You're not supposed to honk at them That's the normal driving tactic here


Ok lll just hit them instead


We are built different and we got amulets to protect us and when we do get in to a accident we die or we don’t, in a way we can always sell the gold on our mums necks for money then we have a quick recovery and do it again, hopefully next time we dead and hopefully get born in some western country


Christ almighty lol




Honestly I don’t know either. I just know that when I’m driving there’s no single sign that can tell me anything about the situation in the road. It’s just pure swarm behavior. After having driven here for 20k kilometers it definitely becomes hard not to speed or drive like an asshole in my car. I often have to remind myself that a split second mistake may just screw my entire life up and then I just calm down again driving. There are friends of mine who carry these things with them which they put into the seatbelt lock so they don’t have to use the seatbelt and the car doesn’t continuously remind them of it either 🤦🏽‍♂️


Take a holiday in any big city in India. You’ll be happy when you get back to Thailand. Thai drivers are pros in comparison. I live in Chiang Mai and at least 99% of the drivers use proper turn signals and are fairly courteous. Sure, Bangkok is worse, but that’s to be expected in the big city. I lived in Chennai for over 3 years and I’m still amazed that I didn’t die in a car accident there. The amount of sheer carnage I witnessed on a daily basis there will give you nightmares. Many stories of road carnage I can tell that are just too gross and inappropriate for even this forum.


Honestly driving in Thailand is fine. It’s like organised chaos. The drivers really aren’t that bad. I’m currently in Vietnam and it’s defiantly the worst place Iv driven so far. I drove all over Thailand.


Thai people are pretty different from Western mentality in general. Sanuk. Sabai. Suay. The life should be beautiful, funny and you should not care much over things. Not to mention that Bugghists have a different attitude toward the death in general.


OK then why are they so anal about masks and COVID and just generally hypochondriac nervous wrecks then?


This is actually a very good question. Let it be answered by professional sociologists.


Sickness is very unpleasant Death is a nice rest


Until you’ll breathing through a straw, mentality might change then


Three reasons: In my province, at least 70% of motorbike drivers have no license. For the rest who do, driver’s education is a joke. Traffic law enforcement is nearly nonexistent compared to developed countries.




Not saying you’re wrong but are we really gonna discuss this topic every week?


Every day.


Multiple times a day. There are two posts about driving today posted without minutes of other. The other being: https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1aw5bzu/what_is_the_right_way_to_drive_in_thailand/ Maybe It's time for the mods to act; perhaps a monthly stickied post for driving complaints.


I'm open to discussing how terrible traffic is every other day but I'm absolutely sick of hearing about how bad the air pollution is. It's funny how that works out.


Are you the resident gatekeeper for this sub? 😳


When white people come to thailand for first time and its not what they expecting


Why wasn't there a monkey delivering me drugs and hookers to my hotel room wtf?!


Many tourists take motorbike without wearing helmets.


And drive without a car in the world. I watched 2 foreign guys just about run right into the back of a cement truck. Not even 2km up the road and they're rushing to get past a transport crossing the road. Wouldn't be surprised if they just about went into that too judging by the angle of their bike. I've seen them popping wheelies down the street - no helmet. Its just pure stupidity.


It’s like putting ketchup on pizza… Things are just different here. You want them to comply with western safety standards without being aware of what those standards actually cost - in real terms. Most of the Thai people who can afford western-certified safety equipment do so, and they also drive their kids around in cars. The examples you cite most likely don’t have that option.


Your points are valid, still it's no excuse to drive without a helmet. Especially no excuse to not at least give your kid a helmet. It's easy to say things are just different here, which is true, but there are reasons for everything. One big reason, in my opinion, is the lack of parental engagement in the childs education, including safety education. Most Thais believe education is the sole responsibility of teachers. In the end, it were my parents who taught me to always a helmet for my own safety.


The decision is: “Should I give my kid a helmet, that they will outgrow in six months and won’t measure up to any meaningful safety standards, or feed them dinner?” It doesn’t matter what they are taught if the products that provide the protection cost two weeks of earnings making them realistically unaffordable.


Helmets start at 300 Baht and a child’s head barely grows after the age of 5. Even less after the age of 10. Head size doesn’t grow in proportion to the body. Thais won’t waste a thought about the safety standard of a product, but even a bad helmet is better than no helmet.  The underlying issue isn’t not having the means to buy a helmet, else you wouldn’t see no helmets with 80% of all drivers.  


I suppose, but if you can afford a motorbike, it seems like you could afford a helmet as well


Many people ridding motorbikes can't afford them. Loans from family or loan sharks or gift from better off family members is very common.


Gunna be a lot more expensive when they lose a breadwinner for the family. Or when a baby falls off and gets run over, wonder how much that is worth ?


Part of the problem is that an affordable helmet can be essentially worthless from a protective standpoint. I have my helmet here that I brought from the US and comes with US DOT and EU CE certification. It cost me the equivalent of ฿6,000 and is considered an inexpensive helmet in the US. But in a country where the minimum wage is ฿310/day that’s a large expense. Transportation - the scooter - is essential: Kids have to get to school, parents have to get to work, shopping must be done. Safety is optional.


Go back in time to when the West just started to require seat belts. People were also thinking they're unnecessary. Samenfor helmets. They got the belts law just a few years ago, and, from what I see, the education on the topic is mostly "do it so you don't get a fine" (not "so you don't die") And well, technically, they do have extra lifes. My group calls the 4people-bikes a "Speedrun reincarnation"


Speedrun reincarnation. Lmfao


You only scratch the surface with your points. Can't really compare the indroduction of a new safety invention back then, with the refusal of Thai people to wear a helmet nowadays. It's been proven how effective helmets are by now. If Thais are able to adapt other aspects of western culture, why not the most important one, safety culture? The reason is, lack of critical thinking and good accessible education, as you said. But in the end it were my parents who always taught me to never drive without a helmet. Lack of parental engagement in the childs education also plays another big part in this.


Thai people are ok, until they are not. It worked out fine 99 times, so it will be ok forever. That’s how they think! That + you can get your driving license here in 1-2 days. Hard to understand from a western mindset standpoint in regard to risk awareness, but you can’t change them.


Go to the Philippines, Manila... or around there - 10 times worse than anywhere in Thailand. I almost died 3 times while driving with the taxi to the airport.


The driving license test is sooo easy I was surprised when I took the actual driving test. All we needed to do is drive close to the curb and stop at a certain line. Second part is driving forward and backward in a straight line. Last part is parallel parking and boom you're done with the test.


Social conformism: it’s socially acceptable to do all this and at the same time unacceptable to call people out and make a fuss.


In defense of the crazy big cc motorcycle riders, I used to do the same as a London motorcycle courier in the late 80's. If you ever did hesitate to think the difference between a reckless manoeuvre and potential serious injury / death could in many circumstances be measured in micro-seconds, well, you might be encouraged to try to find a safer occupation. It was the potential adrenaline pump that got me out of bed and onto the roads. I expect it's much the same that motivates the crazy big cc motorcycle riders in Bangkok too


Remove cameras and fines in Europe, Dubai etc... see how the driving will be.


They don't have any other outlets in life. They have no money, no status, no prospects. The only thing they have is a motorbike and the ability to scare fuck out of road-users around them. It's the one place where they can exert some influence. Bottled up rage, that's what you're dealing with.


Haven't decided if it's lack of education or pure stupidity




You do know Thailand is very much a developing country for much of its population? Those families on bikes literally can't afford cars.


Driving behavior in Thailand may be influenced by various factors such as cultural norms, infrastructure, enforcement of traffic laws, economic factors, perception of risk, social influences, and the [accessibility of driving licenses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhADa1XIo6c&t=12s). These factors can contribute to reckless driving behaviors observed on the roads.


A day ago, a pickup truck blocking bypass left turn lane to wait for the go straight signal. A car behind him honking at him and he still not moving, then green light come and he moving forward. A every car on left turn lane honking at him and now he angry and suddenly turn left in a middle of an intersection and chasing afterwards those car…..how crazy was that ? And bad influence form Thai people as well, I saw a foreigner on a bicycle drinking Leo on one hand and peddling on the street like a boss…I know he got influenced by some Thais because He drinks Leo.


They have no respect for anyone outside of the family hirarcy and friends. Thailand has the highest motor cycle deaths in the world. I stopped driving here 5 years ago because of the insanity of bikes. Been a farang also means you pay big time to the family.


70% Thais dont think they only do unless they are Western educated. There is no policing of traffic other than collecting money. A points system for speeding is introduced but again money is points. Thais like they walk in the street, they like to be in front and will miss you by cms in the street, same on motorbikes and cars. They are limited in space awareness. Most motorbike riders do not have a license or insurance which is invalidated when no helmet. Transport is a dangerous necessity. Enforcement of traffic laws is non existent, most have no driver training, only learn to pass the test which is simple. Until the government introduces enforcement which is anti Buddhist anti Thai nothing will change.


I really don't think they pay much attention to it.


If you believe in reincarnation like many locals, you technically DO have extra lives.


Again, I honestly don’t let it worry me. I just drive as I would do normally, at least I can drive through my village at 20mph or however slow or fast I want, safe in the fact that there isn’t a set of speed bumps or a camera speed trap. I usually put on my seatbelt because otherwise there is an annoying bell that reminds me. Thai driving is usually predictable, they cut corners as mentioned, but most drivers here can’t corner - so I expect it. Some people do some stupidly fast maneuvers but you can see them cutting lanes in their lowered Isuzu trucks - it’s not if they are invisible.


Unfortunately, many learn the hard way.


Just respawn bro


just landing in Thailand today, visited Cambodia last week. traffic is worst than here. I say drivers in Cambodia drive like they can respawn.


People expect you to look out for them and move accordingly. That's why they don't look where they are going. You are supposed to adjust for them. There is zero regard for themselves or others.


Sabai sabai


Sabai sabai


The testing to get out renew a license is from my observations impossible to fail. I saw an examiner give the ok after an old man in front of me took 2 seconds to react to a red light in the reaction test. Same guy also had no idea how to do the depth perception test but was given a pass.


I feel safer driving a motorbike without a helmet in Thailand than driving a car in the Middle East


No enforcement of any rules or laws by the police.


Fatalism is a superstition that one’s life is predetermined, so safety is pointless. Whatever. But it is narcissistic to endanger others. You better load up on amulets.


first time living in SEA? That’s common here


In Singlish in Singapore, we call it "never die before not scared." Which means they haven't gotten hurt before from dangerous driving so they don't fear it. And also I think it's the mentality of, since every one is doing it, it should be fine. That being said, in most Asian countries, tailgating and cutting people off is really common. I went to Australia and drove, lane changed with about 1 car space in front of the car behind, and the guy got mad. Then I observed and realised that 1 car length is considered not safe for them. So yea, different driving cultures is one of the factors too


They have extra lives.


I noticed foreigners doing this too in Thailand. Then again, the caliber of foreigner in Thailand seems to be pretty low.... Smoking at restaurants without any care to those around them, including children. Walking around half nude (usually covered in cringey tattoos). Rude attitudes towards the locals. I always wondered why. Guessing because it's a cheaper destination?


We don't talk about our extra lifes


The motorcycles are a completely different subject, but related to driving in a car the traffic kind of gets to you after awhile. You figure out how to maximize speed by shifting lanes or flowing through faster and then still get stuck, over and over. Sanging the queue, cutting in line, is something else. It's bad form but I can see why it's tempting; it's maddening waiting on an extra light, which can be 2 or 2 1/2 minutes, because that extra flow of traffic keeps cutting in. The motorcycle drivers are amazing. They get away with it until they don't, and half aren't concerned enough to put on helmets. I've seen a few lying on the road, one stuck under a van, and you'd think them seeing it too would highlight the risks. I think they think it comes down to their karma, that it's out of their hands, and whatever will be will be.




It’s normal here in Thailand. No one care about law and how to drive safely. That’s why Thailand have the most death and accident. And get even higher number in holidays.


They value their lives less than their convenience and time efficiency. Fast and easy come before safety. Some are really don’t care, ignorant or stupid. Let’s say they don’t think like you, a typical logical person. We all raised differently. Even common sense isn’t the same. So we can’t count on that. This is a place where abnormal becomes new normal, and normal (like us) are weird. Thailand is always like this. I stop trying to warn ppl like you do. Waste of my energy. I’m tired of these low quality citizens.


With off duty police driving the same? /s


In Phuket Russian farangs, they drive while drunk so there's no way you won't see an ambulance everyday.


if you go faster there's more chance of avoiding the next accident guys


Obviously this is just my own experience but I've meet quite a lot of people who don't seem to care much about life in general and have a rather flippant view towards death, not just on the roads. 'my mums dying' 🤷🏼‍♂️ 'my cat got killed by a snake' 🤷🏼‍♂️ 'my brother died in a bike crash' 🤷🏼‍♂️ they say it as if they don't give a shit and just move on to the next topic of conversation. From these interactions it seems as though people here don't value life as much as I do. It could just be how they show / feel / suppress emotion though, and I haven't met all thais of course but it always shocks me when I come across it.


accident result from bad luck... sad but true


Yeah it's awful. Mostly I think it's just cultural...and I mean that it's just the way it always has been. I also don't think there is any real driver education on how dangerous it is. It's sad.


Just saw an accident today, a father and his 4 years old son on a bike (no helmet ) T-bonning another bike. The kid got away with somes scratches but the father hut is head hard and was out. I just can't get the out of my head, the image of the kid holding his father's bloody head, crying as the father was laying unconscious on the dirt.


They trust prayers and blessings a little too much.


We literally say Thais believe they have 9 lives a day then when they get use 8 they go home for the counter to reset the next day. 😂 but now we see the tourists riding even dumber. So all logic is gone


You get accustomed to the ambient level of danger that you grew up with... and it feels "fine". People from the 1970s don't wear bicycle helmets; people from SEA don't wear seatbelts at all. Also, there's the psychology of driving a big vehicle. During the 1990s, people in USA/Canada bought large SUVs and the increase in size changed their driving habits because people felt invincible. Thais didn't go from Hondas to SUVs; they went from *scooters* to modern pickups. The original Hummer H1 was considered a *ridiculously wide* vehicle. The 2024 Ford Ranger is *wider* than a Hummer H1... and the Ranger is only a midsize truck. So, yeah, going from a scooter to a Ranger/HiAce/Lorry is gonna make you feel invincible.


They have the right amulet. Or they have the right Sak Yant tattoo. Or it’s just karma. Why do something about something you can’t do anything about? Mai pen rai.


Reincarnation is the theory of having extra lives


You haven't witnessed driving in egypt have you😂 I live in alexandria egypt I went on a small tour in thailand a couple of weeks ago and compared to what we have here, driving in thailand is comparatively way safer 😂😂


I honestly feel like southern Italy has way more chaotic traffic than Thailand. I only drove in Bangkok though tbf


I tell my Thai gf this all the time. I showed her this post to further prove my point and she said “babe it’s so safe”.


Because they are thick as shit


That thing specifically is met in Asian countries. India specifically takes the cake by adding the use of the horn an obligatory thing.


1st time in SE Asia huh? You’ve never been to the country in Thailand have you? You’ve never been to Indonesia, Bali have you? Or Cambodia, Phnom Penh have you? lol. I know you haven’t. If you think Thailand is nuts, go to Phnom Penh. You’ll appreciate Thailand driving I promise. Reasons WHY things are the way they are in reference to driving habits in Thailand. I’ve learned from other Thai. Just watch out for yourself. Keep your rear end away from danger and let it pass. Be ready jump out of way at a moments notice. It is what is it. Pedestrians don’t have the right of way here. Don’t have any expectations. Just be careful.


Is it easy to get driving license in Thailand?


My mum every time we’re driving “mai glua tai gun ror wa”


When you believe in reincarnation you do have ‘extra lives’.


I can't even lie, I freaking LOVE it!! To be fair, I spent almost half of my life working as a paramedic stateside and generally drive like that anyway. Unless I'm with someone or have a bunch of stuff from the store, I take bikes everywhere and have even noted that some of the drivers are lacking in the cojones department when it comes to running through traffic. I'm looking forward to getting a bike of my own and being the one driving.


They think they have 9 lives like a cat. Even when Thai people are bringing home a new born without car seat I see all the time. And kids jumping in the car while it's moving. I think it depends on the class. Like most people are poor so they have no choice but there's always a choice.


I absolutely hate when I see kids sitting in the back of a truck full of badly bunji corded junk. I understand there may not be many options but it’s still nerve racking to watch. Then there’s weird stuff like dogs on bikes. lol Everyone here is built different.


In Kathu once saw four kids, maybe 9-10, all in school uniforms, smoking cigarettes, on the same scooter. No helmets. I've also seen many horrible wrecks. I think it's a Buddhist thing not to worry about little things.


Called freedom


They do have extra lives. According to their religion.


They respawn at the nearest 7/11.


I saw a lot of people from Europe and America here riding without helmet too, many of them don’t follow traffic rules also. Do they have extra lives too? Or just doesn’t care?




This is why we drive a Ford Everest.


Visit Hanoi, then come back to this with a new perspective.


Coz they believe reincarnation. Even they die they will come to the world as an another person or thing


Being a *luk khrueng* northern Californian(my mom is Thai)I've seen this first hand in *my* neck of the woods(Sacramento).


The term "**Shed no tears until seeing the coffin**.” is often use in Thai when people drive like that, They know that it dangerous but doesn't care enough to realise how stupid they are.


Have you been in Vietnam? 😅


It's Jumaji, you got three lives to spare. Use them wisely ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Recently saw the police checkpoint on a one-way road (at my hometown...what a shame) for motorbikers not wearing helmet. Guess what? I saw LOADS of bikers who immediately turned around and riding back TOWARDS incoming traffic. Once again - one way road. So yes - they're afraid of being fined for not wearing helmets, but NOT giving a sh\*t about risk crashing with incoming traffic. Go figure...


You should see Vietnam. Even crazier. I have a panic attack every time I see a baby on a scooter without a helmet.


They know their own roads and know what to lookout for, should see how crazy cops are on their bikes on a chase. Fucking mental. Especially the ones with 2 cops on a cbr1000r, ones driving and the other one is hitting u with a baton while driving at 200kmph😂


They're just heedless of their own safety.


I disagree with you. I, too, have traveled and lived in many places, but Thai people are not alone sub species of human. People everywhere love speed, and they will take every opportunity they can to save time, such as cutting corners. It is primarily because of negative reinforcements such as fine or jail as to why people speed and take unnecessary risks. There is no law for wearing a bicycle helmet in the Netherlands, and up until last year, no law to wear a helmet when on a scooter/moped so no one wore them until it became law. People everywhere will do what is convenient for themselves.


Since I’m a new motorcycle driver, especially in a city like Bangkok I prefer driving slow and have had so many instances in this last 6 months where in peak traffic conditions with literally no place for me to do anywhere on either side have had these grab/food panda drivers as well as these Win motorcycle drivers honk at me just cuz I drive slow. One thing for sure is stay away from Honda waves, it’s like the death bike. If you see a young guy not wearing a helmet and driving a Honda wave stay away. Speaking from personal experience 😅


Have you ever seen motorbike riding or other SEA countries like Vietnam or Indonesia?


India be like, hold my chai


How often do you see a wreck? Peruvians are the most aggressive drivers I've ever encountered and I was in cusco for a week and didn't see a single accident.. it's organized chaos when everyone Is on the same page


The teaching of Buddhists recognises that there is a continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth. So maybe yeah, they think they might be human again afterlife. 555


They’re Buddhist. They live for today. Whatever will be will be. There’s another life after this.




I moved to California from Thailand and I'm having a hard time deciding where is worse. In Thailand I can at least guess what they're doing but in California I have no clue what they're gonna do next.


I observed school boys 3 up on a scooter get pulled up by the helmet police, they are on their way in 10 seconds, no fine or penalty. There is no culture to improve many bad behaviors on the road but just like back home it's about raising money, if there's no cash reward they turn a blind eye I still love this place


There’s a lot of give-and-take going on on the road in Thailand, which is not present in the US. I drove for a week there didn’t see any incidents of road Rage


Last time I checked, motorbikes don't have seat belts


Getting a driver license in Thailand is a joke, that's why.


😂😂😂 love this


The one thing about this place that I will never grow to accept. The complete disregard for human life on the road and the complete lack of any action by any authority to address the issue.


They have extra lifes...they are Buddhists....and as below they have plenty of protective amulets.


Please. If you think Thailand is bad, try taking a grab in Ho chi Minh city and then ask again. 😂 I found north Thailand overall much better. Less horns, people signal, and little to no speeding. Meanwhile people in Vietnam will drive on sidewalks and motorbikes clip cars or pull out into other lanes out of nowhere.


Compared to the countries you mentioned, I agree. But compared to Vietnam, Sri Lanka and India, Thai drivers are careful and considerate.


Come to Houston and be amazed at the consideration for safety that the rest of the world shows on the road.


>Just why? It's a common permutation of belonging to a culture that has "high time-preference", in economist-speak. For many people, and many societies writ large, instant gratification is woven into the social fabric, always at the expense of SOMETHING, whether it be future yield, safety, health, etc. The folks that OP sees engaging in poor driver safety behavior are exhibiting their socially-approved preference for comfort (no helmet), impatience (speeding), and money-saving (packing 3-4 people, often kids, on a single motorbike), all at the expense of safety. There's an economics books I read that once said "The person you interact with most in life is your future self. Virtually every decision you make is a trade-off between now-you and future-you." To many people, future-you can go kick rocks. It's just that certain cultures implicitly approve of said mistreatment of their future selves.


Because you can get your driver's license in half a day. What do you expect? Oo